#hola amor mío!!!
archivo54135230 · 1 year
*           𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐎𝐌 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑             ♡              con @aulovra​
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acumula cansancio, y como si de una personificación del mismo se tratase, deambula hasta el asiento más cercano al escenario que puede y se deja caer cómodamente, guardando el de su izquierda con su bolso. de no ser porque vio entre sus pertenencias esa tarjeta de invitación al baile de primavera y la insistencia mutua de dos pequeñas para que asista, ya se hubiera ido a dormir por el resto del día. sus alrededores lo distraen de dormirse. adornos primaverales, una gran fila de padres y madres acomodándose y alistando los atuendos de sus hijes. la última vez que pisó una escuela no recuerda, pero genera un sentimiento fugaz de nostalgia. es atendiendo a otros detalles que reconoce a otra de las principales razones por las que está ahí: hermana mayor de las pequeñas. kalea por supuesto presenció esa invitación, pero él no confirmó que asistiría hasta ahora. levanta su brazo para saludar e indicarle que está en esa fila, evidentemente, guardándole un asiento. el mejor que encontró detrás de esas madres exaltadas que no dejan de tomar fotos de sus hijos. bjørn sonríe con usual espontaneidad y coquetería antes de emitir palabras. ‘ ¿te parece bien la vista de aquí? ’ acepta el cambiarse de asiento si así lo desea. 
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youaresimplylovely · 4 months
𝗿𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗼𝗺 𝘁𝗲𝘅𝘁𝘀 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗳1 𝗱𝗿𝗶𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘀 !
ᝰ.ᐟ 𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀: fluff, crack, smut
ᝰ.ᐟ 𝗮𝘂𝘁𝗵𝗼𝗿'𝘀 𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲: fun fact I actually speak Spanish :>
ᝰ.ᐟ 𝗶𝗻𝗰𝗹𝘂: lando norris, charles leclerc, lewis hamilton, carlos Sainz, nd' max verstappen
★ 𝘁𝗿𝗮𝗻𝘀𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀:
"¡¡Estoy aprendiendo español!!" (I'm learning Spanish!!)
"hola mi chico guapo perfecto" (hello my handsome perfect boy/hello my perfect handsome boy)
"Quiero además, tu mamá dijo que mi español está mejorando y le encanta" (I want to and your mom said my Spanish is improving and she loves it)
"¿¡en realidad!?" (Really!?)
"mi amor" (my love)
"dios mío" (my god)
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americangroupie · 8 months
♱ flesh for fantasy ♱
enzo vongrincic x reader
tw: +18, el uruguayo recibe
a/n: voy a ir mezclando varias de sus sugerencias en las fics mas largas, e iré haciendo unas más específicas pero cortitas <3 tengo un montonaaazo así que ruego paciencia, pero les voy a dar en el gusto lo prometo
a pesar de estar acostumbrada a tener el departamento vacío, habían días donde el silencio se hacía mas presente que nunca. no era culpa de él, por supuesto, pero era la culpa de la falta de su presencia al ser tan dedicado y apasionado por su vocación.
el día había concurrido con tanta lentitud que sentías poder contar los segundos al pasar al frente tuya, hacías miles de tareas domesticas para mantenerte ocupada en un híbrido domingo que deseabas hubiera sido tanto tuyo como de ambos. pero nada te ponía mas contenta que verlo llegar a la casa con nuevas anécdotas, nuevas amistades y nuevas experiencias que comenzaba a expulsar con rapidez de sus labios sin siquiera haber abierto la puerta del departamento por completo.
hoy no fue un día de esos.
“hola mi amor.” lo saludaste con dulzura desde el sillón al mirarlo cerrar la puerta detrás suya. su semblante era distinto, sus cejas estaban fruncidas y los sus manos estaban enroscadas en puños. tardó un par de segundos en contestarte, y ladeaste la cabeza.
“hola, amor.” dijo con un tono monótono, distinto a como solía saludarte usualmente al haber estado todo el día sin verse.
“¿cómo estuvo el día?”
“bien. ¿y el tuyo?”
“bien, gordo, gracias.”
“me alegro.”
“ahora si te pregunto de nuevo, ¿me respondes con sinceridad?”
enzo te dirigió la mirada por primera vez desde que entró al departamento, y te dedicó con una sonrisa ladeada y forzada. “¿tanto se me nota?”
“mm..” fingiste pensar. “puede ser que un poquito mucho.”
rió mientras pasaba las manos por su pelo. “no es nada importante, en realidad. el nuevo jefe de producción me tiene las bolas llenas. no entiendo por qué te ponés a trabajar en la producción de una película si no estás ni ahí con el cine.” pausó, suspirando y quitándose el buzo que llevaba. “pero no me quiero desquitar con vos, amor. no es culpa tuya.”
te acomodaste en el sillón al seguirlo con tu mirada mientras se sentaba al lado tuyo. “si te queres desquitar hazlo, mi amor, para eso estoy.” acercaste tu cuerpo mas a él, tomando su mano y jugueteando con sus dedos. “te quiero ayudar, podemos hacer lo que vos quieras.”
“ya se me va a pasar bonita, no es necesario que hagas nada. con que te quedés acá conmigo estoy bien.” estiró sus dedos dentro del agarre de tu mano al hablar, devolviéndote el inocente jugueteo.
“pero quiero que estés más que bien, enzo.” respondiste suavemente, llevando tu mano libre hacia su pelo y acariciándolo con lentitud. enzo no demoró en responder con su cuerpo, cerrando sus ojos y tirando la cabeza hacia atrás levemente, suspirando al dejarse derretir al ritmo de tus caricias. “dejame ayudarte.” hablaste bajito al acercarte a su cuello, despositando dulces y cortos besos sin cesar el movimiento de tu mano en su pelo.
enzo gimió en respuesta. “lo que vos quieras, princesa. todo tuyo.”
“¿todo mío?” sonreíste pícaramente, subiendo tus besos hasta su mejilla, y te acercaste a su oreja. “¿eres todo mío?”
sonrió con los ojos cerrados. “sí, mi amor. entero.” reíste contra su mejilla, dandole piquitos por toda su cara mientras subías tu cuerpo encima del suyo, sentándote en su regazo.
“decime de nuevo.” dijiste con una sonrisa pintada en tus labios.
te respondió de la misma forma. “sos tan caprichosa.” frunciste el ceño, colocando tus ojos en blanco. a raíz de tu acción, enzo subió una de sus manos a tu mejilla para así acariciarla, mirándote con una sonrisa y luego bajando su mirada hacia tus labios. “mi nenita caprichosa.”
te inclinaste hacia el para amoldar sus labios en un beso, ladeando tu cabeza de inmediato al sentir su mano bajar desde tu mejilla a tu cintura, reposándola sin aplicar fuerza. moviste ambas manos a su cuello, alternándolas de lugar entre sus mejillas cada cierto tiempo para acercarlo más a ti al querer profundizar aun más el beso.
pocos segundos después abriste paso a tu lengua en la cavidad bucal contraria, dejando esta chocar contra la suya fusionándose entre sí en un tortuoso ímpetu. podías saborear el gusto mentolado de sus labios en tu propia boca, escuchando únicamente los jadeos de enzo que se mezclaban con los tuyos, sintiendo como su respiración se aceleraba a medida que pasaban los segundos.
te separaste lentamente de sus labios, quedando un hilo de saliva entre ambos mientras respirabas agitadamente sintiendo las caricias en tu cintura. juntaste tus labios con los suyos una ultima vez para luego dejar un camino húmedo de besos hasta su cuello, mordiendo levemente algunas areas. “déjame hacerte sentir bien, en. te quiero quitar todo el estrés”
escuchaste una risa en medio de sus jadeos. “adelante, mi vida. te dije que podés hacer lo que quieras conmigo. soy todo tuyo.”
te incorporaste encima suya, jugueteando con el borde de su remera mientras le sonreías pícaramente. “como querés que no sea caprichosa si me das siempre en el gusto, amor.”
“es imposible no darte en el gusto. sos muy bonita” dijo luego de que le quitaras la remera, tirándola sin mirar dónde caía.
comenzaste a bajar tus besos a través de su cuerpo, sin dejar un hueco que tus labios no hayan tocado mientras te acomodabas entre sus piernas. al subir la mirada te encontraste con tu novio mirándote expectante, con el pelo desordenado y los labios ligeramente rojos. el solo ver como te miraba con lujuria te hizo estremecer, comenzando a bajar sus pantalones con lentitud sin romper el contacto visual.
su ropa interior era gris, dejando ver su líquido preseminal a través de esta y marcando su bulto aún más de lo que normalmente sería. depositaste breves besos encima de este, sintiendo como su cuerpo se estremecía bajo tu tacto y mirando lo rápido que se desesperaba al tenerte así.
“dale nena. no me hagas rogar.” dijo acomodando el pelo de tu cara, agarrándolo en una colita con su mano. “dejáme sentirte bien.”
asentiste con la cabeza; sin ánimos de molestarlo al querer desviar su mente de el estrés que sentía en el momento. aunque la manera en la que te miraba te hacía pensar que su mente estaba lejos de pensar en cualquier cosa que no fuera la vista que tenía en frente suyo.
al bajar por completo su ropa interior afirmaste su miembro desde la base para trazar una línea recta con tu lengua lentamente, hasta llegar a la enrojecida cabeza. lo escuchaste gruñir en respuesta a tu acción, tirando la cabeza por completo hacia atrás mientras se mordía los labios.
jugaste con la cabeza del miembro en tu boca, torciendo tu lengua al rededor de esta mientras mirabas como enzo reaccionaba a cada caricia que le hacías y escuchabas con atención cada jadeo y quejido que salía de sus labios.
lo masturbabas con movimientos lentos, dejándolo mirar detenidamente como tu lengua recorría toda la longitud de su miembro mientras lo acariciabas con suavidad, quejándote levemente al tenerlo en la boca al mirarlo derritiéndose del placer.
“tocáte, bebé.” gimió al mirar como no te podías quedar quieta. “ahógate mientras te frotás.” asentiste con rapidez, bajando tu mano por entremedio de tus piernas y gimiendo instantáneamente sobre su miembro. “estás mojadita, mi amor?” volviste a asentir, dejando que tus dedos se empaparan de tus líquidos.
acorde pasaban los segundos enzo comenzó a tomar control de tus movimientos, moviendo tu cabeza de arriba a abajo mientras lo mirabas a los ojos, sintiendo como el agarre de tu pelo se volvía más y más fuerte y su respiración se agitaba aún más.
te separaste unos segundos para escupirle a la punta, rodando tu lengua por encima de esta seguidamente con rapidez mientras tu mano se movía ágilmente por el tronco de su miembro. “así, así, por favor chiquita no pares.” gimió al sentir como chupabas la cabeza y tu mano aumentaba la velocidad, apoyando su cabeza en el sillón y alzando su cuerpo, indicándote que estaba por correrse en tu boca.
acompañado de gruñidos y gemidos, sentiste tu boca llenarse del tibio líquido mientras tu feminidad se apretaba alrededor de tus dedos al mirarlo así, completamente entregado a vos.
“abrí.” dijo enzo tomándote del mentón. “mostráme la boquita.” sacaste la lengua por un par de segundos, dejándole ver que ya no quedaba nada más en tu boca. “muy bien, mi amor.” habló en un tono burlesco mientras acariciaba tu mentón, mirándote con ojos enamorados. “te ves tan bonita así; sin aliento, despeinada, tus labios hinchados, con los cachetes pintados de rojo..” se mordió los labios al finalizar su oración. “sos perfecta.”
te sonrojaste aún más con sus palabras, incorporándote encima de el para esconder tu cabeza en el hueco de su hombro. “¿te sentis mejor ahora, amor?”
“imposible estar estresado así, princesa.” dijo acariciando tu pelo luego de dedicarte una pequeña risa. “pero podría sentirme aún mejor si tenés más ideas.”
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tvgals · 1 year
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sobs 🥹
modern! domestic! miguel! o’hara x black! fem! reader <3
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on your chest laid you and miguel’s beautiful daughter. you laughed airily and ask miguel if he wanted to hold her, why would he say no?
“here you go, my love.” you whisper, putting your fragile daughter in miguel’s broad hands. he wants to cry. he wants to sob and kiss her all over her chubby face. her hair in tufts everywhere, she’s the perfect mix of you two. “she’s so pretty.. ella es perfecta. ya la amo.” miguel coos bringing her up to his own chest. “thank you so much, mi amor.” “of course. you deserve it, baby.”
“mi perfecta esposa e hija. todo mío.” he whispers, kissing you on your forehead, oh so proud of you for bringing this beautiful light into his once dark world. t; “my perfect wife and daughter. all mine.”
your daughter’s bright eyes look at miguel’s, almost identical. he’s on the floor, practically three feet away from your daughter, trying to coax her over to his buff stature. “vamos, mamá. puedes hacerlo.” he says, eyes wide and his hands waving her over, his daughter laughing and drooling. miguel couldn’t help but laugh too. you jog down the stairs to see a picture perfect sight — your husband trying to get your one year old daughter to walk. “hey.” you say, looking at how concentrated your husband was, saying hi back and smiling. “cmon, gabby, cmon.” he waves. she sticks her tongue out and spits, blabbering nonsense. miguel chuckles, turning the tv on to watch the basketball game between the nets and celtics. leaning back on his hands, he’s immersed into the tv almost immediately, not forgetting about you or his daughter.
“weeee!” your daughter giggles, pushing herself off of her hands, wobbling on her chubby legs. miguel looks over and his eyes widen, a smile making his way onto his features. “¡bebé bebé! ¡Ven aquí!” miguel calls you into the living room. you rush in to see your daughter wobbling her way to her father, his arms wide open. once she makes it over, miguel engulfs her in a hug, kissing her on her forehead. “¡Estoy tan orgulloso! tan orgulloso!” t: “i’m so proud! so so proud!”
you didn’t know how to break the news to miguel. would he be mad? would he leave you? no no..he would never. right? this was your thought process while you were mashing the potatoes in a pot, lauryn hill’s low hums ringing throughout the kitchen. “hola hermosa.” says your husband, hugging your around your waist. “hi baby.” you mumble, a sigh leaves your lips.
“what’s wrong?” he asks, pressing kisses to the crown of your head. “just thinking.” you respond. “about what? did something happen?” he inquires, pulling you closer to him. “well…yes. but nothing bad technically. maybe bad for you.” you tell your worried husband, you can feel his lips purse together. “tell me what’s wrong, te estoy suplicando.” he whines, not in a needy or helpless way, but more of a “please i need to know” way.
“i’ll tell you at the table.” you promise, putting a reassuring hand on his. he walks away and sits down in the living room, leaving you with your thoughts. almost an hour later, you announce to him the food is done, handing him his plate so he can eat. you sit down a while later after making your own plate and he looks up at you. “wanna tell me now?” he asks, putting his fork down. you take a deep breath and mutter. “impregnant.” it’s a slur of words he can’t comprehend, so he asks you; “what?” he chuckles at your nervousness.
“i’m pregnant, miguel.” you say, looking down at your food. there’s a beat of silence and you hear miguel sniff. you knew this was a bad idea. “¿en realidad?” he asks. “yes, i’m 100% serious miguel.” you promise, walking over to his side of the table. he brings you over and starts kissing your belly, tears cascading down his cheeks. “mi esposa tiene un bebe! ¡Un bebé perfecto y saludable!” he mewls, pressing his cheek to your stomach. you ruffle his hair and start crying yourself. this is the life you’ve always wanted.
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wileys-russo · 8 months
Requesting “how bad is it” with Patri. Maybe at home, or at the stadium after a training or something.
how bad is it II p.guijarro
you frowned hearing a sound ring out through your empty apartment, eyebrows furrowed as you loaded the washing into the machine, making a noise of disgust at the amount of mud on your girlfriends training kits after a very rare day of rain.
but suddenly realizing the noise was in fact your ringtone you dropped the hoodie in hand and sprinted to the kitchen, grabbing the phone and clicking accept on the very last ring seeing your girlfriends contact picture on the screen.
"hola bebé, you better not be calling me as you're driving!" you warned seriously realising the time and that she'd likely just finished training, the spaniard having a horrible habit of using her phone as she drove much to your constant protest.
"hola amiga, we have a problem." your face changed hearing mapi's voice over the line instead of patri's. your frown deepened as the older girl rambled through the events which had transpired, a small sigh leaving you as she finally finished.
"mierda. how bad is it?" "she has locked herself in the bathroom and is refusing to come out." "i'll be there soon, just try to calm her down." "i have! thats why i called you cari you know the only person she listens to is you."
definitely testing a few speed limits you made it to the training centre in record time, ingrid already waiting for you by the gate as she buzzed you in and walked by your car as you pulled into a parking spot.
"is there blood?" you joked lightly stepping out and hugging the tall norwegian who chuckled. "not yet but i would not like to leave it much longer."
with that you followed her into the building and off to the change rooms, sending a smile to a few of the other girls who were all clearly making a run away from the drama with their training bags over their shoulder and headed right for the parking lot.
"oh gracias a dios!" mapi groaned gratefully as you walked in after ingrid, visibly relaxing as she laid eyes on you. "where are they?" you asked with a sigh as you followed the many fingers pointing you in the right direction, no one daring to follow after you.
"amor?" you called out gently, seeing your girlfriends back facing you as you pushed open the door and stepped into the bathrooms where she was sat on a bench facing the toilets.
"dios mío why did they call you! it is fine." patri glanced at you over her shoulder with a huff before her glare returned to the shut cubicle in front of her. "help amiga! she has gone loco." you heard pina squeak out from inside the safety of the shut cubicle.
"loco?!" patri shot to her feet and rounded on the door, fist banging against it as string after string of heated angry spanish dropped from her lips. "mi amor." you called out a little more firmly, gesturing for her to step away.
"look what she did to me!" she was beside you in an instant gesturing angrily to her face as you bit down on your bottom lip to stifle your laugh. "do not dare laugh at me right now bebé." patri warned seeing the obvious amusement in your eyes.
"i like it corazón, makes you look tough." you smiled running your thumb affectionately over the large slit in her eyebrow. "no it does-" patri started with a frown, but you could see just your simple touch already had her starting to melt a little.
"you like it?" she spoke in a surprised tone as you nodded. "sì, very much." you promised still stroking gently at her forehead now, hands resting either side of the taller girls strong jawline.
"she likes it! you should be thanking me." at the new voice ringing out the anger returned to your girlfriends eyes and she stormed back to the door and resumed her shouting and banging as you sighed.
"mi vida!" you spoke loudly, more authority in your tone than before as patri paused, hand raised in a fist ready to continue smacking it against the door.
"ven aquí." you opened your arms, not needing to say anything else as like a magnet your girlfriend was drawn right into them, hands pressed into the small of your back as she slumped into your touch easily a head and a half taller than you.
"pina made a mistake but you started everything when you hid all of her left boots amor, and i warned you it would go too far." you chatsized quietly, rubbing a hand up and down her back soothingly as your hand hand scratched lightly at the base of her neck, a sure fire way to have her fold.
"she took it too far!" patri mumbled holding you tighter as you only hummed, giving the younger girl a disappointed look as she quietly unlocked the door and cautiously poked her head out, shying away from your eyes.
"sì. but you are best friends, so you will apologize for trapping her in a bathroom and she will apologize for slitting your eyebrow. then we will all move on and go home!" you more demanded than asked, your girlfriend all but putty in your hands at your soft tone and gentle touch, everything she craved to be brought back to baseline.
"bien." the midfielder sighed as you tapped her back gently and let go, nodding for claudia to step properly out of the cubicle as she did so very hesitantly. "both of you, say sorry." you broke the silence as they stared one another down, your hand coming to grip the back of patri's neck as your fingers scratched gently at the thick skin making her relax a little.
"lo siento amiga." patri mumbled with a roll of her eyes, leaning her body into you a little more as her anger dried up. "lo siento. but she is right, it looks badass!" the younger girl tried to compliment causing a small smile to curl onto her best friends lips.
"maybe we can get matching ones then pina, sì?" before you could even blink there was a clammer of cleats against the floor as the two chased one another outside, though this time with wide smiles on their faces as if they weren't just at one anothers throats a few seconds ago.
"you work fast chica." mapi whistled with an impressed grin as you returned to the change rooms, rolling your eyes at claudia and patri rolling around on the floor wrestling.
"patri." she looked up from beneath pina, meeting your look and raised eyebrow, pushing the younger girl off and leaping to her feet, wordlessly hurrying to collect her things so the two of could leave.
"you work very fast."
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buttdumplin · 5 months
The sweet, lovely poly 141 boys and their Spanish-speaking latine partner.
This was meant to be a quick little thing, but boy did this get away from me lmao. This is the fluffiest shit I've ever indulged in and I love it. Big thank you to @mikichko for inspiring and helping with this!!!
cw: poly 141, gn!reader, latine reader, mexican slang, hint of d/s dynamics in Johnny's word count: 2.1K
Price, god love the man, is the one who seems to stumble the most. It's almost comical, considering the fact that Spanish and Arabic are so similar due to their histories. But there's a big difference between the Spanish he's learned to recognize and what you throw at him on the daily. He truly thinks it's because of his age, window of acquisition and all that. John does not expect to be able to speak fluently with you, but he does at least want to understand you. What he really wants, though, is to make you feel more fully at home with him, and he is forever grateful that you feel comfortable and safe enough with them to embrace all parts of your identity.
"Hola, amor mío. How was your day?" you greet him from the couch, eyeing him from tip to toe and almost whistling at seeing him in uniform. "Sigues rechulo, mi güerito, so I assume all went well?"
John swings down to kiss you, gripping the back of your neck to prolongue the kiss, trying to soak in as much of the affection as he can while also disguising the fact that he still doesn't fully recognize what came after.
"Yours was good too, I trust?"
"Yeah, but my brother called. El güey still con sus pinches mamadas and asking for my help. Aguas, in case he shows up this week."
"I... will keep an eye out, dove."
"Call me si les arma pedo and I'm not around."
He just nods sagely and squishes up against you on the couch, letting your warmth seep into his tired bones.
Later that evening, he rounds up the boys while you're in the shower and pulls out a small notebook where he's written things out phonetically. John may not have all the knowledge he needs, but he sure as hell is good at getting it.
"'Güey,' that's the brother's nickname?"
"No, that's like 'man/guy.' But it's also an insult. But not always," Johnny supplies.
"Fuck me, okay. 'Rechulo' is... I got nothing for that one."
"The 're' is for heavy emphasis, 'chulo' is 'cute/handsome/pretty.' 'Re' can go on practically any adjective," Simon steps in.
"'Aguas' and 'pedo' CANNOT be what they are, right?"
Kyle takes his hand and chuckles, "No, sweetheart. The first is like a warning, the second a fight or scene or scandal. In this context."
John's shoulders finally relax and he lets out a heavy sigh, putting the final touches on his notes of the day.
"Thank you, boys, for your patience and your kindness. And your secrecy," John huffs a little laughter and gives them his sweetest smile, the one where you can see the dimples poking out through the beard.
They all reach over to gently caress him, taking turns kissing the parts of him they can reach.
"Thank you, John, for trying so hard."
Beautiful, wonderful Kyle, the delight of a man that he is, is the one giving it as good as he gets. He's the one crooning in your ear, showering you with the most decadent terms of endearment, knowing full well they make your knees much weaker in Spanish. He'll use the advantage every single chance he has, don't doubt that for a second. But truly, it's the soft seclusion of those moments that he cherishes most, when you're looking up at him with big bright eyes, knowing you fully trust him to take care of you.
You're grumbling away as you wash dishes after dinner when Kyle comes up behind you, arms making the way slowly around your waist, chin dropping onto your shoulder.
"Oh, tesoro mío, look at you working away, working so hard for us."
You refuse to look at him and give a fussy pout. He knows it's your least favorite of the house duties. So much so that you're always willing to do almost anything as long as you don't have to touch wet food.
"It looks like you've done enough, cariño. Come join us in bed."
"No. None of you wanted to trade with me so se aguantan," you try to wiggle and bump his head away from yours.
"Come on, cosa hermosa, we need you with us to settle for the night," he pulls your hands from the water, drying them and turning you towards him.
You immediately bury your face into his chest. Can't look him in the eye, he'll win you over the moment you do.
"So they send in the smooth talker, huh?"
Kyle laughs, clear and bright, and he wraps you back up in his arms, gently cradling your head until you give in and look up at him.
"Or," he says, making you both rock gently, "I'm trying to sneak in a little solo time."
Your body melts against his as the words sink in, big eyes blinking softly up at him, "Besito?"
"As many as you want, mi vida. Until you grow bored of me," and you're letting out a sweet sigh as those soft lips meet yours.
His hands move to bring your body closer to his, to milk this quiet moment for as much contact as possible, to sear it all into his memory.
"You two are awfully quiet out there," Simon calls from the bedroom and it makes you break apart with a little jump.
You hear frantic rustling that has to be Johnny, "Hold on, what happened to doing the dishes!"
A chuckle escapes the two of you, sparkling eyes meeting in the low light from the stove hood. The sound of John huffing to get comfortable floats in from the bedroom.
"Just a minute more, hermosura," he mutters against your hair. "Wanna stay here a bit longer."
"Really liking all those pet names, aren't you?"
Kyle laughs again and gives you a squeeze, "Mean every single one of them."
And you happily linger, not pointing out that you've noticed an endearing pattern of Kyle wrapping up nights in the kitchen with you in his arms and a faint love song echoing down the hall for you two to sway to.
Beloved, darling Simon, he hides his own understanding of the language. He understands it nearly perfectly, with just the tiniest margin of error, nothing too big to bring attention to it. Overall, he's able to catch almost everything you mumble. It's not to be sneaky or anything like that, Simon would never do anything to compromise your privacy. It's more that he doesn't quite see the need to verbalize it. To him it's nothing special, no need to make a spectacle. Instead, he lets it seep into his actions, ever the acts of service lover that he is.
You're spread out on the couch, on the phone with your mother, complaining, "Como chingan los del trabajo. Me pidieron un reporte para el viernes y ahora me reclaman que todavía no se los he dado y apenas es miércoles."
There was a tension in your shoulders when you came home from work, he didn't miss that. Caught you jolting to a stop mid-stretch. And as the call goes on longer, Simon picks up on more.
"No he tenido chance de lavar ropa, ni una putisima pijama... Traigo un pinche antojo de mole, pero es un chingo de trabajo y ahorita no le puedo dedicar el tiempo..."
He quietly moves to gather the boys as you continue ranting and pace around the room. You're too caught up in your call to see them forming a massive huddle and their nodding at Simon right as the break and throw their joined hands in the air.
By the time you're off the phone, it's dark out and you notice the house is quieter than usual. You move to look for the boys (they can't have left without telling you, right?) when Simon pops out from the hall, crooked smile you love so much adorning his face, and he simply takes your hand to pull you into the bathroom. A hot bath greets you, some honeyed bath bomb already dissolving in the water and your laptop set up on a bucket besides the bath, your comfort show already pulled up and ready to play. Simon then points to your softest pajamas washed and set out on the counter for you.
"And you'll help me with my lotion too?"
He kisses your forehead, "When do I not?"
"The boys?"
"Setting up dinner. Kyle and I are making your favorite."
You whip around to face him, eyes wide and excited, "With fresh tortillas?"
With a low, affirmative hum Simon pulls you in closer and just holds you. He doesn't say anything, he doesn't need to. But he lends you his strength, which is all he can really hope for. The steady beat of his heart and the warmth of his arms around you help release the tightness in your body. Letting out your own little hum, you give him a squeeze and he squeezes back harder, crushing you in the way he knows you find comforting. There's a soft devotion in his tenderness with you, an unshakable support in every single thing you do.
"So you gonna undress me too, or...?"
A peal of laughter escapes you as he playfully swats at your butt, "Undress yourself. I've got cooking to do."
A day without hearing your laughter is a day poorly spent to Simon.
He's almost to the door when you pull him back into you, hands tugging on his shirt to bring him down to your height. His own laughter rumbles in his chest as you cover his face in loud kisses, and he stays locked in place. He will for as long as you need him to, never mind his back. If it's gonna go out eventually, he'd rather it go out from his time spent like this.
Johnny, bless the boy, is desperate to hear it, to have you address him directly. You speak plenty around the house, on phone calls with friends, talking back at the tv (some shows have been put on temporary bans, or at the very least you're not supposed to watch them alone), at the lovely crooked cat yall adopted. You shower them with pet names with every breath you take. And he loves it all! Loves that you so willingly share so much of yourself with them. But Johnny boy is dying for something specific- "Love, why don't you call me papi?"
When he voices it, it's a complete surprise. Simon and Kyle both laugh so hard so suddenly that they find themselves choking on their own spit. Price himself is caught so off-guard that he fully looks up from the dinner he's prepping in the kitchen, raw chicken slipping out of his hands and plopping back into the flour bowl. You at first laugh it off lightly, thinking it was one of his cutesy jokes he makes to get a giggle out of everyone. That would have made the most sense, honestly. But when he looks away, big blue eyes shining with the softest hint of embarrassment, it sinks in.
You shift in your seat a fraction, "Johnny, I don't even call any of you that in English. You know it's not exactly the same thing, right?"
"I know but the little old lady from the corner shop calls me "papi" and so does the older man who brings the water and other people too and it's always so affectionate and so I thought..."
He spares a glance at you, hoping he hasn't completely overstepped.
"Where did this come from?"
"Ale let it slip last time we grabbed coffee and the joy on Rudy's face was so blinding that I thought maybe we should try it."
"Please, just once."
"But I--"
"It doesn't have to be a title! It can be soft and casual, no expectations."
"You don't--"
"I promise I'll be good for it."
Your gaze meets the other boys' and you all take a good look at your Johnny. At some point during his pleading he brought himself down to kneel in front of you. His broad shoulders are slumped forward in submission, his hands clenched together so tightly his fingertips are completely white. Price nods at you, the other two eagerly nodding along as well.
Leaning forward, you grab him by the jaw, gently bringing his head to rest against your thigh.
Running your fingers through his hair, you utter out a low, "Sweet little thing like you just wants to be good, don't you papi?"
Johnny's eyes glaze over slightly, a shy, dazed smile growing on his face. There's not an ounce of hesitation in him as he nuzzles his face into your thigh, just sweet elation. Pleased grumbles escape the others, making Johnny's smile grow bigger.
You make sure to add it into your regular circulation.
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repulsiveliquidation · 11 months
Touch Me Like Nobody Else Does.
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Ona Batlle x Reader, SMUT 18+ don't read or i’ll tell your mom. first shot at smut so i don't know if it's any good lol
If you haven’t figured out where the title is from I’d recommend listening to the song while reading.
9AM Friday somewhere in Barcelona
The smell of breakfast poured into the room as you woke up. It smelled good; eggs and peppers were definitely on the menu today. However, the bed was cold and did not contain a certain defender you had dreamed about last night. You smiled though, knowing she had the weekend off this week and you had some catching up to do. Being in a relationship with a world-class footballer wasn’t easy, her schedules were so packed you wondered how you even got to see her at all, let alone have some quality time. Finally, they had a weekend with no game plus the Friday off to let loose a little.
You climbed out of bed and searched for your shirt, shuffling into the bathroom to freshen up. You heard the stove turn off and the clattering of utensils, a soft “joder!” following after before you walked into the living room. There stood your girlfriend of a year and a half, clad only in your huge shirt and her hair up in a messy bun. She had never looked more beautiful; a huge smile on her face when she saw you walk in.
“Hola, hermosa,” she said softly, hands wrapping around your neck as your arms wrapped around her small waist. “Hi gorgeous, breakfast smells amazing.” You lips locks onto hers and she gasps, hands tangled in your hair and body pressed to yours tightly. Your hands trail lower, giving her ass a little squeeze and tap before walking over to the table to eat. She smacks your arm and curses at you in Spanish, grinning with burning cheeks.
“What’s with breakfast? You usually like to sleep in on off days.” You ask her, sipping on your second cup of coffee. She shrugs, eyes looking everywhere else but at you. “Amor?” you say, a deeper blush creeping up on her face. “I-I just thought that maybe we could… Dios mío…stay in bed the rest of the day but we needed the energy so I made breakfast.” She answered the last bit quickly, face turning even redder than before. You laugh at her insinuation, clearly the two of you had the same idea when the long weekend was announced. You push your chair back and hold your arms out for her to sit in your lap. She sheepishly does, resting her head on your chest. “You never have to do anything special just to ask for me to love on you okay? While I appreciate the perfect breakfast today, you can always tell me if you’re in the mood, I’ll drop everything for you my love.” She nods softly, face tucked in your neck as she slowly begins to leave soft kisses. Your hands have a mind of their own, caressing her firm thighs lightly to rile her up. She already starts to whine and squirm, a loud chuckle leaving your lips as you carry her back into your room.
You lay her on the bed, eyes already darkening. You stand over her with a kind smile on your face. “I need you to tell me what you expect today baby, anything you want hm? Today is about you.” You tell her, sitting beside her on your huge bed. “I don’t mind, anything you’re in the mood for.” Her eyes were already big and glossed over. You peck her lips, cupping her cheeks softly. “Okay hermosa. We can make that happen.” You crawl up the bed over her, kissing her lightly. She laid splayed out on the bed, wanting to be a pillow princess today. You could only indulge her; she deserved it for working so hard the past few weeks. Kisses spread lower, hands pulling her shirt off and smirking when there were no undergarments hiding her perfect body. She bit her lip, wanting your reaction aloud. “You’re so beautiful, it’s distracting.” It was true, her body was so intricate and reactive, you didn’t know where to touch; where to kiss; where to love. You kissed down her toned stomach, hands pinning hers to the bed. Her back arched into your kisses; body covered in goosebumps as it reacted to your touches. Everywhere you touched lit her on fire, body wanting so deeply it hurt.
“Fuck, Ona.” You growled, grasping her waist and taking her breast in your mouth to suck on deeply. She was close to tears and you hadn’t even touched her where she needed you most. “P-Please, Y/N/N…I-I need you.” She whined so beautifully it made your knees buckle. You gave in, right hand cupping her heat and rubbing her soaked folds slowly. “Fuck!” she cried out, body like an electric fence; high voltage and waiting to release her charge. Your mouth didn’t waver, sucking and nibbling every inch of skin that would let you. She was wet and warm, fingers gliding through her swollen folds too easily.
“I-Inside, inside please amor.” She chanted, legs wide open and inviting. Again, you gave into her pleas; you were aching too but focused on her, wanting to give her what she wanted. You pushed her further up the bed and got between her legs. Her core was so warm and desperate you swore you could feel the heat radiating off her. She was a beautiful mess; hair stuck to her face, body flushed and skin covered in your hickeys. She was going to be teased to no end in the locker room on Monday but she couldn’t care less; she wanted everyone to know that she was well taken care of.
You suck on her clit softly, pressing her legs back and open. You could read Ona too easily; she was an open book around you. Her hands shoot to hold your head, jaw slack as she soaked up the attention. Her legs tremble and you suck on her harder, tongue flicking over her swollen bud in wild patterns. She couldn’t concentrate as your mouth worked wonders between her legs. You pulled back slightly, kissing her inner thighs. “Hold your legs open for me, darling. There’s a good girl.” She swore she almost came when you praised her. It was well known even outside the bedroom that Ona liked praise, you were sure to shower her with them liberally.
“I’m gonna try one, okay?” you told her, middle finger circling her hole gently. She liked slow and intimate sex, very rarely asking you to be rougher. She also liked being told what you were doing to her; made her heart beat faster when you explained in dirty detail the things you wished you could do to her. She was so wet and aroused that your finger slipped in easily. You rested your head on her thigh, arm wrapped around her hip to rub her clit as you fingered her gently. Her chest huffed and puffed, hyper focused on your touches as she tumbled quickly towards orgasm. Your tongue joined the party, mouth watering at her sweet taste. Tongue flicking her clit, a second finger entering her and a soft hum from you catapulted her closer to her release. Ona was shaking like a leaf, hands tugging your hair as she desperately needed something to ground her.
“Coming, I’m coming!” she yelled. Her hole clenched about five more times before she writhed and whined, orgasm crashing down on her so hard she almost couldn’t breathe. You helped her ride it out, fingers stroking her folds gently as you cooed at her. “That’s it darling, ride it out.” You tell her, kissing her lips gently. She blushed hard, hand cupping your face as you made out.
You climbed out of bed and reached for the nightstand. She smiled knowingly at you, waiting to see what you pulled out of the naughty drawer. You picked her favorite strap, the perfect size to feel full but still get all those delicious places inside her. “How do you want it, baby?” you ask her, pulling the harness on. “Wanna see you,” she said simply, legs opening wide as she settled into the bed. You got between her legs again, hand licking your fingers before rubbing her clit again. She was sensitive but she enjoyed the soft ache within her. Grabbing the lube, you spread a little over the fake appendage as she watched you with blown out pupils. “Ready?” you scoot closer, rubbing her thighs softly. You smile as she nods, hands pulling her legs back wider for you. You lean in, the tip of the toy nudging itself into her. She takes it well, your fingers and her orgasm having opened her up nicely. “You’re doing so well, cariño.” You whisper into her ear, holding her as you slide in more. “Almost there, hm? Such a good girl you are.” She whimpers, holding onto you tighter as you slowly begin to thrust into her. You fuck her slow and deep, exactly how she likes, her hands holding onto your thighs. You assault her neck with love bites, her hands now unsure of what to hold onto as your hips speed up a little just as a soft “faster…” left her pretty lips.
Satisfied with your art on her neck you lean back and thrust in deeper, pulling her closer and draping her legs over your shoulders. The angle gets the toy deeper into her and hits her sweet spot. She gasps hard, eyes finding yours as you pound the toy into that spot over and over. Her legs tremble and you hold onto her, wanting to push her to the edge faster. “Please, I-I’m gonna…gonna cum Y/N please, please let me cum. I’ve been good!” “Yes you have been, mi amor. The best girl for me. Come on, babe. Come for me, darling. You’re gonna look so pretty falling apart on my cock, sí?” you egg her on, the tremble in her legs intensifying. Your fingers find her clit and you rub her nub hard, as her eyes shut tight and her body lets go.
“Fuck, Y/N!” she yells as she comes, body pushing the strap out of her from the force of her orgasm. She writhes as you keep rubbing her folds, fingers shoving themselves into her as she rides her orgasm out. You pull away as she calms down, legs twitching and lungs gasping for air. You quickly take the harness off and pull her into your arms, cradling her softly as she calmed down. She leans into you, body spent and boneless.
She lets you move her around, leaving her for just a second to grab a washcloth to wipe her down. You help her finish a bottle of water and wrap her up in your robe before carrying her into the bathroom to start a bath for her. She makes you climb in with her, laying back against you as you hold her in the warm water.
“Thank you, amor.” She says quietly, turning her head to look back at you. You see the love in her eyes, your arms wrapping around her soapy middle as your lips find hers. She kisses back softly, leaning into the palm of your hand that rests on her cheek.
“I love you, Ona.”
“Yo también te quiero, carinõ.”
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karylvsjuanii · 7 months
Desvelado | Juani Caruso
tw: ningunoo, todo es súper fluff, algo cursi y menciona infidelidad pero es negada porque no sucede nada. Discusiones.
Por favor dime si hay un error o falta algo.
Basada en la canción “Desvelado - Bobby Pulido”
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Gordi, ya venís? - Pregunta Fran al otro lado de mi celular.
Estoy a 15 Fran, no empiecen sin mi porfa. - Pido finalizando la llamada después de un “no tardés más” de parte de Fran.
Iba manejando por las calles coloridas escuchando “desvelado” de bobby pulido.
“Muy buenos días a todos, y mejores por esta buenísima rolona, como están todos?”
De nuevo esa voz, si sigo así me volveré esquizofrénico.
Llevaba unas dos semanas aproximadamente enamorándome de una voz anónima que pasaba por la radio cada que tomaba rumbo a algún lugar por las mañanas, me había grabado de memoria la estación. La hora. Y la hora en la que se iba.
“Recuerden que la línea está disponible para que llamen para pedir una canción” “Oh, justo a tiempo”
Subí el volumen de la radio para poderla escuchar mejor.
“Hola?, Bien, vamos a reproducirla una vez y se acabe esta canción, gracias por su llamada, que tenga un muy bonito día”
Su voz sonaba tan tranquila, era como escuchar las olas del mar, me enamoré aunque nunca la conocí, y cada que vuelvo a escucharla, anhelo poder encontrarla por alguna de estas calles.
Sinceramente me considero un psicopata por decir todo esto, pero quien no se resistiría a esa voz de ángel?
Finalmente llegué a mi destino. Un restaurante donde se supone todos mis amigos me están esperando para pasar el rato juntos.
Mas tarde tendríamos que ir a una conferencia del cast principal, pero eso sería ya por la noche. Últimamente habíamos tenido esta rutina. Almorzar por la mañana y vernos en la noche para entrevistas, conferencias, premios.
Aburrido. Y más sin poder dejar de pensar en su voz.
Ya tienen su traje listo? Yo tengo que ir saliendo por el mío. - Felipe ríe por lo bajo.
Te acompaño. - Habla Matías antes de meter un pedazo de carne a su boca.
Listo, Juani? -
Blas iba a llevarme en su auto, ya que el mío estaba en mantenimiento y él se ofreció a hacerme el favor. Un amor.
En que tanto pensás, boludo? - Blas me pregunta sin alejar la vista de la carretera.
“No lo sé.” Suelto sin respuesta.
Blas, vos te pensás, tipo, que alto forro si alguien te contara que se está hasta las manos de una voz y no puede dejar de pensar en ella, aunque ni siquiera la conozca, pero incluso ha soñado en su querer, en estar en sus brazos, en que ella le habla. Repito. Sin conocerla. - Creo que estoy todo rojo.
Na amigo, estás re copado. Me estás jodiendo vo’ - Blas ríe haciendo montoncito con sus dedos.
No te jodo boludo, me estoy volviendo loco. Vos entendés eso? Juani, volviendosé loco por una piba que ni en pedo la conoce. -
Me siento aliviado de poder sacar mi frustración aunque un poco mufa por la reacción de Blas.
Me estás diciendo vo’ que por eso has estao’ re colgado por ella? Más bien, por una voz que probablemente sea de cualquier forra bagarta? - Se burla Blas.
Cerrá el orto cheto de mierda, no la conocés. - Quedé re picado por lo que dijo Blas, me hirvió la sangre a 1000 grados.
Ni vos tampoco, gil escracho. -
Okey, eso me envió a la concha de mi madre.
En un par de 10 minutos más, ya estabamos junto a nuestros compañeros y amigos, unos tomandose fotos, arreglandose, otros ya dentro de cabinas donde asignaron sus entrevistas, y los demas, aceptando las bebidas del lugar.
Amigos, me putearon todo. - Llega Mati riéndose.
Por que? Que hiciste pelotudo? - Pregunta Simón dejando su celular a un lado.
Naa, me llenaron de cosas que ni yo me acuerdo por quedarme colgado con la gila que estaba ahí metida en la cabina, era como una de ahí, re linda ella eh. - Matías toma un vaso de agua para llevarlo a sus labios y dar un sorbo sin dejar de vernos.
Te gustó más que Malena? - Pregunto riéndome.
Obviamente, la piba ha de ser unos 10 años o 10 siglos menor que malena. - Felipe ríe burlándose.
No estes jodiendo forrito, tampoco pa tanto, te la dejo a vos que te hace falta una manita eh. - Ríe alejándose lo más rápido de Felipe que inmediatamente fue perseguido por él.
Veía twitter tranquilamente en lo que esperaba pacientemente mi turno, me tocaba después de Enzo.
Pasé viendo todos los comentarios que hacían al respecto por mis rt. Últimamente eran solo de alguien que me gustaba y de lo mucho que me encantaba su voz. Ya se imaginarán las reacciones de todas. A veces eran re bardas las pibas.
Che, Juani, tu turno. Suerte. - Enzo toca mi hombro demostrándome amabilidad, no sin antes dejar una sonrisa y desaparecer de mi vista.
Él y todos sabíamos en sí que a veces era algo tedioso ser entrevistado. Che, cuidar que decís, que hacés, que opinás, las preguntas re incomodas que al toque hacen, vos sabés boludo.
Doy un último sorbo a mi agua helada, y me dirigí con cortos pasos a la cabina número 3, antes adueñada de Enzo.
Y hasta el momento, sigo creyendo que haber cruzado esa puerta fue la mejor decisión de toda mi vida.
Hola Juani, cómo estás? - Se acercó a mi dejando a un lado un frasco que parecía ser un gel.
Extendió su mano con una sonrisa en su rostro, mirándome.
Su voz fue lo primero que me hizo derretir, y ahora estarla escuchando de la nueva niña de mis ojos, me hizo sentir escalofríos.
Era ella. Y no lo dudé ni un segundo.
Parece alta pero no más que yo, llevaba puesta una falda color negra y una blusa color vino de manga larga la cual descubría sus hombros y dejaba ver su clavícula marcada, ese color hacía resaltar demasiado su tono de piel, era blanca como si en su vida hubiera estado bajo el sol y su cabello hacía que se viera aún más.
Qué tal?, Todo bien y vos? - Devuelvo el saludo, encantado.
Igual que vos, un gusto. - Su mano se alejó de la mía, al igual que su cuerpo para llegar a donde antes estaba y señalarme con su dedo un asiento rodeado de cámaras, luces, y micrófonos.
Seguí su indicación y tomé asiento a donde ella señaló.
En la cabina habían más personas vestidas de negro, con cables, computadoras, micrófonos, luces por todos lados, tripiés, e incluso mates.
Empezaron a retocarme un poco el rostro con polvo iluminador, también pasaron un peine por mis rizos, un spray fijador y más polvo.
Para ser sinceros, no preste atención a lo que estaban haciendo conmigo, y no me interesaba, estaba muy ocupado viéndola.
Se encontraba anotando unas cosas en una agenda y computadora, sin dejar a un lado un mate en lo que parecía ser una guampa.
Se veía tan atenta en lo que hacía, tan bonita.
Bien, Juani, como última pregunta. Fuertemente suplicada por tus fans. Quién es esa afortunada chica de la que estás enamorado? -
“Que chota?”, Pensé.
Vos, sos vos mi amor hermosa, la tengo en frente.
Claro que eso es lo que quería gritar, lástima que soy puto.
Ah, eso, una pibita por ahí, secreto. - Digo riendo, jugando con mis manos mostrando nerviosismo. Sabía los altos edits que se venían de esto.
Mm, no es lo que esperaba, la verdad, si te soy sincera, me gustaría saber quien es esa chica. Dicen que estás muy enamorado de su voz, es eso cierto, Juani? - Pregunta mi próxima mujer y dueña de mi corazón, haciendo que una sonrisa invada mis labios.
Si, eso es cierto, me fascina su voz. - Asiento, dándole la razón.
Si? Debe ser una muy bonita voz entonces. - Veo una sonrisa formada en sus labios rosados. Que mujer más perfecta.
De repente quiero sacar el anillo.
Eso es todo Juani, muchas gracias por tu tiempo. Un gusto y que tengas linda noche. - Me dedica nuevamente una sonrisa despidiéndose.
Las cámaras ya se habían apagado. Pues yo era el último.
Gracias a vos, pero no me gustaría irme sin antes pedirte una canción para mañana en tu estación. - Puedo notar su asombro y sonrojo rápidamente.
Oh, muchas gracias, y claro que si. Cual es? - Me acerco lentamente hacia ella con una sonrisa.
Desvelado, de Bobby Pulido. -
Por supuesto, para tu enamorada, verdad? - Ella se cruza de brazos riendo.
Exactamente, oh, y podés leerle este papel cuando pongan la canción? - Saco de mi bolsillo el papel para entregárselo.
Si, no te preocupes. Gracias Juani. - Vuelve a lanzarme una sonrisa y yo salgo de la cabina con una cara de bobo. Anhelando volver a escucharla, volver a verla.
Y para despedirnos, quiero poner una canción a petición de alguien con el que tuve la oportunidad de hablar, espero estés escuchando esto. - Digo antes de dar click a la canción en Spotify.
La radio empezó a reproducir “Desvelado”.
“Será fe que yo encontré
Una voz de ternura
Que me llena de placer
Cuando la oigo hablar
Con ella me enamoré
Que nunca la conocí
Sueño en su querer
Y en sus brazos quiero dormir
Escucho cada día la radio
Seguro que la vuelvo a oír
Por el cielo busco mi estrella
A la luna quiero subir
Voy desvelado
Por estas calles esperando encontrar
A esa voz de ángel que quiero amar
¿Dónde andará?”
Antes de escuchar el último verso de la canción, bajo un poco el volumen de esta.
Y finalmente una nota dejada por él para su dichosa enamorada. - Abro la nota que Juani me dio antes de irse por esa puerta la noche anterior.
“Al final si te encontré. La dueña de esa voz” - Juani.
“Juanicar comenzó a seguirte”
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chiquititamia · 5 months
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🩷Hola mis amores!! Les traigo un pequeño drabble, me ha venido la inspiración divina y lo he tenido que escribir desde el móvil. Espero que lo disfrutéis aunque sea cortito!🩷
Enzo x f!reader
Warnings: soft smut
Si hay algo que te relajaba era el mar. La arena caliente debajo de tu toalla, una lata de coca cola bien fría semi enterrada para que no se moviese. La sensación de la sal en tu piel bronceada. Era algo que necesitabas de vez en cuando. Habías llegado más o menos temprano a la playa, habías plantado tu sombrilla y habías disfrutado de un primer refrescante baño. Ahora, te habías tumbado a descansar.
Era lunes, así que no había más que un par de transeúntes. Cuando la playa se llenaba de verdad era el fin de semana, después de todo. Aprovechando esto, habías decidido quitarle la parte de arriba de tu bikini.No estaría mal broncear un poco tus pechos, que estaban pálidos por la falta de sol. Llevabas puestos tus anteojos de sol cumpliendo una doble función: protegerte de la luz y del contacto visual con los bañistas y algún que otro vendedor ambulante.
Habías olvidado tu libro en casa, así que decidiste dedicar tu tiempo a escuchar música tranquila. Podrías dormirte tranquila, tan sólo habías traído tu vestido y un monederito con algo de cambio para quizás tomar un helado. Si decidieran robarte mientras duermes no sería la gran cosa. Además esta era una playa tranquila.
Dawn chorus de Thom Yorke sonaba a través de tus auriculares. Los tonos repetitivos y tenues resonaban en tu cabeza invitándole a relajarte. Te encontrabas tumbada boca abajo cuando una sombra cambió en la arena y pudiste ver cómo unos pies masculinos habían aparecido delante de ti. Te quitaste los auriculares por si te estaban diciendo algo, y, sin pensarlo, empujaste tu cuerpo con tus manos para incorporarte y levantarte.
Oh Dios mío. No era posible.
- Hola, disculpá, no tendrás fuego?
Era Enzo Vogrincic sosteniendo un cigarro entre sus dedos. Entrecerraba un poco los ojos para no verse cegado por el sol.
Calma. CALMA -pensaste- Encuentra el encendedor y dáselo. Mantén la calma.
-Sí, esperame. -murmuraste
Revolviste en tu tote bag hasta que encontraste el pequeño encendedor morado.
Encendiste el mechero tapando con la otra mano el cigarro para que el viento no apagara la llama. Él había acercado su boca a tus manos para que se lo pudieras encender.
-V-vos sos... Sos vos, verdad? -Bravo por tu elocuencia, pensaste.
-Sí, creo que sí - dijo Enzo riéndose.
-Sí, claro, qué pelotuda. Yo soy muy fan de tu trabajo sabés?
- Ah, mirá, muchas gracias- le dio una amplia calada al cigarro y exhaló el humo hacia arriba. Te miraba con esa sonrisa suya tan seductora, peinando de vez en cuando su cabello con las manos.
No se te ocurría que decir. Estabas en blanco y temías que, ahora que ya había encontrado lo que venía a buscar, se marchase por donde había venido.
-Sé que te tiene que molestar, pero... ¿Te tomás una foto conmigo? Mis amigas me asesinaran si les cuento que te he conocido y no te lo he pedido.
-Sí, claro, pero....
-No hace falta si no, ¿eh? - te arrepentiste de haberlo pedido. Claro que no le apetecía tomarse una foto en la playa donde seguramente solo había ido a relajarse- No te preocupes...
-No, pero... No querés taparte para la foto? -dijo riendo suavemente.
Oh, no. Toda la emoción y tu pendejismo crónico habían nublado un importante asunto: seguías estando en topless.
-Ay! -chillaste, ya roja como un tomate- disculpáme por favor, no me di cuenta- te intentaste cubrir con las manos- qué boluda....
Si no hubiera sido porque eso hubiera supuesto despegar las manos de tu pecho, te hubiera gustado cavar un hoyo con las manos y enterrarte ahí para huir de la vergüenza. Tierra, trágame.
-No, pará, ¿pero porqué te tapás ahora? No pasa absolutamente nada... -seguía sonriendo de una manera condenadamente encantadora.
-Yo no me había dado cuenta de que estaba así, yo...
-Hey, hey -trató de tranquilizarte- te ví los pechos, ¿y qué? Es natural, no tiene nada de malo... Además... - pareció Interrumpirse a si mismo.
Lo miraste interrogante. El rubor aún quemando tus mejillas.
Se sentó en tu toalla como si nada, debajo de tu sombrilla. El gesto te invitó a hacer lo mismo.
-Además son preciosos, bo- dijo mirando al mar con el cigarro entre los labios para volver a dar una calada.
No pudiste evitar reirte y él te miró sonriendo.
-Qué vergüenza, no puedo parar de hacer el ridículo- pensaste en alto
-¿Pero porqué 'el ridículo'? -pareció regañarte con su tono.
-Y, ¿porque me encuentro al mismísimo Enzo Vogrincic y le enseño las peras? -dijiste enfurruñada contigo misma
Ahora fue su turno de reírse.
-Che, no es tan grave el asunto...- apagó el cigarro en tu lata vacía- ¿te estabas bronceando ,no?
- ¿Y cómo va quedando?
Estallaste en risa apretando tus manos contra tu pecho y le miraste
-¿Vos me estás jodiendo?
-No te estoy jodiendo, tengo.. Curiosidad- pareció saborear esa última palabra.
-¿Querés ver? -una voz en tu cabeza te gritaba "Se puede saber que hacés, loca?", pero decidiste ignorarla como si fuera una amiga molesta y responsable y tú estuvieras borracha.
-Obvio - se giró hacia ti.
Here goes nothing, pensaste y descubriste tus pechos ante él.
Enzo resopló por lo bajo y te observó por un par de segundos, para después dirigir su mirada a tus ojos de nuevo.
-Y, les falta un poco, están paliditos -comentó.
-Sí, deberían seguir tomando el sol- concediste con un tono seguro que ni tú sabías de donde venía.
Está claro que esta coqueteando contigo, ¿no? Tu mente iba a mil por hora.
-Tumbáte chiquita- dijo relajadamente, dando un par de toques a su regazo.
Obedeciste, ¿cómo no hacerlo? Te reclinaste sobre tu regazo, él seguía sentado. Su bañador mojado entró en contacto con tu nunca. Luchaste por no volver a cubrirte.
-Deberías echarte loción solar, nena. ¿Puedo?
Cerraste los ojos bajo tus lentes oscuros. Los nervios iban a acabar contigo. Tan sólo asentiste.
Él alargó su brazo para alcanzar la crema. Pudiste escuchar cómo la destapaba y se echaba un poco en las manos, posiblemente templándola un poco.
Y entonces sucedió: sus dedos se posaron en tus senos, manchados de la loción que olía a coco y a verano. Masajeó suavemente durante un rato. Rozaba tu piel suave con delicadeza y experiencia. No pudiste evitar que un gemido escapase de tu boca.
-Shh.... Chiquita, no seas mala...
Una de tus manos subió hasta tu boca para taparla.
Él se inclinó un poco sobre ti, acercando su rostro al tuyo. Su pelo negro caía enmarcando su cara.
-Qué lindas tetitas tenés...
Otro gemido ahogado.
Te incorporate un poco para apoyar tu espalda en su torso y así estar protegida por su cuerpo.
-Me estás poniendo malo, preciosa -susurró- tengo la pija durísima y ahora no me voy a poder levantar- pudiste comprobar que no mentía, notabas su erección contra tu culo.
-Enzo... -gemiste, como todas las veces que lo habías hecho en tu cama, a solas, solo que esta vez él estaba ahí para escucharte.
-Qué ganas de cogerte...- Gimió aún masajeando tus pechos y apretando su bulto contra ti, jurabas que lo sentías palpitar.
Tú no podías parar de gimotear en tu mano.
La humedad que sentías en tu parte de abajo del bañador ya no tenía nada que ver con el mar.
De repente, un grito a lo lejos os sacó de vuestro universo.
-"¡Enzo! ¡Vamos, boludo, te estamos esperando!"
-Mierda- maldijo él- son mis amigos, me tengo que ir, chiquita.
Antes de que pudieras protestar y mirarle te dio un beso en la cabeza y te prometió:
-Hoy a medianoche aquí, ¿sí?
Qué acababa de pasar?
tags: @iamjustadoll @andyrubei @madame-fear @miskhalie @karylvsjuanii @koiibiito @quarzitos @voglatte @llorented @deepinsideyourbeing
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sainzfilm · 2 years
🧣 can this be a real thing? - carlos sainz 🧣
summary: carlos had always been there for you, through thick and thin, whenever and wherever. but will he let you bring him to your family’s christmas dinner as someone you’re fake dating when he has real feelings for you?
taglist: @svechyaho @mehrmonga @squderia @idkiwantchocolatee @koufaxx @melonunicornbby @myescapefromthislife @slut-era @pachiibatt @nicolesainz @clcspeonies @estevries @dan3avocado @sidcrosbyspuck @barzysreputation @verclercswiftie @mick2mercedes
check out my winter wonderland celebration!
Carlos groaned as he rolled over, blindly searching for his ringing phone on the nightstand before picking it up, “Hola?”
“Oh thank god, you picked up,” You exclaimed through the phone, pacing around in your room, “I need a favor. It’s urgent.”
“Great way to start my day, and it’s only…7:30 am,” Carlos muttered, holding the phone to his ear, “What favor?”
Exhaling deeply, you laughed nervously and rubbed the back of your neck, “I lied to my family, saying I was seeing someone, when in fact I’m obviously not. So, now I need you to be that someone at the family dinner this Sunday.”
“Dios mío, make things simpler,” He frowned in confusion, rubbing a hand down his face, “My brain is not awake yet.”
“Sorry, I’m just in under extreme stress,” You replied, tapping your foot out of habit, “I need you to be my pretend boyfriend at my family dinner.”
If Carlos had mentioned his brain wasn’t awake yet, then it was definitely working at maximum effort now. He immediately sat up and ran a hand through his hair, “Jesus Christ, Y/N, what have you done?”
“Please? You’re my best friend and I need this favor so bad,” You begged, “Just help me out please, Carlos?”
Groaning as he accidentally banged his head on the headboard a bit too hard, Carlos sighed and nodded even if you couldn’t see it, “Text me the details, I’ll pick you up then we’ll go together on Sunday. You owe me.”
“Oh thank heavens, thank you, Carlos,” You let out a sigh of relief, laying back down on your bed, “I do, I owe you one. I’ll see you then, love you!”
As the line went silent, Carlos threw his phone on the empty side of the bed and stared at the ceiling. Love. Would that word come out of your mouth that was beyond the confines of everything platonic?
“Okay, so, review time,” You clapped your hands, turning over to Carlos, “When did we start dating?”
Carlos scoffed, keeping his eyes on the road as he drove the both of you to your family’s home, “I am not that forgetful. May 23rd.”
“I’m just making sure that things check out,” You smacked the back of his head, eliciting a yelp from him, “How about our first date?”
“Y/N, you know I won’t let you down like that,” He glanced at you quickly before pulling up to the driveway, “I promise I won’t fuck up.”
“Sorry, they’re just so…pushy sometimes,” You mumbled, running a hand through your hair, “Just don’t let them bother you. They’re a handful.”
“A handful? Please, you’re my best friend,” Carlos grinned, a bitter feeling as the title slipped out of his mouth, “You’re a handful.”
“God, I hate you sometimes,” You sarcastically smiled, patting his cheek before getting out of the car and grabbing your gifts, “You ready, fake boyfriend?”
“You’re not ready, amor,” He teased, walking over to you and wrapping an arm around your waist, “Let’s get this show on the road.”
As you walked up to the front door and rang the doorbell twice, your mother opened the door and exclaimed, “Welcome home, my darling!”
“Oh jeez, way to greet us, mom,” You laughed, pulling her in a tight hug, “Where’s Haley?”
Haley grinned, peeking her head out from the staircase and running down to tackle you in a hug, “You’re home!”
“You’ve grown so big,” You gasped, kneeling down to her height, “What have you done to my baby sister?”
“Y/N! I’m six years old,” She whined, crossing her arms, “I am not a baby!”
“You’ll always be my baby,” You teased, kissing the top of her head and standing back up, “Mom, this is my boyfriend, Carlos.”
Carlos smiled, handing over the bottle of wine that he brought over, “Hello, Mrs. Y/L/N, it’s really nice to meet you. I brought this wine as a gift for your family.”
“Oh, how lovely, Carlos! This must be expensive,” She exclaimed, pulling the Spaniard in for a hug, “If Y/N hasn’t warned you, I’m a big hugger.”
“Definitely the opposite of your daughter,” Carlos chuckled lightly, kneeling down to Haley’s height and smiling, “Hi there, you know Y/N talks about you a lot?”
Haley lights up and smiles brightly, “She does?”
“Mhm, all the time,” Carlos smiled, pulling out a gift from behind him and handing it over to the little girl, “Merry Christmas from Santa.”
“The box is huge!” Haley gasped, picking it up and struggling as she carried it to the living room, “Carlos, come on!”
Carlos chuckled softly, standing up and kissing the side of your head before following your sister to the living room, leaving a bewildered you standing stiffly near the doorway. When did he get that gift for your sister? Why did he get that? And, Carlos paid attention to your ramblings?
“That was sweet of your man to get Haley a gift,” Your mother nudged your shoulder, dragging you to the kitchen, “Guess he’s set on winning us over.”
“He should, that’s my little girl he’s dating,” Your father turned around, setting the roasted chicken on the table, “One wrong move and I’ll hunt him down.”
“Oh jeez, this is why I don’t bring anyone home,” You groaned, helping your mother set the table, “Don’t scare him off, dad. Play nice.”
“I will, I’m just teasing,” He pulled you in for a hug, patting your back with a smile, “Nice to have you home, sweetie.”
Peering over your father’s shoulder, you couldn’t help the way your heart skipped a beat upon seeing Carlos and Haley opening the gift with the biggest smiles on their faces.
“Haley, return Carlos to your sister!” Your mother called out, taking her seat on the table, “It’s dinner time!”
Carlos smiled as he took a seat next to you, leaning in to whisper, “Guess I have my new favorite Y/L/N now.”
“Oh shut up, Sainz,” You playfully rolled your eyes and pinched his arm lightly, “I didn’t know you bought her a gift.”
Shrugging with a small smile, he poured the wine into your glass and replied, “It was nothing.”
You raised an eyebrow and began to eat, “Nothing you say? Haley, what’d Carlos get you?”
“The best gift ever,” Haley exclaimed with her mouth full of mashed potatoes, “New roller skates and headphones! It’s like he read my mind!”
Your mother turned to Carlos with a smile, “You didn’t need to get her such extravagant gifts, Carlos.”
“Oh, it’s just a small thing, Mrs. Y/L/N,” Carlos smiled, taking a bite of the chicken off his fork, “This food is great, Mr. Y/L/N, it’s too bad Y/N didn’t get your cooking skills.”
“All she does is just sit and wait for me to finish cooking,” Your father replied with a chuckle, taking a sip of his wine, “This wine is really good too, thanks for bringing it in.”
“Enough about food, let’s talk about you two,” Your mother gushed, turning to you with a smile, “Carlos, what do you like most about our little girl?”
“The question is what’s there not to like about her,” Carlos smiled, turning his attention to you and patting your knee gently, “I’ve been looking for love my whole life, and it was in front of me this whole time.”
“That’s just the sweetest thing ever,” Your mother replied, looking at the both of you fondly, “How long have the two of you been dating?”
“Nearly a year,” You replied nonchalantly, trying to get over what Carlos had just said, “Although, he was my best friend before he was my boyfriend.”
Carlos couldn’t help but yearn for what could have been if he had confessed to you. But, he was always afraid of losing you as his friend, which is why he settled to just being your best friend.
It wasn’t long until everyone called it a night, you felt a bit guilty for lying to your family about dating Carlos because they seemed to love him a whole lot. Especially Haley – you always had a standard that they must get along with your sister. Carlos did.
“That was an eventful dinner,” Carlos broke the silence in the car, glancing over at you, “I actually had fun. They’re great people.”
You snapped out of your daze and gave him a small smile, “Yeah, I love them. They’re a handful but I’m lucky.”
“You know your dad threatened me before we left,” He chuckled softly, keeping his eyes on the road, “He said I should take good care of you.”
Muttering under your breath, you looked out the window, “You already do.”
“Uh, Y/N, I wanted to talk about something,” Carlos said, pulling up to your apartment and turning to look at you, “It’s a bit important.”
Taking a deep breath, you looked back at him and rambled, “I like you. Wait, no. I think I love you. I know I’m an idiot for not realizing sooner, but I just saw how you were with my family, especially Haley, and I realized that I want you there. Every occasion or even no occasion! I just want you with me. Not as my best friend.”
“Oh, Y/N,” Carlos smiled to himself, running a hand through his hair, “You know you talk too much?”
“I know, I do,” You whined, “I just had to get it out of my system.”
“And, you took the words out of my mouth,” He reached over for your hand, intertwining his fingers with yours, “So…can this be a real thing?”
“We do have go get back to square one though,” You mumbled, looking at him, “We skipped the first date, first kiss, and all that jazz and went way ahead with spending the holida- mmph!”
Carlos leaned over to pull you in for a kiss with you melting into his touch, the two of you smiling to yourselves with the moonlight illuminating through the dashboard.
“You talk too much,” Carlos pulled away, whispering as he leaned his forehead against yours, “So…mi novia. It has a good ring to it.”
Playfully hitting his shoulder, you leaned back against the seat and covered your face, “God, I feel like a teenage girl all over again.”
“Best Christmas by far,” He grinned, mirroring your actions and sighing happily, “Santa granted my biggest wish after 3 years.”
“How adorable,” You pouted, reaching over to pinch his cheeks, “You liked me first.”
Carlos groaned, playfully rolling his eyes, “You fell for me too, anyways.”
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marcela-33 · 2 months
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Hola?. Hola?. Hola?...amigos y amigas, aquí estoy de vuelta 😉...preguntándome como se encontraran mis amores míos 🥰 😁 espero que bien 👉👈...bueno por mi parte estoy bien mmm no me quejo jajaja. PD:que sigan teniendo una linda tarde, hoy estamos a viernes 😊. Saludos ♥️...besos y abrazos. Cuídense un montón
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luna3435 · 3 months
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Hola?...amores míos 😉...espero que estén bien 💜 por mi parte estoy bien aquí disfrutando de este fin de semana con la buena lluvia ☔️ ♥️😍♥️ 😁. Bueno que sigan teniendo una linda tarde y un buen buen fin de semana juntos a los suyos o a ustedes mismos amigos y amigas 🥰. Saludos, besos y abrazos. Cuídense
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last-rain-b · 3 months
Cartas que jamás leerás
Hola, hoy después de tanto hiciste algo que sabías que me molestaba mucho. Pero no puedo reclamarte nada porque al final ya no estás conmigo. Tal vez terminaste justo por esa razón, para que en tu soltería hagas todo lo que conmigo no podías, tenía mucha esperanza y oraba todas las noches antes de dormir para que Dios te ayude a sentirte mejor para poder estar juntos nuevamente. Hoy solo oraré para que me ayude a sanar y a aceptar que ya no eres el chico del que me enamoré. Ya no eres el chico al que amé y me cuidaba. Hoy ya no cuidas lo que siento, hoy ya no te preocupo. Espero que todo lo que puedas hacer en tu libertad te dé La Paz que mi compañía y amor no te dio. Te amo y demasiado pero te he puesto por encima mío mucho tiempo, hoy me elijo yo. Hoy decido ponerme primera yo, y aunque te ame, aunque me duela hasta el alma y llore. Voy a dejarte ir, ya no voy a esperarte más.
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hobiesdump · 6 months
All the Spanish in ATSV
Rio: Miles. Mira. Esto es
imposible. ¿Verdad?
Miles: Calmate Mami, eso no es my fault.
Rio: ¿Qué es esto que “no es my fault?”
¿Estás tomando una clase en
Rio: !Ay Dios mío!
Rio: ¿Has visto a Miles?
Maria: ¡Hermanita!
Maria: l speech para Jeff. ¡Speech!
Maria: Okay, everybody. ¡Todos! Hola
Jeff: To my wife -- mi amor.
????: ¡Miles-cito ya luces
cómo un hombre!
Miles: Hola…primo.
Rio: Oye!
Maria: ¡Hola! ¡Mira que familia tan
Rio: Hey, chica, ¿Cómo tú estás?
Maria: Oh, pero mira que grande está!
Maria: Wow! This is a cool shirt! ¿Qué es
eso, un wetsuit
Rio: Miles, por-- dame un break.
Rio: It’s mine, and
your father’s, and your abuelos’ y
Jeff: (mediocre pronunciation) ¡Que barbaridad!
Rio: Papa, you know you can tell me
anything. No hay mentiras entre
Rio: Just… don’t get lost. ¿Me oyes?
Miles: Bendición, mami.
Rio: Que Dios te bendiga.
Miles: Hey! ¿Qué tal tio? I speak Spanish.
Te trajé una empanada.
Miguel: Que maravilla.
MIguel: no puedo más, no puedo más
Rio: ¿Qué te pasa, mijo?
Rio: Ay, ‘dito…
Rio: Papa I will always love you. I
don’t care what you say. ¿Me
Rio: You really had me going there.
Spider-Man! Imagínate
Rio: Do you push silk out of your culito?
Rio: Jeff. Tranquilo.
(Got from the screenplay. I don't speak Spanish. Please let me know if I got something wrong, missed something, or if something changed between script and movie)
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karyolvera · 8 months
Hola, guapo.
Deseando saber sobre ti indagué en los rincones más chiquitos de mi mente para poder descifrarnos. Y es que, te he pensado todo el tiempo aunque, demonios, no lo parezca. Y la idea de perder lo poco que tengo de ti no me gusta. Me rehuso. Te quiero para mí todo el tiempo. Me gustas y diablos, cómo anhelo poder tocarte, maldito. Creyendo que todo gira al rededor de mí, he decidido que te has alejado porque me enamoré del amor. Pero tratándose de eso, por favor sírvete mi justificar, que contigo mi conexión es otra. Otra de la que me he vuelto adicta y como cada adicción, me ha traído en un bucle de abstinencia que toma cada oportunidad para desecharte,  aunque sin fortuna. Como la infortuna que he tenido contigo. Hubiera deseado que todo se cambiara de lugar para acertar en el espacio correcto de tu corazón.  Ese es el destino que siempre me ha importado más. Pero intuyo que tu cabeza al igual que la del amor están en otro pedo. Y eso me dice a gritos que debo dedicarme a lo mío dejándoles a ambos pasarme por alto. No sin antes hacerles saber que ambos me llenan de fascinación y deseo, de mariposas y dolores de estómago. de calentura y agitación. de mente en blanco y tonterías. De todo lo que me puedo inventar. De todo lo que no quiero borrar.
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Carta de despedida
Hola de nuevo, estoy recordado todo lo que fuimos , es un lindo sentimiento es agradable saber que pudiste sacar todo lo mejor de mi , nunca había visto ese lado en el que yo podía amar incondicionalmente no conocía ese lado mío en el que tenía una prioridad más importante que yo mismo, y era verte feliz
Pero sabes es aquí donde pienso y analizo el porqué nunca pudimos ser los dos contra el mundo porque a pesar de que estuviésemos juntos éramos tan distantes. Por momentos creía en nuestro futuro en lo que tú y yo lograríamos juntos. esto sonará absurdo pero en muchos momentos tú me hacías sentir fuerte como si cada obstáculo que tuviese ese recorrido llamado vida fuese fácil de superar si estabas tu y ahí fue donde entendí que el amor que te tenia se estaba transformando en dependencia sentía que te necesitaba para ser feliz pero me equivoqué no te necesito para ser feliz tú y yo podemos ser feliz sin estar juntos y me alegra que así sea porque el destino no nos quiso juntos y fue gracias a eso que aprendí a valorarme más
A pesar de que en tu despedida no entendía porque cada lágrima mía cargada con temor y dolor no impedían tu partida
En porque mis palabras llenas de ilusiones no impedían que me dejases
Me culpaba de todo sentía que todo lo que yo hacía o decía solo te alejaba más creí en promesas qué tal ves fueron reales en un momento pero que no pudiste cumplir y me aferraba a la idea de que volverías por mi
Pero espere y espere por tanto tiempo alimentando una ilusión de algo que nunca pasó y aún así sabía que tú estabas mejor sin mi porque tú me lo dijiste yo no era tu lugar de paz y eso me hacía sentir un dolor inmenso el saber que no te podía hacer feliz pero sabes algo entendí que no es tu culpa ni la mía
Solo fuimos dos personas que no supieron ser debimos entendernos mejor y fallamos y de estos errores se sufre pero se aprende y ahora se que ya no eres el que conocí y yo no soy a quien conociste
Somos dos personas llenas de experiencia nueva en la cual aplicaremos como enseñanza en futuras decisiones .
Ya ha pasado un año desde que nuestra unión se rompió el no saber de ti era un castigo para mi me dolía demasiado el pensar que estarás con alguien nuevo y que lo amaras como me amabas a mi, pero ahora entiendo que está bien que puedas amar a quien sea y que está bien que tu corazón le pertenezca a alguien más.
Mientras te digo esto por mi mente pasan esos recuerdos que nos formaron las veces en que teníamos dudas de si ser o no ser o las veces que juntos hacíamos que el tiempo de detuviese , los tiempos juntos viendo películas en mi habitación o nuestras salidas en la ciudad en las cuales al ver tus ojos veía cómo se iluminaban por las luces de la ciudad amaba el tiempo con Tigo
Pero fallamos al no seguir con nuestro camino correcto fallamos al creer que el amor que sentíamos era el mejor nos fallamos y nos lastimamos y eso ocasionó que ese amor no fuese suficiente para ti y para mi, pero estoy contento tal Nunca leas esto pero te dire la verdad estoy feliz por lo que estarás haciendo de tu vida cumple todas tus metas viaja a el país en que querías ir a vivir y crea tu futuro con alguien que te ame igual o incluso más de lo que yo te ame yo haré lo mismo cumpliré mis sueños pero créeme que te recordaré siempre porque fuiste y serás el amor más grande que pude tener y por eso este es mi último adiós
Porque debo soltar lo que nunca volverá y es de este modo que deci decirte que te ame espero este mensaje te llegue a ti de alguna manera y cuando lo leas recuerdes que te ame y que me amaste y que ese amor nos formó y ahora somos dos grandes personas que no están juntas pero saben que es amar bonito
Te quiero y siempre lo haré.
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