itstheoneshots · 1 year
Exo Fic Recommendations
🧠 = All time favourites 🍡 = Fluff ❗ = Mature
*Updated on 19/09/2023
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🍡 Friends to lovers by guardians-of-exo
How To Kiss A Boy by gyudior
Inquiring minds by papermatisse
Work can wait for other days by doiefics
First Bliss by dreamylittlesugarcube
🧠🍡 I’ll Cover You by lana-writes
🍡❗ Mean by baekhyuns-abs
White Noise by guardians-of-exo
Kyungsoo (D.O)
🧠❗ Borrowed T-Shirt by soobadnoonecanstopher
Clickbait by dreamylittlesugarcube
I Hate You For Hating Me by whimsical-ness
Making a Splash by dreamylittlesugarcube
🍡Spellbound by whimsical-ness
Steam by dreamylittlesugarcube
The Heart Sees by soobadnoonecanstopher
Undressing by kpoptrashlord-007
Minseok (Xiumin)
Behind The Mask by lana-writes
Snowy wonderland by cxsmicmyeon
🧠 ❗ Trending Topic by brokeandjetlagged
Formidable by prettywordsyouleft
Golden, like the snitch by exodusmc
🍡Hogwarts AU by def-initely-soul
Spellbound by navellera
🧠🍡You Drive Me Insane by whimsical-ness
Yixing (Lay)
Hurt Me, Heal Me by brokeandjetlagged
🧠🍡Kiss him, Wake him? by whimsical-ness
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one by one
Rating: General Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: EXO (Band)
Relationship: Byun Baekhyun/Do Kyungsoo | D.O.
Word Count: 13041 words
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Harry Potter Setting, Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Soulmate-Identifying Marks, Alternate Universe - Hogwarts, Fluff and Angst, (very) slight xiuchen and sekai
Written for Wingarbyun Leviosaʼs 2nd Round.
“One by one, Baekhyun’s mark on his wrist led him to a particular dark-haired Slytherin who turned out to be his soulmate.”
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exoxobsession · 4 years
Storm || One-Shot
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Pairing: Kyungsoo x You
Genre: Fluff, HogwartsAU! (forgive me!)
Warnings: None! (The only warning is that it’s bad)
Word Count: 2k
A/N: I’m not very good at writing fluff so i kept it to a bare minimum. Sorry for the terrible fic. I just wanted a Kyungsoo one and was in Harry Potter mood so...here goes nothing.
You took a deep breath as you walked through the grand doors of the castle along with many others. Being a muggle-born, you didn’t know what the Wizarding World was like. Professor McGonagall led the group up to where a hat sat on a chair. “When I call your name, you will put on the hat and sit on the stool, to be sorted,” Professor McGonagall says.
Everything was a blur until they called your name. You walked up nervously, hands sweating as you rubbed them together. “Hm, a muggle-born I see. You’re intelligent, you have a lot of wisdom, yes. But you’re very brave too. RAVENCLAW!” the hat decides.
You make your way to the table filled with blue and bronze.
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That was how your Hogwarts adventure started. You were a Ravenclaw, who was supposed to be intelligent and have a lot of wisdom. ‘That stupid sorting hat got it wrong’ you thought. You weren’t as intelligent as the other Ravenclaws. You were average. But what you were good at and enjoyed was Quidditch. You were the seeker for Ravenclaw. Some even say that you were their good luck charm. No, you didn’t win every match, but the average increased.
Today you were late to practice because of Professor Snape. Running through hallways as you bumped into people, you turned back and shouted a sorry as you sprint across. Before you could turn back, you bumped into someone making you fall on the person. You were about to curse at the person before you saw him Do Kyungsoo. Your crush for three years. Panic settled in you as you scrambled yourself away from the boy. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry, I was in a rush and, sorry!” you babbled as you bowed to him furiously.
He laughed it off; you swear you’ve never seen this boy laugh in the four years of you attending Hogwarts. He was serious and looked like he would kill someone every time you saw him. “It’s fine, but you seem to be in a hurry. You should go,” he said as you just stared at his beautiful face. His features were perfect, his beautiful owl eyes, his heart-shaped lips, his soft hair, and his- a cough brought you back to reality as you Kyungsoo’s flushed cheeks. You must’ve been staring for too long. “Right, I should go, and um, sorry again,” you said awkwardly and hurried away from him.
You finally reached the Quidditch pitch, panting. You never ran that fast in your entire life, not even when a bulldog chased you for a whole seven minutes. “Are you okay, Y/N?” Jongin came up to you and asked. “All fine.” was your response. Then the Gryffindor team left.
The Golden Snitch was thrown into the air, your eyes not leaving it for a second at all. Then it moved away from you, going behind you. You tried your hardest to look out for it, but if you couldn’t see it and it was harder when grey clouds started forming. You flew higher, thinking it would be easier to spot it. Finally, you saw a tiny shimmer of gold; you took off, going at a higher pace. Finally,  catching that snitch.
As soon as you caught the snitch, the rain started pouring. You all hurried back to the castle, though everyone was wet.  Back in the dorms, some opting to play wizard chess, some homework, and others just talking, you wanted to get some sleep.
You were down as soon as you hit the bed.
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In the morning you weren’t awoken by the sounds of birds singing, no, but the rumble of the thunder outside. But the thunder was outside. Not inside, so the classes must go on. Yay. Still sleepy as ever, you went to the washroom to freshen up.
You checked your timetable, seeing that Potions was the first class today. You tagged along with your friends instead of going like a loner. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Kyungsoo and his friends pass by. Chanyeol and Jongdae? You weren’t sure of the names, but you knew they loved annoying him.
You remember the first time you met him. It was the day you were first attending Hogwarts. You got on the train and was awe the ancient feeling; you didn’t see his suitcase there, and being the klutz you are, you tripped. Being the kind human being he is, he offered you his Licorice Wand and some Chocolate Frogs, though you kept refusing; saying he had to make it up to you.
Every interaction you had with him was mostly you tripping, either physically or with words. Professor Snape’s voice rang through the class, startling you. “Today, you’ll be making Amortentia, and I expect none of you to mess up cauldrons, understood?”
You knew you would get partnered. But not with Kyungsoo. What would happen if you messed up? Or maybe you were staring at his face too long? Amid you worrying, he came over and guided you to one cauldron at the back. “You make it while I read out the ingredients,” you said without stuttering or getting distracted by his face. He just smiled. You started reading the ingredients to you both were done in no time.
“Done already, Mr. Do?” Professor Snape asked as he moved to us. “Now, tell me what it smells like,” he said to both of us. Kyungsoo went first, bending so he could smell it properly, “It smells like the woody scent of a broomstick handle, licorice wands, and the smell after rain, sir.” he said, as he straightened up.
“You, Ms. Y/N.,” he said, his gaze hardening more than it was. “I smell chocolate frogs, the smell of old books and…” you could smell his cologne. You weren’t sure if it was because he was beside you or if it was from the cauldron. “Great job, you can leave now.” he walked away.
You quickly got out in case he decides to changes his mind. “That was like something that happens only in a lifetime,” he chuckled. “Yeah.” you smiled, but the booming sound of the thunder caught you off guard, making you visibly flinch. Haven’t you embarrassed yourself enough already?
Awkwardness soon settled in. Just the sound of your footsteps echoing through the hallways. You tried to think of something to talk to about when he spoke, “You were in a hurry yesterday. Did you get wherever you were going?” he asked as he cutely tilted his head. This boy was going to be the end of you. “Yeah, I was late to Quidditch practice because of Snape, no it was because of that stupid Baekhyun.” his face hardened at the end of your sentence. “You know Baekhyun? But he’s a Gryffindor, and he’s 5th year, right?” he questioned.
“Yeah, he is and isn’t your friend, Chanyeol, was it? He’s in Gryffindor too and, he’s 4th year.” you retorted. “Touché.” he gave up to which you smiled. “But we aren’t even friends, even though we’re from the same house,” he grumbled under his breath. It was inaudible to you, to you who was way up in the clouds.
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There was only one more class, but you were beyond drained, exhausted, to even hear Baekhyun and his nonsense. “Are you even listening?” he frowned. “I love you and all, Baek but, I’m tired.” you groaned. “When are you not?” he rolled his eyes. “I heard you and Kyungsoo were partners in Potions.” he grinned stupidly while raising his eyebrows up and down. “Oh, shut up, you cockroach, plus he has a girlfriend.”
“What did you call me? A cockroach? This beautiful face and body looks like a cockroach to you?” he said in disbelief as he started chasing you around. You ran to your next class, but before you could even make it in, he grabbed you by the waist and started tickling you. “Take it back!” he shouted, still not stopping. “Fine! Fine…” you exclaimed, still trying to catch your breath. He let go of you at last.
“But your still a cockroach!” you said, sticking your tongue out and entering the classroom because you knew he wouldn’t come in here. “Yah!” was all you heard after you came in. That idiot can put a smile on your face no matter what. You felt someone staring at you, so you turned back, seeing the only Do Kyungsoo looking at you with a stony stare that sent chills up your spine.
Throughout the class, you felt his eyes on you. But when you looked back, he would look at the front or talking to the pretty Hufflepuff girl. When he was doing the latter, jealously built up in the pit of your stomach. It was his girlfriend.
Class ended quickly, but all you could hear through the class was his deep laugh. But you weren’t the reason. You’ve never seen him laugh that much. Or smile. You make your way to the Great Hall. Finishing your meal quickly, you walk back to go to bed.
Soon everyone started filling in, changing, and sleeping. You were about to head to dreamland when you heard the thunder roaring. You flinched, again and again, every time there was a noise. After a good few minutes, you sat up to see if anyone of your friends were awake, but no luck there. You heard the fireplace cackle, and you went to see if anyone was in the common room.
As you reached the bottom step, you stubbed your toe, which made you yelp, and the person on the couch turn. It was Kyungsoo. “You okay?” he asked, worry flashing in his eyes. Nodding, you ambled to the couch. Opting for the other side rather than anywhere closer.
“Can’t sleep?” he questioned, turning to look at you as the shades of red of the fire fell on his face. “The storm and the noises are keeping me up,” you answered. Then silence, just the fire burning, and the lightning clapping. “You could smell Baekhyun in the potion, right?” he decided to break the ice once again. You couldn’t help but laugh at that. Baekhyun was your best friend and nothing more.
“What’s so funny?” he frowned. “It’s… it’s so funny you think I like Baekhyun. He’s nothing more than my best friend, Kyungsoo.” you said, his name rolling off your tongue beautifully. “Then who did you smell?” this question caught you off guard.
“W-What?” you stuttered. “I don’t know if I’m being too straightforward here, but…” you waited for him to continue, raising your eyebrows as to tell him to go on. “It was you, Y/N. I’ve liked you ever since that day where-”
“You like me too?” you asked in a low voice. “Wait, what? ” he asked,  confused. “I’ve liked you since 1st year,” you said, feeling your face go hot. “What about your girlfriend then?” you asked quickly remembering. “I broke up with her, but we decided to stay friends.” he chuckled lightly. “For me?” you looked down at your hands.
He put his hand under your chin lifting your head, and softly landed his plump lips on yours.
You thanked the storm out there because without it he wouldn’t be yours.
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soybeantree · 4 years
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pairing: do kyungsoo x (reader) genre/warning: fluff, hogwarts!au word count: 1.2k-ish description: pre-epilogue era. professor!au a/n: may installment of our ‘trying to write a kyungsoo story for every month that he is in the service’ series. check out the other’s here.
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[Thursday, August 12th, 2010; 12:00 p.m.]
Standing in the abandoned train station which welcomes the Hogwarts Express each year, you tap your wand to your robes, changing them from blue to black to green to magenta and back to blue again. The Headmistress has given you the great honor of welcoming and acting as guide to this year’s itinerant professor: Do Kyungsoo, Master of Ancient Oriental Arts.  Professor Do was due to arrive at precisely 11:45 which was fifteen minutes ago. 
As you contemplate a daring combination of gold and mauve, you hear the telltale pop of apparition. A flick of your wand straightens your clothes, and you turn with a bright smile to greet the new arrival. Your smile freezes as you catch sight of the itinerant professor. Your heart, however, decides to work over time, forcing you to breathe deeply as you attempt to calm it.  
“Hello and welcome to Hogwarts.” The words flow easily as you extend your hand in greeting. Being a professor has taught you many things. The most important in this time of crisis is the ability to speak boldly no matter the situation. “I am Professor Y/L/N, and I will be escorting you to the castle and helping to get you situated.”
Kyungsoo’s brows furrow as he reaches to grasp your hand. “I wasn’t aware any of the professors at Hogwarts spoke Korean.”
“None do.” Your smile dims as you clear your throat. “I am the charms professor and am quite skilled at translation spells.”
“I am fluent in English. I wouldn’t have accepted the position otherwise.” He informs you as he throws his luggage on the back of the carriage. 
“I know. I just thought it would be fun to practice the charm.” You shake your head as you climb in behind him. 
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[Friday, September 3rd, 2010; 7:37 p.m.]
First comes the deep breath as you prepare yourself to be brave. Next comes the knock. Kyungsoo glances up from his desk, and his greeting smile steals your bravery. You’re already here though, no backing down now. 
“Professor Abkre and I are going to the Hog’s Head to celebrate the end of the first week. Would you like to come?” The grandfather clock which sits in the far corner of Kyungoo’s office announces each second that ticks by. When you have given up hope of ever breathing again, Kyungsoo nods.
The Hog’s Head during your school days had been dark and dingy and frequented by people of questionable repute. Aberforth had owned the pub back then, but when he passed and the pub’s new owner arrived, the pub began a new era. Minseok had opened the windows, cleared the cobs, and kept the old wood polished. He had also expanded the menu beyond alcohol to include teas and coffee. The pub was now an oasis for professors.
Professor Abkre, the Divination professor and your best friend, sits waiting for you, a cup of tea steaming in her hand. 
“Emmaline.” You greet her as you slide into the other side of the booth. Kyungsoo slides in beside you, and the three inches between you steals a large portion of your thoughts. “Emmaline?” 
Your friend’s attention finally snaps to you. “Oh, Professor Do, you agreed to come. Welcome.” 
“Is there something behind me?” Kyungsoo cranes his head, but Emmaline lunges for his robe’s collar, directing his attention back to the table.
“No. Nothing.”
“Minseok.” Your correction earns you a glare and a warning, and you remember who is sitting beside you. You mouth an apology as your eyes plead for mercy.
“Are you two dating?” The question startles a snort from you.  
In response to Kyungsoo’s bewildered expression, Emmaline says, “No, I think he is attractive.That’s all.”
“Have you talked to him?”
The addition of an outsider to your duo always reminds you how odd your behaviors are. “No,” Emmaline continues. She picks at her nails and, with a sigh, explains, “Y/N and I don’t talk to men that we like. We stare at them from afar and do nothing until the feelings go away.”
“That’s a much longer explanation.” You chime in. “And we came here to drink. I’m going to order.” You warn. Emmaline shakes her head, and you flag Minseok down. 
As he approaches your booth, he slows. A wide smile splits his face. “Kyungsoo!” He greets the itinerant professor, launching into a conversation in Korean.
Emmaline’s eyes go wide as all the color leaks from her face. She leans forward, and placing a hand to the side of her mouth, whispers, “What are they saying?”
Mimicking her posture, you respond with “I have no idea. I didn’t cast my translation charm.”
“I am going to kill you.”
“I know.” Both of you lean back as the men finish their conversation.
“You two know each other?” Emmaline squeaks.
“Minseok is the one who told me about the opportunity at Hogwarts.”
Emmaline nods. “Well, I need to be anywhere that’s not here.” And with that, your friend is gone. Minseok glances after her, his brow furrowing. 
“I’d like a Butterbeer please.” You draw his attention away from your friend. “Kyungsoo?”
“I already gave him my order.” Kyungsoo’s voice is soft. Minseok nods to both of you before going to get your drinks. “I didn’t say anything to him.”
“I know.” You sigh, slumping in your chair. “It’s just-” You make a vague gesture with your hands but words fail to explain the sensation elicited from the situation.
“Do you two really not talk to men you like?” 
Your response is immediate, born of endless conversations with your family and Emmaline’s, but you swallow the answer when you glance at Kyungsoo. 
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[Friday, December 24th, 2010;  8:53 p.m.] 
Christmas, typically, means a reprieve from students and duties, you had explained to Kyungsoo before the fall term started. He could even return home for the holiday. He had shrugged, explaining that the holiday did not hold the same sentiment for him. 
Halfway into term though, you both learned that this Christmas will be more stressful than classes. The Head Boy and Girl along with the prefects decided to have a Yule Ball. The Headmistress volunteered you and Kyungsoo as chaperones for the ball. Being a chaperone means ensuring that the punch remains punch, the students maintain proper school distance, and that you thwart the inevitable pranks. 
The night before the ball, you stay awake into the dawn. When Emmaline makes a jibe about the reason, you brush it off. While you have spent several of the hours planning your outfit for the next day, you kindly explain to her that the main reason is finishing chaperone preparations. 
The prep is definitely needed. As you hit the ground running once the sun rises. By the time the ball starts, you are ready for bed. Your robes which had started the day neatly pressed sport more wrinkles than a Sharpei, your perfectly coiffed hair fared no better, and you lack the motivation to charm it back in order.
Pulling another set of students apart, you shoo them out of the shadows and back on the dance floor. You remain in the background, pulling a flask you had confiscated from a sixth year not five minutes into the ball, from your robe’s inner pocket. He had attempted to unload the contents in the punch. A quick swig confirms it as Fire Whiskey.
“May I have a sip?” 
You jump, the flask fumbling out of your hand. But it freezes a foot from the floor. The whiskey catches in a delicate amber arc for a moment. Then slowly, it slips back into the flask as it rights itself and floats into Kyungsoo’s waiting hand. He slips his wand back into his robes before taking his sip. 
“Confiscated?” He asks.
You nod. “Not that I’m above bringing my own.” You chuckle, running a hand through your ruined hair and regretting your lack of motivation. The shadows thankfully conceal your wrinkles.
“How many hours do we have left?” He asks as he returns the flask. His fingers brush against yours, sending a thrill up your arm. 
Shaking yourself, you check your watch and groan. “Another three hours at the least. I’m sure we’ll be rounding up students until well after three though.” 
He smiles as he comes to stand beside you, his gaze scanning the hall. “I suppose that’s not so bad. I had school friends who partied until the sun rose.”
The idea pulls your shoulders down with the imagined weariness. You have never – nor have you ever had the desire – to spend so much time away from your bed. “Did you?” He shakes his head. “Did Minseok?” He shakes his head again with a chuckle.
“Minseok and I were the boring members of our group.” 
“That makes sense. After all, you did become a professor of Ancient Oriental Magic.” You tease. 
“And Charms is more exciting?” Despite his level tone, you catch the hint of mockery in the way the corner of his lips quirks up. 
“I never said it was.” You fight the urge to stick out your tongue because you are an adult. “I picked Charms because I am good at it. I’ve never been the adventurous type.”
“Is that why you don’t talk to guys you like?” 
Your breath catches, and you force yourself to shrug. “Like I said that’s a long explanation.”
“You don’t have trouble talking with me.”
“I was forced to talk to you.” The words are out before you fully realize what you're saying. “What I mean is as your guide it was my job to talk to you.” He turns his full attention on you, and words start to spill out. “I had to start talking to you; instead of ignoring you. It’s the starting that’s hard. Once I talk to somebody, it’s easy to continue talking to them. So it’s different with you.”
He nods, his eyes going unfocused, and you wish you had a gift for legilimency. “If you were not my guide, you would have never spoken to me.”
“Because you like me.”
“Yes. NO!” But you have already spoken the truth, and the grin spreading across his face buries any hope of convincing him otherwise. With a sigh, you lean your back against the wall, and keeping your gaze on the revelers, continue, “Yes, I like you, but I expect nothing from my crush. I am content to like you from a distance and continue as your friend.”
“But what if I like you too?”
You snort, but swallow your response when you catch sight of his eyes. The candle light glints off them, highlighting his sincerity. “What?”
He steps forward, capturing your full gaze and shielding you from the rest of the hall. “I like you, and I do not want to continue as only your friend.”
“Oh.” You blink. “Well in that case, I guess we could date?” The word feels silly, but Kyungsoo smiles.
“I’d like to date.” He steps back, and the bright lights of the Great Hall flood in along with the sound of song and revelry. 
Your foot taps along to the tune, and your heart leaps to join the dancing.  You content yourself with smiling, and when Kyungsoo slips his hand in yours, you hold tight.
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kpop-locks · 6 years
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exo ; as hogwarts students
like/reblog | @spearbinsung
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etoilefilantekrp · 5 years
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WELCOME TO HOGWARTS In the midst of Scotland lies an ever growing castle that houses bright and talented wizards of various ages! Applicants not only complete their high school education but even continue on a college level in their respective specialisation.
Mewe Based | Mixed literacy | Korean Industry ONLY | 17+
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amandoaexo · 5 years
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Exo members as Hogwarts Students
Kyungsoo - The one that loves History of Magic and wants to learn every Hogwarts’ story so he spends hours in the library without interacting with anyone.
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kimjongdaely · 6 years
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The Wizarding World of EXO
[Mini Masterlist]
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exoxoheader · 6 years
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Couple Kyungsoo Slytherin wallpaper.
Feel free to use but please like or rb.~
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kpophpsortings · 6 years
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D.O (Do Kyung Soo) EXO Ravenclaw
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toomanykpopboys · 6 years
EXO - Hogwarts Houses (Maknae Line)
I might edit this again later because it feels rushed
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TL;DR Minseok (Xiumin) - Hufflepuff Luhan - Hufflepuff Yifan (Kris) - Gryffindor Junmyeon (Suho) - Hufflepuff Yixing (Lay) - Slytherin Baekhyun - Gryffindor Jongdae (Chen) - Ravenclaw Chanyeol - Gryffindor Kyungsoo (D.O) - Ravenclaw Zitao (Tao) - Slytherin Jongin (Kai) - Hufflepuff Sehun - Slytherin
As per always, I do not know the members and these sortings are all based on my opinions. I take no credit for the gifs used, credit to their respective owners!
Hyung Line //  Beagle Line  //  Maknae Line  //  Former Members
Enjoy! x
Kyungsoo (D.O)
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am I the only one that thinks he’s ridiculously handsome here
I was tempted to put Kyungsoo in Gryffindor just because he’s so aggressive and gets along well with Gryffindors Baekhyun and Chanyeol. In the end Kyungsoo is where he most often is sorted: Ravenclaw.
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It goes without saying that Ravenclaws are intelligent, witty, and creative. Without making this a million words long I think those three traits define Kyungsoo really well.
Kyungsoo has always presented himself as the hard-working, intelligent, dependable type. He has exceptional ability in a variety of skills both in and outside of EXO. That level of multi-tasking requires persistence, but also intelligence in each field and consistent effort which is exemplified in Ravenclaw.
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Witty is not necessarily the first word associated with Soo. While this wit can be interpreted as Gryffindor’s boldness or Slytherin’s pride, I think in combination with his other traits Kyungsoo is best described as quick-witted and clever. His comebacks rival Jongdae’s and you can just tell he KNOWS things (like how to silence Chanyeol with one look).
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The main reason Kyungsoo is in Ravenclaw is because he is creative beyond all comprehension. There are other actors in EXO, but none rival Kyungsoo. He seems like a method actor, or at least someone very involved in the acting process. I can picture him asking to do one more take to get the perfect shot.
Along with creative comes expressive. While this could lead to being (overly)emotional (more of a Hufflepuff quality), in Kyungsoo’s case the expressiveness comes from his knowledge gained through experience. Every Ravenclaw seeks to build a toolkit: for Kyungsoo his toolkit is a kaleidoscope of experiences and emotions that he can channel into his work.
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Jongin (Kai)
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Of course EXO’s teddy bear is in Hufflepuff. Jongin was difficult to sort at first because you’re really sorting two people here: Kim Jongin and Kai, and they are almost completely different. In the end I stuck with the usual sorting for Jongin and put him in Hufflepuff.
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When I think of Jongin in Hufflepuff I don’t think of the teddy bear version of him. Jongin is unbelievably strong both physically and emotionally, the latter of which I really respect him for. It’s taken time but he’s confident in who is and isn’t afraid to talk about his emotional struggles or speak out in support of others.
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The definition of humble is Kim Jongin. He’s one of the few names that idols’ say when asked who their inspiration is in terms of performance or dance, yet the angel is continually nervous or upset if he makes even the tiniest of mistakes. Fans don’t even notice when he makes them- but he knows and he holds himself accountable and always strives to improve. 
I don’t think I’ve ever seen him be like “Ah yes, the best dancer in EXO is me”. When they were on Weekly Idol he said Yixing was the best dancer, even though Yixing has said Jongin is the best (battle of the humble kings).
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As I’ve said so many times, Hufflepuffs are typically caretakers. In Jongin’s case, though he certainly cares for his members and gigantic group of friends, he loves animals, especially his dogs. That’s not to say other Houses can’t like pets... but it just solidifies Jongin as a Hufflepuff.
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okay yes there’s water but his emotion when he dances is amazing
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All hail the King of Loyalty, Oh Sehun. Sehun is often put in Slytherin House based on the misconception that he’s the maknae (true), he whines a lot (false), he’s sassy (kinda true), or that he seems cold and distant. I have a habit of putting maknaes in Gryffindor, but Sehun is absolutely a Slytherin.
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this gif sucks i’m sorry but the center of his brain map says loyalty
Sehun is L.O.Y.A.L. It’s his key word and the word (other than “maknae”) that is most often associated with him by the members in recent years. Sehun has matured a lot since debut. He’s much more responsible and dependable than in debut days. And while still relatively closed-off compared to Beagle Line, the misconceptions about Sehun being snobbish have largely faded and I think that’s due, in part, to him being more vocal about loyalty. What we saw as cold or distant was really just Sehun being protective of himself and the group (hello, Slytherin).
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Unlike the broad loyalty of Hufflepuff, Sehun is protective of his close circle of members and does his best not only to support them but to represent EXO well when he’s doing independent activities. His independence is another Slytherin trait: Sehun is certainly confident enough to do solo work and that confidence is often misinterpreted as pride or arrogance, one of the most common Slytherin stereotypes.
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Slytherins are often underestimated in terms of overall intelligence, which might be how they like it actually. They’re given credit for cunning and manipulation (both skills that Sehun possesses) but intelligence is required in order to be cunning and influence others. 
At one point Sehun was studying Chinese HARD despite EXO-M not really existing anymore and EXO not having any Chinese schedules (possibly not even concerts depending on the time of year).
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basically stan Sehun for his brain and heart not just his looks k thanks
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stag and doe
Rating: General Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: EXO (Band)
Relationship: Byun Baekhyun/Do Kyungsoo | D.O.
Word Count: 1000 words
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Harry Potter Setting, Patronus Charm (Harry Potter), Rivalry, Slytherin Do Kyungsoo | D.O., Gryffindor Byun Baekhyun, Hogwarts Prefects
Written for tinysparks’ 15th Round: Magical World
“It was a bad day.
Kyungsoo believed the existence of Byun Baekhyun and a Patronus Charm class would make his day even worse.”
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yourkoreanneighbour · 6 years
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EXO in Hogwarts Moodboards - Do Kyungsoo in Ravenclaw
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ohhmydyosfics · 5 years
(Susoo) Sweeter than Victory
It only takes a little bit of Kim Junmyeon, Gryffindor's star keeper, for Do Kyungsoo to lose his cool. Similarly, it only takes a little bit of firewhisky for the seeker to let go of his inhibitions.
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cinexo · 7 years
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Pathcode #HOGWARTS
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etoilefilantekrp · 5 years
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WELCOME TO HOGWARTS In the midst of Scotland lies an ever growing castle that houses bright and talented wizards of various ages! Applicants not only complete their high school education but even continue on a college level in their respective specialisation.
Mewe Based | Mixed literacy | Korean Industry ONLY | 17+
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