#hmmm i can't think of anything right now but this is really neat :)
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wickershells · 6 months ago
ask game: tagged by @inniave 🤍 thank you!!!
do you make your bed: most days, though I'm not really neat w it. just an each corner to its respective corner kind of deal
what’s your favorite number: have a fondness for 27, and anything with 3s
current job: writerrr (unemployed) (someone very graciously corrected me one time with "self-employed", which was nice, if false)
if you could go back to school, would you: yes! I would love to study with actual routine motivators, like other people, though honestly I don't think I'm built for academia. probably would end the same way it already ended
can you parallel park: not beating the tumblr users can't drive allegations on this one, unfortunately
a job you had that would surprise people: I was an assistant dog groomer for like a week. once we had a dog so so tiny (genetic mutation; it was an adult) we couldn't even use the dryer on it, I had to swathe it and hold it in my arms like a baby
do you think aliens are real: smaller organisms, yes; and organisms that perhaps went extinct, or civilisations very, very far from us. potentially not in the way we can imagine or conceptualise; "life" is always undercut by "as we know it". I like to imagine life as something made over and over, like a child making sculptures out of play-doh. the universe discovering itself, or however the phrase goes
can you drive a manual car: save me public transport
guilty pleasure: hmmm. nothing I feel genuine guilt over but I'm embarrassed of mostly everything. the vulnerabilityyy
tattoos: goddd not yet. limited money makes me far too indecisive. but soon...
favorite color: a mossy kind of green, and faded shades of brown
favorite music genre: ambient/drone, I think; anything atmospheric, -gaze, textural. right now I've been listening to a lot of martial industrial and avant-folk, and I've always had a soft spot for psychedelic rock
do you like puzzles: yes, they're fun! I prefer sudoku and the like
phobias: so sorry to be lame slash normie but arachnophobia; I don't kill spiders, but I can't go near them. I just freeze and sometimes start crying. also agoraphobia, but that is less funny
favorite childhood sport: I did ballet for a time, if it counts. loved swimming, too
do you talk to yourself: all the timeee
favorite movies: I forget everything I've ever watched & see: embarrassment. but bones and all, 天使のたまご (angel's egg), marat/sade, солярис (solaris), alien... the rocky horror picture show... nausicaä of the valley of the wind...
coffee or tea: black coffee, teaspoon of brown sugar :-) I drink masala chai sometimes, usually on my period, for the cinnamon/cardamom of it all
first thing you wanted to be when you grew up: the first thing I remember wanting to be is an author, when I was 7. which makes me feel quite warm when I think about it
tagging (no pressure!)
@dronemetal @twinwound @watchnpray @gabriestat @scismatico and anyone who wants to 🤍🤍🤍
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thetragicallynerdy · 1 year ago
20 Questions for fic writers
I got tagged by @zombiethingy, thanks so much for the tag pal!!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
50!! I just hit 50 with my last kinktober fill, it's neat haha. Halfway to 100 XD
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
728,567. I write... a lot lmao. I would love to hit 900K by the end of the year - I've got an 150K+ fic that's unposted in it's entirety that I'd like to finish by then, we'll see if it happens!
3. What fandoms do you write for?
OFMD, UnDeadwood, Critical Role (Campaign 1), and Leverage. Mostly OFMD and UnDeadwood, though!
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
but don't you shake alone (Leverage, 817 kudos, blows my mind every time)
In Which Mr Sharpe Is In Need Of A Rescue (UnDeadwood, 252 kudos, my first fic ever written!)
i like to call myself wound (but i will answer to knife) (OFMD, 221 kudos)
every bit as feral (UnDeadwood, 178 kudos)
for my life, still ahead, pity me (CR 1, 167 kudos)
And looking at this list, I now realize that all of my top kudos'd fics are whump fics XD
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Sure do!! I can take a while to respond because of the Executive Dysfunction but I try to always respond.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hmmm. Either something from the UnDeadwood whumptober collection (I can't think of one, because I wrote them 3 years ago, but some were damn sad), or the weight of another unearned victory.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Oooh that's tough! I dunno, I tend to like writing if not happy endings at least hopeful endings. Three that stand out are 1) i will stay, if you dare, 2) i found love where it wasn't supposed to be and 3) Ask Me Anything OFMD SMAU - because they all start out or get super sad (bad breakup, character death, and character death midway respectively) and end super happy.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not on ao3, but I've gotten anon hate on tumblr for the ships I write after posting fic snippets!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes lmao. It is the majority of what I write right now. As for what kind - ehhh that's hard to say! I write a lot of different stuff! But mainly: smut featuring Jim from OFMD or Clayton from UnDeadwood. I write a lot of trans/nonbinary smut for both characters.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Nah, not really my thing!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my awareness? Honestly I'm not a big enough fic writer/don't write for popular enough ships/fandoms to really be worried about it.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Sure have! Three published, and another few in the works. I really enjoy co-writing, it's always a fun experience.
@askmeanythingofmd (ao3: ask me anything ofmd) with @yerbamansa
a grave softer than your end with @eldritchjackalope
i found love where it wasn't supposed to be with @lovewithagirl
@lovewithagirl and I are also currently co-writing a really long sad Jim/Ed post s1 fic, and have a few other ideas we're messing around with really casually! We co-write together pretty often <3
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Oh this is a tough question haha! That I write for: Jim/Olu and Jim/Ed or some combo of poly ships with them (OFMD), Clayton/Aly/Matthew, Clay/Aly, Clay/Matthew (UnDeadwood).
Other faves include Arthur/Eames (Inception), Parker/Elliot/Hardison (Leverage), and I'm blanking on any others lmao. But those are the big ones!
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Oh man, so many. I have a lot of WIPs that get abandoned tbh. The big ones are both for UnDeadwood - The Lighthouse AU and The Nemesis AU. Both sitting at pretty high word counts (50 and 90K respectively). I'd love to finish both, but not sure it'll happen. Maybe someday, though!
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I'm good at adding in details? Specifically details around what characters are thinking/feeling/experiencing. Or at least I try to be lol. I find writing dialogue pretty easy, and I think I'm decent at smut and whump writing.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Worldbuilding my beloathed lmao. I find it really boring, so basically never do it.
Detailed settings are also pretty hard for me to write - I don't picture places in my head easily at all, so I basically do as little work as possible with it. Which is something I'd like to work on, because I really enjoy very place/space heavy writing.
Also conciseness XD I am a wordy bastard, and always write way too much lmaooo.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I've done it using google translate, I try to keep it pretty minimal because I don't actually speak any other languages and I know it's not going to be very accurate.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
UnDeadwood my beloved <3
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Ooh, that's really tough. I've gotta go with i threw stones at the stars but the whole sky fell - it holds a really special place in my heart. (If we're talking smut, then probably we both go down together XD) For unpublished stuff, the long sad fic I'm co-writing with @lovewithagirl is probably my favourite thing I'm currently writing.
Thanks so much for the tag, this was a lot of fun!! Neat to look back, too.
I'm gonna tag (but only if you feel like it friends!) @yerbamansa, @dragonmuse, @yourlocal-charlatan, and @alfalfairy.
If you didn't get tagged but see this and want to do it, consider yourself tagged!!
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miabrown007 · 2 years ago
yeah, sorry, just gonna push that penumbra agenda until we find a common denominator
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postwarlevi · 2 years ago
Hmmm Levi’s young daughter spills her ice cream cone all over herself and thinks he’s going to be mad. He’s always complaining about messes :/ and now her ice cream is gone and she’s so upset!
Levi’s such a big ‘ol softy that he just comforts her and doesn’t mind the mess. Bet he even gets her a new cone 🥺
Taaay this has sat here for months I'm sorry ILY. Also made a minor change as I had a quick idea and ran with it!
Content: Just under 1k words, not proof read, dad Levi fluff!
Ohh Levi hates messes. You yourself have learned to clean extremely well to keep him happy. Sunday is cleaning day and every other day you still keep things neat and organized. Once your daughter comes along, Levi has to learn to adjust because... messes happen. But one of you cleans it right away while the other tends to your daughter.
As she gets older Levi tries to teach her proper cleaning techniques, but it's hard for a six year old, you know? She does try because she loves getting his praises though. She cleans with you both and picks up after herself after playing and all the things you'd expect. Well, she tries, really. However...
Yep, there she goes again. Levis daughter is a clumsy little thing. You or he are always cleaning up after her. Messy with her toys, her arts and crafts, her food. And having her try to help clean it? No, please no, that makes it more of a mess.
You always tell her it's okay and to please be more careful. Levi after a hard days work can't always hide his exhaustion and she can hear it in his voice.
"Sorry daddy!" She's ready to cry and he has to quickly backtrack.
"It's okay pumpkin, daddies just tired." He pats her head and sends her away. He knows that she knows he hates messes and realizes she isn't doing it op purpose. But, how could he have such a naturally messy child?
After dinner one day while you're in the shower and Levi is washing dishes, your little one is sitting in the living room with the ice cream you put in a dish for her. Half way through her show, while it is on commercial, she decides she wants a cone.
"Honey, no, just eat from the dish." Levi says sternly, almost done with dishes.
"It's okay daddy, I can do it!" She puts her bowl on the counter and before he can stop her she's climbed up the counter. Somehow she makes it and pulls a cone from the box and sits on the counter, and with her tiny hands tries to scoop the half melted ice cream into the cone.
"Honey, no!" Levi stops what he's doing and hurries to dry his hands, worried about her falling.
She does not, but ice cream is now running all down her hands and shirt, and the counter.
Levi sighs and closes his eyes as she looks at him with teary ones.
"Why don't you listen to me? And how are you so fast?!" Is she just fast or is Levi getting slower?
She sits there crying as the cold melted ice cream gets everywhere and Levi takes a rag and starts wiping her off.
"Daddy! I- I'm sorry!" She sobs as he cleans her.
He sets her on the floor, careful not to get sticky.
"Just go change your shirt. Can you do that?" He asks without much hope.
"Yes!" She cries out and runs off.
Levi finishes cleaning the counters and cabinets and now the floor that the mess has dripped down onto.
Levi pauses and listens to her sniffles as she comes back in with a new shirt.
"Honey, do you know why I got upset?" He asks softly, getting down to her level.
"Because I made a mess?" She frowns.
"It's not so much that. It's because I was afraid, that you might fall, and hurt yourself." That scared him and made him act more that anything.
"You were scared?" She asks him in surprise.
"Yes, I don't want you falling. I didn't so much mind the mess. But it does bother me you didn't listen but I know you want to be a big girl and do it yourself, and I appreciate it. But please, let me help you next time, okay?" He hugs her.
If a six year old could feel relief that is what is washing over her right now. "You're not mad about the mess?" She squeaks out.
"You know, even daddy makes a mess sometimes." Hardly, he means.
"No you don't!" She giggles because she's never seen it.
"Sure I do, I just clean it up fast!" He pokes her and smiles at her happy reaction.
Then she's frowning again. "What is it?" He had thought things were okay.
"I didn't get to finish my ice cream." She looks down at the floor. She'd only gotten a couple bites.
"Is that all? We can fix that!" Levi picks her up and twirls her and she squeals with delight.
They make her a proper cone together and he makes her hold a paper plate underneath it, just in case.
If Levi hadn't told you what happened while you were in the shower, you never would've known it.
As you all settle in the living room for another little bit of tv time before bed, your daughter situates herself between you.
"I love you mommy." She kisses your cheek, and you kiss hers back and cuddle her.
"I love you too button." You smile and rub her cute little cheeks.
"I love you daddy." She turns to Levi and looks at him like only a daughter who loves her father very much can, and it warms his heart.
"I love you too, my little girl." He hugs her as she clings to him, and after a moment you get in on the hugging too.
You end the night with a kid friendly cartoon episode all about being messy and also cleaning it up.
Your daughters giggles make you happy and Levi hopes she's learned a little something tonight. About listening... and being messy.
She promises to try harder as you both tuck her in, and you assure her she'll get there eventually.
After that she becomes a much better listener, not wanting to ever upset her father like that again. And she also becomes just a tiny bit less messy, with her parents help, of course.
Extra: Here's the episode you watch! hehe
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booksandchainmail · 2 years ago
Pale 7.7
“I’ve only been in… I’d guess six or seven really serious, dangerous situations, since I awoke this spring,” Avery told Laila.
I'm reminded of things I've seen from Worm, can't remember if canon or from fanfic, about the ridiculously high combat and death rates in Brockton Bay
“But I’m going to use a tortured sports metaphor here…”
of course you are :)
“I like how you started talking about sports as a thing in general and immediately went to ‘ice’.  It’s obvious what your favorite sport is.”
I enjoy that Verona dunks on Avery for being a jock as much as I do
“Says the girl who barely pays attention in ninth grade gym, or eighth grade gym, or seventh grade gym,” Lucy cut in.
oh big mood. Though actually I stopped having to pay any attention after eighth grade, since my high school was illegally not enforcing state PE requirements
“Gotta use these moments,” Avery told Laila. “I think that’s the difference between top practitioners and lesser ones."
going to be honest, this would not be reassuring
I’d even say it’s a good thing for mankind. Even if the deals are unfair, it’s a chance for those who had none. None at all. For most, the station of life was a crushing, unavoidable pressure. Born a peasant schlub, die a peasant schlub. No time or chance to do anything else. The deals gave a way.
Somehow I doubt the school or practitioners would tell it this way
“They get their payment or pretty much nothing,” Lucy said.
is there a way for them to pay off the brownies? I'm not sure what they would offer though
"Knife throwing?  Did an Oni teach you one or two tricks and you made that your entire plan?” “No,” Reese said, defensive. “…four tricks.”
only four tricks, and they get weaker every time he uses them, and he'll have trouble with standard practices...
But that’s good to bring up, Reese, boy.
honestly, Toadswallow seems like a good teacher. I had assumed his work involved more demonstrations of what goblins get up to, but this is a good lecture, and Liberty clearly adores and respects him.
Goblins are random but you’ve got a nice matching collection?  Must be meant to be, so you better get on board, little nuggets.  Then the more they believe it…” “The more it actually happens?” Avery asked.
Love that magic in the Otherverse works on the principle of "If you build it they will come" (they being magic)
“You’re smart, you’re good, you’re strong. We’ll get you squared away. But for right now I want to hear from these others you’re working with."
please remember your supporting cast.
But yeah, I think they're so used to working either just the three of them, or calling in allies as support and council but not as part of the decision-making process, that they're mostly ignoring the other students
The brownies are going after the headmaster and they’ll be coming back our way. While they’re doing that, they’re not cooking. Kids are going hungry.
probably not helping planning meals that Shellie said she'd order in while disguised as Durocher, and I'm assuming has not followed up on that
Lucy was nodding, seemingly satisfied that Avery had laid down the law.  It felt good.  Avery just wished she hadn’t needed the go-ahead to do it, this time.
small steps. Also, I think Lucy is quicker to step in than most people, which is making this harder
“Laila Throop.  Large-scale curses.  I can’t use them on the staff or students, really.  Bristow would expel me and my parents would- it wouldn’t be good.”
hmmm. That doesn't sound great
“I guess I like a bad situation to feel under control.  John’s like that.  Reliable.” “Would you take him as a familiar?”
Lucy was also thinking about this earlier, that having John as a familiar would insulate her from having to take on a more direct combat role herself. I think it could be neat! He seems really dedicated to keeping them all safe, and I think he'd appreciate the sense of purpose Lucy brings.
“I can’t do it anyway, until you guys have made your choices for the big three.  It unbalances things.”
but yeah :( Just for narrative reasons, I don't see this happening
“If he takes over as Carmine, pretty much everyone seems to think he won’t hold that spot for long. Maybe, um, if you take him as familiar, it rules him out for that?” “If it does, you two are going to need to decide fast,” Lucy answered.
oh interesting. I like that Lucy would clearly choose John as a familiar if it would keep him safe. I wonder if that would be the case for other Others of Kennet? Would one or another of the girls offer to make them a familiar? Because apart from Alpeana, I don't really think so.
Other option is that it wouldn't keep him from being chosen, in which case I'm curious to see what would happen from having one of the judges of the region as a familiar.
“Set up the right sort of duel with the right terms… you can take next to anything you want as a prize.” “Including someone’s implement?”
that would explain what the Musser's are doing, though I'm assuming you need a particular setup/diagram/ritual to make it work, otherwise everyone would be doing this. I wonder if it works in reverse? Like if Reid tried to get Lucy's earring in a duel, but she won, would she get his nine implements? Or maybe only one would be at stake.
“Feels less like he’s been that knowledgeable about stuff all along and we’ve ignored it, and more like he’s been keeping a lot up his sleeve.” “Seeing more of this world like we are, I’m feeling like it’s a necessary thing for survival,” Lucy said.
probably a lot safer for a goblin to be just a bit smarter and more knowledgeable than standard around new practitioners, rather than let them see how experienced he actually is
Bending down was starting to make her arm and upper chest hurt, where Shellie’s whip had slashed her across the collarbone. It felt like she was pulling at it.
just realized Avery has not been thinking/noticing her injury at all this chapter before now. Not sure if it's just a minor hurt or conservation of detail, or if this is something closer to how Verona's chapters often skip over her emotions.
one tall and stylishly dressed in a way Avery sorta wished she could emulate
I think she's talking about Musser here, went back and checked the description from a few chapters back, and he's described as looking like a hollywood agent, blazer+tshirt combo. I can see that for her, sort of casual dressy masc?
My way?  It does work.  It does give us the organization and means of stopping what needs to be stopped, and building what needs to be built.
incredibly ominous coming from a guy like Bristow
you’re an equivalent to barbarians, at the same time I’m trying to bring civilization to the practice
... I would love to see a mundane AU where Bristow gets fired from his teaching job after being canceled on twitter after a clip of him talking like this goes viral
Laila ran for a gap between the brownies.  A pretty obvious trap.
I'm assuming this is what Kevin did
She used what she’d picked up in Zoomtown to slip between them, used her shoes for boosts of speed when she was confident she wouldn’t hurl herself into a tree trunk or branch.
a) I like the Zoomtown benefits, they're coming in handy b) still keeping an eye out for the moment those shoes fail, and worried about how much Avery is relying on them
Avery didn’t go.  She looked back, watching as Tashlit laid a hand on Laila, then pulled it away.  There was no glow, there was no healing. Tashlit shook her head.
oh. oh fuck. I didn't expect anyone to actually die, not this early, not in such a mundane way.
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transeuropexpress · 2 years ago
Record Mirror interview with Ralf Hütter, conduced by Mark Cooper (1982)
I mean, let's start with the obvious, and perhaps the funniest thing about this interview. The photo on the first page is of Florian and they spelled 'Ralf' as 'Ralph' underneath it, despite the fact it's spelled correctly everywhere else. Some poor editor wasn't too interested, it seems... anyway!
"Ralf Hütter is the voice of Kraftwerk. He writes the words and gives the interviews, talking in the kind of perfect English which no English person can manage... Ralf is small and precise, giving an overwhelming impression of neatness. Like Kraftwerk, he likes a joke. Bad puns are his favorite and he underlines them with his eyebrows as if to explain, "I make joke" ... Polite and shy, Ralf is extremely reasonable and pleasantly ponderous -- like German bread."
Mark Cooper gives a strange first impression of Ralf, which I suppose isn't all that strange in itself for a Kraftwerk interview. First considering the header ("I'm not nuts," is he or isn't he?) which leads you to suspect Ralf is actually unusual, then being described as "ponderous" and "normal to the point of being weird," Cooper appears to have something of a grudge against him. In fact he admits to it, writing that "A part of me is convinced he's quite mad, another that he's dangerous," which... okay? I can't conceive of any reason why interviewers keep bringing up this concern of Ralf (and Florian) being dangerous somehow, whether that's in reference to the way they use their instruments or in their own persons, besides being a bit sensationalist. Kraftwerk was something new, something unlike anything else, and the members presented themselves in a very manicured and un-sensational way... so you have to make something up. Being clinically precise and intimidating fit right into both the German stereotype and idea of being robotic.
Which isn't to say it's all bad. Cooper also describes Ralf as having a sense of humor, which he acknowledges Kraftwerk incorporates into their music, and that he's polite, rather pretty, intelligent, and earnest. Ralf has nerves -- he's "Germanically human." Well, enough about the people, what about the music?
"In love with machines, Kraftwerk spends a good deal of time extolling a world in which humans would live happily and equally with machines and just about as much time portraying a world of frightening uniformity in which humans, like 'The Model,' have lost any individuality and become as machines"
Hmmm... This interview is from 1982, so through the album Computerworld. While rough, I feel, in description, it's right to say there's a split between Kraftwerk's depiction of machines as friend and foe. Computerworld especially explores the imminent use of computer technology to monitor citizens, but also revels in the possibilities of everyone having their own personal computing machine (I'm composing, I'm controlling || I beam myself into the future!). This isn't a new sentiment from them. Ich bin Ihr Deiner und Ihr Herr zugleich...
"Their music extols order to a point beyond the classical, to a point where I sometimes wonder whether the record's stuck, all the while evoking one constant emotion, loss."
I have to admit, when I first listened to Kraftwerk albums I also thought they could be repetitive. Now I hear them differently, through a lens of biased love and admiration, so.. well... anyway, I have to agree wholeheartedly with Cooper's last line there. Yes, Kraftwerk's music is uniquely melancholy. It's the best word for it, a sadness you can't really place. In hindsight, 'loss' could be a good word, the loss of a dreamed future that never came to be. Then, perhaps, the loss of a present reality which was freer and less monitored. Trans-Europe Express is so achingly romantic you can't help but let the post-card views flash through your mind, marred here and there with bombshell craters. And Radio-Activity... that needs its own post.
"I ask Ralf if he thinks he's normal. The question seems to shock him"
Well I should think so. asshole. Cooper says Ralf's being either 'clever or naive,' which is 'just like Kraftwerk.' Unfortunately I think he's right again because Ralf does admit to feeling out of place when he was a kid and I mean, he's never wanted to incorporate himself or his projects into the mainstream, really. Kraftwerk never worked with another band/artist to make music. Ralf openly explains that the aesthetics and values of Kraftwerk should remain distinctly separate from the flashiness of rock n roll, that Kraftwerk began to define their own (and Germany's own) type of music, specifically to break way from the popular anglo-American scenes.
Ralf: "I was out of touch with others... But since we made Kraftwerk and discovered our productivity by making our own music and pushing off the old classics, we found our normalcy. We closed ourselves in and started the Kling Klang studio and asked, 'Where are we? What do we want to play? What is happening?' Now we're social workers, we have a holistic approach to our work."
Alright. I'll skip the armchair psychology but finding normalcy by closing yourself off from the world and doing it your own way... then there's the disregard of 'old classics' which might be a bit of arrogance coming through because I know for a fact Kraftwerk admires the work of many influential past artists, though he may just mean they were throwing off the shackles of expectation and formulae.
"Kraftwerk are more like some weirdo's notion of the normal than the scruffy, day-to-day normality that most of us endure. Ralf: "It's very basic and so very honest. You can't call it anything else but work."
When I go to hell there'll be a Kraftwerk journalist tied to a chair and a demon will hand me a baseball bat or other blunt instrument. Or maybe that's heaven? Anyway stop being so mean. Even if you're correct. Or be more accurate -- I wouldn't say Kraftwerk is truly trying to look "normal." Their aesthetics are polished and purposeful, as much a message as any punk rock group wearing patched-up secondhand leather jackets. The people behind Kraftwerk aren't supposed to be part of the spectacle, really -- they're made almost to blend in with their machines, appear the same as each other, give the impression of mechanical perfection as much as human care to human sense of style. None of which is overwhelmingly normal to me. But yes, they look more 'normal' with their shirts and slacks than traditional bands, and yet much neater than your average person on the street.
Then there's Ralf's philosophy on work. Musikarbeiter.
Ralf: "We are suggesting that people re-think their whole working situation, co-operate with one another and become productive. This is how work should be whether you are a musician, a journalist or a dentist."
A little ironic for the guy who just said he closed himself off to work on his music. But there's three other people in the Kling Klang Studio at that time, so, point still stands? He really wants the perception that he and the other members of Kraftwerk are workers, and derides the common notion of what working is. Ralf calls it slavery, says that the promise of a holiday doesn't excuse ten months of hard and unfulfilling work. But he and the other Twerkers, if you will, go into the studio for 'eight to ten hours a day, each shift,' so what gives? Like he said earlier, they do holistic work. Kraftwerk defines its own way forward instead of 'conforming,' as Cooper writes, and it would be better for everyone if the working world allowed for human expression and creativity, the ability to experience art in a way more than superficially observing it, if people could build from the ground up instead of scaffold the crumbling foundation. Well now that's very nice, if it were feasible. Cooper writes that "In insisting that they are workers like everybody else, they only succeed in making 'work' glamorous -- their work." And I have to agree to an extent. Yes, making music is work, and yes, making music is an occupation far removed from the realities of the average working man. It's easy to say from the outside how things should be, and I don't mean to say Ralf is wrong -- capitalism is hell -- but I always that the sentiment was a little self-important. What I'm doing is ideal.
"I tell him that, in the context of pop, remaining faceless is inevitably just another ploy, a means of making people more interested in them than less. Kraftwerk are in danger of becoming a gimmick. Kraftwerk pretend to reduce their making of pop music to the level of all health jobs."
I won't speak too much to this point because I constantly chide myself for finding the members of Kraftwerk fucking fascinating, precisely because I know just enough to be curious and not enough to stop speculating.
Ralf: "We were always very rhythmical. We always hated 'electronic' music whose connotations were intellectual only. We introduced the body to electronic music." And the heart? "The heart is a muscle so you could say we introduced the muscle." This is one of Ralf's jokes.
I'd like to know what electronic music he's referring to here, because I know that Karl is a big fan of Stockhausen, whose music I wouldn't necessarily dance to at the club. Also I just really like the quote about introducing the body to electronic music, because it's very close to the man-machine concept and it's kinda hot
"Unfortunately this attitude isn't reflected in Kraftwerk's own stage show in which the four figures of Kraftwerk operate their studio onstage while their audience stare on in awe and, mostly, in silence."
This is supposed to be calling out hypocrisy. It refers to how Ralf is quite comfortable in discos because there's no real ego to it and 'the spotlight is on everybody.' Then again, how on earth are you supposed to do a live show otherwise? And I think the whole 'looking so normal it's weird' thing we talked about earlier was supposed to alleviate some of the attention, too.
Ralf: "We are very anarchic, or rather, maybe we are what comes after chaos. And our machine-like state is maybe a step to being born in a new society. By bringing machines back to life again, we make them our friends. We treat them cooperatively as an equal part of the working process."
Wont lie "Maybe we are what comes after chaos" goes hard as hell. Because it's almost true, with how he's always talking about rebuilding a cultural life after it was destroyed by WW2. And then I'd like to interpret the machines as friends as almost a 'keep your enemies closer' type of thing. Computers and technology are an inevitable counterpart of human life and work, so best to get to know them now before they're too complex to comprehend. Keep them friendly, domesticated, in the interest of good.
Ralf: "Being brought up in Germany, there's not much that anyone can tell us about order. Order in Germany wasn't invented by the Nazis -- it was there before and it continues afterwards."
He said shut the hell up for once about the Nazis I'm tired of hearing the same question over again
"And yet there is something dubious about this new world, something cynical and overarranged, something altogether too healthy.. Ralf: "We're not interested in alcohol and other forms of darkening your mind... otherwise you're just abusing yourself. We have done this but now we have more confidence in the things we do." "An order beyond the older order, a simple and productive world of clean humans and clean machines."
I can tell you right goddam now that Ralf is being pretentious because Karl definitely wrote about getting quite drunk and wondering how Ralf could maintain such self-control. So the 'we' in his quote or more of a 'me.' On what Cooper writes: again, it's that melancholia just now mixed with his own reservations. Ralf is presenting a very orderly picture (which isn't quite reality) and I can imagine it may be disconcerting to hear in conjunction with music which, when first released, sounded beyond computerized, although after his mention of Nazis I feel his description is getting a little too referential.
Ralf: "In Germany there is a saying, 'If your morals are ruined, you can live quite easily.' The word 'morality' implies a certain codex from Hollywood and we work outside that. In German music we are observers, more concerned with mechanics and realism."
Kraftwerk's music never paints a clear picture (except for the condemnation of nuclear energy, although after the original release of Radio-activity which had no such decision) of the subjects it discusses. It leaves you guessing, it leaves you thinking, it makes you do the work. American media hates that. American media wants a good guy and a bad guy, demands a clear moral picture (Hays Code, anybody?) and as such limits what the public consumes, because artists can get blocked at the door. Of course, it's not just American media, but we're naming Hollywood here, and I'm thinking of modern Disney too.
Ralf: "We are not macho or anything, we are more androgynous."
Very swag ☑️ Electronic waves are an androgynous medium, after all... and to be real, this is an important part of Kraftwerk's aesthetic. The humans aren't supposed to be important, so who cares what they are? Kraftwerk separates itself as much as possible from anglo-American music scenes, so the forceful masculinity that's often perpetrated is thrown out the window. Androgyny and ambiguous messages in their music go hand-in-hand.
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macaronnya · 3 years ago
Fresh(?) Impressions (10)
Other parts: |Trickstar| |UNDEAD| |2wink| |Ra*bits| |Akatsuki| |fine| |Ryuseitai| |Knights| |Valkyrie| |Switch| |MaM/Double Face/Crazy:B| |Eden| |Alkaloid|
Hello Enstarries~☆ It is the 10th part already! With the trio Switch here! There really are a lot of idol (groups) to go through huh....I think I get now how the wayback machine works, so I hope I can finish this series next week or so to finally begin reading the "!" stories. Ngl, it's a lot more enjoyable to learn about everyone like this. I'd probably be too lazy otherwise lol.
DISCLAIMER!: Everything said here is for entertainment purposes only and not meant to attack anyone. This is not an accurate description of any characters but my subjective rambling for fun, so please don't take it too seriously. (Just to be safe, I'm kinda scared of elite idol fans) Also, you will hear me mention other games a bunch of times bc I'm that bad and uncreative at explaining and I'm still grieving A3!EN's shutdown. Eng is my 2nd (or 3rd?) language so there might be some weird grammar or spelling mistakes. And I write at 3 am usually.
Without further ado...Let's Ensemble!☆
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You wouldn't think they're magicians at first glance, which is not a bad thing. Honestly, I don't have a lot to say about them. Their outfits are decent. A bit weird maybe. Sora's variation is the only good looking one. That's because the shoes just don't fit with the long trousers and the big thunder symbol with its thick black outlines on the vest look ugly and it's kind of too much with a third color (red/blue). And I don't like the zippers. Or the belts. I like the the necklaces though. Their music is pretty decent, too. At first, it wasn't really to my taste but it does make for nice background music, is what I discovered after going shopping and having Switch songs come up. It's generally upbeat but a bit more lowkey compared to Trickstar. I
A bit funky I think and hmmm...idk how to say this but it often uses these snyth instruments??? I have no idea what you call them but like, sounds that don't belong to a classical intrument, y'know? I sound like a grandma. I guess they kind of give the music the sparkle, as they're modern magicians and all. I like I "witch" you a happy Halloween and Omoi no kakera. Oh, I almost forgot to mention this, it's neat how everyone has hair highlights.
5/10 - average but they have some good songs
Natsume Sakasaki
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I do adMIT. While reading his Ep.1, I was more or less distracted by his magic of changing the text font as well as his speech haBIT. Maybe anone can do it and I just haven't seen it yet? But I saw that when he talked to Tsumugi it also changed? I cringed when he called us kitten. He seems like a gentleman but I just....don't vibe with him. He has a nice voice, though. It's rich and thick like condensed milk but not as sweet. He's a fortune teller so...yeah. Nothing comes to mind. Looks pretty chill otherwise.
4.5/10 - a dude but ehhhhh
Tsumugi Aoba
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Why does everybody hate him? Perhaps my brain is exaggerating some memories but I remember him being really dunked on by magic redhead anytime he exists and a lot of others as well? His memes show him very pathetically if I remember right. He does seem to be a bit of a pushover but not really meek? I want to say I like his fluffy hair but somehow I hesitate. He has a normal voice but smoother than the average. Like, milk. Normal 3,5% fat milk instead of plain still water.
5/10 - a dude with glasses
Sora Harukawa
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I think he's genuinely bebi but I can't bring myself to not dislike his voice. It's like muffled blackboard scratching. I thought he was just a normal happy go lucky sunshine shota but the bit of him having synesthesia came outta nowhere. I wonder if it's just like a trivial trait of his or if it's more explored. I was convinced that he didn't go through anything too hard but when he apologized for his laugh and talked about wanting to experience others perspectives, it gives me the feeling he definitely has experienced some kind of rejection due to his condition and general personality as well. Which is sad, you shouldn't apologize for being happy and expressing it, unless the situation is inappropiate ofc. That might also be the reason why he wants to bring happiness to others in need, like he once was. Btw his laugh is indeed a bit annoying. I'm sorry 🤧 maybe I'll get used to it with time.
5.5/10 - apple juice, smth most like but I prefer to drink only once a month
This part might actually be shorter than Valkyrie's 🗿 Switch is just very lukewarm.
Now, just a small pet peeve rant that came to me after Natsume's Ep.1, that not necessarily just applies to him specifically, but I really hate the trope of "Oh, be careful around wolves, I am also one of them you know?" I know it's supposed to bring the fact, that they're potential love interest as well, to attention but to me it just seems like they're saying they're fucking perverts. Like, shouldn't you be happy, she feels comfortable enough with you to be in the same room or smth? Women especially know just how dangerous the world can be for them specifically, let them feel safe for 1 sec asshat. Like, doesn't Japan have train sections for women only bc the harassments got that bad? Women always hear to be careful at night, watch for their drinks, have some self-defense or escape tips, etc. Not attacking another person, let alone a women, should be fucking normal. Not even common decency. What is romantic about that?????? I know they all just mean it jokingly and all but I just cringe, whenever that happens. If you're already in an established relationship, that's a bit different but otherwise it's just weird and uncomfortable.
Phew, that was a mouthful. If you wanna share anything, just be mindful of others and keep in mind it's all just for fun here. My wrist is killing me so much rn. Until the next post ~☆
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the-gay-prometheus · 3 years ago
🐓- Comfort movie or show
>Hmmm. Well HTTYD (any of them) is a comfort movie for me. As is Song of the Sea. Comfort shows include Infinity Train and Arcane. There are more but those are the ones I can think of right now.
🧵- Recent project I'm proud of
>Oof um... I really haven't done any projects recently. I've kinda been in a state of major writers block and art block recently. I can't actually even remember the last personal project i completed.
🥛- Comfort food
>Changes on a regular basis, much like my list of safe foods, which isn't exactly helpful 🙃 As a general rule though: many kinds of soups, things with a southeast Asian kind of vibe, bread very lightly toasted and spread with peanut butter and honey, and ...as of recently.... Mini chocolate chips eaten with milk like cereal. Which is so oddly specific. But it's what I've got 😅
🍯- One thing I like about myself
>Oh jeez you're not gonna like this answer. Am I allowed to say nothing? I don't really ... Like anything about myself. Except maybe the way I view the world. I think it's pretty neat even if I can't quite explain it right. That's not to say I 100% hate myself I just- don't see anything particularly likeable about me I guess.
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nvvermore · 4 years ago
Into You
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Amaryllis delivers on the promise they made the last time they were alone with Julian
words: 1536
cw: blood/injury
NSFW: oral sex, deep throating, pain play, dirty talk, semi-public sex, cum swapping
“It seems you aren’t afraid of danger,” Amaryllis taunts.
“Afraid of danger? Why, Amaryllis, I live for it,” Julian throws his arms out wide. “Positively enchanted by danger, I am.”
“Is that so? And pain doesn’t scare you either?” they ask, even though they’re more than certain they’ve guessed the correct answer by now.
“Why should it? In my line of work, you can't be afraid of a little pain. One might say I have… intimate knowledge of it.”
“’Intimate knowledge’, hmm?” Amaryllis places a hand on his waist and takes a step forward, pressing lightly at the wound. Julian swallows, and then grins at them.
“Oho. Are we dancing? What, er. What’s your position? Tango? Waltz?” They take another step, pressing fully at the wound now. “I’ve heard you dance an excellent polka-” The injury hardly seems lethal, and while Amaryllis is no healer, they can sense how the wound is slowly mending on it’s own. His pain level is indicated by the way Julian bites his lip and makes a muffled noise as his back hits the shoddy brick and Amaryllis crowds him against it.
His visible gray eye is clouded with desperation as he looks down at them. “S-so, not the waltz then. Pity, I've been known to cut a rug-“ Amaryllis presses down on the bite, the blood soaking through his shirt staining their fingertips, and he moans.
Oh, he likes the pain alright.
His fingers dig into their shoulder, gripping them like a lifeline as he starts to slide down the wall. “Amaryllis-“
“Ah ah, stay on your feet, Ilya.” It’s a risk, using his given name, what with the way it sent them into a fit of pain yesterday at the shop. “I have an idea, if you’ll hear it.”
“Anything for you,” he gasps out.
“Good boy,” they purr. “Remember yesterday, what I said I’d do to you next time?”
“I haven’t stopped thinking about it.”
“I should hope not.” If they were being honest, they hadn’t either. “Now, gloves off. I want to feel your hands in my hair.”
“I um, are you sure this is the best time, the guards-“ Amaryllis’s free hand trails down to palm at the visible hardness in his trousers.
“Then, you’d better stay quiet and come quickly.” Julian nods, and strips off his gloves and drops them onto the ground. “You remember the word I gave you?”
He nods again. “Yes, ‘hemlock’- I don’t mean it right now thou-“ The beginnings of his rambling is cut off by Amaryllis dropping to their knees before them. “Ohhhh...”
“I’m never the one who gets down on their knees,” Amaryllis’s hands remain exactly as they were, every so often applying pressure to both his side and his cock. “But, this gown is a lost cause anyways,” they lock their ruby gaze onto his flushed face, “and I can’t deny that you’re special.”
Then, Amaryllis leans forward and begins to undo the fastenings at his waist with their teeth. Above them Julian gasps, and they feel his hands hover above their head for a moment before— so gently— threading his long fingers into their crimson hair. As efficient as they are, it's only a moment until the sash at his waist drops to the ground and they’re untucking his blouse and pulling his cock from his pants. Normally, they’d prefer to tease him much more thoroughly, but this wasn’t the time. It could be the right place though, another time, when they weren’t running from guards.
“Oh, gods,” Julian breathes, and his grip in their hair tightens.
“Remember, be quiet, lest the guards catch us,” they whisper, and he nods, expression shifting into something even more debauched. “Oh, but you’d like that, wouldn’t you?” Unbeknownst to him, Amaryllis casts a simple silencing spell over the two of them. Certainly they don’t expect him to be capable of actually staying quiet without anything in his mouth to keep him that way.
With one hand, Amaryllis begins to stroke him, teasingly slow and wine-colored lips teasingly close.
“Getting caught with your cock in my mouth, I’m sure it would be quite the surprise.” Their thumb passes over his slit, and Julian is already failing at keeping quiet. “I’m sure some of them would love to stop and watch.” Amaryllis ghosts their lips ghost down his shaft. “And I bet some would even want to join in.” In an instant they go from slow and teasing, to swiftly running the flat of their tongue up the underside of his cock, swirling it around the head. Julian groans, only slightly muffled by how hard he’s biting his lip.
“If you’d let them, perhaps they could be persuaded to spare you. You could switch places with me, get on your knees, hm?” Julian looks as though he’s going to offer some sort of response, but he’s cut off by Amaryllis taking him into their mouth. Instead, he can only cry out, pulling a hand from their hair to cover his mouth with. They hum, before pulling off with a ‘pop’. “Did I say you could take your hands off of me?”
“Ah, no, I- I’m sorry.” he stammers out, replacing his hand. As punishment— albeit not a very good one— they press down hard on his side. This time, he bites down on his bottom lip hard enough to draw blood. Amaryllis wraps their spit-slick lips around him again, looking up at him through their long lashes with cheeks hallowed. In one swift movement, they take him fully, the tip brushing their throat, and Julian let out a string of swears above them. He avoids looking in their eyes, and when they swallow around him, he pulls on their hair and they moan at the feeling, setting him off over and over again.
They pull off of him, leaving behind messy smears of lipstick. “Already so close? After only a few minutes? Perhaps I should draw this out some more.”
Julian finally looks down at them, growing even more flushed at the sight of Amaryllis mouthing at his cock so casually. “No, I- please, you feel so good,” he pleads.
“Hmmm…” Amaryllis hums with their lips on him. Lazily, they swirl their tongue around him, shallowly taking him in and only giving him a few short bobs of their head. Just when he seems like he’s least expecting it, they suddenly sink down on him until their nose brushes against the neat auburn curls at his base.
“Ahh, you’re so good, your mouth is so perfect-“ Not that Julian would know, but his words flip something of a switch for Amaryllis. They start to suck him off in earnest, all while putting more and more pressure on his side. His knees seem to threaten to buckle, and thank the gods they had the foresight to cast that silencing spell, because he also forgets any attempt to stay quiet. More praises and moans fall from his lips, and they do well to encourage Amaryllis, and they wrap their other hand around him to pump in tandem with the slick drag of their mouth.
And it isn’t much longer at all until he comes, his cry even louder and more wanton than he’d sounded yesterday. Amaryllis is careful not to waste or swallow a single drop of his cum, pleased to savor the bitter taste. Julian’s chest is still heaving, dazed and out of breath as they rise to their feet and wrap their arms around him.
When he opens his eye, Amaryllis opens their mouth, tongue lolling out carefully to show off. Julian seems to read their mind then, and before they can kiss him, as planned, instead he crashes his lips against theirs. He wastes no time in slipping his tongue past their lips to chase a taste of himself in their mouth. They exchange sloppy kisses until all his cum is swallowed by one of them.
“It’s a little embarrassing,” Julian says between pecks to their lips, “this is the second time you’ve, um, brought me to finish so quickly, I promise I’m not always like this.”
“Oh even if you were, I like it.”
Just like during yesterday’s afterglow, their kisses gradually turn from heated to leisurely, Julian boneless against them. Amaryllis runs their fingers over the spot at his side, relieved to find no sign of the previous wound.
Amaryllis would be content to stay here longer, see what other trouble they could get up to together. But of course, it isn't much longer until armored footfalls are heard from the street right outside the garden.
“Well, time to go,” Amaryllis whispers against his lips.
“But what about me getting on my knees?” Julian jokes, though they’re certain he really would enjoy such a thing. Maybe, after they solved all his problems, they could arrange for such a scene. Amaryllis rolls their eyes at him as they refasten his belts and collect his gloves.
“I want you on your knees before me,”
“Oh, oh… That’s a much better idea than-“ he clears his throat. “Come, I know a place we can lay low for a while.”
They take his offered hand. “Lead the way, Ilya.”
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tonguetiedraven · 3 years ago
I'm here to deliver on all of these ♥
- ask me things you want to know about me
hmmm what is your favorite dessert?
- why you follow me -
because I was absolutely delighted the moment you jumped on tumblr after falling in love with your writing on ao3. and i have never regretted it.
- what’s on your mind/what you’re thinking about
i want to write so many things lol. aside from continuing my current xmas fic, i have at least 4-5 one shot ideas just waiting for me to just gogogogo (one being the ask you sent me not long ago, of which i want to reply in with two separate fics :D)
also as i was writing this i noticed how awfully dirty my glasses were, i hate how easily they get dirty lol
- a compliment
i'm so happy to know you ♥ and like i told you earlier, your writing just absolutely fills my heart and i can trust you to deliver on any idea bc your characterization is so so good. and to top it off your art is so lovely and you're such a sweet person ♥
- make me choose between two things
if you had to choose between your favorite food and your favorite drink, which one can you live without?
- ask for advice
what are your top drawing tips? i don't draw all that often because writing is a lot less time consuming for me, but i do every once in a while get the urge to get back in it.
- tell me a secret
is this a secret? haha. i absolutely adored writing with you. looking forward to future collabs ♥ ;)
- things you associate me with
sunshine, patience, ryuuji, the icon of a writing pen haha
- anything!!!!
i hope you're having a wonderful day!
1) Favorite dessert: Ice cream! Raspberry is my favorite, but it's hard to find, so mint chocolate chip is my second.
2) Reason you follow me: 🥺🥺💙💙 *hugs* I was so happy you followed me because I had looked and couldn't find you because I didn't realize you were 29rynoa over here xD
3)What's on your mind right now: This killed me xD I felt your answer so much. I was thinking about all the chores I should be doing, and how I just wanted to write or draw. (I am so excited to read whatever you write for that ask, but don't rush yourself! And two fics :O !!!! ^^ That's FANTASTIC!!!!)
(I think I'm going to have to get glasses soon, and cleaning them is something I'm not looking forward to)
3) A compliment: 🥰🥰🥰
I'm so happy to know you to!!! I love the way you write, all the incredibly cool ideas you come up with, how incredible you are at finding the cutest little manga moments, how encouraging you are, and how easy you are to talk to 🥰💙🥰💙🥰
4) Make me choose between two things: Favorite drink = Tea, and Favorite Meal = Curry... I think I'd have to go with the food, because I drink tea every day I can, and I would be out of my caffeine fix without it. But man would I miss my curry.
5) Ask for advice:
My art advice is embrace being messy. A lot people try and stay really neat and tidy and get worried about being messy, but you can always clean your work up. My second tip would be to work on the entire thing and gradually add the details everywhere. Nothing sucks more than getting one spot really detailed and well proportioned -- like an eye -- and then realizing that you got something else, like the nose, in the wrong spot. If you start with a loose/messy sketch and generally refine it/add details everywhere, it makes it much easier to correct proportions. For me at least ^^
Other than that? Practice is your best friend! And studying references for different body parts.
6) Tell me a secret: I adored writing with you too, and I can't wait to write more with you :D I love so many of the ideas you've sent, and I think we have at least five more fics to write, lol!
7) things you associate me with:
;-; *hugs again*
Strange as it may be, I tend to associate people with certain ones of my stories. It might be a comment they left me or that they gave me the idea. For you, you were the first person to ever give me a comment on an aoex story, and you gave me a lot of courage to keep writing BTSAS and some great ideas for it. So (weird as it might seem), whenever I do something with that story it makes me think of your encouragement. You're also the reason I gave writing Renzou and Yukio a try, and I always associate them with you ^^ Outside of that? One Piece (I started it because of you) and positivity.
I hope you're having a wonderful day/night too!!
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roxxythebirbrps · 6 years ago
Reunited Part 2
Damien:Yeah, I guess it would confuse them. *laughs, having not felt this happy or this close to another human being in a while* Please don't trip in my house, I don't want to have to patch you up all over again. *smiles a bit looking a little confused at the community question* Hmm? It got a few shops, but most just come here because it's better quality, but they do have a potioneer shop that I love, hard to get stuff... it seems a bit shady, but as long as it's at a decent price, I choice not to ask about it. *laughs*
Charlie: hmmm darn I was hoping maybe that there would be a shop I might be able to work at cause I can't really find a job here and I have no connections. I'm certainly not skilled enough to make it through medical school and I'm certainly not smart enough to teach. And at least they know you, I dunno. *taps the table with her finger* I am just so tired of working in a muggle world surrounded by muggles. *laughs a little sitting up* sorry I'm going off on a tangent.
Damien: *frowns* Charlie, you are definitely skilled enough and smart enough to do both those things and more, and patient enough to deal with kids- you've dealt with me all those years! *laughs* What I'm trying to say is, just don't put yourself down. I'm sure you'll find something you want to do. *watched her tap the table lightly, placing two and two together after a small bit of time* What you mean by this "tangent" you're going on is that you want me to help you find a job in my community. I think I could probably help you. *smiles*
Charlie: *sighs and puts her head on the table* Merlin's beard I am just the worst! I haven't seen you in two years and the first thing I do is ask you to help me find a job. *she looks up a little* I'm sorry Damien You don't have to help me, really you don't.
Damien: Come on Charlie, smile....*pets her head lightly* Chin up Kiddo. I'll help you, that's what friends do, right? Look out for each other. The small book shop by my place may be hiring, right now... the other apprentice go into so nasty accident- Oh! Nothing to do with the books I think! *laughs* .... I hope... But anyway, if you do head down there, just steer clear of the potioneer's shop... like I said, it's a bit shady. *laughs again*
Charlie: *smiles a little when he pets her head it did comfort her* Thanks Damien really...... *she chuckles lightly up at his shady comment and sits up* I'll make sure to, I should spend a week at your cottage, see if you notice that I snuck in *laughs kidding but feels better all the same*
Damien: It's the least I can do for you. *smiles as she speaks about spending a week* As tidy as I am, I'm sure to notice if a little mouse decides to sneak into my home. Particularly one so clumsy. *laughs* Anyway, shouldn't you have your apparition licence? You'd be much more comfortable traveling from your home.
Charlie: Heeey I'm not messy and i'm not- well yeah I'm still clumsy as hell *laughs a bit* You just don't want me to be in the same house as you for a week *sticks her tongue out and laughs again* Hey we have been here for a while now and we still haven't that cuppa *chuckles leaning against the table again smiling at him, she missed all this. Her long talks with Damien them laughing together him helping her out all this*
Damien: I never said you were messy, just that I'm overly neat in my own house. Plus I'm sure you wouldn't want to live with me for a week. *smiles* I hardly noticed we haven't ordered anything! *laughs, he hasn't chatted with anyone in so long, the talk took full priority, he thought about it, amazed how easily they fell back into old habits at first contact, he laughed again waving a waiter over* Just want a cuppa Earl grey, nothing fancy, thanks. And you kiddo?
Charlie: isn't that the same thing? *laughs* why wouldn't I want to spend a week with my friend? *she smiles at the waiter when they come over and waits for Damien to order since he was paying* I'll have a raspberry green tea with two sugars please *smiles back over at Damien* you really need to stop calling me Kiddo, I'm not a kid anymore I'm a legal adult you know.
Damien: *nods at the waiter and he was off* Spending time and living with are two different things, Charlie, and I'm quite sure I'm neurotic enough to be somewhat of a hassle to live with... *smiles* As for the kiddo thing. I don't care how grow you get, you still always be that first year with the bruised knees. *laughs and without thinking plays with one of the flowers in the bouquet gently*
Charlie: You sound like my dad stop it *chuckles and lightly pokes his forehead* At least promise me to treat me like an adult instead of one of the students back at Hogwarts *Damien will always be her knight in shining armor, the one she knows will always care*
Damien: Hey! *rubs his forehead raising his other hand up in surrender* I can make not promises, Kiddo. *oh, was that a slight smirk?* It's a slightly automatic response for me now, but when have I ever treated you as just one of the students? I mean, other than your first year, but at that time I had hardly met you so of course you wouldn't get any special treatment!
Charlie: *gasps slightly at the smirk then laughs* you... Well yes i don't think it was till my 15th visit that you even remembered to call me Charlie and not Charlene *she chuckles looking around a little kicking her feet a little when she accidently kicks Damien lightly* oops sorry.
Damien: Well, the name on file was Charlene, I'm sorry I read the student files. *smiles, then winces as she kicks him, bending down slightly to rub his leg, misjudging the height of the table and hitting his chin in the process right as the waiter comes with their tea. He sits up straight, face slightly flustered as the waiter asks if he's alright* Yes, Yes, I am... T-Thank you, sir, I'll just take my tea now.... *taking his tea out the waiter's hand her pointedly looked at the table as the waiter place Charlie's tea in front of her a bowed from the table. Damien sighed and shook his head speaking to himself* Way to make a scene
Charlie: *winches slightly when he hits his chin then feels so bad when the waiter comes up and he gets all flustered from that. As much as she thinks him getting flustered is cute she didn't want to make him feel bad, when the waiter walked away she reaches over and puts a hand on top of his* You okay? *smiles a little at him*
Damien: *smiles a little, trying to keep it together for her- a grown man should not get so flustered or the silliest things!- his face still slightly red but already feeling better* I'll be fine, thank you. *pats her hand lightly with his free one* Now, let's drink then, shall we? *his smile grew a little as he moved his hand from under hers to pick up his cup*
Charlie: *she smiles and picks up her cup and lifts it up smelling it lightly* mm~ *she slowly sips her cup of tea, a faint smile on her face as she continues to sip her tea* Oh this was a good choice~ How is yours Damie? *smiles across the table at him*
Damien: *had been taking a sip his face lighting up at her smile and then fell* D-damie? Really, Charlie? *he raises his eyebrow in protest, but really when would he ever protest anything she says, his face lighting up at her smile, he takes a sip* Seeped to perfection... It'd probably be bland to you, but that's just how I like it~ *taking another sip, he's wearing a smile matching hers, enjoying the moment of good tea and good company*
Charlie: Yeaaaah I like my tea sweet or fruity...or both *laughs a little* you and your bland tea~ bleh! *giggles and sips off her tea, thinking it might be fun to try and play a little footsie she lightly taps her foot against Damien's smiling like she totally didn't just tap his foot*
Damien: Yet another reason to call you Kiddo, Charlie, just one more reason. *laughs taking another sip, noticing the tap against his foot* Charlie.... are you swinging your foot again
1 note · View note
zombiiesque · 4 years ago
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Nocturne Alchemy Seth's Dinosaur Collection - PART TWO
Originally published on 6/28/2016
Hi y'all! I'm back at it again today. And crossing my fingers I don't get pulled away from the computer, so I can get this up for y'all. It's a gorgeous day out, and we haven't had any rain yet. I swear, we've been waterlogged here in Florida ever since hurricane season started.
So I think this review will be a little shorter - I'm sure you're all breathing a sigh of relief. Hey, I can remember when the internet was ALL TEXT, no graphics, no photos, just....text. Yep, true story. We've come a long way. Anyway, so today I'm covering the second release, which is when the Prehistoric collection name came about. There were six perfumes in that release. Of those, I have four - I'm missing Ankylosaurus and Caudipteryx. I actually had a full bottle of Ankylosaurus, and I traded it away (I think for Pumpkin #6, actually, if I'm remembering correctly!). I definitely have some regrets over that, I'm thinking I might want to try to get that one again if I can. Also, I'm kind of doing a *headdesk* moment over Caudipteryx - y'all, it's a chypre! Umm, why did I not get a bottle of this? Probably because I was too obsessed last summer over picking up my beloved Pteranodon and the others I didn't get in the first round, so in playing catch up I wasn't paying attention too closely for the note description of Caudipteryx. Anyway, so I have four perfumes to cover for you this afternoon, and two of them are quite complex, so let's just dive right in, shall we?
As a side note, if you missed my review of the first release, you can click here and it will take you to it, it has some pertinent notes about these perfumes. I want to go ahead and mention this again, though - these perfumes were designed to be "hatched" or layered, to bring out the complexity of the notes. They might seem a little flat or linear to you if you wear them alone, although of course you are welcome to do so. This is especially relevant to two of these I'm reviewing today, Giganotosaurus and Deinonychus. In addition to that, the notes again state that bits of resin may occur with aging, and it will enrich the perfume even more.
Deinonychus: Resinous Amber Accord, Limestone Amber, VA Cemetery Musk Accord, Sri Lanka (Ceylon) Sandalwood, Hungarian White Cedarwood, Kobalt SL (Vanilla Orchid of Cairo) and a drop of Egyptian Temple Oudh.
Okay, might as well get the two super complex perfumes out of the way right off the bat. No need to be intimidated, Niki, you got this girl! Haha. Erm. Well, see, when I know that something is particularly special, I get nervous about writing about it. I worry I'm not going to do it justice, so I won't properly capture what it's like for you. I'm going to give this a try though, as always! Hah. Deinonychus was a blind buy for me. Right off the bat, I knew I was going to get bottles of this, Giganotosaurus, and Velociraptor (BECAUSE IT'S VELOCIRAPTOR!! EEE. More on that later.) Okay, so looking over the notes, I see my beloved Egyptian Temple Oudh. Hnnnnngggggg I cannot express my love of this enough. It's eye-rolling good, life changing, and if you're into it? Great for a mediation perfume oil, it will totally take you out of your normal life and put you into that special place. Anyway, that's just one component. The other one that caught my eye was Cemetery Musk. Now, I've had some experience with this, it's also an accord used in my beloved Snow Amber, Underlord Akhenaten, and it looks like it's been in a few other LCs that sound pretty amazing, Zombie Grave Edition and White Zombie. Hmmm. Anyway, how to describe this musk that I like so much? It's sort of a sweet, dry, clean musk? Maybe sort of a light golden feel, or even a sort of gauzy white. It's deceptive, I mean it's a light and clean musk, but it packs more of a solid punch than say NAVA'S Egyptian Musk. As a note in these three scents that I have, it sticks around for a long time, which is what I mean by deceptive. I'm okay with that, I love that smell. So if you wear Deinonychus alone, it's a little more complex than some of the Dinosaurs. That's neat. You still won't get all of the nuances unless you add another oil, but I definitely get the Cemetery Musk right out of the gate, and I'm picking up the ambers in the undercurrent. They're so lovely, I really enjoy that sort of "freshness" of NAVA amber. It's quite distinctive. I've worn Deinonychus alone for an entire day, and it's pretty amazing, actually. I put it on in the morning, and then I made a trip to Clearwater. As I was walking around in a shop, something like 6 or 8 hours later, I got this lovely, smoky scent drifting up at me. I stopped dead in my tracks and tried to figure out what it was - bingo, Deinonychus. The Egyptian Temple Oudh just kicked in and the Cemetery Musk took a step backwards - HOLY WOW THAT IS AWESOME. I mean, I'm not kidding. So let's talk about layering. (I know, this is long. But it's complex and wondrous and it deserves a full review.) When you hatch Deinonychus, it's quite a changeling. Not as drastic as Giganotosaurus is, but depending on what you layer it with, you'll get more of the other notes - the Kobalt vanilla, the cedarwood, and the sandalwood all make appearances but if you layer it with a vanilla heavy perfume, Kobalt comes out even more to play. Honestly the two stars of this always remain the Cemetery Musk and Egyptian Temple Oudh, but layered all of the aspects come out and it is glorious. I'll give some examples below. By the way, the cedar in this is not at all pencil shavings - if you've not had the please of smelling Diamond, which you totally should by the way, you won't recognize it, but it's a light, sweet wood here, almost juicy, absolutely lovely.
TL;DR: CEMETERY MUSK PARTAAAYYY. Umm. Let me try to be a little more concise. Hatching Deinonychus, it's quite multifaceted, but the stars are always Egyptian Temple Oudh and Cemetery Musk. The vanilla, sandalwood, ambers, and cedar all make appearances.
Layering recommendations: So now, let's talk about how to make certain notes sing, shall we? If you layer Deinonychus with the aforementioned Diamond, it becomes a Cemetery Musk (CM for short), Egyptian Temple Oudh (ETO), and Cedar party, with the sandalwood, vanilla, and amber as supporting cast. The woods in Diamond are so beautifully done, and they really go so beautifully with this, it's quite a stunning combination. The guy loves this particular combination. And let's say you layer this with one of NAVA's superlative vanillas. Crystal, Crystalline, Kobalt, Kobalt Dark, Ember Vanilla, OP Pakhet, Phantasm Kiss. Wait, let's hold off on Phantasm Kiss, that one is special. All of these other vanillas though, then it becomes a CM, ETO, and Kobalt party, with the ambers, sandalwood, and cedar as supporting notes. Now let's get to Phantasm Kiss. Wow. This is a good one, because it's got both vanilla AND ETO. So this really showcases how incredibly multifaceted Deinonychus is. You already know who's at the party here, I'm sure you're following along by now. So it's also especially lovely with Santalum, Santalum White, or Santalum Ombre for the same reason. You might try it with Ambre Ombre to really bring out the two lovely ambers - it's actually kind of jaw dropping good with Ambre Ombre, or White Ambre Ombre, if you want something a little lighter. Umm, let's see, what else? Oh, you could easily do Egyptian Musk, Crimson, or Kashmir with it. As far as LC suggestions? Sky's the limit. It goes well with almost any of the Oudhs I think. I don't think I've tried it with Labyrinth, but I've tried it with ETO, Copal Oudh, Samar Oudh, Inferno...Snow Amber, Holiday Egyptian Gold Amber, Embalmed Mummy, Underlord Akhenaten, Underlord Bastet, Blood Moon, Holiday Egyptian Gold Vanilla and Sandalwood, Under the Moon - really the possibilities are endless. This is such a workhorse of a scent, it's amazing.
Giganotosaurus: Resinous Amber Accord, Limestone Amber, Patchouli, Cedarwood, Ginger, Rosewood and Hungarian Teak.
Oh, girl. You had me at patchouli and rosewood. I was curious what the rest of it would smell like, but I knew I was getting a full bottle of it. Little did I know that I would blow through a half a bottle in six months! I actually saved this review for last, because as much as I love Deinonychus, I love Giganotosaurus even more. I have tried this with errydangthing. I mean it. And it's a total chameleon! With some perfumes, it turns light, feminine. With others, it deepens, becomes more earthy, woody. But I have not found anything I didn't like it with. It's been blowing my mind and I can't get enough. And the more I age it, the more delightful it becomes. I can't believe how the different facets come out with different blends. This; this is the reason I am such a fangirl for NA. I swear, they're magicians. They truly are. Now, you can wear this alone, or with another Dinosaur (see my note at the end of the review for more about this) and it is lovely. As it dries, it changes. More facets come out. At first, I get patchouli and amber, and hints of some lovely wood beneath. The rosewood comes out, and then the teak and cedar, and they are all playing together, as if they are creating a symphony. It's lovely, and sort of a yin and yang, both masculine and feminine, how in the world? I don't know, but when I do my layering experiments, this is further reinforced. It seems to somehow smell different with every perfume oil, even the SL vanillas - for instance, it's a little darker and more earthy/woody with Kobalt Dark, and sort of lighter and feminine with Crystalline. I don't know how to explain it other than telling you it's magical. I could keep going, waxing poetic, but I'm probably not very poetic, and I think you get the idea at this point. My initial plan last year was to get a backup of Cryolophosaurus, but I fell so hard for Giganotosaurus, I ended up panicking and getting a backup of that instead. Seth, you sir are a genius. First, you (and Bastet!) get me to dip my toes into the magical water of NAVA gourmands, and now this? I'm struggling for words here.
TL;DR: The most magical of all the Dinosaurs, in my opinion. This is extremely versatile and smells quite different depending on what you layer it with. It also is lovely and long lasting worn alone.
Layering suggestions: Oh boy. Here's where it gets crazy. I don't think there's anything I wouldn't recommend you try it with, because why not? I haven't had a bad experience yet. Tonight I'm wearing it with the incredible Byzantium Amber, and it's so lovely, sort of feminine. One of my favorite options is Labyrinth, a patchouli oudh, or Patchouli Ombre. Those are both rather heavy, earthy blends, and Giganotosaurus lifts them both, making the patchouli more wearable for those of you who might be a little nervous about a patch-heavy scent. Speaking of patch-heavy, Hessonite. Child. I understand Hessonite packs quite a punch, but please, try adding a dab to Giganotosaurus, you will thank me. So, everything else under the sun. Mummy Crypt. Holiday Egyptian Gold Amber, White Ambre Ombre, Santal Ombre, Black Raven, Bastet Amber, Gabriel, Pyewacket Cat, Anticipation, Carter, Enigma, Holy Grail, Cecilia, Horus Haven 2, Egyptian Temple Oudh, OP Baba, OP Hathor, Ozymandias, Under The Moon - okay seriously, just try it with everything. Hah!
Protoceratops: Resinous Amber Accord, Limestone Amber, Crystalline (Egyptian Vanilla Orchid stigma Resin), Kobalt (Vanilla Orchid of Cairo), Crystal Absolute (Vanilla Musk), Vanilla Cream, Vanilla Ice Cream Accord, Vanilla Caramel, Bastet Amber and Egyptian Sugar accord.
Okay, I almost passed on this. Almost. I was looking at the notes and thinking, I can't wear that. It will come off as too sweet on my skin, I tend to make foodie blends too foodie. This is one of the reasons I love NA. Always expanding my horizons. I read a review from another blogger, and she said it was not overly foodie, so I though huh - maybe I can sneak in a bottle of this last minute. I somehow managed it, and Protoceratops showed me that I can start to branch out a little on foodie blends. This is...delightful. If you wear it alone, it's kind of an ice cream, waffle cone, buttery vanilla. However! The ambers lift this up and keep it from going too far into foodie territory. It's a little more light, and clean. Not overly caramelized, like some foodie vanilla blends do on my skin. And that Bastet Amber is the icing on the cake, I LOVE that stuff. It's incredible, so there are a melange of ambers in this to lift this up. And do you see what I see at the end of the notes? Vanilla Ice Cream Accord? WHAT IS THAT? I needs it. I do. Because although this is lovely and light, I'm catching whiffs of that, and it smells delightful. So, around the time that this was released, they very kindly included a sample of Bastet's Ice Cream Accord. There was no plan at that point to release a full bottle of it, but it was an instant hit. It's SO good. It's definitely a foodie blend, but I actually slather myself in it! Unfh. It's like vanilla ice cream in a fresh baked buttery sugar waffle cone. It's like walking into an ice cream parlour and being hit with that delightful smell. Anyway, not a review for that, but just so you know, if you want to emphasize the ice cream aspect of this Dinosaur, that's your best bet. They ended up releasing three versions of Bastet's Ice Cream Accord over the holidays last year. Anyway, back to Protoceratops. If you wear this alone, when you first put it on, you get a good whiff of the ambers - Bastet Amber really brings these to the forefront in this blend. As it dries down, it starts getting more creamy, and the waffle cone starts to come out a little bit. Yum. The amber is still there, so it never gets that overly foodie aspect. It's quite well balanced. This is pretty lovely alone, but when you pair it with other blends, it's really a star. Mmmm, that sugar is lovely, like a crust of sugar, that shows up when layered.
TL;DR: Lovely, lovely creamy vanilla ice cream with a sugared, buttery waffle cone. Lifted away from the foodie category by the addition of Bastet Amber, it's perfectly balanced - if you are nervous of foodie blends, this is a fantastic option for dipping your toes in.
Layering suggestions: Go crazy. This one is easy! Any of the vanillas go well with this. If you're lucky enough to have a bottle of the now discontinued SL Moonstone, that's a great choice, as it's a little more foodie, but it also easily goes with Crystalline, Crystal, Kobalt, or Kobalt Dark. If you want to ramp up the ambers more, add some Bastet Amber. I like it in the summer with Santalum White or White Ambre Ombre. I've worn this with some of the Tea Service blends and it's fantastic, like Coconut Milk or Sweet Santalum Milk. I have paired it with tea blends too, Black Oudh Jack, Underlord Bastet, Luxor Lemon, White Tea Vanilla. Try it with OP Pakhet or Tawaret. I've worn it with any number of fruit blends too - Ophelia, Egyptian Peach Blossom, Black Crystalline Black Fig, Raphael, Fig Noir Ombre, (I have a lot of NAVA fig!) Ichabod, Black Crystal Candy Apple. I like it with Vamp, Victorian Candy Cane Crystalline, Selket Anti-Venom Rez, Coconut Cockatoo, Adele. Offbeat but also works: Anticipation, Nag Champa Seahorse, California Redwood Crystal Musk, Holiday Egyptian Gold Amber, Halloween 2017. If you have a coffee blend, such as Seth's Secret Sweet Vanilla Bean Black Coffee, Protoceratops adds a lovely cream and sugar element. Over the top? Sure, Bastet's Ice Cream Accord, Spooktacular, Orb, Poison Pumpkin, or any of the 31 Pumpkin Library! This one pairs so well with all kinds of blends.
Velociraptor: Resinous Amber Accord, Limestone Amber, Black Musk Absolute, Black Amber and a drop of aged viscous Velociraptor Kashmir red musk.
Oh, sir. OF COURSE I HAD TO GET YOU. Anyone who knows me knows my fondness for Jurassic Park. So no matter what the notes were, I HAD to have him. Hah! Well, remember our friend Utahraptor from the first collection? Velociraptor has emphasis of the Black Musk, rather than the Kashmir. This is absolutely glorious. Yes, you still smell the Kashmir, because of course, there's no way that Kashmir is going anywhere without getting noticed! But it's not the star of this show, and that's okay, because NAVA's take on Black Musk is perfect - it's not too heavy, it's balanced in just the right way. Often, black musk blends can be too overpowering for me, but never with NAVA. The amber in this is definitely noticeable too, with the addition of Black Amber. This is lovely to wear alone, but when you hatch it with something else, it really comes to life! This one is not shy. It's definitely as potent and long wearing as Tyrannosaurus and Utahraptor, so bear that in mind when applying. If you don't mind that, slather away - I do!
TL;DR: This Dinosaur is the opposite of Utahraptor, in that the Black Musk is the star, but don't worry, both Kashmir and Black Amber show up as well.
Layering suggestions: Oh, this is fun. Try it with any musks, I actually love this with Egyptian Musk, and of course it's beautiful with SL Kashmir. I like it with the SL Vanillas, but I also like it with Santalum, Myrrh Ombre, Ember, OP Osiris. I love it with the Oudhs like Egyptian Temple or Copal. Absolutely amazing with Kadmium Amber or Eternal Egypt Decade. Try it with the Holiday Egyptian SLs like Frankincense, Myrhh, Gold Amber, or Gold Vanilla and Sandalwood. I also like it with the Nag Champa Seahorses - all three, but particularly NCS Kashmir. I've worn it with Pandora Enigma, Egypt 1, Mummy Crypt, Blood Moon.
Something that I forgot to mention in the previous review and I need to edit is that these are lovely when you pair them together! And I've done this several times with different combinations. Pteranodon with Protoceratops or Deinonychus, Velociraptor with Utahraptor, Diplodocus with Giganotosaurus, Protoceratops with almost anything! Hah.
Another thing to mention, if you have eNVie Saphir, many of these are stunning when hatched with Saphir. Definitely worth experimenting with - I have Saphir, Ambre Saphir, and Encens Saphir, and they all do well with the Dinosaurs.
Phew. So, that wasn't quite as wordy as part one, but it was still wordy huh? I certainly hope my layering suggestions gave you some ideas for hatching these! I think some people may not be aware that these were designed with that in mind, although I do think they are lovely alone as well. None of them, alone, seem to be a single note, because of the ambers. Anyway! We are now two days away from the grand reopening, and I'm at the edge of my seat. Have a lovely evening folks!
0 notes
skyland-story · 5 years ago
Welcome to Skyland
[[This message is shown to all players, although future game messages may be hidden]]
[Welcome Islanders, to Skyland. In this virtual oasis, you have been given your own private island in the clouds where you can relax, have fun and expand your home.]
[Cutting edge virtual reality technology now allows you to experience your island as if it were real life, not just letting you see and hear, but also smell, taste and touch. Everything here is real now.]
[You are alone on your island, but don't worry. There are three other islanders, floating just out of your sight. Over time, you will be able to build up the resources to make your way over to them. Not only that, but companion mobs may spawn, allowing you to have pets, make friends or even grow a family.]
[But how does all of this happen? Your island is only nine spaces and the only thing on it is you and a tree. That's where tickets come in. Every day, you will be gifted a magical ticket! This will activate an event, which will cause either a very good, or very bad thing to happen to you. You need to use these to survive, but be careful not to lose it all.]
[Since, this is everyone's first day, you will be gifted two tickets. Use them wisely and have fun! Enjoy the Skyland Experience!]
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ZestierChester new upload: A terrible start! You won't believe who dies! Skyland. E1.
Hey, guys what is up? Chester here and are you feeling Zesty? Because I've got something Zesty for you today! As you heard from that rundown, we are in a virtual reality world where everything is sky. Except for me. And this island.
At least I have my tree. I'll call you Bob. Wait... I'm going to have to use Bob for wood aren't I? Rip Bob, I guess.
But we aren't gonna tear him apart just yet, because we have these magical tickets!
*throws tickets from inventory, with one landing precariously close to the edge*
OH! Maybe that isn't a good idea. I want to actually use those. So let's open up these bad boys and see what we get! Don't forget to like and subscribe if you haven't already!
[You have opened [One Ticket].]
[[Tree] has caught on fire]
Hey, what? Bob! Bob!
*turns in horror to behold the newly named tree as it burns to the ground*
Wh-wha? *sputters* WHAT WAS THAT? You didn't even give me anything! All you did was kill my only friend! 😭 Rest in peace, Bob. You will be missed. 😔😔😔
*RIP: Bob 2020-2020*
Welp, better use the other one, although, after what happened to Bob, I'm not so sure I want to.
[You have opened [One Ticket].]
[Enjoy your new [Water Dome].]
Water Dome? What does that mean?
*suddenly glass surrounds the glass island and water fills the empty space. Chester begins to drown*
*tries to talk, but can't because water rushes into mouth. Starts kicking the top of the glass and it breaks easily. Sticks head out of opening*
E-exCUSE ME??? First you muder Bob and then you try to DROWN ME! My whole island is ruined now!
*climbs out onto the glass roof*
This is such a bad start, guys. I bet everyone else has awesome drops and I'm here with nothing but pain.
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Bootscoot new upload: Alone on an island with just an eel? New Series. Skyland episode one.
Hello, everybody. It's Bootscoot here and today I'm playing Skyland. It's a really cool new game, and you could probably get the basic idea from that little intro. I am just so excited to get started.
Should I cut down this tree and start making a base or open a ticket first? I'll open one first and then cut the tree down and open the other one after that.
[You have opened [One Ticket].]
[Enjoy your new [Garden Eel].]
A garden eel? Oh it's a FLOWER!
*looks excitedly at an eel, poking it's head out of the dirt. It has petals around it's head, giving the impression that it is a plant.*
I love him! He's so cute! Maybe I can make a whole eel garden! You guys leave some comments for what I should name him!
Now, let's get this tree down. I assume I can just punch it until it falls over, since that's how most survival games work.
[You have acquired 5 [wood]]
Nice! Not sure if I can build a base with that. Now I'm wishing for a tutorial. Maybe I'll get more supplies with the next ticket.
[You have opened [One Ticket].]
[Enjoy your [4 gold]]
Gold! 💛 I have no idea how much gold is worth in this game, but I feel rich. Do you feel rich, little eel?
*the eel does nothing*
Ohmygosh you are so cute! This has been so lucky so far! Maybe they get harder as time goes on. I better learn how to play fast and take advantage of the peaceful events.
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LizzyXDGames New Upload: I'm Spider-Liz! Skyland: E1
Huloo! It's Liz here. Welcome to a brand new series! This is a cool new game called Skyland and judging by that intro, I guess the goal is just to survive on this little island.
It's pretty nice. Cute little tree. Maybe it'll be a cool vacation. What do you guys think?
Anyway, I better open this ticket.
[You have opened [One Ticket].]
[Enjoy your new [Potion of Poison].]
What? Am I poisoned? Wait. No. Oh it's in my inventory! Oooh.... 😈 Maybe I can use this...
Episode one and I'm already turning towards the dark side.
Next ticket!
[You have opened [One Ticket].]
[Enjoy your new [Spider Power].]
Spider power? What does that even mean? Am I like Spider-Man now?
[Extend your hand and tense your forearm to shoot webs]
Oh cool! I am Spider-Man! Let's try this out, guys!
*points hand at tree in Spider-Man pose and fires a web. It sticks to the tree*
Oh GUYS! I'm a SUPERHERO! Yesss!!!
This is a dream come true already I'm so happy! Now I just need a city to swing through!
Okay, guys, here's my goal. Not sure if this is possible, but I'm going to build a city that I can swing around in and be a superhero. That's more of a long-term thing. Right now, I'll just get some wood to make a shelter.
[You have acquired 5 [wood]]
Nice! Now I've just got to figure out how crafting works in this thing. Because as of right now, I am unsure.
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HeyitsKeith New Upload: Welcome to Mud Island. Skyaland 1
Hey, it's Keith. Today I'm playing Skyland. Me and three other players are stuck on these little tiny islands and we have to survive and stuff.
So, uh, let's get started I guess. Punch wood.
[You have acquired 5 [wood]]
Nice. Successfully deforested my entire island and I'm not even a minute in yet.
Not sure how to craft, maybe that's something I'll unlock later. Anywhooo, let's redeem these tickets. If these end up being loot boxes, I am going to quit here and now.
[You have opened [One Ticket].]
[Enjoy your 5 [Emerald]]
Emerald? Neat. I wonder if these can be traded like in Minecraft. Or maybe I can make emerald gear. Hmmm. Interesting. Veeery interesting. I guess we'll see.
[You have opened [One Ticket].]
[Enjoy your [swamp].]
*the ground becomes boggy and muddy.*
Eww! This is awful no! Look, my island is ruined! I probably have the dampest island now!
*distant laughter*
Look, guys, I can't live with this. The island is nine spaces, so I'll put down my five wood and make a little floor on one side. Because I am not sleeping in the mud.
*places the five wood onto the ground.*
There. Nice and dry. Although that completely wastes this wood. Hopefully tomorrow's ticket will be nicer to me. 
Join me next time here on the shining shores of Mud Island.
0 notes