#hmm. I need to get a blender
asordidbarwere · 18 days
still thinking about how when I asked my therapist how I should go about building up more confidence re: being open about my gender and correcting people and he literally was like "why do you think you NEED to come out?"
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for the baby genderfluid tips!!
this could just be me lmao, but DO NOT donate your fem clothes if you feel masc for longer than usual. or vice versa.
keeping a gender journal is something that can be really helpful to actually look back on and see how it changes (and also have proof of fluidity for when you begin to think "hmm actually im just a trans girl. nothing else." no, you probably aren't. you felt completely boy/nonbinary/etc just a month ago, and thats okay.)
basically it can be really hard to embrace that your gender is not static, especially if your gender stays stable for a slightly longer period. it took me so long to stop rotating between "im a girl always" "no, im a boy always" "actually, im nonbinary always" to just admit im genderfluid.
also, make genderfluid content. you don't have to show it to anyone, but sometimes it can really help to make poetry or art or write a story about being fluid and your experience in particular. i have an easy avenue for this since i write fanfiction (haven't published any of it yet lmao) and i just hit my favorite characters with my genderfluid beam and go nuts
follow people who are genderfluid, read genderfluid books, maybe join a genderfluid discord server (there are barely any, so actually maybe make one), try to make genderfluid friends. you are not alone, even though it sometimes feels that way.
if you have plushies or anything similar, make them genderfluid. i have a genderfluid squishmallow who i use she/they pronouns for, and a little husky that switches between he/she. idk it just helps sometimes lol
some of us change gender daily, or multiple times a day. some of us change gender only a couple times a year, or even less. we're all different and that's fine.
tips for presentation:
if you have a day when you can't figure out gender, go neutral clothing-wise
take little things to ease dysphoria if you switch when you're out somewhere (ex. lipgloss, eyeliner, leather bracelet, etc)
if you can, get pronoun pins. seriously, get pronoun pins (or a colored bracelet for subtlety or if you're not out). you can wear multiple at a time, you can switch them whenever you need to. you aren't a burden if your pronouns change. you don't have to stick to they/them to be easy for people.
if you can, get a versatile hairstyle that you can make suit your gender no matter what. if you cant, try to get a hairstyle that makes you the least dysphoric overall.
if you are organized enough, separate your clothes based on gender/what you feel comfy wearing on different days. do not pressure yourself to fit stereotypes. some people can only feel comfortable in skirts when theyre boys, so they only wear skirts on boy days. do what works for you.
it's kinda complicated, but if you can expand your vocal range to sound more fem or masc depending on how you feel, it can help. alternatively, vocal train to make it more androgynous.
keep makeup wipes with you in case you need to take it off part way through being out. basically, make it as easy as possible to be able to change/tweak your presentation if necessary.
this could just be me, but having lots of hoodies in different colors and styles will save your life
sometimes you might have "blender days", which is what i call it when your gender feels like its in a blender in a bad way and you can't tell at all what it is, everything feels wrong, it's changing like every 10 minutes, etc. tbh on these days all i can do is put on sweats and a hoodie and feel dysphoric. listen to music if it helps. do a hobby.
non-clothing items can help a lot. a blue tshirt and jeans can be whatever you want it to be based on what you wear it with. (ex. sneakers/ballet flats, leather bracelet/sparkly necklace, baseball cap/eyeliner)
and lastly: YOU ARE AMAZING. keep being you, keep being incredible, and know that being genderfluid is a gift. be proud to be who you are, have fun, know that you are unique and special and wonderful!! we're ever-changing, and that's awesome. you are precious. i love you.
dont wanna link my tumblr, but my name is kiley if you want to attach a name to this!
Okay this is a lot more than I was expecting LMAO /pos
Thank you so much for this Kiley <33 I’ll start working on a masterpost with links to all this.
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words-4u · 1 year
right person (2/3)
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pairing: luca x reader
wc: 3.3k
a/n: part two is hereee! i took the conversation that marcus and luca had while chopping/folding dough and revamped it for this fic <3 hope yall like it
warnings: 18+ SMUT, swearing
part 1 / part 3
as it turns out making shiso gelee wasn't as complicated as it sounds but it also helped massively that chef luca is always near to correct any mistakes.
the kitchen is silent besides the sounds of pots and smacking of dough from marcus' station.
luca is drying some tupperware at the table behind you while you whisk some liquid gelatin.
"that's a little bit too thick," he says peering over. "so just add some more pineapple juice."
you caught a whiff of his aftershave which made you want to lose your mind. "yes, chef."
doing as he instructed, you add more juice. "just to know for the future, can i ask why?"
he glances at you before going back to his task at hand. "uh, the thicker it is, the stronger it is. so too thick and it overpowers the other components."
"good to know... and what do you serve this with exactly?"
"uh, we do that with a thin slice of marzipan and a caramel cracker," luca answers.
"damn, that sounds good," you say.
"yeah, it's a nice dish," he comes over to your side and puts away some freshly dried containers.
"uh you're good to go on your break, by the way. we can pick this up in 15,"
"are you sure?"
"yes. the gel needs to set anyways."
"thank you, chef," you smile and make your way to an area behind the restaurant for a smoke break. lucky for you, that area had a nice wooden bench. you take a seat and place a cigarette between your lips, lighting it.
taking your first drag, you shut your eyes and lean your head against the exposed brick of the building.
"i, uh, i don't suppose i could use your lighter, chef," a voice asks. the accent is instantly recognizable.
"oh, sure," you go over to where he's standing and close the distance between you as you light his bud.
you stuff your lighter back into your pocket but don't return to the bench.
"y/n," you say after a few moments.
"it's just, uh, when we aren't in the kitchen, you can call me y/n,"
he nods.
"so tell me y/n," he says. "how do you like you copenhagen so far?"
"well, considering i've been in the city less than 48 hours, i have no complaints. the scenery is beautiful. food is pretty good and the people..." you look up at him. "i'm still getting to know the people."
he holds your gaze before letting out a cloud of smoke. "hmm."
if you didn't think there was a weird tension between you earlier, you definitely feel it now.
“if you, uh, ever want a proper tour, let me know,” luca says.
it takes everything you have to not breakout into a massive smile. “thanks, chef.”
“outside the kitchen, luca,”
this time you nod. “luca.”
he clears throat and steps on his cigarette. “well, we’d better get back inside and check on the gelee,”
“of course, how could we forget about the gelee,” you say following him back in and you swear you hear him chuckle.
when you got back to your station, you began blanching some large green leaves first by boiling it in hot water and then immediately dumping it in a metal bowl filled with ice water so it doesn't lose its colour.
luca took the metal bowl and brought it to the table behind you where the blender was. he takes a clump of the leaves and then adds water.
"start off low," luca says as he turns on the blender.
the loud noise jolts you a bit.
"you can see the colour change," he says as you move closer. "you see it starting to get brighter?"
"gorgeous colour," you say.
"yeah, it is."
luca pours the green liquid into a sifter and hands you the purified liquid.
he watches as you pour the liquid into a new bowl and asks you to to bloom the gelatin with the cold green liquid to prevent potential clumps.
the second half of your shift flew by because before you knew it, it was time to clock out of the day.
in the change room, you removed your apron and since you were alone you removed your shirt as well quickly sliding on the grey sweatshirt you came with.
just as you brought your sweatshirt down, luca walked in and stood at his locker across from you.
turning your head slightly to peek at him, you caught him pulling off his shirt and since his back was turned towards you, he couldn't see you drinking in the sight of him.
you turned back around and pressed your lips.
"uh, luca," you say.
"yeah?" he says.
"about that, uh, personal tour? is now a good time?" you slowly turn his way.
he cracked the faintest smile. "sure. anywhere particular in mind?"
you shake your head. "wherever you wanna show me,"
"in that case, might i suggest some sustenance first? does coffee sound good?"
"coffee sounds fucking great," you sigh and follow him out the door and on to the sidewalk.
"there's this cafe that i love just up the road," he says.
walking alongside him, you take in your height difference. he's probably 6'2" to your 5'7" so it was perfect.
when you arrive at a hole-in-the-wall cafe, that had blue painted bricks and picture frames of happy looking folks. probably customers or family members.
"hi," luca says going up to the old woman behind the counter. "can i get a medium black coffee and...." he looks to you to say your coffee of choice.
"just a caramel latte please,"
"a caramel latte," he repeats "and two snegls please,"
you grab a table for the two of you near the window so you can people watch while luca gets your order. it's midday now and you watch as people in their own little lives pass by the window.
luca makes his way to you holding two coffee cups and clutching two bags of pastries.
"okay now can i ask what the hell a snegl is?" you say once he's seated.
"sure. it's cinnamon roll style pastry but shaped like a snails shell if that makes sense," he explains.
"so a cinnamon bun?"
he was going to refute your statement but upon seeing the look on your face, he concedes. "yeah, it's a cinnamon bun,"
you guys shard a small laugh.
"so long have you been a cook?" he asks taking a sip of his hot drink.
"about six years now. i went to university for psychology but didn't really feel like it was my thing," you answer.
"so you dropped out?"
"no. after all the hard work my parents did to raise me, dropping out, no matter how disengaged i was, was not an option. so i got that degree but i did tell them the truth. that my heart wasn't in it for that right reasons."
"so how did you fall into cooking?" luca sat up ready to hear your story.
"my dad taught me everything i know," you say a lump started to form in your throat. "i swear his favourite place besides his bed was the kitchen."
luca stayed silent and let you collect yourself. "he passed recently... but he was the best mentor i could have asked for."
"i'm sure he's proud," luca said with sincerity.
you give him a small smile.
"what about you?" you say ready to move on before you start crying in front of your hot co-worker. "how long have you been doing this?"
"uh, fourteen years now..."
"oh, so you started when you were three?" you ask deadpanned.
he chuckles. "close enough, yeah."
"and with that accent i'm guessing you're from london."
"you'd be correct. and you're from chicago?"
"born n raised," you confirm. "so did you go to culinary school?"
"i didn't. no. i didn't do too well in school. got in quite a bit of trouble. ditched the check. they caught me. made me wash dishes, and, uh, i loved it."
"wow, you might be the only person i know that loves washing dishes,"
he shrugs. "it gives me time to reflect."
"fair enough," you hold your hands up. "i can't argue with that."
"so, uh, you said your dad passed recently, but how recent? if you don't mind me asking?"
"no, not at all. i love talking about him," you say. "he died a little over a year ago and not gonna lie... i didn't handle it too well. it was sudden. in his sleep. so i had no chance to say goodbye and i think that's what still hurts more than anything."
you let a tear fall but quickly wiped it away. "i'm sorry."
"you never have to apologize to me. ever. and especially for crying," he hands you a tissue that came with the pastries.
"you're an only child?" he asks taking out a snegl and placing one in front of you.
"i have two brothers. and you?"
"uh, yeah. i have a younger sister somewhere... yeah,"
"somewhere?" you echo taking slow bites of your snegl.
he clears his throat. "half-sister, i have to clarify. my parents separated when i young and my mum quickly found someone new. then my sister came along and then one day... my mum just left. no goodbye or anything just a note saying she wanted to focus on herself... my step-dad got custody of my sister and well i was 18 by that time so i moved out and moved on."
you stay silent for a few seconds. you couldn't believe a mother could abandoned her kids like that, especially someone as great as luca.
"she's missing out... your mom."
"yeah," he sighs.
you were starting to see luca in a different light. after telling him your story and you his, all you wanted to do was hold him and hope to ease his pain and loss. but you couldn't do that so you opted for something safer. kind of...
"hey, want to come back to mine and i can cook us a meal or something?"
"you still wanna cook after today?"
"you can take the cook out of the kitchen, but you can’t take the kitchen out of the cook."
he laughs at that. "okay, let's go."
you and luca talk some more on the way to your place. he makes you laugh telling stories of his younger rugrat days in london and when you're talking, he hangs on to your every word.
"you... live on a boat?" he says when you arrive.
you look back opening the door. "cool, huh?"
you turn to luca as you place your bag on a hook at the front door. "can i get you anything?"
"water is fine," he says taking a seat the dining table. you get his water and tell him to make himself comfortable as you went up stairs to change into a t-shirt and loose jeans.
it's only when you make your way back down and see luca sitting at the table, that you've realized how small your space and intimate your living space was.
"what's on the menu for tonight, chef?" luca asks as he spots you coming down the steps.
"home made pizza, if your elegant taste buds can handle that?" you reply.
"i can never turn down a pizza,"
you got started on the dough and soon enough luca is by your side helping. what was supposed to be you cooking for him, turned to him taking over and doing all the work which you let him happily.
"how did you get good at this?" you ask as you finished with your slice.
he exhales. "honestly, i made a lot of mistakes."
"so that's the secret then? just fuck up?"
he smiles. "it might be, you know, fuck up."
"i think 'cause i started early, i got my skill set up really quick and then started to feel like i was really the best, you know, like at all these really good places. i really was the best cook. and then i started at this really great place as a commis. and this other chef started the same day as me, and..." he sighs.
"i thought we were competition, um, but really we weren't. he was better than me. much, much better than me. he worked harder and faster than i ever could. and it was the first time i realized that i wasn't the best," he confides.
"and i was never gonna be the best. so i started looking at it like it was a good thing. like, at least i knew who the best was now, and i could take that pressure off myself. and the only logical thing to do was to try and keep up with him. so i never left this guy's side."
"and you got better," you say.
"oh, i got better than i ever thought i possibly could be just from trying to keep up with him."
"that's incredible, honestly," you say putting the dirty dishes in the sink and hopping on the counter.
"thanks but i think at a certain stage it becomes less about skill and it's more about being open."
"open?" you echo.
"yeah. to-to the world, to yourself, to other people. you know, most of the incredible things that i've eaten haven't been because the skill level is exceptionally high or there's loads of mad fancy techniques. it's because it's been really inspired, you know." he says.
"i like that," you say softly.
"you can spend all the time in the world in the kitchen, but if you don't spend enough time out there..." he trails off but you understood what he meant.
"right," you nod.
luca lifts his gaze to you. "it helps to have good people around you, too."
"is what i am? good people?" you smile coyly.
he gets up and walks over to you, placing his hands on either side of the counter in front of you. "honestly? i really think so."
a few moments go by where luca just studies your face and you can feel your heart beating a million miles per hour.
"you are so fucking beautiful," he finally says. his voice barely above a whisper.
those words set your body aflame. you parted your lips and he leaned. "may i?"
"please," was all you managed to get out before luca held your chin and guided your lips to his. he was taking things slow, trying to sus your level of comfortability and giving you the chance to pull away if you wanted but you didn't want that. ever.
you brought your arms around his neck pushing him closer to you. the kiss got heavier and you moaned as he bit your lip. "i have been wanting to do this since i first saw you,"
"good because i've wanted this too," you say as luca starts to kiss your neck and moves his hands under your top.
he slides his hand up and down your back and then around to your boobs to start playing with your nipples. you lean your head back and revel in his affection.
you were desperate to get his hands on him as well so you lifted the black hoodie he adorned wanting to see his chest that you caught just a glimpse of earlier.
"wow," you say as you running both hands across his pecs and abs. you trail your fingers down south before you cup him through his jeans. "is this okay?" you whisper.
"more than okay," he lets out as you message him through his jeans.
he moves to take off your top next and you help, revealing your bare chest to him. luca looks at you in awe and immediately attaches his lips to your nipple while still playing with other.
you unbutton your jeans and luca helps you shimmy out of them.
"fuck," he whispered at the sight of you sitting completely naked and ready for him. he slides two fingers up and down your slit. "you're so wet, is this all for me?"
you whimper at his touch, spreading your legs wider. "all for you, luca."
he brings his fingers to his lips to taste you. "just like i imagined, you taste so sweet" he says as he gets on his knees and slides you to the edge of the counter.
the first lick was heaven. you couldn't help but throw your head back and moan. luca doesn't waste anytime, eating you like your his last meal.
"l-luca," you whine as he sucks on your clit. you grab his golden locks as he laps at your cunt.
"you're the best thing i've ever tasted," luca says in between licks. coming from a chef, that was the highest praise a girl could get.
he detaches himself from your cunt, his nose, lips and chin covered in your juices. he stands and holds your face in his hands and kisses you. you taste yourself on his tongue as he slipped it down your mouth.
"i need to fuck you or else i'm gonna lose my mind," he says in breathy whispers.
"upstairs," is all you said before he carries you in that direction and up the stairs to your bed.
luca drops you on the bed and you lay on your forearms and watch as him takes off his jeans and then his boxers. as he pulls that down, he watches you watch him.
your eyes go wide at the sight of his hard, and rather large, dick. you reach to wipe the pre-cum leaking from his tip, pressing it to your lips. he groans and climbs on top of you. "condom?"
"i'm on the pill," you say caressing his hair back and bringing his lips back to yours.
luca takes his aching dick and rubs it against your slit. "are you ready?"
"mmhm," you say as he wraps your legs around his waist as he sinks into you.
muffled moans are exchanged between the two of you as your mouths clashed hungrily.
"you're so big, luca" you say, squeezing down on his eliciting a hiss from him.
"y-yes squeeze me like that again... fuck," he thrusts his hip into you at a steady pace as you scratched your nails across his muscled back.
"this feels so good," he murmurs.
you gasp as he pulls out almost all the way only to push back int you again. you pull your knees up so he can reach deeper inside you. you could feel him stretching you and filling you up, his beautiful face inches away from yours as he peppers your neck with sloppy kisses.
the sounds falling from your lips are incoherent, his pace moving at a high speed as he wants to get you off. it didn't take long for you to gain the warm sensation in the pit of your stomach. "i'm so c-close,"
"yeah? cum for me, darling," he moans keeping that speed that he's at, his dick throbbing inside you as well signalling he was gonna cum soon.
luca let out a throaty groan before he snaps his hips into you, feeling his first load release into your cunt. you follow close behind as you cover his dick with your wetness but he stills fucks you through your high.
as you catch your breaths, he leans his forehead against your collarbone before he pulls out.
"wait there," he says and goes downstairs and comes back up just as quickly carrying paper towels. he smiles to himself seeing you in your current position all fucked out, liking the effect he had on you.
the bed dips as luca makes his way to you and cleans you up.
you slide under the covers, and when he discards the paper towels, he joins you.
"that was good," you say as he brings you into his chest.
his fingers trail up and down your arm softly while he lays his head on top of yours.
"it was," he says planting a kiss on your head.
"can we stay like this for a bit?" you ask not wanting this moment to end.
"yeah, i'm not going anywhere," he says.
between the day that you had and luca caressing you, you let tiredness wash over you.
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tags: @leopard-skin-pillbox-hat-ok, @eddiemunsonreader, @sodapop182, @haydensith, @inpraizeof, @thecraziestcrayon, @zeeader, @tiana76, @jackierose902109
hope you guys enjoyed part two and thank you for all the support on the first part! part three is coming soon <3
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xoxoladyaz · 1 year
AU-gust, Day 5: Pet Sitting
“Nope, no way. Absolutely not.”
Six sets of puppy-dog eyes stared back at her. Lucas, the ham, even pretended to start whimpering.
“Stevie, please,” Dustin whined, “Eddie needs a safe place to stay.”
She stared at Dustin for a few seconds before glancing down at the shoebox in Dustin’s hands. Inside the shoebox surrounded by a few of Claudia’s oldest and fuzziest kitchen towels stood a bat, a small black bat with big black eyes that looked almost just as pathetic as the rest of the kids.
“I’ve done this song and dance with you before, Henderson, and I told you when you got rid of the alien lizard - ”
“D’artagnan was a cryptid, Stevie!”
“ – alien lizard that I wasn’t going to help you keep playing monster vet. I still haven’t recovered from seeing Mews’ corpse!”
“Mews was my cat and I’m fine! Besides, Eddie’s just a normal bat!”
“Dustin, he has a full head of hair!”
Stevie and Dustin stared at each other before looking back down at the bat (Eddie). Who was running his little claws through his hair and preening. (Stevie could have sworn that he winked at her, but she wasn’t crazy; it was definitely just a trick of the light.)
Dustin’s face started to flush like he was going to argue with her but El (sweet, precious El) cut him off before he could really get going. “Stevie’s right. He is not normal,” El said, stepping forward to run her fingers against Eddie’s head. Eddie rubbed up against her fingers and chirped. 
“See, I knew it - ”
“But he is a friend,” El said and fuck, the full force of El-most-likely-a-changeling-Hopper’s big brown eyes was something Stevie would probably never learn to resist. “And he needs someone to care for him while he gets better.”
“Better? What do you mean, better?”
“Bad man,” El replied matter-of-factly and, well, shit. She didn’t need to say much more than that.
Stevie sighed and turned her attention back towards the “bat” in question. “How long?”
Just a few weeks, maybe a month or two, Dustin had said. “I would have kept him myself but Mom was worried that he’d eat Tews – ”
(“Oh, and you don’t care if I get eaten?” Stevie had replied. Dustin had just rolled his eyes and ignored her.) 
So yeah, two months tops, just until Eddie was “healed” or what not. (He didn’t have any visible injuries that Stevie could see but then again, she was just a cosmetologist, what the fuck did she know about bat anatomy?) Until then, Stevie was going to have a tiny flying roommate who apparently “only likes to listen to metal music, so I’ve brought a few tapes and oh! He loves fantasy so you’ll have to read him this as a bedtime story,” at which point Dustin handed her The Lord of the Rings, “and he gets lonely at night so don’t lock him out, he likes to cuddle, and he should be able to fit in your jacket pocket when you go to work during the day - ”
“No, nope, no way, none of that is happening,” Stevie argued and she really had been planning on sticking to that – no metal music, no bedtime stories, no cuddles, and definitely no work trips, no way, no how.
(She’d folded by hour two of Eddie’s stay at Casa de Harrington.)
“You get this is weird, right?”
“Hmm?” Stevie was cutting apart some strawberries to blend with whatever “protein drink” Dustin kept dropping off at her house. “What’s weird?” She turned to look at Robin, who was watching Eddie shimmy up and down the dining room table to “Rock Me Like a Hurricane.”
“Stevie. This is not normal bat behavior.”
“So? It’s normal Eddie behavior,” Stevie shrugged. She tossed the berries into the blender and, once it was a fine red concoction, put it in a little cup with a little straw and walked over the table. Eddie slid his way across the polished wood and wiggled when he saw her, chittering happily before going to town on his fruit smoothie.
“Yeah, well, this isn’t also normal Stevie behavior!” Robin threw her hands up in the air. “You’re letting a wild animal sleep with you in your bed!”
(She’d tried to encourage Eddie to stay in the guest room that first night all those weeks ago but she’d barely laid in bed for all of two minutes before a dark shape flew through the dark and landed on her chest. She’d screamed and leapt out of the bed but Eddie had somehow managed to grip his claws into her shirt and no amount of arguing with him was able to get him to let go. 
“Fine,” she’d finally growled, “but if I roll over and squish you, it’s not my fault.” 
When she’d finally woken up the next morning, she was still lying on her back and Eddie was still nestled onto her chest. They’d been going to sleep every night that way ever since.)
“Hey,” Stevie replied defensively, “he’s not a wild animal, he’s totally tame.”
“Uh huh,” Robin replied queasily, watching as Eddie happily slurped up his smoothie. “Just because you play dress-up with him doesn’t mean he’s tame, Stevie.”
The tiny vest was from El and Will, something about how Eddie looked “wrong” without it (whatever that meant. Stevie had to admit it did look really cute on him.)
“He looks adorable, Robin!”
“He’s totally taken over your life,” Robin shot back dramatically. “He goes shopping with you, you take him to work – Stevie, he sits with you when you take bubble baths, for Pete’s sake!”
(Hey, Eddie was a gentleman, he always waited until she was covered by bubbles until coming in and sitting on the little nest of towels she’d made for him on the set of drawers by the bathtub and okay, maybe Robin had a point here.)
“And that’s not to mention that I’ve been trying to get you to read a book for literal years now and this bat shows up and suddenly you’re reading Tolkien to him every night?”
“It’s actually a good book, Robin,” Stevie said defensively.
“I know that, Stevie, I just can’t believe that you’re not seeing this! Like, there are so many red flags! He’s literally drinking blood right now!”
Stevie huffed and leaned over the table, like she was physically covering Eddie from Robin’s criticism. “It’s rude to judge somebody else’s eating habits, Robin. Or did you forget our conversation last month when you tried to go vegetarian?”
“That’s different and you know it!” Robin exclaimed. 
Eddie, because he was a little drama king, took the last sip of his smoothie while making eye contact with Robin before letting out an exaggeratedly content sigh. 
Stevie rolled her eyes and set her hand down. Eddie scurried onto her palm, letting out a series of happy chirps. She lifted him up and set him on her shoulder where he waddled to her cheek and pressed his little face against it, like he was giving her a little kiss. “You’re being overdramatic, Robin.”
“Fine, whatever, just don’t come crying to me when he makes you his eternal vampire bride or whatever,” Robin huffed before getting up and stalking out of the kitchen.
“He’s just a bat!” Stevie called after her. Robin responded by slamming the front door after he on the way out. 
Sighing, Stevie turned to look at Eddie, who was currently making a home for himself in her curls. “You are just a bat, right?”
Eddie turned and shot her a wink before wrapping his little body in one of her ringlets.
“Yeah, that’s probably fine.”
One of the best parts of having Eddie around actually was nighttime. She hadn’t gotten so many nights of uninterrupted sleep in years. He was like some sort of nightmare repellent or something; in fact, the only dreams she’d had recently were of a shrouded figure with long dark hair and a sexy laugh and teasing cool hands and other things – 
And when she woke up a month and a half into Eddie’s residency in her home, she probably should have been more shocked at the fact that her bat had turned into a very pale, very sexy and very naked man with long dark hair and cool skin and – 
“God, Robin’s never going to let me live this down,” Stevie murmured as the man stirred above her. He opened his eyes and yep, yeah, those were her bat’s eyes. 
Eddie’s grin grew sharp as he pressed her further into her bed. “I’m sure I can find some way to make up for it,” he said as he drew close enough to kiss her. 
“How do you feel about a Halloween wedding?”
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harrysmimi · 1 year
Cheeky Monkey
Synopsis: YN's got a good surprise for Harry (600+ WC)
Ps. It's based on this ask
Series Masterlist | More of my work
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It was one of those days when YN and Harry stayed home but did their own things.
It's the most amazing thing they both agree on. They're bonding but not at the same time.
Just just sat on the sofa with his guitar, practicing and finding new melodies. And YN was just around the house doing her thing on her day off.
Harry is really amazed now she cleans everything so ferociously he's just did and make it better. He still doesn't know what he does wrong that he misses few spots whilst dusting or vacuuming or mopping.
But today she was in kitchen making something she saw on Instagram. He heard the blender go off a couple of times, a few utensils clinging. She made a quick run to their bedroom and ran back in kitchen. Which made him confused at to what she's doing.
Whatever she's upto, he's sure, he'll get something to eat or drink. She's far more better at cooking than he is.
Just a few moments later, she was hopping her way out of the kitchen with a pan in her hands like an excited bunny. "Look what I just made!" She sang placing the pan on the coffee tablem
It was a brownie. Nothing new she's made.
"No, baked oats." She corrected him, "apparently it's supposed to taste like brownie. Also, also, also..." She hopped her way back into kitchen and back out. "I made us some strawberry milkshakes!" She set the tray down beside her baked oats which had two spoons on there as well. He placed his guitar away.
"Isn't this supposed breakfast food baby?" He chuckled as she plopped down next to him, hand him his mug which was visibly smaller than hers, "why is mine smaller than yours?"
"It is breakfast food but who cares!" She exclaimed picking up the spoon and ignoring his second question completely, "it's like a little bit hot so be careful."
"You're weird sometimes." He shook his head but picked up the spoon to try some of the baked oats.
That's all she's going to eat for next month for meals if she likes it, he knows that. And it was chocolate, which she's obsessed with. It was surprisingly good. Not too sweet and it is healthy, also surprisingly.
"Oh my god, this is so good!" She exclaimed, "it's too sweet right?"
"It's perfect, baby, great job!" He gave her a high five.
"Thank you thank you." She smiled proudly, picking up her mug of milkshake which reminded him to try his.
"This is amazing!" He surprisingly liked it more, "I'm gonna need the recipe for--" the mug caught his attention. It was new. At least he's never seen it before. There was something written on it in messy handwriting.
"You make me smile and also super horny."
He chuckled, "you cheeky monkey!" He placed his mug down and tackled her on the sofa.
"You're tickling me!" She laughed squirming inside and she somehow found herself now pinned onto cushion, she can't move.
"I make you super horny?" He asked.
"Mhmm." She nodded proudly.
"Well isn't that nice? Wouldn't want you not horny." He leaned in closer and closer, just inches away from her mouth. His hand on her hip creeping upwards where he tickled her even more.
"Stop stop stop!" She laughed.
"They said romance is dead."
"Not between us." She corrected him, still giggling from tickle attack. "Now will you kiss me?"
"Hmm," he nodded and leaned down to press softest kiss on the apple of her cheek, which had blushing and nose scrunched up. "Is that enough?"
She glared at him, "move." She pushed him off her and sat up straight. Just for him to pin her down to the sofa again and button his mouth on hers hard.
"There!" He placed another kiss, but softly. "I love you."
"I love you." She lifted her head up to kiss his chin quickly.
They ate the entire little baking pan of sweet goodness and made love on the sofa, s typical day at home it was.
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lokisprettygirl · 10 months
Close Ties (Daemon Targaryen x Female Reader) (Modern AU) (Non canon) (18+)
Read Chapter 10 // Series Masterlist
Chapter 11
Summary : Your relationship with Daemon grows but how long will the secret remain a secret?
Warning: 18+, smut, dad's best friend trope, canon (we don't know her..don't like don't read), feeling of hopelessness, uncle Daemon kink (you don't have to squint), familial uncle niece sort of relationship but he's not really her uncle, there will be more smut later, significant age gap but reader is in her mid twenties, mention of infidelity, divorce, smoking and alcohol drinking, physical violence implied
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“Okay this one or this one?” You asked Rhaenyra, she was currently lounging on your bed as you had invited her to your dad's barbecue eve.
You really wanted to look hot tonight because first of all you wanted to rile up Daemon so he'd at least put you aside to spank you for your insolent behaviour, it's been two weeks now and as much as you enjoyed and respected his gentlemanly approach to dating you also needed him close and physical not just in sexual ways but you craved his touch, he had such warm big hands and you needed them to be all over yourself.
The other reason was that your actual uncle and his family had been here for more than a week now and last night at the dinner table you saw Trisha, the older cousin, giggling at everything he said and giving him eyes.
Okay Daemon was hot, he was an incredibly attractive man. But what frustrated you was the fact that your friends and cousins all seemed to be drawn to him as well.
“That red dress is beautiful but damn that black one is going to look super sexy on you”
Rhaenyra said to you with a warm smile so you looked at both the dresses again, the black one was indeed sexy, it was a basic but elegant thin strapped fit and flare sort of dress.
She wasn't like Cassandra at all, she wasn't self obsessed to the point where she didn't care about anyone else. Luckily since the Japan trip you hadn't heard from Cassandra but via your stalking skills you found out that she has been talking shit about you to your mutual friends, however that didn't really matter to you for now.
“Black it is then” you mumbled as you walked towards the dresser to put your makeup on.
“You know red is uncle Daemon's favorite color?” she smirked as she said that and you began to blend your foundation even more aggressively.
“Soooo?” You asked her in a nonchalant manner as you tried to keep your voice casual to not give away your feelings for your sweet sweet uncle.
“Just saying..you know”
“Rhae I don't have a crush on him still..i'm a grown up now”
Big lie but also not exactly a complete lie because you were way past the point where you just had a crush on him.
“Mm hmm so you don't want him to marry you now?” her voice had a teasing tone as she spoke,
“Shut up..it's not funny” you turned around to look at her before you pretended to shake your head in disbelief and went back to fiddling with your beauty blender.
“I feel bad for him at times” she sighed as she spoke again,
“Ummm why?”
“You know…Stella n all, I'm glad he's back home but he's just so lonely..it hurts to look at him sometimes” her voice turned serious and the look on your face changed as well. He wasn't lonely anymore, you won't make him feel that way.
“He will find someone I'm sure, he's a good man” she noticed how zoned out you seemed as you said that as if you were lost in his thoughts “One of the best..the best” you mumbled in your mouth and it made her smile.
“Mhmmm he deserves a good woman”
You and Rhaenyra made your way downstairs and towards the room where your father had set up an indoor barbecue for the winter. As soon as you entered the room, your eyes scanned the area for Daemon. You spotted him by the grill, laughing and chatting with your dad, and it brought back memories of the old days. It was clear that they were getting along well now and the old bond they shared had resurfaced, and it made you feel hopeful that this truce would last longer this time and maybe forever.
However, you couldn't shake the feeling of uncertainty, wondering if this time would be different or if it would all fall apart again considering there was this forbidden relationship flourishing between you two now.
As Daemon looked at you, his eyes nearly gave away his feelings for you, the dress fitted you perfectly and his mind filled with the images of you in several obscene positions with the dress still on your body and then on the floor.
He quietly excused himself and walked towards you to greet you but most of all Rhaneyra because he didn't really get to see her much because of his busy schedule.
“Pixie” he said so you nodded,
You both started at each other and Rhaneyra cleared her throat so he smiled and pulled her closer for a hug.
“Princess…you owe me a conversation” he kissed her forehead as he said that, hus voice sounded low and serious. You watched her go pale as a ghost as she realized what he wanted to discuss. You probably should have given her a heads up that he knew about Harwin.
“Sure uncle..uhhh I'll go get…get a drink” she excused herself and hurried out of there before he could say anything else.
“Remember to not go all Dadd on her, she really looks up to you” you told him so he chuckled in response.
“You think you're old enough to give me such advice?” He asked you, there was a smug smile on his face but his voice sounded as if he was offended by the very notion of you giving him an advice.
“Mmmm no?” you mumbled meekly, making him sigh in response.
“Never let a man talk to you like that Pixie, especially not me”
That habit of him teaching you to stick up for yourself was creeping in your personal life, while at work he'd often put you in situations where men would try to dominate your viewpoints and make you crumble in front of them and he'd teach you how to deal with them without coming across as too emotional or overworked.
It was as if he was preparing for you to take over the business but you weren't really sure if you wanted that but you did feel grateful for his guidance . You never had much confidence in yourself, you could have gone your whole life without it because you were served everything without asking and you never had to impress anyone before.
“Well that goes for other men but I'll let you do anything to me..uncle”
You smiled a little as the little flirtatious tone you held turned him on immediately,
“Anything Sweet Pixie?” he challenged you equally,
“Things you won't dream of doing to any other woman”
“Bloody hell pixie ..you can't speak to me like that in public” he lowered his voice even though there was no one around you two.
For a moment you thought he was upset because he cursed and his jaw clenched in anger but he wasn't upset, he was just hard and truly uncomfortable.
“Hey don't talk to me like that”
You pretended to be upset by his comment and walked away, your heart racing as you made your way towards your parents, trying to act nonchalant. Daemon watched you go, his smile curving as he realized it would be challenging to find alone time with you in your parents' house.
You couldn't keep your eyes off him, he had a black t-shirt on that snuggled against his thick body, hair was a curly mess and he smelled divine like always.
“This dress isn't appropriate for a barbecue don't you think?”
Your aunt Polly said to you right in front of your parents while her own daughters were in tank tops and shorts.
“It's fine, it's just a dress” your dad chimed in so you hugged him before you pressed a kiss on his cheek, you were always thankful to your parents for never putting you down in front of others.
Speaking of the cousins, you saw Trisha striking a conversation with Daemon and it made you jealous so you took your phone out and texted him.
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He put his phone inside his pocket after that, he was turned on and he was definitely thinking about you in obscene positions underneath him, he had been trying to take this thing as slow as possible but it wasn't easy, especially because you loved to rile him up at the most inopportune times.
As you all sat down to eat, you chose the seat in front of him on purpose. Throughout the dinner, he watched you lean forward on purpose so he could have the perfect view of your cleavage, then you took your sweet time sucking on the dessert spoon.
To be fair he didn't really think you had it in you and it wouldn't really have mattered to him if you were pure vanilla in the bedroom, he'd have wanted you just the same. Since he came back he found himself digging a deeper hole for himself, the more he got to know you, the more it made sense, despite the age difference and the familial relationship he shared with you he felt so connected to you on a deeper level that went beyond just physical attraction.
He did wonder how deeply you were into him though because at your age he was mindlessly hooking up with women until he found Stella, at times he had a fear that you were just infatuated by him and would get bored of him as soon as you'd realise that he wasn't an angel sent from heaven.
He snapped out of his thoughts as he felt your bare toes rubbing against his shin, eyes pierced into you as he glared at you but you just gave him a sly smile.
Rhaenyra wanted to make a phone call so you excused yourself as well and made your way upstairs, he looked around carefully and everyone seemed a bit tipsy, especially your parents so without saying anything he went upstairs as well and knocked on your door.
The moment you opened he walked towards you so you took a step behind as his strong stride intimidated you in all the good ways. He then slammed the door shut, pulled you closer to him and then flipped you around on your front to press you up against the door, only a gasp escaped your throat as you felt the heat of his body and his lips on your neck.
“Daemon” you moaned his name as his hands wandered under your dress and fingers looped around the waistband of the underwear,
“Not going to call me uncle anymore hmm?”
No words came out of your throat as one of his hands cupped your mound, a part of you suddenly felt so shy and all the boldness you had showed him just now dissipated slowly.
He could feel the warmth radiating from your core, fingers rubbed over the drenched fabric and he pressed his thumb over your clothed clit.
You pressed your hips against his bulge and he groaned in response
“That's what you wanted hmm?” he whispered in your ear, his voice was low and tone husky,
“Mmm did I upset you uncle?” Your head lulled backwards on his shoulder and as the sensation grew with every flick of his thumb only the constant whisper of his name spilled out.
“Wouldn't treat you so sweet if I was upset”
“Daemon pleasseee”
“Keep whining babygirl ..love the sound of that”
“Am i your good girl still?” You asked him softly and it made him smile, even amidst the throes of pleasure you wanted to be his good girl.
“You're my best girl sweetheart”
“Mmmm are you sure..we have been dating for like two weeks”
“And it has been good two weeks love..don't ever doubt how much I care about you, you can be an insufferable brat as long as you're being that way solely for me”
You suddenly turned around and your arms flung around him as you kissed him passionately, your hips rolled back and forth over his palm. If he wasn't holding you so tightly with his other arm your knees would have given out.
Your hands trailed down and as you cupped his bulge he pressed you against the door again with your arms next to your head where he held them in place while his other hand continued to fondle your soaked cunt,
“You won't let me please you?” you asked him with heavy breaths,
“Oh you're going to please me. Don't fret darling, I'll take the double of what I'm giving you”
Godd now you understood Cassandra's obsession with him, sure you had been touched this way but you had never been pleased with words like this before and his touch was like no other, in that moment you knew no man would be able to please you the way he would,
"Look at you.. so dripping wet and for whom hmm? Your own fucking uncle"
Damn he really enjoyed the uncle-niece play.
“Go on..cum for me darling, soak my fingers my sweet little niece”
Your body convulsed almost instantly as he whispered filthy words in your ear. He couldn't keep his eyes off you, fingers continued to rub over the soaked fabric as you rode your high.
Beautiful was the only word that came to his mind at that moment, you looked so beautiful to him.
As you finally opened your eyes he pulled his hand out from under your dress and grabbed you by the waist as he kissed you deeply and ever so lovingly. This is what you needed, you were getting addicted to the way he touched you and how he seemed to be so into you, you had never had that from a guy before, never had a man's whole attention on you because their eyes always wandered and they seemed to only like you because of your father.
“You alright Pixie pie?” he asked you as pleased his index finger under your chin and made you look at him, your face was warm and flushed and he knew he'd have to relieve himself in the privacy of his bedroom later, you had given him enough to work his imagination with.
“Mmmm has anyone ever told you how good you are at this stuff?” you asked him so he chuckled
“Mmhmmm.. but would love to hear it from you, keep my ego intact if you will” you chuckled as he said that.
“You ruined my underwear” you mumbled against his mouth
“There's a lot more I want to ruin then just your clothes darling”
After changing into fresh underwear, you made your way downstairs ahead of Daemon to avoid appearing suspicious. As you entered the room, you noticed that Rhaenyra had returned as well and she was wearing an amused expression. Your father had turned on the projector and was playing an old video from a trip to Morocco.
You remembered the trip, you were thirteen, that's where Daemon had proposed Stella, your uncle and his family was also on the trip, you looked so little in those pictures and Daemon still looked the same, just younger, he had Stella hanging on his arm in every picture but there was one picture of just you and Daemon taken in front of a monument.
Daemon stepped downstairs soon after and as soon as he saw the old pictures his whole demeanor changed.
“I should put something else on” your dad mumbled under his breath as he seemed to realize that it must have been difficult for Daemon to watch himself looking so happy in the photos with Stella. As you looked at him he averted his gaze, you noticed that he didn't seem to be doing fine.
“I never understood why he was so sure about Stella, he has always been a sensible guy and it never made sense” Rhaenyra said to you, her voice held a tinge of frustration,
“Mmmm people can be deceiving .. sometimes they pretend to be something they're not and we are only able to figure them out with time”
“Makes sense”
“That reminds me..he knows about you and Harwin”
“I figured” she chuckled nervously,
“He'll keep your secret don't worry"
“Yeah I just don't want him to judge Harwin”
“Even if he does initially once they get to know each other he'll understand..like you said he is a sensible man”
You put your arm around her so she smiled and hugged you. As the night grew, everyone got more and more drunk and then people started to leave for bed. Rhaenyra wanted to go home so Daemon decided to drive her himself since he didn't have a drink all night.
You knew he'd have the conversation with her on the way, he also seemed a bit sullen, you understood really well Stella bothered him still but you didn't like seeing him that way. After showering and changing late at night you decided to go see Daemon to make sure he was fine, you wanted to knock on the door but standing outside his room for so long didn't seem like the smartest thing to do so you turned the knob and the door wasn't locked so you entered in and he was already in the bed,
“Daemon ?” You called out his name as you closed the door but you didn't lock it.
“I'm up pixie” he propped himself on his elbows as he looked at you, he seemed tired. He had a white loose t-shirt with a pair of sweatpants.
You crawled on the bed and he tilted his head to watch your movement, the lace night dress you had on was tantalizing, you shouldn't be in his bed looking like that.
“How was the talk with your niece?” You asked him so he tilted his head backwards as he sighed,
“It was alright, I'll meet him soon”
“Good.. and how's your mood?”
“Alright ..why” he smiled a little as he noticed the concern in your voice.
“You just seemed sad after those pictures –Dad can be a bit dense at times”
He chuckled as you said that.
“You think I'm sullen because of Stella?”
“You are not?”
“No it wasn't her that bothered me”
You looked at him confused so he sighed before he laid down on his back with a thud,
“It was you..us..our photo together and you were just a child back then”
You crawled up on him as he said that, his voice sounded meak and defeated. When you saw those pictures you saw yourself with your uncle/ man you had a stupid unrequited crush on but when he looked in the past he saw a little girl he had treated like his own child, all of this just seemed fucked up to him at times.
“It's weird, when I'm with you, i don't think about that little girl..it's like she was just a child I used to know and care for” he cupped your cheeks for a moment before his fingers brushed through your hair "But you..are different, not the girl i remembered or looked forward to meet when I had planned to return” he mumbled so you placed your hands on his shoulders and made him sit back up,
“I am different, i have grown and changed”
“Mhhm but eventually I'll have to acknowledge that you're the same precious girl I called my niece once but wish to have in my bed now” he said to you so you nodded before you grabbed his hands and placed it on your chest, his breathed hitched as he cupped your bosom, they fit perfectly in his hands.
“You are all good daemon i promise” you leaned in to kiss him softly “Like i said I'm all grown up now” he kissed you back as you murmured against his mouth “I know you want me now..you want this" you moaned as he gave them a squeeze, your body felt so soft and natural to him unlike Stella or Cassandra "I know your intentions, i always did, even when mine were not so innocent for you i know yours were absolutely pure when I was a child”
“When did you get so wise?” He smiled as he laid down with you on top of him, he kissed your forehead and then your lips.
“Cuddle with me please” you mumbled against his mouth and his brows furrowed, as much as he wanted to have you sleep in his bed, it was a risk he wasn't willing to take just yet, your relationship had just began with him and getting caught by someone was not in his agenda especially considering your relatives were here too at the moment..
“i can't Pixie pie..we can get caught”
“I'll set an alarm..pleaseee” you mumbled as you snuggled against him, every inch of your skin felt tingly as your body pressed into him, he felt so thick and cushiony, you wanted to stay in his arms forever.
“Let me make you feel better you sad sad boy” he chuckled as you said that,
“Well I do enjoy the thought of you warming my bed in more ways than one”
“Says the girl who has been in love with me since she was twelve” you gasped as you looked at him.
You weren't in love with him, well that was a lie, you were completely and hopelessly in love with him but you weren't going to admit that so soon
But before you could snap back in response you both heard the sound of his door knob twisting.
You had left the door unlocked.
@serving-targaryen-realness @annoyingsweetsstranger @anukulee @mcufan72 @insertsomethingsillyhereple-blog @silentf @ajthefujoshi @stupidthoughtsinwriting @ammo23 @shuichiakainx @daddylokisqueen @ipostwhtifeel @anehkael @madlyinlovewmattmurd0ck @dixie-elocin
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felixsramen · 1 year
Yours Truly
This is part 14 to my Skz poly fic.
Previous<<<< Next>>>>
Warnings: None
You woke up to Minho cuddling into you. All of the boys soft snores occupying the room. It was nice to hear. It made you happy. You really needed to pee though. You wiggle out of Minhos grasp and eventually free yourself and walk to the bathroom. As you leave the bathroom you see Seungmin and Felix now walking to the kitchen.
You come up behind them and hug Felix. "I thought you left." Felix says and turns around in your arms.
"Nope. Just went to the bathroom." You say and Seungmin now moves you from Felix to bring you into his arms.
Seungmin kisses you on the cheek and it's the first time any of the boys have done that. "So cute it's almost sickening." You hear Hyunjin say and you look up at him.
Seungmin rolls his eyes playfully. "Just say you want a kiss next time." Seungmin says and he lets go of you going up to Hyunjin. Seungmin kisses Hyunjin and pulls away looking at his older boyfriend.
"I love you." Hyunjin tells him.
"I love you more." Seungmin says now going back to Felix.
"So what are we making?" Seungmin asks his boyfriend who giggles.
"Strawberry cupcakes from scratch." Felix says pulling out the ingredients.
"Do you want to help Y/N?" Felix asks his eyes almost sparkling in the light.
"Sure." You say smiling.
"Are you just going to stand there and look pretty Jinnie or are you going to help?" Seungmin asks his boyfriend who stands in the doorway as he pulls out the flour.
Hyunjin goes into the kitchen grabbing the eggs. "Y/N could you go into the fridge and grab the strawberries and cut them up?" Felix asks you as he grabs the cutting board.
You open the fridge grabbing the strawberries. "Cut them in half and then put them in the puree blender." Felix says as he pours the dry ingredients together. Seungmin starts the timer and goes to grab the rest of the ingredients.
"Hyunjin grab the other container and you're just going to cut those in half you won't need the whole thing so cut like half of them." Felix says as he brings out the other cutting board.
Felix and Seungmin mix the ingredients together. "I didn't mean that earlier." Hyunjin says starting to feel guilty about how it sounded.
"I know." Y/N says smiling at him reassuringly. Yet Hyunjin just sighs the guilt not leaving him. Hyunjin knew sometimes his teasing had gone far.
You look at him as he chops the strawberries lost in thought. "Jinnie?" You ask him and he looks up at you in surprise at the nickname.
"Hmm?" He asks the initial shock now going away.
"It's okay." You say smiling at him.
"Are you sure?" He asks. Hyunjin wasn't very sure of himself sometimes so he always wanted to make sure the people he cared about were sure of their answers.
You put the knife down going up to him. You take the knife out of his hand and put it down. Your hands intertwine with his and you smile at him again. "I'm sure Jinnie." You say and Hyunjin smiles back at you now completely reassured.
You kissed his cheek and smiled at him. Hyunjin was turning red now. "Are you blushing?" Seungmin says laughing at his boyfriend.
"Oh shut up." Hyunjin grumbles throwing a strawberry at him. The strawberry hits Seungmin.
"Oh you're going down loverboy." Seungmin says grabbing a strawberry from your pile.
"Why am I being used as a shield? I'm an innocent bystander!" You say to both boys.
"Well you're in the way so...." Seungmin says and throws the strawberry at you.
"Seungmin!" You screech as the strawberry hits you.
Both boys laugh and Hyunjin lets go of you. "I'm going to get you back!" You say laughing and grabbing a strawberry.
You watch as Felix finishes the cupcake batter.
"Hey! We're in the process of making cupcakes so don't throw the-" Felix says and before he finishes you throw the strawberry at Seungmin who dodges it. It hits Felix in the middle of that.
Felix is surprised by being hit by a strawberry. The initial shock goes away as the flour is still beside him. He looks at the flour and then at you guys.
"Don't you dare do that!" Seungmin yells as Felix grabs a handful of flour.
You all run from Felix as he chases you with flour around the kitchen. He eventually catches you all throwing flour all over you. You all can't help but laugh.
"I hate you all." Seungmin says as flour is in his hair and on half his face.
"We love you too." Hyunjin says who has a Felix sized hand print of flour on the side of his face from Felix pinning him down and rubbing it on his face.
"That was fun!" Felix says still giggling. Felix had flour all on his shirt from chasing you guys and a little bit of flour on his hair.
You laugh at Felix. "It was." You say. You had gotten the worst of it the boys tag teaming you and throwing flour all over you. Your hair was practically white now and you knew it wasn't going to be fun getting that out but you could care less right now.
"Minho is going to kill us." Seungmin says realizing flour was all over the floor and counters.
"Oh definitely." Hyunjin says now holding you from behind his head resting on your shoulder. It was comforting.
"We should definitely clean this up before he realizes." Felix says sighing.
"Before he realizes what?" You hear Minho say as he appears at the door.
Minhos eyes widen as his eyes look at the kitchen. "What the hell did you guys do to my kitchen?!?" Minho says now looking at the 4 of you.
"It was Felix!" Seungmin says quickly.
"Oh screw you! What happened to being loyal to me!" Felix says to his younger boyfriend.
"We are but that doesn't count when it comes to Minhos kitchen." Hyunjin says now pulling you with him out the kitchen as Minho glares at Felix.
'I'm sorry' you mouth to Felix and he gives you a weak smile.
"Let's go before Minho has us sleeping in the backyard. I don't want that happening again." Hyunjin says pulling you towards a room.
"Again?" You ask him as he closes the door.
He nods going through the closet looking for clothes. "Minho once made us sleep in the backyard because Jisung forgot to do the dishes and so he punished all of us. He said and I quote 'Either you all sleep in the backyard tonight or you'll all wake up bald in the morning because of Jisung.' You haven't seen any of us bald and I want it to stay that way." Hyunjin says pulling out 2 shirts and 2 pairs of sweatpants.
"Here you can take a shower." Hyunjin says handing you some clothes.
"Thank you." You say taking them from him. You go to the bathroom in the room and shut the door. You turn the water on letting it warm up.
You look into the mirror. You felt good for once looking at yourself even with flour all over you. You couldn't help but smile. These boys were bringing the joy in your life and you couldn't be more thankful.
Taglist: @queenmea604 @lolareadsimagines @tinyworld18 @liv302 @jinniespuppy @stephy-nicole13 @haikyuuisposts @freyaniobe @chansbabygirlsstuff @jkookiejiminlvr @hyuneyeon @sirenthalia @nagadiluc @tenshimara @leeknowleeknow @boi-bi-ahaha @shltsnglggles @jfkedldndkd @tinystarsthing @armystay89 @baby-fairy-yas @haileybugulug @freckleboilix @im-sinking-in-mud @thatoneperson1911 @lmaouwu @greysweaters-blog @katrodriguez99 @3rachasninja @amararosesblog @1alesakura @m4gg13-g @vampcharxter @noellllslut @berryberrytaeberry @junebug032 @jeonginwvr
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tealmaskmybeloved · 5 months
I present a new ship for my Kieran (made for the very specific audience of me)
I call it Dungeon and Dipplin shipping (or dndshipping for short)
And it's a crossover ship between TC!Kieran and Marcy Wu from Amphibia!
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Headcanons + notes:
- Marcy would teach Kieran how to play DnD, Kieran would roleplay as an Ogre character (HMM WONDER WHY)
- Kieran would make Marcy a mask (even if he's not the best at it, she still loves it)
- The two ramble to each other about their hyperfixations
- Marcy gets Kieran into video games and stuff (probably TOTK let's be honest here)
- They watch 5 hour long video essays on stuff they like
- Kieran talks to Marcy about the Ogre and Marcy talks to Kieran about her life
- Also they both need therapy for getting possessed
Speaking of, since Kieran and Marcy are getting along, why not have Darcy and Dokukieran interact too?
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- The two talk about their plans for world domination and such
- Dokukieran points out that Darcy should've used Bluetooth instead of wired connection.
-Darcy responds by gifting Dokukieran a blender
- The two enjoy committing crimes as a duo
- Also they hate Sasha and Carmine
These aren't really canon to the AU, but I still enjoy it nonetheless
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nattinatalia · 1 year
Jack Harlow x Reader : BRUNCH WITH THE HARLOWS
This idea and request came from none other than my girl @harlowcomehome 🩵🤝🏻 hope you like it.
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It was a Sunday afternoon at the Harlow household, you were currently running around the kitchen trying to get the food ready for everyone.
Since the age of sixteen you and your six brothers had made a pact that every Sunday you would all get together for brunch.
It continued throughout the years, you even incorporated it into your relationship with Jack. It was a way for everyone to catch up and relax, even if it was only for a day.
“Mama, but daddy doesn’t like spicy.”
You smile, “I know bug, that’s why I always make two different batches.”
“I like spicy.”
“Missy, how would you like spicy food if I don’t give you anything with chile?” You turn to look at her as you’re pouring the boiled spices into the blender.
“Uncle Clay Clay gave us hot Cheetos and a spicy pickle.”
From the corner of your eye you can see who was walking into the kitchen but decided to make a turn.
“CLAYBORN HARLOW, you stay there.”
“H-how did you know?”
“My wife has Harlow senses.” Jack says, coming in behind him. “What did you do?” He asks his brother.
“Yeah, what did you do?” You ask him, smirking.
“I might have given the kids spicy snacks?” He shrugs, “In my defense it’s so they learn to handle spicy food, and not turn out like this weak one.” He says pointing to Jack.
“Hey, I can handle spicy.”
You smile at your husband, “Aww mi amor, no you can’t bubs, and that’s totally fine.”
“Don’t get grumpy daddy.” Mia laughs.
“Anyway, I came in here to see if you needed help taking out anything.”
“Hmm, probably take the sour cream, queso fresco and the avocados.” You tell them, pouring the hot sauce into a pan.
“That’s it?” Your husband asks, while taking out the stuff from the fridge.
“Come back in five minutes so you can help me take out the food.”
“Okay, um is this for outside?”
You turn around to see what he’s pointing at and nod. “Oh yess, Clay can you help your brother take out the jars of agua frescas please.”
“Did you make my favorite one?” His whole head is peeking into the fridge to see which flavor of aguas you made.
You laugh at that. “Yes, Jamaica and fresa con leche. Do not spill that one, that’s your mom’s favorite one.” You’re referring to the pepino con limón agua fresca.
“We’ll be back then.” Jack says and they both make two trips to take out the stuff needed for outside.
The brunch always happens outside, depending on the weather. When you and Jack were planning on building your forever home, you both decided to bring both your style into everything.
Your backyard and kitchen had to feel like back home. So you definitely incorporated some Mexican roots into your design.
You fall in love with your patio more every day, so whenever you can, you try to eat outside and cook as much as you can in your beautiful kitchen.
“Okay, which one do I take first?” Jack comes back in, heading to the stove.
“JACK NO.” You rush to him and smack his hands away. “No touching, and that one was the spicy one.”
“I’m hungry, and I’ve had the spicy ones before, I’m sure you didn’t overdo it.”
“I’m one hundred percent sure you won’t be able to handle it. Even your daughter said so.”
Jack raises his eyebrows and turns to look at Mia. “Really bug? I thought you were on my side?”
Mia shakes her head smiling. “I am on your side, but I saw how many baneros mama put in, those are really spicy, I heard grandma say.”
“Ohhh damn you used habaneros this time?”
You nod, “It’s a new salsa mi abuela shared with me.”
“So did you make one without the habaneros?”
“Don’t I always make one of each?” You ask him, crossing your arms.
“Yeah you do, okay let’s go.”
“I need to get napkins and wake Ezequiel up from him nap. Mia, go make sure daddy doesn’t serve himself the spicy one.”
Mia nods “okay mommy.” She answers and follows after Jack.
“Jackman, how are you going to serve when your wife isn’t seated yet?” Maggie scolds her oldest.
“She just texted me, she’s changing Ezequiel. I’m serving her plate and the kids, but I’ll wait for her to eat. You guys can go ahead and eat though.”
“No, that’s disrespectful.”
“We’ll wait for her as well then.” His dad answers.
Jack is helping serve the food onto everyone’s plates, while Maggie fills up the cups with agua fresca and orange juice.
“Oh daddy, that’s the spicy one.” Mia warns her dad.
“No, Clay took out the spicy one, I took this one out.”
Mia shakes her head “I know which cuchara mommy used for the spicy one.”
“I’m sure you’re mistaken bug.” Jack reassures his daughter.
Meanwhile Mia is shaking her head with her hands on her little forehead.
“Okay we’re ready to eat.” You announce as you and Ez are walking out to the patio.
You are finally seated and everyone starts to dig into their food.
“Mmm wow.” Maggie says. ”I will never get tired of your food. This is so delicious Y/N.”
“Thank you.”
“You taste that Maggie?” Druski asks, “That’s the taste of seasoning.”
“DRU.” You yell.
“Leave him, he loves to joke about my unseasoned food, but he was always getting seconds.”
Besides you, Jack starts coughing non stop.
You turn to face him and notice he’s turning red and sweating. “Uhh babe? What's wrong?”
“T-that.” He coughs. “That’s really hot.”
You furrow your eyebrows. “Babe, you got the chilaquiles that I made with tomato sauce.”
“Yeah, and it’s spicy.” He’s chugging his water.
“Babe, that one didn’t have any chiles.”
“Mama, he got the wrong one.” Mia says from her seat, covering her mouth.
“Which one did you get Jack?”
“This one.” He points at the pan with the spicy chilaquiles rojos.
“No babe, that’s the habanero one.” You stand up and refill his cup with agua de pepino.
“I thought the spicy one was the one Clay took out?”
You shake your head “No, I told you, you had the spicy one.”
“Clay told me he had the spicy one.” He glares at his brother.
“You said you could handle spicy food, I was trying to prove a point.” He shrugs.
You shake your head. “Go inside and bring him a cup of milk and a paleta de limon please.”
Jack gets up from his seat, and starts doing jumping jacks.
“Jackman be serious, that’s not going to help.” His mom tells him, while she takes a sip of her drink.
“It’s going all the way to my head and down to my feet. It’s so spicy.”
“I told you daddy.” Mia yells out, taking a spoonful of her chilaquiles.
“I know Mia.” He groans out.
You shake your head, “Your brother is back with the milk and popsicle.” You grab his plate and transfer his food to your plate and serve him some of the non spicy chilaquiles.
“I don’t know who got you mad while making that sauce but a warning next time babe.”
“Jack, she makes two batches every time she cooks because she knows you don’t do well with spicy, so stop being so demanding.” Maggie tells him.
You smile at that, “He’s just dramatic. Plus, it’s a Mexican saying, when the salsa comes out spicy, we say that.”
“And we did tell him grandma. He just doesn’t listen, just like Ezequiel.”
“I do nothing.” Ez grumpily replies, he always wakes up in a mood.
Jack finally sits back down and he tries switching his plate with yours. “Do you want to die? I already got yours onto my plate.”
Jack's eyes go wide, “Oh my god, that would’ve been bad.” He takes a bite from his food. “Oh yeah, these are definitely the ones with tomato sauce.”
“You’re so weak man.” Dru laughs from his seat.
“All of you have so much to say when none of you even have the spicy one.”
“I got the spicy one and it’s bomb, a little hot, but it’s good Y/N.”
“Thank you Urb.” You reply.
You all continue eating and enjoying your Sunday afternoon. Sharing stories and laughing, even when Druski keeps picking on Jack and his mom.
“Did you add hot sauce on top of your eggs?” Jack asks you after a while.
“Huh?” You turn to look at him and see him halfway with the fork in his mouth. “WAIT.”
It was too late, he ate the egg but he immediately spat it out and started coughing.
“Who adds hot sauce on their eggs?” Jack coughs.
“I do.” You tell him.
“Shit not again.” He jumps out of his seat.
“Daddy, naughty word.” Mia yells out from her spot on the swing.
“Yeah yeah, you’ll be rich because my mouth is fucking burning, shit.” He replies and runs inside the kitchen, probably for some milk and ice.
You shake your head, “Never ending story with my husband.”
@heavyhitterheaux @harlowsbby @arination99 @cmalass @jackharloww @minkookie95 @deannaard @jacksmoviestar @harlowcomehome @fdl305 @httpkoylinnn @xoxokiaraaxoxo @hoodharlow @automaticpeachsong @amethyst09 @aliciacat20 @allyson15 @gabbylovesreading @stefansalvatoresgf @violetdreamsworld @carma-fanficaddict @jasminxts @itsaaliyah2 @itsyagirljaz @harrycanyonmoonn @neon-lights-and-glitter @awhore4moree
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murmurlilies · 7 months
Less about OCs, but I'm interested to know what your process is like when creating a piece as detailed as that one you posted for Valentine's Day. How do you go about it? And do you happen to do time-lapse videos?
hmm can't say I can give an explanation that's terribly interesting or satisfying lol... I'm almost entirely self-taught, so "process" is a very loose and nebulous concept for me, and it changes from piece to piece. the one common thread among my works is that they all involve obscene amounts of trial and error. I don't have any recent time-lapses because I never think to record them, but if I did you would definitely see how often I feel the need to adjust and redo every little thing.
for the Valentine's Day piece, because it was a "remake" I had the benefit of a much more solid foundation than usual to start out with. however you can still see where I ended up deviating from the sketch phase - most obvious being her pose, the design of her hair, and the details of her sandals. (there were also meant to be candles on the dresser, but I forgot and didn't feel like adding them back in later and so I decided a vague suggestion of candlelight was enough lmao)
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anyways, compared to everything else, sketching and linework are fairly straightforward and come most easily to me. there really isn't much to say, just scribble some messy lines and then whittle away at and draw over them till they magically become less messy!
when it comes to coloring and shading, things get a lot weirder and more complicated. this is where my process tends to vary the most, because it really depends on the mood of the piece. for this one I wanted something dark and seductive, so I covered the whole image in a layer of burgundy red, then painted the "lighting" on top across several Overlay layers. additional shadow details were brushed in on Multiply layers using deep purple instead of straight black, but ultimately I didn't want them to be too dark, as that initial layer of red was meant to serve as the primary "shadow" of the piece.
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this is also usually where I decide which lines I want to "color" with clipping masks, which can either make certain elements pop or feel softer. it sorta brings the whole image together, giving it a much more painterly look overall. from there all that's left is to keep making adjustments and adding little details - the glittery effect on her dress was one of the last things I added, I thought it looked really nice!
...ok now take everything I just said and throw it all in a blender. because even though it might sound fairly orderly, the truth is I'm constantly making changes to all stages of my works, even the earliest ones, all the way to the end. I'll still be making adjustments to the linework and such after I've already put so much effort into the lights and shading! it's not the most efficient way of doing things... but again, trial and error. my perfectionism gets the better of me...
anyways I apologize if NONE of this made any sense, like I said I never had any formal training in art, so I'm not very good at teaching or explaining it!! at the end of the day my process is less about what makes logical sense and more about finding what feels right in a given moment. at the very least I hope it was a fun read lmao 🥳
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The English Love Deception Pt3
“I’ll make you fucking obsessed y/n watch me cause I just started”
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4
Jude Bellingham X Reader ft Trent Alexander Arnold
Word count: 2.5k
Warnings: swearing and sexual tension
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“Shhh, unless you want people downstairs to see you like this with me.”
“Like this like what?”
“You want me to describe to you how this looks well you a young woman pressed to the wall in a short black dress with a jacket thats barely hanging to your body now,” he looked down at your chest, “breathing shallowly” his eyes went back up to your face and said, “face flushed and pupils dilated and then there is me”
“Yea and then there is you a complete disappointment to the whole story”
He laughed he actually laughed in your face this mf thinks he’s fine enough to act like that.
“If that’s so then what are you doing at the house of a disappointment”
“Most definitely not for you”
“Well then tell me one name you’d rather have with you instead of me right now and I’ll be the judge”
You opened your mouth to automatically say a name but closed your mouth again. This is embarrassing you almost said Trent’s name.
“ thought so..so listen you and me next week Hannah’s wedding you heard it all didn’t you?”
“why don’t you take your girlfriend though? I mean the girl said you have one”
It was his turn to remain silent. You understood that that the girlfriend story was a weak attempt to save his ego but you won’t be the one feeding his.
“how can I take anybody when I can take you.”
“You mean to say that you lied about having a girlfriend and now you’re asking me for a favour because you desperately need me as your plus one?” You corrected him
“I wouldn’t word it that way cause I don’t ‘desperately’ need you. I just randomly thought of the idea but for the sake of your fantasies at night yes I desperately need you.”
Keeping up a conversation with this man is semi-impossible unless you wanna lose a lot of your brain cells.
The only successful way to deal with such people as him Is to ignore them completely.
“What’s in it for me though?” Of course you’re gaining so much from the deal you yourself are getting a plus one who’s actually Trent’s friend but of course you won’t say so. The less he knows the better off you are.
“You really are the type of person who only replies to with one message when your friend spams you with messages, aren’t you?”
“and with your current performance I don’t think you’ll get to find out.” Slayyyyy
“You get to keep the jacket and since I’m feeling a little more generous today I’ll let you decide what else you want in return.”
If you leave this house dating Jude your girls will smack you slice you smash you put you in a blender and make smoothie out of you. You need to make a very good deal at least.
“I need a job.”
“Do you think I’m LinkedIn by any chance?” he said not taking you seriously his eyes wandering around the house and said, “last time I checked this isn’t JobCentre Plus”
“Get me a job you have a deal no job no deal”
“Okay okayy I’ll see what I’ll be able to do about that. So deal?” He said raising his hand for a shake. You hummed a little as a response completely ignoring his hand and slightly pushing him away to go for the stairs only to find him pulling you from the back by your jacket’s pocket.
You spun around and your heels almost said bye bitch so by instinct your hands moved to clutch anything nearby. And what other than his shirt would be a better idea? You looked at him to give him a piece of your mind and instantly regretted even looking upwards. This man will break your neck one day.
“As much as I’m into your bratty behaviour, I’m your lover right now and I’d like you to act like it hmm?”
“Newton’s 3rd law For every action there is an equal but opposite reaction. Fix that attitude of yours I’ll give you what you want.”
He didn’t reply and slightly pushed you aside and left for the stairs. Two can play this game and you won’t accept defeat.
“Girl where have yOU been?” Bunny said worriedly the moment you went back to the backyard.
“It’s a long story I’ll tell you all about it later. Where’s MJ?” You look around searching for her
“They’re going to play a cards game. I was about to come and search for you do you wanna play?”
“Yea yea lets go”
You said your hi’s and sat next to your girls waiting for the game to start
“I’ll act as if I haven’t noticed with whom you were missing the whole night,” MJ said softly pinching your thigh.
“I swear I’ll tell y’all everything I swear.” you looked at the people who are playing only to lock eyes with Jude who was already looking at you. He tilted his head to the side before winking at you. He certainly has a switch from quirky to flirty.
“Am I the only one who saw that?” Bunny questioned.
“Yea someone better prepare to be steak tonight” you continued scanning the crowd only for your eyes to drop at Trent who has Hannah wrapped next to him. She was too busy acting pretty and counting his arm muscles to even notice your existence. You secretly wished it would stay that way.
“So guys I guess we all know the game right? Pick a card, do what the card says or drink. Pretty simple” said a pretty boy with eyebrow slits.
“He is fine and super funny I wanna have his babies,” MJ said looking as us for agreement.
“I don’t think that’s what people do when they meet funny people,” Bunny said scanning the young man you guys being extremely obvious the boy looked toward you guys and smiled.
“Told y’all he’s my husband,” MJ said with all seriousness crossing her arms.
“Welcome to the Foden family, Mrs Foden” Bunny jokingly shook hands with MJ
“It’s a pleasure.”
“Guys guys the first card has been withdrawn.” You drew their attention to the game.
“okay okay it says ‘Pick up a random book and read it in the most seductive voice manageable.’ Oh god wait let me warm up ahem.” said the player who pulled the card.
“I’ll get a book give me a sec,” said Jude as he went running to get him a book.
“I don’t think I’ll be able to take mason mount seriously after what I’m gonna hear,” bunny told you. Jude comes back with a green book in hand
“Here you go enlighten us with your knowledge”
“Perhaps..” mason started to approach Foden slowly, “few of us realize that without plants..” he said caressing Foden’s neck with his knuckles.
You couldn’t help but laugh with the others and also feel bad because you can tell everyone is gonna be traumatised tonight.
“all our modern civilization would be swept away and that upon plants has been built all that we have so far accomplished and everything that we may yet become.” Mason continued as he sat on Foden’s lap trying his best to keep his voice as low as possible. It is very hard to tell if he’s acting anymore.
“The overthrow of any king or republic, the wiping out-“
“Oh man stop god stop,” Foden finally cracked, “my name might be Phil but I’m not fucking Philodendron.”
“I guess it’s my turn now I hope I get a normal card,” Trent said getting up to fetch the card from the table.
“What does it say,” Hannah sweetly said. You wanted to poke her eyes out but you won’t cause that would be animal abuse.
“‘Hold hands with the person to your left for the duration of the game. If you or the other person let go at any point, you each have to do 2 shots each.’ My left? That’s you babe.” Trent said going back to his seat holding Hannah’s hand.
“Mate that’s not fun you guys already do that all the time tsk,” Foden said shaking his head.
“I mean I won’t mind doing that for eternity as long as it’s you Trent,” you don’t understand how did she say that without gagging cause what the fuck.
“*cough* cringy bitch *cough*” you couldn’t help but do that but maybe you went a bit too loud.
“hm? Oh y/n is that youu?” Hannah said in her usual whiny voice. Shit now you have to engage with snakes.
“I have been here for a while now,” you laughed awkwardly okay now you wish you would just be sucked by a black hole. Everyone is silently watching the useless chat.
“I would’ve came and hugged you but I’m stuck with Trent,” she said raising their hands in the air to show you how ‘stuck’ she is.
“yeah that’s fine congratulations by the way,” you told her. You wanted so bad to Google “how to stop an unwanted conversation”
“Awww thank you, don’t make the past stop you and start seeing someone girlie we aren’t getting any younger,” okay somebody smack this bitch up.
“The only thing I should be seeing is you out the door bitch” you thought to yourself
“Oh y/n here likes to keep her dating life private even from her best friends you see I’m dying for them to know who’s that famous guy you’re seeing y/n” Bunny said trying to save you some face.
“As a matter of fact Hannah here might know him isn’t that right?” MJ said making matters worse but it was worth it to see that shocked look on Hannah’s face.
“now you’re killing me with curiosity y/nnnn. You don’t know about this, Trent?” The bitch is doing it on purpose.
“As long as he treats you right, you have my support,” Trent says calmly face void of emotion.
“This mf thinks he’s Amazon tech support from the amount of support he’s throwing at you, y/n” MJ whispered and you almost fell off your chair.
You glanced at Jude who was try his best to act as if he doesn’t give a damn about what’s going on.
“Okay let’s continue it’s my turn I’ll pick a card,” said Foden, “‘Hit on someone in the group the way you’d hit on someone in the club’
i haven’t done that in a while I’m super rusty”
Foden slowly approaches MJ and said “hey”
“Yes?” MJ acting nonchalant when we all know she’s going crazy for the eyebrow slits
“I have to admit, you’ve got some killer moves on you. For how long are you planning to stay?” He directly started the act and MJ went along with it.
“If you play your cards right maybe till 3” MJ is clearly stealing the show from Foden.
“Perfect, then I have enough time to figure out how to make a move on you”
MJ seems to forget it’s all an act as the girl when into vibration mood.
“How about I start now?” He said smiling cheekily while lifting the aforementioned eyebrow.
Okay now MJ has passed.
“HAHAHA THAT WAS GOOD” you said clapping trying to move the attention towards you.
“sorry I wasn’t giving it my all,” he said to MJ
“worked on me and I’m not usually easily impressed,” she flirted and a few seconds of exchanged glances took place.
“OKAY Bellingham your turn,” Foden said returning back to his seat.
This better be good cause you really need something to laugh at something that starts with a J and ends with UDE.
“‘Give someone of your choice a leg massage after seductively removing their footwear’ god that’s terrible.” This was super funny to you until you found him approaching your seat.
“Ironic isn’t it?” Jude says dropping to his knees in front of your seat. You reflexively squeezed your thighs together.
“what is?” You have zero idea what’s going on
“I told you I’ll make you fall for me and it’s me who has dropped to his knees for you.” He said reaching for your leg that’s covered with your knee high boots.
“What are you doing,” you whispered to him pushing his hands away from your knees.
“Just follow my lead,” he whispered back. His fingertips touching the back of your knees not only tickling you but tickling your soul. You must control your expressions you guys are literally providing a free show for everyone to watch.
“And you’re sure that little plan of yours will actually work?” He pulled you closer to him by pulling at your chair’s legs.
“no definitely not with those poor acting skills of yours for sure”
He unzips your left boot his fingers running down to calf you are supposed to relax but all you get is goosebumps.
“Your calf muscles are tense loosen up for me” he said light smacking the back of your leg.
“I am relaxed”
“If that’s how you look relaxed how do you look tensed? I’ll go from bottom to the top okay?”
From this moment onwards you have forgotten about everyone Trent Hannah your girls it’s just Jude now.
He started at your ankle and then abruptly stopped and looked at you. Oh, he saw the tattoo you had of Trent’s name. You felt his eyes glooming and the way he just completely ignored the area and wasn’t even touching it as if it would burn him if he did.
“Say something,” he said.
“What do you want me to say,” you told him you noticed that you have been looking everywhere but him. Looking at him gripping your legs focusing on nothing but you, sucked the life out of you. He was rubbing your calf muscles with both hands using long upward strokes not minding the fact that you almost had a stroke.
“Does it feel good?” In normal circumstances that would’ve sounded weird af to you but for some reason you haven’t even noticed yourself humming to him.
“Use your words, y/n” your breath hitched and suddenly your mouth is dry you can’t utter a word. It feels as if you are under his mercy
The higher he gets the better it feels and the rougher the kneading gets.
“Jude,” you couldn’t help but groan, biting your lip to stop it from getting louder.
“I’m sorry I’ll go sof-“ he said thinking that you’re in pain until he looked at you to find you more than enjoying whatever he’s doing. His hands stoping at the back of your thighs where the dress was stopping him part of you wants to pull your dress upwards to give him room to continue whatever he’s doing.
You wanted to praise the lord when you felt his fingers slipping under your dress then it all stopped when he withdrew his hands. He helped you put on your boot and you stood up to properly put your feet inside and zipped it.
“You are going to make me lose my fucking mind, Jude Bellingham”
He leaned to your ear only to say,
“I’ll make you fucking obsessed y/n watch me cause I just started.”
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amoneki-ramblings · 9 months
and if you have time 002 Kaneki :) (I am asking everyone)
Let's go !!
002 | Give me a character & I will tell you
How i feel about this character: Ironically I cannot verbalize my thoughts about Kaneki coherently whatsoever. I need him dead. I need to hit him over the head with several hammers. I need him to let himself just relax and drink some coffee and read a good book. He sucks I hate him /affectionate he’s also so fucking cringe Jesus. For every coherent and analytical thought I have about the other characters I have none for Kaneki he simply. Is. He’s Kaneki he’s That Guy he brings me immense pain and he’s so self-destructive and he tries so hard and it Sucks /pos I need to stuff him into a blender
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Hmm oh boy I sure do wonder…Well, aside from the obvious I think Shuuneki could be very interesting when done right, and while I’m not as inclined towards their relationship romantically Hidekane definitely hurts my soul, especially thinking of them before everything went to shit for our poor protagonist
My non-romantic OTP for this character: I love his relationship with Hinami so much he’s such a good big bro :(( Even when he’s out trying to hunt down people and change the world he still sets aside time for her, but even then she’s so concerned for his wellbeing because she can tell how he’s Changed and how he’s pushing himself she just wants him to be happy and take a break :((
My unpopular opinion about this character: Hmmm not sure if I have any at the moment?? I’d agree with anything as long as it’s accurate to his character. Whether you love or despise this guy I will nod my head, I guess just don’t say he’s flawless, person/moral-wise, there’s a lot of good argument for why he can suck actually, but I feel like most people know that.
One thing I wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon: I remember seeing in the original storyboards for Root A that Shironeki and Kuroneki actually interact more. While I like how it was saved until the end in the original series (when they hugged) I wouldn’t have minded seeing more of it beforehand. Kuroneki is Shironeki’s doubts voiced back to himself, the more uncertain version of himself that he locks away, and Shironeki simply calls that part of him weak. It makes me miserable. I love it
my OTP: *whistles, looks away*
my cross over ship: Don’t think I have any
a headcanon fact: This is gonna be so random (read: projection) but Kaneki probably bites a lot of things. He bites pencils, he chews straws, he’s especially guilty of biting/chewing his hands/fingers and when he was a human it used to leave marks all over his hands. The hand biting problem gets even worse after the torture. If you put your hand in front of his face he’ll probably bite your fingers. Like a weirdo. He needs to be stopped (I say, fully supporting this behavior; let him be weird and a little unnatural :thumbsup:)
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moyokeansimblr · 10 months
Get to know you: Sims Style
Well I was patiently waiting to be tagged but it's not happened yet and @isimchi "tagged" anyone who hasn't so that means me 😁
What’s your favorite Sims death?
I mean, I have to say drowning. I have many a memory of my childhood best friend and I batch creating like 100 sims with the sole purpose to drown and make haunted lots... Surely we all did that though, right?
Alpha CC or Maxis Match?
These days I'm maxis match, and in particular my cc is 90-95% 4t2 stuff. Sometimes I miss non-clay hairs but not enough that I'd wanna switch back. I'm actually extremely happy with my game aesthetic at the moment. I see the appeal of alpha and I am alpha in sims 3 but I don't think I could go back to it in sims 2 anymore.
Do you cheat your sims weight?
Not directly... occasionally I've dragged needs up so a sim will exercise longer when they want/need a body skill because when it's not fall the body skill takes FOREVER to gain. So then they'll end up exercising so long that they get fit where they might not otherwise have. That's as close as I'd get to cheating their weight though.
Do you move objects?
I mean, yes. I both move objects and moveobjects. 😉 (although I've had the cheat alias "mon/mof" (yes, one f) for ages I don't even remember the proper way to type the cheat.
Favorite Mod?
Hmm that's tough. Some staples I couldn't live without are sim blender, ACR, monique's hacked computers, all the no regen mods, the auto saver, gussy up, and for some reason smonaff's period mod is the mod I've had in my game longer than anything else I have now. Been using that since the 2000s. Is it necessary? Probably not. Is it annoying? Yes but periods are annoying irl too. Would I miss it if I didn't have it in my game? Greatly.
First Expansion/Game Pack/Stuff Pack?
My parents bought the sims 1 on release when I was 3, and then at some point shortly thereafter I ended up entirely hijacking my mom's computer. But while they did buy every pack on release as well, the earliest pack that I still have solid memories of playing is Vacation. Is that all it was called? I think non-US versions had a cooler name like On Holiday or something.
Do you pronounce live mode like aLIVE or LIVing?
Ya know... I've never really thought about it until now but both. Sometimes I say LIVE and sometimes LIV. I don't know what goes on in my brain to decide which one I'm gonna say at any given point but I know for fact I say both.
Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made?
I've had many favorite sims over the years, most long lost into the void. But one sim I think about a lot is one of my old ts3 sims Levi Engle. He was one of my first truly evil sims and really one of my last proper edgy sims as well and I've not had anyone quite like him since. This was like 2016 I think? I'm still waiting to have a sim like him again, in either 3 or 2. "Made" is not quite accurate, he was born. But he's one of my own, not a premade.
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Have you made a simself?
Oh have I.
Which is your favorite EA hair color?
Red. Specifically since I prefer 4t2 clay hairs in EA's colors these days the red that's swatch 9. This one.
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Favorite EA hair?
Hmmm... In ts2
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And in ts3
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Favorite life stage?
Young Adult, in all versions of the game. University is my favorite EP across the board.
Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay?
Gameplay. Every so often I feel build-y, and I have made entire custom worlds in ts3 and hoods in ts2 where I've build everything myself but mostly I prefer to just use other people's or the game's builds and just enjoy playing.
Are you a CC creator?
I sometimes feel kind of weird using the word "creator" since all I do is convert stuff but yes. I share cc.
Do you have any Simblr friends or a Sim Squad?
I don't know? I have some mutuals that I go like 😁 whenever I see in my notifs or messages from. But I don't really exactly talk to anybody.
Do you have any sims merch?
I've got a blanket with plumbbobs on it and my brother's girlfriend got me a sheet of ts4 stickers I've not used yet. Otherwise, do all the old discs and prima guides count? My discs are the most important things I own.
Do you have a YouTube for sims?
Not really. I have a youtube channel that's a hodgepodge for both my eurovision ranking videos and the occasional sims thing. But I'm not a sims youtuber at all.
How has your “Sims style” changed throughout your years of playing?
Oh boy, it has a lot. When I was a kid I destroyed pleasantview with fairy and mermaid cc from "UserDeb" on the Exchange and SapphireSims2 I think it was called? Mad emo cc and like households where it'd be two families living together so the teen girl and teen boy could secretly meet together in the dead of night in the bathroom. Back then lots of one-off totally unrelated families in an otherwise empty custom hood that I'd play for the duration of a random idea I had then drop. Then in the 2010s I had a long stint of this like making 8 YA girls and 8 YA boys and pairing them up and then graduate and marry and kid and then create 8 more YAs in CAS and repeat and that got like 15 generations once. I did that kind of not really playing but more just like breeding for years. Whereas whenever I'd stop playing 2 and play 3 instead I would "properly play" and have long ass legacies. I never touched the premade sims until I tried to play Pleasantview in 2020. I did have a few failed megahoods then. Now I am wants-based and I prefer to have as little control as possible over my sims. I could say a lot more here but I'm tired.
Who’s your favorite CC creator?
Talk about a hard question! For times sake I'm going to say @deedee-sims because when I deleted my 48+ GB folder of alpha CC to start anew maxis match-y the first new CC I had was everything of DeeDee's.
What expansion/gamepack is your favorite?
ts2 University. I just love it.
I don't know who has and hasn't done this since I feel like I'm late as I never got the tag. But since I really wanted to do it, I'm sure someone else who hasn't been tagged wants to too. So if you've not done it, go for it!!
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arliedraws · 3 months
I'm really not that bothered when people mix and match with book canon, movie canon and pottermore canon tbh. I have my own fic ideas (... need to get on writing those) and I do it all the time. Just take bits and bobs of the stuff I like or think have potential and throw it in the blender! It's something I really enjoy reading as long as it's mentioned in some way so I know the story doesn't follow canon. It's one of my favourite things when writers make up their own stuff!
Hmm, okay, this seems to be the general consensus. Thank you!
And thanks to everyone who responded! So it turns out it's not that serious and we can do whatever we want, is it?
It's almost like none of this is actually real hahaha
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rayshippouuchiha · 2 years
i’m knee deep into a bnha AU that is very wildly AU but involves some of these factors (idk if the ask will accept my bullet points but we’ll see):
Izuku is not Yagi Toshinori’s child, but Inko did remarry to Yagi when Izuku was very young, and his father (hmm I wonder who this could be?) has been out of the picture since he was very young
Tenko is rescued by Gran Torino as a child and is on track to be a hero. Due to some circumstances, he gets taken in by Izuku’s family
Izuku is quirkless. I am shooting for maximum angst.
Izuku feeling like he is being replaced by Tenko and being pushed out the family, but he has the self-worth of a crushed peanut that would apologize to the blender so he keeps his mouth shut. The worst part is, he doesn’t think Tenko is doing it intentionally, and his parents certainly don’t notice. No one does.
Izuku has to deal with bullying. His parents forget to pick him up from school activities often. He’s lonely and hurt and doesn’t quite have anyone to turn to. This does not bode well.
Yoichi and AFO are immortal fae brothers with grudges the size of the EU and a sibling rivalry large enough to develop its own gravitational pull
OFA is something Yoichi created to mess with AFO because it would drive him up a wall that Yoichi would give humans that power. But also. AFO can’t even steal it away.
Izuku runs into the forest to avoid bullies, trips into a fae circle, uh oh?? Except Yoichi finds him and is like: “free child? Free son?”
Yoichi is all like “I WILL KEEP YOU!” And Izuku is very lonely and wants to be wanted and doesn’t believe anyone would care if he disappeared so he’s all like “Okay! :)”
And Yoichi is like: “Oh. I understand. I need to kill someone. Worry not, my dear child.”
This is a very humorous and abbreviated/incomplete version of the AU. I guarantee more angst. I would know, I’m a few thousand words in :)
Oh this looks absolutely fantastic! I hope you'll drop us a link when you get something posted!
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thebananwithaplan · 6 months
It wasn't long after that the show just wrapped up the last round for the day. Seeing the audience attendance dwindle due to their fears meant they couldn't do as many recordings as they normally would in a day, which was not what Banana was used to (for the rest of the staff, it was both a relief and a concern.)
The good thing about being in the Hollywood industry and already feeling like eyes are constantly on him and his actions for long enough is knowing how to act the way the audience want him to. Can't show fear, can't show regret , can't show that the stress of recent thoughts and events was getting to him, either. Showbiz, amirite? Stupid Fake Noise making his audience be wary of gameshows with toon-heavy gimmicks, juice blenders, and the feeling of constantly being watched...
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"Well. It's better than no-shows for no shows. I better go find Dandie and the boys to head back home, then-"
The sound of the gameshow stage's main doors abruptly opening took him out of his thoughts.
What's that big red blur heading his way? Apple-?
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@scriptdeviant asked:
Pepperman BURSTS through the studio, in typical Pepperman fashion, skidding to a stop before the Dancing Banana. Is. Is he even aware of the happenings right now? Before there's even time to question him, the pepper gave a dramatic bow - With glittering teeth included. My GOD. He isn't aware, is he? Once opened, the letter of recommendation would read: "Don't change your expression or react strongly when you read this. Don't say anything about this message, and don't tell anyone where you're going. Any of the camera feeds I have set up are now his. I've thought this through, and you're the only one that can reach me without being spotted. See me as soon as possible. Attached are the coordinates. Oh! And offer the pepper a job painting something, I guess. -PH." ❝ I keep my portfolio on me at all times, if it helps. ❞ He continued to grin. Just as instructed, he hadn't peeked. Blissfully unaware of the letter's actual contents...
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...Oh. Nope. Just another pompous pepper.
DB couldn't even get a word in before being given the envelope. A 'letter of recommendation'? He was surprised anybody was still willing to ask for work with the way things are at.
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"Well, well, well. Let's see what we have, here." Eh, what the heck, he'll see what it had to say. Would be rude to send him off without at least giving it a quick read...
.............. And boy, was he right on the mark with his earlier instinct on this one.
Remember when we said at the top of this post that the Dancing Banana was really good at acting? Well, here comes another example of that.
"...Hmm. We could use some much needed Artistic Integrity." Wasting no time to place that letter in his Hammerspace Inventory, DB gave Pepperman the good ol' 'CEO-Approved Handshake'.
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"Tell you what - we are kinda closing up shop for the day, but I can assure ya that the next time I need a paint job done, you'll be the first I'll go to ask. I can also assure ya that any of your work done for Shovelware Studios property will be credited in full and paid accordingly. How's that sound?"
At least he finally has somewhere to work with.
The question now is WHEN to do so.
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