#his name is a kind of strange shortened form of 'darling of the fish' in the equivalent of latin
christophimer · 1 month
Yet more morrowmin's
I just really like drawing him, his face is so 👁️u 👁️.
listening to my collection of 1920-40s music and ' you're the cream in my coffee' is the sort of thing he'd sing to himself also 'a bushel and a peck' - they're both romantic songs i guess? I picture him singing a lot of love songs. Not that he's romantic in any way (I wouldn't call him aro, more just he's basically incapable of actually caring about anyone who isn't his mother. He has no relationships of any kind really. not that he cares. )
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he's born in the 1400ish so hes 400ish at the time i write him most (not that he's changed in any way from before that). he's done nothing with his life except be a vague nuisance (and occasional blight on thomas' life)- although to be fair he does work. the scariest thing about him is he'll randomly do difficult multiplication in his head out of nowhere.
He'll also just sometime faint. often in the middle of nowhere. he spends about half of his life in a really awful fever (it's him 'dying' but not being able to due to his mother's magic holding him together.) - he doesn't actually get out that much. He spends a lot of time shuffling weakly round his room and talking to himself. he doesn't really mind but he does prefers to be out (doing whatever he fancies doing in the moment).
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I should probably draw him more ill sometimes i consider it a big part of his character.
It comes into play in quite a few things i have planned with him. such as the core premise of a story i have planed - stag,armed- where a noble lady called lacey finds him fainted on her sister-in-law's grounds (where she's staying) and takes pity on him. To which he insists he repays the favour as and when he chooses, which is mainly an excuse for him to stick around as he finds everything very entertaining. With lacey not wanting the rest of her wide family to know he's there (often in the house) as she married a wizard against her parents wishes as they were sure she'd end up involved with spirits etc (which is often bad). And morrowmin just finds the whole thing funny and yet again annoys someone by just exisiting.
As part of the story there's a moment where morrowmin disguises himself as human (with paint - his teeth and still shark like due to him not painting them, and not for verrrry long) so i was concepting what a human morrowmin might look like.
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he's wearing 1760ish clothing (in the first one his hair is tied back as that's the fashion). ethnically in our world terms he'd be half greek (on his mother's side) so he'd have a more olively skin tone - although it's hard to decide on the exact shade for drawing :,) , it's just weird without his blue skin and duck hair.
He'd still be tall so at least he has that. His last name is Colt, which means a young male horse so i want to draw him with some horse symbols etc soon. It's also great to rhyme with.
And to end with - a very stupid thing that's been in my head for a while now.
Morrowmin just calling random telephone numbers/ trying to speak directly to the operator because he likes phoneing but nobody he know (really old spirits) has a phone.
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maybe i'll post a few more snippets from 'gadding about' (musical thing) some time
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