#his lore's pretty hefty but for the purposes of the image the important thing to know about him is he's cousin to lauriam and strelitzia
krisdomhearts · 2 months
@khoc-week Day 6: Journal
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"Dear Diary,
I don't know why I always open with that, since it's not like you respond. You're not sentient. But it's what everyone else does, so...
This old photo's still in my pocket from way back when. It's from the first time I agreed to hang out as a larger group - Strelitzia dragged me and that other friend of hers out, and her other friend brought some others too. She kept pulling me into photos unexpectedly and stuff like that. It was a pain, but maybe it's worth it if it made her that happy. I guess. I don't know.
Now I'm reminiscing, which is not something I do often. Never really unless she's involved... Man. I don't feel like thinking about stuff right now so this is going to be a short entry while I shut off my brain.
- Rowan"
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"Good Evening, Diary. Remember those poor kids fighting that war in the graveyard? You'll know then that as a favour to them (and the adults there too) I agreed to help train a few of them before going on this trip of mine. Well, I just remembered the photo I took on my last day before I left! Here - the kid's Kairi, and that wonderful woman is her... mentor (?), Master Aqua. They said I'm welcome back any time once I find what I'm looking for.
Yeah, the journey so far hasn't been the most eventful. Maybe that's why I'm thinking about them. For the short time I knew them, they were lovely. Still, it's onwards I go to find my own mentors. Can't train other kids forever!
Goodbye from Nyx 🤍"
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"This is the last photo I have of my brother and I guess a diary is a safe enough place to leave it. I don't know why I agreed to be dragged to that festival in the first place, but I'm honestly glad I went. Least I got a photo with Kaen. Those two too, I guess. And I removed a certain someone because I'm not letting the most recent photo of my family have him on it too.
Look how annoyed I look. They're all smiling so hard they're squinting and I'm only looking at the camera because Kaen told me to. Mom always took way too many stupid photos, I'd always thought, but I wish I had more now.
Misery aside, I heard the festival's back on this week for the first time since this last photo, just two weeks before you-know-what. I might go and see if it helps. If it makes me feel worse, these pages'll be first to know.
Signed, Shiro."
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