cldhrbour · 6 months
[ braid ] sender braids receiver's hair (you probably knew this was coming) - @hircineswrath
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while it may not have been as loud as the cavernous ribs of the hall itself , the conversations just outside as the stars glittered amidst the clouds above were still just as raucous. what was strange was serana's own contribution to it. the night had started simply enough with the unlikely pair wanting the silence as they sat together with his newest stack of tomes to offer her. ( suffice to say she was ravenous ever since waking , thirsting after the stories and histories within each text that she'd missed out on ) yet as the minutes ticked by , more and more of the other companions filed out to also bask in the first night of midyear , where it was finally warm enough to wear simple clothes and sit by a fire.
whatever she'd been reading had been lost to her , abandoned in her lap. it wasn't until she felt the warm caress of battle-calloused fingers tuck stray strands of her hair out from her eyes that she'd noticed vilkas had too. not that it stopped her engagement. she'd only shifted a touch closer on their shared bench , his legs opening to let her in. once they'd finished adjusting he'd set to work. loosening the old braids at her hairline until they fell apart. ready to plait her new ones. outside of the occasional huff or one-word interjection , vilkas seemed to have very little to say. though there were moments when serana was a bit too animated , moving a bit too much , and she'd feel a gentle , yet firm , tug. a silent command to settle down or else she'd ruin the work he was so diligently attending to. ( would she be considered DEPLORABLE if she'd done it the few extra times just to provoke him into pulling again ?? )
a soft sigh escapes her when finally , it seems , after all this time , she can finally relax. muscles ease. her posture loosens. here , in the presence of wolves , she feels as if she belongs.
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wolfbrawn · 6 months
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— dash game . get to know me!
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alias  /  name :  Puffin. birthday :  16th of March. zodiac  sign : Pisces (Sun), Cancer (Moon), Sagittarius (Ascendant). height :  178cm / 5′10″. hobbies :  Writing, gaming ( currently replaying Bloodborne with @shellcrack ♡ ), sea swimming, pole fitness. favourite  colour :  Just about everything that exists on the blue-green spectrum. Duck egg, teal, blue mint, etc. current  book : Studying for my (uncompleted) PhD ruined my ability to read outside of roleplay threads. I have Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens sitting at my bedside table, but I haven′t started it yet. last  song :  Blah Blah Blah by The Saw Doctors. last   film  /  show : I recently finished Kin, a fictional crime drama set in Dublin. inspiration :  Heaps of inspiration comes from chatting and writing with my lovely mutuals, honestly! Plus music, canon material, the usual sorts of aesthetic images and quotes so popular on Tumblr, that sort of stuff. behind  url : There′s nothing deep behind this one. Wolfbrawn – wolf because of Farkas’ lycanthropy and brawn because he’s known for being big and burly. fun  fact  about  me :  That when anyone asks me for a fun fact, my mind immediately goes blank. Who even am I? Uhh, hi. My name is Puffin and I have hypodontia, so I′m missing one of my lateral incisors. Also, I have citizenship in three countries.
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tagged by : @the1ongcon – thank yooou! ♡ tagging : @shellcrack, @cldhrbour, @divinehr, @selunyte, @hircineswrath, @fckedleft, @flamexbound.
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cldhrbour · 6 months
“ You are safe here. ” - @hircineswrath
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what a concept. SAFETY. a place where you feel protected. . . not at risk. how long had it been since the castle. . . the place you once called home felt safe ?? where you walked the halls with a confidence that lived deep in ancient bones. the people that had surrounded you were family , they'd never consider a knife to bury into the heart of the coven's own princess. no , that changed the second murmurings of bygone prophecies echoed in stone walls. and now. . . well there was no going back until the problem was addressed at the root.
serana hadn't meant to give off the air of someone who wasn't grateful for the accommodations made considering the extenuating circumstances , and much less to seem as if she had felt unsafe in any regard. then again , when you deliberately cast yourself off to the side during group gatherings. . . when your instinct is to make yourself as little of a burden to others as possible. . . it was no wonder someone felt they had to say something. maybe she's just surprised it was vilkas out of everyone else that did so. porcelain fingers wring together , running the pads along the sharp edges of too-long nails. " thank you. " what an insufficient phrase. gods , it was utterly lacking in serving how gracious she'd felt these past few weeks. jorrvaskr wasn't just a barricade of wood and steel ─── but that of hardened minds and sharpened teeth. were she to relax , she'd realize it was , perhaps , the safest she'd felt since turning to begin with. " i know it's been hard for some , " finally crimson eyes lift to meet his golden that tower over her , pointed in her words , " but the effort isn't without notice. i'd only hope for one day that i could return the favor in kind. if fate is auspicious. . . maybe with less grim stakes at hand. "
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cldhrbour · 6 months
dash game
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alias  /  name :  ouija
birthday :  april 16th 👀
zodiac  sign : aries
height :  average i think?
hobbies : the usual, reading, writing, gaming, dnd, gardening. also going to the gym with my husband lately so we can buff up for our larp in the summer
favourite  colour/s : muted colors, your burgundies, olive greens, etc and my most favorite is purples
current  book : currently in the middle of babel and assassin's apprentice. i dropped off reading more tbh once i got back into writing here
last  song : thunder by acdc because we just had a little baby earthquake  
last   film  /  show : my husband and i smoked and watched castlevania again last night because i'm so fucking predictable
behind  url : 😐
fun  fact  about  me : i never know what's 'fun' or not so here's random shit i guess rofl - in addition to my basset hound and calico, we also have a ball python and a hedgehog, got married on a full moon on halloween/samhain, if i'm real with myself my husband is basically farkas almost to a t especially now that we're working out, we bought my childhood home, also i'm starting to collect taxidermy/bones (rip any of my family coming to visit)
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tagged by: @wolfbrawn & @hircineswrath (you're both so cute stop) tagging: @volegne , @recitedemise , @mortange , @dustwife
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