#hima its name literally means “eire's land” the fuck man
crepegosette · 1 year
Since you have Nyo OCs, would it be alright to ask what are your thoughts and feelings on Nyotalia overall?
I have mixed feelings Nyotalia; on other hand, I kinda like how they're different from their original counterparts. I appreciate that they have their own identity, not just straight up "X as a man/woman." On other hand, it feels like they were created solely for fanservice and nothing more.
Imo I feel it can be used to explore character concepts that weren't explored in the original, or even different facets of the country they're representing (ex: I like the idea of Amy representing the "strength" of the US while Alfred represents diplomacy. Its true that those sides can overlap, but one suits the other side better) I kinda try to keep that in mind making my own nyos, (Normal Brazil represents our vibrant, energetic side, while Nyo!Brazil represents our "chill" side, how we don't want beef with anyone) It can be a good way to use traits that weren't picked up in the creation of the original character.
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