#highschool maze 3D
the-acid-pear 3 months
Just had an insane dream where the two main realities were Me Lost In A Maze and Me Being Socially Awkward On Tumblr.
The Tumblr part was somehow more twisted at turns, because there was this one friend who asked me to make a post of them making a joke implying they're available and then a DIFFERENT mutual and friend asked me about them (being a little, tiny bit racist I think too but not maliciously just in the "I have no clue who this man is why do we need to hook up"). As I tried to blow MYSELF up with my mind another mutual bestie announced he was gonna start playing FNAFB, because for the last 3 nights in a row that game has been in my dreams, and this was no exception. His bit was the most calm no talking to me just gaming also FNAFB which is usually an RPG was now a 3D side scroller with these abstract, simple and natural yet dimly lit areas and huge enemies, which i reasoned with saying "must be the final mix, a lot changed in the remake :)". Also he has changed his pfp but not entirely he just upgraded the model which was so silly and jarring 2 me. There's another occurrence but that happens in the maze.
How I ended in the maze I'm not sure. I remember however I was in this like, starting room, and Golden Freddy's head who threatened me (not w yiffying my dick something less scary) and told me to count the pancakes on a woman's plate. I giggled bc i didn't take him seriously, I didn't take most of this too seriously, maybe I signed up here willingly, and aside from going those are like 8 pancakes aren't they? I asked if she'd be the key to leaving to which he didn't answer but I assumed to be true.
From there I started running down these backroom pools eske places like these long tiled halls with cool blueish lighting. I saw a lot of faces I knew but I can't recognize the main girl who was grabbing me by the wrist and dragging me along. When I think of it too hard I think she might've been me but then it's like no it's someone else I knew this girl idk from WHERE... (Which is a new one I always recognize ppl from my dreams). Also ran into The Milf Indeed but she had no pancakes though I think she was my childhood's bestie milf who I never got over she was such a gorgeous tall woman. Also uh ... Yeah my closest friend from highschool. He was there.
I think it's worth admitting I was getting kinda emotional here despite being forced to run thru these places being held by the wrist and then being given confusing directions like I was in TSP (which I naturally did wrong just like my man 馃) bc i was like I'm really enjoying my time here with you guys :) they ignored me tho. Anyway after going like "I TRUST MY GUT FEELING MORE THAN Y'ALL" and going down a third door in the middle I ended up in this dark room.
I think the dream transitioned with me going on Tumblr and the above I mentioned happening but when I got out I realized this was some sort of water filtering room? It was kind of ship-like. It's really hard to explain. Like there was this circle in the middle held by these beams (on the floor, all of them) and I think that's where the water came and left. Touched a button on the wall and the water started raising and I freaked out bc this was meant to be a fun game and now I could actually die. I started looking around and found this little contraption that asked for a code OR an USB. Also a little dog was scratched in the USB slot which was cute. But I had NEITHER because I did NOT talk to the milf! And I was SO upset about this like am I going to die now because I soft locked my ass irl?! Like this already seemed to Not be the place I'd be in hence the escape route but I didn't pick it so 馃挜
So I started looking for ways out and I was gonna cut a cable to put to a phone (a cordless one) but then i realized Hey I Have My Phone I'd Go Ask On Tumblr! And this is where I saw the third mutual but also where the FOURTH comes in after I was like dude I'm stuck on this maze and it's filling with water and I missed the hint can you help me out and give me the code?
And this man was so powerful actually I was physically outside the room and found myself now next to him sitting on a couch. He was wearing this mostly unbuttoned plaid shirt and was double his real size and also hairier. I was eating this pudding like white thing with a very thin and small spoon. He started rambling about telephone car services and then brought up something about his boobs and when he did that I was not eating my pudding but him w my stupid fancy spoon except it has the exact same consistency (also I hesitated at first before actually doing it bc he seemed ok with it) so I kept eating and he kept rambling about god knows what and then at the end (bc i was visualizing all of this but it was actually just an ask he was answering as I was hallucinating this) he was like oh yeah and the code is [word] and suddenly he was intact and I had only been chewing my pudding thing. And I was like THANKS 馃憤 and left and when I put the code I woke up.
And I woke up an hour later than usual because of this, too.
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jacobsknifeplay 5 years
2020 - 20 facts tag
Tagged by: @veinereastath holy crap babe, I'm so sorry. I said to myself I'd do it later but I didn't mean days later. Alas though.. here I am lol
Tagging: @mr-arainai @whatsinsideofmybrain @mdyaoi @jacobs-judge and anyone else!
1. Do you make your bed? Yes, more often then not I make my bed. I'm an organized person but don't confuse it for clean lol there's dust everywhere.
2. What鈥檚 your favorite number? 3 c:
3. What鈥檚 your job? I'm a security at a retail store. So more like a wanna be security lol
4. If you could, would you go back to school? Highschool, no but pick up on college? Yes. Something always seems to get in the way when I want to go.
5. Can you parallel park? Yes, actually I can.
6. A job you had which would surprise people? I was a quality tester for the video game company 2K. Now that the game is out I can finally say that I helped on the Borderlands 3 game.
7. Do you think aliens are real? I don't deny them but I don't acknowledge them. If they wanted to be seen by all then they would've shown themselves. Clearly they see we are stupid and stay away.
8. Can you drive a manual car? Yes but am I good at it? No I don't think so lol it was only one drive and it was coming down from a mountain. I haven't had that city experience yet.
9. What鈥檚 your guilty pleasure? ...... I have some otp Pokemon ships. Got my own story and stuff... It's ... A nice cute thing I got going for me.
10. Tattoos? None! But I have an entire ocean themed sleeve planned out lol one day!
11. Favorite color? Turquoise and Maroon
12. Things people do that drive you crazy? Touching me and being within my personal bubble without being invited in. Not even a pat on the shoulder. Just don't touch me.
13. Any Phobias? I wanna say screams..? But it's more like trauma lol
14. Favorite childhood sport? Basketball, MVP yo! Lol just in fourth grade nothing special.
15. Do you talk to yourself? Yes when I'm alone which is often. It's usually in a burst of emotion. Most commonly in a narrative way.
16. What movie do you adore? King Kong 2005, that monkey ape still holds my heart dammit lol I still cry when he dies.
17. Do you like doing puzzles? Yes! I especially like mazes. Those 3D square mazes with this little marble, yes lol
18. Favorite kind of music? I like them all but as of right now I'm digging Swing Jazz.
19. Tea or Coffee? Ehh... Can I cheat and say hot chocolate instead lol I hardly drink either one.
20. The first thing you remember you wanted to be when you grew up? A veterinarian so I could love all the horses in the world 馃悗
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nftmetatron 6 years
3D Masses 5D glasses
Remember when they came out with 3D movies? They made the T-rex from Jurastic Park become alive and jump out of the screen. True magic.
Then we got used to it and we fell back to regualar movie watching. The same thing happened when the masses got onto the 5 dimentional spectum of thinking. The Golden age, The Renaissance, the 70s acid culture. Times when we truly woke up to lifes many possibilities. They all eventually fell back to the 3D point of view on society. Here are are. WE know there is more to life but we just settle with the simple pleasures of what we are used to.
Anyone that truly knows me can say that i dont think like a lot of other people do. I am outside of the norm, not awkward but just definetly not "with the times" I can tell you its because ive tuned into the higher dimentional thought proccesses thaty my anscestors worked so hard to translate into understandable doctines for the unwoken masses. So for me to come down from my 3rd Eye point of view and look at things from the 3D societal mindset its like graduating college with a degree in Psychology and Philosophy and going back to highschool to see the childish, premature and unstructured energy flow of people.
The direction society is being led to is right off a cliff of no return. Its makes sense how our history has been repeating for thousands of years since Sodom and Gomorrah and the Cold war. Ripples in reality that if we don't learn from will bounce back and we will relive what our anscestors died from. Unjustified, animalistic wickedness. We got out of nature to become cilivized, instead we brought the Jaguar mentality to the concrete jungle. It may be Dog eat Dog world.. but this a monkey see monkey do society.
You are what your parents are, or the opposite. You try to be who your friends are becoming or you beat them to it. You are what you read or the lack there of. What act like what you watch and talk like what you hear. So in retrospect you are what you eat. Genetically modified food grown in a petri dish. The city is the petri dish and you are the GMO. The petri dish is all you know, it is your world. The farm they raise you in is called a school, Where they teach you how to walk in a staight line, how to eat at a certiain time, and also how to speak when you have permission.
How well can you be assimulated. How fast can you correct your behaviour to something that is unatural to you.
The school system was manufated by psychologists with intentions on experimenting on society as a whole. You are the rat in the maze that only knows the chase the cheese. It does not know anything out side of the maze, it has not tasted food outside of what the testers give it. It has its whole life made. New makeup chemicals go through animal trials befor ethey ever touch a human. Humans are animals.. We are being tested on everytime we buy one of their <PRODUCTS> They make it in a lab or factory and give it to us until they can make a better version the next year to keep us dependant on their products. WE have become a product, they show us off on television as models. They use doctors to give you a vision of what you can become after 5 painstaking long years of University +4 years Grad school +100,000 dollars to invest in the end product = Life presever with potential to end a life with the wrong precise incision.
The only job they dont offer you is to be in your natual habitat and to thrive with nature to preserve the earth as best as we can to make sure life is sustanible for the years to come. Forget all that jazz. Bigger cars, more micro plasic in the oceans, less authintic music. Lets be as detrimental to the earth as humanly possible. If animals could dirve cars and throw trash into our cities the earth really wouldnt stand a chance. All of this is 3D. Eat, sleep, work, produce, destroy. Die.. 5D is preserve, create, relate, unify and live.
Tumblr media
Take off the 3D glasses they give you and open your eyes to what we are doing to ourselves and the planet we live on. It gets deep if you dive deep. Look under the surface and youll find we have been destroying ourselves the second we devolped free will. Free your mnine and free my peace of mind.
Break the chains
Open your eyes
Be -FreeMnined
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