#highly suggest running blind for anyone who hasn't already read it
hattedhellspawn · 2 years
The fun and cool thing about speeding bullet as a relationship dynamic is that scout is always running his mouth a mile a minute, but he doesn't necessarily expect anyone to listen. Sniper is always willing to listen to people but it seems like not many people have much to say unless he does a significant amount of contributing to the conversation, and he's not very good at that. Scout can keep a "conversation" going all by himself for near hours; the fact that Sniper does actively encourage him and ask the occassional thoughtful question about his rambling is just the cherry on top.
When Sniper remembers a little tidbit that Scout mentioned once, weeks ago, and brings it up at a relevent time, Scout is like "oh my god he's listening to me???" immediately followed by [swooning] "oh my god, he's listening to me :)" and Scout starts hanging out with Snipes more after that, directing his witticisms on the field toward him instead of to the open air. It's noticable, certainly, especially by Sniper, who finds his day suddenly much more lively.
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