#high comorbidity doesn't mean the minority doesn't exist folks! find a decent sample if you're gonna do research for gods sake
avpdpossum · 2 years
reading studies of avpd and social anxiety make me want to punch through some drywall, i feel like i'm losing my mind.
"social phobia researchers have proposed that SP and APD should be amalgamated into social anxiety disorder with what is currently labeled APD treated as a severe variant of this condition...one justification for this proposition is that clinicians in practice will then be more likely to use the pharmaceutical and CBT empirically validated regimens developed for social phobia to treat severe social avoidance (i.e., APD)."
translation: "we want to eliminate your specific diagnosis and just call it this less scary-sounding thing because then more professionals will agree to stuff you full of drugs and use our favorite method of professional gaslighting on you until you act normal."
and don't get me wrong, i'm not against medication by any means (i've spent the last 6 years fighting to get some for my adhd, i'd be a massive hypocrite if i said i was against it) and i know there are people who genuinely benefit from cbt, but you can't deny this statement is just dripping with ulterior motives.
really makes you question the reliability of how the data itself is being presented, doesn't it?
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