#hid under blankets like ' u didn't hear that.'
phoenixblaze1412 · 11 months
HII I'm sick 💀💀 can I get a fluffy fic where dottore and his segments all take care of u when ur sick? like they're all just so gentle with you and sweet to reader... - 🐓 anon
Aww anon I hope you get better soon!^^
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You felt groggy as you made your way to the laboratory to help Dottore and his segments work. You looked at your reflection in one of the empty beakers and noticed how sickly pale you looked. Even Omega noticed how your movements were sluggish as you sorted out the documents given to you.
The segments all heard that one, single cough that you let out and in the next second, you are immediately circled around by them.
"Are you sick?" "Did you eat something bad?" "Did someone poisoned you?" "Are you feeling cold?"
The multipe questions directed your way started to suffocate you to the point that Dottore himself had to push the segments to the side just to give you some air.
"You ignorant fools! You're going to make them faint if you crowd around them!"
Dottore placed his hand to your forehead to check your temperature. You could only weakly lean away from him due to how cold his touch is.
"Darling, you have a fever. What on Teyvat were you doing that made you get it?"
You felt yourself being carried bridal style, your blurry vision can only make out the outline to the door of yours and Dottore's shared room. You let out a small whine when Dottore tucked you in bed before heading out the room.
"I'll be back soon, pet. I'm only going to grab your medicine."
You laid down in bed, a headache forming in your head as you tried to sleep it away but can't. You didn't hear the door creak open as you felt the bed dip at the new weight that appeared.
You opened your eyes to come face to face with the child and teen segments, Kappa and Eta. You noticed they were wearing a face mask with the design being the fatui symbol. The segments could only look at you in worry, their eyes staring at your pale skin, reddened eyes, and your runny nose.
You could only give them a weak smile before patting their heads in reassurance. Kappa could only whimper and hug your torso, he didn't like seeing you so weak in bed, it made him fear that you might die and leave them.
"Now now, you two. They need to take their medicine."
Eta had to pull Kappa away from you before they head out the room, Kappa whining and reaching out towards you as he didn't want to be away from you.
"You can visit them later, Kappa. Right now they need to consume their medicine and rest."
Dottore shooed the two away, closing the door before making his way towards you. You noticed he was holding a glass of water in his hand, on the other was a... pill.
"Dearest, you have to take this if you want to feel better soon."
Dottore watched as you hid yourself under the blankets, moving away from him when he sat down on the edge of the bed.
"'m gonna choke on that.."
You could only mutter a few words before your throat started to hurt more, even swallowing your own saliva was enough to make your throat hurt.
"I assure you that there is something more than a mere, tiny pill that can make you choke."
You could only groan in annoyance as you lightly punched Dottore on the shoulder for making a sexual innuendo. Dottore only chuckled in return, he placed the glass of water on the bedside table before grabbing your wrist and pulling you up.
"Come on, now. You don't want Kappa to be more sad now, do you?"
Dottore watched as you lightly glared at him, he knew you would do anything for the youngest version of himself. He clicked his tongue in annoyance when you moved your head away when he tried to push the pill in your mouth.
"If you're going to be so stubborn then you should know that you made a wrong choice in doing so."
Without you looking, Dottore placed the pill inside his mouth before grabbing your chin and pressing his lips against yours. You tried to move away but Dottore held you by your waist, preventing you from running away. You whimpered and parted your lips when you felt him nip your lower lip, his tongue entering and exploring every crevice of your mouth.
Your eyes widened in surprise when you felt his tongue push something down your throat before pulling away, a string of saliva hanging from both of your lips. Dottore kept his grip on your chin as he grinned at your flustered expression.
"You better swallow that pill or else I'm giving you another one."
You obediently swallowed said pill before reaching the glass of water on the table and gulping down the contents. You winced when you felt the pill slide down your sore throat.
"That wasn't so bad now, was it?"
Dottore let out a chuckle as he kissed your forehead before turning to leave the room, making you confused.
"I need to finish my work for today, the segments will watch over you while I'm gone. But do rest, pet. Doctor's orders."
For the entire day, the segments visited you in your room and taking care of you. Omega, Theta and Iota bringing you a warm meal that could increase your recovery speed, you didn't have to know that they mixed some medicine in your food. But don't worry, they took a spoonful of it and made sure you wouldn't even taste the medicine.
Beta and Gamma switching every thirty minutes or so to change the wet cloth on your forehead. Even placing a bucket beside your bed in case you felt nauseous.
Epsilon coming by every now and then to check on your temperature and report it to Dottore.
Meanwhile Eta and Kappa can be found cuddling your figure as the three of you slept the entire afternoon. Gamma may or may not have splashed some ice cold water on the two segments when he saw them trying to press their cheeks to your lips since you would always give them cheek kisses. Epsilon and Omega had to drag the three of them out before they fight and yell in front of your sleeping figure.
After a whole day's work. Dottore went to check up on you himself, he made sure to lock the door so the others won't bother him. He placed a hand on your forehead and sighed in relief when he felt your temperature coming back to normal. He hummed and went under the blankets before pulling you close to his chest, careful not to wake you up.
"Get well soon, love."
Dottore placed a small kiss on your cheek before cuddling you and joining you in dream land.
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my-love-of-books · 2 years
A/N: this is just some fluff with a little spice {easy to ignore} w/ kiribaku
Warnings: cussing, I try to make most of my story GN if I have not done that in ANY WAY please tell me and I will fix it right away 😁
✴️This story needs a bit of context: you are Dabi's twin; meaning that your skin is only able to repel heat but you have an ice quirk. [which means that you get cold very easily]✴️
My teeth chattered as I hid under a clump of blankets. "Why did they have to turn the AC up?" I whisper-whine. Katski and Ejiro, my 2 hulking roommates, always complain it's way too hot in our apartment and ask to turn the air up; And for some reason I let them tonight.
"Hey, Y/N." A gruff voice stated. I turned around from the pasta I was making. "Yeah?" I said casually before standing straight up as I saw Katski looming over me with his arms crossed over his chest, drops of sweat slowly appearing on his chiseled muscles. Making my thoughts wonder as I tried to focus. He plased a hand on the counter behind me. "It's too fucking-" He started to grid out until Ejiro came up behind him and put a hand on his shoulder. "It's not a big deal man." To him and then looking down at me "We're fine, right Kats?" The red-haired giant's eyes flickered over to the blond in urgency. "Shut it, shitty hair," he said shrugging off Ejiro's hand and taking a step back. They were both twering over me as katski said: "It's too fucking hot in here and we need to turn on the Air Conditioning." As much as it sounded like a demand, mabey even something along the lines of a threat, I knew it was his way of asking; but being so anxiety-ridden about stuff like this I just pressed my lips into a line, looked down shyly, and nodded.
I squeezed my eyes closed at the memory, knowing it was I who cased me to freeze my hands off. "That's it." I state. I through the blankets off and sat up. I almost marched to the thermostat on the wall in the kitchen, but as I reech up I froze and start to slowly put my hand down the more I thought about it. I can't just do that to them, what would they think of me. In the last 6 months that all of us have been living together I have developed a bit of a crush... on both of them, -but they were already dating so it was illogical that I could be with them- at least that's what I kept telling myself, however it semed my heart didn't pay any mind to logic as it stood. Instead of turning up the heat I snuck to there shaired bedroom, hearing soft snoring as I put my ear to the door. 'All you need to do is go in there and steal a few blankets. Then sneek back out and go to sleep. Simple enough.' I thought to myself.
As I slowly open the door and creep inside I realize there are no blankets on the end of their bed like I had previously expected. What was I supposed to do now? "achoo" goosebumps appear on my arms as I sneezed.
"Hmm? Y/N? Is that you?" A sweet yet gravely voice questioned. Ejiro. Thoughts of 'He heard me!' and 'What do I do?' ran through my mind. "U-umm... Y-yeah." "What are you doing up so late?" "W-well I, I was cold and-" "The fuck you talking to Kiri?" Katski was laying on his stomach, arm around Ejiro, head resting on his chest. "Shh, Y/N is trying to tell me somthin'."
"Why you here?" The blond grunted out. "I, umm... I was cold and I was wondering if you guys had any extra blankets but it's fine, I'll just-" I interrupted myself with another sneeze, tripping over my own words. "No." He said quick and firm -but I could have sworn a touch of desperation lased in there- and then "No," he said again but a little slower this time. "We have some." redhead stopped me from literally bolting back to my own bed.
"At least we used to; Kats where did you put the extra blankets?" The bigger of the 2 sat up in bed rubbing his eyes and looking around. My face got burning hot in 2.02 seconds when I saw that he had no shirt on. And holy crap his abs, chest, and arms look like they came straight from God themself.
"Heyyy. I was laying there." Bakugou whined before flipping over. "Babe. The blankets." "I donno. I'll look for them in the mornin'." "It's- it's fine, really, I don't need them" I gave a tight smile. "You will not go to bed cold, not on my watch. After all, how would that be the manly thing to do? Come here you can sleep with us." He smiled the sweetest smile I had ever seen as he scooted toward the side of the bed. I just stood there for a minute before regaining consciousness and walking forward.
I climbed into the bed -in between them!- and got under the warm blankets "mmm" I hummed in contentment "Ayy your feet are like ice!" Katski whisper-yells in my ear. "Come here, gotta warm your ass up." I, as brain-dead as could be, simply obeyed. His strong arms snake around me as Ejiro scoots closer, wrapping his arms around both of us; and as I slowly fade into sleep I hear them muttering to one another. However, the only word that I could make out was "finally" as katski snuggled his head deeper into the crook of my neck.
A/N: Ta-da! What do you think? I really like it honestly. I love feedback so type away✨
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bigg-city-riders-au · 2 years
Here's the sequel as promised! It is the sequel to this requested drabble:
Big TW for violence, and a character death, even though it takes place in a nightmare, under the cut.
Everett settled down in Diesel 10's cab for the night. He wasn't too fond of walking home tonight, especially after today's events. If Diesel 10 wasn't fast enough.. he didn't want to think about it. He needed sleep, and to reflect on today's events would likely lead to another sleepless night. He sighed, wrapping himself up in a blanket before making himself comfortable against one of Diesel 10's cab walls.
The big diesel had already fallen asleep, exhausted from work, and the constant stress of having to protect his Rider from literally from almost anything and everything on the island. It was one of the biggest dangers of being his Rider. His Rider would be a much higher priority target than the others, as they knew it would be a big blow to him, and the diesels as a whole.
Everett relaxed, and slowly fell asleep. However, it seemed that the red steamer would paying him another visit tonight.
Everett found himself in a dark, and lifeless place. There was no signs of life anywhere, and the area reeked of rotting flesh and blood. The landscape was rocky and jagged, and mist swirled all around him. He couldn't see a thing in the thick fog. Or was it smoke? As he did smell something burning in the air.
He heard an all to familiar growl behind him, and whipped around to face the red metal beast, only to see nothing. Everett frantically looked around, trying to reach Diesel 10 through the bond they shared, only to receive no response. It was likely that either the diesel was too far away from his location, or he was completely alone in this hellish nightmare.
He yelped as he heard something rush past behind him, stumbling over the tangled mess of tracks all around him. He immediately took off running as hard and fast as he could. He could hear the dreaded steamer chuckling softly. The sound echoing all around him. Everett had no idea where James was, but he didn't bother to check behind him. It was too risky to trip and fall over the tracks. That would give James the perfect opportunity to snatch him up as if he were a little bite sized snack.
He hid behind several tall jagged rock, and covered his mouth to keep himself from making a single sound as he struggled to slow his breathing, not wanting to give away his hiding place. His heart skipped a beat as he heard the deep guttural growl of the metal beast, but he stayed silent, silently praying and hoping James would leave and give him a chance to escape. He swore he could feel the steamer's hot breath from just beside the rock. James was close. Too close. Right beside him. Yet nothing happened.
Everett silently stepped away, thinking it was safe to make a run for it, only for James to lunge from around the rocks, and snap his powerful jaws at him. Everett screamed and immediately fled, only for the steamer to follow in hot pursuit. Everett could feel the steamer's breath running down his neck as James was quick to gain on him. Everett tried to weave around the tracks, hoping it would at least slow him down, but it simply had no affect. No matter what he tried, the steamer kept up with him with ease.
Everett screamed, crying out to Diesel 10 as James barely snatched him by the back of his hoodie. James screeched to a stop, and Everett was dangling helplessly from his jaws, fighting for his life to try and force James to drop him. Alas, it was to no avail. He could just sense the fanged wolfish grin coming from the dreaded steamer, amused by his fruitless struggles. Everett felt himself get flung into the air, screaming Diesel 10's name one last time before getting crushed in James' powerful jaws, then there was flash of light, and finally darkness.
Everett woke up with a scream, almost falling out Diesel 10's cab. This made the big diesel wake with a start. Everett clutched his chest, shaking and in a cold sweat. It all felt so real. He swore he could feel sharp pain where he had been bitten in two by the steamer. He struggled to slow his breathing, trying to pull himself together. It was just another bad dream.
He nearly screamed as he felt himself being gently grasped by the diesel's claw, fighting at first before relaxing once he realized who it was. Diesel 10 looked at the poor boy, and knew exactly what had happened. He sensed the boy's distress through the bond when he was asleep, and knew it was only a matter of time before Everett would once again wake up screaming.
Diesel 10 gently placed Everett on his buffers, just under his face. Immediately, the boy clung to him, shaking. Diesel 10 waited for him to calm down a little bit before deciding to ask him about the nightmare.
"Was this about a steamer again?" Diesel 10 asked softly, looking down at the boy. Everett nodded slightly, still not letting go of the diesel. Diesel 10 sighed. The poor kid had been through enough already, and it seemed not he or his Rider would ever get a break from any of this. He wished he could console the boy better, but this was all he could do.
"It was James this time..." Everett had managed to slow his breathing and calm down at least a little bit. Together, they sat in silence. Everett feeling comforted by the diesel's presence alone, as he knew Diesel 10 would keep him safe until his final breath.
Everett eventually let go, nestling into the diesel's side before he began to nod off. However, he was fighting against his fatigue, out of fear of having another nightmare again. Diesel 10 hummed softly, a diesel's equivalent to purring, to try and soothe the boy.
"It's alright, kiddo. I'll keep you safe. I promise." Diesel 10 smiled gently, and with that, Everett had fallen back to sleep.
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