accio-victuuri · 8 months
i’m a bit late for this and honestly thought about skipping this cpn cause i’m not that 👀 to it. but i understand why cpfs made the connection & i’m not exactly the judge of what cpns will be important later on. that’s why i try to document as much as i can. so what we’re talking about is the connection between the tod’s strap given by xz to media friends this year and the (alleged) gucci strap worn by wyb during SDC 5.
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at the time, we were more focused on the use of hibiscus flower and this strap that looked like gucci was only mentioned. it’s like him wearing the lion head gucci necklace from a brand that he has no official ties with, especially for that year and even before that. then you have zz who is gucci’s golden boy. another question was why would he give a strap like that, is that even something that zz does? and now we have the answer, yes he does.
during SDC5, no wardrobe account identified what this strap is too. which when it happens could either be 1: they can’t identify it and for this instance i understand cause it’s not that unique and no logos to identify it as you would expect from an accessory. 2: they don’t wanna address it cause it will cause some fandom drama. in this case, i have a strong feeling that it’s the latter. 🙃
the particular gucci item people are pointing at is this drawstring bag from their 2017 collection. we know that zz have always been a gucci boy so it’s possible he had this or got it from somewhere that sells old styles more recently. i can’t seem to find a confirmation if this drawstring can be removed.
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this other style is removable but i don’t think xz gravitates towards this kind of bag. the eccentric look of the ones above is more in line with him.
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we are now interpreting this as, xz already had this from years back and decided to remove the drawstring and give it to wyb to incorporate in his SDC look. the use of hibiscus in this fit is definitely not a coincidence and the addition of the rope was another symbol. if like me, you think that SDC is a show that gave us much loved cpns & that xz is fond of the show, this makes more sense.
the significance of zz choosing to give out these tod’s straps confirms that:
1. He like this kind of design, the intertwined rope effect which we see in both tod’s and gucci.
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2. He likes this “strap” accessories. Usually, when you think about luxury items, the focus is bags/clothes/shoes. Smaller accessories is all about the jewelry or even card holders. So it’s not really a common preference.
3. It is something that he will gift. Tho with Bobo, it’s really more personal. Maybe that bag had some history with him that we will never know about that’s why gave it to WYB. 🤷🏻‍♀️
bonus interpretation 😂😂😂😂 ⬇️⬇️
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anipgarden · 7 months
I went to my first plant swap and man. It was WILD.
Keep in mind I heard about the plant swap a little over 24 hours before it was happening. I have no plants to exchange, I barely even have seedlings yet. But I do have a bunch of seeds so I decide to roll up and see what I can do.
Its from 2 to 5. I show up at 2:12 and its mostly houseplants. But the local library branch has a tent and they’re letting people check out some gardening books they brought if they have a library card on them!
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So I checked out “Seedswap: The gardener’s guide to saving and swapping seeds” by Josie Jeffery!
(They also told me that if I want the library to set up seed libraries I should email showing interest because a lot of librarians have suggested it but public interest is needed 👀 special reminder to email/contact your local library about adding seed libraries if you haven’t got one already!)
I considered leaving but I decide to hang around and see if anyone else comes around with stuff that’s more my fancy (no disrespect to people who like houseplants but I have a 99% killrate with them and they’re just not my vibe) and
I obtained a Boxcar tomato, a Blackberry Lily, a variegated pepper, a hibiscus cutting, loofah seeds, okra seeds, and FOUR (4!!!!) peach tree seedlings!!!
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I spent like 6 bucks total (1 on a peach tree seedling, 5 on the pepper) and the rest was just seed trades (or the peach tree lady just… giving me more peach trees for being nice. Be nice to the elderly you might get peach trees out of it.) I was there for like an hour and a half TOPS.
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(I had to pot up the peach tree seedlings myself but this is still a W in my book lets see if they survive)
So uh
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thewhimsyturtle · 1 year
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My luna hibiscus seedlings are now big enough for an actual flowerpot!  🌱🌺🪴🧑‍🌾
How much longer until I can CHOMP these, Mom?!  👀😩🐢
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hamlos · 2 months
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I don’t really want to bother some people with tags or anything because im tired of doing such a thing.
But I want to just give my 5 favorite song.
With Spotify link
My favorite song sounds like I'm about to become an emo satanist or sm
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Secret Vip Tari
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skitter-kitter · 5 months
"Divorce of convenience" Rachel + Lear? 👀
send me reverse tropes with pokemon characters + Lear and i'll write something for it
This one's fun!
It came up once by complete accident, when Lear and Sawyer were training their pokémon while Rachel and Cheren chatted by the sidelines.
“What do you think you’ll do once this is over?” Cheren asked. “Once Lear becomes king, I mean. He won’t need retainers then, will he?”
“Well, he, uh…” Rachel rarely stumbled over her words, so hearing it drew both Lear and Sawyer’s attention. She didn’t notice when the battle came to a halt. “Sawyer would become part of his personal guard, probably. He’s strong and he’s been trained by the king’s guards for ages. But me?”
She paused, considering everything. Cheren let her think it over.
“I don’t know,” she said eventually. “I don’t know if I could be anything more than this. If some lowly orphan girl could have a life more than this. So, uh, I guess what I’m saying is… when we leave Pasio, I don’t think I’ll be able to be anything but Master Lear’s old retainer.”
That sparked the idea. The, frankly, awful idea but one which would fix the issue of Rachel being a nobody orphan whose biggest point of fame was being Lear’s old retainer.
“It is not romantic,” Lear told her the day he proposed the idea. “We’ll be married for a few years, I’ll be able to let you form all the connections you want to fashion designers as my, uh, wife… and then when we get divorced after a while, then people will know you as someone wholly your own. Is that okay with you?”
Rachel had stared at him for so long he’d grown concerned she’d fallen so deep into shock that she’d faint, but eventually she snapped out of it, wrapped both arms around him, and tackled him to the ground with a cry of “Yes, yes, yes! Master Lear, yes!” which made them both laugh.
Lear’s father wasn’t happy about the arrangement and the plan to divorce,— especially about the fact that he’d have to call the orphaned girl he’d only hired to teach his son about the lower caste his daughter-in-law— but with enough pointed conversations Lear managed to sway him. The king at least got to unite their country with the news of the prince’s wedding.
After her name was announced, Rachel walked out in a stunning dress. It dragged behind her, hibiscus flowers sewn into the design. One of the flowers was tucked into her hair; a memento to the late queen. Any doubt of the validity of their relationship was blown away when the prince looked at her with a soft, warm smile. After they called out Rachel Falstelo, everyone who loved her cheered.
No one would dare call her a mere retainer any longer.
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klmwrites · 2 months
Should I write a remastered version of Astro's Hibiscus (my first ever fanfic)? 👀🤔
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ambazaar · 10 months
The Bitter Taste of Hibiscus 🌺: Part 4
Shanks x OC
Warnins: Swearing, Alcohol Use, Guns, Fluff, ANGST
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A/N: Tessa’s communication skills are not the greatest teehee Also I’m sorry for how short this one is but hopefully it can hold y’all over while i get into the niddy gritty of Tessa’s backstory 👀
"That's enough, Tess!" Makino cried, pushing aside the first mate and frantically leaping in between the older woman and the captain.
"Get out of the way, Makino." Tessa warned, her voice a low growl, but Makino refused.
"He helped us, Tess!" she said, trying her best to keep her tone even and calm.
"His disputes with the mountain bandits are going to get you and Luffy killed!"
Makino desperately tugged at her sleeve. "Tessa, please-"
"It's bad enough that he's already been injured! What about next time, when none of us are there to protect him?" She took a deep breath, looking directly at Shanks.
He stood there, calm and silent, looking at Tessa like she wasn't holding a pistol to his chest. Looking at her like they were the only two people in the world. She couldn't tell the exact meaning behind his eyes, but the longer she looked into them the softer they became. It angered her. He really wasn't taking her seriously, was he?
She gently pushed Makino aside and raised her pistol to Shank's eye level, ignoring how numb she felt doing so.
“You best point that gun somewhere other than at our captain, miss. Or they'll be hell to pay!” That was Benn from behind her. She ignored him. Other members of the crew made similar threats, but none of them made a move to stop her. So she ignored them all.
"We have an agreement with the mountain bandits.” Tessa continued, “We accommodate them, they leave us alone. That is the way it's always been. We don't need help and we don't need saving, especially from the likes of you." Tessa's voice was hard and direct.
Shanks looked down at the barrel of her gun, then back up into her eyes. His expression had shifted. A smirk slowly formed on his face. It was a smile she did not see on him often; one that meant he wasn't happy. She stood her ground.
"Do you think I'm joking?" Tessa demanded.
Shanks didn't answer. Instead, he raised a hand and slowly lowered the tip of the pistol away from his face, all the while never taking his eyes off of hers. His smile was gone. Tessa couldn’t even react. He took a deliberate step closer to her and she felt her heart leap from her chest. She tried everything not to show it, but he knew; he could see she was trembling. "I think," Shanks said finally, his voice surprisingly gentle, "that you would do anything to protect the people you love."
Tessa faltered. The sounds all around them - the bustling docks, seagulls flying to and from the thatch roof above, Makino's whimpering beside her - all faded into silence. All she could see was Shanks and all she could hear was his voice. Her hands were shaking so hard now that she was having trouble keeping her grip on her pistol. She swallowed, her mouth suddenly dry. But her brows remained furrowed and her glare stern, despite the pit in her stomach. "I would." She took a deep breath, attempting to ground herself. "You'd be wise to remember that." She felt Makino slip a hand into her palm, but she kept her gaze on the captain.
Shanks' expression didn't change. "I don't forget," he said. "However, it was not the bandits who injured Luffy. Do you think - Tessa, do you honestly think I'd have let them just walk away if they had?"
"I can't say for certain what you would or wouldn't do, Captain." Shanks flinched. Her voice had a sharp edge to it, causing a pain in his chest at the harsh way she uttered his title. "The solemn fact is that if you hadn't arrived this morning, none of this would have happened." Tessa said bluntly, uncocking her gun and placing it within her skirt pocket. "You're to be gone in two days."
Her abrupt demand caught them all off guard, especially Makino who yanked harshly at her arm in protest. "Tessa," she whispered urgently, "please don't do this."
Tessa looked at her friend’s pleading expression and felt a pang of guilt in her chest. She knew that Makino liked Shanks, that she saw the good in him and trusted him, and that she didn't want to see Luffy hurt by sending the pirates whom he loved so much away for good. If he knew Tessa was banishing them, it would crush him. But, Tessa and Makino were similar in that they would both do anything to protect the lad. And the older woman couldn't ignore the fact that these were pirates, notorious for their ruthless tactics and lawlessness. Even if they had a considerably noble reputation, in her heart she felt like it was the right thing to do. If not for Luffy's sake than for her own.
Tessa took a deep breath and looked back at Shanks. "This has always been a quiet, peaceful village,” she began, “You've come and gone as you've pleased for a year, despite the mayor's protests. He may have conceded to you, but I refuse to continue to put this village in danger by allowing you to stay," She said, her voice struggling to remain firm. "Two days, Captain."
Makino gripped Tessa's shoulders. "But they've always been kind to us. They've done nothing wrong!"
"It's alright, Makino." Shanks spoke up then, placing his hand gently on shoulder until she released Tessa from her grasp. His eyes never left Tessa's face.
Shanks was grateful that none of them could sense the inner turmoil raging within him. It was incredibly unlike him to want to stay in one place for very long; he had always been a bit of a wanderer. But here in Windmill Village, he found himself wanting to stay against all his instincts. The rather remote village had become their headquarters for the better part of a year as Tessa said, and Shanks couldn't deny the comfort and familiarity it brought him. Nor the attachments he felt to some of its villagers. Even if she were to lecture him every day of his life, he knew he could be happy here.
But even as he reveled in this newfound sense of home, he understood deep down that he didn’t have a choice. Staying would complicate things - not just for himself but for Tessa. Her bitterness towards him and his crew, her anger toward him specifically: she truly did hate him. He knew that pirates had a less than honorable reputation and though he'd fought tooth and nail to rewrite that prejudice, there were always going to be those who hated him simply for what he was, and not who. He couldn't blame her, however. And he wouldn't risk losing her completely by going against her very clear wishes. At least by leaving he could guarantee them all a long, happy life far away from the dangers of his world.
Shanks' lips curled into a small smile and he bowed his head in agreement, the brim of his straw hat obscuring the grief in his face. "We shall resupply immediately," he said, his voice determined yet gentle. "I swear, miss, we will not set foot upon your shore again."
Makino's breath caught in her throat as she gazed up at Shanks, her eyes widening in disbelief. Her gaze then flicked back to Tessa, who stood with a resolute set to her jaw and an unwavering determination shining in her eyes. Makino's shoulders slumped in defeat, knowing that there were no words she could speak now that would sway her friend’s decision.
Shanks stepped aside from Tessa and walked past her, his loose sleeve brushing up against her arm. The small touch was enough to ignite her chest. Her heart pounded so violently in her ribs that she was certain Shanks himself could hear it, but on he walked.
"Shanks." Tessa said, suddenly.
He paused, standing utterly still between the parted body of his crew. His name filled the air like dense fog, heavy and all-encompassing, rolling off her tongue with a firm yet thick determination. Tessa's fingers tightened around the fabric of her skirt, the rough material digging into her skin. When she spoke, her tone was empty, "If you do, I'll kill you myself."
The words hung in the air, drowning out the sounds of the surrounding waves and villagers. None of them had ever heard Tessa speak so bluntly. None of them had ever heard her voice come so close to breaking. But all Shanks could hear was his own heartbeat. It was loud in his ears, deafening, paralyzing almost. Her words struck him, like a knife in the gut. He felt the air escape his lungs and his heart break. And then he heard the rap of her boots echoing away until he was certain she was gone. He stood straight, not meeting any of their eyes as he passed through the crowd of pirates, ordering them all to “stop lollygagging, there's work to do!”
The bar was empty within seconds, but not as empty as Makino felt at that very moment. She needed something to steady her. The wooden floor creaked under her boots as she walked, the rough surface reminding her of the discomfort she felt in her own skin. Her fingers brushed against the bar counter, holding herself upright, and she poured herself a large drink which she downed it in seconds.
Fools, she thought to herself. If two idiots could be more in love . . . She poured one more drink, gathered herself together, and went back to work.
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numbuh-72 · 4 months
Skye: "Hey, Gia! Just out of curiosity, do you have a favorite type of flower? Toootally not gonna use this information for something..👀"
(she's definitely gonna use this for something XD)
"A-Ah! S-Skye?! I-I wasn't expecting you to ask me a question!"
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"W-Well...I-I ain't complaining too much...after all, you are my sweetheart. I actually have a list of top 4 of my favorite flowers, my love."
Morning Glories
"I don't know why these flowers are my favorite to be exact, I guess...they are just very nice to look at and, I just feel drawn to these flowers."
(Don't worry XDD I know Skye will definitely use this info~ So I gotchu~ UwU)
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(*Patiently waiting for Solar's ref so I can pounce on it the second it comes out and make sure my design is as accurate as possible*)
(I have a few songs? Idk, I have some ideas for who they're for, but I wanna see what you think :]c "The Red Means I Love You" by Madds Buckley, "Pretend" by Alex G, "Sweet Hibiscus Tea" by Penelope Scott, "Karma" by AJR, "Bumblebees Are Out" by Jack Stauber, and "Pair of Wings" by Frankie Rose.)
(Sorry if this is a lot lol, I am chronically relating songs I like to the characters here-)
(Also, I... might be making an animatic... :] just making sure, the BloodMoon twins have the ability to throw up, correct? Totally unrelated question. Mhm. Yeah. )
//Ok, love the song ideas! I am curious who you had in mind for the songs though? A couple of those I don't think I've listened to yet - "Pair of Wings" and "Pretend".
Also. Also, also, also: I would be more than honored if you were to make a wHOLE ANIMATIC??? LIKE? Just...give me a second, I'm still trying to process that one: people like this story a year after I first started posting it, two: they want to interact with the characters, three: draw them??, four: make an ANIMATIC?? :'D
Ahem, but to answer your question, yes! All of the characters can, actually. Everyone can eat and drink. I fear, but I'm curious 👀
...I think I can take a break from cleaning to hurry up and crank out Solar's ref really quick here. Give me an hour or two.//
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moonshotsx · 1 year
hibiscus' bloom - sashnetra (flower shop au)
it's (almost) tattoo time! you can see the sketch for sasha's tattoo here 💕
spot a little cameo from a few known faces 👀
The ring of the bell attached to the tattoo shop door echoed in the entrance as Sasha walked in.
It looked much more realized now that a few weeks had passed since she last went inside. The vibe certainly reflected Anetra now more than ever.
They had been in the talks for Sasha possibly getting her first tattoo done in the shop and Anetra seemed ecstatic at the idea.
That's how Sasha found herself in the parlor on a sunny Thursday morning while Marcia took care of the flower shop for her.
She looked around trying to find a familiar face, but she was met with a blonde tattooed woman around her age at the register talking to what Sasha assumed to be twins.
"Alright, girls. So the appointment is set for next Tuesday at 4PM, is that good? How exciting, first tattoos are always unforgettable".
"Oh yeah!" the redheaded twin let out immediately, earning a slight elbow jab by her sister, "Ow! Oh, I mean, sure, that's totally cool with us".
"Okay, then, let me put it down in the calendar so that I can remember it," the tattoo artist said before looking up and directing her attention to Sasha, "Hey there! I'm Loosey, how can I help you?"
"I have a consultation appointment with Anetra? I'm not sure if she put it down, but we talked over the phone about it," Sasha replied, suddenly aware she hadn't reminded Anetra about her visit in the last few days.
"She's in the back, doing some inventory, I think?" Loosey replied before excusing herself to the twins she was talking to and disappearing into one of the hallway doors.
Sasha waited in her spot, occasionally listening in to the two younger girls bickering.
"Oh. My. God. Spice! You were so staring at her tits just now," the blonde teased her twin, who now sported blushed cheeks that matched her hair.
"I was not!" Spice said with a huff, "You're imagining things again, Sugar".
"Did you think sunglasses were stopping her from seeing you staring at her?"
"As if you weren't looking at that person with the alien pin earlier at the coffee shop!"
"I was not staring at Irene!" Sugar crossed her arms and turned her head to the side.
"I know you weren't staring at that ugly decor for 5 minutes straight"
"Mind your business!"
"You started it!"
Before their little argument could continue, Loosey came back in.
"Sasha, feel free to go bother Anetra, she's ready to have you," she said as she returned to the spot behind the desk, "Third door on the right!"
Sasha quickly thanked her, sparing a glance to the two twins - she wondered if she was going to see them again.
The rich purple tones of the entrance area continued down the hall of different tattoo areas, more artwork and plants adorned the place.
She knocked at the door Loosey had directed her to. She could hear a faint 'Door's open. Come on in!' from the other side.
Sasha excused herself as she entered, finding Anetra hunched over her tablet as she warmed up with some sketches.
"Hey," Anetra's face lit up as soon as she saw Sasha walk in, "Sorry I wasn't at the desk to greet you, lost track of time while doing the inventory".
"It's no big deal, if anything, I should have sent a text before in case you had forgotten about our appointment," Sasha replied as she set down her bag on the floor next to Anetra's desk.
"It's not like I could ever forget an appointment with you," Anetra muttered, but Sasha wasn't able to catch what she had said.
"What was that?"
"Uh, I said, this is your first tattoo, right?"
"Oh, yeah. I've got to say I'm a bit nervous".
Anetra reached to rest her hand over Sasha's to give her an encouraging squeeze, "It's alright to be nervous, I still get nervous before a tattoo, and I do this for a job," she chuckled, "So, what were you thinking for the base idea?"
"Well, growing up in Hawaii, I've loved seeing the wild hibiscus flowers there. One always managed to end up in my hair!"
As Sasha started to describe her idea and meaning behind the tattoo, Anetra couldn't bring herself to interrupt her in any way. The way her eyes almost sparkled at the memories she was recollecting.
Not to mention how beautiful her smile was when it was genuine.
"Then, as I went along with my transition, it also started to also symbolize that part of my journey. You know, embracing my identity as a woman and just the joy and love I feel living life the way I want," she continued, feeling herself get a bit emotional as she bare her thoughts out.
"That's such a beautiful way to put it, Sasha," Anetra leaned over to give the older woman a side hug, "I really hope I can make justice to such an amazing meaning".
Sasha thanked with a soft smile, "I'm sure you will. I trust you and your vision completely".
Anetra started to look for photo references online before going back to ask more questions about how Sasha was picturing her tattoo.
"Did you want it to be in color? Or black and white? I don't mind either style," the brunette asked without looking up from the iPad.
"I think I might prefer it to be in black and white?" Sasha thought it over as Anetra kept sketching, "Yes, I think that would be nice!"
Sasha let Anetra sketch in silence for another five minutes, admiring her concentration.
She took the time to study Anetra's features more attentively.
There was something so intriguing about the tattoo artist.
Sasha prided herself in being a good judge of character and, despite their interactions had been limited due to both of their busy schedules, she could tell Anetra was a gentle soul.
A soul she so desperately wanted to know more of.
Sometimes she felt like their paths had crossed for a reason, and she couldn't wait to see how it would turn out.
"Okay, this is a bit of a messy sketch, but I think we can start working from here. What do you think?"
Anetra turned around the iPad to show her design to Sasha.
The latter was completely speechless. It was exactly how she had envisioned it, "Oh my goodness," she managed to let out as she got a hold of the sketch.
"Like it?"
"Like it? I love it, this is... wow, it's perfect,"
Anetra's nervousness melted off at the sight of Sasha's bright smile, "I just wanted it to be already amazing even if it's just a sketch, you deserve only the best".
"Thank you, really. I mean it," Sasha put the iPad back on the desk before asking for a hug.
Anetra was more than welcome to give in at the request. She was happy she had done Sasha's idea justice.
"I can do a few revisions in time for our session. I would have loved to do it today, but I'm booked for a ten-hour piece later, and I want to take all the time I need to make sure your piece is perfect".
"Oh, it's no problem for me to wait," Sasha quickly added, not wanting Anetra to feel bad about the situation.
"How about... Are you free this Saturday afternoon?"
Sasha thought it over for a moment, "Yeah, on the weekends I keep the shop open until lunch, so I'm free the rest of the day".
"We are usually closed on the weekend, so it would be only us - that way we can take it slow and make sure you're as comfortable as you can be? Hey, I'll even order us food," Anetra cued in at the end, as if Sasha wasn't already sold on the idea.
"Sure, I'd love that. Saturday it is".
"See you then, Sash".
The two of them bid their goodbyes before Sasha made her way outside.
As she walked out of the studio, she couldn't stop the smile on her face.
Saturday couldn't come any faster.
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hey do the tbtf mercs have favorite flowers?
(not asked for silly art reasons, pffftt, nope. just. random curiosity. 👀)
I know for a FACT that I answered a similar question a year ago, I just can't for the life of me find it. So I'm gonna try and answer this from memory.
Medic: Cornflower
Heavy: Wood Squill
Cmedic: Hibiscus
Cheavy: Rose
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grubus · 8 months
SY is MF for the WIP game! Also Drops of Hibiscus. 👀
Shen Yuan is Ming Fan is actually a fic I've been co-writing with @primtheamazing! It's exactly what the title says! SY transmigrating into MF after having bullied LBH for years already, and proceeds to work very very hard on keeping up the fine balance of secretly supporting Binghe while still acting like he hates him to everyone else.
It's. Very long so far. But a lot of fun! Some details in SYoNR has actually been grabbed from it- like the description of MF's sword.
It likely won't be published for a very long time still because we have so many things we want to write into it <_<
Drops of Hibiscus is a classic timeloop BingQiu fic, in the classic time of Jinlan city. There's a snippet under the cut <3
He had nearly run yesterday, he thought hysterically, but he had instead stayed and look where it had gotten him! Right back at the start. 
“Senior Shen? Is there something wrong?” Gongyi Xiao asked behind him, once again dooming him.
This is why you’re cannon fodder! He wanted to yell, but it was too late. It seemed that the mere mention of his name was enough to catch the attention of the protagonist.
Shen Qingqiu pressed the tip of the fan to his mouth as Luo Binghe appeared at the top of the stairs. The sun shone through the windows behind him, giving him a halo of light and obscuring his face. It was glorious and mysterious, a perfect scene to set the mood and sent Shen Qingqiu’s heart racing in a far different way. 
“Shizun?” the silhouette said, gentle like the day before.
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ewanmitchellcrumbs · 3 days
Parrot!vhagar anon again: there’s also the option of making her a tortoise or something like that just so Aemond can keep his 150 year old reptile lmao. He’d def have trained her to try and bite Aegon on command still. Iguanas are also long lived and they move fast as hell (my dad and his college roommate both had one and you couldn’t wear red socks around them. My dad would take his (Godzilla) to class in his hoodie on cold days and his roommate’s (Notoe, for his missing toe) would skate across the floor and could only be bought with hibiscus flowers. Come to think of it my dad’s college roommates had all the fun pets. One owned an octopus and dog and couldn’t figure out why the dog was so scared until he found the octopus dismantling its cage to eat its kibble in the middle of the night; very Vhagar and Sunfyre coded.)
I still think I prefer the parrot/some kind of talking bird though because I think Vhagar deserves to spit insults at people. Parrot!vhagar would also all but guarantee a great pirate Halloween costume for modern!aemond too
I love how casual you are in mentioning that your dad’s room mate had an octopus?! How does one come to acquire an octopus as a pet?! 👀
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Introducing silent salts part eber,hibiscus’s third sister (there’s 5),Venus flytrap cookie
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saibug1022 · 7 months
For Magnus, Apollo, and that FINE AS FUCK lavender bg3 mc:
I am obsessed with the how others see them, vs how they see themselves, vs how you the all-knowing creator see them.
But also like, with symbolism (ex as a cloud/as a flower/as a type of water, etc) 👀👀👀
THIA I ABSOLUTELY ADORE YOU. I'm about to talk so fucking much. So I loaded some classification things into a randomizer and used one for each character
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let's do this
Magnus (Windverse/LoA) - Animal
If you asked other people what animal Magnus is, they'd say a panther, something intimidating and powerful, yet elegant and reserved.
But if you asked Magnus himself, well first he'd refuse to answer because he'd think the question is ridiculous, but then he'd say an owl because they're known as clever and tend to represent wisdom, which is the piece of himself he's put so much value in and relied on his whole life.
However, I've always associated Magnus with butterflies, specifically blue butterflies. Butterflies obviously represent change and rebirth which Magnus has done multiple times, breaking free from his old life for a new one and becoming someone new. But blue butterflies also represent joy and love, and the love of others (both platonic and romantic) and Magnus's own love are what showed him the joy in life and let him become one more version of himself: a happy one.
Apollo (The Elementalists) - Flower
If you asked most other people what kind of flower Apollo would be, they'd say a sunflower for pretty obvious reasons. Apollo is bright, kind, and passionate, and I mean. It's literally called a sunflower. It's very surface level but unfortunately most peoples' view of Apollo is very surface level.
If you asked Apollo what kind of flower he'd be, honestly he'd probably say a sunflower at first too, but if he thought about it for a second, he would say a hibiscus. Hibiscus flowers are bright and colorful and grow tall in warm climates. But they need sun to to bloom and even then only bloom for a day, closing again by night which is exactly how Apollo sees himself. Without his sun attunement, aka his power, he would be nothing. To go even further, when people look at him he's bright and beautiful but as soon as he's alone he's terrified and sad and stressed.
For my assessment, I'd say a lotus flower. I may be biased because it's my second favorite flower but Lotus's bloom up through muddy water and still come up beautiful which is exactly what Apollo did (symbolically at least). He was hunted by Raife from the moment he was born, had his memories erased and childhood stole, lost his parents, was lied to his entire life and was raised without magic and his twin, finally found somewhere he felt he belonged only to be hunted again, nearly lost his friend and almost died, then he was accosted by Kane and tortured, then (in my version of canon) ended up losing his mentor and hunted by his own people. But he came out of it beautiful and bright
Kieran (BG3 Durge) - Element
Most people when asked would definitely say Kieran is fire. Dangerous, unpredictable, (hot-) and passionate, maybe warm, but destructive.
If you ask Kieran themself, they may also say fire honestly, for the same reasons as every one else. But if you find them in a nicer mood they might say earth. Dark caves and sharp things but equally full of life and beauty. Something determined and strong.
But I would say water because more than anything Kieran is adaptable, no matter what situation they end up in, no matter who they're with who what they're facing, they always end up on top. More than that, Kieran just has this deep sadness within them that is best reflected in water. Water is also a symbol of transformation and healing which is a summary of Kieran's entire arc. Even better, it's what he evokes in so many of the people around him, not just themself.
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yutofia · 2 months
https://maisoncrivelli.com/en/parfums/hibiscus-mahajad/ the perfume notes 👀
floral and fruity?😭that's like my fave type of perfume
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