#hi honey I'm holding you at gun point to continue this on going plot <3
knavestrolls · 2 years
hEllO AgAIn Harvey, yOU AskEd mE whAt i wOUld gEt OUt Of thIs, i wOUld gEt a vEry cOmpEtEnt Ally, Isn't yOUr mOrAI's hAppInEss wOrth mAkIng a nEw frIEnd?
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She's not quite my moirail, she just ain't not my moirail either. I ain't worried none 'bout her happiness right now, that can wait a good minute til this all done past. It's her life that's hanging looser than an ill tied lasso. They got a week to get that violet outta there and clean it all up nice. Drones won't care that Syhren reached out to 'em, only that two jades got a highblood dead on 'em. So if you can get 'em outta this sticky situation then.. Fuck, I'd owe you one so I guess I'd hafta do whatcha needed.
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