#hevy festival
shagpaboloutpost · 1 year
Set in my Dead Brothers Rescue Coalition au, because my brain won’t let it go: in the simplest of terms, this is a Domino Squad lives au and the war is over now; Hevy spent some time in the Coruscant Guard befriending my oc Nel who helped him and the rest of Domino stop Palpatine and reveal the truth about the chips. There’s a lot more context but it doesn’t play into this snippet too much, since it is very oc-centric
(Part Two; Part Three is coming soon)
It was the first time Tibanna had been to Coruscant since… he didn’t remember. He’d been once. He’d hidden in the barracks the whole time, sure that if he set foot on the streets every red-clad clone on the planet would know and treat him accordingly.
Not a terribly rational fear, but his more rational brain agreed with the outcome anyway if not the logic.
Assignment to Shag Pabol had been a gift. He’d never have to go to Coruscant again, and never risk running into a Guard who knew about him.
Now the war was over, and clones were being recalled to the Core in batches of a hundred, so they could be questioned at length about what they wanted out of life. The Jedi did it compassionately, at least; the Senate was clearly doing it because they were worried about money. For Tibanna, who’d had to spend the entire flight here listening to Starcatcher ask the same questions, it was all torture.
And what the hell was he meant to answer, anyway? His life was Shag Pabol. It was always supposed to be Shag Pabol. Who wanted a bomb defused by someone who couldn’t stand the sight of explosives? Who wanted demolitions done by a man who’d try anything but demolition? Even Wraith hadn’t wanted him, until he saw that Tibanna wasn’t about to let anyone get hurt for his shortcomings.
“Think bigger!” Starcatcher had urged him. “It’s not about doing what you’ve been doing. If you could do anything in the galaxy, what would you do?”
“I’d shove you out an airlock,” Widow had said from two seats down. A couple clones – mostly Tibanna’s squad – had snickered. Tyrant had drawn herself upright, eyes blazing.
“Widow,” she said coldly. Widow’s mouth had closed with a click. Tyrant had looked over at Starcatcher.
“Give Tibanna time to think it over,” she’d advised, flicking a sympathetic glance his way. “What are your plans?”
Starcatcher had a million of them, which if you asked Tibanna meant he wasn’t any more decisive about it than those of them who had no answer at all. But he had a feeling if he pushed his luck Tyrant would come down hard on all of them, and Wraith would be glad to watch. It was always dangerous when those two were together.
The peace only lasted so long. Not being separated by squad meant time to form new alliances, and potentially dangerous ones at that. Tibanna knew the night would go wrong when Festival called his name with Teal, Turquoise, Magenta, and Starcatcher at his back.
“You’re coming out with us, right?”
“Festival…” Tibanna searched for an excuse that wouldn’t give away how much he didn’t want to be here.
“Come on! No fireworks in bars, after all. Every clone in the army’s been to 79’s but us.”
“I’ve been,” Starcatcher offered.
“Everyone including Starcatcher but not us,” Festival said. “Tibanna. What’s the issue this time? I know you’re not actually allergic to fun.”
He sighed.
“Fine,” he said. “Fine, but only so I can keep you idiots from crashing a speeder into a wall once you’re drunk.”
“Oh, thank the Force,” Magenta said. “I didn’t want to go. You can deal with them.”
“Wait –“ Tibanna said, alarmed, but Magenta was already gone. He looked at the assembled clones with a sinking feeling: Festival, Starcatcher, Teal, and Turquoise.
“Please tell me Wraith or Ty will be there,” he said faintly.
“Not sure,” Festival said. “Only one way to find out!”
Wraith was there, and Festival whooped with delight as soon as they saw him. Teal leaned over to Turquoise, muttering something in his ear with a dirty look at Wraith. Tibanna may not be Magenta, but he knew their plotting faces when he saw them. He put an arm around each of them and hauled them after Festival to the booth where Wraith sat.
“Sergeant! Hi!” Starcatcher said delightedly. Wraith turned, and Tibanna froze. He barely noticed when Teal and Turquoise wriggled out of his grip. There were two clones sitting opposite Wraith. One wore civilian clothing. The other was fully kitted out in Coruscant Guard red, their helmet sitting on the table beside them.
“I don’t think this is the party you’re looking for,” Wraith said, but he scooted over to let Festival sit anyway. Tibanna knew he was standing there like an idiot, but he didn’t know what to do.
“What are you up to, sir? Catching up with old friends from your Intelligence days?” Starcatcher asked.
“Classified,” Wraith said.
“Banthashit, the army’s disbanded!” Turquoise blurted, apparently more eager to push his luck than he was to escape Wraith’s watchful eye altogether. “Nothing’s classified anymore.”
The clone without armour laughed.
“You’d be surprised,” they said. Teal perked up; Tibanna couldn’t blame her. This vod had a unique accent.
“Sergeant!” Teal whispered. “Sergeant, that’s the one from the recording!”
“Told you I’d be famous, Hevy,” they said. The Coruscant Guard groaned and shoved their friend.
“Ignore him,” Hevy said. “They’re the only people we know actually saw the thing, anyway.”
“That we know of,” he replied. “Hey, Hevy, scoot over, they’re still stuck standing there.”
“There’s plenty of space!” Hevy protested.
“I’m fine,” Tibanna said. “I was just – uh –“
Wraith was watching him now. Of course Wraith would notice something was wrong.
“What’s this about a recording?” Starcatcher asked.
“I found this recording in our systems,” Teal said eagerly. “After a security breach a couple months back? The one where nothing happened? And Ty and Sergeant Wraith said to keep it quiet – oh. Sorry, sir.”
“It’s not sensitive anymore,” Wraith said. “Right?”
“We just don’t want to advertise it, in case somebody doesn’t like how much time we spent breaking and entering,” said the clone with the accent. Wraith nodded. He looked up at Tibanna again, but looked away without saying anything.
“Right,” Teal said. “That’s… Was it true, then? All the things the recording said?”
Wraith pursed his lips.
“Your unit is scheduled to have your chips removed tomorrow morning,” said Hevy quietly. “We didn’t make an army-wide announcement, because the Senate is being awful as it is.”
That we was strange to hear. Hevy wasn’t a high-ranking clone, going off the armour. But they talked like these decisions had been theirs to make. Tibanna wondered again about the details of the war’s sudden end.
“Sir, if you knew about this how come we didn’t?” Starcatcher asked, sounding hurt. He was the only one. Tibanna and Festival were both used to the way Wraith operated, and Teal had obviously told Turquoise right away.
“Op sec,” Wraith said, ignoring Festival as she mouthed it with him. “Need to know only.”
“Do we get the story now?” Starcatcher asked plaintively. Everyone very visibly leaned in. Hevy nudged their vod. The other clone nudged back. Wraith groaned.
“It’s classified –“
“I’m not getting their drinks.”
Another Coruscant Guard nudged Tibanna gently out of the way with an elbow, setting down drinks for Hevy, Wraith, and the other clone. They sat next to Hevy with a wince and a sigh. As the light hit their cheek, Tibanna knew why. They’d grown their hair out, keeping it tied in a loose braid, and an intricate-looking tattoo peeked out from their sleeve, curling a little tail across the back of their ungloved hand. Those things didn’t matter. Tibanna knew the shape of the scars he’d given them.
“Shrapnel,” he blurted.
Everyone stared but Shrapnel, who curled their hand around their glass and didn’t look up.
“I was hoping that wasn’t you,” they said quietly.
“Nel?” Hevy asked.
“How deep does this dark secret thing go?” Starcatcher complained.
“Go order your drinks,” Wraith commanded the others, picking up on the implications in an instant just like always. Tibanna liked his sergeant most days, but he’d never been quite so grateful for him before. Teal and Festival took their cues, pushing Starcatcher and Turquoise with them. Wraith stood, setting a hand on Tibanna’s arm.
“Do you two need a minute?”
“It won’t take a minute,” Shrapnel said. “There’s nothing to say.”
Wraith looked from one vod to the other, obviously calculating something.
“We may not be friends, Nel,” he said. “But I think mutual informants owe each other something, and I ought to tell you that Tibanna’s one of the best I’ve ever worked with. More careful and considerate than most of my squad, and thinks everything through. It means he’s not half bad at talking those things through, either, if you let him.”
“This has nothing to do with you, sergeant,” Shrapnel said. “I’m sure you’re proud to stand up for your troops.”
“Nel, what the –“ Hevy hissed.
“I’m leaving, actually,” Shrapnel announced, visibly struggling to their feet. Tibanna’s guilt twisted over and around itself in his stomach. “Don’t want to bring your party down.”
“Shrapnel, wait,” Tibanna said, finally finding his voice as he grabbed for their wrist frantically. “Please, I – how have you been?”
“In pain,” they said shortly. “And that’s not my name.” They shook him off and walked away.
“You’re Nel’s batchmate,” Hevy said.
“Is this supposed to mean something to the rest of us?” their brother whispered. Hevy swatted him.
“I’ll tell you later, Cutup,” they said. “You are, aren’t you?”
Tibanna managed to nod.
“Shrapnel is a pretty cruel joke of a name,” Hevy said coldly.
“This coming from the man who named Droidbait?” Cutup muttered into his drink. Judging by his wince a second later, Hevy had kicked him.
“I didn’t – They were Shrapnel before it happened,” Tibanna protested weakly. He sank into a seat at last, more because he didn’t trust his legs to hold him than because he wanted to be here.
“Tibanna,” Wraith said. “What’s going on?”
Tibanna got the feeling Wraith already knew; he knew what Tibanna had done, just not who he’d done it to. The fact that Shrapnel – Nel and Wraith had known each other from Coruscant was a surprise. He was glad he’d never dropped Nel’s old name. Wraith was clever enough to put the pieces together.
“You know,” Tibanna said. Hevy was watching him like a judge. Cutup looked worried. He wished Festival would come back. He could use a squadmate. “I wasn’t careful, and I wanted to show off. Nel had an idea, some theory they wanted to test, and I loved going along with that kind of thing. I walked away to get something, leaving unstable compounds behind, and…”
He tried to say it all with the cadence of a briefing, something he’d learned a long time ago from Wraith to keep the feelings out of it. He almost made it through.
“I’m going after her,” Hevy announced, standing up. He looked Tibanna over with a neutral expression. Tibanna had assumed that was an Intelligence thing, when Wraith did it, but maybe it was just a Coruscant thing. The music and lights in the bar shifted, and for a moment Hevy looked like Nel had on that awful day. Tibanna dropped his head into his hands. The last thing he needed was to hallucinate from guilt.
“Hevy,” Cutup hissed.
“I know,” he hissed back. “Just – you can just drink your drink, all right?”
“Like hell,” Cutup said. Tibanna dug his fingers into his scalp, refusing to look up at whatever display of brotherly devotion was in front of him. He didn’t deserve it.
“Nel won’t talk to you, anyway,” Hevy said. “I’ll be back.”
Wraith sat gingerly beside Tibanna, who refused to look up.
“If I’d known I knew your batchmate…” he began awkwardly.
Now Tibanna did look up, the better to fix his sergeant with a doleful glare.
“What would you have said, sir? What could you say?”
Wraith’s moustache twitched unhappily. With a look of extreme discomfort, he gingerly wrapped an arm around Tibanna’s shoulders.
“You’re still a terrible hugger, sir,” Tibanna informed him, but he appreciated the gesture. From the look Wraith gave him, equal parts tired and amused and fond, he knew.
“Uh,” Cutup said. “Do you want to hear about the crazy Force parts of ending the war, or should I not try to distract you?”
“Please tell me about anything that doesn’t involve Nel,” Tibanna said. Cutup made a face.
“Crazy Force shit it is.”
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A Snowy Surprise
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While Christmas may not exist in a Galaxy Far Far Away, festivities can still commence. The Bad Batch, Domino Squad, Rex, Cody, Kix, Hardcase, and Jesse all under one roof, with a chaotic Realm Walker to manage the madness. What could go wrong?
CW: Language
“Thanks for invitin’ us, Shad! This totally beats whatever dusty and sad excuse for a holiday that the suits attempt to give us.”
I laughed at Cutup’s remark. “Don’t thank me, thank Crosshair. Had to go through him to get approval for you regs to spend the weekend here.”
We all sat around the main living space of the Hideaway, wrapping paper scattered all over the place as a blizzard raged outside. Somehow, someway, I twisted the commandos’ arms and they allowed Cody and some of the 501st boys to spend the weekend; Kix, Jesse, Hardcase, Rex, and the entire Domino squad. The latter group was the easiest to convince the others to let stay, as the official Bad Batch and unofficial ‘bad batch’ got decently close back when Echo got his week off to recover after Lola Sayu. The others were a little more difficult, mainly on Crosshair’s end, but the sniper had sighed and said he’d take the chance. 
To say I was shocked that Crosshair agreed to Regs in the Hideaway was an understatement, but I wasn’t about to look a gift horse in the mouth. Especially since it meant he really was growing and moving past his trauma at the hands of the Regs. Even if he still looked like a truly disgruntled cat whenever one of the 501st boys tried joking with him. 
Cutup chuckled and glanced over at the sniper as he wrestled with a roll of tape and an unruly gift. “Not entirely sure he wouldn’t bite me if I gave him the usual Domino thank you.” He snorted and rubbed a bruise on his arm. “Again.”
“Oh, he would definitely bite you again if you hugged him,” I agreed. “Hell, I’m surprised I get away with it half the time.” 
Hevy grinned at me from where he, Hardcase, and Wrecker all were wrangling their own gifts. Both Wrecker and Hevy had bows on their heads, while Hardcase had two stuck to his bald head. “Partner privileges?” the Domino heavy gunner joked. 
I winked at him. “Works for me!”
“I can hear you,” Crosshair hissed, then smacked Jesse’s hand as the 501st trooper tried to help him with the tape. “Piss off, Reg!”
“Temper temper,” Jesse chuckled, earning himself a vicious headlock that quickly escalated into a full-scale grappling match, which traveled around the cabin’s living room like a tumbleweed straight out of Looney Toons. 
Continue on Wattpad!
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e-kultura · 10 months
7. Paralelne vizije
Sedmo izdanje Festivala muzičkog filma - Paralelne vizije (Paralel Vision), koji zajednički organizuju Paralel - Beogradski festival subkulture i distributerska kuća Visionary Thinking, održaće se od četvrtka, 21, do nedelje, 24. decembra, u velikoj sali Muzeja jugoslovenske kinoteke u Uzun Mirkovoj ulici
Program otvara najnoviji film o jednom od pionira rokenrola i kako mnogi poznavaoci tvrde pravom kralju ("king of rock'n'roll"), kontraverznom Litl Ričardu (Little Richard). Dokumentarac o siromašnom i talentovanom dečaku s američkog juga, koji je verovatno i prvi poznati "drag" izvođač, vodi nas u drugu polovinu XX veka i osim neverovatnog umetnikovog života, baca svetlo i na aktivnosti tadašnjeg establišmenta, segregaciju, rasizam, predrasude, ali i podršku i oduševljenje kolega i publike, koje ga je pratilo do duboke starosti. Pored obilja originalnih arhivskih snimaka, u filmu govore i Pol Makartni, Mik Džeger, Džon Voters...   
Paralelno, s izučavanjem istorije rokenrola i svetskih prilika polovinom prošlog veka, u selekciji je i izuzetan dokumentarac (Problem s Jeom), o šokantnim aktivnostima i delovanju velike američke zvezde i mogućeg novog predsednika SAD-a, Kanje Vesta. Kako se to svet menja ili se već promenio pred našim očima i koje će biti posledice opšteg (ne)reagovanja na govor mržnje i militantnost, pita se autor ovog ostvarenja. Film koji bi svi trebalo da pogledaju.
Takođe, na programu su i dokumentarci o bendu Simpl Majnds, koji nas vodi na romantično putovanje u 80e, što je i svetska premijera ovog filma, nakon prikazivanja u Velikoj Britaniji, a tu su i priče o hevi metal frontmenima Brusu Dikinsonu (Iron Maiden) i buntovnom Ekselu Rouzu (Gans'n'Roses).
Festival se završava igranim filmovima, plesnom i duhovitom pričom o muzičkom pokretu Nortern Soul, u Škotskoj 70ih godina prošlog veka i raskošnim brazilskim biopikom, o kultnoj pevačici Bosanove, Elis Regini.
Četvrtak, 21. decembar
20 časova - Litl Ričard: Ja sam sve (Little Richard: I Am Everything), dokumentarni, 102min, SAD, 2023.
Petak, 22. decembar
18 časova - Frontmen: Brus Dikinson (Frontman: Bruce Dickinson, Iron Maiden), dokumentarni, 85 min, V. Britanija, 2021.
20 časova - Frontmen: Eksl Rouz (Frontman: Axl Rose, Guns'n'Roses), dokumentarni, 84 min, V. Britanija, 2021.
Subota, 23. decembar
18 časova -   Kanje Vest: Problem s Jeom (The Problem with Kanye), dokumentarni, 75min, Velika Britanija, 2023.
20 časova - Simpl Majnds: Sve je moguće ( Simple Minds: Everything is possible ), dokumentarni, 88 min, V. Britanija, 2023.  
Nedelja, 24. decembar
18 časova - Northern Soul, igrani, 102min, Velika Britanija, 2014.
20 časova - Elis Regina, igrani, biopik, 115min, Brazil, 2016.
Karte za sve projekcije koštaju 300 dinara i kupuju se na biletarnici Muzeja jugoslovenske kinoteke.
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maanfashion · 1 year
Sara Trendz - Nazara Festival Wholesale Supplier Kerela
No of pieces: 4 Stitch Type: stitched Fabrics – TOP REAL PREMIUM SILK WITH HEVY EMBROIDERY WORK & INNER ( STICH ) SIZE • L XL XXL DUPPTA • REAL PRIMIUM WITH EMBROIDERY FOUR SAHID LESS WORK BOTAM • PLAZO • REAL PRIMIUM SILK WITH EMBROIDERY WORK ( STICH ) Rate : 1601 with GST Full Set only Sara Trendz Salwar Suit Per PCS Maan Fashion latest catalogue 1525 Salwar Suit PIECES 4 Salwar Suit online…
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weownthenitenyc · 2 years
Exclusive Interview: HEVI LEVI
Exclusive Interview: HEVI LEVI
HEVI LEVI is an electronic music DJ & producer from Tel Aviv, Israel. One of the most well known artists in Israel for the last 15 years, he founded and owns Joy Group – a record label, a recording studio, a school for DJs and producers and more. Throughout his career he has played at some of the most prestigious underground clubs and music festivals around the world, including the likes of…
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Slugzy - Detonation by SLUGZY https://ift.tt/2DLGgyf
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ficsnooneaskedfor · 2 years
Call the Twi'lek Midwife
Chapter 52: Longing
Word count: 5.5k
Series rating: M
Chapter Summary: Echo spends some time writing, Citali's condition worsens, frightening her loved ones and cutting their trip a little short, and Melita misses her family. Across the galaxy, a man finds comfort in a desperate situation by thinking of the person he loves most.
TW: death mention, medical stuff, brief depiction of slavery (I know this is kind of giving something away but I want to be mindful of people this might triggering for)
Masterlist | AO3 | Prev. Chapter | Next Chapter
Hello again Fives, Echo began writing as he sat beneath the colossal, ancient tree in the garden-the Kalikori Tree of Clan Ulihira. Like their cousins on Ryloth, the Twi'leks of Jemala revered the totems that held their family legacy. On the occasions that Echo went into Citali's office, he would gaze at the Kalikori that belonged to her father sitting on her desk, trying to make sense of the painted symbols on wooden pieces arranged to look like the two lekku of a Twi'lek. It was beautiful and moving but he'd always found it fascinating and wonderful that the Twi'leks of Jemala made theirs in living trees. He looked up and saw the thousands of Sanolis: tiny, nearly unbreakable glass ornaments hanging in the branches blown into different shapes like animals, plants, and stars in a rainbow of colors, representing each and every person in their family over the centuries and the deeds they had done in life. 
Kalikori Trees were sacred for other reasons apart from their adornments. When a new baby was born, the placenta that had sustained them in the womb, that had connected them to their parent, was buried with care beneath the roots of the tree. It was believed doing so strengthened the spiritual connection between the newborn, their planet, their family, and the Light. For the children they saved from lives of enslavement, the ones who could not be reunited with their families or people, a similar ceremony was held when they were old enough to consent to adoption. Weddings, celebrations, and holy festivals were held beneath its branches and when someone died, this was where their ashes were laid. Citali's mother was here, her brother, her grandparents, and if her father returned this might be where he found eternal rest. Echo was now known as "Echo of Clan Ulihira" among Citali's people and if he so chose, he could have his remains laid to rest here someday as well. It was a strange thought. As a soldier, Echo had thought of his death many times, wondering what dying would feel like and how it would happen. Would he fall in battle or live to see himself become wrinkled and gray, slipping away peacefully in his sleep? But he never considered what would become of his body or if there would be some sort of lasting memorial for him until now. 
He couldn't bear to contemplate what had been done to  Fives' body after his death but he doubted it had been treated with any kind of reverence, love, or respect. He had no tokens to remember him by, no memorial he could go and visit to feel closer to him, but writing to him felt like keeping his memory alive. Just as the Kalikori Tree kept the memory of Citali's ancestors alive. In the new journal she had given to replace the one he'd written for her, Echo had started writing letters to people, both living and dead. So far he'd written to Rex, General Skywalker, Hevy, Citali's parents, and Fives. Some letters he had burned to keep his family safe on the off chance the Empire got their hands on his journal, which was fine by him. The process of writing was what was therapeutic for him, not reading what he'd written. Echo's pen stilled in his cybernetic hand and he searched for Snowball. Once he saw the loth-cat nearby determinedly chasing a flying insect through the grass, he continued. 
So Citali and I finally told her family that we got married last night. They didn't appear as surprised as I expected but they were happy. I'm glad they were. I was worried about meeting them and even more worried how they would react to our marriage. I thought I might not meet their expectations as a worthy husband for Citali. Every time I had those thoughts, I could hear your voice in my head telling me to not doubt myself like you used to. I should have listened. I think you would love her family as much as I've grown to over the past couple of days. They're all so generous and kind, all the people here seem to be, finding joy in simple pleasures like good food, making art and music, growing things, and spending time with their loved ones. This village is such a peaceful place that I sometimes forget every person here received some level of combat training in their youth so that if their lives are ever threatened, as an individual or a community, they can protect themselves. I must admit, though I know they are capable of it I have a hard time imagining these people harming anyone, even in self-defense. 
The village itself is more beautiful than I ever could have imagined, surrounded by gigantic white trees, mountains with snow-covered peaks year-round, and marshes where birds and other wildlife thrive. There are beaches and salt marshes nearby that I'm sure are beautiful too but I haven't been able to bring myself to set my eyes on the ocean yet. Izel invited me to join the group that was going to the beach the other day and though I wanted to spend some time getting to know her and Citali's younger cousins, I just couldn't do it. I thought seeing the ocean again would remind me too much of Kamino, of you. I keep thinking about the morning Citali and I got married, there was a moment I realized I felt more at home on Ord Mantell than I ever did on Kamino. While true, it doesn't mean that I didn't have love for our homeworld but that love was more for you and our brothers, not the planet itself. Even so, I find myself sometimes missing the scent of salt in the air and the comforting sound of waves crashing that lulled us all to sleep on stormy nights. I feared being near the ocean would intensify that longing when I leave this place or make me miss you more than I already do.
Our lives were sheltered in so many ways on Kamino and during the war, I didn't realize how much we all missed out on. I hadn't even had tea before I met Citali, though that was a result of me being unadventurous with food rather than not having the opportunity. But everything is so different now. I try new foods all the time and get excited when I find a recipe I really like. I go to sleep and wake up whenever I choose to, I read and write every day, and I'm happy doing mundane activities like taking Snowball for walks, helping Omega study, or reading to the baby. I wasn't sure civilian life would agree with me but it has. There are so many new things I've done in the past year, things that wouldn't have been possible without the sacrifice you made, and I can't help but think of all you didn't get to experience.
I try not to be sad when I think of you because I truly believe a part of you is still with me and we will see each other again when my time comes. But some days I'm overcome with grief over how you left this life. There are other days when I can reminisce on our lighthearted competitions, watching you charm women with your chivalry, wit, and confidence, your valor in battle, and I can smile knowing I have the honor of calling you my brother. Today...I guess I'm somewhere in the middle. Maybe the next time we visit, I'll be able to take a walk down to the beach.
Echo's concentration was broken when Snowball dropped a large insect onto the page, sitting back on her hide legs and meowing proudly at him. "Ah...I see you've finally caught one," Echo said to her in broken Twi'leki, as he sometimes did. It was important to Echo that he be able to have a conversation with Citali in the three languages she grew up speaking: Basic, Twi'leki, and Mante'leki. One of the ways he was learning to speak Mante'leki so fast (apart from there being many words with origins in Basic) was by having "conversations" with Snowball around the house and when he took her for walks. He hoped it would help him learn Twi'leki too.  He smiled at the loth-cat and pet her with his cybernetic hand. "Well done, Snowball. Thank you for this lovely gift, I will cherish it always," he joked. Snowball apparently changed her mind about her little offering and decided the insect would make a good snack, then she started chewing on the leather cover of his journal. "No ma'am," Echo said in Basic, closing the journal and setting it aside, Snowball hissing in annoyance. "Don't get sassy with me missy, that's not food. Catch yourself another insect, there's one right over there. Or you could stop being so picky and eat the breakfast I put out for you in the house." Snowball quickly forgave him for taking away her chew toy, settled on his lap, and Echo kept writing.
Inside the house Hunter, Wrecker, Tech, and Melita were double-checking their bags to make sure they had everything packed while Citali's family put together snacks for them. Omega had just finished helping her friends Noya and Nami put their toys away when Izel and Citali walked in. The two women had gone to the Healing Lodge to drop off a donation of medical supplies and to pick up some items the healers had put together for Citali and Crosshair. Citali looked quite pale, her yellow skin taking on an almost greenish hue, and she was holding her stomach. They weren't expected to return for a while, planning on taking a walk to chat a bit before it was time to leave. Citali was desperate to learn more about her abilities from Izel after learning nothing new yesterday from the grand-wisewoman but they had not even made it to the village gate when Citali started vomiting and feeling like she was going to faint. She had not been feeling well all morning, unable to do her usual training with Hunter or Echo before starting her day. Izel didn't think walking around was a good idea for her but Citali was insistent that she could handle it. Izel was regretting being persuaded as she helped keep Citali on her feet.
"Let's get you in bed," Izel said, putting their stuff down quickly and holding Citali's arm around her shoulder.
"I'm fine," Citali said, her words slurring. As soon as Omega heard her speak she ran to her other side and put her arm around her mentor. 
"No, you're not. You're about two seconds away from passing out." The words had barely passed Izel's lips when Citali's eyes started rolling to the back of her head, her chin dropped to her chest, and her legs gave out. It took all of Omega's strength to help Izel catch her so she did not collapse to the floor before Izel scooped her up in her arms with ease and carried her to the bed. Everyone froze, their eyes wide with shock but Omega immediately sprang into action, rummaging through the pile by the door for her bag of supplies, taking Citali's shoes off, and elevating her feet. When Kanti put a wet cloth on her forehead Citali began coming to, staring blankly at the ceiling, confused about what was happening when her eyes eventually were able to focus on Omega.
"Hi Citali," Omega said in a calm voice, smiling and relaxing a bit now that she was conscious again. "Everything's all right, you just fainted is all. Izel went to get Echo." Citali tried to speak but felt too weak. In her confused state, she was unsure of what she wanted to say anyways. Her body was shaking from the pain in her stomach, back, and legs and tears were trickling from her eyes. Echo rushed to her side looking panicked, holding one of her hands. "I'm so sorry you aren't feeling well," Omega continued. "Is it okay if I check your blood pressure and stuff?" 
"Yeah," Citali said, trying to smile at her. Omega opened her bag and took out her blood pressure cuff and glucose monitor.
"How long was she unconscious?" Echo asked as Omega began checking Citali's pulse on her first.
"I'm not sure, twenty to thirty seconds maybe," Omega said. Then she saw the expression of worry on Echo's face. Omega put her blood pressure cuff on Citali's upper arm, then put a hand on Echo's cheek. He was trying to conceal it but Omega knew he was terribly worried. "If she was unconscious for more than a minute, it would be a cause for concern but less than a minute is usually not anything serious. No need to worry just yet." After Omega checked her blood pressure, she pricked her finger and tested her glucose levels. "Your BP is 90/50 and your blood sugar is 68, which are both very low for you," she said to Citali. Omega found her blood sugar being so low particularly strange, then she recalled Citali had only had a very small piece of bread for breakfast. "Let's get you something sweet, that might make you feel a little better."
"Here you go, dear" Kanti said promptly, handing Omega a spoonful of honey. "I'm boiling water to make her some tea."
"Thank you, ma'am," Omega said smiling. Almost everyone had backed away so as not to embarrass Citali further and though Hunter could not see Omega at work, he could hear her. He was very concerned about Citali but he could not help feeling proud of Omega as she took charge of the situation. "Do you have your period today?" Omega asked. She had read in a book just last week that hormonal changes during menstruation could cause low blood sugar and blood pressure, leading to fainting spells. Citali's endometriosis diagnosis certainly did not help matters.
"It started in the middle of the night," Citali groaned as she writhed in pain. She was becoming more lucid and trying very hard not to cry so she did not frighten her apprentice. Omega was sad that Citali was feeling this way, desperate to do something to help her. 
"You seem like you're in a lot of pain so why don't we give you something stronger than you usually take?" Omega asked. "I know you don't like how pain medications make you feel, you've told me before but I think you need it." Citali nodded her head. Omega asked AZI to go into Citali's small bag of medical supplies that she always kept with her in the event of an emergency and draw up an injection of pain medication. AZI was about to administer it to Citali when she had him stop.
"Tech, you do it please." Might as well get him used to poking and prodding me now, Citali thought. Tech was more than a little nervous, though he could not explain why. He had no issue with needles and had given his brothers injections on many occasions but something about giving Citali one made him anxious. Citali lifted her long skirt up and Tech took a few deep breaths as he cleaned the injection site on her thigh. Once the shot was administered he felt his body relax.
"Now you just rest for a bit," Omega said. "You should start feeling better in about 10 to 15 minutes but you might feel kind of funny from the medicine, so don't get out of bed unless someone is close by." Citali gave Omega a thumbs up, closed her eyes again, and Omega gave her a kiss on the cheek before shooing everyone but Echo away. "We should probably leave earlier than we planned," Omega told her family. As much as she wanted to spend a little more time with her new friends, she did not think it was a good idea for Citali to be flying in such agony. "I think once the medication starts working we should head out. That injection should control her pain until we get home." Everyone agreed.
Once the injection took effect, Citali got out of bed and seemed like her normal self again. It struck Crosshair as odd that she had not taken the medication sooner but when Citali tripped over her own feet into Izel and started giggling uncontrollably, he realized why she had not. They said their goodbyes to Citali's family, thanked them for their hospitality, and after many hugs and kisses to each of them, they started walking to the ship. Izel and Echo were both holding Citali's hands trying to keep her steady but when she stumbled and almost fell again, Wrecker picked her up and carried her the rest of the way.
"I think this medication is making me a little loopy," Citali slurred as Wrecker laid her down on a sleep rack once they were on the ship.
"You think?" Wrecker said chuckling, putting a blanket on top of her. After looking around the ship for a bit, Izel kneeled down and held Citali's hand.
"I'm sorry, baby cousin. We shouldn't have walked so much with you feeling this way," Izel said guiltily.
"Don't worry about it, Izel." Citali sat up, hugged her, and flopped back down. "It's my own fault, I should have known better. Thank you for everything."
"Anytime," she said as Citali's eyes began to close again. "I think now would be a good time for a nap."
"I agree," Citali giggled. "Goodnight...I mean goodbye. Maybe we can come back for your special day."
"I'd love that. Take care of yourself, okay?" Izel said but Citali was already asleep. Izel gave her a kiss and walked over to the others. "Let me know when you guys get back so I know you got there safely. And thank you for repairing my comm device Tech, I really appreciate it."
"We will and you're very welcome," Tech said. Izel then gave a hug and kiss to everyone and thanked Omega for taking care of her cousin when she got to her. She saved Hunter for last.
"Thank you for all your help again, Hunter," she said, hugging him tightly. Hunter's heart was pounding in his ears in anticipation of her kissing him, worried his face might flush in front of everyone when she did. When her lips touched the skin of his cheek he had no hope of stopping it. Izel waved to them as the ship took off, Hunter's eyes fixed on her until he could no longer see her. Omega had been flying for about a minute when she started laughing. Izel was flying on Toqema at top speed parallel to the ship, her hair blowing wildly in the wind. When they reached the border, she smiled and waved before flying upwards, disappearing into the clouds.
Hunter thought to himself Man, am I going to miss her.
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"Hello pretty lady," Melita said as Citali's eyes fluttered open. When they returned home Melita had laid down with Citali, doing what she could to keep her comfortable: drawing her a hot bath, rubbing her back, and soothing her to sleep. "How are you feeling?"
"Eh...could be better. Could be worse," she said sitting upright, Snowball moving from her side to the foot of the bed. Citali didn't feel like she was going to faint like earlier in the day, Echo and Omega had been popping in every now and then to give her small snacks which seemed to help. The burning, stabbing pain in her body though had unfortunately returned but she was reluctant to receive another injection. She spent most of the day in such a fog that she hadn't even been upset at leaving her family, which was unusual. Citali winced and groaned, Melita rubbing her stomach trying to make her pain go away. "Would you mind bringing AZI, Tech, and Omega in here? I want to talk to them about an idea I had."
"You mean operating on you? They already know about it, Echo talked to them."
"He...he did? Really? He didn't seem too keen on the idea when I first told him about it yesterday."
"Well, I think what happened to you this morning changed that," Melita said. "He talked to them on the way back."
"How did they react?"
"AZ said that type of surgery should be very simple for him to perform. Omega and Tech are on board too." Truth be told, all the color left Tech's face when Echo broached the subject which was strange and a little heartbreaking to see. Melita could not recall ever seeing Tech look so nervous but he still agreed to do it. She was proud of him and reminded herself to tell him so later. "They are both in the office right now doing research for it."
"Well, I guess it's all decided then," Citali said. That was easier than I expected. "What do you think of this idea?" Melita did not possess a lot of medical knowledge but Citali valued her opinion because she did not sugar-coat things with her. If Melita thought this was a terrible idea, she would not hesitate to tell her so. 
"I mean..." Melita looked Citali in the eyes, mulling her thoughts over for a few seconds before speaking. "Honestly, at first I thought it was dangerous but I thought about it more and I feel really good about it. AZ is a medical droid, they do minor operations alone and unsupervised all the time but you've also got Omega and Tech. Omega has assisted with many surgeries in the past, and Tech is...well...Tech. He's never done an operation like this before but I think that man can do just about anything if he gets it in his mind. If you're gonna do this though you must take it easy for a couple of weeks or use some of your bacta supply to accelerate your healing."
"Was already planning on using some bacta," Citali said. Neither option was great but Citali couldn't take more time off, she would be on call again in four days. If they did the operation tomorrow with the bacta she would be fully recovered by then. Citali looked at the clock on her nightstand and realized it was time for Crosshair's physical therapy. "I should go help Crosshair with his exercises."
"Absolutely not. You lay your ass down," Melita said sweetly but seriously, putting her hand on her shoulder and forcing her to lay down. "Everyone in the house knows his schedule by now, someone else is taking care of it. Probably Wrecker, he was talking about helping him take some steps. He's able to move his legs a bit today which is awesome."
"He's going to try to walk?! That's really not safe for him, he doesn't have the strength yet. Even supported he could fall and hurt himself."
"Relax Citali," Melita said laughing. "They're doing it in the pool. It's ready, remember?" Citali tried to recall if they had a conversation about it when they got home. The pain medication had altered her mind more than she thought it would. "While we were gone, Ruzin finished it. When you and Omega had your appointment with Anaasa before we left, we all were talking with Ruzin and the boys mentioned they were building the pool. He offered to do it for free but we insisted on paying him for the supplies and labor. He even got a little heater for it. It looks great, very small but deep enough for someone to walk in. He even put a fence around it for when Marina starts walking." Melita moved so she was facing Citali and put both her hands on her cheeks. "I need you to listen to me very carefully, okay? You can't do everything, all the time. You. Need. To. Rest. Got it?"
"I hear you, Melita," Citali giggled. "Are we still on for your appointment this week?"
"If that works for you." Citali nodded her head and Melita squinted her eyes. "You're talking about work, I don't think that's technically resting. You're on thin ice girly." Citali laughed pretty hard at that and immediately regretted it when the pain in her abdomen and pelvis intensified.
"Don't make me laugh."
"Sorry," Melita said smirking. "I'm just too funny sometimes, I can't help it." 
"That wasn't that funny. I'm just easily entertained," Citali joked. She then realized she hadn't had much time to talk to Melita alone over the past few days. She seemed happier than she'd been in a very long time as if a great weight had been lifted from her. But looks could be deceiving and Citali wanted to be certain she was okay. "How are you doing by the way?"
"I'm great," Melita said honestly. "My baby girl is growing up, I have a wonderful, charming boyfriend who loves her as his own daughter. We're blessed to live on a planet that the Empire doesn't care much about, I don't have nightmares or panic attacks as often, and I'm getting to be a pretty decent painter. Things are really, really good." Almost perfect, but not quite she thought.
Spending time in Jemala had made Melita realize just how much she missed her family, the family she was born into. She wondered what her infant brother looked like now, how her other siblings were, and if her parents ever thought of her. She saw them clearly in her mind. Her mother, short and pale with long, curly reddish-brown hair that was always in a bun, and an everpresent expression on her face that made her look cross. Her father with dark skin like her's, also short in stature like her mother but a little more jovial and forgiving than she was. Now that Melita was a parent herself she oscillated between wanting to forgive them for their mistakes, knowing they probably did try their best, and wanting to scream at them that they should have known better. Try as she might to leave them in the past, she just could not. They were still her parents, her family, and she loved them.
There were so many moments over the past few days when Citali thought she was truly sensing other people's emotions. She thought she felt Tech's anxiety during the operation simulation, Omega's joy when playing with her new friends, and something like infatuation or attraction between Hunter and Izel, but she couldn't be sure. With people other than Ahsoka, it was very hard for her to be certain and Citali had little control over when it happened. Citali believed she was sensing Melita missing her parents, partly because thoughts of her own father came flooding into her mind for no discernable reason. Melita wanted to talk to her about her feelings but Citali was groggy and uncomfortable, and all Melita wanted to do was make her best friend feel better. Citali could tell Melita was holding back but she would speak about it when she was ready. She always did.
"I'm glad," Citali said. "You deserve to be happy."
Citali closed her eyes and rested her head against Melita's shoulder, relaxing as she felt her hands putting pressure on her back, her pain temporarily dissipating. Melita wasn't much of a singer but hummed a tune and Citali felt her eyes getting heavy. Melita had always been good at comforting Citali when she felt lousy and it had been a long time since they had cuddled together like this. It was nice and brought back many memories of when they were young but Citali was unable to stop thinking of her father. A voice in the back of her head was telling her he had been found. She prayed the voice was right as she drifted off to sleep again.
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On another planet far away, a small group of Twi'leks was walking back from the spice mines to their quarters. No one was escorting them as they had collars on their necks that tracked their location and prevented their escape. Their muscles ached and their lungs burned with every breath. That did not stop one woman from hysterically sobbing for her husband who had died in the mines that day, his body discarded unceremoniously as if he were nothing more than rubbish. A few others were weeping in pain but the oldest among them, a middle-aged Twi'lek man, was stoic, his face unchanging. He had sympathy for the widow, even attempted to console her but he had seen this scene dozens of times now, and it was exhausting to let himself feel too much. He was once a formidable man, tall and robust, but the hell he endured had taken a toll on his body. He was surprised he had survived this long. Most of the slaves who worked the mines died within a year from accidents or succumbing to the effects of starvation and backbreaking work, but he lingered on. Every night, he went to sleep wondering if he would wake up. Many mornings he wished he hadn't. The only solace he found was thinking of his daughter.
She was such a tiny little thing when she came into the universe. A strangely calm baby, sweet, curious, and when she got a little older she was prone to fits of giggles like her mother. That was a lifetime ago. His daughter was all grown up now, a tenacious, kindhearted, noble young woman and he could not be prouder. What he wouldn't do to see and hold her again but he would reunite with his wife and son before his little girl. He hoped that she was well, that she had moved on with her life, and accepted that he was dead. It wouldn't be long now, he could feel it in his bones. Even a man as strong as he could not survive in this place indefinitely. He had held out hope that he would find a way to escape or be rescued, but that hope had dwindled to nothing. It was ironic that he had spent much of his youth fighting to end slavery in the rural communities of his homeworld, for he was going to die a slave. Not for the first time since coming to this horrific encampment, he longed for the release of death.
He was fiddling with something in his pocket that he had managed to hold on to throughout the war and his enslavement: a small, star-shaped, yellow blossom encased in resin. He had planned to give it to his daughter when he returned to her. He held the flower tightly in the palm of his hand and began praying silently when out of the corner of his eye, he saw figures in a dark alley approaching his group. Whether they were dangerous or not, he did not care. He paid them no mind until one of them whispered what sounded like the man's name and he stopped dead in his tracks. The others in his group had heard it too but they continued walking, not willing to risk the punishment that would be inflicted on them if their masters found out they had gone where they should not. He searched for guards, then limped into the alley. Something was telling him to trust these people. It might have been foolish but what did he have to lose? 
He immediately recognized three of the group were clones. One did not have a helmet and was more muscular than most clones. That one must be a commando. The other two had helmets but he knew they were clones as well from the make of their armor. He had fought alongside clone troopers during the war, he could tell the difference between their armor and stormtrooper armor. The fourth person appeared to be a young Togruta woman, her face partially concealed by the hood of her poncho. "Is your name Nachi Ulihira?" she asked. 
"On Ord Mantell it is," the man said in a hoarse, crackly voice. "Here I am known as Nachi Freetaa." He had started going by his birth name again out of an abundance of caution to keep his daughter safe. Few on Ryloth knew what he considered to be his true name. "Why do you ask?" Perhaps General Syndulla had sent these people to rescue him, he was one of his most decorated and loyal lieutenants after all. One of the clones removed his helmet, revealing his blond hair.
"We're here to help you, sir," the man said. "You and all the people here. We are friends of your daughter, Citali."
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Taglist: @darkangel4121 @arcee-1995 @gjrain20-starwars @thecoffeelorian @littlefeatherr
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spirit-of-boris · 2 years
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I discovered this movie thanks to a friend last year and I fucking LOVED it. Loved it as in “rewatched it the day after, then rewatched it with other subtitles to see if there was any difference, then rewatched bits of it for the next few months, then ordered the Blu-Ray because I HAD to have it on a physical support with subtitles I can understand (sorry, Polish and Dutch DVDs)”. It’s now one of my comfort movies. Is it perfect? Hell no. But it really resonated with me. It’s one of those very rare movies were I don’t dislike any of the main characters. It has led me to start writing fanfic for the first time in a while (don’t look for it, it’s not finished yet!). It has also led me to look back on the heavy metal I loved as a teenager with a lot less embarrassment. It’s one of the reasons I’m currently letting my hair grow, even though it fucking sucks (aaaah it’s touching my neck!). Aaand I got sidetracked.
The plot is simple: Turo and his friends have been playing in a band for 12 years in their hometown, but never left the basement where they practice. They finally might get their chance when the promoter of a major metal festival stops by, but when Turo talks this encounter up to impress his crush, things get out of control and he has to keep up the lie. This will of course lead to disaster... Hevi Reissu/Heavy Trip has a lot of swearing, some graverobbing, and way more vomiting than the average movie. It also has loveable characters, offbeat humor, and surprisingly colorful cinematography for a metal movie.
And if you love it, tell me, because I have no-one to talk to about this movie :(
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kaijusplotch · 3 years
Deaging clones fic wip
so this is titled "Rejuvination" and i wanna share this so...ENJOY!
Cody was glad that the latest campaign was over. It had been hell for the 212th and the 501st. While casualties had been low, it was still a blow to each battalion. They felt too much, sometimes, both Rex and himself; as well as their generals. Something heavy was hanging over The Negotiator, and he was sure that was the same over on The Resolute.
“Cody, we need to change course,” Obi-Wan said softly as they stood on the bridge.
“Sir?” Cody frowned worriedly, wondering what it was that pulled his general off of their return route to Coruscant.
Obi-Wan just smiled and patted Cody’s shoulder. “It’s nothing bad. The Force is...pulling me toward something. But it’s a good feeling.”
Cody eyed his general, raising an eyebrow before shaking his head. “Alright. Should we let The Resolute know?”
“Yes, if Anakin hasn’t sensed it as well. There’s a planet that has a strong force presence; a peaceful one. It must be a well of the Force or something like it.”
Cody hadn’t seen his general so relaxed in a long time. If this detour was going to give Obi-Wan a little more peace, then Cody was all for it. He smiled and nodded to Siren. “Send the coordinates to The Resolute. I think we’ve all earned a little detour/shore leave.”
The command center was filled with cheers from the clones, and soft laughs from the nat-born administrators. Some peace and quiet (or as much as Cody could get from some of his men) would be nice. He just hoped Waxer didn’t try to adopt any local wildlife.
The planet was uninhabited by any sentient species, which was a surprise to Cody. The air was safe, even had safe food and water if they wanted to have a snack. What seemed to be what drew the Jedi was a strange abandoned temple. What drew Cody’s, and by extension most of the exhausted 212th and 501st command structure were the hot springs.
“You should enjoy yourselves while here,” Obi-Wan said with a small smile. “The scanners are working on the shuttle; there’s no need to be on edge.”
“Are you sure, sir?” Cody watched his General carefully. He seemed already to be so much more at ease, he wanted to thank whatever deities existed.
“Very. Nothing bad will happen here.” Obi-Wan was so confident in his assessment that Cody had no choice but to have faith in him.
“All right.” Cody sighed and looked up as the sound of another shuttle breaking atmosphere broke the peaceful silence. He smiled, noticing the nose-art of the two LA/ATs settled down besides the 212th. Cody was excited to see his little brother, and hopefully catch up on the chaos that the Domino Squad was no doubt causing.
“Hey Master!” Anakin cried as he jumped from the shuttle, beaming and stretching. Behind him Ashoka was already pulling an exhausted looking Rex from where he had settled.
“Anakin, Ashoka,” Obi-Wan said with a smile as he walked to meet them.
“General, Commander, Rex’ika.” Cody grinned when Rex just glared at him.
“Really, Cody?” Rex grumbled.
“I’ve effectively been given a short term leave by Obi-Wan. I can call you whatever I want.” Cody beamed and punched his brother’s shoulder playfully. He looked up when the rest of the 501st came out, smiling as they mingled with brothers from the 212th.
“You’re right, Master. This place feels...so bright and light!” Ashoka smiled and closed her eyes as she stood with her masters.
“General Kenobi says there’s nothing here to be worried about, I have to believe him, if only for how much better he looks,” Cody said, smiling at the young Torgruta. “Although I’m more interested in the hot springs.”
“Hot springs?” Anakin and Ashoka asked with bright smiles.
“Sorry, claimed first use,” Rex joined in, looking more eager than he was before.
“I want to meditate anyway first. The old temple is this way.” Obi-Wan beckoned the other two Jedi away and toward the eroded stone ruins on top of the small hill looking over the deeper valley below them.
“I’m up for hot spring dip!” Hardcase chirped beaming and already stripping out of his armor as he hurried away.
“YES! C’mon Boil!” Waxer grabbed his twin and dragged the other ARF trooper toward the several large hot springs tucked close to the mountain side.
Cody snorted and looked to the rest of the troops who were joining in with the rush to fresh hot water. “C’mon. Maybe we can find a pool that won’t be full of chaos.” He pulled Rex along at a more sedated pace, soaking in the good feelings and bright warm sunlight filtering through the trees as they stepped under them.
Already piles of blue and orange-gold armor were on the edges of the pools, with a few piles of blacks already. hanging on low hanging branches. Cody spotted the Domino squad chatting away with Jesse, Kix, Waxer, and Boil. He was glad to see that even with Echo and Fives going off on missions with other units, they were still close with Droidbait, Hevy, and Cutup.
“This one’s small, but no one else is here,” Rex called past a small collection of small shrubs and thin seedlings.
Cody smiled, spotting the ten foot wide pool and nodded. “Brotherly bonding time it is then.” He said smirking and pulling his armor off and piling it to the side, stripping down completely.
“Oh come on, leave your briefs, I don’t want to see your junk, Cody!”
“We have the same junk.” Cody rolled his eyes and tossed his shorts over a branch before walking into the hot water. He hissed a bit before settling down and finding a rock to sit on, leaning back against the edge of the pool with a sigh. “Never knew you’d become such a prude.”
“I have a 14 year old FEMALE Padawan on the ship.” Rex grumbled, settling in next to his brother in his underclothes. “AND she’s here on planet.”
“Oh...kriff, good point.” Cody frowned and stood to turn around. “OI! Someone better be on watch to stop Ashoka from walking in on the sausage festival!” Cody cried to the loud chatter of his brothers. The answering “KRIFF!” explained all he needed, even as he heard water splashing and yelling at brothers to toss each other their shorts.
“See?” Rex tossed Cody’s shorts in his face and smirked.
Cody glared and splashed him back before putting the shorts back on. “Shit head,” he spat, although it just felt good to not be a soldier and just be an older brother.
“Shebs kisser.”
“I know you are but what am I?”
Rex burst out laughing and Cody couldn’t help but join him. It felt good; he felt younger than he had in - well - forever. He held his breath and dunked under the water, rubbing his face.
“Gods this feels so good…” Rex said with a deep sigh.
“Second that, Rex.” Cody leaned his head back, closing his eyes and letting the hot water and the peaceful energy soak into his muscles and bones.
The laughter and splashing of the sixty-some brothers in the other larger pools was a siren song and Cody slowly found himself falling into a restful drifting sleep; even as a few voices sounded slightly different. Nothing bad would happen here. His General promised him.
Obi-Wan wasn’t sure exactly how long he, Anakin, and Ashoka had been meditating, but when he finally felt the gentle caress of awareness brush his consciousness he finally allowed himself to come out of the meditation. Opening his eyes he had to hold a small chuckle at the sight of both his Padawan and grand-padawan sprawled across each other in a peaceful sleep. The lines of stress across their faces were gone; like they never happened. Even their force signatures were lighter and brighter; even the super-nova-like brightness of Anakin’s.
“Anakin, Ashoka,” Obi-Wan gently prodded, poking their feet. He was rewarded by a very classic Anakin whine and grumpy face. Obi-Wan openly laughed at that. It had been so long.
“Ugh! Master, I don’t want to get up!”
“We should, especially if we want to go to the hot springs, Master.” Ashoka slowly uncurled from where she was sleeping and stretched. She looked like a Tooka as she yawned widely and arched her back; another reminder for Obi-Wan of her carnivorous nature.
“I should make sure that the boys are at least decent.” Obi-Wan stood and stretched, feeling his aches gone and his heart lighter. “Come on, both of you up. It’s nearly sundown and we should be getting back to the ships soon.”
He left to the complaints of both of his friends, knowing well that they wouldn’t leave before everyone had had a soak. He wasn’t as cruel as he played. Besides, Obi-Wan hadn’t felt this good in years. The Force was soothing and rejuvenating; lifting the years of weight that seemed to double from the war.
The path down into the small group of trees near was clear of any stones, although the piles of armor that were peeking out from between bushes and shrubs broke up the monotony of neon green and purple. The sound of a panicked scream broke through the peaceful chatter of aves and other creatures, causing anxiety to well in Obi-Wan’s heart.
“Cody?!” Obi-Wan rushed forward, abandoning his outer cloak to the wind. He burst through the bushes that blocked the path and drew his saber, only to stare in shock.
Sixty high ranking clones were staring back at Obi-Wan with wide, slightly shocked, slightly terrified, brown eyes. Most were scrambling to hold up their too-big under clothes as they abandoned the pools, some were swimming in their blacks, some were trying to use their armor to hide their nudity. Cody and Rex were part of the first group, staring up at Obi-Wan. Every single one between the ages of ten and 12.
“Oh dear…”
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jatsi1 · 5 years
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#Suvilahden #Suviseurat, #hevi:n #paavit #Slayer #Thrash #Metal . #JatsiKuva , #Tuska #Open #Air Metal #Festival , #Hellsinki #Helsinki #Finland #music #gig (paikassa Tuska Open Air Metal Festival) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzTj2X9Bc4S/?igshid=48zzyyl411cc
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sneakend · 5 years
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Hyvää joulua, @lily-learns-finnish !!! ♡ I was your secret santa for @langblrsecretsanta this year. I got a bit carried away and made you more than one gift, hope you don’t mind. Here’s the first one, it’s a movie rec list of Finnish movies, most of which I have actually seen (I admit I don’t watch a ton of Finnish stuff despite living in Finland). Perhaps you’ve seen some of these but I think watching movies in one’s target language is always good practice since the language in them is much closer to actual spoken language than what you see in text books or literature. Don’t know how easy it’d be to find these movies online but if you’re in Finland I’m sure most libraries have at least some of them.
Napapiirin sankarit (Lapland Odyssey) (2010) (x)
“After a man called Janne living in Lapland in Northern Finland fails to acquire a digital television adapter for his wife from the local utility store due to not reaching it before closure time, he sets out with his two friends in the middle of the night to get one by any means necessary. He sets up a late rendezvous with his father-in-law who owns an electronics store in Rovaniemi, several hundred kilometers away. Nothing is naturally ever simple and along the way, the trio end up having several comedic misadventures”
Korkein oikeus (Inner Trial) (2008) (x)
“Noa is a young slacker who prefers to spend his days smoking weed. Together with his friends, he meets an old hippie, who is interested in rekindling his past passion of psychedelic trips and mind expansion.”
Menolippu Mombasaan (One-Way Ticket to Mombasa) (2002) (x)
“A cancer patient meets a new friend at the hospital, and together they escape on the adveture of their lives.”
Hevi reissu (Heavy Trip) (2018) (x)
“In this offbeat comedy from Finland, Turo is stuck in a small village where the best thing in his life is being the lead vocalist for the amateur metal band Impaled Rektum. The only problem? He and his bandmates have practiced for 12 years without playing a single gig. The guys get a surprise visitor from Norway--the promoter for a huge heavy metal music festival--and decide it's now or never. They steal a van, a corpse, and even a new drummer in order to make their dreams a reality.”
Pitkä kuuma kesä (A Long Hot Summer) (1999) (x)
“The story of a rock band "Kalle Päätalo" in the 1980s.”
Helmiä ja sikoja (Pearls and Pigs) (2003) (x)
“When their bootlegging father ends up in jail, four twenty-something brothers need money to pay his debts to local crooks. Next, their 9-year-old half-sister is dumped on their doorstep by her prostitute mother. A karaoke set helps reveal that the little girl is quite a singer, just as a talent contest for children is coming up on national television offering more than enough money to the winner. If only the kid weren't so hopelessly shy...”
Tom of Finland (2017) (x)
“Award-winning filmmaker Dome Karukoski brings to screen the life and work of artist Touko Valio Laaksonen (aka Tom of Finland), one of the most influential and celebrated figures of twentieth century gay culture.”
Iron Sky (2012) (x)
“The Nazis set up a secret base on the dark side of the moon in 1945 where they hide out and plan to return to power in 2018.”
Jadesoturi (Jade Warrior) (2006) (x)
“Jade Warrior (Finnish: Jadesoturi, Chinese: 玉战士; pinyin: Yù zhànshì) is a Finnish-Chinese co-produced movie. It combines elements of the wuxia genre with Finnish Kalevala mythology.”
Ruokala Lokki (Kamome Diner) (2006) (x)
“Where are we welcome? On a quiet street in Helsinki, Sachie has opened a diner featuring rice balls. For a month she has no customers. Then, in short order, she has her first customer, meets Midori, a gangly Japanese tourist, and invites her to stay with her, and meets Masako, a formal and ethereal middle-aged woman whose luggage has gone missing. The three women work in the diner, interact, and serve customers. A somewhat brusque man teaches Sachie to make delicious coffee, then he returns under other circumstances. Three neighborhood women inspect the empty diner every day; will anything bring them inside? We learn why Sachie serves rice balls; but why Finland?”
Sauna (2008) (x)
“As a 25-year war between Russia and Sweden concludes, two brothers who are part of an effort to outline new border accords become undone by their actions, and their mistreatment of a young woman during their journey.”
Rare Exports (2010) (x)
“In the depths of the Korvatunturi mountains, 486 meters deep, lies the closest ever guarded secret of Christmas. The time has come to dig it up. This Christmas everyone will believe in Santa Claus.”
Lake Bodom (2016) (x)
“Every camper's worst nightmare came true at Lake Bodom in 1960 when four teenagers were stabbed to death while sleeping in their tent.”
Kyrsyä - Tuftland (2017) (x)
“A headstrong textile student tries to overcome her problems by accepting a summer job offer from an isolated and offbeat village of Kyrsyä.”’
Star Wreck: In the Pirkinning (2005) (x)
“A dark science fiction comedy about domination of the world and the universe, and a parody of the Star Trek and Babylon 5 franchises.”
Tuntematon sotilas (The Unknown Soldier) (1955) (x) / (1985) (x) / (2017) (x)
“The tale of a platoon of soldiers during the Continuation War. Based on Väinö Linna's book of the same name.”
Äideistä parhain (Mother of Mine) (2005) (x)
“During World War II, more than 70,000 Finnish children were evacuated to neutral Sweden to avoid the conflict. "Mother of Mine" tackles that painful patch of history in a tale of 9-year-old Eero, a child who increasingly feels abandoned by his biological Finnish mother and yet not attached to his Swedish surrogate mom. When he is returned to Finland, his confusion intensifies.”
Käsky (Tears of April) (2008) (x)
“The film is set in the final stages of the Finnish Civil War. The film tells a story of a captured female Red Guard fighter, Miina, and the soldier Aaro who escorts her to her trial.”
Raja 1918 (The Border) (2007) (x)
“Set in the spring of 1918, right after the Finnish Civil War, the film is about a Finnish officer who is sent to the village of Rajajoki to form a border between Finland and Soviet Russia.”
Rukajärven tie (Ambush) (1999) (x)
“Set during the World War 2. In the summer of 1941 the Finnish army crosses the border of Russia. A platoon led by Lt. Eero Perkola goes through the wilderness around the Lieksa lake to search for Russian defensive positions. The platoon kills some Russian civilians and rests in a newly conquered village. There Lt. Perkola meets his fiancée Kaarina, who is serving in the Women's Auxilary Corps (Lotta). Then the platoon continues with the mission, but a message about Kaarina's possible death reaches Lt. Perkola. The message causes Perkola to become distracted during the mission.”
Muumipeikko ja pyrstötähti (Comet in Moominland) (1992) (x)
“Moomin, Sniff and My set out to stop a comet approaching the Moomin valley. Along the way they meet Snusmumriken, the beautiful Snorkfröken, Snorken and a Hemul, who join them in their quest.”
Joulupukki ja noitarumpu (Santa Claus and the Magic Drum) (1996) (x)
“Strange accidents start to happen in Santa's village when he receives a mysterious letter.”
Rölli ja metsänhenki (Rollo and the Woods Sprite) (2001) (x)
“Hairy and rowdy trolls called rolleys sail to a land inhabited by more peace-loving elves. When the rolleys arrive to the elf village, they scare the elves away and settle down in the village. One of the elves, Milli, a brave elf girl, returns to the village to make a peace with the rolleys. The rolleys do not warm to Milli's peace proposal, but she becomes friends with a rolley called Rölli. It becomes their mission to solve the conflict between the elves and the rolleys.”
Niko - lentäjän poika (The Flight Before Christmas) (2008) (x)
“A young reindeer who suffers from vertigo learns to overcome his fear, takes flying lessons from a clumsy flying squirrel and heads to the North pole to save a troubled Santa and his fleet of flying reindeer.”
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caixxa · 4 years
@i-like-hockey-a-latte and @thosedaysthatwill have tagged me in this and @itsokaytopretend for my sideblog @badhockeymom, thank you!
Rules: tag people you want to know better.
Top 3 ships: please don’t do this to me! I try to keep this shit locked to my ao3. buutt... teuvo/sepe, sepe/daddy williams, mulder/scully
Last song you listened to: The River by Bruce Springsteen
Last movie you watched: Hevi reissu (a super funny Finnish road movie/comedy about a metal band going to a festival in Norway)
Book you’re reading: I’m between books. On a long pause between books. Sigh. I know what I’d like to start reading (Aikuisia ihmisiä by Jan Forsström, Kuka tappoi Bambin? by Monika Fagerholm) but I don’t want to buy them and the libraries are closed. Maybe I’ll dig into my own library and try The Kite Runner that I have been putting off... for years now. Rereading Oneiron by Laura Lindstedt is calling to me too.
Food you’re craving: Fresh pineapple, tom yum
I tag: @hastybooks @jakeydebrusk and @lemonicelolly if you want to!
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Knight Guard Prologue
Thundercloud Sky Cumulus, a knight guard lieutenat, tugged at one of the leather straps on his crystal encrusted suit of armor, and straightened his helmet as he trotted down along the crystal clear hallway of the crystal palace. He wasn't use to wearing something as bulky and uncomfortable hevy like crystal armor before, though after having for three to four years serving in the celestial army before being transfored to the crystal military, for crystal empire that's been specially tailored to minimize the muscular lengthyness of his body due to his tall lengthy strucksure, even though putting all that armor on is no easy task. Thunder was a large tall light  silver-ish gray pegasus stalion,7,8, somewhere in that range, if not taller. with a large pair of wings spanning to 9 too 8 inches in legth.
anyway, he use to be an ex-hoofball player, but wasn't good at it before becoming guard due the lack of intrest in sports, b
  his sappire blue mane and tail however..... didn't give little to the imagenation when it didn't use to be as long as it is, considering it mostly makes him look like a mare more than a stalion, when most of the knight guard regenment would have trimed theit manes to meet a certiant military standard, with him being the only one in entire emperal mi with a redicuolus long set of locks, then then again.... he's no normal stalion,
 he just perfers to have it long cause he thinks it makes look a mysterious super hero or something, whenever it starts blowing in the wind like some sort of cape when he would go like one of his favorit super hero "SUPEERRR STAAALIOOON AND THE JUSTICE FRIENDS!!!" every time when nopony's around, or looking, it's probbly no wonder no mare hasn't dated him, or that he bearly have any friend because his colt-like persionality of young nieve immature colt, that's in a adut stalion's body, with the biggest imagenation ever! 
(yeah!, like any mare would wanna date a stalion who doesn't want to act his own age! who's own maturedy is that of a foal.)
well, after all that training
to become a knight guard only for life to slam on the brakes and force him to see the light, that his long life dream of being a knight guard of stepping in his older brothers hoof steps isn't quite what it seems
evindence of him being at that age when he was admiring his elder half bother who was aready out of the house for some time out on his own after he been in the celestial recrutment program and recruted into the celestial military from said program after he would end up retiering sevral years later right before metting a beautiful young mare named Sailing Wind who was training to be a nurse at the time after bumpping into one another and after a while of dating, he'd decided to marry her after he'd spent years in the miltary being back and forth over sea's months on end one thing lead to another they decided to have a foal together. After sevral month of waiting she gave birth to a healthy little filly and would name it precious diamond because she was as precious as a diamond as she could be and would be the sweetest little filly you'll would ever meet but don't let her precious charm fool you she can be a litte devious diva like her mother at times, that filly is a bit of a mess
but over the years some unseen events would go and would eventually come to divorce one another and go their seprate ways not even tc nor his mothter knew what happend between the two of them, or how it happend it just happend as well taking both thunder and his mom by suprised after hearing it from the grapevine considering him and his brother hasn's talked to one another in years nor has he written any letters staiting what caused the divorce first place. though, tc would want to have time with his big half brother and probbably get to ask him what happen betwen him and now ex-wife
Unlike his younger brother on the other hoof however (him being the 3rd youngest next to thundercloud)
 who been out of the house for the longest time, while messing up seval other relationship his with seval other mares before he made one relationship with stick whitch lasted for a while before he manage to screw that up as well after getting her pregnat while using a faulty condom he used and as a result she gave birth to four foals wich were two fillies and two colts even before he'd tried to marrie way before she even had them, but that didnot turn out so well
But as of right now., Thundercloud had more important matters to attend too, like metting with his superior especially Captian Fire Storm - who isn't really known for their patience nor tenacit for what he's being called in for or whatever she calling him in for he just hopes it isn't patrol duty....
 Again cause he wouldn't have a clue to know what to do if she puts him on petroling the entire maze of a freaking palace,
It's probably some random middle age wnigless pegasi stalion wearing a black blazer pretending to be an earthpony hiding his shame, who somehow keeps getting himself lost only to manage to find himself too far in a restricked area that's not normally access and where he shouldn't be within the palace that she needs to be escorted away from the premises and to be pointed in the right direction. (who knows how many times tourist has gotten themselves lost since the place is almost like a maze, no matter which way you go, you would end up back at the same place after hours wandering around with no clue where to go. even tc get lost every now and then. and that's not even the half of it.)
either that,
as he headed right for capsain firestorm's quarters passing somepony shouting verry enthusiastically in a loud obnoxious voice 
"Well, Make it Happen Now!"
when aparently there was going to be another festival about to happen in the coming few months mainly the crystal fair that was being held after the day of flurry heart's ceremony/ 211th birthday Which the ceremony is only suppose to last about a week in avance, but... that was the least of his worries as he didn't pay verry much attention to him sicne he was already in a rush he contiued down the hall.
The nearly two thousand ponies that were attending the fair including some none equestrians were already setting up everything booths games the whole nine yards basicly, though it kinda did get thundercloud thinking of what he should getting for his nieces and nephews for this hearts warming eve
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maanfashion · 1 year
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trendzprofit · 2 years
Beautiful Stylish Heavy Embroidery Border Work With Vichitra Silk Fabric With C Pallu Saree
Beautiful Stylish Heavy Embroidery Border Work With Vichitra Silk Fabric With C Pallu Saree
Beautiful Heavy Embroidery Border Work With Vichitra Silk Fabric With C Pallu Saree ||Saree Fabric : Vichitra Silk || Blouse Fabric (Unstiched) : Gota ||Saree Work : Hevy Embroidery Work With C Pallu || Comfortable To Wear Occasions :- Party, Festive, Traditional and Wedding Wear Best Gift For Your Love Ones.100 % original. Color: Navy Blue Fabric: Silk Blend Type: Saree with Blouse piece Style:…
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paradisebd · 2 years
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