#hes so round and friendly looking will he be my dad blaise
Servants of Insanity (Chapter Five) Something Wicked This Way Come
The ceremony was like every other year, we clapped when a new Slytherin was added and ignored everyone else. When the food came I ate slowly and when it was all over it was up to Draco and me to show the first years to our dormitories. We stood outside the portrait to our underground hideout and I turned to the first years. “The password is ‘serpents bite’. You are not under any circumstance to tell anyone outside of Slytherin this password. If I find out you’ve done so I will dole out severe punishment as well as docking our house points, am I understood?” They all nodded in unison and I uttered the password loudly watching as the portrait swung open revealing the entrance.
 We walked down the step and into the dimly lit common room and I turned to Draco. “Take over for me, I have patrols tonight with Weasley until Snape takes over for us.” He nodded and I patted him on the shoulder before walking back out of the common room. The portrait closed behind me and I headed towards the front entrance. I rolled my eyes when I approached to see Weasley already waiting for me, his arms crossed and one foot tapping.
 “There you are, ready?” I rolled my eyes again and walked past him starting the patrol. I had always found patrols to be boring, until Cedric that is. Talking to him made the time pass quickly, and half of the time, I didn’t want the time to end. “Sooo…we just aren’t going to talk this entire time?”
 Growling under my breath I turned to see him beside me. “What exactly is there to speak about, Weasley? I don’t want to be here and neither do you.”
 “Well…you can call me Ron, first off. And I actually don’t mind patrols. I’m not exactly thrilled they’re with you but I can get over that if you can.” Gritting my teeth, I turned my head straight and continued to walk in silence for a moment. “You used to patrol with Cedric Diggory, didn’t you?”
 At the mention of his name my entire legs wanted to lock up and my throat swelled. I focused heavily on my breathing and keeping my face straight as I turned to Ron. “Yes. Your point?” He shrugged slightly and let out a small breath.
 “I dunno, just figured if you can get over doing patrols with him you could eventually get over doing them with me, that’s all.” Shaking my head slightly I stopped and turned to him quickly.
 “Don’t go around comparing yourself to him, Weasley. You are a quarter of the man Cedric was.” At this Ron’s eyes went wide but after a moment turned soft and he cleared his throat.
 “I wasn’t trying to compare myself to him…. I was just saying. So, you were his friend then?” I glared at him a moment before I started walking down the hallway once more.
 “If you’d like to call it that, sure. We were friends. He’s the only friend I have and ever will have outside of the Slytherin house.” Ron caught up quickly to me and nodded at my statement.
 “He was a good guy. Helped Harry a lot during the games, I don’t think he would have made it through without Ced’s help.” I nodded, pretending to listen as my mind drifted to the night that Cedric pulled me behind a suit of armor and kissed me. Cedric had been my first real kiss, and if Snape hadn’t come walking down the hall it would have been perfect.
 “I guess I never really thought someone like you would have a friend outside of Slytherin.” I paused momentarily struck by what he’d said and turned.
 “What do you mean, someone like me?” At this he realized he’d offended me and began backtracking heavily.
 “I-I mean, look at you. You’re hands-down the most popular girl in school. And you’re basically the Queen of Slytherin. You don’t really come off as the type who’d have friends outside of Slytherin. And you’re not very friendly…sometimes.” I stared at him for a bit before being unable to help myself I cracked a smile.
 “The Queen of Slytherin, huh?” He realized I had smiled and began grinning like a fool. He nodded to what I’d said and I nodded. “Interesting. I always thought I’d be the Princess.”
 Chuckling slightly, he shook his head. “Nah, you’ve definitely grown up from a Princess.” I smiled slightly but looked away quickly. I hated to admit it but he wasn’t horrible company to keep. We walked in silence for a few moments before I glanced over and realized he was deep in thought. He opened and closed his mouth a few times but finally turned to me and blurted it out. “I heard a rumor that your parents were Death Eaters.”
 I froze and stared at him for a long time before I exploded. “How is that any of your business, and how dare you not only ask but accuse! I heard you had an idiot for a father and a busy body for a mother but you don’t see me going around asking if your dad is an absolute moron like yourself! Buzz off, Weasley.” I stormed off at this but I heard him following quickly behind me.
 “Wait! I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to say it, it just kind of came out!” He grabbed my arm and I stopped but yanked it out of his grasp. We stared at each other for the longest time before my face slowly softened and he gave me a small smile. But something overtook his face. Before I knew what was happening he’d gently grabbed my face and smashed his lips against mine. I was so overwhelmed at first, I didn’t know what to do but then realized what was happening.
 It dawned on me that this was my first kiss since Cedric, and this made my heart ache. I yanked away and before I truly knew what I was doing my arm cocked back before springing forward quickly and punching Ron square in the nose. I heard and felt the crunch of his nose breaking under the force of my punch and I took a few steps back as I touched my lips. He had no right to take a kiss from me. It wasn’t welcomed and I quite honestly wasn’t ready to kiss someone other than Cedric. It somehow felt like a betrayal even though he’d been gone almost a full year now. He’d meant something to me. Even if nobody but us knew, even if it was completely ludacris and out of bounds for both of us.
 Right at this moment Snape rounded the corner. He stopped as he tried to take in the scene. Ron was on the ground, clutching his nose for dear life as blood seeped through his fingers and was everywhere, on the ground, his shirt, and even my fist. My mouth hung agape as I waited for Snape to yell at one of us. Ron quickly got up and shot me a look before turning to Snape. “I-I ran into a wall.” Snape stared between the two of us and I avoided eye contact. I knew that he knew Ron was lying but who was I to throw myself under the bus.
 “For God’s sake, Weasley, could you be any clumsier?” He shot me a look before turning his evil gaze back to Ron. “Well, don’t stand there like a blundering idiot, get yourself to the Hospital Wing!” At this Ron took off, I got the feeling he didn’t want to spend any more time in Snape’s presence than he had to.
 Snape and I stared at each other for a moment before he cleared his throat. “Well…I’ll take over patrols now. Get to bed.” I nodded and scurried away quickly before he could say anything else. I made my way quickly to the Slytherin common rooms. The fire was lit but it was so late no one else was awake. I made my way into my room. Prefects got their own rooms which was a blessing. I sat on the edge of my bed and thought through the night. I touched my lips once more and couldn’t stop thinking of Cedric.
 I was driving myself mad when I shook my head and realize I needed to keep myself distracted. I spent the next hour unpacking my trunk and getting myself ready for bed. I climbed into bed and tried desperately to think of anything except Cedric but my thoughts quickly drifted to Ron. I wondered why he had kissed me. I must have fallen asleep trying to figure it out because I woke up to someone pounding on my door. I gasped and practically fell out of bed. I quickly covered myself with a robe and opened the door to see Draco dressed and ready for the day, although his hair was messy. “Morning sunshine, get dressed and come get breakfast with us.”
 Yawning loudly, I turned around, leaving the door open for him to enter and walked straight to my closet. I rummaged through a couple things before putting the outfit together. I selected a crisp white skirt, and a baby pink crop top. I grabbed a floral pull-over and then grabbed a pair of tan wedge heels. I came back out laying the outfit on my bed. I turned to Draco lazily and sighed. “Are you just going to stand there watching?”
 He rolled his eyes but challenged me with a smirk. I smirked back and shrugged. “Suit yourself, Malfoy. I’m not easily embarrassed.” I grabbed the bottom of my night shirt and pulled it over my head before he quickly turned pink and turned around. I knew for a fact Draco had never looked at me like that but he had his bravado to maintain. I changed quickly and got my heels on before quickly going to my small bathroom. I brushed through my hair letting it cascade down my shoulders and did my make-up quickly. When I was done I smiled at myself in the mirror. I looked damn good.
 I headed out and Draco and I made our way down to the Great Hall. Barely anyone was there and the majority were Slytherins or Gryffindors. I spotted Ron with Potter and Granger. His nose was mended but he still had a huge bruise around his nose and one of his eyes was slightly swollen. I avoided looking at him as we sat down at our table. Draco immediately started to load up his plate but I took my time. I put some bacon and toast on my plate and filled my cup with coffee. I added copious amounts of cream and sugar and sipped at it as Pansy and Blaise droned on about their summers.
 I was sipping on my coffee when the table went radio silent. I glanced at Pansy who was glaring behind me. Marcus and Blaise both looked as though they might faint and when I glanced at Draco his mouth was practically drooling. I opened my mouth to ask what the hell they were all staring at when a voice spoke up behind me. “Can I sit with you guys?”
 I would recognize my sister’s voice from anywhere. I turned around with a smile on my face when Pansy spoke behind me. “This is the Slytherin table, little Cavanagh.” Tobi’s face fell momentarily when I gritted my teeth and whirled around to face Pansy.
 “First off, her name is Tobi. Second off, you mouth off to her again and you’ll find yourself in the Hospital Wing choking up slugs for the next week. You disrespect her again and I’ll come for you, Parkinson.” Pansy’s face practically turned white as I turned back to face my sister who was grinning ear to ear. “Of course, you can sit here.” I turned to Blaise and waved my hand. “Scoot down.”
 He moved quickly making room for Tobi who shot him a smile before squeezing in beside us. I pushed a plate towards her and gave her a stern look that she knew mean to eat something. She hardly ever ate these days and it worried me. She started to load her plate before Draco began snickering. “I heard Weasley spent the night in the Hospital Wing.” At this I froze, a piece of bacon halfway to my mouth. Tobi shot me a look but I kept my composure. “Wonder how that happened…” At this Draco looked over at me and I could feel my cheeks flushing a scarlet red.
 “Who knows, the kid is a klutz. I’m sure he just ran head first into something gawking at Granger.” He smirked at me but kept eating his food. We were in the middle of a conversation about how idiotic it was we had to take Defense Against the Dark Arts when I felt someone shove my shoulder from behind. I froze and instantly my hand twitched for my wand. Everyone at the table stare behind me as if the person had lost their mind. The entire school knew better than to fuck with Draco or myself. I turned slowly and was shocked to see Hermione Granger behind me, shaking angrily.
 My jaw was locked as I stood up slowly and balled my hands into fists. “Granger, you must have lost your fucking mind to think you could lay your filthy Mudblood hands on me and get away with it!” The entire Great Hall grew quiet with the tension in the air. At the word Mudblood Granger grew redder in the face.
 “I know what you did, Taryn. He won’t tell Harry or I the truth but we know that you did it! How dare you lay a hand on him. I ought to teach you a lesson.” I burst out laughing at this and was about to insult her when she hauled out and shoved me. I stumbled back and almost fell but caught myself in the nick of time. I let out a growl and barreled towards her when a pair of muscular arms grabbed me and held me back. I was screaming at Granger when Tobi stood up and before anyone could stop her had decked Granger in the face. I gasped, and then began laughing as Hermione grasped her cheek and began shrieking.
 Tobi turned to me and gave me a proud look, but the laughter stopped all too quickly when we heard a stern voice behind us. McGonagall’s angry voice filled the Great Hall. “Malfoy, Granger, both of the Cavanagh’s’! To Dumbledore’s office at once!” Granger was now crying as she realized the trouble she was in and we all marched to Dumbledore’s office, McGonagall in tow. She burst through the door with all four of us following and explained to him what had happened.
 At this we each took turns telling our sides of the story. Then Dumbledore called Ron into the office with all of us. His face was pale as he entered the office and I smirked at the bruise on his face. Granger stared angrily at me. Dumbledore turned to Ron and smiled. “Dear Ron, could you enlighten us on what happened to your face, please?” He glanced at me and for a moment I thought he was about to tell the entire room he’d kissed me and gotten punched, but his face softened as he turned back to Dumbledore and shrugged.
 “I ran into a wall last night on patrols. I wasn’t paying attention and that’s my own fault.” Dumbledore stared at him for a long moment before turning his attention to me. I smiled sweetly at him and shrugged.
 “See, he tells the truth. Next time, Granger, I wouldn’t go around telling everyone a girl beat up Weasley unless he wanted that to be the story he told. A little embarrassing for him, don’t you think?” I shot her a look and her hands balled into fists but Dumbledore interrupted our little glare-off.
 “You’ll all be receiving detention. Either for lying, hitting someone, or being involved at all. Tobi, you will be doing detention with young Mr. Malfoy. Hermione will be serving detention in the library. And you, Ms. Cavanagh will be serving detention with Mr. Weasley. I’m sure after this we’ll all be able to find a happy solution to our problems next time?” I gritted my teeth hard as we all realized this would be our lives for the next month. “Be glad that’s the only punishment I feel like doling out today. I could have all of your Prefect badges, Quidditch broomsticks, and any other extracurricular activities you all so choose to participate in.”
 At this we all grew quiet. I’d take a month’s worth of detention any day over losing being a Prefect and Quidditch. We all grew silent, all of us waiting to be dismissed. But I was shocked when Dumbledore spoke next. “Can I have a moment alone with the Cavanagh sisters, please?” Tobi and I shared a look as everyone stood up and exited the office. Dumbledore interlaced his fingers together as he stared across his desk at both of us. Tobi wiggled in her chair under his gaze but I stayed firmly still and stared him down.
 “You two ladies are exceptionally bright, and have everything going for you. Shall I spend my year worrying about you two?” Tobi opened her mouth to answer, no doubt with a polite response when I spoke over her.
 “I can assure you your time is better spent elsewhere, Headmaster.” I said the last word dripping with sarcasm and contempt. Tobi glanced at me with wide eyes but I was in the middle of a stare-off with Dumbledore. His eyes softened but mine remained hard. “And as for my sister, she needs only me to look after her.” Dumbledore nodded and smiled.
 “I can see you love her very much, I only wish the best for both of you.” I opened my mouth to answer when a sharp, burning pain ran up my left arm. I let out a soft gasp and gripped my forearm with my right hand. My dark mark hidden with a spell, but the feeling of it burned brightly. It could only mean one thing; the Dark Lord was very near and calling to me. I sucked in the pain and looked back up at the Headmaster who had his eyes glued to my bare forearm. Tobi too was staring at me until he spoke.
 “Young Tobi, may I have a word with your older sister, please?” I avoided her eyes as she nodded at the Headmaster and stood up muttering about being right outside. She left, quietly shutting the door behind her and for many moments Dumbledore and I sat in silence. “Taryn, I’ve had my eye on you since your arrival here. From the beginning, you’ve been one of the brightest in your class, rising to every challenge that’s come your way. Rising to the top of your class and the highest of ranks on the Slytherin Quidditch team. Yet, I worry about you. You walk around as though there is a darkness that follows you, at times, consumes you. I worry this will lead you to make choices you otherwise wouldn’t, choices that could put yourself in harm’s way. I believe I can help you, if only you allowed me to do so.”
 I stared at him for the longest time before a smile cracked on my face. It was written all over his face that he truly believed the words he spoke. He truly believed he could help me. But I was too far gone to be helped. “Headmaster, with all due respect. Some people can’t be helped. And your time is better served with those who can.” I stood up quickly and headed towards the door when he spoke again.
 “Anyone can be helped, Taryn. Anyone who seeks that help out.” I froze for a moment, thinking about what he’d said. I slowly turned and stared at him.
 “You truly believe that? That anyone can be helped?” He nodded slowly, as if to make me understand what he was saying. I gritted my teeth and spoke again. “What about Voldemort, sir? Can he be helped?” At this his face turned ashen, it was obvious I had caught him completely off guard. He opened his mouth and closed it a few times before his face turned grim.
 “No. I don’t believe he can. Voldemort is too far gone to be helped.” I nodded as if to make my point but he spoke softly. “But you, Taryn, you are not too far gone to be helped. You merely need to block the darkness out and choose to let the light in.” I stared at him for the longest time as my left forearm continued to burn. A lump formed in my throat because I wished I could believe him, wished things weren’t as they were. But I’d made my choice.
 “As I said, Headmaster. Your time is better served with those that can be helped, those who want your help. Someone like Tobi.” We stared at each other a moment more, me desperately begging him to watch her after I no longer could before I walked out of his office. As promised, Tobi was waiting for me when I left. I tried to walk past her down the corridor but she grabbed me.
 “You owe me answers, Taryn. I punched someone for you today! And now you’re acting all weird. What’s going on?” She stared at me and by the way she kept glancing at my left arm I could tell she had a few theories. She was getting close to finding out, but she wasn’t ready yet. I had kept her out of this loop for a reason, and for now, she needed to stay there.
 I reached over and pushed her bangs out of her eyes, letting my hand linger on her cheek. “Tobi, I appreciate what you did this morning. You didn’t have to, but I appreciate it. Granger was mistaken, and she was angry. I could have handled her myself, in fact, I will be handling her. But you don’t need to worry about that.”
 I turned to leave but she grabbed my arm again tighter this time. “Taryn…. have you done something? Something unspeakable?” When I turned to look her in the eyes I knew what she was asking me. And I yearned to tell her. But it wasn’t time.
 “Tobi, I need you to leave this be, okay? I’ve made some choices, some I’m not proud of. But I’ve made it this far, and I’ll continue on.” I stared deeply at her, willing her to understand. “Tobi, I love you. And I will do whatever it takes to keep you safe, from anyone that wishes you harm. Don’t worry about me, I’ve got myself under control.” She stared at me but I could see the curiosity burning in her eyes. I smiled. “Enjoy the rest of your day, classes start tomorrow and we probably have detention too. Enjoy your last day of freedom. I have some things I need to do. See you around?” She nodded and I walked off quickly to find Draco. If my arm was burning his was too, and this wouldn’t mean anything good.
I really hope you guys enjoy this! Let us know how we’re doing! -C
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