#hes like lena you're gonna get me in trouble
kandayuu · 7 months
Losing my marbles over lavi doing his absolute best not to be the one to tell Lenalee what an orgasm is bc he doesnt want word getting out and also he doesnt think he could handle talking to her about it for so many reasons
while lenalee is just like oh come lavi you clearly know just tell me!! Pretty please?? 🥺
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akalikai · 4 months
TEDDY??? Okay no this man has shown up too many times he's going to end up back at the OIAR.
"Irritating yet faintly erotic" I LOVE YOU ALICE
"She's really weird but like in a hot way" ALICE YOU'RE DOWN SO BAD PLEASE
"She'll make you forget all about your embarrassing obsession with Sam" GIRL UR PROJECTING SO HARD THE PROTOCULE IS PROTOCULING HELLO?????
Alice my love. You're so. Hhhh. She cares so much but like. Hides it behind humor. I love you sm
Lena is so awkward god I love her she's like genuinely trying to be nice to Sam but she only knows how to be intimidating because of Gwen akdhsjfb.
My God I love Lena too "consider my silence a compliment" GIRL
Oh my God shut up. SHUT UP. IMMEDIATELY AFTER ALICE HAD A DROWNED PERSON START TALKING TO HER. This is interesting because that person was drowned but this one seems to be dehydrated???
Wait wait spiders??? And confusing passageway and locked doors??? Hmm interesting. I know we'd classify this as The Web and The Spiral but I don't think those classifications exist in this world?? Additionally, all the talk of "Mother" makes me this of The Web being called "The mother of puppets"
I also see a bit of The Lonely. The weird filter om "laugh" bothers me.
Sam telling Alice about this being same as her experience ALSO YES SAME HES GETTING IT "sounds like she was trapped in her greatest fear which then actually killed her"
Alice come on sweetie you really shouldn't ignore this come on. You know this.
Okay I can see why Alice and Sam didn't work out in the past. Like in a way, I just don't think they could have been compatible during the time after Alice's parents death because Alice does not handle trauma well and lashes out a bit without noticing it. I'm only saying this because I do kind of feel bad for Sam, he's trying to help Alice to keep her safe but she's shutting down every idea he has.
I do get Alice's side though, in her place, she wants to put it behind her and not think about it. But it's not good for her especially not in the genre she's in lol
"Trouble in paradise" there is ALWAYS going to be trouble in paradise with those two IN FACT I highly doubt there IS a paradise.
Oh boy. What's the next monster Gwen is gonna have to deal with.
Oh no. Oh no poor Gwen, she's never going to open up to anyone again. I mean I understand them thinking she's fucking with them but Jesus. She's traumatized from that.
Okay yeah Alice my girl I love you. But you keep ignoring these things and someone you care about is going to really get hurt.
JACK SOUNDS SO CUTE (who keeps taking Georgie's face) AKBDKSBF
Oh dear. Okay so I'm absolutely sure Celia woke up in the middle of bumfuck nowhere again and called Georgie to watch Jack but said that it was because she went to grab baby food. Georgie knows she's lying.
Celia I like you??? Oooo????
Okay interesting interesting I just feel really bad for poor Gwen now. She's never going to trust them with anything again and she's probably going to be even worse to them. Which like they do kind of deserve but also like I get why they wouldn't believe her immediately? But they should have read the room she seemed genuinely distressed. And I think Alice knows it's real which is why she didn't say anything. But at the same time, she didn't stop Sam and I think it's partially because she wants to pretend it's not real.
Hooo boy lots to think about.
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Alright people, just got my early access of the Magnus Protocol Premiere. Been thinking about whether I should do a live blog like I did for Magnus Archives. Still not sure but we're just gonna start it and see where it's going. Tbh I've been so out of the loop with the podcast I didn't even know the premiere episode was coming and I have no idea when further episodes are getting released. I thought it would start next year! Anyway, I'm gonna put all my reactions down below under the read more so I'm not accidentally spoiling anyone.
That intro music is amazing. Love it.
So glad they included a transcript, I would've already been lost with all these voices. That's what I loved about tma, never got confused there because the introduction to the characters was so nice and slow
Oh, here we are then! Jumpscared by Alex already. Did not expect him to turn up so soon. I'm certain there's nothing sinister going on here. Not me already theorizing that it's Martin who got stuck in the system or something after Mag200. But that means Jonny is one of the other voices who occasionally reads out the statements, right? Gotta be. So Chester or Augustus, who do you think he is? Putting my money on Augustus I think. Why? Because why not.
First look at the Fears?? Is it the Stranger? That's got to be the Stranger, right?
The transcript has these little stage directions and I gotta say I'm in love with "Lena's office is pristine, sterile and has nothing that might indicate its occupant would be brash enough to have a personality"
Btw don't know the in universe reason for the recording yet but friends, your microphones are shit. Jon's recordings were never as bad! Your voices do that thing where it gets frizzy. Might I suggest using a tape recorder?
Is that more static in the background I'm hearing when Gwen says "I'm not most people." Oh, I kinda missed overanalysing sound cues.
We have great vegetarian sausages in Germany too, Colin. I already like that poor IT guy
Sam I really don't think this is the job if you're "just trying to get back on your feet" There must be more going on there
Damn, had a 50/50 chance and didn't get it. So you're Chester then, Jonny? Really can't decide if I would love it more if these voices had some connection to tma or if there's just no reason at all.
I actually read a fanfic like that before. Immediatly though about it when I heard Alex's voice. Jon was sorta trapped in the tape recorder. All Martin and co had were his recorded statements on tape and at some point Jon got like powerful enough to be able to communicate through the tape recorder I think. Was a really great read. Would be funny if this turns out to be similar
Oh, Magnus Archives ruins!! What are you gonna find there RedCanary?? This is exciting
Of course you've been having trouble uploading the pictures, RedCanary! And I don't think that's you're normal getting paranoid either. Oh, I love this. It's like my old friend, spooky Magnus Institute is back
An Archive, you say?? And it's empty. Interesting.
Side note, the music during this is fantastic. Like loved it from the beginning but right now? Amazing.
"What the hell is that? Are those eyes?" Never thought I'd actually be happy about eyes getting mentioned. But eyes, people!! This statement has everything: Magnus Institute, some poor bugger who's descending into paranoia and madness, weird symbols, an artefact (?), ominous texts ("Canaries should stay above ground", okay obviously a reference to the user name red canary but also do you think that has anything to do with like mining. Weren't birds used to detect gas?), eyes and were those the last few notes of the tma intro in the background music?
Oh, who is listening then? Can't mean me, Colin
The Magnus Protocol is a podcast distributed by Rusty Quill and licensed under a creative commons attribution non commercial sharer like 4.0 international license
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misschanadlerbong · 11 months
When Stef Met 'Lena
PART 1 | <next>
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Elena was laid off from her last job due to her boss unable to pay her any longer. Elena had been searching for a job ever since, and then she discovered The Salvatore Industries. They were hiring or looking for a receptionist. Just the job for her. They had been her savior, she desperately needed this job. Rent money doesn’t come from out of thin air.
Elena Gilbert is described by many as stubborn, hard working, kind, and gentle. From a young age she strived to at least try when attempting at something which she carried with her into adulthood. And according to Caroline Forbes that was exactly what Salvatore Industries needed. Heart, kindness, and the strive to work hard. And that was exactly the receptionist they needed. Not what most people expect right? A receptionist needed those qualities? Yes, at The Salvatore industries they wanted and needed good people, people who carried about what they were doing. And Elena Gilbert was the perfect candidate.
There was this musical ringing, the phone rang several times before Elena reached it. She picked the phone up and answered with “Hello?” 
“Elena hi! I have wonderful news you got the job! Your first day is tomorrow please meet me at The Salvatore Industries near the front lobby. The address once again is 523 Mystic City Avenue. Can’t wait to see you then!” Caroline beamed and hung up the phone. 
Elena felt relief wash over her and then dread. Elena rubbed her temples in exasperation “She didn’t tell me who my boss is? Oh well this is gonna be fun,” Elena tried calling Caroline back again to get some answers to her questions but to no avail she did not answer. She tried again and all she heard was that loud and weird beeping sound when you call someone and they’re on the phone with someone else. Elena was irritated but instead of focusing on the negative she goes and calls Bonnie. 
Elena dialed Bonnie’s phone number 876-435-778. All you could hear was the ringing and how it paused and started to ring and pause once again until Bonnie picked up. 
“Bonnie guess what!” Elena exclaims enthusiastically. 
“You got the job!” 
“Yes I did! I got the job!” 
“That’s amazing Elena! I’m so proud of you!”
“Aw, thank you Bonbon.”
“You're welcome! Tell you what, how about I drop you off and it’ll save you the trouble of using more gas.” 
“That sounds like a plan Bon, also apparently I start tomorrow.” 
“That’s quick, but I can still drop you off, don't worry.” 
“I should have known it wouldn’t be able to get rid of you that easily.” Elena teased. 
“Kidding.” Elena giggled and Bonnie laughed alongside her.
Bonnie and Elena finally arrived at The Salvatore Industries. Bonnie parked in the parking lot, “Here we are.” Elena looked at the building nervously. “Don’t worry, You’ll do fine!” Bonnie gushed. Elena grinned at Bonnie feeling confidence wash over her. 
“Take a deep breath and keep your chin up.” Elena smiles softly and replies with “I will, don’t worry.” Bonnie smiles and says her goodbyes as she rides off leaving Elena by herself. Elena takes a few deep breaths, even though she already had been in the building it didn’t ease her nerves. But she tried to do what Bonnie wanted her to do. Keep her chin held high. She walked towards the building. Was it larger than the first time she saw it? No, but it felt larger. 
‘It’s just my first day, what could possibly go wrong?’ “Ugh who am I kidding?” Elena lets out a sigh and walks in the building. The moment she steps in the building a man greets her. He’s tall, he has black hair, pale blue eyes alongside a pale complexion as well. He gives her a cold and hard look. She wonders ‘Is this my boss?’ ‘If he is, this is gonna be interesting to say the least…’ 
“l know what you're thinking, I’m not your boss.” Elena nods slowly but then looks even more confused,“Then who are? If you don’t mind me asking of course.” “I do mind actually!” Elena looks down in embarrassment. “I’m sorry sir, the women who interviewed me didn’t tell me who he was or anything like that. She said she would meet me here.” “Leave the poor girl alone, she didn’t know there’s no shame in that.” The woman she interviewed me a few days ago says, I believe her name was Caroline if I’m remembering correctly. She leans her head to look at Elena and replies with “Come with me, it’s time to meet Mr.Salvatore. And don’t worry it’s not your fault for not knowing it’s mine entirely for not telling you.” 
Once they had moved to the elevator away from the man. Elena whispers “Thank You.” “For what?” Caroline asks, confused. “For saving me from him, he does not like me very much.” Caroline leans closer and says “He doesn’t like anyone.” Elena giggles and replies with “That makes sense.” Caroline smiles back at her. Just as Caroline pressed the button for floor 102 a man stopped the elevator before it closed. The man walked in and walked towards Caroline smiling gently at her. ‘He seems sweet and cute. Wait what if this is my boss? I can't think like that!’ Elena mentally scolded herself for thinking in that way’ ‘He had dark blonde hair, forest green eyes that had a romantic glint that shined brightly, and he had a soft smile that lit up the room. Oh my god, Elena! Stop thinking that he could be your boss once again!’ Elena thought to herself.  He stood by Caroline and conversed in small talk with her “Good morning Caroline! I never did get the chance to ask you but how has the interviewing been going?” 
“Well, Mr.Salvatore it's especially great since she’s standing right behind you.” Stefan whipped his head around to get a better look at Elena. His gaze softened when his eyes met her. He smiled at her, charmly. He reached his hand out, motioning for her to shake his hand. She gladly took his hand and shook it with just the right amount of firmness. When Stefan touched Elena’s hand he must have felt how gentle it was while when Elena touched him she must have felt how soft it was. They’re eyes never left one another, they were like in this haze of admiration. They both thought to themselves ‘You can’t think like that she’s/he your co-worker!’ 
“It’s a pleasure to meet you Miss…?”
“Miss. Gilbert, Elena Gilbert. And it’s a pleasure to meet you too Mr.Salvatore.” She smiled kindly at him and he smiled back with just as much warmth. 
Caroline intervened and asked “So are you ready for the tour, Elena?”
Before Elena could respond Stefan answered “Why don’t I show her around, you already have done so much,” He grinned at her, “Well, Thank You Mr.Salvatore you're very considerate.” She smiled back at him. 
The elevator dinged and Elena and Stefan moved out of the elevator. “Elena?” Caroline called, “Yes?” 
“If you need anything, don't be afraid to let me know.” Caroline gushed sincerely, grinning brightly at Elena. 
“I will Caroline Thank You,” She smiled back at Caroline with just as much sincerity. You could see it now, the start of a new and wonderfully blossomed friendship. 
“Anytime.” Caroline pressed the first floor button and the elevator, leaving the pair alone. 
Elena turned to Stefan “Where do we start?”
Stefan turned to look at her as he said “My office, your area, and a few other places as well.”
“Where’s my area?” Elena asked. 
“In the lobby area, where you came in there’s the front desk and that’s where you’ll be working.” Elena nodded in understanding.  
Stefan led her to his office area, “This is my area or my office area.” In the background of his office you could see his book shelves full of so many different types of books.  And his desk was in the middle, it had this glossy look and it was a shade of dark brown. “Wow, it's beautiful.”
“Why Thank You. That’s very kind of you.” Elena smiled at the complement.
“Now, let me show you to the lobby area,” He smiled softly at her as he led her back to the elevator. They both stepped in and he pressed floor one. 
“You know Elena-” Stefan started, turning to look over at Elena. “You don’t strike me as someone who would be a receptionist.” 
Elena smiled softly to herself, she must have felt her cheeks blushing as she looked down, “Life got in the way and it was expensive, and I felt like I could do good becoming a receptionist even if it’s in a different way than I wanted to originally,” 
“What did you want to be when you grew up, Mr.Salvatore?” 
“Ironically enough at first I wanted to be a Doctor as well.” 
Elena lifted her eyes from the elevator door back to his eyes,“Why didn’t you?” She inquired.  
“This company needed me especially after my father died and I couldn’t look away. I had to help.” Elena smiled with genuine compassion as she praised “Mr. Salvatore you are truly a kind man and a compassionate one too. That was quite noble of you most wouldn’t do that.” Elena voiced gently, Stefan looked at her with his vibrant smile and gleaming green eyes and thoughtfully replied with “Thank You, Ms.Gilbert you truly have a kind soul and I am lucky to have someone like you here.” 
“No, it's quite the opposite. I'm honored to be working here because I was laid off from my last job and I was worried I wouldn’t find one this time for rent, but luckily I did. In the way you all were my savior I couldn’t Thank You all enough.” 
“I’m glad you will be working here especially since we need someone like you, someone who cares.” Stefan praised, passionately. 
Elena smiles at the compliment,“Well, Thank You Mr.Salvatore you’ve been so welcoming and caring I can’t help but feel excited to start.” 
“I’m pleased to hear that.” He said with humility. Stefan was quite grateful she was going to be working here, ‘I wish we could find more people like her kind and caring, I’m just thankful she is here,’ ‘I’m very grateful I got this job, I have a good feeling about this job,’ They both simultaneously smile to themselves wrapped up in their own thoughts that was until the elevator dinged and they were back at the first floor. Elena jerked a little, Stefan looked over at her worry spread across his face. “Are you alright?" He asked, with panic in his voice. He placed his hand on her shoulder.
 “Sorry, I was too wrapped up in my thoughts.” Elena placed her hand on her chest, trying to regain her composure. He smiled at her researingly and she smiled back feeling a sense of warmth fill her chest.  
He turned to look back at her as he led her to her desk. “Here we are Ms.Gilbert.” 
“Thank You Mr.Salvatore for your help,” She replied politely. 
“Anytime Ms.Gilbert let me know if you need anything at all.”
“I will, Thank You Mr.Salvatore.” Elena said, and Stefan walked away heading toward the elevator, planning to go back to his office. Elena watched as Stefan a sigh escaped her lips, she must have felt a tinge of blush come across her face as she turned away and started to focus on settling in her new desk area. 
Just as she sat down someone came up to her, It was a woman. Elena asked, “How can I help you?” 
The woman was timid but still spoke up “I-I was wondering if I could schedule a meeting with M-mr.Salvatore I’m one of his clients.” She said, shakily. 
“Of course,” Elena looked at the calendar behind her and noticed July 7th was open for meetings. She grabbed a pen and wrote ‘Meeting with-’
“What’s your name ma’am?”
“My n-name is Alexia Branson.” Elena wrote her name on the calendar, “You're all set Ms.Branson, give us a call if you need anything.” She smiled warmly at the women and she thought to herself ‘I have a great feeling about this.’ She smiled to herself as she watched the lady leave and she went back to work. 
@queenofstelena / @wiidestdrearms
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thewidowsghost · 2 years
Agent Danvers (Lena Luthor x Baby!Danvers!Reader) - Chapter 9
Series Masterlist
Main Masterlist
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"First day as a reporter," Kara sighs, walking into CatCo with Clark, both of them in civilian attire. "This is like five times more exciting than buying new school supplies. Which, look, I did that." She lifts her notepad.
"I see that," Clark smiles at his cousin.
"I got a reporter pad," Kara says excitedly.
"Uh-huh," Clark grins.
"It's for taking reporter notes," Kara flips through her empty notebook.
"Because . . . I'm a reporter now." Kara pauses, turning to face Clark.
"Hey, Kara," He reaches his hands out to rest on her shoulder. "You're gonna do great."
"I hope so," Kara replies.
"I don't mean to interrupt," Cat Grant walks to her doors. "Kara, do you think I could trouble you for a minute?"
"Good luck," Clark leaves Kara with her boss.
. . .
"So," Alex walks through Kara's apartment, shaking two bottles of wine, "does Clark like red or white?"
"No, none for him," Kara replies, setting the Chinese food down on her table.
Liho is perched on one of the barstools, his paws resting on the counter. Her tail swishes happily and (Y/n) chuckles at her cat, setting a bowl of water down on the counter. The bombay cat leans her head down, drinking some of her water.
There is a knock on the door, and (Y/n) glances at the door before she reaches into Kara's cabinet and grabs a glass to fill her own glass with water. She rounds the counter, and perches on the other barstool, running her hand down Liho's back.
"Alcohol doesn't affect Kryptonians but he still won't drink and fly," Kara adds, walking towards her door. "He's a big, big nerd." Opening the door, the Danvers sisters are greeted with Clark in the doorframe. "Perfect timing."
"Hey, Clark," both Alex and (Y/n) say, and Liho looks up from her water.
The little cat jumps off the stool, padding over to meet Clark.
"Liho," (Y/n) says.
"She's okay," Clark says, closing the door behind him and leaning down to pet the cat. "Um, could you give Kara and me a minute together?"
"Of course," Alex and (Y/n) chirp.
(Y/n) gets up from her stool, and when her owner moves towards the couch, Liho's little bell jingles as she follows. Liho jumps up into (Y/n)'s lap, and she rests her head on (Y/n)'s knee.
Alex reaches over, petting the cat; the cat's purr rumbles in her throat.
"A jumper is on the National City Bridge and emergency personnel are en route," A reporter on the news says and (Y/n) and Alex look over at Kara and Clark. "A bridge closure is in effect."
"One last team-up?" Kara asks Clark.
Clark chuckles.
. . .
Superman and Supergirl land on the bridge, about ten feet away from the man perched on the edge of the bridge.
They take a few steps closer to the man.
"Sir," Kara says, her hair flowing behind her due to the gentle breeze. "Sir, you don't want to do this."
The man on the edge of the bridge turns around, and Superman and Supergirl are face to face with John Corben.
"Corben?" Kara questions, her defenses rising at the sight of the man.
Corben's chest glows green and his shirt melts off, and he shoots a jet of Kryptonite at Clark.
Clark groans as he clutches his chest in pain.
"No," Corben says. "Metallo." He jumps off the edge of the bridge and onto the asphalt, blasting Clark again with more Kryptonite.
Kara steps between Metallo and Clark, swinging at Metallo wildly. Her fist slams into Metallo's face, but the man doesn't flinch.
Metallo punches Kara, and she flies over, slamming into a car on the other edge of the bridge. Kara's chest heaves as she tries to get to her feet. She watches helplessly as Metallo walks over to Clark, punching him repeatedly in the face. Then Metallo pulls Clark into a chokehold, holding Clark against the Kryptonite in his chest.
Kara had risen to her feet and blasts at Metallo with her heatvision but Metallo raises his hand, and the skin catches on fire. Kara's nose scrunches up at the smell of burning flesh as Metallo's skin burns off.
Metallo blasts at Kara again, but she leaps over the car. She grunts as she pushes the car towards Metallo, but falters when Metallo pushes the other side of the car. Kara jumps up onto the top of the car, but Metallo blasts her in the chest and she falls off the car, groaning in pain.
"I was shot in the back," Metallo looms over Kara. "At least you'll see your death coming."
Clark slams into Metallo, sending the man flying away across the dark sky. "Kara," Clark lifts his cousin.
. . .
"Kara," Alex yells. Alex and (Y/n) run towards Kara and Clark as the two land.
"I'm fine. I'm fine," Kara leans against Clark for support, limping heavily. "I'm just a little dizzy."
(Y/n) and Alex take over for Clark, (Y/n)'s eyebrows knit with worry.
"You told me that only the DEO had access to Kryptonite," Clark walks straight toward J'oon. "So how would you like to explain what just happened out there?" J'oon is silent. "A Kryptonite-charged cyborg almost killed Kara. Almost killed me. Start talking, J'oon."
"A shipment went missing four months ago," J'oon says and (Y/n) stares at her boss, her eyes wide. "We've done all we can to find it."
"Four months ago?" Kara asks, stepping forward, leaving Alex and (Y/n) to let go of their sister's arms.
"'Went missing'?" Clark echoes.
"Stolen," Alex replies softly.
"We thought it was an inside job but everyone in the transport came up clean," (Y/n) adds and Kara looks at her sisters and (Y/n) visibly winces at the betrayal in the Kryptonian's eyes.
"So you have a mole?" Clark turns his gaze from (Y/n) to meet J'oon's.
"We don't know that," J'oon replies.
"If you'd gotten rid of it when I told you to . . ." Clark's voice rises.
"We would have been helpless when Non and Astra launched Myriad," J'oon interrupts.
(Y/n) visibly flinches and no one but Alex notices when the youngest Danvers walks away to the gym.
"Or have you forgotten that there was a force not even the Man of Steel could defeat?" J'oon continues. J'oon takes a step forward but Clark shoves him back with a hand.
"Superman and Martian Manhunter are gonna fight," Winn says from his perch near the stairs. "This is terrible. This is so awesome," he murmurs.
"We have given our lives protecting the people of Earth," Clark snarls. "If you cared about Kara at all . . ."
"Watch what you say," J'oon smacks Clark's hand off his chest.
"Or what?" Clark snaps, his voice echoing through the room.
J'onn goes to reply, but there is an electric crackle and Winn, Alex, Kara, Clark, and J'oon turn to look at all the screens.
"People of National City," the face on the screen says. "The Earth has been stolen from us. And the enemy has come in the guise of heroes." The screen flashes and they all look at the flickering images of Kara and Clark in their hero attire. "They say they come in peace, to protect us from ourselves. But how long will it be before these gods decide to rule instead of serve? We are the antidote to their poison. We are the scientists who will show them what humans are capable of. Those who have sided with the invaders will not be spared. You cannot stop us. We are everywhere. We are CADMUS."
"CADMUS," J'oon says.
"Coming out into the open," Winn adds.
"Declaring open war," J'oon growls.
"They want to kill us," Kara rests her hands on the round table. "All of us."
"CADMUS has my father," Alex says. "If they turned John Corben into Metallo, what do you think they've done with him?" Alex's eyebrows knit with concern.
"We'll find him," Kara wraps an arm around her sister's shoulder.
"And stop them," Clark adds.
"How?" Winn asks.
"Metallo isn't just flesh and blood anymore," Clark says. "CADMUS has given him a metal endoskeleton. Traces of the alloy had to end up on my hands when I hit him. I can analyze it at the Fortress of Solitude," he turns to J'oon.
"Agent Schott, get Non and Astra's anti-Kryptonite technology out of storage. See if you and (Y/n) can improve upon it for our two friends here." J'oon looks around, and the others realize that (Y/n) isn't with them anymore.
. . .
Alex enters the workout room, walking over to her sister, who was angrily attacking a punching bag.
"Hey," Alex's tone is gentle, but (Y/n) doesn't look up. Alex hums in empathy, moving to brace the bag as (Y/n) takes out her anger on the bag. "It's okay to be upset," Alex says, and (Y/n)'s gaze finally lifts; Alex's expression softens as the pain in her youngest sister's gaze.
(Y/n) stops, sitting down to unwrap her hands.
Alex sits down beside her sister.
"It's just hard sometimes," (Y/n) says softly, turning her head to meet her sister's gaze. "And recently," she pauses. "Well, this might seem selfish, but I feel like Kara's pushing us away to be with Clark. I'm probably just being stupid."
. . .
Kara is walking up the stairs to her apartment.
"Hey," Alex says, jogging up the stairs after her sister and Kara turns once she reaches her floor.
"Any word from Hank?" Kara asks, looking between Alex and (Y/n).
"No," (Y/n) replies, she and Alex following Kara to her door.
"Any word from Clark?" Alex asks, glancing at (Y/n) for a second.
"Nope," Kara replies, unlocking her door. "I'm sure they'll figure out a way to find Metallo soon."
"I just hope they don't hurt each other while they're figuring it out," Alex says, she, Kara, and (Y/n) heading into Kara's apartment.
Liho hops up from the couch and streaks over to (Y/n).
(Y/n) grins, kneeling down and letting the cat scramble into her arms.
Alex closes the door behind her.
Kara sighs heavily.
"I got un-hired by my new boss yesterday," Kara says, tossing her phone, keys, and purse onto her island. Kara plops down onto her couch. "Turns out I'm not a reporter."
Alex sits down beside Kara, and (Y/n) across from them.
"Kara," Alex says gently, and Kara sighs.
"And Cat's leaving," Kara says and (Y/n)'s eyes widen with surprise. "Clark's leaving, too. Everything is changing."
The despair in Kara's voice makes (Y/n)'s heart hurt.
"I'll get us some ice cream," Alex says, glancing over at Kara. "Things will be better tomorrow."
"I've been thinking, though," Kara says, resting her hands on the pillow on her lap. "What if I moved to Metropolis to be with Clark."
(Y/n) looks up from her cat, choking slightly on air.
Alex stares at Kara, her eyes widening with disbelief. "Metropolis?" she echoes.
"Yeah. I mean, think about it. National City would be safer without me around creating a target for CADMUS," Kara reasons. (Y/n)'s eyebrows knit and she focuses on the cat in her lap. "Hank wouldn't have to worry about me feeling uncomfortable with Kryptonite around. And you guys, you'd be able to do your job at the DEO without worrying about me. Guys, if I was in Metropolis, Clark and I could protect the city and keep each other safe." Alex had walked back over to Kara, abandoning the ice cream in the freezer. Kara stands up to meet her older sister's gaze. "And there's still so much I want to learn from him. What do you think?" she glances between (Y/n) and Alex.
(Y/n) stares, dumbfounded at Kara, her mouth falling open.
"I think that we've kept our mouths shut the entire time Clark has been here while you have ignored us," Alex replies, frowning slightly. "And . . . and now you want to just move away?"
"I thought it would be good for you guys," Kara replies. "You wouldn't have to take care of me anymore."
(Y/n) chuckles dryly. "I thought we took care of each other?" (Y/n) asks, and Kara turns to meet her face.
Alex shakes her head, stepping around Kara. "Our whole childhoods were spent making sure that nobody found out. I gave up a medical career to join the DEO for you. And my . . . My whole life has been about protecting you."
"I thought you said it was a great adventure," Kara asks.
(Y/n) snorts with exasperation, standing up, grabbing Liho's little cat harness from by the door. (Y/n) kneels down, and the cat waits patiently as (Y/n) snaps the harness on, followed by the leash.
Kara's door slams as (Y/n) and Liho leave the apartment.
. . .
(Y/n) and Liho stop at Noonans and (Y/n) plops down at her normal table. (Y/n) orders an iced coffee and a chocolate chip muffin as well as a tiny bowl of milk for Liho.
"Hi," (Y/n) looks up, blinking with surprise to find Lena Luthor standing beside her table.
"Miss Luthor," (Y/n) addresses the billionaire. "It's nice to meet you."
"Please," Lena Luthor smiles slightly, "Lena. Miss Luthor makes me feel old."
Liho places her paws on the table, stretching out her head to reach Lena with her nose.
"Who is this cutie?" Lena asks, reaching over to pet the cat.
"This is Liho," (Y/n) sits down, offering the chair across from her to the young Luthor. "(Y/n) Danvers at your service," (Y/n) says as Lena sits down.
"Well, thank you for saving my life," Lena says.
"Well, I could say the same," (Y/n) replies.
Word Count: 2314 words
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witchinatree · 16 days
magnus protocol episode 30 ramble
i was relistening today to get in the spirit but i only got through episode 15 :( it's ok though 16-29 were more recent
anyway i'm like hardcore tweaking because i need this so bad but i'm also so not ready for this HIATUS?? it's both over and we're so back
i'm like kind of nervous.... LMAOOO????? anyway um here's hoping my blog @is-teddy-vaughn-still-alive doesn't immediately have to start saying he's dead for the rest of time i've had it for like 3 days
this is going to alter me as a person.
TWEAKINGGG here we go :]!!
the magnus protocol intro goes really hard i think i've said this before though
he said job but i heard jon. dead end JON like the season 2 finale of the magnus archives
OH IMMEDIATE SAM POV LET'S GO I GUESS. sam stop ignoring her.
oh my god i have to respond to this because i have class with her tomorrow are you fucking serious chat are you fucking serious
i don't even.. i can't even.. what the hell. during my magnus time? really? on THE magnus day? fuck oh my god. i.. i..... I'M SCARED??????
we're not touching that. anyway ummmmmm what the HELL ??? LMAO SORRY WE'RE GOING BACK TO THE PROTOCOL RAMBLE NOW???? we literally haven't spoken since like march when she sent me the "breakup closure playlist" and i thought i BLOCKED HER. tweaking OUTTTTTTTT.
having to restart the episode after this one i'm.. i need a reset..
sam she's not upset she's telling you you're in TROUBLE stop GHOSTING HER you are in DANGER babe. SAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHE IS RIGHT SHE IS RIGHT SHE IS RIGHT BABE YESSSSSS!!!! connect those dots honey it is your fault
if sam dies here i'm gonna have to delete those sam hating posts i swear to god i'm gonna have to delete them i love him now
"there's a plan?" (disregards) woah. celia. what. i'm really really really scared help
i feel like we're listening to his final moments and i'm no................ "we're safe here" CELIA??????
gwen come through and be okay pls. gwen pls. TREVOR HERBERT NEVER FAILS TO MAKE ME CACKLE I'M SORRY.
lena do you still have your job? babygirl? oh god. something bad is gonna happen to her. is there a lena death count lmao
"but i think you will be" LENA???? shaking actually hello. goodbye lena???? YOU'RE ALL GOING TO NEED IT WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT???????????????????? gwenny are you laughing or crying or nope you're laughing. you are laughing.
they're at hilltop center oh my fuckign god they're here nervously petting my desk??? what am i doing.
"checking for tape recorders" LORD.
"call it a hunch" loooooooooooooooord.
hey why's sam humming he's being so fucking weird rn???? he's being so weird????????? so is celia actually i really hate this
"we want your teeth" these are all weird places huh. interestinggggg.
celia you gotta stop pushing sam please pleeasasee
i'm so freake WHO IS THAT WHOOO????? LMAO??????? poor dude
"i better go lock it back up before it's..." ooh supernatural worker
you SHOULD go sam and celia you SHOULD
she's being super weird is she like actually a shitty person bc i was kinda defending her with my whole being
"if you're stupid enough to go poking around, that's on you" this guy would love alice
oh speak of the devil hi babe!!!!
oh the custodian is gonna die that sucks so much because i actually really like him he's coughing like sam was i'm really worried
oooh that was the clearest thing we've heard the archivist say
dogs.. like lady mowbray...
NIKOLA ORSINOV????????????????????????? NIKOLA??????????????????? BABE?????????????????????????????
no it was a person unfortunately
DEAD IN HIS OFFICE???? oh what the actual fuck
okay they're really not subtle about the magnus archives theme anymore LMFAO
oh my god he's dying :( i really liked him he seemed so chill
WHAT??????????????????? DID HE JUST BECOME THE BUILDING????????????????????????????????????????????? DUDE COME ON CAN ONE MINOR SIDE CHARACTER JUST BE OKAY AND HAPPY. rip i guess? rest in piece (singular)
"she can wait" you're pissing me off.
celia knows this too damn well she knows it TOO well. did she ever have to dig herself out of this
celia? celia is this where you came from. "almost" HUH?
if he dies. i'm gonna be so upset.
the equation doesn't balance so you have to go back? oh that's why she wakes up randomly because it's pulling her!! "there's nothing to go back to" sad face. lynne hammond did have a................................ celia. ceeeeeeelia.
celia don't fucking do it don't fucking do it don't fucking do it.
shaking trembling violently rocking back and forth i'm scared i'm scared i'm scared
gwenny.... hhhhhh
oh hey it's trevor! can we pls go find out what just happened to sam i need him to be alright.
he's not.. is he? oh no.
i need to go take a moment to reflect or something holy fucking shit.
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queenofstelena · 11 months
When Stef met 'Lena
| Part One | <next>
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Elena was laid off from her last job due to her boss unable to pay her any longer. Elena had been searching for a job ever since, and then she discovered The Salvatore Industries. They were hiring or looking for a receptionist. Just the job for her. They had been her savior, she desperately needed this job. Rent money doesn’t come from out of thin air.
Elena Gilbert is described by many as stubborn, hard working, kind, and gentle. From a young age she strived to at least try when attempting at something which she carried with her into adulthood. And according to Caroline Forbes that was exactly what Salvatore Industries needed. Heart, kindness, and the strive to work hard. And that was exactly the receptionist they needed. Not what most people expect right? A receptionist needed those qualities? Yes, at The Salvatore industries they wanted and needed good people, people who carried about what they were doing. And Elena Gilbert was the perfect candidate.
There was this musical ringing, the phone rang several times before Elena reached it. She picked the phone up and answered with “Hello?”
“Elena hi! I have wonderful news you got the job! Your first day is tomorrow please meet me at The Salvatore Industries near the front lobby. The address once again is 523 Mystic City Avenue. Can’t wait to see you then!” Caroline beamed and hung up the phone.
Elena felt relief wash over her and then dread. Elena rubbed her temples in exasperation “She didn’t tell me who my boss is? Oh well this is gonna be fun,” Elena tried calling Caroline back again to get some answers to her questions but to no avail she did not answer. She tried again and all she heard was that loud and weird beeping sound when you call someone and they’re on the phone with someone else. Elena was irritated but instead of focusing on the negative she goes and calls Bonnie.
Elena dialed Bonnie’s phone number 876-435-778. All you could hear was the ringing and how it paused and started to ring and pause once again until Bonnie picked up.
“Bonnie guess what!” Elena exclaims enthusiastically.
“You got the job!”
“Yes I did! I got the job!”
“That’s amazing Elena! I’m so proud of you!”
“Aw, thank you Bonbon.”
“You're welcome! Tell you what, how about I drop you off and it’ll save you the trouble of using more gas.”
“That sounds like a plan Bon, also apparently I start tomorrow.”
“That’s quick, but I can still drop you off, don't worry.”
“I should have known it wouldn’t be able to get rid of you that easily.” Elena teased.
“Kidding.” Elena giggled and Bonnie laughed alongside her.
Bonnie and Elena finally arrived at The Salvatore Industries. Bonnie parked in the parking lot, “Here we are.” Elena looked at the building nervously. “Don’t worry, You’ll do fine!” Bonnie gushed. Elena grinned at Bonnie feeling confidence wash over her.
“Take a deep breath and keep your chin up.” Elena smiles softly and replies with “I will, don’t worry.” Bonnie smiles and says her goodbyes as she rides off leaving Elena by herself. Elena takes a few deep breaths, even though she already had been in the building it didn’t ease her nerves. But she tried to do what Bonnie wanted her to do. Keep her chin held high. She walked towards the building. Was it larger than the first time she saw it? No, but it felt larger.
‘It’s just my first day, what could possibly go wrong?’ “Ugh who am I kidding?” Elena lets out a sigh and walks in the building. The moment she steps in the building a man greets her. He’s tall, he has black hair, pale blue eyes alongside a pale complexion as well. He gives her a cold and hard look. She wonders ‘Is this my boss?’ ‘If he is, this is gonna be interesting to say the least…’
“l know what you're thinking, I’m not your boss.” Elena nods slowly but then looks even more confused,“Then who are? If you don’t mind me asking of course.” “I do mind actually!” Elena looks down in embarrassment. “I’m sorry sir, the women who interviewed me didn’t tell me who he was or anything like that. She said she would meet me here.” “Leave the poor girl alone, she didn’t know there’s no shame in that.” The woman she interviewed me a few days ago says, I believe her name was Caroline if I’m remembering correctly. She leans her head to look at Elena and replies with “Come with me, it’s time to meet Mr.Salvatore. And don’t worry it’s not your fault for not knowing it’s mine entirely for not telling you.”
Once they had moved to the elevator away from the man. Elena whispers “Thank You.” “For what?” Caroline asks, confused. “For saving me from him, he does not like me very much.” Caroline leans closer and says “He doesn’t like anyone.” Elena giggles and replies with “That makes sense.” Caroline smiles back at her. Just as Caroline pressed the button for floor 102 a man stopped the elevator before it closed. The man walked in and walked towards Caroline smiling gently at her. ‘He seems sweet and cute. Wait what if this is my boss? I can't think like that!’ Elena mentally scolded herself for thinking in that way’ ‘He had dark blonde hair, forest green eyes that had a romantic glint that shined brightly, and he had a soft smile that lit up the room. Oh my god, Elena! Stop thinking that he could be your boss once again!’ Elena thought to herself. He stood by Caroline and conversed in small talk with her “Good morning Caroline! I never did get the chance to ask you but how has the interviewing been going?”
“Well, Mr.Salvatore it's especially great since she’s standing right behind you.” Stefan whipped his head around to get a better look at Elena. His gaze softened when his eyes met her. He smiled at her, charmly. He reached his hand out, motioning for her to shake his hand. She gladly took his hand and shook it with just the right amount of firmness. When Stefan touched Elena’s hand he must have felt how gentle it was while when Elena touched him she must have felt how soft it was. They’re eyes never left one another, they were like in this haze of admiration. They both thought to themselves ‘You can’t think like that she’s/he your co-worker!’
“It’s a pleasure to meet you Miss…?”
“Miss. Gilbert, Elena Gilbert. And it’s a pleasure to meet you too Mr.Salvatore.” She smiled kindly at him and he smiled back with just as much warmth.
Caroline intervened and asked “So are you ready for the tour, Elena?”
Before Elena could respond Stefan answered “Why don’t I show her around, you already have done so much,” He grinned at her, “Well, Thank You Mr.Salvatore you're very considerate.” She smiled back at him.
The elevator dinged and Elena and Stefan moved out of the elevator. “Elena?” Caroline called, “Yes?”
“If you need anything, don't be afraid to let me know.” Caroline gushed sincerely, grinning brightly at Elena.
“I will Caroline Thank You,” She smiled back at Caroline with just as much sincerity. You could see it now, the start of a new and wonderfully blossomed friendship.
“Anytime.” Caroline pressed the first floor button and the elevator, leaving the pair alone.
Elena turned to Stefan “Where do we start?”
Stefan turned to look at her as he said “My office, your area, and a few other places as well.”
“Where’s my area?” Elena asked.
“In the lobby area, where you came in there’s the front desk and that’s where you’ll be working.” Elena nodded in understanding.
Stefan led her to his office area, “This is my area or my office area.” In the background of his office you could see his book shelves full of so many different types of books. And his desk was in the middle, it had this glossy look and it was a shade of dark brown. “Wow, it's beautiful.”
“Why Thank You. That’s very kind of you.” Elena smiled at the complement.
“Now, let me show you to the lobby area,” He smiled softly at her as he led her back to the elevator. They both stepped in and he pressed floor one.
“You know Elena-” Stefan started, turning to look over at Elena. “You don’t strike me as someone who would be a receptionist.”
Elena smiled softly to herself, she must have felt her cheeks blushing as she looked down, “Life got in the way and it was expensive, and I felt like I could do good becoming a receptionist even if it’s in a different way than I wanted to originally,”
“What did you want to be when you grew up, Mr.Salvatore?”
“Ironically enough at first I wanted to be a Doctor as well.”
Elena lifted her eyes from the elevator door back to his eyes,“Why didn’t you?” She inquired.
“This company needed me especially after my father died and I couldn’t look away. I had to help.” Elena smiled with genuine compassion as she praised “Mr. Salvatore you are truly a kind man and a compassionate one too. That was quite noble of you most wouldn’t do that.” Elena voiced gently, Stefan looked at her with his vibrant smile and gleaming green eyes and thoughtfully replied with “Thank You, Ms.Gilbert you truly have a kind soul and I am lucky to have someone like you here.”
“No, it's quite the opposite. I'm honored to be working here because I was laid off from my last job and I was worried I wouldn’t find one this time for rent, but luckily I did. In the way you all were my savior I couldn’t Thank You all enough.”
“I’m glad you will be working here especially since we need someone like you, someone who cares.” Stefan praised, passionately.
Elena smiles at the compliment,“Well, Thank You Mr.Salvatore you’ve been so welcoming and caring I can’t help but feel excited to start.”
“I’m pleased to hear that.” He said with humility. Stefan was quite grateful she was going to be working here, ‘I wish we could find more people like her kind and caring, I’m just thankful she is here,’ ‘I’m very grateful I got this job, I have a good feeling about this job,’ They both simultaneously smile to themselves wrapped up in their own thoughts that was until the elevator dinged and they were back at the first floor. Elena jerked a little, Stefan looked over at her worry spread across his face. “Are you alright?" He asked, with panic in his voice. He placed his hand on her shoulder.
“Sorry, I was too wrapped up in my thoughts.” Elena placed her hand on her chest, trying to regain her composure. He smiled at her researingly and she smiled back feeling a sense of warmth fill her chest.
He turned to look back at her as he led her to her desk. “Here we are Ms.Gilbert.”
“Thank You Mr.Salvatore for your help,” She replied politely.
“Anytime Ms.Gilbert let me know if you need anything at all.”
“I will, Thank You Mr.Salvatore.” Elena said, and Stefan walked away heading toward the elevator, planning to go back to his office. Elena watched as Stefan a sigh escaped her lips, she must have felt a tinge of blush come across her face as she turned away and started to focus on settling in her new desk area.
Just as she sat down someone came up to her, It was a woman. Elena asked, “How can I help you?”
The woman was timid but still spoke up “I-I was wondering if I could schedule a meeting with M-mr.Salvatore I’m one of his clients.” She said, shakily.
“Of course,” Elena looked at the calendar behind her and noticed July 7th was open for meetings. She grabbed a pen and wrote ‘Meeting with-’
“What’s your name ma’am?”
“My n-name is Alexia Branson.” Elena wrote her name on the calendar, “You're all set Ms.Branson, give us a call if you need anything.” She smiled warmly at the women and she thought to herself ‘I have a great feeling about this.’ She smiled to herself as she watched the lady leave and she went back to work.
Tagging: @misschanadlerbong
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thepaintedlady00 · 2 years
Ok, honestly I have a lot of ideas for requests, but this one stuck out to me (I might post the others later):
Angst/fluff, Nightshade/Sweetbitter fic. Jake x Lena (or reader, whichever you prefer) where the two are watching Sandman. Lena/reader jokes about how Jake looks like Morpheus/Tom Sturridge, & the two laugh it off. Then, middle of the night, Jake wakes up to find Lena/reader having a nightmare. He wakes her up to talk about it &/or makes her breakfast in the morning. Doesn't have to be canon to your story.
Sorry if this is too detailed. I had it in my head since the recent chapter of Nightshade dropped & you announced request week. Have a nice day/week! Take care of yourself!
This idea is so cute and funny! It's also one of the first requests I have for my Sweetbitter fandom! So I'm excited! Thank you so much for the request! 🥰 I decided to go Jake x Reader just cause there's so little content for Sweetbitter I want everyone to get to enjoy it without them feeling like they need to read my fic or anything. 😊
Your days off mostly consisted of time with your boyfriend Jake. Today he'd unfortunately been called into work to cover one of the bar shifts. He hadn't been too happy about it, muttering a few choice words under his breath as he got dressed and instructing you not to have too much fun without him. Jake kissed you and was gone to spend his night dealing with the guests and making overpriced drinks.
You'd gotten cozy on the couch and ordered take out from the Chinese place you knew Jake loved so he'd at least have good good and a loving embrace ready for him when he got home. While eating you turned on a new tv show, some kind of comic adaptation called The Sandman. All while you watched you could have sworn you recognized the actor, but nothing came to you. Jake's heavy footsteps made your attention shift to the door as he walked in and began tossing his clothes and shoes off.
"How was work?" You asked, swallowing your food.
Shirtless he made his way to you, kissing you quickly and snagging an egg roll from the box. "Fine." He nodded to the TV. "What are you watching?"
You turned your head back to the TV. "The Sandman. It's new."
He sat down beside you, quietly eating for a moment before noticing the way you kept looking back and forth from him to the TV. "What?"
You ruffled his hair and looked at the TV again before laughing. "You look exactly like this guy!"
"No I don't!" He insisted.
"Yes you do!" You pointed. "Same hair, same pouty lips, same pale ass skin."
Jake rolled his eyes, pulling you close. "You gonna start calling me Lord or King then?"
"God no! Your ego doesn't need any more stroking."
"I can think of something you can stroke," he teased.
You kissed him, giggling. "You're disgusting."
When you two went to bed that night Jake stayed up, laying beside you as he read his book. You were fast asleep, but seemed troubled. You jerked around and made quiet whining noises until you awoke with a startled cry.
This wasn't the first time you'd had nightmares, but ever since you started staying with Jake they'd gotten better. His arms wrapped around you as he whispered reassuring words in your ear until you relaxed. His hands rubbed soothing shapes into your arms as he slowly coaxed you back to sleep.
"You're getting good at this," you mumbled.
He chuckled. "Yeah, maybe you should start calling me Sandman."
"Mmmm, goodnight... Sandy."
He made a noise. "Ugh, never mind."
"Too late." You yawned. "You're Sandy forever now."
The next morning Jake made you your favorite breakfast, something he'd spent months practicing so he wouldn't fuck it up. He brought it to you in bed and the two of you ate together, quietly making plans for a week away together. Jake insisted your nightmares were stress based and wanted you to have fun for once. As you looked over at him, that messy hair and bright blue eyes and cute little pouty lips you just smiled. Leaning over you kissed him. "What's that for?"
"I just love you."
Jake rolled his eyes, still always so adamant to act aloof. But he kissed you back and for a moment you could've sworn you saw stars in his eyes as he whispered back, "I love you too."
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dongiovannaswife · 2 years
Affection | GioLena.
I'll kiss your eyes, I'll wash your skin.
Hey ya,
Forget myself and let you in.
Vent piece that actually adds to the main story <3 mentions to past abuse and trauma, healing and pregnancy talk. Poorly edited!!
Title inspo: affection by Amber Run.
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He's been waiting for too long. At first, he had been reading over the latest Pink Dark Boy chapter —but then, it felt like too long since she got in the bathroom for a shower. Was she okay? Was she having trouble showering with the bump? But she had reassured him she still could do it on her own…
Standing up from bed, Gio stops before the bathroom door raising his hand —but something, a sound, makes him stop and lean further, trying to make out the source.
There it is, that sound. It makes him freeze, feeling his heart drop once realization comes. 
A sob. Knocking on the door, he gets to hear her quiet down, like an automatic response. 
“Babe, is everything okay?” 
Giogio sighs, dropping his arm aside and leaning his forehead against the door, as if trying to hear more. “Something's wrong, isn't it? Let me help?”
Silence —it drives him crazy, makes every nerve of his body burn with worry. And then, softly, the rustling of chains makes him look up and stand straight. The door opens and Wire Requiem doesn't even look at him as he comes in, closing the door and dissipating right there.
His wife's sitting on the floor leaning against the bathtub —looking down, an ashamed expression noticeable given her frown and the angry red marks below her eyes, her red and puffy lips and the rest of her face, swelling up and pinkish. 
Silent, Giorno makes his way over, rolling the sleeves of his shirt up. And kneeling before her, he barely fights back the impulse to reach out and comfort her: still, he sets his hands on his lap, takes a deep breath in and, then, through a soft voice, he speaks up. “I'm not gonna get mad, okay? Crying makes you human, not weak. Never weak. It's just natural and there's nothing to be ashamed of.” 
The way she sobs upon his words breaks his heart, and even if his voice almost breaks Giorno keeps going. “I'm here whenever you want to talk, okay? Whatever you're feeling is not ridiculous.” 
His wife had mentioned it once, that growing up, her mother would always get angry whenever she cried: she would always say crying made her weak, that nothing was worth crying for except for death. And then the rougher times came around and Lena learned to cry alone and as quiet as possible; to hide her eye bags and headaches.
Anything to escape the gaslighting. 
She nods, and the tears run down her cheeks —sobs shake her shoulders. But finally, through trembling hands and blinded eyes she reaches out, grasping at his forearm.
“Jovi. He's gonna be the middle kid.”
It takes him by surprise, but he still nods, shifting to sit before her, taking a quick glance at the rest of her just to realize she's wearing his shirt. Setting his hand atop hers, Gio listens, keeping track of her expressions. 
“I don't want him to feel forgotten or unloved, but I also don't want him to feel like he has to carry the responsibility of his siblings and like, I just… .” she looks back, and the raw desperation and pain behind her bloodshot eyes makes him hurt, “I just want him to know he's loved and seen and free.” 
Brown eyes stare back into green ones —reaching a hand out, he cups her face, letting his thumb trace over her cheekbone. Giorno keeps the same voice tone, “He will. You and I will make sure he'll have all that. What makes you think he will go through the same?” 
Lena's mouth closes slowly and then, as if something clicked in her mind, she replies: “Maybe I'm… scared of committing the same mistakes?” 
Gio nods, adding gently. “You're also seeing yourself in him —you want to keep him from all that pain. The pain you went through, I mean.” 
Nodding, she quiets down, though this time calmer. It takes a little bit more before she looks back, eyes half lidded and heavy with sleep, stumbling over her words —vowels molding together. “I'm cold.” 
Standing up, Giorno reaches out for her. “Let's get you to bed, then. The boys are asleep, don't worry about them.” 
The way back to the bedroom feels slow, methodical and quiet —and he doesn't fail to notice her wandering eyes full of fear and stress. He does not ignore the way she grips at his shirt the moment he sets her in the bed, sitting behind her to dry her hair. 
As his fingers comb through the mane of wet curls, applying lotion, he speaks up again. “You don't have to hide, love. Everything you feel, and think, should be said.” leaning over and pressing a kiss to her temple, his arms circle her, as if keeping her from harm. 
“You're safe.” 
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readingandsiamese · 3 years
I had another Shepherds of Haven dream. (After I had one where I was in the old west. My brain is an interesting place.)
Anyway, I wrote a short fan ficlet inspired by it with Blade, Trouble, my character Nira, and an intimidated healer. I'm not even sure that calligraphy like the kind in this story exists in Blest, but bear with me. I love cute scenes that end up with Blade running away, lol. Warnings: fluffy pining, a minimum of cursing, calligraphy
ShOH belongs to Lena Nguyen, @shepherds-of-haven . As do Trouble, Blade, and Ayla.
Disturbed Discipline
Captain Nira Rookesby, Hero of Haven, was trying not to grin. She was sitting at a table watching the Commander and Vice Commander of the Shepherds practice calligraphy. The deadliest assassin and the fiercest sniper in Blest were both holding a delicate inkbrush and attempting artistic writing.
Trouble was frowning at the paper. "This doesn't look like any of the samples," the sniper said.
"That's because you're terrible," Blade deadpanned.
Nira laughed, she couldn't help it.
"Don't laugh," Trouble said. "You're the one that dragged us into this."
"I thought it was going to be traditional painting," Nira said. "Like landscapes."
One of the new Healers had set up free art lessons during her downtime to "improve morale and soothe the soul," but no one had taken her up on it. Nira, friendly and popular, had been asked to join in. If the Hero of Haven does it, more Shepherds will try it. Please? I just want to help people relax and enjoy the arts, the healer had said.
In the end, Nira agreed and had managed to convince both her best friend and her...Blade...to join her. Even in her thoughts she wasn't sure how to refer to Blade other than the Commander. Her...swain?
"Whatcha thinking about Nira?" Trouble asked with a shit-eating grin. As her best friend, he likely knew exactly what she was thinking about so she gave him a look.
The healer, Alana Kevern, walked over. "As you paint, try to let the negative energy flow out of you."
Nira, Trouble, and Blade looked up at her. Alana paused. Feeling guilty, Nira tried to give the woman an encouraging smile since Blade was staring at the Mage like she'd grown two heads and Trouble just looked confused.
"Just picture all of the...negative feelings you carry inside you...coming out," Alana said hesitantly. "Flowing through your brush onto the paper."
"I don't carry negative feelings. I let them out instantly," Trouble said.
"To the detriment of everyone around you," Blade replied in a droll tone of voice.
"We can't all be unfeeling kaqs," Trouble replied.
"Um," Alana said, clearly at a loss.
Nira bit her lip, trying not to smile, but said kindly, "Thanks for hosting this. It's nice."
Alana nodded. "But don't you want to do the relaxing breathing exercises?"
"I know how to breathe, thanks," Trouble said with a grin.
Alana smiled weakly at the Vice Commander then looked at Blade who stared back at her with a flat expression.
"I already know multiple breathing exercises," he said after Nira elbowed him.
"Okay," Alana said. "Well, have fun…"
She left.
Nira shook her head at them.
"I think I'm done. Hey, Nira, is that Magid?" Trouble asked, pointing towards his paper.
Nira peered at it. "It does... sort of resemble it…"
Trouble laughed. "Thanks. So it doesn't say 'happiness' or 'peace' or 'love' or whatever shit thing it's supposed to say?"
"It says 'I'm horrendous,'" Blade said in a deadpan voice.
"No, it says, 'Blade should shut his damn mouth,'" the sniper replied. "Alright, I'm done, I'm gonna go get us something to eat. I'll be right back."
He left. Blade and Nira were left alone; the healer had clearly given up on them.
Blade painted with a surprising amount of skill, finishing his work.
"You're good at that," Nira said. "What word did you choose?"
"You tell me," he replied.
Nira leaned over. "Discipline." She laughed. "So much for writing down 'the thing you most long for, the thing you can't do without,''' Nira said, echoing the other Mage's directions. "You have enough discipline."
"Perhaps I was hoping for discipline from others," Blade replied drolly.
Nira smiled at him. "Are you implying that I don't have enough discipline, Commander?"
"Perish the thought," Blade retorted.
"Perhaps you can teach me a breathing exercise to rectify that," she said.
The two of them laughed then smiled at each other, full of mirth, until the moment of staring into each other's eyes had gone on long enough to mean something else. Nira's heart beat louder and her nose turned red as she started to blush. Finally, Blade cleared his throat and looked away.
"What did you paint?" He asked, awkwardly gesturing to her parchment.
Nira glanced down, nose and cheeks turning even more red. "Oh, I, uh, didn't really choose, I just did the same thing as her first sample."
She pointed at the sample, which notably didn't have the translation in Common beneath it.
Blade raised an eyebrow. "Which says...?"
"Love," she said quietly, looking up at him with her green eyes.
"Ah." A beat, then Blade stood. "Thank you for the diversion, Nira. Have a good day."
"Wait, Trouble's bringing food-" Nira started, standing up as well, but he had already fled.
The brown haired Elf Mage leaned back, defeated, putting her hands on the table. Her right hand went directly onto Blade's wet ink painting. She lifted her palm, grimacing.
"Niiice," Trouble said, walking in with a huge tray of food.
Nira made a dismissive gesture with her ink stained hand and sank down to a seated position.
"Aw, don't be sad," Trouble said, sitting down the tray. "He'll come around. Eventually."
Nira gave him a half smile, then sat down to eat with her best friend. She put her feelings aside, laughing and joking with Trouble and then Ayla who materialized immediately when it seemed food might be wasted.
"You wasting that plate?" Ayla asked, joining them.
"Yeah, since you're eating it," Trouble sniped.
Ayla cursed him good naturedly.
"Ignore him, you're welcome to it," Nira said.
"So treat him normal, you mean," Ayla said. "I always ignore him."
The two bickered back and forth and Nira laughed at them, able to brush everything aside and enjoy being with her friends.
When they left, though, Nira picked up a brush and painted another word.
Later, she looked at the paintings she'd gathered. Despite having put her hand in the wet ink--she was never clumsy or awkward except when it came to him--Blade's word Discipline was still legible. She traced the now dry symbol once, then slipped it under the Commander's door along with the newest word she'd painted and a note.
Sorry I'm bad for Discipline-I accidentally messed yours up. I thought I'd offer Joy to replace it, hah. Thanks for coming. -Nira
Her first painting, Love, Nira put in a drawer in her room. It was not always seen but ever present, just like her feelings for Blade.
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Random stuff in every Violetta episode that not necessarily is important to the plot (Season 2)
2x03: Ludletta dance battle
2x04: Ramallo casually holds Diego hostage for a minute
2x05: Germán ruined the mayonnaise
2x07: Camila gets a bucket over her head
2x08: The girls are FIGHTING
2x09: Angie gives the students an inspiring speech and then Violetta gives an inspiring speech, I guess it's genetic
2x10: I REALLY WANNA KNOW HOW THE GIRLS SLEPT AFTER THE PARTY CHAOS. HOW COULD THEY GO TO SLEEP AFTER THAT. Also headcanon I think Ludmila slept on a mattress next to Camila
2x11: They act like everyone sings Hurricane, but it's the album version they played
2x12: Germán tells Angie he lowkey wished she got arrested
2x13: The iconic Yo soy asi audition
2x14: Ludmila needs Naty to get her a passion fruit juice because SHE GETS VERY THIRSTY FROM TALKING TO HER
2x15: Pablo fires Angie and it's sad because I usually like him
2x16: Diego hides in Violetta's closet
2x17: Maxi, DJ and Cami randomly hang out in a park and act like they usually do this
2x18: Germán kissing Francesca on the cheek because Violetta didn't want a cheek kiss
2x20: I wanna mention the cursed kiss scene that always makes my blood boil, but what i'm gonna say is that Violetta says everyone will get in trouble if they sing Euforia together, and then exactly none of them get in trouble for singing Euforia together.
2x21: There is this very random scene where everyone accuses each other and then get offended of being accused, and then Marco's like "HEY GUYS CHECK OUT THIS CLIP"
2x22: Gregorio tries to hypnotise Beto with a tea bag
2x23: Introduction of Ambar!
2x24: Jeremias Casteli...
2x26: DJ made a fucking youtube poop of Ludmila
2x27: Camila and Maxi felt absolutely nothing but then Camila excitedly told Francesca about their kiss
2x28: Alessadro is (not) 120 cm tall
2x29: Jackie looks REALLY impressed by Angie defending Jeremias
2x30: Fran bursts into Violetta's room, tells her she's mad at Camila, and then just leaves before Violetta can react properly
2x31: Jade randomly bursts into opera
2x32: Dieletta foot massage
2x33: Olga threatens two men with a cucumber
2x34: Leon, Broduey and Andres belt out to Entre dos mundos after taking what I assume is crack
2x35: Diego mansplains how to make pizza
2x36: Violetta needs to go to the doctor with an adult, which makes no sense because she's 18???
2x37: Naty is not Ludmila's ant, she's just an ant
2x38: It's "blame Germán day", his words not mine
2x39: Germán gives Violetta a sweet talk and then just goes "that reminds me of a story about flying pigs"
2x40: Camila and Francesca come out on stage in punk outfits while the bisexual colors flash, I stan
2x41: Marotti comes inside Angie's classroom and speaks nonsense, and Pablo and Angie just go "what...? Anyway-"
2x42: Camila pretending to be Violetta at a video call my beloved
2x43: Esmeralda fucking attacks Matias
2x44: Violetta didn't think of texting
2x45: Diego is good at climbing walls, like spiderman
2x46: Group therapy my beloved
2x48: Diego casually tries to sleep with Violetta
2x49: Uy, un mexicano
2x50: Diego is about to make a move on Vilu when Germán throws a fit
2x52: The Juntos somos mas cover by Lena is iconic
2x53: Rock bones cover with Vilu singing and Fran being a fangirl
2x54: Francesca said Camila was annoying since she swallowed traffic lights and then she just sashayed away
2x55: Ludmila fucking smashes Diego's guitar
2x56: Diego reads Violetta's diary for like 2 seconds, yet the episode includes it in the description for some reason
2x57: Naty plays drums with a broken arm
2x58: College 11 comes to the Studio and everyone gets excited as if they are the biggest band ever
2x59: Angie and Violetta randomly have a conversation about stars in the sky while walking in the park
2x60: There's a video of presumably s1 Leon singing Voy por ti to Violetta, but it's so weird because when exactly would they record this?
2x61: Violetta plays En mi mundo on piano and then suddenly goes over in Voy por ti and it's kind of a nice transition actually
2x62: Lara just goes up to Violetta like "hi stay away from Leon lol" even if she next episode is back to being more on Vilu's side than Leon's
2x63: A scene that starts with Beto mimicking Vilu singing, and then we cut to Violetta and she has this really nice hairstyle
2x64: Germán tells Angie they need to talk like civilized people and then goes up in her face like "ANGIE ANGIE ANGIE ANGIE >:O ANGIE!!! ANGIE!!!!!!!!!!!" like who's the uncivilized here??
2x65: "You're a woman, come with me" Trying to not come up with all the gay jokes my brain got
2x66: Leon called Violetta a "young woman" I can't
2x67: Andres wants to send Broduey back to Brazil via subway
2x68: Olga dusts off pillows next to Germán while he plays piano
2x70: After Leonetta's dance performance, Francesca looks like she laughed her ass off
2x71: Camila and Francesca WENT OFF on Germán
2x73: "I'M GOING TO SPAIN!!!"
2x74: Francesca stalks Diego
2x76: Violetta awkwardly stares at Ludmila when she sings Si es por amor
2x77: The boys think Marco is in love with Diego
2x80: Camila has a friend who she never mentions or we see ever again
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mandareeboo · 4 years
Have you seen the new season of Carman Sandiego. Please tell me you're seen it. You gotta see the new season, it's everything we've wanted. Also, basically the whole season is Holloween themed. (Also also have a good day and good vibes)
Just finished it!!! Aaaa it was so good! I loved the themeage going on, and watching Chase start to realize he was wrong. 
Well, last season I gave a bullet point list, so this season I did the same! Here’s random shit I screamed about throughout the episodes. =)
The gentle hitch in Carmen’s voice as she says “I… have his eyes.” Aaaaaaaaa
Fucking Fire Lord Zuko’s voice as some twink named Spinkick. I’m SCREAMING.
Carmen snarking about codenames like she wasn’t raised as Black Sheep like GIRL.
Carmen being offended at breaking into her potential mom’s house. Idk why I just love that touch. She grew up with thieves for family, where stealing was just normal, but picking mommy’s lock is crazy.
Every time Brunt tries to pronounce a foreign word it is. Art. Por faYvor. Shadow SAAN.
“There’s nothing here to steal!” -GESTURES AT TROPHY WALL-
Carmen just. Getting adopted by a luchadora.
Everyone getting all dressed up for Halloween and then Brunt just. Being a cowboy.
The fact that V.I.L.E. Heads really have nothing better to do with their days than play dress-up and Halloween games is great.
Them casually confirming they seek out young orphans with no support system and groom them like DAMN was not expecting it laid out like that.
That art curator lady throwing that priceless taser artifact at Zack and Ivy only for it to break was just. So funny? I’m sure it wasn’t REAL or she wouldn’t risk it but the scowl as Ivy says, “hope that wasn’t worth a lot?” was amazing.
Once a season or so Carmen gets the absolute shit kicked out of her and it’s just. Really troubling to watch? They don’t mess around when she gets wounded goddamn.
For a second I legit thought that Sonia was gonna fly outta that plane and die and I was NOT prepared for that angst.
Ivy and Zack tryna hijack a plane is so weirdly pure. They really will do anything for Carmen.
Listen full disclosure I’d love if it turned out Cookie Booker was Carmen’s mom simply bc she’s voiced by the original Carmen Sandiego (and it’d make her stealing the V.I.L.E. intel even more ironic) but I know the chances that’ll happen are basically none.
The slooooow roll of the window before Carmen asks him where Julia is and HIM ANSWERING AKSMDOCLSODKCS I love the cop-criminal dynamics in this show
“YOU WISH TO MOCK MY DRIVING SKILLS NOW?” “Do we, Carm? He’s kinda rockin’ it.” Zack is. A fucking gift.
The fucking. The fucking candy bowl. V.I.L.E. has a goodie bowl. No I will never be over it.
I thought Shadowsan was a silly name but now we’ve got The Troll and honestly?? He won. He lost but he won.
Crawfish King out here making tickets 100,000 each but he using sheet ghosts and dollar store pumpkins. I know it’s for charity but bro c’mon, dig into your personal funds a bit.
Every single time they see red Ivy and Zack just HAVE to say it’s Carmen’s color like it’s Vantablack and she’s the douche who owns it and it’s. Amazing.
Paperstar continues to be That Bitch no one wants to work with
The put a DRONE in a SHEET alsmsclsodkcs
Forget all the zany ass supervillians the cleaners are the most terrifying ppl in V.I.L.E.
Look, I ship Julia and Carmen but Carmen and Tigress have ABSOLUTELY had hate sex at some point. Same with Carmen and Paperstar. There’s just. Way too much going on there.
I NEVER FUCKING REALIZED THAT PAPERSTAR WAS VOICED BY KIMIKO GLEN UNTIL JUST NOW??????????? Took me three seasons to hear the Lena in there rip.
Brunt being willing to buy snacks for “trick-or-treaters” is fucking hilarious. What if someone HAD come. What if they got an operative home early. Was she really willing to hand out candy to strangers.
The amount of effort they put into trying to keep each chase scene interesting is great. They have to do a LOT of running animations and they keep putting little touches in to keep it from getting absolutely dull.
Mime Bomb hating Neal the Eel is great
Zari making a bunch of banana puns to razz Chase is great
Hideo just. Casually knocking a police officer unconscious.
Chase FINALLY starting to realize that Carmen isn’t some super wicked supervillain is great. I love how it’s played out. I love how you can SEE it sink in as he remembers Julia’s words, his realization that she was RIGHT and he BRUSHED HIS PARTNER OFF.
Chase recognizing Neal’s escape with Crackle’s in season one was great, he’s finally putting shit together.
That shot of Player hovering over his computer while watching shit go down is really good? You can see the tension in him as he watches his closest friend commit serious high-stakes crime.
They just fucking???? Tasered her????? She didn’t attack anyone, she didn’t fight, she just looked at Roundabout right and they zapped her ass, holy fuck.
Shadowsan ABSOLUTELY volunteered to give Roundabout the talking down of a lifetime. He enjoyed every second of it.
If they even SQUINT at Graham wrong Carmen may actually commit real life murder.
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firsttarotreader · 3 years
Can you do a reading on what the cards are saying about his love life now?
Hello! I did a reading to answer your question and I pulled 8 of Cups, 3 of Swords and The Fool. Now tell me about an interesting pull!
The 8 of Cups is a card pretty much linked to feelings of abandonment, be it related to people, goals or plans. It has an energy similar to the Death card, about letting go, letting something die so the new can be born. It's also related to loneliness and introspection and how much you need to distance yourself from something so you can evolve and grow in different aspects of your life. It's a moment of transition, where you need to stop and think about everything in your life and what you need to let go because it's bringing you down or not bringing you any benefit. There's a need to free yourself from disappointments, frustrations and stress from the past. This card doesn't have a very positive energy attached to it, and when it comes to love issues, it represents a lot of past hurt, sadness, abandonment feelings and negativity. If you're not in a relationship (what seems to be Pedro's case now), he might have been feeling lonely for a while, but at the same time not open at all to new people and with a lack of will to go out and meet someone new. He's afraid to commit and get hurt again.
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That leads us to the 3 of Swords. This is another card about a LOT of hurt and disappointment. He carries a lot of sadness and disillusion in his heart when it comes to relationships. He's sailing in troubled waters and past breakups are still on his mind making him feel like he can't love and lose again. This card ALSO brings a HUGE fear of commiting to someone and getting hurt. But like the 8 of Cups, it's warning him that it's time to heal, that he can leave the past behind. Of course we're not saying someone (him or anyone) HAS to have a relationship to be happy, he can be single and happy and satisfied, so this card is not a sentence to tell him he needs to date. It's more about healing from past hurt, whatever it was.
Interestingly enough, while I was interpreting the 3 of Swords, Lena’s energy and image kept coming back in my mind all the time. We don’t know for sure what happened between them and what they were to each other exactly, but from their readings I’ve done (including the one I posted here a while ago), this hurt energy is always present for them. Could she be one of these past disappointments? Possibly, so I just thought I should include this detail about the reading here. 
Our last card is The Fool. Now that is SUCH an interesting card. Not only it's in a future position, a conclusion or a way out of the first two, but when paired with both the 8 of Cups and the 3 of Swords, it gives us even more information. The Fool, as we have discussed, is considered the "protagonist" of the Major Arcana journey, and he is GOING on this journey, he represents the beginning, he's out for an adventure, for a whole new world, and he's ready to face it all. When paired with the 3 of Swords, it's again pointing to fear of going into the new and committing to long term relationships. When paired with the 8 of Cups, however, it brings a sense that this person is ready to leave their old ways, their old path, and follow a new direction that will make them happier.
So bottom line is, Pedro seems to have a LOT of baggage from his emotional past. He's been closed off, he's been afraid to commit, he's been running away like crazy from new feelings and new people. But the Fool is pointing him to another direction. There's something new ahead of him, he's getting ready to heal and allow himself to go on a new adventure. Could this new adventure be the Empress figure who's getting closer and closer in his readings and coming faster than we might think? Yes, it could be this person, and it seems to be, but we're gonna have to wait and see.
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coochiequeens · 3 years
Conservative men say they wouldn’t harass women because that goes against their upbringing. Liberal men say they wouldn’t threaten women because they are against violence. Both views go out the window when women do something they don’t like.
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The threats arrive by mail, email, voicemail and social media. Hateful comments are shouted out of a car window or in line at the grocery store. More than ever before, the threats come home, in the form of protests or strangers circling the block.
As women make significant inroads and their numbers grow in politics, so too have the number of threats and acts of intimidation against them. Threats have long been an troubling aspect of elected life. But in interviews, women throughout Minnesota politics described a rise in vitriol and a worsening atmosphere.
"Women in elective office have become the go-to target," said Rep. Betty McCollum, D-Minn., who has served at the local, state and federal levels during more than three decades in public life. "Women in this country still do not get the equal respect that their male colleagues do. In other words, women are easier targets, they're softer targets. And I think that that puts all of us in a much greater place of danger."
The COVID-19 pandemic and falsehoods about the 2020 election have increased hostility toward politicians overall, culminating in the storming of the Capitol on Jan. 6. But the violence and threats directed at women in politics are distinct and threaten the progress they've made in government, said Mona Lena Krook, a Rutgers University professor who wrote a book about violence against women in politics.
"In the U.S. we've never had so many women in politics and women of color in Congress. It goes to the roots of identity-based violence," said Krook. "It's really about who does and doesn't look like a politician to some people."
Rep. Kaohly Vang Her, DFL-St. Paul, said she has struggled with sexism and racism as an Asian American woman working in the finance and nonprofit sectors, but she never felt unsafe until elected to the state House in 2018.
After carrying a bill and testifying in favor of a fifth-tier income tax increase, cars started circling her home in St. Paul as well as a farm property her parents live on in Stillwater. Several people got out of the car and asked her father if she lived there, claiming to be friends of hers. She didn't know them.
"It is those types of things that are really unnerving," Her said. "I also know that the work is too critical for me to be afraid to not do it."
In December 2019, someone left a voicemail at an office of Second District U.S. Rep. Angie Craig saying, "If you don't vote no for President Trump's impeachment, you're gonna die, bitch." Months before the 2020 election, Craig's Burnsville office was evacuated because of a bomb threat. In the last year, Craig said she's seen a substantial increase in the number of threats against her and her family.
In one message she shared, someone wrote in an e-mail that "Jan 6th was a practice run. You commie clowns aren't gonna see the next step coming."She has a bulletproof vest in her D.C. office, and has added what she described as "significant additional security" to her home.
"I've got four boys, I've got a family," said Craig, a Democrat. "I'd be lying if I said that they aren't concerned about my safety. I've got a new grandson. Sometimes you look at yourself and you say, how much? How much is it worth?"
The threats made against women in politics are often about identity, not issues, Krook said. They focus on the gender, race, sexual orientation or physical appearance of the woman they are directed at.
State Rep. Marion O'Neill spent more than two years living next door to someone in Maple Lake who threatened her and yelled at her on a nearly daily basis, singling out the fact that she was Republican and a woman. He once left a bird he shot in his yard on her front porch.
"Those are horrible, really threatening things," she said. "You have to have a really thick skin and strong support system to be a woman in politics."
Duluth Mayor Emily Larson has been in politics for a decade, but more recently the threats and intimidation have become a constant presence in her life. She's become more cautious about her physical whereabouts and movements. Police have had to drive by and check in on her home, and her staff in the office take extra precautions.
The effort it takes is draining and consuming, sometimes taking her attention away from the work she ran for office to do.
“It's just honestly so frequent that it is no longer unusual to have to pay attention to that," Larson said, adding that LGBTQ women and women of color experience even more vitriol. "It is something you learn to live with. It is 100% part of being a political leader as a woman."
For years, many women in politics largely stayed quiet about threats they endured, worried about inspiring copycat threats, or that they'd be perceived as not being able to handle the pressures of politics.
But more women are becoming vocal about their experiences. The House voted last month to censure Republican Arizona Rep. Paul Gosar for posting an animated video that depicted him killing Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez with a sword. In a floor speech before the vote, Ocasio-Cortez said "as leaders in this country, when we incite violence with depictions against our colleagues, that trickles down into violence in this country."
Later that month, Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar publicly shared a violent voicemail where an unnamed person said Omar "will not live much longer." The message came in the aftermath of recent anti-Muslim comments from Republican colleague Rep. Lauren Boebert.
"We have unfortunately seen consistent threats from my first to second term," Omar said in a statement. "In my case we have seen attacks and threats based on my gender, religion, ethnicity and race, which creates a compounding problem for women with intersectional marginalized identities."
Many fear the threats and intimidation will prompt some women to step aside from politics or decide against running for office in the first place, which could chip away at the historic gains they've made in Congress and state Legislatures.
"Women who want to lead have to go into it knowing that, unless they intend to sort of be a real status-quo politician ... they are going to draw that ire and it's going to have a special kind of point to it," said Sen. Jen McEwen, a freshman Democrat from Duluth who faced threats online after her support for an abortion measure was posted by Republican colleagues on Facebook.
As a former Planned Parenthood executive, U.S. Sen. Tina Smith sees an uptick in "evil and hateful" messages directed at her any time the issue of abortion is in the news. But Smith says the problem is getting more explicit — and it's system-wide.
"When we're talking about this, we're not talking about our ideas, and we're not talking about our accomplishments, we are not talking about what we want to get done for people," Smith said. "You reach a tipping point where you have to say something."
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One → Two
a/n: guess who finally got a laptop mofos? when I say that this fic has given me grief.....I am in no way exaggerating,,,, but, the past is behind us! let’s just enjoy it now 😅 pls...I seriously hope y’all like this. technically it’s still Friday for some people ;) and I promise that the story will get better as we go along.
Pairing: Hoseok x Female Reader
Genre: angst, fluff
Warnings for this chapter: Mentions of alcohol consumption, a creeper dude, emotional abuse, insinuations of past sexual abuse, insinuations of self harm, language.
Word count: 3.7k
Trigger Warning: if you are easily triggered by this type of stuff, pls don't read it. I have some fluff on my account, you should enjoy that instead! Here's a link to my other works → BTS ML
Tag list: @melikeylikeyjimin
If you wanna be on the tag list, send me an ask or dm :)
Daisies in the Dark Masterlist
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All stories have a beginning and all stories have an end.
But, how does one know where to start a story? And maybe, sometimes we don't want to know the end; since unfortunately, not all stories have a good finish. Perhaps we'd like to leave it unfinished and rewrite it in our minds, because all humans want a happy ending.
You're still reading so I guess you'd like to see for yourself how this story goes.
Have you ever heard the story of how the sun fell in love with the moon?
Well, you're about to...
And I can't promise you that it's going to go the way you'd like.
3 yrs before the incident
One more chance. I'll give her one more chance, you thought as you grit your teeth, watching your once best friend in the lunch line chatting it up with the annoying girl from history class.
Your breath caught in your throat when your former bff Lena made eye contact with you from across the cafeteria after filling her lunch tray. A small smile went to find it's way onto your face when Lena's eye contact lingered, but it was gone in a matter of seconds when she just twitched an eyebrow and sauntered off to sit at a table across the room; the conversation between Lena and her new bestie continuing as if nothing had happened.
So it was true, she'd left you for someone else. Like you were worth nothing more to that girl than a tissue; use it once and throw it away. Not a very good comparison at the time, but that's all you could think of as you watched them sit down; you were worth no more than a small used tissue.
Your hands started to twitch awkwardly not knowing what to do with themselves now and you stared at the lasagna on your lunch tray; if you could even call it that–all it was was a lump of overcooked noodles drenched in sauce the color of a burnt tomato with who knows what posing as the ground beef, covered in a crispy layer of cheese.
You definitely weren't hungry, but staring at the sad excuse for lunch in front of you and contemplating life as nothing more than a wisp of a tissue floating through the air, not knowing where it might end up–was better than watching Lena start a new chapter without you.
It didn't make sense, you were best friends...weren't you? Guess it didn't matter now, since a friendship takes two people to make it work, and seeing as one was currently occupied elsewhere, you would have to make do with what you had, which was...a depressed piece of lasagna staring at you from it's home on the untouched tray. You poked at it with your fork and looked at it-thinking. Then you whispered to the disheartening meal,
"Oh well...at least you're not gonna leave me for that annoying- what was her name? I don't even know, but who cares, right?"
Then you suddenly realized what you were doing and looked up quickly in embarrassment, afraid someone had seen you. But the regular drone of kids talking, shouting and laughing was the same as always. Of course no one had noticed, because you were invisible.
And you were talking to a piece of lasagna.
Highschool was great....
You were a senior this year, at seventeen. At least this was the last year of hell, then you could do whatever you wanted. You had a lot of things you wanted to do and places to travel to, maybe you couldn't do them all but you'd be damned if you didn't at least try.
But one thing was for sure, you couldn't just sit there and stare at that fake lasagna pretending like Lena wasn't betraying you right across the room. So you got up and brought your uneaten food to the window where kids leave their empty lunch trays and put your tray down, but kept the small carton of chocolate milk. Then headed out of the cafeteria to spend the rest of your lunchbreak in the library. You fiddled with the unopened milk carton and mumbled to yourself while you walked,
"It's fine, I don't need her anyway."
Just numb the pain.
That wasn't the first or the last time.
2 yrs before the incident
"Uhhh, ya know what little missy? I think if you give me twenty-five percent off everything, maybe we could come to a compromise?"
This man......was going to die in a minute if he kept going on like this.
You tried your hardest not to just scream at this pervert to leave and say you wouldn't do a damn thing for him. You just settled for licking your dry lips while he started to smirk at you. He brought his hand up to rest against the counter, then started to slowly tap his fingers. You made eye contact with him and said sternly, "I'm sorry sir, but I can't do that."
"What if I give you my phone number? And we'll make it fifteen percent..." He tried again, not once breaking eye contact with you.
"Excuse me sir-"
"Yes, doll?"
"Do you have a coupon?"
"No, I don't bu-"
"Then no, we can't move the price down at all, would you like to pay the full price or leave sir?" You stared him dead in the eyes, this creep, you thought angrily, how dare he call me that? I hope he just leaves, I don't care if he doesn't buy anything. The man leaned over the cash register, "hmm, this isn't very good customer service. Maybe I won't come back." Please don't, you thought, but instead of saying that you settled for, "it's not about customer service, this is store policy, I'm sorry sir but I can't do anything."
"Ya know what? I like it when you call me sir- you say that a lot to me....what's a pretty little lady like you doing working in a rundown grocery store, hm? What about college? You're what, eighteen? If you'd like, I can give you my number and you won't have to worry about this job, I'll take care of you." He smirked and arched an eyebrow at you from the other side of the counter.
It was probably a good thing there was a big cash register between the two of you, since you weren't sure what would've happened if you had free range. By now your brain was just blurry and you saw nothing but blackness because of the fury settling inside. What a disgusting man. You didn't care if you got fired, you were gonna teach him a lesson or two about trying to get young girls to do stuff for him in exchange for money. You leaned forward which made him lean back in surprise, then you said loud enough for the other people in line to hear,
"If you do not pay the full price right here right now, then leave. If you think I'm looking for a sugar daddy then you are sadly mistaken. You have enough money to pay for a girl's life in exchange for your own personal services, so you have enough to pay the full thirty five dollars. There are people waiting behind you so make up your mind now, sir." You said the last word mockingly and raised an eyebrow at him in defiance. The man's eyes grew in shock, then he glared at you but he didn't say a word as he threw forty bucks in your direction, grabbed his bags and stomped out of the store.
You took a deep breath and smiled at the next customer who cautiously came forward with their items.
The second you stepped through the door after working a twelve hour shift you slumped against the wall and yanked your sneakers off; dropping them to the floor carelessly. The apartment was dark so you assumed your mom wasn't home- probably out drinking away her troubles again. Walking into the kitchen, you sighed at the sink full of dirty dishes, and the counters that were no better. The smell wasn't too bad, probably because your nose was used to it by now. You walked to a cupboard and rummaged around until you found a sleeve of saltine crackers. After that you grabbed the softened butter and a knife and walked to your room; stepping over and around the miscellaneous junk spread throughout the apartment.
After about an hour of sitting on your bed, scrolling through your phone and munching on what your dinner was that night, you heard the door open and what you could only assume was your mother stumble inside. Your mother's heels clacked against the hard floor by the door, then a heavier pair of footsteps could be heard with them. You sighed deeply, but stayed as quiet as you could. Not again, you thought miserably. Just, please just go do whatever you're gonna do and leave me alone, you prayed silently squeezing your eyes shut.
There was a lot of stumbling and cursing and your chest was tight with anxiety, scared that at any moment they would drunkenly come into your room by accident. Eventually, your mother's bedroom door slammed shut and you let out the breath you had been holding. Thank you God, thank you, you clasped your hands and shook them, then carefully and as quietly as you could, you set the remaining crackers and butter on your nightstand. Then you shifted in bed to lie on your left side and tried to make sure the bed didn't creak at your movements– cringing a little when it squeaked a bit. It was gonna be alright, he–whoever he was, didn't know you were in the house.
You closed your eyes and tried to ignore the lingering feeling on your skin, even though it had been over a year since the last time. You stuffed your hands over your ears, willing yourself to sleep despite whatever was going on on the other side of the wall.
Morning came all too soon, and with it a massive pounding headache from the lack of sleep. You groaned when the sun hit your eyes and made the darkness an annoying shade of orangey red from behind your eyelids, your brain in a fog from the tiny bit of sleep you were able to get even though it was plagued by nightmares. Then you suddenly snapped awake and shot up in bed, grabbing your chest and feeling all around yourself frantically, breathing a sigh of relief when you felt your shirt still on your body. You were okay, it was just another nightmare. You tried to steady your breathing while taking deep breaths in and blowing them out slowly. Then you looked towards the door and cupped a hand by your ear; listening intently. After a minute or two of silence that didn't really prove anything, you sighed and swung your legs out of bed- planting your feet on the floor despite laundry being scattered everywhere. Sneaking towards the door you put an ear to it then slowly turned the knob. Normally you wouldn't even be risking going out of the safety of your room but you really had to pee, you would just have to be quick.
You scurried quietly to the bathroom and when you were finished you were on your way back when your mom's door swung open. You flinched and wrung your hands keeping your eyes downcast, too afraid to look up. But then you sighed in relief when it was only your mother that pushed past you to go to the bathroom. You decided to risk it and peeked into your mom's bedroom. A weight lifted off your chest at the sight of the empty bed–he must have left earlier.
"Aren't you supposed to be working or something? Why're you just sitting around reading?" Your mother scoffed at you from the doorway, after slamming your bedroom door open to confront you.
You set your book down–not ready for another fight, "they gave me today off, I'm back on the schedule tomorrow." Your mother just glared at you and crossed her arms, "oh, so you think we can afford to have you lying around, taking days off? Lazy ass." With that she turned and slammed the door shut, leaving you to sit there and scold your heart to stop hurting, because it just wasn't worth it.
You don't need her Y/n...
Just numb the pain.
So that's what you did.
1 1/2 yrs before the incident
You walked into the apartment after three classes in a row; each one being about two hours long. You dropped your backpack by the door with a thud then changed your mind and picked it up again, not wanting another fight when someone tripped over it in their drunken state. You decided just putting it in your room would be best. 
Canned vegetables with canned chicken really wasn't too bad if one could figure out the right stuff to put in it. After years of this, you had discovered your favorite seasonings and you were mixing yourself up a nice concoction for lunch before going to work, humming and talking to yourself as you did so–when there was loud pounding on the front door.
You weren't very alarmed, knowing exactly who it was, and so you opened the door and stepped aside as your mother staggered in, thankfully alone. Turning to look at you, your mother's eyes were a bit glassy as she spoke, "is there any food around here or do I have to do all the work for that too?" She wasn't drunk, but she wasn't too far away from it. You didn't say anything and just walked to the kitchen, took your lunch and handed it to your mother.
"I just made this for you, thought you'd be home soon."
Your mom just snatched it away and walked to her room calling over her shoulder, "almost nineteen years old and all you can do is make a half-assed meal for the woman that gave up everything for your lazy ass."
You just grabbed your bag and put your shoes on, trying to ignore the insistent hunger pangs in your stomach, then walked out the door for work.
"Y/n? May I speak with you please?" It was the next day and you were just leaving the history classroom when your professor called you over. Your grades were far from satisfactory, but you really did try. You walked over to Professor Kim's (who also happened to teach your Korean class as well) desk and tried not to hang your head, since you knew what was coming. She was a nice lady, but could also be strict at times.
"Y/n, I'm going to get straight to the point. I heard that you wanted to travel to South Korea. We both know you're struggling a bit in the academic department, but I know you're a good girl, and you speak Korean pretty well."
You looked up, utterly confused, this wasn't about you almost failing history class? Professor Kim just smiled and continued, "there is a scholarship program to go and stay in Seoul for a year, learning Korean and going to the university there. I thought you might be interested in it."
You were so shocked you couldn't speak for a full minute, just stuttering out nonsense until Professor Kim laughed and put her hand on your shoulder. Then she handed you a packet, telling you to fill it out and give it back to her as soon as possible.
This couldn't be happening. Good things didn't happen to you. Could this actually be your escape?
You thanked Professor Kim over and over then scurried out of the room before anything else could be said and possibly destroy this amazing opportunity. As you left there was a new lift to your step.
Two weeks had passed and no word from the scholarship people. You turned nineteen in those two weeks, but that didn't mean much to you. All you could think about was the scholarship. Things at home didn't change, they never did. Until one day when you were heading home from work, completely exhausted, and you saw the mailman at the front door knocking. You ran up the steps but your mother opened the door right when you got there. You said hello to the man and took the mail from him, being our to thank him. When you turned to go inside, your mother snatched all the mail from you and stalked off. You followed her cautiously, "uh, may I see that? I think I might have gotten something." Your mother turned and glared at you then spat, "and what could you have gotten in the mail? You don't even have friends, and the bills are in my name." You tried not to roll your eyes, even though the bills were in your mother's name, she wasn't the one paying them.
Scanning through the envelopes, your mother stopped when she saw one with the name Y/n Y/l/n on the front. She turned and looked at you accusingly, "what is this?" Before you had time to even process what you were doing you snatched the envelope out of her hands and dashed around her, running to your room. You shut the door and locked it, hearing the woman outside screaming horrible accusations and threats at you but not caring a single bit. The envelope was white–super white actually, almost looking unnatural. Your fingers shook as you gently tore it open, running a finger carefully along the top so you could pull the letter out. The paper inside was just as bright, and the bold black lettering stood out.
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Your breathing hitched, was this actually happening? A second scan over the letter and a quick yet painful pinch to the arm confirmed that, yes, this was actually happening. Your hands trembled as you slowly pulled your phone out of your pocket and carefully typed in the number printed on the paper. The sounds of your mother screaming outside the door and hitting it, the cars outside, your own heart pounding in your ears- it all faded away to a dull thudding when you heared the ringing through the phone, once, twice, you held your breath, three rings in, four......click
"Hello? This is Jill Dunning, how can I help you?"
"H-hello? I- I was told to call you."
"Are you Y/n Y/l/n, by any chance?"
You cleared your throat nervously, then took a deep breath before answering.
"Yes, I am."
1 month later 
The flight there was extremely long and tiring so by the time you were getting off; you could’ve cried tears of joy, having felt like the plane ride really was going to last forever and you’d never step on solid ground again. But there you were; standing in the middle of the Seoul airport, completely and utterly free.
Not to mention, completely and utterly lost.
You looked around but couldn’t see anything other than a lot of people rushing around; businessmen and women, families with little children that stared at you with wide eyes, college students; and yet not a single soul that looked like they might help you find who you were looking for. You shifted your heavy backpack and decided to walk a bit, maybe you could find where the luggage came through and you could at least collect the rest of your bags. After you walked for another minute you saw a sign with a suitcase on it, hanging from the ceiling with an arrow pointing down. You hurried over to where it was pointing and saw a giant metal thing with suitcases going around on it, people looking at tags and grabbing them before hurrying off again. 
You walked over briskly and just in time too, because your two suitcases had just come around the bend in the giant machine. You double checked the tags and after confirming they were yours, you heaved them off the machine and caught your breath after setting them next to you. Then you had to figure out where you were and where your roommate, who was to be picking you up, was. You went to the name of your roommate in your contacts and pressed it before you held your phone to your ear. After one ring, the sweet voice of your roommate answered in Korean.
“Hello? Y/n?”
“Hey Eui, I just got here and I’m so lost. I just got my bags.”
“I’m so sorry Y/n! I’ll be there in less than five minutes. Traffic was awful, but I’m walking into the airport now. Just stay by the baggage area, ok?”
”Ok, thanks Eui.”
You had talked to her on the phone many times over the past four weeks and you really liked her, you couldn’t wait to meet in person. You hung up and looked around, watching everyone else go about their days; rushing to catch flights, leisurely browsing the shops in the airport, then you heard an excited squeal and turned to see a girl running and jumping into the arms of a boy who you assumed was her boyfriend. You just smiled and kept looking around- trying not to think about how badly you wished that was you.
You turned at the sound of Eui’s voice and smiled widely when she approached you with open arms. Eui wrapped her arms around you and then pulled away, still smiling, “welcome to Seoul, are you ready to start over?” That had to be the best sentence you ever heard in your life. You smiled back at her and grabbed one of your suitcases while Eui grabbed the other one.
And you were; a new place, a new school, a friendly face, and no people from your past. It was time to start over and let things go, because life just got a whole lot easier.
You had no idea that whether you liked it or not, your past would continue to haunt you, no matter how many miles away you ran.
“Let’s go.”
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readingandsiamese · 3 years
Hello, I finally finished my Injury/Comfort story for @shepherds-of-haven 's June prompts.
As always, the world of Haven and everyone in it belongs to Lena Nguyen, I just own Nira.
Oh and I probably made up the fact there are steam engines to fight fires and I definitely just made stuff up for the magic descriptions lol. The flaws are mine, not hers.
It's longer than I expected. This is a Blade x Nira, my MC, with BFF Trouble with her for...the trouble...
Vital Part One
"So ya asked Blade to come into your room and…?" Trouble Alder asked while sighting an imp and then killing it with a single shot.
Nira Rookesby swept her sword down in an elegant arc and sliced the last imp in two. Then she considered how to answer. Unfortunately, nothing had actually happened with the dark-eyed Ket…
"Thank you for walking with me," Nira had said to Blade after he escorted her to her room. "Want to come in?"
"I- I'm not certain-" Blade stiffened, suddenly formal.
"I'd like to show you a sword I bought from Chandry," she said while opening her door. "He claims it's Ket made."
The Commander glanced around, then entered her room with the stealth he no doubt employed on assassinations.
"Would you like dessert? I know you aren't a huge fan of sweets, but I have some dark choclatl you might like?"
"No, thank you." He was almost standing at attention. It may have been just the lighting, but it looked like a faint blush had spread across his nose and fine cheekbones.
She smiled to put him at ease. "Please, sit and get comfortable."
Nira turned to fetch the sword at the same time he headed for a chair and they nearly collided. He could have dodged easily with his cat-like grace, but instead caught her arms so she didn't stumble.
"Sorry," she said. I'm just so smooth, she thought ironically. It was her turn to blush. "I can be pretty clumsy."
He gently released her.
"That hasn't been my experience. You danced…" Blade paused, looking almost pained as he tried to think of a word. "Good. At the ball."
"Only because I was with you," she murmured, closing the gap between them. "I'm always better with you. Blade…"
He was looking into her eyes and after she spoke, he started to bend down toward her. She tilted her chin, breathing harder at his nearness.
"Nira! You gonna finish playing our game tonight?" Caine yelled as he threw open her door with exuberance.
By the time Nira had looked back at Blade, he was across the room, faintly glowering.
Caine didn't notice.
Had Blade been about to kiss her? After the interruption, he'd left, muttering something about how locked doors were the absolute minimum requirement for security. She'd almost laughed at that exit line, but managed to hold it in.
"We almost had a moment," Nira said as she wiped off her sword and slid it in the sheath.
Trouble Alder twirled his gun around his finger before dropping it neatly into his holster. The imps they'd been fighting were nothing more than black stains.
"We killed all the imps, no kids were hurt and ya want my advice, so I say we get drinks when you're off duty," Trouble said, slinging an arm around her shoulders.
She smiled at her closest friend in the Order as they started to walk back down the blocks. "Alright. I'll buy. You're not on duty and you still helped me. But surely you don't give the best advice when you're drunk?"
Trouble laughed. "Dunno that I give the best advice, period."
"You've always had my back either way," Nira replied.
She'd been doing her rounds when she heard six Endarkened had appeared in the yard of the orphanage at the edge of Ashtown. The imps had terrified the children then run into the streets. It was lucky Trouble had been nearby as it would have taken her longer to find all of the demons on her own.
"I always will," Trouble replied.
The scent of smoke was heavier in the air as they retraced their steps. "What's burning?" she asked.
A girl ran down the alley toward the two of them, almost falling in her haste. "Fire! Fire! Help!"
She was one of the older orphans and had iladrin shining in her eyes.
Trouble and Nira exchanged a glance and then raced in the direction she came from, listening to the girl ramble as she ran with them.
"A boy got scared of the imps an' knocked over a lantern! The whole place's burnin'! Part of the roof collapsed! Matron got hurt gettin' some out, but there's more inside!"
Trouble swore.
"How many are inside?" Nira asked.
"I dunno, there's a lot of us. It's the only place wot takes our kind that ain't a workhouse!"
They reached the orphanage to see it billowing smoke. The back corner of the roof had collapsed, but the rest of the top floor was still standing. People were lined up in a bucket brigade, but there was no sign of a steam pump fire engine.
The Matron of the orphanage was a Half- Elf woman who, despite bearing horrific burns all over her hands, was herding the youth into rows sorted by severity of injury.
"Shepherds, help us," she cried. "There are five more children in there!"
Trouble ran inside, heedless of the flames.
Nira stopped and tore the scarf off her neck, tearing it in two halves and wetting the pieces in a passing bucket. She wrapped half the scarf over her face before following her best friend. The Mage caught Trouble at the end of his search of the first floor.
"Trouble!" She wrapped the other half of her dampened scarf around his face. They couldn't help the children if the smoke got to them first.
"I swear a kid ran up right when I came in," he said. "She was callin' for someone. Brent? Ignored me."
Together they climbed the stairs.
"The matron said five are missing," Nira said.
They reached the door at the top which wouldn't budge.
"I'll get it!" Nira tore off her cape and wrapped it around her fist, concentrated her power and punched the door which quickly shattered.
"I got the left," Trouble said. "Be careful, Nira!"
"You too!" She replied as they advanced into the landing.
Everything was grey and white, smoke obscuring her view. Flickers of orange and red gave the place an eerie ambience and the heat was so heavy Nira felt weighed down. Flakes of the ceiling rained down like grey snow. One fell on her shoulder and she had to put out the brief burst of flame.
She could funnel some water to hit the ceiling, but didn't have access to enough to actually stop the flames. Where in the Hael is that steam engine?!
Nira bent closer to the floor, and started to search.
Trouble lucked out, nearly tripping over a group of children slumped over unconscious. He hefted one over either shoulder and tucked the toddler under an arm. Steadying them with both hands, he headed slowly for the steps.
The children were breathing, but they needed to get to fresh air. He was having an issue breathing himself even with Nira's scarf. He'd thank her for that, later.
As usual, he'd jumped in without a plan and she'd had his back. It was funny how quickly she'd become indispensable both as a Shepherd and as a friend. He wasn't the only one who thought it, either. Blade definitely agreed, but it wasn't just a friendship with those two.
An older child materialized out of the smoke like a wraith directly in front of Nira. The girl carried a two or three year old boy in her arms and had a scarf over her mouth.
"I'm so glad to see you," Nira said, hurrying over to them. "My name is Nira, I'm a Shepherd. Do you need me to carry him?"
"No. He's my brother Bryce. I'm Sueten. My parents said I was in charge of him. Before. A' Endarkened killed them," the girl replied.
"You went upstairs in a fire to save him, Sueten, you're doing a great job. Now just stay close to me," the Mage replied with a pang.
"'kay," she said.
Sueten wasn't much younger than Nira had been when-no, not the time to think about it. "We'll get you both out. Trouble?" The Mage called, hardly able to see in the oppressive haze.
"Here," the sniper said as he walked over, covered in children. "I got three."
"Then we've got them all. Let's go!" Nira said.
They made their way to the landing and edged toward the staircase.
There was a loud crack and the floor directly under their feet gave way.
The fall was only moments long. Nira managed to throw a shield around Trouble and Sueten to protect them and the children they carried. At least her magic was stronger now, unlike when the Revenant had been near Caine and Prihine. Shielding the others had been easy enough, but her own was more of an afterthought.
It dropped on impact. The sudden jarr set an electrical shock of pain through her and her bones felt as if they'd rattled. Nira gasped for air, stunned. She'd been so focused on making the other's shields strong, she'd neglected her own. Stupid, she thought. Amateur mistake...but I'd rather get hurt than them.
Her arm was in white hot agony and she had a horrible pain in her side. She glanced down to see a large sliver of wood embedded there. Okay. Great. That'll have to wait. The wind had been knocked out of her, but she scrambled upright. The bottom of her tunic was smoldering and she quickly suppressed the flames. Who knew, the demons call me Brightburner because I'm good at setting myself on fire.
At least the rest of the roof hadn't collapsed... they'd have been trapped underneath the rubble.
"Trouble? Sueten?" She called, not dropping the shields. Please be fine.
"Me and B-Bryce are okay," Sueten said, sitting up with her brother still in her arms. She sounded younger than she had earlier.
"Good, sweetheart, I'm glad to hear it," Nira replied. "Can you stay right there till I get to you?"
"Yeah," she said.
Trouble spoke up next. "We're okay, thanks to you. Fuck this buildin'." He paused and seemed to remember the girl. "Uh, oops."
Sueten giggled.
Nira made her way over. Sueten seemed okay; Bryce didn't seem more hurt and he was still breathing shallowly. Trouble approached with all of his kids in place.
Nira dropped the shields as soon as they were standing. "Let's get out of here before the rest of it caves in!"
A large, flaming pile of the upstairs blocked their path to the main door, but there was a window.
"Can you walk, Sueten? Do you need me to carry Bryce?"
"I can walk." The girl didn't relinquish her brother, either.
Slowly, their small party headed for the window, carefully stepping over the burning detritus that littered the floor. Nira blasted the window open so no one had to touch the hot metal.
"Okay, Sueten, I'm going to lift you two out," Nira said. She did so carefully, ignoring the pain in her arm, and the little girl and her brother were free.
"You next, then I'll hand ya these guys," Trouble said.
"Why me next?" Nira hated the idea of him going last.
"Ain't leavin' you in danger again," Trouble insisted.
Then there was another roar and Nira turned to see the rest of the roof starting to drop. She threw all her power into a telekinetic blast to hold it. No you don't. I can hold it. I can keep it from falling. I can do it…I can do it...
"Get. Out. With. Them." Nira said through gritted teeth.
"I won't leave-"
"Please...save the..kids. I'm... coming."
Trouble moved out of her view and Nira kept focusing, desperately using her magic. It was hard to tell how long she stood there, fighting with gravity.
"Nira!" Trouble appeared in the window. "Come on, I got 'em out."
Nira jumped to get on the sill and hissed in pain. Immediately, Trouble's arms were around her and he pulled her out, carefully setting her on her feet.
The building behind her collapsed and she sagged a little.
Trouble put an arm around her to keep her upright. "Nira? You okay!?"
Bystanders had the children and were taking them toward the others, so she let herself smirk a little. "Why do we always get in these situations?"
"I think it's just us," Trouble said. "Ya know, Blade's never gonna put us as partners after this."
She laughed. "You're probably right." Nira was relieved to see healers gathering by the orphans.
"Look, we better get you to the Infirmary."
"Think the children...are alright?" Her voice was fainter than it had been.
"Yeah. Hey, you're bleedin'!" The gunslinger looked down at her side. "Medic! Healer! Somebody! Get the fuck over here now! Why didn't you say you were hurt, idiot?!"
"Before...or after..the roof? Troub, I want to...go home," Nira managed, her vision blurry. "Kids need...those...healers…"
"Nira! Hang on!" Trouble caught her and lifted her in his arms. Him muttering something about Blade killing them was the last thing she heard before the dark overtook her vision.
"Commander…?" a voice asked in a tremulous tone.
It was tiresome at times, the way they feared him. Blade turned to face the recruit who was looking solidly at the floor. "Yes?"
"It's Vice Commander Alder and Captain Rookesby, sir." The recruit swallowed as xe felt the Ket's attention sharpen; they'd drawn straws as to who actually had to report to him. "We-a bunch of recruits-saw him carrying her inside. On inquiring, we were, ah, told to 'Get some healers immediately before he kicked our kaqqing asses.' It seems the Captain has been hurt. Apparently, there was a fire and she and Vice Commander Alder went in to save some children and the building collapsed. We just thought you'd want to know."
The recruit looked up and stopped talking. Commander Bronwyn was already gone. Sure was spooky how he did that...
Continued in Part Two
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