#hero deaths are all fine and dandy until you are there dying - I'm looking at you lit authors
nervouswreckhere · 1 year
i have exams tomorrow and i feel like dying. that's when i remembered i never shared this:
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he is almost in as much torment as i feel like i am in *upside-down smile*
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simpalert · 2 years
vampire heroes au shenanigans
basically a bunch of short fics that happen in the vampire hero's au
au-vampire heros au
story count-3
garlic blues-(sonic accdently got himself sick by drinking the blood of someone who had a garlicy snack/don't ask how that works idk/ so now hes stuck at team darks place till hes better, luckily shadows here to reluctently help-sonadow)
shadow had just got home and expected the usual sight of sonic sleeping on his floor since the window was open, but what he saw was actually sonic on his floor, awake and looking slightly in pain? "you ok down there?" shadow asked as he approached the blue vampire, "well, no not really" sonic replied in a strained voice "drank the blood of a guy who ate a whole chunk of garlic". shadow looked confused he then asked, "so are you dying?", "no I'm not dying" sonic replied "I'm just sick"." like regular sick or SICK sick?" sonic sighed at shadows question then said, "like I'm in pain and I feel like I might throw up sick".
"well if you do throw up, it better not be on my carpet," he says while poking his foot on sonic foot, sonic chuckled and said "alright. alright" he then wobbly gets up and slowly attempts to go to the guest room. shadow sighed then gently picked sonic up "I can tell you can't walk or fly in your condition blue star, so drastic times call for drastic measures". sonic was surprised at first then chuckled and said "Okie Dokie shadow box".
shadow takes sonic to the guest room, gently places him on the bed, and covers him up."do regular painkillers work on you?" shadow asked as he was prepping a heated blanket, "well yes" sonic replied "but it doesn't fully kill the pain". shadow nodded "that's what I thought, here take these," he says as he hands sonic two painkiller pills, and sonic takes them. shadow then hands sonic a fully warmed heated blanket, "what's this?" sonic asked. shadow sighed and answered "it's a heated blanket it'll help soothe the pain, take it." he shoves the blanket into sonics hands "heh ok ok, sheesh" he puts the heated blanket around his stomach and lays down.
"ya know you can be sweet when ya wanna be." sonic cheekily says "ok, now shut it and sleep" shadow replies, sonic chuckles and says "ok my shadow box, goodnight". shadow softly smiles "goodnight my blue star" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- vampire night terrors-(sonics staying the night at shadows place, alls calm and quiet until night terrors horrorfiy out vampire friend sonic, wonder how shadows gonna deal with this-sonadow-TW:major character "death") ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sonic opens his eyes to see a dark blues void, he looks around confused. he then spots a scene of shadow fighting off a bunch of G.U.N soldiers, he walks up to the scene but can't enter it. it's like a force field is stopping him, so he sticks to cheering from the sidelines. all is fine and dandy and shadow beats up the soldiers with ease, but then he doesn't watch his back. sonic yelled for shadow to look out but shadow didn't hear. it happened in a flash, shadow had been stabbed, intensely stabbed. shadow fell to his knees and sonic could only watch in horror, as shadow finally saw him and gave him a weak smile, and fell to the ground. then suddenly sonic woke up in a jolt.
shadow feels the blankets move and is awoken by sonics gasp of air, he groggily. he asked while rubbing his eye "blue star, why on earth are you up" but before shadow could get another word in sonic hugged him. shadow thinking sonic just wants a midnight snack says "you could have just asked if you wanted-"but was interrupted mid-sentence by the sound of crying, he holds sonic close and lets him cry into his shoulder. "hey, hey it's ok" shadow said in a comforting tone "I'm right here" -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
fun times-(team sonic+shadow have a game day at amys house, wonder what fun chaos insues-no ship) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
it's a nice day at amys house, amys making some cookies for a nice little get-together she's having with her friends. a fun sleepover with team sonic. oh and shadow will be there too since sonic invited him personally. tails flys in with some bags of chips "are the cookies ready yet?" he asks as he places the bags of chips on the counter behind amy. "almost tails" amy replied, "just gotta get them on a baking sheet and place em in the oven.". tails lands on a stool next to her and asks "can I help?". amy smiled in reply the says "well sure thing, you can put the chocolate chips on the top". "yay" exclaimed tails in excitement.
once the cookies were done it was now time to wait for the others to get here. tails sits on the couch while amy sits on the swinging chair outside, she suddenly spots knuckles and shadow and waves them over. "why hello boys its so great to see you could make it" amy says with glee, "couldn't miss it for the world" knuckles replies. shadow nods in agreement to knuckle's statement, "well what are you waiting for?" amy asked, "come on in sonic should be back any minute". "well that's just like sonic" shadow chuckles "always late", "oh give him a break"amy replied in a huff "he's the hero of mobius he had a right to be a bit late". shadow sighs then says "whatever let's head inside".
once sonic got there the group had a great time, playing video games, eating some good snacks, and just hanging out. it's now late at night and everyone's asleep, all of a sudden a thump in the night woke knuckles and amy."what was that?" nervously whispers amy to knuckles, "uhh i-i don't know, should we go check it out?" replied knuckles. amy nervously nods and they both get up and look around. after a bit of looking they bump into sonic and shadow which almost gives them a heart attack since they didn't know they were up.
"why are you up? did you guys hear the noise too?" amy asks the boys, and they both nod. after a bit of searching they find that it was just a raccoon from the human world, they chased it through half of mobius but got it back through the portal it snuck through. at that point, the sun was rising. so once everyone got home, they all went to bed -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
hope ya'll enjoy these stories <3 might make more idk <3
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