#heres to the many times saying 'oh ochako we're really in it now'
good-beans · 8 months
Made some new phone cases!! Thanks to @searihart for the tips, and the stickers are from rokkucha on Twitter/Instagram :3 These are paper collages, but I'll be slipping them underneath a clear case so they stay intact. I'm hoping to make a Yuno and Shidou one eventually!
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And a shoutout to @ging-ler for my previous case -- I was sad to see her go, but the ducttape could only hold for so long 😔💖
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oleander-nin · 1 year
Smoke and Mirrors(Bakugō Katsuki x Reader)
A/N, not important: Oh wow look, something I forgot to ever post(jk this was written b4 I had a tumblr). Uh, sorry about it, I just felt like y'all needed to suffer too. Any criticism is welcome, constructive or not. This is supposed to be a gender neutral reader, so if I screwed up somewhere, please tell me.
Tw: old writing, female hinted(sorry), reader puts on makeup, seriously I wrote this a long time ago, Bakugo being a jerk, rejected confession, badly written sad, not beta read, honestly I haven't read this since I last wrote it like 2ish years ago
Words: 1100
Summary: Yes or No may be the normal answers to a confession, but Bakugō can always find something worse to say.
Just being near Bakugō Katsuki was intoxicating. The way a slight smell of caramel and smoke drifted from him, the way his bright red eyes shined in the light, the way his facial expressions changed as he was thinking things over. Even his brash, can-do attitude enticed you. There were so many factors pulling you into him. Not that any of this mattered to him though.
"Hah! How could I ever love someone as useless as you? You’re worse than Deku, always blabbing on and on about stupid things and being such a crybaby when you get scared." He said, mocking you. The same ruby red eyes that once drew you in were now throwing you out, flashing with anger and disgust at you merely being in his presence. How rude can this guy get? All this hatred for a simple confession? Tears started brimming at your eyes as you tried to control your breathing, not particularly wanting to break down in front of him and have his opinion about you being a crybaby be confirmed.
"I'm sorry if my confession offended you, just thought you'd wanna know." You retorted, turning on your heel as you left the classroom, wiping your eyes as you went. "Sorry for wasting your time Bakugō, it won't happen again".
"It'd better not! Come near me again with any sappy stuff and I'll blast yer brains in!"
Whoever said 'the worst they can say is no' has obviously never met someone like Bakugō. All you could do is hold in your tears as you walked away from class 1A and back into your dorm room. You were so glad you decided to do this at the end of the day and not during lunch like you originally planned. Your pace turned into a borderline run, wanting to go to your dorm room as soon as possible. You open the door to the 1-A dorms as the dam finally breaks, tears running down your face as you walk in.
Fortunately, Tsuyu and Uraraka were the only two people in the dorms at the moment. Unfortunately, they were in the dorms at the moment and witnessed you walk through the dorm like the mess you are. Both of them turn their attention away from the television and onto you, your face red and puffy from holding back the tears now pouring down your face.
Tsuyu and Uraraka trying to comfort you was a really sweet gesture, and it was kinda helping. Not really, but it's the thought that counts. You stared at the ceiling as they consoled you about the harsh rejection Bakugo gave you.
"It isn't like his opinion really matters, you'll get over him soon enough! Plus, now you don't have to worry about whether or not he likes you, so that's nice. And you shouldn’t be worrying much about dating anyways, we're just first-years.” Uraraka says cheerfully. You appreciated her trying her best to comfort you, you had no idea what you would do without her here to help. Cry probably, but that's beside the point. You were a bit jealous of Ochako though, not that you’d ever admit it. She never has to worry about Midoryia insulting her when she finally gets the courage to confess to him. 
Tsuyu nods her head in agreement with Ochako. “He was a big jerk, ribbit, but now you know just how big of a jerk he was, so it might be easier to lose the crush on him, ribbit.”. You groaned and turned over, shoving your face into your soft pillow. 
“Maybe you guys are right. I might be able to get over him now. I wish I didn't have to though. Hearing him say all that really hurt.” You said, although your words were a bit muffled as you haven't removed your face from your pillow just yet. Tsuyu nods in agreement to your last statement, rubbing your back comfortingly. Both Ochako and Tsuyu leave, but not before giving you a few more speeches on how amazing you are, and how Bakugou never deserved you anyway. It felt nice to know they cared about you, even if Bakugou didn’t.
Your eyes felt heavy as you thought about the day, silent tears falling down your face as you came to terms with the fact that your crush called you useless. That he thought no more of you than the dirt under his boot. And as much as you hate to admit it, it hurts. It hurts so, so very bad.
When you finally fell asleep, your eyes were red and puffy, your lips swollen from being chewed and bitten so much to try to keep quiet. And if a few sobs escaped despite your valiant efforts last night? Well, nobody has to know.
Waking up was hard in the morning. Well, it always was, but today especially. Your alarm went off at a time that felt way too early to be right, your head feels like it’s being crushed in a vice, and your face was still hot and gross looking from all the crying you did last night. All in all, you felt like garbage. You dawdled your way through getting dressed. It isn’t like brushing your teeth a bit longer and more tired than usual really matters. Who really cares if it takes you a few extra minutes to get your tie right, your hands were feeling numb anyway. And so what if your makeup was really only partially done? Not like anyone would notice. You only were using it to cover up your face because it still had some evidence of tears.
The walk to class also took you longer than usual. Who could blame you though, with your headache and heavier than usual limbs? You barely noticed you were moving, and were surprised when you looked up to see the classroom door. You open it begrudgingly and trudge in, happy to have finally made it, but dreading all the schoolwork you have to do today. Iida’s all too loud voice welcomes you, and you know it’s with good intention, but you can’t help but glare at the unwanted sound that's now echoing throughout your head. You deliberately avoid eye-contact with Bakugo, choosing to look around the already familiar room instead. You plop down in your seat behind Midoriya, finding your notebook and a pencil so you can be ready for whatever Aizawa Sensei throws at you. You look at the back of Bakugo’s head one last time and close your eyes. Your friends were right, love really isn’t all that worth it.
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