#here. for me and the other two chasing wind fans on this website
Chasing Wind headcanons because I love them and not enough people do
They’re agender and use she/they pronouns
She’s the third youngest of the local group, after FP (second youngest) and UI (youngest)
The pearls in her chamber are white, grey, and emerald green. She likes sorting them by color and content, like a file system.
Her puppet is somewhat small, taller than Pebbles but a fair bit shorter than Moon
Their overseers are a pale silver grey, sort of like the Player 1 Arena overseer. Up to six can appear at once to observe multiple locations or simply stare down a little guy
The Ancients programmed them with a calm and polite personality; her dedication to them and the Great Problem was built to last, with little if any desire for her own ascension
The personality they were given was made as a contrast to both UI, who was much more intense and volatile, and FP, who was far less sympathetic to his makers and wished to ascend - a desperate plot by the Ancients to give the last few iterators a powerful reason to solve the Great Problem
Great friends with Moon! They got along very well, as Wind’s diligent nature was quite helpful to their senior, and they’re both pretty chill.
Was privately not the most fond of NSH’s sarcastic, informal personality, but was considerate to him nonetheless
Loved watching creatures wandering the areas surrounding her can, especially small lizards and rodents (slugcat relatives!)
They weren’t aware of Moon’s death for a while, only knowing she was unavailable, but were extremely distressed upon discovering what happened, which was shortly after they saw Pebbles’ rot
She did not take that well btw. An incredible amount of emotional repression was involved, and certainly a complete collapse later on, with their closest friend no longer there for them
The Ancients’ ascension was also a huge struggle to process, since her very systems were written for loyalty and service to them. Her name became particularly symbolic then, as the task of solving the Great Problem was now totally futile, like chasing the wind to try and catch it.
They have a lot of difficulty establishing and accepting a sense of identity for the aforementioned reason; it’s hard for them to see themself as much more than a simple computer, a (flawed) tool for the solving of their creators’ problems. Their unusual politeness and formality also stems from this - they feel obligated to “get a good grade in being an iterator, something both normal to want and possible to achieve,”
She’s trying her best and I love her
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ill-skillsgard · 4 years
Blue and Yellow - Part 8 - Axel Cluney
Warning: 18+ sex/mature themes/strong language/medical themes/mentions of blood+injuries/hospitals/violence/drug and alcohol use **In this part: drug and alcohol use, violence, mentions of blood, violence/assault, mentions of alcoholism, smut**
Description: Saberrah Asta, Featherfall General’s newest nurse, finds herself entangled in the complicated life of an underground boxer with a slew of problems she can’t fix. Will Axel’s love knock out the voices telling her to run, or will their explosive romance fizzle as fast as it flourished?
Note: Thanks to everyone who continues to enjoy this series and reblogs the chapters as they come out. I really, really appreciate your support. If you can’t reblog, consider dropping a like and a comment... It really makes me happy and lets me know I’m not wasting my time posting on this website. I hope you enjoy!
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
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In the ruddy glow of the UV lights, eyes stuck on a woman twirling around a powdered pole. She started the show wearing a yellow underbust corset, a ruffled skirt and a matching bikini top. The music came on, and the corset flew off with it as she sidled up to the chrome pole and arched her back until her crown touched the floor. Sabi watched the sweat drip from a man's forehead onto the edge of the stage. The dancer rolled over the droplet, absorbing the perspiration, and continued bending her body into impressive shapes.
Not all eyes focused on the yellow-clad exotic dancer commanding the stage with her long legs, nine-inch stiletto boots and stiff, blond wig. Some eyes were on the girls swapping empty cups for full ones, some on the women grinding on laps, and one set scanned the floor for lost money. One of the first things Sabi noticed about the strip club—other than its low, dark, and claustrophobic ceiling and walls—was that the carpeting around the stage littered with dollar coins. They glinted under the disco lights and beckoned her pick them up. She'd asked Axel why there were so many toonies on the floor, and he told her it was because people weren't allowed to tip with coins, and since the lowest notes were shiny fivers, the dancers often came away with a day's worth of money in two songs' time if their patrons were generous.
Sabi collected the coins, stored them in the pockets of her scrubs and until she swapped them for gin and tonics.
Arty sat on the other side of a horseshoe-shaped table, gawking up at the dancers like a boy witnessing his first Christmas tree. Only between songs did he shut his mouth and make his way over to his cousin to ask, "did you see that? Did you see her? I think she likes me. Think I should buy a dance from her?"
Axel spread out his hand and waited for Sabi to take hold. When she did, Axel pulled her from her seat and asked for a cigarette since his pack had run out on the trip to Nikki's. They went outside and stood under a neon sign of a buxom woman riding a sausage in cowboy boots. The sign flashed, and the large-breasted rider's hat came off. Axel lit his cigarette first and swapped it with Sabi's dry one.
Sabi looked around the lot, then back at Axel, who leaned against the brick wall, blowing smoke rings into the night air under the deep red glow. The weed had worn off during the ride up and left a residual sleepiness Sabi continued to chase off by flexing her toes and noticing how plain she looked, still dressed in her hospital scrubs.
"So, why do you guys call it Sticky Nikki's?" Sabi asked.
Axel's mouth tilted to one side, smiling as he exhaled. "Most people say it's because the dancers here don't shower, but it's really because of the bathrooms."
Sabi's full bladder clenched. "What about them?"
"Every surface of the bathrooms besides the toilet seats are covered with oil."
She contorted her top lip in disgust. "Um, why?"
"So people don't do coke in there."
"I don't understand."
"You can't bust lines on a greasy surface. The coke will stick and clump up. They've been raided before, so I guess they took that route. Now people just do coke in the VIP booths or in their cars."
"Wow, that's very... Innovative?"
A yellow Firebird chugged into a parking space across the lot, headlights closing before the engine cut. The vehicle caught Axel's attention, and he threw his half-smoked cigarette on the ground to stamp it out.
"Come on. Let's get back inside—"
"Oh, fuck."
"Axel! Hellooo!"
The driver stepped out of the Firebird onto the asphalt in strappy silver heels coiling up her naked shins and thighs. Her matching dress ended at her hips, revealing a small triangle of silver between her legs as she walked and urged the dress down. The unforgiving material slid back up as she trotted toward Axel and Sabi, bangles, necklace and dangling earrings jingling as she went. The woman wore a bright pink, faux fur bolero around her shoulders with her silvery hair piled high on her head. Sabi noticed large, pierced nipples straining through the Mylar dish towel of a dress and an illegible tattoo seated between her breasts.
"Oh, Bluebear! C'mere handsome! Give me a hug right now!" The thin, knobby woman threw her torso at Axel, knocking him into the brick wall. He returned a brief hug and dropped his arms, but the woman clung to him and kissed his cheek. She clutched his face and peppered his jawline with kisses. "Oh my God, I can't believe you're here! Did you come just to see me?"
Axel chuckled nervously and pushed her off with two hands on her fur-lined shoulders. The woman ignored Sabi and continued trying to land kisses on Axel's face and hands.
"Marley, calm down, Jesus," Axel said.
"I'm sorry, I just can't believe you're here. I've been thinking about you. You never call?"
"Busy. Always busy."
"Apparently not too busy to be here."
Axel nodded to his left, where Sabi stood, stunned. "You can thank her and Arty for dragging me out."
Marley gave Sabi a quick glance, then turned her attention on Axel with a broad smile full of crooked teeth. "Are you gonna watch me dance tonight?"
"No, Marley. That's weird."
"Oh, come on, Bluey! We're not related anymore since Greg and Juney divorced," she giggled. "I'm fair game."
Sabi fluttered her lashes and scoffed. "Excuse me, Marley, is it?"
"Take your fucking hands off my boyfriend."
Marley stepped back, one heel wobbling on a loose stone. Axel pressed himself flat to the wall. The vicious edge of Sabi's voice cut through the din of music filtering from the inside, leaving the three of them in strained silence. Sabi took one last puff of her cigarette and flicked it at the dancer's feet. Her last few drinks curdled her blood and pumped her chest full of adrenaline.
"Damn, you're a feisty one," said Marley with a scoff. "Axe, are you just gonna let her talk to me like that?"
Axel nodded. "Yeah. Yeah, I am. You should go inside, Marley... Before you catch hands."
"And a cold," Sabi spat, ridiculing the woman's outfit with a furrowed brow and blazing eyes.
"Wow, that's fucking rude. Can't believe you, Blue."
The front door swung open, and Arty came stumbling out with another couple of friends who'd driven up to the strip club with them. In his drunken haze, Arty missed the tension and gasped at Marley.
"Mar-Mar!" He approached her with his thick arms akimbo. Marley ducked away from the large man's embrace. "What's the matter?"
"Blue's girlfriend is the matter."
Sabi clenched her fists as the cousins murmured in surround sound. Axel caught Sabi's arm and tugged her back into the club as she twisted her neck, eyes sweltering on the blond woman. Once inside and clear of the entrance, Axel spun her to face him.
"Easy, Saberrah. Easy. Deep breath."
Instead of inhaling, Sabi launched herself at his chest, poking his sternum with a stiff finger. "I'll gouge that bitch's eyes out, Axel. I promise you!"
"No, no, no," he shook his head. "Don't. I know you're pissed, but you can't let her get to you. That's just Marley for ya. She's a dumbass."
"She's gonna be a dead dumbass!"
Axel smothered Sabi in his arms, brushed his fingers through her hair and shushed her until she stopped struggling. "Don't fucking start a fight at Sticky Nikki's, babe. You don't want to be that person."
The multi-coloured lights shifted along the walls and floor, illuminating the couple as Axel held Sabi's head in place between his hands. He ducked to kiss her in hopes some affection might disperse her anger, but it only fanned the flame.
"Who the fuck does she think she is walking up and practically making out with you? Like what the fuck is that, Axel? Have you fucked her before? Why did she do that?"
"What the fuck, Sabi? Of course, I haven't fucked my fucking cousin."
"She sure acts like there's a fucking chance!"
The bouncer at the door caught wind of the heated exchange unfolding between the bar and the tables. He snapped his thick fingers at Axel.
"Take it outside, man!"
Axel nodded, gave a courteous wave to the bouncer, and guided Sabi to a darker corner. "Babe, come on. It's done."
"No, this was a mistake. I shouldn't have let you get me drunk. We're broken up. I shouldn't even be here with you. Look what I'm wearing, Axel. This is fucking ridiculous."
Desperate terror broke Axel's composure, and he gathered her in his arms, clamping her shoulders. "Don't fucking say that. We're not broken up. Please, Sabi, don't do this to me again. I thought we were cool?"
"No, we're not fucking cool! You're a goddamn liar, and your stupid family are a bunch of fucking lunatics!"
"I know they are, I know, but please, God, just don't fucking do this, Sab. We're together. I'm here. I won't ever lie to you again, I swear on my mother's life. Can we please just forget about this and go home? Let's go home, babe."
"Why are you like this?" Sabi moaned. Her head spun, senses awash in cheap beer and liquor, anxiety mounting. She begrudged her furious outburst, but it wouldn't subside no matter how loud her inner reason screamed out to stop. "Why did I ever get involved with you?"
"Sabi, Sabi, please," Axel's tone flattened into a serious line. Sobered and despairing, Axel bent at the knees to meet her eyes, hands squeezing her arms. "Baby, I love you. I love you. Don't talk like that. Jesus, I've never loved anyone in my fucking life the way I love you. I'm sorry I'm not perfect, but please, don't do this to me again. You're just drunk, babe. Come on, we'll go home and sleep it off."
A bubble burst in Sabi's throat, and she whimpered. Close to tears, she buried her face in his chest and threw her arms around him. Axel melted into the embrace. He squeezed his eyes shut and hugged her in the UV light, white tank top glowing pale blue.
Sabi mumbled incoherently until Axel pulled away and asked what she said. She sniffled and wiped her nose, muttering, "I love you, too. I love you so much, and I hate it."
The bouncer kept eyes on the arguing couple until yelling from outside the club took priority. As the stage lights dimmed and the flaring shower of red and blue sprayed the stage, Axel took Sabi's hand and led her to a row of curtained booths. He pushed her through a heavy flap into a cubicle with a C-shaped couch and a small television on a shelf displaying a feed of the stage. To the right, on a small ledge, was an empty cup containing a few torn condom wrappers. Potlights behind the red leather sofa soaked the space and reflected off the mirrors on the ceiling and floor. Sabi chuffed as Axel pulled her close and kissed her.
"This place is disgusting, Axel."
"I fucking told you! But you wanted to come. We could have gone home and cuddled and went to bed, but you wanted to go out."
"I haven't partied in a long time. Thought it would be nice to do something fun."
"Strip clubs aren't my idea of fun," Axel said.
"What? You don't like tits in your face? Looks like the last ones in here had a great time," Sabi indicated the square foil packets in the plastic cup.
Axel sat on the lumpy cushions and pulled Sabi onto his lap. "The only tits I want in my face are yours."
"But mine aren't huge like theirs."
"You mean they're not pumped full of silicone? Oh, no," Axel rolled his eyes.
"Did you mean that?" Sabi sniffled. "Do you really love me?"
Axel stared up at her with his arms around her waist, eyes blasted open and shining as his bottom lip wobbled. "Sab... I've never loved anyone. Up until we met, I didn't think it was possible. I thought maybe I was fucked up and emotionally damaged. Maybe I saw my parents hate each other so hard, it ruined any chance of me wanting a relationship. And I'm sorry my family is so fucked up. I'm trying hard not to be like them. I've always wanted to do better, and then I met you, and everything changed. I love you."
Thunder rolled through Sabi's skull. The alcohol fuzz and adrenaline receded, exposing an agitated sore through the air of Axel's confession. She pulled his face to hers and kissed him. Axel returned the motion with a tilt of his head and two roaming hands. He hoped he was in the clear, that Sabi wouldn't turn around and chastise him or claim they weren't together. The unburdening of truth left his chest empty but warm. Axel had practiced his speech in several forms, never once thinking he'd deliver it to Sabi in the VIP booth of a strip club after she threatened to kill one of his cousins.
"Please, Axe, please... Don't lie to me ever again. I want you to tell me the truth about everything. You can't sit here and tell me you love me if you intend to lie again."
"I won't lie. I swear. You're everything to me, babe. Just stay with me. Don't say we're not together... I can't stand the sound of that."
"We are together," Sabi said, pressing her forehead to his. "We're together."
"Thank you," he whispered against her lips.
They stayed in the booth, kissing and holding each other while Aerosmith, Motley Crue and Whitesnake played over the PA system. Sequestered from their group, the couple talked shit about Axel's cousins and poked fun at themselves for indulging the white trash rhapsody they so often condemned. Sabi fought off her sleepiness by teasing Axel until he couldn't stand her grinding and whispers. Still, her intoxication erased all bashfulness, and she climbed off his lap to dance for him when Cherry Pie by Warrant blasted over the sound system.
"Oh, nurse, are you gonna make me feel better?" Axel asked.
"My routine is all method. Nurse by day, slut by night," Sabi giggled.
"I like that. You should get up on that stage and shake that sweet booty. Show those girls what it's all about."
Sabi whirled around, cheeks prickling red. "No way. I'm not dancing in front of those gross old dudes and your cousins."
Axel chuckled until he sighed. "Speaking of my stupid-ass cousins... We should probably find them. I'm about ready to split from this festering anal scab. What do you think?"
"It would be nice to get out of these scrubs. I feel like a total nerd."
"You wear it well, babe. Real well."
The two left the booth, skirted the tables and found Arty engaged in conversation with Jack, another one of their cousins, at the opposite corner of the club. For once, Arty wasn't gawping at the dancers but motoring through an explanation until he caught sight of Axel and Sabi. He slammed his fist on the table, startling Jack and sloshing beer over the plastic cups.
"There you fucking are! Christ, I was looking all over for you! Thought you left until I saw the Monte still in the lot. Where the fuck have you been?"
"We were just talking."
"Marley's pissed. Said she's gonna have the guys throw you both out."
Axel jeered. "Yeah, whatever. Marley's a fucking cunt, and we're about ready to take off anyway."
"Hey, I got a little something, Axe. Wanna pitch on this gram?"
Sabi cocked her head until Arty flashed a small vial he'd been holding in his meaty palm. She looked to Axel, then back at Arty, who pumped his eyebrows. Jack, their younger, skinnier and quieter cousin, hid a grin behind a crudely tattooed fist. It clicked then that the two had already partaken, and the full effects motored through their mouths and tapping feet.
"Man, fuck that shit," Axel said.
Sabi's heart raced. She'd never seen cocaine before, and the thought of Axel snorting drugs filled her with an itchy sensation that wasn't as worrisome as she thought. Memories of overdose patients riddled her brain, drowned only by the glamour and taboo of the powder in Arty's hand. She pinched the inside of her cheek between her teeth and looked up at Axel, squeezing his hand.
"What? You wanna do some?" He asked in a lowered voice.
"I don't know," Sabi shrugged. "I've never tried it before."
"It's really not that great."
"Come on, Blue."
Axel let out a hiss of air. "You only want me to so I'll pitch on it."
"Nah, you don't have to. My treat," said Arty. "You don't owe me for the 'dro either. You guys said you wanted to party, so let's fucking party."
Inside the Monte Carlo, Arty and Jack took the backseats, and Sabi sat upfront while Axel dipped his house key into the vial. Arty and Jack had already tipped a pinch onto the backs of their hands and shot it up their nostrils with ease, roiling their noses around and sniffling as the substance absorbed. The key came out with a small white peak and soon disappeared up Axel's right nostril. He sat back, eyes wide as he sniffled and cleared his throat, blinking wildly until he smiled and looked back at his cousins.
"Right? It's good blow. None of that fenny bullshit. Don't worry, we already tested it."
Jack tapped the fanny pack around his waist. "Naloxone, just in case. Playin' it smart after Tracy."
Arty sighed, "rest in peace."
Sabi's palms and feet moistened as Axel dipped the key in the vial again and came up with a much smaller amount of powder. He twisted in the seat and handed the vial to Arty. "Ready?"
"Um... I don't really know what to do," said Sabi.
"Here," Axel pressed her left nostril shut with the tip of his middle finger. "When I say so, inhale like you're trying to hawk a loogie."
Sabi made a look of disgust until Axel brought the edge of the key to her nose.
"Okay, go."
Powder shot into her nasal cavity, coating the walls and setting off her salivary glands. After a few seconds, she felt her nose dripping and sucked the fluid back until her throat went numb. She hauled the mucus into her mouth and swallowed, then ran her tongue over her teeth and gums, feeling nothing.
"Did I do it right?" She asked as her eyelids drew back, and the lethargy gave way to an intense rush of energy.
Axel and his cousins tittered. "Yeah, babe. You did it right."
"Am I supposed to feel like my head is numb?"
"Yes, ma'am," said Jack. "Funny feeling at first, but you'll get used to that. It goes away pretty soon."
Axel shook his head. "Nah, there's nothing to get used to. This is a one-time thing. Just for shits and giggles, okay?"
"Okay," said Sabi as Axel grabbed her hand and squeezed.
In minutes, Sabi's top row of teeth pressed down. Her heart thumped in her chest like a spastic drum, and a sudden urge to kiss Axel overcame her. She leaned forward and crushed her mouth to his, only pulling back when a worried grunt left Arty's throat.
Ahead of the car, a muscular man wearing a braided mohawk stomped out of the club with Marley in tow. The blond pointed directly at the Monte Carlo as another pair of men followed out the door. The one with the mohawk clenched his fists and stomped toward the car, snarling viciously. He rose the hammer of his fist and brought it down in the hood of Axel's prized ride.
"I don't fucking think so," Axel said. "Arty, Jack!"
Arty opened the door and was halfway on the pavement when Axel shot out.
"Yo, what the fuck, man?" Axel yelled.
"You piece of shit! Get the fuck out of here, you pussy bitch!" Marley screeched. "And take your ugly slob of a girlfriend with you!"
Sabi choked on her battering pulse as Axel widened his stance, opening his arms in invitation. Axel chuckled at his assailant, which only toughened the menace on his face.
Axel taunted him. "Come on, cocksucker. I dare you to take your shot. I'll give you one good one, then I'll fuck your shit up so bad your crackhead mom won't recognize you,"
"Get him, Brian!"
"You're making a big fucking mistake. That's the Cobra, ya fuckin' idiot. He's a pro boxer! Like, you're gonna die, dude!" Arty laughed.
"Fuck off, Arty!" Marley stepped up to her cousin but met a wall.
"Why don't you go back inside and suck some meth-head cock for rent? Ya fuckin' slut."
The people gathering around reminded Sabi of Axel's illegal basement fight. Their taunting and jeers sounded just like the rousing of the crowd. Axel bounced on his toes, beckoning the guy with a cocky smirk plastered on his face. "Come on. Hit me, pussy. I want you to!"
Arty wrestled with Marley until the man took a swing at Axel's face. The boxer dodged the punch and reciprocated as fast as a jolt of lightning, throwing a hook that sent him stumbling backward. A stream of blood burst from his nose. With his fists up, Axel cackled and shifted back and forth, throwing jabs to the air.
"Aw, fuck yeah! Come on, pussy! Let's see if you can land one on me!" He stood still and tapped his cheek. "Right here, motherfucker."
"Fuck him up, Blue!"
Sabi had enough. Her limbs tingled while she got out of the car and took a running start at Marley, who was yelling for her protector to hit Axel. She wound her arm, closed her eyes and thrust forth in a blind fury. When she opened her eyes, Marley had toppled onto her ass, screaming and clutching her face. Her accomplices froze, and the lot went quiet for a breath. Then the doors flew open, and 3 security guards ran out. Sabi scrambled back into the car, chugging air and shaking. She stared at her quaking hands and saw blood on her knuckles. By the time the security made it to the vehicle, Axel had jumped in and locked the doors.
"Holy shit, babe. Holy shit!"
The bouncer who had yelled at them earlier to take their arguing elsewhere banged on Axel's window.
"Out of the car, motherfucker!"
Axel threw up his hands in a shrug. "No can do, muchacho!"
He turned on the engine, throwing light over the group. One guard smacked the hood while the others gathered around Marley to help her stand.
"Oh, Jesus, Axe. What if I broke her nose?"
"I hope you did. Now, let's get the fuck outta here."
Axel revved the engine, threatening to pull forward despite the human barricade in front of the car. He laid on the horn, deafening the yelling into inaudible chaos, then revved again. Pulling forth an inch, the guards and screaming members of the Cluney family dispersed, and once the way was clear, Axel peeled out of the parking lot and sped onto the road toward the city.
 The couple hollered and laughed, speeding down the country line. On the crest of a hill, Axel spotted flashing lights in the distance. He slowed the car and held his breath while Sabi squeezed his thigh. He pulled to the shoulder and waited for the police cruiser to pass. Axel watched in the rearview, then twisted around until the lights disappeared. They both let out heavy sighs of relief.
"Christ Almighty... That was fucking insane."
Sabi held up her quivering hands. "I... I can't believe I did that. Axel, I punched your cousin in the face!"
"You punched through her face. Through it. Fuck! I've never seen a girl rock someone that goddamn hard in my life. It was like... All slow motion for a second. Everyone just stopped."
"Oh my God... Am I gonna go to jail?"
Axel tossed his head back with laughter, clapping Sabi's thigh. "No, babe. You're not going to jail."
"What about your cousins? What if they tell the cops I assaulted her?"
"They got no proof. Well, except the epic shiner Marley's gonna have. But it's Sticky's. Nobody cares if some stripper gets popped in the mug. Happens all the time. It's par for the course, baby. Don't worry."
"Fuck, I think I get why you fight now. I feel so gangster."
"That was so hot, Sab. Not gonna lie. I'm totally switched on."
"Me too."
"I'm not kidding. Look," Axel nodded at his erection pressing against his jeans.
The Monte Carlo slowed over a rocky strip, chucking pebbles and dirt into the stream of the headlights. Axel eased the machine to a stop beside a line of pine trees, hidden from the road going South but exposed to the North. He didn't care. Not when Sabi had her hand buried in his pants, toying with his cock. A moment after he cut the engine, Axel whipped off his seatbelt and chased Sabi to the backseat where the stick shift didn't obscure their reach for each other. Once comfortably splayed on the seat, she tore open his jeans while he lifted his hips. His chucks were another roadblock easily vanquished in their haste to undress. Axel kept his tank top on, lifted Sabi's over her breasts, and pulled down her bra to suck her nipples into his mouth.
"Axe, don't come inside me."
"I won't, baby."
He slipped inside of her, senses heightened by the drugs and adrenaline still raging through his veins. The sensation of her wetness wringing true around his length made him shiver and burn.
"Fucking you without a condom is so much better. Christ, I don't believe what I've been missing."
Axel propped her on his groin, one foot behind either seat as he sank low enough to thrust without bumping her head on the roof of the car. A moan burst from his mouth. He rested his palms on her hips and let his eyes roll from the pleasure of the slick sounds, the wetness coating his length, her dew clinging to his pubic hair.
"Love it when you ride me. God, you have no idea how good that feels, baby."
Despite his claims, Axel lifted Sabi and placed her on her back so he could deliver several harsh thrusts. The cocaine seated his teeth together, imbued him with enough stamina to rock until the car joined in with the momentum. Desensitized, Axel continued the motion, hovering inches above her, pressing kisses to her lips and cheeks.
"Do you love me?"
Sabi stared at the man above her, plunging into her, squeezing her breasts and burying his face between them. Some gelled pieces of his hair fell out of place until she smoothed her palm over his crown.
"Yes... I love you, Axel."
"You sure?" He grunted.
"I'm positive."
"Even though I'm trash? Even though you're better than me?"
"I'm not better than you. What are you saying?"
"Yes, you are. You're perfect. I never wanna lose you. Please, don't say you love me unless you really mean it. Unless you can't live without me."
"I don't want to be without you."
"I promise."
"Promise you'll love me no matter what."
Sabi giggled as though Axel made a joke. He stopped thrusting, laid his head on her chest and took a deep breath of her sweat and perfume. "I'm for real, Sabberah. Don't leave me again."
"I won't," she said in a small voice. "I love you, Axe. Why do you think I'm here?"
"'Cause, we're drunk and on drugs. I'm afraid you'll wake up sober tomorrow and realize you made a mistake."
Sabi propped her upper body on her elbows and clicked her tongue. "Don't give me a reason to feel like I made a mistake then."
"I won't. I won't, baby, I promise."
"Okay. Good. Now shut up and fuck me hard, you bad, bad man."
The sky was a gradient of royal blue and violet, crisping along the edge of the horizon when the couple untangled and drove into town. Rundown and exhausted from the night's events, they agreed on a local eatery called Ronnie's Poutine Palace for a needed meal. They wandered into the tiny restaurant and avoided the old man staring at them from the corner behind a newspaper. Sabi felt the grease clinging to her scalp, the sleep pulling her eyes, and the vapour from the grills only made it worse.
The restaurant seemed built into a wide hallway with only a few tables and a flaking mural of a chef caricature holding a dripping plate of fries and gravy. Underneath the cartoon chef, the wall advertised forty different kinds of poutine ranging from classic to mixtures that made Sabi's stomach gurgle unpleasantly. They served all-day breakfast and homemade Pogos and pastries. That morning, the pastry case was bereft of any of the advertised eclairs and cupcakes.
A young, gap-toothed girl came to take their order. Axel requested two coffees, a breakfast poutine and then turned to Sabi with shaded eyes. "What do you want, babe?"
"I'll have the French toast," Sabi said.
"Would you like any powdered sugar or strawberries? They're fresh. Just picked them from Cate's Farm yesterday."
Sabi nodded. "Sold. Uh, hold the sugar, though. Just berries. And maple syrup, please, if you have it."
"Of course."
Axel pulled out a twenty-dollar bill and instructed the girl to keep the change, then added a few dollars to the tip jar. Sabi rooted around in her pockets and found a sticky toonie to add.
"That's nice of you," Sabi commented.
"This place has cured some major hangovers in my day. I owe them my life."
The girl at the counter nodded. "We're open twenty-four hours and deliver all night. This city runs on our poutine."
Axel smiled, wheeling Sabi to a table near the front window.
They dug into their food when it arrived, Axel hacking the fried egg in half, so the yolk spilled over a pile of the greasiest fries Sabi had ever seen. She grimaced as he poked half a breakfast link in his mouth.
"Why not just have breakfast? Why taint perfectly good poutine?" Sabi asked.
"Because you don't just go to Ronnie's and not get poutine. Look at the size of this thing, and for eight bucks? Come on. You can't beat that."
Sabi prodded a heart-shaped strawberry with the tines of her fork and swirled it in a ramekin of syrup before eating it. Axel pointed at the stack of fried bread.
"Now that's gross. I don't know how you can stomach sugar right now. I'd barf."
"French toast is the tits. Don't hate."
"Yeah, but strawberries in syrup? You're weird, kid."
"You're weird. That yolk is all mixed in with the gravy. And the cheese. It's like slime."
Axel made a purposeful slurping sound, grating her nerves. She scrunched her nose and turned away to chew a mouthful of toast without the imagery.
They sipped coffee and ate as much as their stomachs could handle. Sabi blew her nose into a napkin and paled at the white snot. She sniffed the dried, flaky remnants of coke clinging to her nose hairs and smothered a sneeze with the back of her hand. "God, I feel like ass."
"Well, you look great."
Sabi looked down at her wrinkled work uniform. "I've been wearing the same outfit for a full twenty-four hours. How can you even say that?"
"'Cause I love ya."
"Stop," she angled her face.
"What? I don't care what you're wearing, and neither does anyone else. You look cute. Little rough, but we had a long night, didn't we Muhammed Ali?"
"Don't remind me."
Axel put down his fork and wiped his face with a napkin. "Hey, listen. Speaking of that... I wanted to talk to you about... The boxing."
"I'm not becoming a professional boxer, Axel. I already told you."
"No, not that. I mean, I wanna talk about my situation."
"Oh," Sabi chirped.
Axel took in a monumental breath, laid his hands flat on the table and gazed into her eyes until he was sure he had her attention. "I want to be honest with you and say I have no intention of stopping right now. I have a few more fights—"
"Wait, Axel, before you say anything, I have something to tell you as well. That night when I broke up with you for lying to me... I was at the fight. I watched you beat that guy."
"What? You're serious?"
"Yeah. I went out to the corner store for snacks and passed the gym you said you work at, but it was closed. I thought maybe you lied and had gone somewhere else. Maybe to another girl's place or something."
"Sabi, no."
"That's just what I thought. I know you wouldn't cheat on me. Anyway, I went around back, and some guy asked if I wanted to come in for the fight. It all just clicked in at that point. So, I went down there."
"Christ," Axel pinched between his eyebrows. "I don't want you around those maniacs."
Sabi pulled her phone from her pocket and scrolled through a few pictures until she found the flyer she'd found on the street with Axel's face on it. She held up the screen for him to see.
"What about this? This looks legitimate. You said you don't fight professionally anymore, but why not? You could be something if you tried."
Axel shook his head. "That was a while back."
"So, what? You can do what you love, Axel. Nothing's stopping you."
"Plenty is stopping me, Sab."
"Like what?"
"Like money."
"What do you mean?"
Axel pointed at her phone, grimacing. "See, that fight earned me three-hundred bucks. Do you know how much that fight at Vince's got me?"
"Three thousand."
"Yeah, and that was on the lower end of the scale. Three thousand for three minutes in the ring."
"But what good is that money if you get busted?"
Axel snickered and stuck out his hand for her to take. "Babe... There's a lot about Featherfall you don't know yet. We don't get busted. Half those bets were cops, lawyers, and shit. Bikers."
"Doctors?" Asked Sabi.
"That's another thing,” Axel said. “Farber... You obviously know him from work."
"I do."
"I don't want you tangled in that life, and Farber won't want one of his subordinates knowing his business."
"Little too late for that," Sabi muttered.
"I'm serious, Sab. Some of those guys are real dangerous."
Sabi leered. "Rufus Farber?"
"Maybe not him on his own, but you don't know the types he runs with."
"Well, I know you, don't I? Are you one of the dangerous types?"
"I'm the type that has debts to pay and doesn't want his girlfriend getting involved in the mess."
"What debts?"
"I don't know, just debts."
Sabi sat back in the booth and crossed her arms. "Thought we were being honest with each other?"
"Look, I don't want to talk about it here," Axel gestured at the old man at the other side of the dining area staring at them. He leaned closer, and under his breath, said, "my mom owes some money. I'm trying to dig her out of the hole before she kicks the bucket."
"What kind of debt?"
"Just tell me."
"The house. The bills. Shit, before I met you, the city shut her water off. She's so fucked, she can't work. My dad left money when he died for her to retire, and she drank and partied it away. So, now I'm cleaning up that mess."
Sabi went quiet for a while, and Axel picked up his fork and combed through the remaining fries for bits of bacon.
"I'm sorry your mom was an alcoholic."
"Is an alcoholic," Axel corrected. "She'll always be one."
"Babe... You're amazing. Helping your mom like that is a testament to how generous and kind you are. I just wish you could help her more legitimately."
"Nothing more legitimate than cash, Sab. That, and how much I love you and need you to stay out of this. Let me figure it out. I don't want you at any more fights."
"Well, I don't want you at them either."
"I have to. I'm locked in for another three matches."
"What if I help you? I make decent money. I can help with her bills."
"You help enough already. Keep your money. It's done, babe. I'm in it for a little while, then I'm out. Maybe I'll go legit after, and you can come watch me fight."
"I've seen it. You're fierce. I never knew you could move that quickly."
"They don't call me Cobra for nothing."
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Chapter 2
Description - Detective Okoye finds out more about King Steven's past as you are subjected to further torture
Warning - Horror, mutilation, torture, Dark!Steve
Chapter 1
My Main Masterlist
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Detective Okoye sipped coffee as she examined the crime scene report on her desk. It had been more than 2 months since you had been the victim of the heinous crime. She narrowed her eyes as she read the report for probably the millionth time. The case was littered with problems.
First of all, they couldn't find your dead body. They had searched across the city and the state and had turned up empty handed. 
Secondly, the forensic team had secured two different sets of fingerprints from the crime scene atop the cliff. One set belonged to you, the other, your killer. However, their database couldn't match the fingerprints with any US citizen and known terrorists. Even the CIA, FBI and even the Interpol turned up empty-handed. 
The team also found paper-thin scraps of ash scattered across the cliff and the road. Their scientists could not make sense of that either. 
Lastly, they had absolutely no leads to chase down your attacker. The security cameras hadn't caught anything. There were no witnesses, except the one statement from Chris Evans, who continuously rambled on about the deep scar on the attacker's face. 
"You need to stop reading that file Oko. You are not a part of the investigation anymore," Detective Natasha's voice broke through Okoye's thoughts.
"I can't let it go Nat," Okoye responded, rubbing her forehead, "I keep thinking that I have missed something."
Nat closed the file and sat on the desk, "Look, I know it's frustrating to break your perfect record. But sometimes there are cases which you just can't solve."
Okoye sighed, "10 years Nat. I have solved every single case in the last decade. No matter if it was a simple house robbery or taking down a drug cartel, I have always cracked all of my cases. And now this?" Okoye slammed down her coffee mug in disgust, "I have been assigned desk duty because I couldn't solve this case."
"You know it's temporary till things dial down a bit," Nat tried to reason, "When the girlfriend of an international superstar goes missing, his fans and the media tend to erupt," Nat placed a hand on her shoulder, "You will be back soon Oko."
"Evans hasn't received a call for ransom?" Okoye inquired.
Nat shook her head, "I don't think she is alive Oko."
You opened your eyes, the whispers in the dark playing on a loop in your head, "What does he want?" , "Ya no puedo soportar esto" , "Who is she?" , "Quiero ir a casa" , "I make my most humble apology" ,"Nobis auxilium Dominus!" You only recognized English, the rest of the few languages alien to your ears. Besides you, you could see the terrified figures of ancient women who resembled your features.
You tried to speak to them, but no sound escaped your orifice. You were frozen, but were yet somehow still moving. The edge of your skin, along with others, shed like thin layers of ash, only to be replenished by the wind. 
It's this what death felt like? Were you a ghost?
The voices in your head suddenly went silent as everyone heard the despicable cackle of the man who commanded all of you.
It was dusk when Okoye walked towards the National History museum with her 5-year-old daughter in tow. She waved when she saw Carol with her son.
"Thank you so much for coming along!" Carol grinned as they hugged, "David was dying to look at the new exhibit."
Okoye brushed her off, "Please there's no need to thank me. Aurelia is just as much of a history enthusiast as David."
They joined the long line of people, mostly parents with their kids, waiting for their turn to enter. "I had no idea this exhibit was so popular," Okoye admitted as she took in the crowd. 
"Yeah. Ever since the discovery of the Aveninfin kingdom, suddenly everyone is a history nerd," Carol commented, "Still, I think it's cool that they found the remnants of an entire kingdom underneath the Texan desert." 
As they entered the museum, both the kids ran off towards the children's section of the exhibit where the tour guide was handing out pamphlets.
Okoye sucked in a deep breath, "Umm Carol, I wanted to talk about the bake sale this Saturday-"
"Yes Maria and I are going to bake lemon squares, chocolate cupcakes and vanilla-strawberry cookie spirals," Carol interrupted her, "I was thinking Maria will present the lemon squares from your end? We will say you are currently caught up with work and handed over your goodies to us," she knowingly winked at Okoye.
Her eyes filled with tears at Carol's kind words, "I am sorry," Okoye barely whispered.
"Oko, you have nothing to apologise for. It's difficult being a single mother and an awesome ass-kicking detective at the same time. Don't be harsh on yourself," Carol tried to console her by rubbing her back, "We love Aurelia. And we love you! It also helps that you gang up with me to prank my wife," Carol beamed.
They strolled in the museum, always keeping an eye on the kids as their activities continued. After about an hour or so, the kids dispersed. "Mommy," Aurelia called out, "did you see the handprint painting?" 
"No baby I didn't," Okoye replied. Her daughter led her by taking two of Okoye's fingers in her small hands. "You should see this mommy! You are a defective. This is also like defective work."
Okoye couldn't help but laugh at her daughter's innocence, "That's right baby, I am a defective."
She picked her up when they reached the fingerprint portion of the exhibit. Aurelia pointed out to one set of fingerprints, "See? Just like you explained," she clapped her hands once for impact. 
Okoye chuckled, kissing her daughter's forehead. She looked at the various sets of fingerprints. Most of them were unnamed, except three. One belonged to the King's right hand man called Buchanan, the other to the Queen named Luna and finally, the King himself, Steven Grant. 
Okoye stared at Steve's fingerprints. There was something eerily familiar about them. She stared harder, trying to identify them when suddenly, realisation hit her like an iceberg. 
Could it be? No it was impossible. But the intricate pattern of the fingerprints undoubtedly matched the ones in her file! 
She immediately unlocked her phone and compared the two images. They were identical! Okoye dialled Natashas's number, informing her of the development. "I will be there in 20 minutes," she replied.
Detectives Okoye and Natasha sat across the table from Dr Bruce Banner, the archeologist behind the discovery of the Aveninfin kingdom. It had been three days since Okoye's lead, and now, it seemed they were back to square one. 
It seemed that nobody on Bruce's staff had used the fingerprints to commit the crime. Everybody had airtight alibis, even the doctor himself. 
"I don't know what I can tell you ladies anymore-" Bruce started saying. But Natasha swiftly interrupted him, "Detectives," she spat with authority.
He held up his hands in resignation, "Sorry. Detectives. I have nothing new to share. You guys have been to my house, my lab and my office. You have interrogated my staff and colleagues. I really don't know how can-," he was interrupted again.
"A heinous crime was committed, and," Okoye pointed a finger at him, "fingerprints of your King Steven were found at the crime scene. So you really expect us to believe that he came back from the dead just to murder Chris Evans' girlfriend?"
"Legends share that King Steven never died," Bruce half-smiled at his pathetic joke. "Look, you guys are the detectives. Isn't it your job to," he gestured in a random direction, "detect this?"
"What was the need to even obtain fingerprints from an archeological site?" Okoye inquired.
Bruce looked squarely at her, "Fingerprints help us study human evolution Detective. We were lucky to have found their fingerprints painted on the wall and imprinted in the mudcakes."
"Mudcakes?" Nat cocked an eyebrow.
Bruce took a deep breath, "The people of Aveninfin believed that the dead would find a way back in case the living ever needed them. However, the dead spirits would need to identify their graves and their loved ones. So after the death of any citizen, they would press the deceased palms onto a patch of damp mud, which would then solidify, leaving behind an imprint."
Okoye bit her cheek, "But you just said that King Steven isn't believed to be dead."
Bruce shook his head, "I said legends claimed that. Folk-lore, fairy tales, ancient myth. There's no way to actually verify this."
Natasha checked her watch, "Well, we still have about an hour or so left for this interrogation to end. So why don't you indulge us Doctor?" she requested in her sweet venomous voice.
Rubbing his eyes, Bruce took a deep breath. "Okay," he said, "How much do you remember about the history of Aveninfin from school?" 
Both the women looked at each other. "Wasn't it a kingdom ruined by greed and ambition?" Okoye guessed.
Bruce nodded in response, "The king, Steven Grant, wanted to conquer the entire world just like Alexander had once set out to. In the 17th century, when the kingdom of Aveninfin was at its peak, King Steven married a Sorceress by the name of Luna. It is believed that Queen Luna gained her powers from the moon. A bit Luna-tic, amirite?" Bruce's another lame attempt at a joke was met with stony silence.
He cleared his throat, "So anyways, Queen Luna saw how the kingdom and it's citizens suffered in poverty while the King, his aid Buchanan and the corrupt traders and officers enjoyed the riches. She knew of his ambition to conquer the world and so, she killed him by poisoning him. But, here is where things get interesting."
Bruce shifted in his seat, the  excitement in his voice mirroring in his body language, "The Queen didn't account for Buchanan's loyalty. You see, in some iterations of the legend, it is said that the King and Buchanan were lovers, in others, they were mentioned as close comrades. Buchanan was said to be raised by witches, and so, when he realised that the King had been poisoned, he went and dug open his grave to revive the King."
Natasha looked disinterested and Okoye managed to keep a passive expression as Bruce rambled on. "Buchanan apparently gave half of his soul to the King, so that King Steven can live. But this only made matters worse. Now both, the King and Buchanan, existed in the world of the living, and also in the realm of the dead. This place… this-this sweet nexus of two dimensions cursed the beings with unimaginable power, and pain."
Okoye gave Natasha half a smile as the latter yawned, "Let me guess the next part Doctor," Natasha offered, "The King laid waste to the entire kingdom and buried it within the ground where the sun doesn't shine?" 
Deflated, Bruce sank back in his chair, "Yeah."
You were passing through buildings, cars, houses, trees and God knows what. Suddenly, you came to a stop. You were surprised when you saw King Steve, or "Conqueror of the Paranormal, Leader of the Occult Study and Summoner of Death, His Majesty King Steven Grant" as he liked to call himself, converse with another man. 
This stranger's hair was tied in a small ponytail. His physique was just as massive and looked just as strong as Steve's.  
His magic command wore off just a bit as he was speaking with the stranger. You were able to move your face and a little portion of your limbs. You gasped in your head as you finally took in the condition of the women around you. Some women were missing their palms, feet, or even entire hands and legs. A few had their entire torsos cut so that you could only see their spine connecting their head with their hips. While the face of one woman was absent of her eyeballs, the other one's neck had been chopped off in a gruesome manner.
Steve's power over you started weaning further as he became more agitated in his conversation. Your eyesight became a bit clearer, the shades of black and grey slowly shifting into focus.
You had to find a way out of this prison. By now, you understood that all the women in King Steven's harem had been murdered and kept captive. This could not be death. You didn't want it to be.
Looking downwards at your feet, you noticed the faint wisps of ash detaching from your body and collecting on the ground below. It could easily be confused as dust in a small quantity, but when shed in a larger amount, it could form a trail of sorts...
A FEW DAYS later saw Okoye sitting at her desk with her head in her hands. "Oko," Natasha approached her gently.
"You know, if I had any hair on my head I would be pulling them out right now," Okoye joked miserably. 
"I told you before Oko. Some cases are too twisted to be solved. Do you know how many cases in the US go unsolved? Probably-"
"Wait," Okoye interrupted Natasha, "What did you just say?" 
Natasha looked a bit surprised, "Ummm… Do you know how many cases go unsolved?"
"That's it!" exclaimed Okoye. She rushed towards the Records room of the precinct, with Natasha hot on her heels. "What's 'it'?" she asked.
"We need to check whether these fingerprints have come up in the last 6 months in the unsolvable crimes committed," Okoye explained, "Think about it Nat. Dr Banner told us that they retrieved the prints 6 months ago right? So there has to be-"
Natasha sighed, "Well it is a lead. But…" "But what?" Okoye responded. 
"You are grasping at straws Oko. Don't you think it would have been in the news if a murder went unsolved heart because the prints couldn't be traced? Look I…," Natasha hesitated, "I know you are desperate. Frustrated even. But this has started to affect your health and work and I can't just stand by and be a silent spectator."
"Then don't be one. Join me and help me in solving this," Okoye urged.
Natasha just shook her head, "If… if you don't give up this case Okoye then-"
"Then what Natasha?" Okoye almost spat her name.
"I will have to report you," Natasha's threat sounded like a plea.
Okoye squared her shoulders, "After everything we have gone through?"
Natasha looked at her with a painful expression, "Yes. Especially after everything we have gone through. I just cannot let you destroy your career behind one case. You weren't even supposed to interrogate Dr Banner! This… this stops now."
Both the women stared at one another, refusing to back down. Finally, Natasha muttered something under her breath and left the Records room as Okoye kept glaring at her back.
36 HOURS LATER, Okoye found a nondescript manila envelope on her desk, buried under her pile of unprocessed files with a note, "Hope this helps! - Peter P." She casually angled her body in a way which hid the contents of the envelope as she opened it. Her eyes widened at the information displayed in front of her.
King Steven's fingerprints were found at crime scenes that dated back all the way to 1915, almost around the time when the police started using science and technology to obtain and analyse fingerprints. 
As she flipped through the pages, she noted the years of the crimes committed. 1915, 1933, 1954, 1974, 1997 and lastly, 2020. A quick mental calculation made her realise that the average number of years between these murders were approximately between 20-22.
But nothing prepared her for what she saw next.
The photographs of all the female victims closely resembled your face. Sure, there was a difference in the colour of their skin, languages and backgrounds. But their facial features were identical. 
Moreover, there was a striking similarity in the way the crime was committed. The women were kidnapped and then disappeared without a trace. 
Okoye sat back in her chair as realisation struck her like a thunderbolt. Could it be? Was there really an undead entity hunting these women? And for what?
You were moving again. Every part of you was frozen, except the tips of your thumb and forefinger, thanks to King Steve still seething in anger. Rubbing them together furiously, you tried to communicate with others through your mind, urging them to do the same.
It continued for a while when suddenly, you felt yourself freeze completely. 
That disdainful cackle was back in your head, "Hehehehe. Honey wants to shed her skin? HER SKIN!!! Wants to be rescued. RESCUED! Don't like me? ME! Doesn't want skin? SKIN? SKIN! Then I will take it. TAKE IT!"
You felt his shadow push into you with force as your now solid forms collided with the ground. His blade, now shining brighter than the sun, cut into your sides as you silently screamed in agony. 
Pain seared through you as he started peeling the skin from your entire body, only to reveal the ghastly organs beneath. Muscle, bones, veins and all were now on display. Nobody could hear your blood-curdling screams except the women surrounding you, their howls of horror joining yours as once again, you were reminded about who was in charge.
"Need skin," Steve muttered as he kept cutting into you, "Have hands, legs, face, torso, everything. EVERYTHING! Need skin to put her back together. To bring her back. She will breathe. She will be alive. ALIVE!"
Permanent tag: @donutloverxo
Taglist for this series: @buckysteveloki-me @cheeseburgersstuff @ninefuckingoneone @keenmarvellover (I tagged you guys because you had requested to be tagged if I ever write a part 2. If you guys don't want to be tagged in this, just let me know. No hard feelings 😊)
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sunstone-nerding · 4 years
“TDP Book One: Moon” Book Adaption Review
My feelings on the "Book One: Moon" novelization can be summed up in one word: disappointed. In a few more words: disappointed, often ticked off, and a few times, outright angry. I know that sounds dramatic. But I care about The Dragon Prince universe, possibly more than I should. I was looking forward to this book for more details about the world and insight into characters' thoughts.
Nerd rage to follow. You have been warned.
To put in plainly, the book does not read like a finished product. It needed editing…very badly. The word choice is often overdramatic, and sometimes outright wrong. The first instance that jumped out at me was in the preview of Chapter One that the staff posted on the official website:
“The rain stung [Rayla’s] cheeks [as she chased after the guard]. The putrid smell of the storm overwhelmed her senses.  She’d never felt more alive.”
Here are my earlier comments on the preview. As a reader, this was not a good start, but it turned out to be indicative of the rest of my experience. Since this book is supposed to be for kids, I expected shorter sentences and simpler words; however, I also expected accurate word choice. I actually took a pencil to the page and trimmed or altered the writing as I went. Here’s another example of incorrect language, from when the assassins extinguish the lights before charging up the staircase:
“Just then, a howling wind blew through the staircase, deep and strange and oddly warm. One by one, the sconces and torches fizzled out, leaving the entire tower in sudden darkness.”
Ignoring the redundant phrasing: a sconce is the bracket on a wall that holds a torch. It is never on fire and therefore cannot be snuffed out. These are simple mistakes an editor should have corrected. Though, considering Aaron Ehasz' history with one editor at Riot Games, the Scholastic editor(s) probably did point out these mistakes. I assume he ignored them. That’s tragic, considering the people they brought in from the publishing house were either TDP fans, or had loved ones who were.
Because of these mistakes, I cannot recommend the book to anyone who is learning English, unless you keep a dictionary close by.
Another huge problem was how the book relayed information to the audience. Often the perspective just doesn't make sense. One glaring example: While in Rayla's POV, the book describes the shadowhawk arrow as though she has never seen one before, even though we know she lives with the guy who makes them. Also, she is somehow skeptical that the bindings will tighten on their own, even though she has trained with assassins for years?? What happened to “magic is all around, like sayin’ you’re in nature” (paraphrased)?! I get that Aaron and/or Melanie were trying to explain things to an audience who perhaps hadn’t watched the show, but...it would not have been difficult to phrase it differently. (It took me ten minutes tops to revise the part about the arrow.)
My final gripe is about some of the characterization. First, Viren’s perspective reads as 100% Evil Advisor Trope. I was ridiculous and it pained me. I could pull examples, but honestly I’m embarrassed just thinking about the scenes. If this is how part of writing team views Viren, the other writers and Jason Simpson made invaluable contributions to his character.
Regarding Rayla: her viewpoint seems childish. She admires Runaan, but is also intimidated by him to a degree that is unhealthy for someone of her age. She is 15. Any normal teenager is gonna start resenting their parental figures well before then – and we know how sassy Rayla can be. This may have happened in the book adaption because the target audience is younger than two out of three of the protagonists, but that can’t be all. You can pare down vocabulary and still convey nuance. 
And the Moonshadow assassins…Let’s just say there were some unnecessary changes. Changes that removed Runaan’s attempt to maneuver Rayla out of trouble (thus showing how he cared about her, under the stern front), cut out some of Rayla’s agency, and made the other assassins act like bloodthirsty hecklers instead of, you know, professionals.
To be clear: I don't mind some scene and dialogue rearrangement. Prose is a different medium, and a writer needs to adjust accordingly. But this book reads less like that, overall, and more like someone decided to write their own version of The Dragon Prince’s story without anyone else’s input. Were any of the other Wonderstorm writers allowed to read the manuscript? Did anyone perform a lore check? The inconsistencies are irritating.
Visually, the book is beautiful. It has very nice illustrations and an elegant layout. We got a more detailed map, too. But all the graphic design work couldn’t make up for the disappointing and often frustrating content. The writing seemed to improve after the kids left the Banther Lodge, but not enough to overcome my accumulated grumpiness. I stopped reading weeks ago, and couldn’t bring myself to continue.
An animated TV show is a collaborative effort. The writers, director(s), visual designers, actors, and animators all contribute to the final product. Writing a book should be a collaborative effort, too, on a smaller scale. It’s not only the author(s), though they do a lot of the work. With this prose version of The Dragon Prince Book 1, it is obvious to me that Aaron Ehasz and/or Melanie McGanney Ehasz either did not seek or did not heed constructive criticism. They’ll need to start listening to their editors before I, at least, consider buying the second book adaption.
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jessahmewren · 5 years
“Birthday Boy Seeking Party Guests” / Queen / Bohemian Rhapsody Fan Fiction
Summary: Tired of spending birthday’s alone, John posts an ad on Craigslist hoping to spice things up.  Set in the 2000′s.  
Rating E for Everyone be aware here be smut.  
Pairing: Poly
Word count: 7,556
Also on Ao3
John erased what he’d written for what seemed like the tenth time, squinting at the screen on his laptop. He cracked his knuckles, taking another sip of wine.  The bottle was more than half gone, but he couldn’t be bothered to care.  It was the weekend, and he was spending it, like every other weekend, alone in his flat browsing the internet.  
The wine settled in his bones, making him feel warm and heavy and a bit giddy.  He opened up the Word document where the Craigslist Personal’s ad he’d been fumbling over for the past half hour sat half written.
“I am a single male seeking three men for a one night stand at my flat.  I have no other preferences other than that you be reasonably good looking and clean.  I will send a headshot and directions when you send one.”  
Wait.  The fuck?  That sounded really off and vain.  No way should he be writing this while drunk.  Or, he thought miserably, writing this period.  But anyway.  
“I am a single male seeking three men for a one night stand at my flat. I am fit and disease free; please be the same.  Details to be follow.”  
Was that better, he wondered?  Worse?
“I’ve never done this before; I’m not weird or even kinky…just a normal guy wanting to have a good time for once on his birthday.”  
There, he thought. That sounded nice and normal, not scary like some of the other ads (seriously, the one asking for the fart buddy was a little out there…).  He copied the ad and, before he could chicken out, pasted it into the text box.  
He titled the ad “Birthday Boy Seeking Party Guests” and hit submit before he could talk himself out of it.
John checked his Myspace briefly before closing the laptop.  His cat, Gwyneth, coiled around his legs.  He reached down to stroke her ginger fur.  “Again, lovely?  You’ve already had your dinner,” he cooed fondly.  He reached for a bit of chicken from the fridge, leftovers from his own meal. “Just a snack, now.”  The cat was an absolute unit, and he couldn’t afford her getting any fatter.  
He put the wine glass in the sink, nodding off slightly as the water ran.  Gwyneth waddled off to her cat bed, sniffing it delicately before she sank into the pillowy softness.  John smiled at her as he switched off the light and shuffled off to his bedroom.
As he lay down beneath the covers, he thought of his little Craigslist ad, and smiled.  
Freddie woke up early for once, silencing his alarm on his phone and stumbling to the teapot.  He put the kettle on and grabbed a lemon strudel before settling on the couch and opening his laptop.  
Craigslist was still open from the night before where he had entertained himself with reading the personal ads.  It was one of his favorite past times late at night…sitting with a bag of crisps with his legs crossed reading some of those wacky adds.  As his kettle hummed, he decided to scroll further down the page.
He landed on John’s ad, and something made him smile.  “I’m not weird or even kinky…” Freddie laughed at that.  Why yes you are darling, you’re asking for a foursome for your birthday!  Still, his smile never faltered.  He clicked on the user name and opened up his email program.
“Hi John, I’m Freddie.  I AM weird and VERY kinky, and would love to come to your birthday party ;). I have attached a headshot. Cheers.”
He hit send and closed the laptop. His kettle was boiling by now and he poured himself a cuppa. He thought about the email he’d just sent and sighed.  It wasn’t likely he was going to get a reply, and if he did, he was up for it. He hooked up regularly with no problems.  This time was likely to be any different.
Brian cursed to himself. He was late and the computer labs at the university were always nearly full around lunch.  He had a paper due in two hours.  Maybe he could swing it.  
He found one open kiosk in the corner and settled in front of it, plugging in his flashdrive.  After an hour of typing, Brian closed the document and submitted it to his professor.  One more paper, one more assignment closer to his PhD.  He took a moment to relax and opened up his Hotmail.
After a few moments of aimless clicking and deleting, he opened one of his Craigslist notifications. Unfortunately, the amp he had wanted for his guitar was already sold.  He clicked the link anyway, the website opening in a new window.  He browsed the website a bit, eventually landing on the Personals section.  
He entertained himself for a while, admittedly enjoying the sexier ads.  And then he read John’s.  
Something about it struck him as honest, and Brian could respect that.  Brian considered the prospect of fucking three other guys, a little thrill running through him.  What would that even be like?  
He decided, like a good doctoral researcher, that he needed more information.  He emailed John.  
Roger was drunk (and maybe something else).  His limbs were loose, and he couldn’t feel his lips.  An easy euphoria fell over him, throbbing in his skull in time with the pulsing music and the girl riding his lap.  The friends he’d come over with were somewhere else, but there were others here.  So many people just walking around him as this girl fucked him right here on the sofa.
“Lay back baby,” She said as she rode him, steadily lifting herself off of him, the wet squelch of her tight heat lost to the music and the chaos of the open room. She was pretty in an odd way, Roger thought.  His body felt like it was on fire, and he felt the involuntary response of his orgasm winding its way to completion.  
He gasped, coming inside the condom as she giggled and contracted around him.  He was panting hard, his heart racing.  Whatever he had taken was too much, he thought, too much this time.  He felt sick. He pawed at the girl as she chased her own climax, pushing her off just as she came, nibbling at his sweat-slick skin.
“Thanks for the fuck,” she said as she slid off him.  She pulled up her panties under her skirt and wobbled away.  
He sagged back against the couch where no one seemed to pay attention to him, feeling used.  Tears stung his eyes, and then someone called his name.  
“Hey Roger, you done fucking around?  Come play this game with us.”
He raised his head, the whole room swimming.  Gingerly, he made his way over to the small gathering.  There were shots set up in front of a laptop.  Greg, the leader of the group, pushed Roger down in a chair.
“It’s youngest against oldest, and Rog, you’re the youngest.  Whoever does the least amount of shots has to answer one of these Craigslist Personals ads.  I’ve put them all in a random name generator so it’s totally fair.”
Roger felt sick.  He knew he’d had too much to drink already, and there was no way he would win.  He stared the other man down anyway.  
Greg counted them out. “On your mark, get set, go!”
Roger started downing shots until he declared he’d had enough.  He was nearly blackout drunk when they pulled the virtual lever on the random name generator.  The ad title that came up was “Birthday Boy Seeking Party Guests.”
Roger was passed out on the couch when Greg sent the email to John along with a fetching photo of Roger smiling with friends while wearing his favorite sunglasses.  Greg was sure to add, “you can’t tell, but my eyes are blue ;).”
John forgot about his little ad until the following evening, when he was coming home from the repair shop and remembered that he should probably check his email.  He picked up dinner, fed Gwyneth and did just that, deleting the spam and adverts and noticing, to his surprise, several emails from Craigslist users.  
He omitted some right away…not on a superficial bases, but just based on how they sounded.  Bossy, arrogant, or their emails gave out a creepy vibe.  The next one he clicked on was a bloke named Freddie.  
“I AM weird AND kinky…”  John laughed at that.  That was mild compared to some of the other things he’d been told.  It was rather endearing, actually.  As the pic took forever to load, he thought Freddie might be interesting to get to know.  
Then the pic finally opened and John’s mouth flew open.
Black, lustrous, shoulder-length hair framing the most stunning face…tan skin stretched over sharp cheekbones and jawline and those piercing brown kohl-lined eyes.  He was easily the most exotic person John had ever laid eyes on.  He was immediately attracted to him.  
John hit reply and began typing.  “I love your headshot.  This may be a little forward, but would you like to come celebrate my birthday with me?  You would be my first guest :).”  
He gave him the time and place, included a headshot, and hit send, hoping for the best.  
The next email was a bit longer and more thoughtful but just as intriguing.  
“Hi there.  My name is Brian.  I am a college student getting my PhD.  I saw your ad on Craigslist and I must say I am intrigued.  I have never done anything like this, either.  I would be interested in helping you celebrate your birthday if you provide a safe, clean environment in which to do so.  Please provide photos of your flat.”  Thanks –Bri”
John smiled.  How considerate to think of a safe environment. Bri was definitely getting an email. He replied to Brian and included photos of his living room, kitchen, and bedroom (he left the bathroom out for reasons). Thankfully he had just tidied up. He also included a headshot.  
The next email that caught his eye was from Roger.  When the pic loaded, he was stunned to find a beautiful blond man with a winning smile standing in a group of friends.  
“Hi! My name is Roger.  I saw your ad on Craigslist.  You can count me in!  Just send me the time and place.  Also, you can’t tell, but my eyes are blue ;).”
John smiled at his enthusiasm.  He attached a headshot, gave him the details and hoped he would hear a little more from him.
John switched over to his Myspace and made a post for the first time in a long time.  “Happy for new adventures,” it said with a sticker. And for the first time in a long time, he was.
Freddie was late, and he had just enough time for tea and maybe to check his email before he was needed at Splash, the high-end fashion boutique where he worked.  He scrolled through his messages on his phone, reading a few replies, when one from Craigslist user John caught his eye.    
“I love your headshot.  This may be a little forward…”  
Freddie smiled at that.
The pic finally loaded, and Freddie’s mouth watered at the sweet sight.  A young man, early twenties, long brown hair, lovely green eyes, and the sweetest smile stared back at him.  There were secrets in that smile, he thought, and Freddie wanted to find them out.  
So Freddie had a date with not one but three other gents.  He better get to work so he could find himself something new to wear.  
“I want a double mocha latte, no whip, no drizzle, but soy sub on the milk,” the customer spouted off dryly, and Brian just nodded.  He’d been working as a barista at Starbucks to help pay his way through college, and while things could get a little crazy, he mostly liked it.  “No problem,” he said as he tried to smile.  “Name please?”  
The teenage girl grinned. “Princess of the Universe.” Brian’s face fell.  “Alright miss I’ll try to fit that on the cup,” he muttered as he turned to make her coffee.  
At his next break, he sat in the back and played Angry Birds on his phone until his email notifications pinged.  John from Craigslist had written him back.  
“Hi Bri! This is John. I really enjoyed your email and appreciate you thinking to ask about a safe environment.  That is really important and is honestly something I would do. I have included the requested pictures of my flat.  Thankfully I had just tidied up (haha).
The flat was neat and clean. Very homey.  There was a fat orange cat nestled on the couch in one of the pics, and it made Brian smile.  The headshot John had sent was of John in profile, looking out a window. His green eyes were luminous in the sunlight, and his long brown hair was pulled back over his shoulder.  There was a slight smile on his face.  
Brian hummed as he looked at it, eyes going over the smooth skin of the young man’s neck and where that skin stretched over the juncture of his jaw and cheek.  He was lovely.  
“Brian!  You’ve got customers!”  
Brian muttered a curse to himself.  
“I’d very much like to attend,” Brian found himself typing. “Send me the details.”
His head was pounding, and the afternoon light of his bedroom hurt his eyes.  Those were Roger’s first cognizant thoughts as he gradually returned to wakefulness after coming home last night and passing out on top of his sheets.  
He doesn’t remember coming home, really, or how he got home.  But he assumed Greg and his friends dumped him off here after he woke up on their couch.  
It didn’t matter, not really.  He stumbled home like this a few times a week and he invariably always recovered.  
Roger peeled himself off the mattress, dragging himself into the bathroom to splash some water on his face. He endured the light so he wouldn’t miss the toilet, and when he passed the mirror, he paused.  
There were dark circles under his bloodshot eyes.  His face was puffy, his hair in disarray.  He looked older somehow, and he swore under his breath.  Shit had to get better than this.  
He peeled off last night’s clothes and stepped into the shower, letting the hot spray wash off the filth and sketchy memories.  Stepping out of the shower, he toweled off and put on a pair of sweats.  He had a few hours before he had to be at his bartending job at a local nightclub, so he decided to forego the tea and head straight for the coffee.  
He settled into the couch, letting the weariness leech from his boned into the cushions.  Sipping his coffee, he checked his email, frowning when he got a notification from Craigslist.  
“What the hell,” he muttered to himself, opening the email to find the top half of a picture loading.
It was a young man with soft green eyes crinkled at the edges, a wide smile and long brown hair. Something caught in his chest, something warm and fluttery, as he looked at it.  
The email was underneath.
“Hello Roger!  I’m John. I’m excited that you want to attend my birthday party.  You’re my third guest, so that makes four of us, lol ;).  I’m sending you the date and time below along with directions to my flat. I can’t wait to meet you in person. :).”
What the actual FUCK.
And suddenly it all came flooding back.  The shot game, the lost bet.  Roger’s heart sped up.  Was he going to a foursome?  Were they all dudes?  His mouth went dry.  While Roger had always been attracted to men, he had never actually slept with one.  He swallowed.  Could he actually do this?  
There was no Emily Post etiquette guide for hosting a foursome, so John decided to wing it.
As he stared down into the homemade pasta sauce, he reasoned that food was a good move.  Food brought people together, and togetherness brought sex. John smiled, satisfied with his ingenious if rather simplistic reasoning.  He stirred the sauce, pausing before adding the browned ground beef. What were the odds that one of them was a vegetarian?  He shrugged and dumped it in.  Not too high.
The doorbell rang and John nearly jumped out of his skin.  It was 6:05, and his guests weren’t due until 6:30.  He frowned, turning the burner on low and moving to the peephole.  
There, on the other side, was the same face he’d viewed in the email, only in living color.  The sharp cheek bones, the elegant nose, the kohl lined eyes.  John couldn’t get the door open fast enough.  
“Freddie,” he almost breathed.  His heart was beating fast and he self-consciously smoothed the hair around his face.  
Freddie’s eyes flicked down to his chest, then back up to his face before he smiled, stepped into his space and smoothly kissed him, steadying his chin with the tips of his fingers.  
John returned the kiss before breaking away, sputtering a little before getting his bearings.  “Do you…do you always greet strangers like that?”
Freddie laughed smoothly. “No, silly.”  He looked down, then back up at him, one neatly trimmed eyebrow cocked slightly.  “But I’m excellent at following instructions.”
John flushed, remembering his ‘Kiss the Cook’ apron, and ushered him inside.  “Um, can I get you something to drink?”  
“I dunno, can you?” Freddie said smoothly as he walked through the living room of John’s flat, taking in every detail.  He was impeccably dressed, John thought as he tracked him through the space.  He stirred the sauce, leaving it to simmer and reached for a bottle of red wine, pouring Freddie a glass.
He handed it to the man who took it gratefully.  “Something smells yummy.  You didn’t have to cook, darling.”  
John smiled, flushing at the epithet.  “It’s just pasta.  It’s nothing.”
Freddie settled on the couch, balancing the wine glass on his knee.  “I hope you don’t mind that I arrived a little early.  I always arrive early to these sorts of things.  It keeps me safe.”  
John nodded.  “That’s smart actually.  I don’t mind at all.  I’m just glad you came.”  
Freddie waggled his eyebrows over his wine glass.  “I always come.”  
John’s blush deepened, and Freddie laughed.  
“I can’t help myself, darling, you’re just so damn cute when you do that.”
John lowered his glass. “Do what?”
“Blush like that. It’s precious.”  
The two of them sat there for a few moments when Gwyneth took that opportunity to rub against Freddie’s leg.  
“What a baby!”  
John laughed as Gwyneth stretched and meowed, looking up at Freddie with affection.  “I think she likes you.”  
Freddie cooed and scratched her head.  “I think I’m in love.”  
When Brian arrived, John was busy straining the pasta, so Freddie got the door.  
“Hello, darling,” he said brightly.
Brian looked at Freddie blankly.  “You’re not John.”  
“Come on in!” John called from the kitchen, and Brian side-stepped the man at the door a little nervously to meet the man in the kitchen.  
“Um, sorry darling, but as I was about to say, “I’m Freddie.”  
Brian looked down at the enigmatic man who had a delicate hand stuck out for him to shake.  He took it.  
Brian pressed his lips together.  “Sorry about that earlier.  I uh…I was just expecting John.”  
Freddie patted his arm. “It’s alright love.  We’re all a little jumpy.  Just meeting and all that.  But John is lovely. He even cooked.”  
John appeared behind Brian, a dish towel over his shoulder.  “Hello,” he said.  “I’m John.”
Brian shook his hand, noticing the calloused fingers.  The young man was trim in figure-hugging jeans and a crisp blue shirt that brought out the green in his eyes.  Brian swallowed hard.  
“Brian,” he said a little thinly.  
John smiled, and it went straight to his gut.  “I hope you like pasta Brian.”  He walked to the counter and poured him a glass of wine.
Brian took it from him. “I do actually.  Just no meat sauce.  I’m a vegetarian.”
John looked horrified. “Fuckity fuck,” John he said allowed. “How about a salad?”  
Freddie howled with laughter, the outburst so loud it scared Gwyneth under the couch.  Brian just smiled softly, laying a hand on John’s shoulder.  “That actually sounds lovely John.”
Brian made his way to the couch, followed closely by Freddie.  The other man was observing him very keenly, taking in the softly curling hair and the sharp nose framing the delicate face.  Brian was dressed very casually compared to Freddie, but he was no slouch.  His neat jeans and tan blazer suited his slim physique very well.  
John stared at the clock. It was crowding seven now, and Roger was nowhere to be found.  A little pang of worry stabbed at his heart.  It was possible that he might not show, and that was fine, but he was certainly looking forward to meeting him.  He thought of the blue eyes the photo had hidden that he would never get to see.  
Instead of worrying, he busied himself with plating the pasta and salads.  Brian met him in the kitchen, setting his wine glass down. “Let me give you a hand, John.” His smile was genuine and warm, and John found that he liked it very much.  
With two working it took half the time, and everyone had their food.  Freddie looked around at the empty place setting and frowned. “Where’s number four?”  
John worried his lip. “I don’t really know,” he said honestly. “I’m sure he’ll make it.”  
Freddie smiled sympathetically.  “Sometimes they don’t love.  Nerves and all.”  
Almost on cue, there came a tentative knock at the door.  John stood a little too fast before settling himself down enough to answer it.  He knew before looking through the peephole who it was.  
Roger was dressed in a fashionable leather jacket and matching pants that hugged his figure. His trademark sunglasses were in the collar of his frayed t-shirt, no doubt purchased that way.  His hair was messy-chic.  John couldn’t stop staring at him until those blue eyes popped up to meet his.  “You’re John?”  
“Y-yeah,” he stammered out. “Nice to meet you Roger.”  Roger shook it rather limply as he breezed into the living room, not giving John more than a glance.  He stiffened when he heard voices from the kitchen.  
“There you are!” Freddie called out to him.  “Thought this was going to be a threesome.  And while that’s still lovely, I do hate it when plans change,” he pouted.
Roger turned rather haltingly to face the other two men who had been eating and chatting, getting to know one another.  Brian pointed to the open seat at the table, and Roger took it.  
“Mind if I smoke John?”
John liked his voice…soft but still masculine.  It made his stomach flutter.  And while he smoked, he usually didn’t smoke inside because of Gwyneth. But he supposed—
“That’s fine,” John finally said.  He watched as the fire from the lighter illuminated his fine features; he was certainly very beautiful, this Roger.  
“I made dinner,” John offered, hoping to start a conversation with the man who had said very little since he arrived.  
“Not hungry mate. Thanks though.”  
John frowned a little, and Freddie cleared his throat.  
“Well I’m Freddie, and this is Brian,” the ever talkative Freddie began with the introductions.
“Roger,” the newcomer mumbled around his cigarette.
They resumed eating and things grew quiet and bit awkward as Roger sat there smoking while everyone ate. He was very closed off, like he didn’t want to be there.  John would need to get to the bottom of it if things progressed.  
“Now that we’re all here, I’m a true bottom,” Freddie said matter-of-factly, “so I hope there are some tops among us.”  
John nearly choked on his penne, and Brian had to pat him on the back, a fond smile on his face.  “It doesn’t matter to me either way,” Brian said, his face growing hot.  
“Me neither,” John said quietly.
Roger took a bored drag on his cigarette.  “Top,” he muttered.  
Freddie’s eyes grew wide. “Really…”
Roger snapped his gaze Freddie’s way.  “Yeah, that’s right.  Is that so hard to believe, you wanker?”
Freddie put his hands up in defense.  “No reason to be nasty, love.  Just took me by surprise is all.  You just give off…bottomy vibes.”
Roger stubbed out his cigarette in his empty plate.  “What the FUCK is that supposed to mean?”  
Freddie rolled his eyes. “Nothing darling.  Forget it.”  
Roger had stood, fists balled at his hips, and he was gyrating with anger.  John and Brian were looking on, wide-eyed, wondering where all of this would go.  
Until Freddie stood and hugged the man.  
Roger relaxed into his grip, his head dropping to his shoulder.  He sighed, arms relaxing at his sides.  
“Darling, it’s alright,” Freddie soothed against him.  “It’s all alright now.”  
And when Freddie pulled away, he kissed him softly on the lips.  
Roger hummed in surprise before relenting into the kiss, letting his mouth go pliant against the other man’s and enjoying the faint hint of tomato sauce and chapstick on his tongue. When Freddie released him, he sighed.
“Why—why did you do that?”
Freddie reached up to thumb at his chin.  “Darling, you looked like you needed it.  When’s the last time someone hugged you?”
Roger’s eyes stung with oncoming tears, but he willed them back down.  His lack of an answer was enough for Freddie.  
“Let us take care of you tonight,” he said sweetly.  “Show you true affection.  Make you feel good.”  
“Yeah,” Roger found himself saying.  It sounded so nice, after all, to be truly wanted and cared for, if only for the night.
Brian and John were beside them now, and John leaned in and lay a hand on Roger’s arm.  “Are we ok?”  
Roger nodded, feeling much more at ease.  “Yeah, everything is fine.”  
John smiled.  “Let’s clean up, yeah?  Then maybe we can move this into the bedroom.”  
“You uh…You mind if I just watch for a while?”
Roger had gotten his shirt off, and then nerves had taken over.  Freddie was on all fours, moaning into John’s talented fingers as he opened him up, his heavy cock straining with need.  
John shot him a smile. “Sure love.  Do what you’re comfortable with,” he said as he punched another moan out of Freddie, twisting those fingers inside of his tight walls.
Roger eased off the bed before a hand grabbed him.  “Hey,” Brian said, hazel eyes soft with lust.  
Roger swallowed, the tall man’s kind smile making him feel instantly at ease.  
He smiled, his heartrate going down a bit.
“Where are you off to?” Brian answered innocently. He was crowding his space, the bare skin of his chest now flush with his as he bent his head to nose at his hair.  
“That chair in the corner,” Roger said softly.  “I was gonna watch.”
Brian placed a little kiss to his hair.  “Not gonna play?”
Roger’s throat was dry, and he was straining in his trousers.  “Not right now,” he trailed off.
Brian kissed further down the side of his face.  “Pity,” he said as his hands traveled over Rogers bum.
“You ever had a really good blowjob, Roger?  One that makes you feel like you’re exploding into a billion stars?”  Brian finally reached his mouth and locked lips with him, his tongue curling around his, kissing him so deeply it stole Roger’s breath.
Roger moaned in spite of himself, leaning into Brian’s touch.  Brian released him, never breaking eye-contact.  “Well, have you?”  
He answered him truthfully. “I guess not,” he said a little breathlessly.  
Brian smiled.  “That’s what I was hoping you would say.”
“Can you take a fourth finger baby?”  Freddie just moaned, gripping the sheets as he tossed his head back.  John slid it in, delighting in the way Freddie just fluttered around him, drawing him in like he was born to take it.  He worked his fingers in and out of him, hitting his prostate to make him moan.  The sound of Brian going down on Roger was in his ears and it home to John that this foursome dream of his was really happening, this little birthday fantasy of his was real.  
John pressed kisses into Freddie’s neck, making sure his fingers kept up a steady pressure. Freddie just moaned—he was so vocal—and thrust his hips up to meet his fingers.  
“Need your cock,” he finally breathed.  “Give it to me John.”  
Roger shivered as Brian circled the head of his cock with his tongue, licking the slit before descending on him again.  Brian took him all the way to the base, his nose buried in the dark blond hair there, Roger’s hot length stretching his throat with every bob of his head.  
Above him, Roger was coming undone.  He was making little keening sounds as Brian played with his balls while sucking him off, moaning and sputtering that he wouldn’t last long.  It didn’t matter to Brian.  He loved this.  
The man grabbed a handful of his hair just before coming hot and full down his throat, his back arching prettily.  Brian swallowed him down, finally pulling off him when he was sure he was finished.  
Brian dabbed at his mouth as Roger looked at him with a little bit of awe.  
“You good?” he asked Roger as he sat back on his knees, smiling up at him.  
“Incredible,” Roger sighed. “That was better than X.”  
Brian frowned.  “X?”
“Ecstasy? The party drug?” Roger looked perplexed that the man had never heard of it.  
He dug in his pocket and produced a little baggie and handed it to Brian, who pushed it away.  
“Sorry mate, but I’m not down for that.  Brian looked nervously over his shoulder.  John doesn’t look the type either, so I’d put that away if I were you.”
Roger stuffed the baggie of pills back into his pocket.  “Do I look like the type?” he said as he zipped up his fly.  
Brian just sat there, thinking.
Freddie had one hand on his leaking cock, stroking it in rhythm to John’s thrusts.  His head was pressed into the mattress, and he was having the time of his life.  
“Harder John.  Fuck me harder babe.  Like you mean it!”
John loved how vocal Freddie had been to begin with, but now he was being outright bratty.  John hitched Freddie’s hips higher, angling them so he could aim directly at his prostate.  Freddie’s body was slicked with sweat as was his own, so maneuvering them was no easy feat.  He pulled out of Freddie and then slammed back down again.  
“God yes that’s it lover,” Freddie mumbled into the sheets as he set up a blistering pace, wet flesh slapping against each other as he John chased his release.  Freddie was furiously stroking himself, so it wouldn’t be long for him.  Through Freddie’s plaintive, sharp moans, he could feel the crest of his orgasm stop right at the edge.  He tightened his grip on Freddie, emptying into the condom as wave after wave of pleasure gripped him.  Somewhere through the fog he heard Freddie come right after.  
Brian followed Roger into living room, where he was trying to collect his things.  “You’re leaving?”
Roger turned on Brian, his hands on his hips.  “I don’t have much choice, now do I?”
Brian shrugged.  “You always have a choice.”
“I don’t belong here,” Roger said, shaking his head.  “I’m not even gay.”
Brian’s eyes widened. “Are you sure about that?”
Roger shook his head, withdrawing the little baggie of pills.  “Ah fuck it,” he said as he poured a few in his hand.  
Brian approached him slowly. “I can’t let you do that, Roger. Take those pills.  Not on my watch.”
Roger clutched the pills in his hand tightly to his chest.  “What the fuck do you care, Brian?   You’re just some guy who blew me off.  You don’t know me?”  He was vibrating with rage, his eyes wide.  “You don’t own me!”
Brian shook his head. “Listen to yourself.  You sound like a child.  We’re talking about drugs, here, Roger.  You could seriously hurt yourself.”  
“Yeah well, I hope I do,” He spat.  
Brian had no choice. “John!  Freddie!  I need you in here!”
The two of them came rushing in, John in a robe and Freddie struggling into pants.  “Brian, what’s wrong?”  
“Roger has drugs,” Brian got out quickly.  “Ecstasy. He’s about to take some.”  
Freddie stepped forward between them.  “Oh darling that shit is hell on you.  You don’t want to do that.  Tell me what’s up.”  
Roger relaxed a little. “Nothing,” he whispered. The pills were sweating and melting in his hand.  “I just needed to get out of my head for a little while.”
John was watching the proceedings, trying not to panic.  No way did he want drugs in his house, but he also didn’t want to see Roger hurt.  
Freddie nodded.  “I so understand that love.  That’s why I hook up a lot.  Sex helps me forget some nasty things in my past and some things that are going on in my daily you know?  It’s a nice escape.  Plus it’s legal and it doesn’t hurt me as long as I’m safe.”  
Roger’s hand relaxed a little on the pills.  “Yeah that makes sense,” he conceded.  “I’m glad you have that.”  
Freddie nodded again, getting close enough to Roger to smooth some of the hair that hung around his face behind his ear.  Roger seemed to lean into his touch.  “Did you enjoy your time with Brian, him?  Freddie couldn’t keep the wicked smile from his face.  “Sure sounded liked you did.”  
Roger smiled then. “Yeah it was really nice.”
“I bet.  Might have to see how nice it is, huh Brian?” Freddie said as he threw a wink over his shoulder at Brian who just laughed at him, shaking his head.  
Freddie grabbed Roger’s hand.  “Give me these darling…they’re all melted now, anyway.  Come have some fun with us instead.”  
Roger’s lips were dry as Freddie pried the pills from his grip.  “I’ve never…I’ve never been with a man,” he admitted.  
“A virgin?!” Freddie gasped, “Oh our boy’s a virgin…we’ll have to take extra special care of him won’t we boys?”  
Freddie discreetly handed off the baggie of pills and the few tablets to John who promptly went into the bathroom to flush them.  
“Yes,” he said as he stroked his face.  “We’ll take extra good care of you love.  You won’t have to worry about a thing.”  
Brian stroked the young man’s face as John worked on the fly of his dark jeans, easing them down his hips. His cock sprung free…no pants underneath, and John smiled, stroking him lightly.  Freddie hummed, squeezing Brian’s buttocks as he wrapped an arm around his waist.
“You sure you’re ok with this Roger?”  John’s voice was husky with want, his eyes flicking up briefly from the young man’s cock to his blue eyes where they looked down at him expectantly.  
“Yes,” Roger said, leaning into Brian’s hand on his face, his eyes fluttering closed.  “I want this.”
Freddie smiled, tightening his arms around Brian.  They walked Roger back until his legs touched the bed.  He sat down, easing onto the soft comforter while they helped him scoot back.  Brian was between his legs in an instant, easing between his thighs to skate his hands along his chest and arms while Freddie cradled his head in his lap.  Roger’s eyes were wide, his lips slightly parted in a pretty bow, and John bent to kiss them, unable to help himself.  
Roger sighed, giving himself over to the kiss, letting his tongue dart out to meet John’s as his arms strained against Freddie hands.  At some point, the dark-haired man had pressed his arms down into the mattress.
Roger panicked for a split second, then the thrill of the restraint sank into his bones, and he truly felt free.  
“That’s it baby,” Freddie soothed, “Just let go and let us take over.”  Roger stared up into the man’s soft brown eyes, feeling a strange sense of peace.
Brian was making slow circles on his hip, thumbing the sensitive skin there.  “Roger,” he said softly.  “Do you want to top?”  His hazel eyes bore into his.  “It’s your first time.  It’s easier that way.”
Roger worried his lip. “No,” he said firmly.  “I want to do it like Freddie did.”  
Freddie smirked a little, still stroking his hair.  “I knew it. He’s a natural bottom.”  
John giggled a little, tossing Brian the lube.  “Open him up nice and slow Brian.  Your fingers are slender.”  
John crawled over to Freddie, pulling his head up and kissing him firmly.  Freddie groaned into John’s mouth, letting his hand slide up his chest.  “Up for round two love?”  
John just hummed.  “Maybe.  Maybe not. On your knees, True Bottom.”  John pushed Freddie down on his knees, smacking his bum on the way down.  Freddie fell forward, grunting as he hit the mattress, landing on all fours.  
He shivered as John climbed up behind him. He could feel his warm breath on the back of his thigh, whispering over his bum as John’s hands settled there.  He parted his cheeks, and Freddie hardly had time to catch his breath before John had licked a hot strip up the cleft of his buttocks.  
“Fuck!” Freddie cried out, his whole body jerking under John’s mouth.  John smiled against him, and Freddie felt the wry grin against his skin.
Brian eased a pillow beneath Roger’s hips, watching Roger for any sign of discomfort.  He betrayed none; he seemed as relaxed as he did when Freddie was cradling his head.  Indeed, Freddie had now clasped the blond’s hand while being eaten out, a look of sheet bliss on his face, and Roger gripped it tightly.
“We’re going to do this very slowly, Roger.  It will feel different at first, but then it will feel good, ok?”  
Roger nodded his head, taking in a breath.  
Brian tutted.  “Don’t hold your breath love.  Blow it out for me.  Just try to relax, ok?  I’m not going to hurt you.”  
Brian smiled at him, and Roger returned it.  Brian had the sweetest, most genuine smile, and while he didn’t really know the man, he knew instinctively that he could trust him.  
He warmed the lube in is fingers before circling Roger’s entrance with smooth, calculated movements, relaxing the tight muscle.  He pushed one in, and Roger jumped a little.  
“How does that feel Roger? Talk to me.”  
“Different,” he breathed. “Not bad.”  
Brian smiled.  He began working the finger in and out of Roger rhythmically until he felt Roger relax around him, then he added a second.
Roger jerked, a little half-moan escaping his lips.  Brian cocked an eyebrow.  “Is that better?”  
“Y-yeah,” Roger stammered. “It’s ok.”  
Brian aimed for his prostate, finding the little bundle of nerves in moments, and Roger nearly folded in half.  “Just ok?”
Roger was panting, a fine sweat on his brow, and he unconsciously thrust onto Brian’s fingers. “So good,” he said, his grip on Freddie’s hand tightening.  
Freddie preened.  “Look at you baby boy—ahh—taking those fingers so well.  I knew you could do it.”
Freddie looked ruined, very near coming, and the sounds coming from John were bordering on obscene. Roger couldn’t see him, but whatever he was doing to Freddie it sounded like he was enjoying it.
Brian twisted the fingers against him, making him writhe and squirm, until he added a third.  
Roger winced at the sting, the stretch of a third finger, but Brian was gentle in coaxing him open. He was leaned over him, planting little kisses on his collarbone, his throat, and finally smothering his moans with his own mouth.  It all felt so intimate, not at all like his drug-fueled shags.  Tears began to spring in his eyes.  
Brian noticed immediately. “Roger, am I hurting you?  He lost the fingers immediately.  “Talk to me, Roger.”  
“No,” Roger choked out. “Give me more please.”  
John laughed as he was helping Freddie clean up.  “You’ve got him begging Brian.   So beautiful for us.”  
The fingers returned, a little rougher this time, a little more insistent.  Roger’s legs were open wide and he was almost swallowing Brian’s hand.
“You’re ready, gorgeous. I think my work here is done.” Brian withdrew his hand, wiping it on his thigh, and met John in the middle of the bed.  He kissed him deeply.  “You have him nice and open for me?” Brian murmured softly.
John nodded.  “He’s all yours.  I bet you can get him to come again.”  
Brian squeezed John’s arm, locking eyes with him.  “Be gentle with Roger.”
John blinked up at him. “Of course Bri,” he said, using his sign off from his email.  “I wouldn’t dream of hurting him.”  
Brian smiled.  “I know.”
John crawled over to Roger, who was still red-faced, his chest heaving.  He leaned over him, giving him a tender kiss.  “Hello love.  Don’t you look ravishing like this?”
John cradled his face in his hand, then trailed it down his chest to tease at a nipple.  “I’m going to take good care of you, yeah?”
Roger only nodded, his eyes half-lidded, lips kiss-swollen and irresistible.  
John slid on a condom, coating it with lube.  He pressed against Roger’s open entrance, letting his cockhead push at the rim.  He looked up at Roger.  “We don’t have to do this.  It’s up to you.”  
Roger shook his head. “I want it,” he said throwing his back into the pillow.  “Give it to me.”  
John pushed gently inside, watching Roger’s intake of breath, is fluttering eyelids at the sudden onslaught of being filled.  He gave him a moment to adjust, the vice-like grip of him around him, hot and incredibly tight driving him mad with the need to move.  
“I’m ok,” Roger said finally.  “Go ahead.”
He had one arm over his face and his lip between his teeth, but for his first time he was taking cock so well.  John basically made love to him…slow, measured strokes, his face buried in his shoulder and his hips undulating over his.  He had one hand on Roger’s cock, slowly stroking it in time with his thrusts.  
Then Roger started kissing him…hungry, desperate kisses that made the fire rise in his blood.  That, coupled with the feeling of how bloody close they were, their bodies nearly fused together, made John want to give it to him just a little harder.  
“Hitch your legs around me baby.  Come on, that’s it.”  John increased his pace, and little whines started coming from the back of Roger’s throat.
“You doing ok?”  
Roger nodded furiously. “Gonna come,” he managed.  
Freddie and Brian rolled over close to the couple, Freddie taking over for John by working Roger’s cock, and Brian sweeping the hair back from John’s neck and placing an encouraging kiss there.  
John could feel his own orgasm building, a tightly packed explosion of euphoria ready to burst at any moment. It was finally punched out of him when Roger looked up at him with those blue eyes and said “Just let go…” He had been the one who had been so careful with him, but it finally took permission from Roger for him to get release.  
With Freddie’s help, Roger came right after.  
The four of them lay beautifully spent, bodies sweating and coming down from their highs.  Roger lit a cigarette and shared it with Freddie.  
“We never cut the birthday cake,” John mused.  
Brian laughed.  “What time is it?”  
Someone looked at their phone.  “10:20.”
Roger smiled.  “Well, it’s still your birthday.”  
John laughed.  “Indeed it is.  Who’s up for some post-coital cake?”
Freddie grimaced.  “That does not sound right.”
They all tumbled out of bed toward the kitchen where John dished up the plates and began serving cake.
John flushed.  “Um, before you go, you’re free to use the shower. Freshen up a bit if you like.  Or, you could stay over…”  
Something flashed in their eyes, and they all shared a look.  
“I’m actually off tomorrow,” Freddie said.
“I don’t work until nighttime,” Roger added.
“My shift at the coffee shop doesn’t start until ten,” Brian replied.
John brightened.  “Well, that’s great!  I mean, I wouldn’t want you traveling so late and all.  Let’s take our cake back to bed, shall we?”  
John gathered up the plates and began to traipse back to the bedroom, but as soon as he got out of sight, Freddie grabbed a piece of paper and put his phone number on it, then gave it to Brian and then Roger and let them do the same.  At the bottom, he wrote “Happy Birthday” with a heart and stuck it on the fridge for John to find later.  Then, all three of them followed John back into the bedroom to finish their cake.
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ginnyzero · 5 years
Completely Harmless Ch. 2
Completely Harmless An SSO SilverGlade Re-imagining Story (Or Fix it Fan Salt fic) By Ginny O.
When Lily and her friends wanted to buy horses and were directed to the Silverglade Manor and its myriad of problems, they didn’t expect to start a revolution. They were just a bunch a stable girls. Completely harmless. Right?
A/N: Things are only canon if I say they’re canon. Pre-Saving the Moorland Stables compliant for the most part. Posted in its entirety on my website. Posted in 2000 to 4000 word bits here. Rated T for Swearing Word Count 177,577
Chapter Two Reeling in the Locals
Grace, Jennifer, and Melody all volunteered to take the new horses back to Moorland. That left Lily, Regina, and Abigail to talk to the three girls at the stable.
“Take the transport back to Moorland,” Lily said as she mounted her horse. She had the map, so, she’d volunteered to go to the Riding Arena.
“Will do boss,” Regina saluted.
Abigail rolled her eyes.
Lily rode off through the arch, Abigail on her heels.
Regina found her target the easiest. “Hallo!” She waved at the girl in a t-shirt wielding a shovel. “You must be Tyra.”
Tyra set her shovel down and leaned on it. “I am,” she said slowly.
“Excellent,” Regina rubbed her hands together.
Tyra eyed her oddly.
Regina stopped pretending she was the bowler hat dude from Meet the Robinsons. “Tyra, my friends and I couldn’t help but notice that you seem a bit understaffed here.”
Tyra groaned. “Oh, yeah, with the Baroness trying to build a real oval track and the GED illegally mind you setting up oil rigs in our paddock, plus it’s the middle of eventing season. Everyone is trying to beat the qualifiers to get to the big competition way up North. So, they’re running around everywhere, demanding their horses, and taking up all the best riding trails.”
“Funny, we aren’t having that problem in Moorland.”
“Moorland is a camp for beginners.” Tyra rolled her eyes. “And, camp, your problem is campers.”
“And Loretta,” Regina said.
Tyra sighed. “And Loretta,” she huffed. “Would you believe that she denied me entry into the Bobcat Girls on the basis that I don’t work for Moorland Stables? I mean, what is her excuse about denying Maya then! Maya works at Moorland. But noo.”
Regina leaned closer. “Well, here is the thing. My friends, we want to start a riding club, but, you know Loretta. She has to be Miss Queen Cat. But we need someone who knows the inside scoop on where we settle. And Judy said this place doesn’t have a club,” she trailed off.
Tyra glanced around. “Sabine wants to start one.”
“Look, if we get to the register and have our names in and our stable tomorrow morning,” Regina said. “Can Sabine get that done that fast?”
“Not if she doesn’t catch wind of it.”
“All we have to do is reserve the stable and put in our names we’re forming a Club. We don’t even have to name it or choose colors yet.” Regina bit her lip.
“Okay, I’m definitely interested. Look, this is a heavy and I mean, heavy, show jumping and dressage stable. Linda is like, a show jumping champion. Jorvik Stables might have had Anne Von Blowhard.”
Regina sputtered. That couldn’t be the girl’s real name.
“But now we have Linda,” Tyra waved her hand. “Our reputation isn’t as good but I know the Baroness wants to change that. She and Herman have a little bet going about this track of hers, something about some old wine bottle in the cellar Herman wants and she won’t give up. He has to earn it.”
“I’ll tell the others. Dressage and show jumping. Though, Lily is on the way to the arena.”
“Then Linn will definitely set her straight. If we can attract some real talent to the stables, like, like Reed Kessler,” Tyra breathed. “Then, well, Loretta’s show jumping chops are over. Though, she is better at dressage.”
“So, I’ll put you down as a yes?” Regina asked.
Regina beamed. “Then, I’ll see you tomorrow morning.”
“Oh, thank god. Because, tomorrow, this place is going to be filthy.”
Regina made a face. Anything to win a gym, er, stable. “Well, what are friends for? Anyways, we’ll need to do a lot of planning and what better way to do that than by mucking out stables.”
Tyra tilted her head. “You aren’t wrong.”
Regina nudged her horse and waved to the girl.
Tyra waved back.
In the first terrace, another overgrown flower garden from the looks of it, overlooking the side of the grape strewn mountain, Abigail found Pauline.
“Hi!” Abigail said. “I’m looking for Pauline.”
“You found her. That’s me. I mean.”
“I’m Abigail,” she said and swung down off the horse. “What are you doing hanging out here?”
“Well, I’ve been chased out of the riding arena and the oval paddock, so my only choice I guess right now if I want any sort of cross country races at the manor is to use the old gardens and the vineyards.” Pauline sighed. “I was trying to figure out a track.”
“Probably would be more helpful if you had more people to work on it,” Abigail said.
“You want to see what I’ve figured out?” Pauline asked.
“Sure,” Abigail said.
Pauline pulled out a homemade map, unfolded it and pointed out the trails she thought might be good. “They aren’t too difficult. I’m simply bored and if I can’t ride my usual places.”
“Will the Baroness get mad?”
“Only if we trample the grapes and we shouldn’t. I made sure of that!” Pauline said.
“They look harder than the Bobcat tracks.”
Pauline scoffed. “Oh, the Bobcats.” Her eyes narrowed. “You must be from the camp. Sorry, should have recognized the outfit Thomas, I mean Mr. Moorland, gives everyone.”
“Do you know a lot about setting up race tracks?”
“Oh yeah, loads. I have books and stuff about the rules and examples of famous ones,” Pauline stopped. “Oh, you probably don’t care,” she mumbled.
“Have you ever thought of being a race master?”
“You mean, of a club?” Pauline blinked. “There’s no club here. There’s no club that wants to be here, outside of Sabine. Have you looked at this place? It’s a dump. I know the Baroness is getting old, but usually she gets things done. I heard her gardener quit or was run off a few years back and she didn’t replace them, the handy man disappeared. Her son isn’t responding to her. Anastasia just doesn’t care.”
“Good grief, that’s awful. Sounds like someone needs to take things in hand.”
“I’ll say,” Pauline shoved her map away. “Carney’s all right and all, but he’s more about soil tests and the grapes’ health. He’s got two left thumbs when it comes to machines and I wouldn’t trust his inventions not to explode.”
Abigail bit her lip. “I like your races, Pauline,” she said. “You know the area and that’s important.” She slapped her forehead. “Oh, right, I almost forgot. My friends and I are putting in the initial paperwork and money to start a club. We don’t want it to be in Moorland. Can’t step on Loretta’s toes.”
“You form a club, you step on her toes. She’ll deny it through her teeth though.”
“Well, you said no one wants to be here other than Sabine.”
“Who is worse than Loretta if you can believe it?”
“And we don’t have a race master. Would you be our race master?”
Pauline’s face lit up. “You mean it?”
Pauline jumped and hugged her. “Oh, that is like, beyond wicked cool. Yes. Yes.” She abruptly let Abigail go. “I mean. I am so sorry. Yes, I’ll be the race master for your club.”
Abigail laughed and hugged Pauline. “The hugging was fine. Okay, I’ll put you down as local terrain and racing conditions expert!”
Pauline grinned. Then she sobered. “But Sabine.”
“Tomorrow morning.”
“Oh, thank goodness,” Pauline wiped a hand across her brow. “Sabine can’t convince anyone to follow her, but we all worry. That is Tyra, Linn, and I.”
“Worry no more. There is going to be a Club at the SEC,” Abigail said firmly.
Pauline looked like she might faint she was so happy. “Can I tell Tyra?”
“Sure, just keep it quiet.”
Pauline looked ready to burst. But, she nodded. With a happy wave at Abigail, she ran off.
That left one person, Linn, at the Riding Arena.
While Regina and Abigail were reeling in their targets like the fine fisherwomen they were, Lily rode around the manor towards the back where the map she had said the riding arena happened to be. To her left was the mountain covered in grapes and to her right she passed an old garden overgrown with grass. It had a path that split off in two directions, one led up over a bridge to a riding paddock, and the other led under the bridge to someplace unknown.
Not having time to explore, Lily rode on, between the side of the mountain and an up jutting rock that had been carved strangely enough in imitation Arch De Triumph and formed a geographically implausible chasm. The path curved and went steeply down. A huge building loomed at the base of the steep cliff.
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Looking down, Lily realized the path curved again to make room for the terraced, tree strewn gardens that cut down from the cliff to form more steps. At the base of the cliff was another parade ground, this one more traditional, the patterned stones quartering it off, right in front of a Riding Arena.
It had the same features as the rest of the Manor even though it was cut off from the rest of it by the cliff side hanging gardens. The windows were paned glass. The walls a white stone with corners of a grey stone cut in blocks. It was laid out like any other arena though. As she got to the bottom, she found the doors still open and the lights on inside. Music wafted on the breeze from the river behind the arena. More neglected gardens curved around the side.
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The large door had another frieze, more horses. And the airlock like door had fake columns down the side with urns set between them. But they were empty, like all the other urns Lily had seen.
Lily followed the music to the right hand side, set up to be a show jumping course. Some late riders were still going. She nudged her horse over to the girl holding a stop watch.
The girl looked up and smiled at her but didn’t say anything.
Lily waited. It was only polite.
A girl finished, she wore a red show jumping jacket and she looked haughty. Her black hair pulled back into a ponytail.
Linn called out her time, and the girl’s name. Sabine.
Sabine sniffed and urged her horse out at a trot.
Linn made a face at her back. She looked up at Lily and smiled. “May I help you? Are you lost?”
“So, that’s the infamous Sabine,” Lily said.
“Um, yeah,” Linn winced. “I’m not supposed to,” she trailed off.
“Been warned, thus, infamous,” Lily smiled at her.
“Oh phew. I didn’t want to be the one,” Linn shook her head.
“I’m Lily,” Lily stuck out her hand. “I’d get off, but I do need to get back to Moorland.”
“I’m Linn. Do you need directions?”
“Nah. I’ll take the transport. But I do want to keep this quick.”
Linn widened her eyes. She glanced around the arena. “You can have a go if you like.”
Lily patted her horse’s side. “We’ve had a full day of exercise already. Let me get straight to the point. My friends and I want to start a club. We’re going to put in papers tomorrow and want to put in for Silverglade Equestrian Center. However, only if we have a few locals joining us.”
Linn looked around. She put a hand on her chest. “Me?”
“Is Sabine local?”
“Has Sabine asked you to join her club?”
“Me, a lowly time keeper?” Linn snorted. “Are you mental?”
“Then, you, unless there’s someone hiding out here invisible.”
“You don’t know me at all.”
“Justin vouches for you.”
“Well, Justin, you know his judge of character isn’t always that great,” Linn snorted.
Lily raised a brow.
“Okay, but, um, you do know that the Baroness has this regulation outfit and gear for any Club that wants to form in her stable. It’s sort of the reason that most of them don’t want to do it once they find out.”
“Is it that bad?”
“No. No. It’s purple and white. She adores purple. It has this cute satin windbreaker and white pleated skirt and even top hats!”
“I’m not seeing a problem.”
“If you’re sure.” She said slowly.
“I’m not seeing a problem with purple,” Lily said.
Linn bit her lip. She pulled out her phone and showed Lily the pictures.
“Still not seeing a problem. Are you in or out?”
“Okay, I’m in. But Tyra and Pauline have to be in too,” Linn blurted.
“We’re talking to them.”
Linn’s eyes widened. “Ohkay, if they are in. I’m in.”
“Right. Let you know first thing tomorrow.” Lily said and held out her hand again.
Linn shook it. “Tomorrow.”
Lily grinned and she left for the transport. It was time to get to Moorland.
FOR THE ACCOMPANYING IMAGES PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE MY WATERMARK AND CONTACT INFORMATION. THANK YOU. I get it. Some of you might get excited and want to see this stuff in the game, especially the clothes, tack, and pets. However, the only way I want to see this in the game is if I get paid for it. If I see it in the game and I’m not paid for it, there will be hell to pay. You think I’m salty. I’d be angry. Personally, I’m not going to send this info to SSO. If you do, leave my contact information there! Don’t give them any excuses to steal.
Now, I’ll know you haven’t read this note if you leave me comments about how ‘salty’ I am about the game and if I hate it so much I should do something else. I am doing something else. It’s called Mystic Riders MMORPG Project. Mystic Riders however is a very baby phase game. You can check out our plans on the game dev blog. (Skills, Factions, Professions, Crafting, Mini-Games, 25+ horse breeds!) If you know anyone who would be interested and has money or contacts about game making, direct them to the blog.
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💍 + regular dipcifica *
where they get married
where they live in cali idk??? probs on a beach? idk for some reason i haven’t thought of their wedding that often???
when they get married ( ie what time of day, what month and season etc. )
summer. summer’s always they’re time together so summer just makes sense. maybe june, around pioneer’s day? so they have something good to celebrate instead of her family’s fraudulence.
what traditions they include ( do they get married under a chuppah and crush a glass, garter toss, ‘something borrowed, something blue,’ etc. )
something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue probs. also if jewish!dipper still applies then those too. and paz has an ampola fan! I LOVE THOSE.
what their wedding cake looks like
it’s like, five-tiers and white buttercream on red velvet cake. it’s got like, baby blue and lavender-tinted seashells and a typical bride/groom topper. 
….who smashes cake into whose face
they do that weird “crossing their forks around each other but still eating off their own fork” thing actually.
who proposed to who first
dipper, the sap. she was halfway through med school too! 
who walks down the aisle and who waits at the altar ( or neither )
paz down the aisle, dipper at the altar. this all changes big time if dipper is jewish okay.
what their wedding dresses / suits / other look like
she’s wearing this white ballgown style with a corset top with a lot of crystal gemstone things. like the whole bodice is covered. there’s also lines of the crystals down the gauzy skirt. she uses lavender accent pieces. he wears a black tux and a lavender bowtie. 9its been a while since i’ve watched say yes to the dress okay the terminology left my brain.)
what their wedding colour scheme is and what sort of decor they have
color scheme is like…lavender and baby blue bc it can be and also color-coding and ALSO aesthetic.
what flowers are in the bouquet ( if applicable. bonus: what do the flowers mean?)
petunias (meaning your presence soothes me), something light blue, probably wrapped in baby’s breath (meaning -) bc a lot of bouquets get wrapped in something like that to keep it together. also ampola flowers bc purto rican tradition.
what their vows are ( eg poetry, traditional, improvised etc. )
they wrote their own. paz’s are along the lines of like “so we used to hate each other and now we’re standing here and it’s just amazing how much time can change things.” and she makes inside jokes and promises to love him until the end of the world. “but then you’re on your own i am not holding mcgucket’s hand again.” dipper’s are rly sappy and sweet and he makes her cry and he says something along the lines of loving her until the end of the world and then “but then ur on ur own okay i don’t care if u get turned to stone” and they’re laughing and everyone from gf knows it’s a joke and they finish with the typical “i dos”
if anyone’s late to the wedding
it’d be so characteristic of mabel to rush in during the speak now part but she’s standing next to dipper so she can’t. otherwise idk???
who’s in the bridal parties / groomsmen / other
dipper has mabel and robbie. paz has wendy and tambry.
what their bridal party / groomsmen / other are wearing
wendy and tambry wear straight-down, almost gauzy lavender dresses with baby blue accents and accessories. mabel wears a same stye dress in baby blue with lavender accents and accessories. robbie wears a black tux and baby blue tie. 
who gives speeches at the reception ( bonus: what do they say? recount a sweet memory or two between them? tell an embarrassing story? )
mabel tells embarrassing but sweet stories, wendy recalls the first time she caught them together. robbie uses the whole thing as a lead up to threatening dipper not to hurt her even tho it’s been at least a decade and maybe half of a second one. the floor opens up and ford recounts some sweet memory of the two of them. stan tries to make jokes the whole time but walks away trying not to cry. soos spends ten minutes trying to compare them to anime characters. it’s like an hour and a half of speeches alone as most of gravity falls recount watching them grow up and fall in love and the whole thing makes them embarrassed and cry at the same time.
who catches the bouquet( s )
mabel! she then winks at wendy and it’s…ridiculous.
what their wedding photos are like ( are they sweet, with the couple holding hands or kissing or ~gazing into each others eyes~? are they silly, with a snapshot of the ‘cake-smash’ moment? or are they artistic, with one of them facing the sunset or holding their bouquets? )
mostly sweet ones of them smiling or kissing. there’s one taken by chance with paz chasing after him in her heels and he’s like, fucking giggling as he takes off with her tiara. the next one is her glaring up at him as he sheepishly puts it back in her hair. just a lot of photos to document their relationship. mabel puts them in an album and has it waiting on their kitchen table when they get back from their honeymoon.
what sort of food they have at the reception
since paz is (possibly) the only one w heritage at this wedding he let her do the food planning according to tradition and everyone is like, pleasantly surprised that it works as well as it does.
who cries first during the ceremony
they both make it through the walk down the aisle but then they’re standing there and it’s real and they’re both crying. pretty crying though so they don’t ruin the photos too much.
how wild their reception gets ( who dances the best, who gets drunk first, etc. )
the main three steal the mini putt golf cart again for fun and drive it through the reception for like, half an hour laughing their heads off.
what their rings are like
pacifica’s wedding ring is a simple silver band, while her engagement ring is silver with a big white diamond center, surrounded by lavender-colored gems. dipper has a thick-silver band with an inscription. pacifica’s engagement ring also has an inscription. they both say “you’re the worst.” with a heart shape next to it.
what sort of favours they have ( heart shaped sparklers, mini champagne bottles, personalised candy etc. )
pacifica’s are lavender tiara-shaped candles and dipper’s are mini journals to write in about what happens that night of memories that person has of them. also capias bc i LOVE that idea!
where they go for their honeymoon
i feel like they’d go on a cruise
something memorable that happens during the party / ceremony ( do they run out of ice and someone goes to get it in full formal wear on foot, does anyone fall asleep in the middle of the party, etc. )
tambry and robbie are found sleeping in a coat closet as the night is winding down. wendy and mabel draw on their faces.
who officiates the ceremony
i think it’d be ford for some reason. if jewish!dipper is a thing he gets to hire the rabbi.
what song their first dance is to
i want at least one of these to be in spanish but idk if that’s gonna happen bc i….don’t speak spanish. but i thought this song had a gorgeous enough vibe for it. plus y’all know paz would be scouring websites and things for songs for this dance and then asking dipper if he’d like them. i’ve just always seen first dance songs as soft and slow and a time to reflect on being married you know? so this one would be performed live and slowed-down a bit.
who gives who away as they walk down the aisle
honestly paz gives herself away okay. she’s been w/o parents this long and she doesn’t need them now. but suddenly stan has stood up and takes her by the hand and just calmly passes her to dipper like it was all planned and for half a second she’s rly confused but then she’s swept up in the ceremony. she asks him at the reception and he just shrugs and goes “you’re family. it’s what we do for family.” and that’s it so she’s even more confused. but also rly touched.
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alittlemorevodka · 3 years
Vodka has never been a huge fan of live albums. Give me a good studio recording any day, and I tend to appreciate it more. That said, The Lunar Laugh’ soon-to-be-released Nighthawks! LP is thoughtfully curated, and carefully engineered, and mixed to get that live feel without an abundance of crowd noises. The production is bright and crisp, and the music is expertly played and sung, including wonderful three-part harmonies. What more could you want?
Nighthawks! is mostly a collection of back-catalog tunes gathered from very good (see above) live recordings. In 2020, as the pandemic put an end to touring for the band, they released It’s Okay (seen/heard here) as a way of passing on good vibrations to their fans:
“So I say It's okay it's okay to have a heartbreak it's okay if you don't know what you're thinking of trust me I can relate it's okay if you're questioning everything that you used to be No, you are not your past You're here at last and you're who you're supposed to be it's okay“
The message is that there are a lot of things that upend our lives. Certainly the pandemic has been one of those things. In the end, though, you will get through it. It’s okay, as the lyrics say, to feel like you do, but just remember you aren’t in this alone. The music emphasizes this positive outlook, pushing that fun, free, revelatory feeling. It’s Okay, as well as the lead off track, I Wanna Know, are songs that were part of the band’s studio sessions that created the LP, Goodnight Noises Everywhere (June 2019). They didn’t quite fit into that LP, but I’m glad they make an appearance here.
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So what else can you expect from the LP?  Well a lot, actually. The previously mentioned I Wanna Know is a mid-tempo rocker with a jangle rock feel that would have been comfortably played on the radio two to three decades ago. Because the band is so playful, it does not sound dated at all, but fresh like a little time machine bubble updated just for you. On The Road, is a song that dates back to the band’s 2015 LP, Apollo. It is always included in the band’s set list, because, as Jared Lekites tells it:
“It works so well in a live setting and this line always rings true: playing my songs, making bank, but every dollar winds up in the gas tank”
By The Light Of The Living Room, from Goodnight Noises Everywhere, seeks to channel the influences of Tom Petty and Pat DiNizio (The Smithereens). Both artists had recently passed away before the song was written. It is a reverent re-imagining of both artists styles.  It might be Vodka’s favorite song on this collection, but there is a lot to love everywhere here. Listening to this song will have you singing it aloud in no time!
Living Room is followed by Winsome from Apollo and Living a Lie from Mama’s Boy (February 2017), and the Campbell Young penned and sung Alive, originally from his solo work before he joined the band. It should be noted that It’s Okay is also written and sung by Campbell. Jared Lekites is definitely the lead writer here, with 9 of the 18 tracks written solely by him, and with a hand in four additional tracks. Lekites’ penned Tell Me A Story, from Goodnight Noises Everywhere, is his version of what I would call the state of the music business. Today’s next “hit” is more about feelings, rather than a message, and Lekites longs for that missing element:
“we gotta keep movin’ on can’t concern ourselves with yesterday said it’s alright and day turns to night anyway is there somewhere that I belong? another place where I can sing my songs again when nobody’s listening hey! tell me a story of seven maids and cabbages and kings and help me take my mind of some things hey! tell me a story that makes me wonder where the treasure’s hid the kind of story I heard when I was a kid“
Jared, Vodka is with you there 100%.
There is original material galore here, but The Lunar Laugh almost always include a few covers in there live sets. True to that live set format, the band does not disappoint, by including Neil Diamond’s Solitary Man, and Death Cab For Cutie’s (Ben Gibbard penned) Soul Meets Body with guest vocals provided by Chase Kerby (an Oklahoma City The Voice contestant) here. This latter track reminds me so much of songs written and performed by The Bats. Both tracks work very well within the band’s style. 
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The three primary band members, are  Jared Lekites (vocals, acoustic and electric guitar, harmonica, percussion), Campbell Young (electric guitar, keyboards, bass, vocals), and Connor Anderson (electric and acoustic guitars, vocals, percussion). Additional musicians included here are Chris Anderson (keyboards), Peter Collins (keyboards, melodica), Jimmy Jackson (drums, percussion), Triston Lightner  (bass, vocals), Derek Moore (bass), Logan Morris (percussion), Levi Sherman (drums, percussion, vocals), and John Stendel (bass). There were also special appearances by Chase Kerby (vocals, acoustic guitar on "Soul Meets Body"), Kyle Reid (pedal steel guitar), Lucas Ross (banjo on "Nighthawks and Mona Lisa") and Taylor Johnson (bass, keyboards, guitars on "I Wanna Know" and "It's Okay"). You can find more information on the band, by heading up to their very complete website, which includes all of the purchase, streaming, and social links that you need. You can also purchase Nighthawks! from The Lunar Laugh’ label page at Big Stir Records. 
As a footnote, there is one track that The Lunar Laugh can’t get away without playing in any live set, and so they include it towards the end. That track is Work In Progress (track 18 here), from Mama’s Boy. A great way to end this phenomenal set of music!
Nighthawks! releases in just two days and you can pre-order right now. Head over to Big Stir Records and reserve your copy! You can find most of the band’s music right there, but feel free to visit The Lunar Laugh’ bandcamp.com site as well. 
Note: Unfortunately, we are still dealing with Covid 19. The variants are making a comeback, which means that the livelihoods of artists like The Lunar Laugh and many others are still threatened. If your situation allows it, consider purchasing more in these tough times. Please, if you are physically able to do so, get the vaccine! –Vodka
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jenniferfaye34 · 5 years
#Giveaway + Excerpt ~ Sweet Melody by Heidi McCahan... #books #ChristianRomance #FamilyLife
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On Tour with Prism Book Tours
Sweet Melody (Seabrook Romance #1) By Heidi McCahan Christian Contemporary Romance Paperback & ebook, 242 Pages August 1st 2019 When a struggling bakery owner is rescued by a wannabe songwriter with hidden culinary talents, they discover they can make sweet harmony … if they can only learn to work together. Rhett Foster longs to change the world with his music, yet he can’t even finish writing one song. Battered by a string of failures and disillusioned, he returns home to Portland, Oregon. While he desperately wants to create a chart-topping hit, his dad mandates a new mission: move to coastal vacation hotspot Seabrook, Washington and expand the family’s successful restaurant chain. In danger of destroying her late parents’ legacy if she doesn’t diversify her menu, Lindsay Carmichael will try anything to save her bakery. But with a tiny budget and an injured employee who can’t work, she has no choice but to sink the last of her savings into buying a dilapidated food truck and hiring Rhett as a part-time barista. What she doesn’t know is that the handsome songwriter has a secret … one that could destroy her business and her heart.
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EXCERPT: “There’s something about this beach—it will cure what ails you.” She moved past him and started down the stairs. “I joke all the time that the marketing people sneak out at night and inject a secret ingredient into the air. No one believes me, of course.” “A complex hypothesis like that doesn’t get much support, huh? Shocking.” She paused and fired a playful look over her shoulder. “Don’t mock me.” He held up both palms and tried not to laugh. “No mockery here. I’m sure your top-secret injection theory is spot on.” “You wait and see. Fifteen minutes in, and you’ll forget whatever was bothering you.” She pivoted and trotted down the next flight of stairs. His smile faded. If only that were true. He followed her the rest of the way down the stairs and out onto the sand. The tide was out—blue-gray waves crashed their foamy edges in this distance—leaving a broad expanse of beach for walking. Only a few people and their pets dotted the coast in either direction. “C’mon.” She motioned for him to follow her as she worked her way around the pieces of sun-dried driftwood and muddy tide pools carved out by the elements. While sunbeams streamed through the mottled sky overhead, a steady wind blew, making him wish once again he’d remembered his jacket or a hoodie. They walked in comfortable silence, the ocean on their left and the impressive bluffs supporting Seabrook’s oceanfront homes on their right. Dark green trees, slanted sideways from decades of enduring the brutal Pacific storms, clung stubbornly to the jagged faces of the cliffs. Lindsay was partly right. It might not be the air, but the raw, breathtaking beauty of the weather-beaten coastline that chased away the heartache. “See?” She nudged him gently, as though reading his thoughts. “You’re already forgetting whatever was bothering you, right?” “Not yet. Let’s keep walking.” “Whatever. You don’t want to admit there’s something to my theory.” “Perhaps.” What he didn’t want to admit was how much he liked being with her. Sure, the beach was beautiful, but he didn’t want to tell her he’d spent at least two weeks every summer at another beach a few hours south of here for most of his childhood. None of those trips ever made him feel the way he felt walking next to her right now. Inspired. No, more like invincible. That’s how he felt when Lindsay was beside him. And he wanted to hold on to that feeling. To cling to it. To bottle it up. Because her refusal to give up even when failure was nipping at her heels compelled him to keep trying too. About the Author
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Heidi secretly dreamed of writing a book for most of her childhood, but a particularly painful rejection letter in middle school convinced her to tuck that dream away. Instead, she earned a Bachelor’s degree in Sports Medicine from Whitworth University in Spokane, Washington and a Master’s Degree in Athletic Training from the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. After a brief career as a Certified Athletic Trainer, Heidi married her husband Steve, then she dusted off her big dream of becoming a published author and launched her first contemporary romance into the world in 2014. A huge fan of coffee, dark chocolate, and happily ever after, Heidi currently lives in North Carolina with Steve, three active boys and one amazing Goldendoodle.
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One winner will receive a signed paperback with bookmark, $10 Amazon gift card, Sticky Fingers Strawberry Scone mix and a Seabrook Sea, Salt and Surf 100% soy wax candle from Hometown candle company.
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Ends September 18, 2019
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gadgetsrevv · 5 years
The Fiver | Sprinting in slo-mo and frolicking in the surf with Apollo Creed | Football
After seeing his stand-in goalkeeper make the crucial penalty save to win a Super Pot on his first start for Liverpool, Jürgen Klopp couldn’t help but channel his inner Sly Stallone. “ADRIAN!” he roared down the camera in his post-match interview, mimicking Rocky Balboa’s emotional address to his wife after beating Apollo Creed to become heavyweight champion of the world. What Liverpool’s manager would do well to remember is that in a sequel to that particular success, the Italian Stallion got a little bit too fat and lazy and was subjected to the daddy of all beat-downs from Clubber Lang.
With a trip to Southampton looming in barely the time it takes to cobble together a decent training montage, his side cannot afford such complacency. “We have to find a way to be ready to win that game,” said Klopp, as his players warmed down by donning muscle vests and extra tight shorts, sprinting in slow-motion and frolicking in the surf with Apollo Creed. “Only one team celebrated more than us tonight and that’s probably Southampton when they saw 90 minutes, no decision!” Having bounced back from emphatic defeat at the hands of Manchester United with a far less emphatic defeat at the hands of Liverpool, Chelsea will host Leicester on Sunday.
With one paw already in a play-off against Torino to make the group stages of Euro Vase, Wolves entertain Pyunik of Armenia at Molineux tonight. With his team leading 4-0 from the first leg, Nuno Espírito Santo has stopped short of forcing his players to chop logs or chase chickens, but has warned against complacency. “It’s not over,” he said, even though it kind of is. “It’s going to be over at 10 o’clock. It’s not over. That would be a mistake.” Elsewhere in Euro Vase, the Pope’s O’Rangers will have seen, laughed at and hopefully learned from the Queen’s Celtic’s exit from Big Cup at the hands of Cluj on Tuesday and will try not to make the same mistakes in their match against Danish side Midtjylland. “My players need to take note of last night and make sure we deal with our second leg much better,” said $tevie Mbe, whose side lead 4-2, in the wake of a Queen’s Celtic’s exit that will have put a spring in the step of all O’Rangers supporters.
In other Euro Vase news, Aberdeen are 2-0 down and facing an uphill task if they are to avoid being eliminated the competition by Rijeka, from – Fiver consults Wikipedia – the Croatian port city of the same name on Kvarner Bay in the northern Adriatic Sea. And finally, in Wales, they’ll once again be dancing on the streets of Total Network Solutions, if The New Saints of Oswestry Town & Llansantffraid Football Club can somehow manage to overturn a 5-0 deficit against Ludogorets.
“Barcelona don’t need Neymar. Where is he going to play? He would be a bomb inside the locker room. The Barça fans were hurt by how he left. They will not forgive him” – no, Hristo Stoichkov, tell us how you really feel about Neymar’s potential return to Barcelona.
Hristo Stoichkov: straight shooter. Photograph: Clive Brunskill/Allsport
“He’s like an empty crisp packet in the park, flying around all over the place” – Chelsea and Republic O’Ireland legend Tony O’Cascarino offers N’Golo Kanté some poetic praise.
Head this way for Football Weekly Extraaaaaa, where Max and Barry are joined by Jacob Steinberg, plus former Jamaican international and prominent podder Marcus Bean. Get it in your ears!
“While I’m as pleased for Adrián as any Liverpool fan, I can’t help thinking that his widespread description as a ‘penalty hero’ is a bit excessive, given he only stopped one in six (and sort-of gave one away). Still, this new 16.67% benchmark for heroic achievement is going to come in very handy during my next work appraisal” – Tim Woods.
“Noble Francis’ letter about The Queen’s Celtic (not to be confused with any of his other letters) actually did make me smile, which is quite something as I’m a Queen’s Celtic fan, so let me explain. His mention of the 2010 defeat to Portugal’s Sporting Braga created quite a bit of mirth from the Spaniards in the office. You see, braga means pants in Spanish. Rather ironic, considering it was Celtic who were pants” – Paul Dixon.
“Frank Lampard’s Chelsea’s Frank Lampard can be well pleased with his youngsters despite losing on penalties in Istanbul. But surely it was Frank Lampard’s Chelsea pensioners who stole the show. Old, creaky N’Golo Kanté and ageing wrinkly Jorginho were the stars of Big Pot. Might I suggest a comeback for Frank Lampard’s Chelsea’s Frank Lampard?” – Mark McFadden.
“The Queen’s Celtic must have thought their Big Cup fixture was a repeat of the old radio standby, ‘I’m Sorry, I Haven’t a Cluj’” – Nick Adams.
Today’s winner of our letter o’the day prize is … Paul Dixon, who wins a copy of 50 Years of Shoot! We have more to give away, so get scribbling.
Sol Campbell and Macclesfield have mutually agreed that the former England defender be assisted through the door marked Do One. In other news, the League Two club are skint and facing a winding-up petition.
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Sol Campbell: ready to try on a new scarf? Photograph: Matt West/BPI/Rex/Shutterstock
USA! USA!! USA!!! superstar Megan Rapinoe has hit back after equal pay talks stalled. “We show up for a game, if we win or lose we want to be paid equally, period,” Rapinoe told Good Morning America.
Things that probably won’t happen dept: Bury South MP Ivan Lewis has called on Manchester United and City to “step up to the plate” and help the crisis-hit club, who have had another League One game suspended by the EFL.
QPR are demanding strong action from Uefa after their U18s were subjected to racist abuse during a friendly in Spain. The Andalusían football federation have opened an investigation.
Meanwhile, Kick It Out has urged social media companies to clamp down after Chelsea’s Tammy Abraham was subjected to racial abuse on Twitter.
Conor Coady might have a touch of carpal tunnel after writing to all 48 Wolves fans who travelled to Armenia last week to watch their side romp to Euro Vase victory.
Flamin’ Newcastle Jets winger Joe Champness is taking a break from bothering A-League touchlines to focus on his hip-hop career. “He’s made inroads in the business and the opportunity to chase those dreams is one that’s too big for him to pass up,” smirked a Newcastle suit.
And Mesut Özil and Sead Kolasinac are reportedly back in Arsenal training after their recent security scares.
Colombian tyro Anderson Díaz bobs and weaves like a Tin-addled Weird Uncle Fiver, before adding the playground finish. Get it in your retinas.
Player dribbles past seven opponents to score stunning solo goal in Colombia – video
Floating football brain in a jar Jonathan Wilson has done a book. About Hungary’s golden age. And here’s an extract on the roots of their Olympic success in 1952.
Turkish Super Lig previews: we got ‘em. And Emre Sarigul reckons the title race will go to the wire again.
Premier League footballers are more woke than ever before, writes Big Paper’s Toby Moses.
Christian Pulisic and N’Golo Kanté gave Frank Lampard’s Chelsea reason to chin up after their narrow Super Pot loss, writes Andy Hunter.
USA! USA!! USA!!!’s Alex Morgan thinks the country’s development model is broken, though MLS suits disagree. Who’s right? Steve Brenner discusses.
Oh, and if it’s your thing … you can follow Big Website on Big Social FaceSpace. And INSTACHAT, TOO!
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scottsnowden-blog · 5 years
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One of the first things I did in Australia was to take a tour to Kangaroo Island. The island is situated about 45 minutes off the south coast of Australia. It was absolutely amazing and a great way to start my time in this beautiful country!
If you’re planning on visiting, it’s worth bearing in mind there’s no public transport on the island. You’ll either have to bring your own car or book a guided tour, otherwise you won’t get very far! I didn’t have a car, so I opted for a guided tour starting in Adelaide. After a 1.5-hour bus ride, we took the only ferry from Cape Jervis to Penneshaw, a town on Kangaroo Island.
Kangaroo Island – two days on the beautiful island
I spent two full days on the island and this was plenty to see most of what the island has to offer. However, there’s plenty more to do if you’re planning to stay a little longer! Being an island, it’s naturally home to many amazing beaches, but there’s much more than just sandy stretches. Keep reading to discover my top 5 recommendations for things to do on Kangaroo Island!
1. Little Sahara
One of the first attractions we visited was the Little Sahara, a small dune system on the south coast of the island, stretching over two square kilometers. The dunes were formed by coastal blowouts over the past 7,000 years. The sand is very soft and an off-white color, so the sun’s reflection makes it look like snow.
Although the property is privately owned, you can visit the dunes for free, but will need to pay to rent a board or toboggan, which is great fun! Unlike in most ski resorts, there is no lift that pulls you up the hill, so you’ll have to carry the board to the top (or as far as you can). As mentioned before, the sand is very soft, so be prepared to sink as deep as your knees, or slip back a little while walking!
I like to consider myself a good skier, but I’ve only been on a snowboard once or twice in my life. This maybe explains why I face-planted into the sand so often! One thing I learned pretty quickly was that you really shouldn’t scream while falling, unless you want to end up with a mouth full of sand! I tried to master the art a few more times, before deciding it was best for me to admire the experts from the sidelines. The tobogganing, however, was much easier and more enjoyable!
2. Flinders Chase National Park
Flinders Chase National Park is an area of rugged wilderness in the West of Kangaroo Island. The park is home to many of the island’s main attractions, including the Remarkable Rocks and Admirals Arch, as well as lots of wildlife and plenty of walking routes. You can still see the remnants of the 2007 bush fire, which tragically burned down 60 percent of the park, but it doesn’t take away from its beauty!
Unfortunately, we didn’t have too much time to explore the park. But from the bit I did see, it’s a stunning destination, and I’d highly recommend spending more time there if you can.
Just be careful of the snakes! While wandering around, I saw a pretty big black snake a couple of meters away from me. I’m not a big fan of these reptiles, so I kept my distance, but was still brave enough to also take a photo. I later found out it was a Black Tiger Snake, which is highly venomous!
3. Remarkable Rocks
One of the main Flinders Chase National Park’s highlights are the Remarkable Rocks. This cliff-top collection of granite boulders has been formed into unique shapes by water and wind over the last 500 million years.
You can walk across and climb over the rocks, while enjoying the amazing view! Apparently, it’s best to come here in the early morning or later in the evening in order to beat the crowds and see the sunrise or sunset over the stones. They’re covered with orange lichen, which appears golden in the sun.
When walking around the boulders, don’t go too close to the edge of the cliffs. They can get slippery and it’s easy to fall. Despite many warning signs, our tour guide told us that tourists still fall into the water from time to time. With some of the strongest waves I’ve ever seen, and the rugged cliffs, it’s very unlikely that you’d make it out alive.
4. Admirals Arch
Admirals Arch is also part of Flinders Chase National Park, located just a couple of minutes from the Remarkable Rocks. To get to the arch, you’ll have to follow a wooden boardwalk that’ll lead you over the cliffs and to the coast. While the views from the boardwalk were amazing, the arch itself was a little underwhelming. Similarly to the Remarkable Rocks, it has been shaped by erosion over thousands of years, and now features some impressive stalactites hanging from the cave ceiling.
If you get here later in the afternoon, you’ll have it mostly to yourself, as most tourist buses will have already departed. However, the afternoon sun will also shine through the gap in the arch, making it hard to see anything.
The main reason why Admirals Arch still makes it onto my top 5 list is that you can see a New Zealand fur seal colony from the boardwalk! These friendly, playful creatures are pretty small and like to live on rocky shorelines, which is exactly what Admirals Arch offers.
While we were there, the seals were very active and it was really entertaining to watch them playing with each other! If you’re lucky, you’ll also be able to spot some dolphins or — if you visit between May and October — some impressive whales (May to October only)!
5. Watch Wildlife
My two days on Kangaroo Island were full of encounters with all types of wildlife. According to the Kangaroo island official website, there are more than 1,500 different animals living on the island, some of which cannot be found anywhere else in Australia!
Let’s start with some of the most obvious (the island has its name for a reason): kangaroos and wallabies! You won’t have to try very hard to spot them, as they appear nearly everywhere you look and come very close, too.
While having a barbeque, we were surrounded by kangaroos and wallabies trying to sneak a cheeky bite! We saw more unique wildlife on our second day, when we spotted pelicans and dolphins in the distance from our lunch break spot in the small village of American River.
More than a third of Kangaroo Island is dedicated to national parks and wildlife conservation areas, such as the Seal Bay Conservation Park. The entrance fee is worth it to see gorgeous Australian sea lions, and to contribute to the maintenance of the conservation area and research about this endangered species. You’ll be able to get up close to the seals, ranging from small pups to big bulls.
While we were there, a tiny pup was crawling through the sand crying for its mom, who was sadly nowhere to be seen. It was heartbreaking and I really hope it found her!
We also stopped at the Hanson Bay Wildlife Sanctuary, which is home to countless animals, including many nocturnal species. We mainly visited for the koalas, which were easy to spot while taking a walk through the vast park.
We learned that, on average, koalas spend about 20 hours a day sleeping, two hours eating, and a maximum of 30 minutes moving around — what a life, right?! In addition to koalas and kangaroos, I also spotted an echidna — a close relative of the American anteater — which I’d never seen before!
About the author
Caroline is the founder of NextStop24, a brand-new travel inspiration and review website. She doesn’t believe anyone should spend hours on research: finding your dream destination should only require a few clicks! Caroline’s always up for a city break or beach vacation, but also loves open landscapes like the Australian Outback. Iceland, South Africa, and Canada are just some of the places that are still on her bucket list. Follow her on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
Have you ever been to Kangaroo Island? How did you like it or would you love to go someday? Leave us a comment!
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electricdazemag · 7 years
COIN: How Will You Know If You Never Try
by Katherine Stallard
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    How Will You Know If You Never Try, the sophomore album of Nashville formed indie pop band COIN, dropped everywhere for eager ears on April 21st. Whether you’re like me, and were waiting months for the release of this album, or if you’re a cultured music listener looking for new jams, boy are you in for a treat. COIN delivers an album with hit after hit, each consisting of thoughtful, heavy-hearted, telling lyrics expertly paired with bopping melodies and captivating vocals that somehow wind up creating the danciest songs you’ve ever heard in your life. With both unforgettable hooks and melodies, and intriguing and meaningful lyrics in the album, they intertwine to create remarkably good songs that seem to make even the greyest days a vivid blue.
    COIN originally formed in 2013 and is made up of Chase Lawrence, the front man and synth player, Joe Memmel on guitar, drummer Ryan Winnen, and bassist Zachary Dyke. COIN has released one other official album before How Will You Know If You Never Try, self titled ‘COIN’  featuring their first hit song ‘Run’. COIN also has some lesser known works including the COIN EP, 1992 EP, and Saturdays EP.
    Although the band claimed that the new album would be dropping “sooner than you think” several weeks before their release, they teased the masterpiece of an album that is How Will You Know If You Never Try (hwykiynt for short) for months, releasing five official singles, each better than the rest, prompting lots of well deserved attention.
     The first released single ‘Talk Too Much’ was released a little less than a year ago on May 6th 2016. From then forward, the track skyrocketed to popularity on Sirius XM’s Alt Nation, the station it premiered on, as well as on alternative stations all over the nation. Talk Too Much’s unique and fresh sound garnered lots of new people to the COIN fan base, becoming the soundtrack to summers everywhere, including my own. Talk Too Much in many ways paved the way for COIN’s new and well deserved popularity in alternative music, showing listeners they were one to watch.
    Several months following the release of Talk Too Much, after opening for Bad Suns on their Disappear Here tour, COIN released their second single off of hwykiynt, ‘I Don’t Wanna Dance’ on February 17th of that same year. Afterwards, the last three singles of the album were released in a relatively short span of time, starting with ‘Malibu 1992’, then ‘Feeling’ and ending with ‘Don’t Cry, 2020’. The day before the album release when the anticipation of hwykiynt was at it’s peak height, COIN had one last trick up their sleeves, as they premiered song ‘Boyfriend’ on Alt Nation.
    How Will You Know If You Never Try is a 11 track piece of art (plus a special hidden track), that is revolutionizing the indie alt sound, track by track. Every track evokes the need to break out in spontaneous dance and each track is an intricate piece of music curated by a passionate group of people with a knack for creating heart-pounding, incredible music. The combination of deliciously infectious melodies, brilliant lyrics, and smooth and dreamy vocals, makes this album one you simply cannot ignore.
    ‘Don’t Cry, 2020’, the first track on the album and the fifth single off of hwykiynt begins with a gentle, almost wind chime like sound, that builds into strong instrumentals accompanied by the dreamy lead vocals by Lawrence. Synths echo and swirl in the background, paving the way for the appearance of the guitar and drums. Once the drums come in, the whole song dynamic goes up to another level as the chorus belts. Synths and vocals twinkle alongside the beating drums, singing “Years go by whether you want them to” with a profound intensity as the track builds up to the last chorus.‘Don’t Cry, 2020’ carries an air of inspiration and optimism, despite the lyrics telling the story of a girl fearing for the future and old age on her birthday. As the lyrics sing “don’t cry” and “it’s all gonna be alright” it’s hard to not feel reassured and at peace come what may.
    ‘Talk Too Much’, the first single and breakout hit of the album, is a certified banger. Like all the tracks, ‘Talk Too Much’ is catchy, fun, and danceable no doubt, but the lyric and instrumental combo of this song make it easy to see why it surpassed all expectations. From second one, the track is bound to have any listener on their feet. The hook does exactly what a hook should do, and hooks the audience as soon as it starts. Beginning with a compelling drum beat and guitar strumming pair that leads into the first verse, the song only gets better from there. The lyrics in this song are especially exquisite, strawing away for the literal and singing things like “tightrope across the table” and using beautifully descriptive sentences like “red velvet under pressure” that create sharp and rich imagery. With the way Talk Too Much is composed, it will always be the song to scream at the top of your lungs, with no hesitation and the utmost enthusiasm.
    For me, ‘Hannah’ was one of those songs that I felt in my bones the second I heard it. Taking the fifth spot on the album and having some of the saddest lyrics of all the songs, ‘Hannah’ somehow manages to be one of the most uplifting. The track has an air of complete euphony; each chord plucked by a guitar, each synth chosen, and each key that is sung, flowing perfectly into one another creating a fun but almost celestial, heavenly sound. The vocals enrapture the listener, transporting the mind to somewhere out of body, as the physical body can’t help but succumb to the groovy beats and dance.
   Track six on hwykiynt,  ‘Are We Alone?’,  is a track that in this tech savvy generation most everybody can relate to. The song describes an encounter in which although two people are alone, they seem to be apart due to a screen that is preventing them from connecting. The track is upbeat, with cohesive and seamless rhythms, including snap noises that add an intriguing extra element to the already strong melodies. The vocals hit every note with practiced precision, singing each utterance of “are we alone”, in a mellifluous way that glides over the curves of the note’s highs and lows. In the last stanza, one of those parts I love for some indescribable reason, the vocals become slightly muted singing “It’s a screen, it’s a life, it’s you, it’s me, it’s everything”, earnestly before building back up and finishing the song out.
   Following ‘Are We Alone?’, ‘Heart Eyes’, makes the listener feel exactly like the title sounds it would. Heart Eyes drips of sincerity and sweetness with mellow beats and a feel good chorus. The synths twang alongside the steady drum beat, making for the tropical and easy listening sound, and the dreaminess of the vocals make this song a favorite of many. The song plays out to a delicate piano that brings the listener back to earth.
    The last track of the album, “Malibu 1992”, is a re-vamp of a track initially titled ‘Malibu’ on the 1992 EP. This song is the slowest song on the album and carries a different vibe from the rest of the album. Lasting 5 minutes and 41 seconds, this bittersweet and sad love song conjures up teary eyes in me from the mere thought of it. The honeyed vocals and striking lyrics tell a story full of sentiment and heartache, and wash over the listener in waves of feeling. The falsetto “oh’s” help convey the emotion of the song, adding to the feel of the narrative. As the song comes to a close, it never misses a beat instrumentally, each sound beautiful, conveying every emotion the song brings to life. Finally uttering the song’s namesake singing “But 20 years it seems you’ve forgotten, Malibu ‘92”, I sink into myself and after holding my breath the entire song, finally exhale.
    How Will You Know If You Never Try is an undeniably good album. With well-constructed songs that you can both party and cry too, it’s hard to pick a favorite. Each song written with danceable melodies, ingenious lyrics and a high level of precision, it is clear to see that COIN is a force to be reckoned with. This album is bound to be one for the ages that you will remember for years to come. How Will You Know If You Never Try is quickly becoming a staple in my everyday life, and I know that I’ll be playing this record all summer long, and for the rest of time.
How Will You Know If You Never Try is out now and is available to stream, purchase on COIN’s website, pick up in stores, or listen on iTunes.
Listen to the album here: https://open.spotify.com/album/4TJUrdwbeKC9qcouPlBuLe !
Be sure to catch COIN live on their first headlining tour for hwykiynt this spring and summer! I promise, you won’t regret it. Dates are here: http://www.thisiscoin.com/tour/
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ginnyzero · 4 years
Completely Harmless Ch. 60
Completely Harmless An SSO SilverGlade Re-imagining Story (Or Fix it Fan Salt fic) By Ginny O.
When Lily and her friends wanted to buy horses and were directed to the Silverglade Manor and its myriad of problems, they didn’t expect to start a revolution. They were just a bunch a stable girls. Completely harmless. Right?
A/N: Things are only canon if I say they’re canon. Pre-Saving the Moorland Stables compliant for the most part. Posted in its entirety on my website. Posted in 2000 to 4000 word bits here. Rated T for Swearing Word Count 177,577
Chapter Sixty The Race on Scarecrow Hill
Lily eased into the library. Linda, as Godfrey had told her, was slumped over one of the tables snoring. Lily shut the door quietly. She tiptoed over. “Linda,” she murmured. “Linda.” she touched Linda’s shoulder and shook her.
Linda snorted and lifted her head. Her hair pulling out of her bun in tufts. “Huh, what?”
“You fell asleep in the library,” Lily said in a low voice. “Did you try to read all night?”
Linda rubbed her eyes under her glasses. “Researching witches, there’s so much to read.”
There were at least four books around her, thick ones.
Lily put an arm around her shoulders. “They haven’t even moved Saga yet. You have time.”
“Alex,” Linda mumbled.
“Come on.” Lily shoved the chair back. “You can borrow my bed.” She pulled on Linda.
Linda didn’t move.
“Up,” Lily ordered. “Up, Linda.”
Linda struggled to her feet leaning against her. “I think I found something. Five more minutes.”
“To bed, sleep, you can’t help us if you don’t sleep.” Lily rolled her eyes and led her out of the house to the inn. Linda’s moaned and squinted her eyes almost shut against the morning sunshine. Lily shoved Linda into the nearest bottom bunk.
“I can,” Linda mumbled.
Lily tucked the blanket around her shaking her head. She took off Linda’s glasses and put them on a table. “Sweet dreams,” she murmured and tiptoed out.
Two days later, Riley accepted a cup of strong tea from Lily. “We can’t keep up this vigil,” she said as she cradled the cup to her chest. “It’s exhausting.”
“We can work up a better schedule,” Lily promised. “More of us can help. I know it’s hard. There’s nothing we can do until they deliver Saga to Pi.”
“It better be Pi.”
“She’s the only evil witch we know of in the county and we’re everywhere.”
“Can’t get too close or she’ll turn you into a frog,” Riley sounded grumpy. “We’ve had to rescue Frederik already because he keeps trying to get better plant samples.”
Lily rubbed her back. “I’ll spell you.”
“How goes the forging?”
“It goes. Conrad isn’t a tough taskmaster. Alex actually seems interested. More like in the practical application as it comes to Tin Can and horseshoes, not fixing pots or making benches.”
Riley nodded.
“It’s keeping her distracted. I’ve been having her help me train.” Lily fiddled with the arms of her shirt pulling them over her hands. She hugged herself. “We all want this over with.”
“You need your horse as trained as possible,” Riley said sipping at the tea.
Lily snorted. “I think Conrad might find himself with a string of girls to train if what he said is true about we have to make them ourselves to make them the most powerful shoes for our horse.”
“Probably part of the mystical bond and Aideen’s gift.” Riley grinned.
“Of course, when your alien goddess comes from outer space she can’t give you anything practical. It has to be magic that no one else can see or understand.” Lily hunched her shoulders to her ears.
“This isn’t how I expected to spend my summer, that’s for sure,” Riley said stretching her neck to either side.
“The good news is that Linda has found a way to fix Pi once this is over from the books in the library.”
“You know Scarecrow Hill?”
“The place we had to get bolt cutters to get into from the smugglers because the Mayor threw away the key because his wife turned into an evil witch?”
“There’s a Golden Apple on the top of the hill hanging off the primeval tree.”
“It’s an apple tree.” Riley raised her brows. “Never would have guessed. Not really shaped like an apple tree. Add to that it looks dead.”
“Right and the witches chase us down. Turns out that witches can’t resist Golden Apples. The more evil they are the more they want it.”
“Thus the witches chasing us down.”
Lily picked up the binoculars and looked out towards the rig. Nothing. “Turns out they can’t stand bright light.”
“Are you saying that we already have everything we need to fix our evil witch because you’ve got that bright glowing rocky thing?”
“It’s a crystal.”
“I’ve been here for hours. I can say bright glowing rocky thing.” Riley sniffed.
“So we go up, get the Golden Apple by using the Sun Shard to scare off the witches or illusions of witches, and ride down to Pi.”
“I’m mildly reassured.”
Lily lowered the binoculars. “I hate waiting.”
“I don’t know what they’re waiting for.”
“Negotiating with Pi?”
“Then they have to be doing it during the witching hour.”
Lily turned her head and glowered at her. She nudged Riley with her shoulder.
“Hey, I totally did not intend to pun.”
They burst into laughter.
That evening, Lily’s phone buzzed. It was the girl on duty at Cape West.
“A ship has dropped from the oil rig. There’s a horse on it along with a person. They’re headed for the South Silver Waters,” they said and hung up.
Lily finished her food and ran out the door. She mounted Nimbus and galloped out of the Manor towards the South Gate.
Her phone buzzed again.
Lily fumbled for it. “Lily.”
“They’re passing the Labrynth,” came the report.
Lily urged her horse through the East Glade and into the Golden Wood. She jumped off. “Hide,” she hissed at Nimbus as she ran for the beach.
Nimbus tossed his head and trotted off to find some big yellow bushes with the flowers to hide behind.
Lily scrambled behind some bushes on the beach.
“Good of you to come,” the girl sitting there said.
“This is the best spot if they’re headed towards Pi to land.”
“Shh,” the girl elbowed her.
The small boat scraped up to the shore. Lily texted everyone fingers flying.
A dark rider, it had to be Jessica by the black hood, urged Saga out of the boat. She muttered nasty things at the horse as she got on.
Lily and the girl waited for her to ride through the crack in the cliffs to the Golden Wood before following.
Lily glanced around for Nimbus. Two horses hid behind a bush. She darted over and grabbed Nimbus’ reins and mounted. They followed the Dark Rider on Saga north through the woods trying to keep behind bushes as best they could and from stepping on any rocks so the ground would muffle the sound of the horse’s hooves. The other girl followed them.
Jessica rode Saga through the North Iron Gate and down the hill to the Cauldron Swamp. Saga balked at the opening planting his feet and tossing his head.
“Don’t be a pain now. We could have sent you to Mr. Anwir,” Jessica said and kicked him in the side.
Saga hopped forward hooves clopping on the wood of the jetties to Pi’s house.
Lily and the other girl hid again.
“Now we wait,” Lily murmured.
“Again,” the other girl said.
Alex came riding up. “Are they in there?” She nodded at the opening of the swamp.
“Yep,” Lily said.
“I’ll go find another bush.” Alex grinned and hid on the other side of the swamp opening.
Jessica returned striding out. She vanished before she even reached the Iron Gate.
“Opposite of the Sun Circle, you think?” Lily murmured.
“I have no idea about any of it,” the girl said.
“All right. She’s gone. Thanks for your help.”
“Good luck,” the girl said. “Or as they say here, may Aideen’s light shine upon you.”
“Yeah, that.” Lily grinned.
They trotted together to the middle of the road. Alex joined them.
“Time to get an apple,” Alex said.
“Time to get an apple,” Lily agreed.
They turned their horses and rode off towards Scarecrow Hill. The girl waved at them as she continued onward to Cape West.
“Well, here we go,” Lily said at the bottom of the steep hill with the path winding up it in a spiral. An iron fence guarded one side. Scarecrows on posts were driven into the ground along the fence.
They rode up slowly. Lily unwrapped the Sun Fragment in her saddlebag and wrapped her hand around it. It warmed in her fingers.
Near the top, witches screamed popping out of nowhere on flying brooms. They swooped down towards them shouting and shrieking. They all had the same face.
Lily pulled the Sun Fragment out of her saddlebag and held it up. Light, brighter than the sun, flared in the twilight.
The witches pulled up sharply screaming now for a different reason. They covered their eyes.
Tin Can lunged forward.
Alex grabbed the apple and tugged it off the branch.
Tin Can turned on his feet. He neighed.
“He says let’s get out of here!” Alex shouted.
Lily held the Sun Fragment high and they raced down the hill. The witches screamed in anger and tried to dive bomb them. When that didn’t work, they threw bombs that exploded with a noxious looking green gas when they hit the ground.
The horses ran full out as Lily and Alex guided them around the gas plumes, past the main gate of Scarecrow hill, across the rolling fields and along the road. The witches didn’t turn back until they made it to the bridge.
The horses skidded to a halt panting.
“Holy shit,” Alex breathed. “I don’t know if that was awesomely terrifying or terrifyingly awesome.”
“You must adore rollercoasters and scary movies.”
“And what of it?”
Lily shook her head and patted Nimbus’ neck.
Once they’d regained their breath, the horses started walking to cool down. They stopped outside the Cauldron’s entrance.
“Tin Can doesn’t like it. Not at all,” Alex said.
“Well, let’s hope she can figure out a way to fake turning him and Nimbus into Dark Horses. I don’t think turning a Soul Horse into a Dark Horse for real is a good idea.”
“Definitely not,” Alex said. She paused. “You know, I’ve been thinking we might not need to take Tin Can at all.”
“Jessica and Red Hood’s horses have to be on the rig. And with Saga and Nimbus, that’d make four horses. I don’t think I need to take Tin Can.”
“You, me, Justin, Anne, and Lisa, that’s five, not four.”
“But we have to send Tin Can back no matter what to open the Gate. It’s too risky. It’d slow the helmsman down.”
“We better talk to Captain Brus and convince him to do a fishing trip just in sight or something.” Lily chewed her lip.
“It’s too many variables. One fake Dark Horse I think we can pass off. Two? They’d notice something is wrong. I can say that he repudiated me or something.” Alex patted his neck.
Tin Can neighed and snorted pawing at the ground.
“I know you’d never do that buddy. We’ve got to make them think you did. You can hang out in the Dale with Starshine and Meteor and Linda while you wait for Concorde.”
Tin Can shook his head rapidly back and forth.
“I know you don’t like it. But I’ve got to protect everyone and that includes you.”
Tin Can sighed.
Lily tucked the Sun Fragment away in her saddlebag wrapping it back in the felt. She urged Nimbus onto the wooden jetty. It was falling apart. “This used to be a lake, right?”
“Yeah,” Alex said as Tin Can followed Nimbus.
The light instantly faded. There were lanterns along the wooden walkways providing illumination. White orbs hovered above the black brackish water.
“How did she do this then?” Lily gestured. “It shouldn’t be this dark even in here at this time of night.”
Fog rolled between the trees deeper in the swamp.
“She had to cut off a spring or something like that.” Alex shrugged.
“What a mess?” Lily mumbled.
A house appeared on more wooden plinths. Or more like a tiny cottage. A cauldron bubbled over a fire and there in a cage was the silhouette of a horse.
They approached cautiously.
“You!” Pi said spinning. She had a green skin, and her hair was a light green. Otherwise, she looked like a normal middle aged woman with a few wrinkled at her eyes. Her black dress swirled around her as she pointed at them. “No. Wait. I don’t know you. But I’m tired of being interrupted. I’ll turn you into a frog and a frog you’ll stay forever and ever to sing for me in my swamp.”
“Or.” Alex held up the apple.
Pi’s eyes widened. “No!” She backed away.
Alex advanced on Tin Can holding out the apple.
Pi trembled in longing or fear. Her eyes wide as she stretched out her hand of it, her other hand trying to tug it back. “I can’t eat that! I can’t! I must resist,” she screeched.
“Mmm, yummy, delicious golden apple.” Alex wiggled her hand back and forth. “Wait, that’s supposed to be golden delicious, never mind.”
“Give it to me!” Pi shouted and snatched it from Alex’s loose grip.
Pi bit down into it, juice sprayed from the apple. She chewed and swallowed eating the apple quickly down to the pith. She shuddered. The green faded from her skin and her hair turned white. She swayed.
“Don’t let her drop the apple pith,” Lily shouted.
Alex leaned forward and grabbed it. “Um, okay, why?”
“Sleeping Widow wants a mate again.”
“Ohhhh, excellent,” Alex said. She backed up and handed it to Lily. “Here, so the horses don’t try to eat it.”
Lily rummaged in her bag and found something plastic to wrap it up in. “There.” She slid off her horse and approached Pi carefully. “Mrs. Pi?”
Pi fell to her knees. “What, what have I done?” She stared at her hands. “I, I,” she buried her face in her hands and sobbed. “Klaus, oh, my poor Klaus. What have I done? What have I done?” She rocked back and forth.
Lily quickly wrapped her arms around her. “It’s okay. It’s okay. You’re better now. You’re safe.”
“I did so many terrible things. I drove him away. I, I made Dark Horses. So many terrible things, I couldn’t tell you them all. And for why?”
Lily rubbed her back and looked at Alex.
“What can I do to make up for what I’ve done?”
Alex cleared her throat. “We’ve got a few ideas about that,” she said.
Pi lowered her hands. “You do?”
“Well, number one, you can go to Klaus and tell him you’re sorry.” Lily patted her pockets. “I don’t have any tissues. Why is it that Linda is the only one with tissues?”
Alex rummaged in Tin Can’s saddlebag. “Here, I still have some from the other day.” She held them out to Pi.
Pi took the package with trembling fingers. “Thank you.” She stood slowly. “Who? Who are you? You aren’t the ones who’ve been watching me.”
“We’re the ones who ordered it. Sorry. I’m Lily.” Lily pressed a hand to her chest.
“And I’m Alex, Lightning Circle.”
“You’re a Soul Rider and that must be a Soul Horse,” Pi said as she wiped her eyes and nose. She stared at Tin Can. She turned to Saga. “Oh, you poor thing. I, I can fix you. I won’t ruin another horse. I swear.”
“Um, about that, can you hold off a bit? We sort of need Saga to be, wait, you weren’t done?”
Pi shook her head.
“Is it reversible even if you are done?” Lily asked.
“I, I think so. I’ve done this five times now.”
“But, there are only three Dark Riders.”
“They brought me four horses, I turned them all. I don’t know if there is a fourth rider or not. I, I only ever met the Black Rider.”
“Shit, shit, shit, shit,” Alex hissed.
Lily quickly explained the situation.
“Yes. I’m to deliver Saga to Moorland.”
“Can you hold off until we have the keystone?”
“I’ll think of something. They never come themselves,” Pi said. “It will take time to brew the antidotes.”
“Okay, will it be safe for Professor Hayden, Frederik, and the Golden Hedgehogs to come here to help you?” Lily asked.
“Of course.” Pi looked around. “I’ll have to find a way to do something about this swamp.”
“We might want to transfer some of these plants to the Mirror Marsh or make a controlled garden,” Lily rubbed her neck. “They might still come in handy.”
Pi sniffled. “How am I to face Klaus? I’m sure I’m so ugly now.”
Lily looked at her. “I, I’m not sure how you looked before.”
“I was young and beautiful.”
“Well, it’s been ten years. So, you’re older. That’s all,” Lily said. “I, err, don’t have a mirror.”
Alex shook her head. “Not the vain type, sorry.”
“You shouldn’t put off seeing Klaus because of your looks,” Lily scolded. “He loves you and misses you terribly.”
Pi burst into tears and nodded. She dabbed at her eyes with another tissue. “I was so selfish.”
“Look, you’re going to help us free Justin and the other Soul Riders. Um, I need a way to make Nimbus look like a Dark Horse without making him an actual Dark Horse.”
“Oh, well,” Pi peered around Tin Can. “That is going to be a bit more difficult. He’s pale and gold. But that mane, we can call it a mutation or something. It will look fabulous with a dark coat being red orange like that.”
Nimbus tossed his long wavy mane and neighed.
Alex laughed. “He says it’s called fashion. Look it up.”
“Fabio,” Lily muttered.
Pi laughed. It was watery, but it was a laugh.
“If it helps, I’ll take you to Klaus right now,” Lily offered.
“We shouldn’t leave Saga here alone,” Pi said.
“Oh, we’ll be taking him someplace safe,” Alex nodded.
Pi waved her hand and the cage disappeared.
Alex leaned forward and grabbed Saga’s lead rope. “Hey Saga, you know me.”
Saga huffed and nodded.
“We’re going to go get Justin. But you’ve got to stay like this for a bit. Think of it as a disguise. I’ll give you plenty of treats for putting up with it.”
Saga’s head sagged but she seemed to go along with it.
“All right, I’ll get her up to the Baroness’,” Alex said.
“I’ll be back later.”
Alex led Saga away.
Lily helped Pi mount Nimbus and got on in front of her. “You okay back there.”
“I’m fine,” Pi said. “You said something about replacing the primeval tree in the Forgotten Fields.”
“Yep,” Lily said. “The Weeping Widow has been alone a long time.”
“I, I can help with that too. That will help fix what I’ve done.”
“And what Jon Jarl did,” Lily said as Nimbus turned and headed down the walkways away from Pi’s house.
“There’s a bigger house further in. It held too many memories. So, I abandoned it.”
“I kind of wondered about that,” Lily said. “Seemed a bit awkward having a stone house on a wooden platform.”
“It isn’t irreversible. It will take time. This can be a beautiful lake again.” Pi sighed.
They didn’t say anything more. The sun had set and the stars twinkled in the sky. Lily stopped Nimbus in front of Mayor Klaus’ house in the village. “You need any help.”
Pi sniffled. “No. I can take it from here.” She slipped off of Nimbus’ back and hobbled to the door. She held up her hand to knock and froze.
Lily started to get down.
The door opened. Klaus stared at Pi. “Pi?” He croaked.
“Klaus, you, you sound like one of my frogs.”
“Pi!” Klaus shouted. He grabbed her pulling her into the house. The door shut as his lips found hers.
“Well,” Lily said. “I don’t think I can help with that.”
Nimbus whinnied and tossed his head again.
“Let’s get back to the winery.” She patted his neck.
Nimbus trotted off to find the nearest transport. It was a late night after all.
FOR THE ACCOMPANYING IMAGES PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE MY WATERMARK AND CONTACT INFORMATION. THANK YOU. I get it. Some of you might get excited and want to see this stuff in the game, especially the clothes, tack, and pets. However, the only way I want to see this in the game is if I get paid for it. If I see it in the game and I’m not paid for it, there will be hell to pay. You think I’m salty. I’d be angry. Personally, I’m not going to send this info to SSO. If you do, leave my contact information there! Don’t give them any excuses to steal.
Now, I’ll know you haven’t read this note if you leave me comments about how ‘salty’ I am about the game and if I hate it so much I should do something else. I am doing something else. It’s called Mystic Riders MMORPG Project. Mystic Riders however is a very baby phase game. You can check out our plans on the game dev blog. (Skills, Factions, Professions, Crafting, Mini-Games, 25+ horse breeds!) If you know anyone who would be interested and has money or contacts about game making, direct them to the blog.
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drewble · 5 years
That Old House Was Haunted
“Have you seen anything?” asked my landlord, Debra. Our house had already been robbed, and the 100 year old plaster ceiling had caved in on my bedroom from a leaky radiator in the upstairs bathroom. I had no idea what else she expected, and said so.
“I used to live in your bedroom, and I once saw an old man in brown suit walk past the door, into the kitchen and disappear. The lady across the road said, 'Ah, that was Mr. Wyatt. He always wore that brown suit on Sundays.'”
That’s the room where I finished writing, “Who Stole The Light?” the first song on ‘Blame The Miles Between.’ I had just left college and moved my stuff in before Christmas. For two weeks I lived alone in the house with nothing but the sound of the radiator and my acoustic guitar. It was a lonely time. Six months later, the band I had been in all through college imploded. When the other three members moved to Pennsylvania, I decided it was time to follow through on what I had wanted since I was 18. In August of 2011, with no connections and no friends in town, I moved to Nashville, Tennessee where I rented a room on the north side of town, next to a cemetery.
I played writers rounds at Bluebird, Douglas Corner, Loft Hotel, became a regular at an odd 24 hour joint called Cafe CoCo, and tried handing off my four song record I made just before coming to anyone who would listen. Incredibly, Nashville’s independent radio station, Lightning 100, picked up the first song and put me on as the featured artist of the week that first November. I was picked up for a tour in Texas and co-wrote songs with a band that would go on to be released on Island records.
There was one afternoon when they had me over to the band house on Archer Street. Everyone gathered into the front room and the three band members took the couch. I took a wooden chair from the kitchen and pulled it into the room, square with the couch.
“What would you think of joining the band?”
We played well together, and we wrote well together. I can’t say I didn’t see it coming. There was clearly a chemistry. It only took me seconds to realize what was at stake, and I made my decision quickly. I came to Nashville to make it with my own music and my own songs.
My little record was acoustic, top to bottom. I played all the instruments from banjo to upright bass, mandolin and acoustic guitar. Down in Nashville, all the friends I made were drummers and electric bassists, keyboardists and electric guitar players. So, I went electric. Like Bob Dylan said in ‘Dont Look Back’ when an English fan asked why he went electric, "I have to give some work to my friends. You don't mind that, right?" We played some great shows and had some nice write-ups on local music blogs. The future was bright.
Time passed. I got hired to play bass on a good paying tour, with hotel rooms every night. I met a girl and fell in love. I had a day job making websites. We bought a house. The weeks went by quietly. In the winter months Nashville gets dark by about 4:30. It makes it pretty easy to stay home most nights when the wind blows cold, and it’s pitch black outside before you make it through your own front door. You say to yourself that you could see what’s happening at the club down the street, or you could get spend the night on the couch with Netflix and a bag of potato chips. You could book some shows, or you could check Facebook again.
Next thing I knew it was my birthday, and I started thinking about my age. I started thinking about when I moved to Nashville, and why I was out here so far from my home, my family, and all that’s familiar. Where the housing market has gone through the roof, and it’s hard to make close friends because all your friends are either on the road, or have already moved to the next fashionable city. Where you step out of your front door in the summer and wade through the bottom of the hot tub that is the humidity of the Cumberland basin where Nashville lies.  
You’re either building your own dream, or you’re working to build someone else’s dream, right? So, I gave up the tour. I gave up the day job. I gave up the quiet nights at home. I just can’t give up chasing the dream. I wish I were farther along in making it a reality, but there are things I had to learn and things I had to leave along the way. There was a confidence I lacked that I had to find. My wife, Mallory, is the best encouragement I’ve ever had. When I talk about the struggle to make it, and the internal conflict I have in believing that it’s worthwhile, she’s moved to tears. She knows me more intimately than my parents or my sister, and she’s not afraid to tell me when I’m not good at something. She’s not afraid to tell me a song I wrote is boring, or that it’s just bad. Somehow this level of intimacy and honesty is what has given me the confidence I need to overcome the biggest obstacle I face. Me, of course.
‘Blame The Miles Between’ is where I yell in the mirror at myself. “Stop wasting time! Stop wishing things were different. Stop imagining the life you want, and go make it! Get over yourself!” Sometimes that yelling sounds like lush 3 part harmony and fingerpicked guitar. Later it might sound like explosive drums and dueling guitar solos soaring over a blues-soaked landscape of haunting keyboards and crunchy guitars. I just love the sound of American roots music, and if you do, too, I think you’ll like it. I think you’ll like where I’ll take you. And, if you see me out on the road, know that I’m working up a good answer to the question, “Have you seen anything?”
    source https://www.drewmichaelblake.com/blog/that-old-house-was-haunted
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marriagebase · 6 years
See the Massive Dust Storm That Swallowed Southwest Arizona
Arizona is no stranger to strong monsoons in the spring and summer months, but few Arizonans were prepared for what was coming their way on Monday, July 9th, 2018. After 118-days without rain in Phoenix, Monday’s monsoon brought 70mph winds, torrential rainfall, hail, flooding and most ominous, a massive haboob. So, we know what you are asking. What exactly is a haboob? Essentially,  in 1971, a group of local scientists in Arizona witnessed a dust storm so massive that they compared it to the giant dust storms that frequently overrun Sudan’s capital, Khartoum, which is called ‘haboob’ in Arabic.  Reaching upwards of 8,000 feet high, the wall of dust will have heavy wind speeds, a rise in humidity and a sudden drop in air temperature.
So when Phoenix based storm chaser and photographer Mike Olbinski woke up on July 9th in Blyth, California, he knew he had to rush home based off the weather models he checked first thing in the morning.
Olbinkski detailed the chase on his Facebook post.
I kinda had the entire day mapped out before breakfast based on models and how this same deal happened on July 29th, 2016…and sure enough it played out the same way.
  Except BETTER. Because this time the storms were early. And we had 150 miles and hours to stay in front of a churning, dense haboob. From driving through it near Stanfield, to a gorgeous haboob approaching Vekol Road, then it was to Gila Bend and after that is when it really came to life and was a dream to chase all the way to Yuma.
  Better yet was the fact that this wall of dust was so thick, NO traffic came from the east for at least an hour. All it was was about 5-7 storm chasers leapfrogging each other, jumping out along Interstate 8, hootin’, hollering and high-fiving.
  It’s no secret that we are big fans of Olbinski’s storm chasing photos and time-lapse films. In fact, we have brought you along for the ride in 12 of his previous storm chasing experiences, and all are as beautiful and fascinating as the ones before. So when I saw this incredible moment on his Facebook post, I had to sit down with Olbinski and get the story.
That is one big haboob! Is this the biggest one you have ever seen?
No, it’s not the biggest, but I’m definitely ranking it #2 all-time now! The best will always be July 5th, 2011. That was the first time-lapse I ever did of a haboob and it went viral within an hour of sharing it online. One that size won’t be seen out here again I don’t think, but this one from July 9th, 2018 was absolutely stunning.
  When the wall is quickly approaching, is there ever a fear of the unknown about being inside of one?
No fear for me really. I’ve been in countless dust storms, and they vary in intensity and strength. However, we could definitely tell this was a dense one and if you got stuck inside for too long, it would be very hard to get back out with the low to zero visibility. For a time-lapse guy like me, I usually let it hit me, wait about 20 seconds, then race out of it as fast as possible. The good thing about this one is that it was so dense, we really had no cars to worry about on the interstate because they’d all pulled over behind it.
Some of your footage looks to be taken from inside the haboob. After it would descend on you, what was the game plan?
That footage was in Yuma and was basically when it was dark and we decided to call the chase. So we pulled into a lot and waited it out. The wind and sand was so intense. I think my windshield may have thousands of tiny little dings in it now from what I noticed today. Once it passed, we went back east towards home to hopefully catch some lightning, but it ended up just being rain and wind.
How long were you chasing this one?
The storms that really helped spawn on this hit around the Casa Grande area, as well as rolled through Phoenix around the same time. So I was on it from the start west of Casa Grande around 4:30pm. The last video was shot at 8:30pm when we gave up, so a solid four hours. It was a dream to catch it with all that time and daylight left. I’ve done two similar chases the past two years, both of them were AMAZING haboobs, however, they came after dark or right at sunset too early, and the chase west to Yuma was so dark that the photos were impossible to do much with. But July 9th…150 miles of chasing and tons of stops and fun photos along the way. Great times.
Your friend Greg McCown has a photo of you and fellow chaser John Sirlin standing outside as the haboob seems mere meters away. Did he snap those pics and then you immediately ran for cover in the vehicle?
I think the haboob was further away than it looked! Those are monsters, being nearly 3000-5000ft tall. So while it looked close (and it still in reality was), it wasn’t a “shoot and run” situation completely. However, I’m sure within the next five minutes of those pictures, we were packing up. Sometimes you get in front long enough to time-lapse for half an hour, sometimes a mere 5-10 minutes.
Any advice for amateur storm photographers on how to safely photograph one?
If you see one, and you’re new, definitely keep ahead of it. Don’t wait for it to hit you. And be very cautious if you are trying to punch one to get to the other side. You never know who might have stopped in the middle of the road because of low visibility and didn’t pull off to the side.
What was it like to experience this incredible moment with your kids?
Well, my kids probably just love being with dad, on the road, getting snacks and being on their iPad…but we do have a ton of fun watching these storms, and while they don’t always understand it all, they definitely let out a few “wows” for this dust storm. And I got some cute shots of Eli on top of my truck, a selfie with them together and a dust storm behind us and my daughter was shooting BTS video all day which I loved. Hopefully someday in life they will look back with fond memories on all this, because for me it’s already amazing now.
So there you have it. Another day, another incredible storm chase with Mike Olbinski. Look out for his upcoming completed time-lapse film of this entire storm on an upcoming feature on Resource Travel.
See more from Olbinski on his website, Facebook, and Instagram.
            The post See the Massive Dust Storm That Swallowed Southwest Arizona appeared first on Resource.
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The First American Woman To Win The NYC Marathon In 40 Years Required Simply 3.
Group Cal - Chicago Marathon Ashley 2017-10-25T09:10:04 +00:00. The very first half of the course is totally shaded by high-rise buildings making the preliminary part of the race very enjoyable to run through. We partner with other members of the Christian Greek neighborhood to host themed occasions each night of Homecoming Week to commemorate custom and tradition at the University of Florida. Tom Derderian, Boston Marathon: History of the World's Premier Running Occasion, Human Kinetics, 1994, 1996. Among the WORLD'S BEST little marathons."-- Runner's World Publication, 2006. For the remainder of the country: See live coverage from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. ET on race day on ESPN2 and via Watch ESPN on computer systems, tablets, smart devices, Amazon Fire TELEVISION and Fire TV Stick, Apple TV, Chromecast, Roku, Xbox 360 and Xbox One, for those who have video memberships from associated suppliers. As the Bank of America Chicago Marathon weaves its method through 29 varied areas, spectators and participants experience the history, culture, prominent architecture and vibrant spirit that make Chicago great. It's a great race, good to chase after someone down," he stated. . Q&A: Chinese runners accept their very first NYC Marathon: Many Chinese runners are taking a trip abroad to run major marathons as the sport gains appeal throughout the nation. Training program includes strength training, group runs, yoga and pilates sessions, speed work, and nutrition assistance. If you turn race weekend into a getaway with friends and family, it can feel like a vacation with a big, catered run at the end. If you have not been doing any aerobic workout, you might begin with only one mile at a time (or less) throughout each training session for the first week or more. Switzer, looking as lean and fit, with shoulder-length blond hair, put on a burgundy Group 261 Brave" zip-up track jacket and matching t-shirt, black leggings and orange Adidas sneakers. With this structure in place, we classified all the website content and grouped it by each event along with content type. Runners can likewise hit the feared wall" here, so it's a terrific place to cheer them on! The last and first 2.5 miles of both races are on paved roads and the ATT surface area is compressed screenings with some sections a mix of asphalt and compressed screenings. . There is complimentary parking available all day at 23rd Street and Crystal Drive in Crystal City, Va. Free shuttle bus will take participants and fans from the totally free parking to the Runners Town, roughly 1.5 miles away. There are several other methods to help you obtain a number, which includes running other New york city Road Runners races, volunteering, running for charity, and going into due to the fact that of previous race efficiencies. The half marathon course is flat and fast with legendary views of the valley of the sun, consisting of Papago Park and Tempe town lake. This will be our very first year partnering with the event, and we would love to have you sign up with the team to help us find efficient treatments to End NF! Training Schedules for runners aged 18 - 75 years. The Kappa Sigma fraternity's foundation rests on four pillars of character all of us strive to display in our lives: Fellowship, Leadership, Scholarship, and Service. Viewers can see their runner in as many as 5 areas on the course. The formation of the Greek army was one with the central armed forces having soldiers in rank of 4 while the flanking forces had soldiers in rank of 8. This development then either ran or marched (most likely marched) the distance to the Persian forces and stopped some 200 metres except the Persian army. It is said that some of 'zealous' hoplites even handled to capture around 7 enemy ships by simply rushing on to their decks. In my strategy, you simply add one mile a week till you reach ten miles. marathon training On bringing it on the stage he was fined one thousand drachmae for having actually remembered to them their own misfortunes.-- SMITH. Inning accordance with the marathon site, spectators are not allowed in the staging area or begin villages. To prevent injuries and stay healthy while half marathon training, increase your mileage slowly and include rest and recovery into your program.
With approval in place, mile five on the MCM course gave runners an up-close view of the terrorist attack on the Pentagon. An excellent method is to run your very first few miles 10 to 20 seconds slower than your goal. Refer 5 or more individuals and get a refund of up to $15.00. You can discover your referral link in your verification email. It was a blast dancing with the trainees, and I still cannot get the music from my head. On Monday, April 16, 2018, #RunLikeAGirlScout with Team Lady Scouts in support of our health and health efforts. It's an amazing four-park event with your host Mickey Mouse throughout the 25th Anniversary Walt Disney World ® Marathon event. The boost in donations was due in part to this year's development of an alumni association, she stated, which serves to extend students' connections to Dance Marathon beyond the four years they spend on school.
The event has grown significantly since then, attracting runners from worldwide, some vying for an opportunity to make history as the course winner; others just hoping to end up the run upright. Central Park West, south of West 66th Street: The post-finish location in and near Central Park (north of the goal) is a runners-only zone. Runners who are looking for more of a difficulty can take part in among the two special difficulties that the weekend offers. Race personnel readily available at the Pebble Beach Resort ® to address course and race questions the day prior to the race. The Chicago marathon is among the largest and earliest big-city marathons in the world. Above all, pay attention to your body Scale back mileage and take an additional rest day or more if you feel discomfort that's beyond common training pain. So, naturally I had to go down and support him - and let me inform you - it's a whole different experience being there than exactly what one sees on TELEVISION. The enormity of this event is practically frustrating. Mayor Lenny Curry, City board member Tommy Hazouri and YMCA of Florida's First Coast CEO Eric Mann signed up with youth-focused Northeast Florida nonprofits last week to celebrate Children's Advocacy Week at the Spring Break Celebration. After each uphill, I tried to recuperate and unwind on the following downhill, so on and so on. The wind had picked up a bit too, and while I'm the very first person to grumble about a headwind, it felt SO good to get a breeze. For more on all the qualifying standards, including the qualifying window and what makes a qualified course, click on this link A list of leading certifying U.S. marathons can be found here.
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