#here's the deal: i simultaneously ship colin with whatever cute shortie he loves
hacash · 1 year
You know those really close friendships where something will happen and neither of you have to say anything, you just make eye contact and both immediately Know what the other’s thinking? I want Colin to introduce Michael to the team, properly this time, and amongst all the how-are-yous and greetings Michael ends up standing next to Bumbercatch. And without one word passing between them Isaac gets this huge shit-eating grin on his face and seemingly out of nowhere Colin is suddenly fuming and ranting shut up, shut the fuck up McAdoo, that’s not funny, don’t you dare, I do not have a type I do not have a fucking type you absolute dickhead...
Isaac is almost crying with laughter. Neither Michael nor Bumbercatch know what the hell is going on. 
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