#here is a copy paste of a msg i sent my beta reader at 2am while coming up w the idea for this prompt:
jewishtommycoolatta · 4 years
7. Kidnapped & “Stop hogging the blankets!”
Word Count: 291
Ship: Freelatta (Tommy x Gordon) (but only slightly)
TW for kidnapping (only slightly, it’s not serious at all)
It was 3 a.m.
Which, in Gordon’s opinion, was the perfect time for sleeping in his nice comfy bed, with his lovely boyfriend, and not doing anything else.
GMan unfortunately begged to differ.
“Can I please just go to fucking sleep, you weird old man?!” Gordon snapped.
The weird old man in question aggressively shushed him, pointing to a sleeping Tommy, as if his strange warping of the world and glowing eyes weren’t infinitely more likely to wake him up.
“I understand that this... time of night is not, as convenient for you, but it is the only time that I can, ah, take you aside without... suspicion.” GMan gestured to Tommy once again.
“You can’t plan a surprise party at literally any other time?”
More annoying shushing.
And now there was a giant portal, which was certainly louder than Gordon had been, and GMan was dragging him out from under the covers to go into his weird G-Void to plan Tommy’s 38th birthday party even though they could just go to dinner like REGULAR adults. But GMan was some strange space eldritch, the furthest thing from regular, so Gordon was going to help him plan a party at 3 in the fucking morning because he had literally no other choice.
The blankets fell off the bed as Gordon got dragged into the void.
Tommy could sleep through yelling and bickering and teleporting and void kidnapping just fine, but the cold bothered him enough to stir him just slightly awake.
“Stop… stop hogging the blankets,” he mumbled, fumbling his arms out to take the duvet back from Gordon.
And Gordon was-- Gordon wasn’t there?
Tommy’s eyes cracked open, and then snapped wide open, and Gordon wasn’t there.
Oh no.
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