#her waking up in the cave + that iconic shot of when she slowly brings up her gun 5x11 at madi's ascension + THE GUN PULL UP IN S2 FINALE
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commander-anya · 5 years ago
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— say your prayers now. | m.a.w
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mirkwoodshewolf · 5 years ago
My little Panther; T’Challa x POC!child reader
*Author’s note*
The world is devastated right now. I had read the news last night and I’ve done my mourning, now it’s time for the tribute. I’ve had this on my Wattpad for a good couple of years but never transferred it to here. But hearing the loss of Chadwick, I knew I had to finally post this fic onto my tumblr so that you all can have a read of it. 
We all miss you Chadwick and you were taken away from us FAR. TOO. EARLY. But you didn’t let your cancer define you, you kept working and helped bring such an iconic character to life, as well as sharing the stories of SO. MANY. REAL. LIFE. PEOPLE (Marshall and Jackie Robinson) to screens worldwide. You will be deeply missed and will always be an inspiration to everyone. You and Stan ‘the man’ Lee are once again together in Heaven awaiting for the rest of the Avengers to Assemble.
Long. Live. King. Chadwick. Boseman.
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I was hiding within the den eating the food that my mother had collected. All I remember from my old home was fire and death, I remember running to find my parents but then I had gotten lost in the jungle. It was then I came upon a cave, well a den really of a black panther and her cubs. Ever since then I have lived with my mother and three brothers.
I ate the antelope just like my brothers, wrestled like them and slept like them curled up next to my mother's fur. Even though I was different than them and didn't look like them, my mother treated me like I was one of her own and treated me no less. I was currently being bathed by my mother when we heard something outside.
She went on the defense position and gathered me and my brothers up and pushed us closer to the den as she went outside and stalked to whatever it was that was close to our den. I know I shouldn't have but I got curious so I stepped out of the den and peeked over the log to see my mother roaring and swiping her massive paws at another black panther, but this one was different.
This Black Panther mainly stood on two legs, and its fur didn't look like fur and its eyes were not the pure golden cat eyes like my mother's. Mama roared and swiped her paw again at this intruding Black Panther and the other Black Panther backed away and submitted to my mother before turning and walking away but then I saw it look right at me.
I ducked behind the log and raced back into the den just as mother came back inside. She then nudged me towards her back, I got on and soon she led me and my brothers out of the den and we all searched for a new one. Knowing that we had been found, we couldn't stay in the same place for long. Mama always wants us to move if ever any predator found our den in order to ensure our survival.
*T'Challa's POV*
After arriving back to the palace, I couldn't help but think about that child I had seen in the jungle. It was a simple border patrol but what I wasn't aware was that I had stumbled upon a mother panther's den. I had activated my suit just in case but I didn't engage against the mother for I knew she was probably protecting her cubs. That's when I saw the child hiding within the bushes.
After that I had backed away from the mother panther slowly to show her that I wasn't a threat to her or her cubs. Once I was far enough from the den, I decided that it would be best to head back to the palace since there was no sign of trouble, but still my mind kept going back to that child. Who was she? How long has she been in the jungle? Did she have a family?
"Ther. Brother!" My sister's voice snapped me out of my state of mind and she sassed at me, "Did you listen to a word I said?"
"So sorry Shuri, I just—I was thinking about that child".
"A child?"
"Yes, while I was patrolling the jungle to check and make sure our borders were still safe from any weapons traders, I came across this child in the jungle".
"Was she Wakandan?"
"Possible, she definitely wasn't an outsider I know that much".
"I'll see if I can any records on any villages that have been attacked".
"Thank you Shuri". It was then my kimoyo beads activated.
"Ohh your girlfriend calling you?"
"Stop it!" I then allowed the image to come up and up came Okoye.
"My King" she stated.
"What is it Okoye?"
"Trouble by the river province, poachers are approaching the reserve".
"I am on my way". Okoye's image then disappeared. Before I walked out, Shuri stopped me. She then handed me the updated AMP beads.
"Take these with you, they are a much better improvement than the last ones".
"Thank you Shuri". She nodded then I took off running out of the lab.
*My POV*
After finding our new home, I was outside our new den playing with my brothers when I took notice of something shiny just ahead of me. While my two brothers were busy playing with each other and my mother was bathing my other one, I walked away and followed the shiny bright light.
I tried to catch it in my hands but for some reason it didn't want to be caught. I was so caught up in trying to catch the light that I didn't realize that someone was hiding behind the tall grass. As I caught the light one last time, I heard a shot and I was soon caught in a trap.
I cried and snarled out before three men picked me up and one of them spoke.
"She may not be an animal but she'll still sell for a big price".
"Put her in the trunk with the others" another spoke. I thrashed around and let out a cry for help to my Mama. The men put me in this large metal machine and soon took off. I kept crying and crying until I saw my Mama running just behind roaring up at me. She ran faster and faster until she lept in the car.
I tried to reach out for her but the metal trap they put me in kept me from reaching my mama. She managed to get herself in and she walked towards me and used her teeth to free me, but it was then one of the men held a gun in their hands and a loud bang was heard again. Next thing I saw was my mama rolling outside on the ground.
I cried out for her when suddenly the large machine stopped and I along with a few other animals were tossed around.
*3rd Person POV*
The poachers came out of the truck after their car broke down and crashed into a tree. They all complained to each other pointing the blame on the other when the leader silenced them and ordered them to get into defense position.
The men spread out with their guns drawn and as one of them held out his gun he heard a twig snap and turned to see nothing. That was until he looked up and saw a man in a cat suit.
Next thing the poachers, one of their men was tossed at the truck leaving a huge dent in the door. The Black Panther soon showed up and attacked another one of the poachers. T'Challa now stood before the remaining two and as the leader and his second in command were firing at T'Challa. He merely just walked towards them before striking the second in command.
The leader took out his knife and tried to stab T'Challa but he managed to dodge every swing until he grabbed the poacher's hand that was holding the knife and twisted it until he let go and heard it snap. The leader screamed in agony and T'Challa told him venomously.
"Poaching is illegal in these lands, you will be brought before the council and faced with the consequences". T'Challa then knocked the leader unconscious and walked towards the back to see the animals that were inside but was surprised to see another thing in the truck, or rather someone.
It was the child he had seen earlier today.
*My POV*
As I tried to get out of my cage, I saw the same Black Panther that my Mama faced earlier today come around into view. I froze in my spot just staring at him. It was then his panther face disappeared and it showed that he was actually a man.
He had deep dirty brown eyes and fur along his lips and chin and on top of his head. He almost reminded me of a growing lion. As he got closer to me, I snarled and hissed at him trying to be brave like my Mama.
"Easy, easy. I'm not going to hurt you". He held out his hands to me as he slowly came closer and closer to my cage. He then unlocked them and opened it up and proceeded to back away. "It's okay now, come on out now". I sniffed curiously and slowly crawled out of the cage. "That's it, it's okay. I won't hurt you". As I got out of the cage more, I looked between him and my way of escape.
Then like a shot I took off running as fast as I could with the Panther man behind me crying out for me. I raced down the trail until I came to my Mama. She was still down and there was red stuff around her head and fur. I walked up to her and nuzzled her fur and roared out to her. I shook her with my hands and bit into her ear but she still wouldn't wake up.
I roared at her as I felt wetness come down from my eyes then I curled up underneath my mama's paw and nuzzled her head as the wetness continued to come down my face. The Panther man soon came up close to me and I looked up at him and he looked at me with sad eyes.
"I am sorry". He then proceeded to come closer to me and my Mama but I stood over her growling and roaring at him. I let out a hiss but he raised his hands and said to me, "I won't hurt her, I promise". I glared at him. It was because of his kind that my Mama was dead.
Mama always warned us that ape-like creatures called Humans were always to blame for territory loss, stealing our food and killing us to extinction. Now because of his kind, my Mama is gone. But yet looking at his eyes, I felt like I could trust him. I ceased my snarling and just held onto my mama's body.
*T'Challa's POV*
As I looked down at this mother black panther, my heart sunk. She was only trying to save her cub, even though this was a human child, this mother panther looked at her like she was one of her own cubs. For her memory I decided to call this Pantheress "Kamunyak" meaning "Blessed One". I knew it would be dark soon and I had to get this child back to the palace to get her some warmth before the cold settled in.
Wakanda maybe the hottest places in Africa, but its nights are unpredictable. Some nights it would be cool enough to sleep outside, but sometimes they would be so unbearable cold. I gently touched her shoulders and could feel her fighting against me as I picked her up.
"Shhh, shh. Calm down, calm down" I told her in Wakandan. I had to get her calm because I didn't want her to hurt herself. She was raised to believe that she is a panther and I don't want her to bite into my suit and allow the Vibranium to hurt her. I placed her close to my chest and rubbed her back calming her in Wakandan. When it seemed to work, I kept her close and headed back to the jet to take her back to the palace.
When we arrived back at the palace, I had her put in a special room with a bed and warm food so that she could eat real food. And not knowing how long she has been in the jungle or when her last meal was, I took the liberty to give her the best and healthiest foods Wakanda has to offer.
As I observed her, my sister came back with some news. She pulled up on the screen as she stated.
"It turns out this girl comes from a village near Wakanda. It was attacked by some of Klaue's men and burned to the ground. She must've found a way to escape and has been living in the jungle since. How she's managed to survive for 5 years I do not know".
"A Mother panther raised her as one of her own cubs, it would seem Bast herself came down and decided to protect this child as if she were her own". I said out loud.
"You're telling me we have ourselves a Mowgli? Like that story and movie Baba showed us".
"It would seem so Shuri".
"What do you suggest then my King?" Okoye soon stated out.
"She is a child with no family to call her own, and her adoptive mother was shot and killed in front of her. This child needs the best care and only we can offer it".
"Brother are you suggesting that you are going to raise her?"
"I feel responsible for this child's mother's death. I cannot just let her die with no one to take care of her, knowing that we can teach her who she really is". I stated firmly. My general and sister looked at me then Okoye bowed her head and said.
"Just don't freeze when her feral stage comes back".
"What are you talking about? I never freeze" I stated. I then turned my attention back to the girl and decided to talk to her. I opened the door and shut it behind me. She instantly became alert of my presence and she got down in defense position baring her teeth at me. "Easy little one, I am not here to hurt you, may I sit down?" She seemed to understand me which was a good sign, at least then I knew she could understand me.
I took a seat far enough from her but kept my eyes on her in case anything were to happen.
"My name is T'Challa, do you remember your name?" She remained quiet and poked around the fruit and sniffing them like a cat would. I took a deep sigh and told her, "I know losing your Mama was hard, I lost my Baba not too long ago, and I would give anything to save him too. But I swear to you on my Baba's soul and that of your mother's, I will look after you and protect you. You will never be alone". She then looked up at me and I remained still as I saw her actually coming up towards me.
Slowly and cautiously, but sure enough she came right in front of me until she wrapped her arms around me and nuzzled into my chest. I placed my hand on top of her head and stroked her hair and slowly wrapped my arm around her to pick her up and place her in my lap and hold her in my arms as she nuzzled deeper into my chest.
Within several months of teaching and immense patience, I had given her the name (y/n) was soon learning how to be a human girl, learning how to eat properly, how to walk, learning the history of Wakanda, even learning how to speak both in English and Wakandan.
I along with Nakia and Shuri taught her everything she needed to know and were there to give her the love she deserved and needed. As night fell, I tucked (y/n) in after a long day of staying with Auntie Shuri in her lab while I dealt with some political matters after opening up Wakanda to the rest of the world. I stroked her hair and kissed her forehead and whispered to her.
"Goodnight my little panther cub". And as I turned off her light and was about to shut the door, I heard her voice say.
"Goodnight Baba". I let a warm smile take over me as I shut the door behind me and decided to turn in for the night myself.
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wickymicky · 5 years ago
all the questions in @ohsua‘s ask thing! this was really hard and i put more effort into some questions than others, but it was fun! putting it under a Read More cause it got reaaaaally long
What's your favourite title track?
piri! probably anyway. possibly what?
Sleep-walking or Silent Night?
sleepwalking personally, though i like both
Favourite teaser image for The Tree Of Language so far?
uhhhhhhh hmmm. im not sure, maybe dami? or siyeon? from the first round?
Favourite choreography? If you can, explain why
i dont really have an easy answer cause i’d have to watch them all again but the first one that comes to mind is piri. i cant really explain why though lol, i just think its cool to watch
Favourite cover?
tbh i havent heard a lot of their covers, oops
Favourite album?
hmmmmmmm. maybe prequel? or raid of dream? prequel has wake up and sleepwalking though... hmm
Who's your bias?
it was dami forever, and then now it’s jiu, though dami might be bias wrecking me lmao. bias unwrecking? rebiasing?
What's your favourite mv?
oh hmmmm... you know i love piri but honestly that music video is not one of my favorites. i think i’m leaning towards you and i or good night here. i love the scene where the ghost hunter dude’s room is exploding cause i guess the members are messing with shit on the other side of the mirror or whatever, but there’s just a shot of the dude and it’s slowly zooming out as stacks of paper and books and stuff go flying, it’s great. digipedi always makes fantastic videos
What concept would you like to see?
i have so many answers to this that idk if i can choose lol. anything lol, anything. they could do anything. i dont want them to lose the spirit of their concept and sound, but there are infinite directions they could take their concept without losing that spirit. 
Mayday or Wake Up?
wake up dude are you kidding me? i also just um... dont really remember mayday. i’ve heard it but i dont remember right now... wake up is great though
Deja Vu or Piri?
piri! i love deja vu though. piri was the song that got me into them and deja vu was my first comeback with them, so i have an attachment to both, but i would have to say piri, yeah
Who's your favourite vocalist? Rank the members from favourite to least favourite
oh shit really? uhh idk if i can do that but... i mean i gotta say siyeon right? her voice *is* dreamcatcher to me. her voice defines their sound more than anything else, even more than their rock concept. like for real, her voice is more integral to the feel of a dreamcatcher song than the guitars or sort of dark vibe. well, her voice brings the dark vibe a lot of the time, honestly. after that i’d say jiu cause her voice is the total opposite, she has the voice you would least associate with a concept like this, but that serves to add a lot of range to their sound too. her voice is so vividly bright and cheerful... so, dreamcatcher’s dark concepts are defined by siyeon for me, and dreamcatcher’s lively personality and energy onstage and offstage are defined by jiu for me. those first lines of “wake up”? iconic, full of energy, aaaaaa i love her. after that i guess i’d say yoohyeon cause she’s the lead vocalist lol. and then... about the same for the rest. i dont have an order from then on. they’re one of the groups where i think it’s the easiest to tell which member is singing just from audio alone, all seven of them have distinct vocal characters. the only two that i sometimes mix up (again, just based on audio only) are sua and gahyeon. or dami when she sings lol
Did you get to see them live? If yes what's your favourite memory & is there a song you enjoyed on the concert way more than you expected?
noooo i didnt get to :( if they ever come back around though i will move heaven and earth to get there
Dreamcatcher Notes or Vlogs
i tend to watch dreamcatcher notes more because there’s more going on a lot of the time, cause they’re like behind the scenes stuff. also.... there are some members whose vlogs im more likely to watch right away than others lol... though im working my way through all of them little by little so i’ll see all of them eventually. if jiu posts a vlog it’s immediate haha i’m on it immediately
What’s your favourite era of each member?
oh wow okay this is a hard one... here goes!
jiu - already we’ve hit a really difficult one lmao. does blue/purple Jiu count since it was technically post-deja vu? i guess purple is now gonna be immortalized in their new comeback huh? i think actually i’ll say fly high. i think that’s the obvious choice but... idk, she doesnt have a bad era lol
sua - hmmm.... im having trouble remembering which eras were which for certain members... i know she had reddish purplish hair for piri right? i cant remember some of them though... like she didnt have as many drastically different looks as someone like siyeon or dami. maybe i’ll say good night though, purely because of her rap haha. EDIT: oh shit i looked at photos from the eras after all, and oh my god i forgot about you and i... nevermind lol scratch that, it’s you and i. those designs she had in her hair were super cool
siyeon - deja vu, specifically the part where she had short blue hair. amazing. flawless. legendary. stories will be told of those days
handong - her ‘what’ era is probably her most popular, but actually im gonna say deja vu. i liked her short blonde hair, it looks really good on her. the first thing that came to mind is her with that hair and those purple/black deja vu outfits... im thinking of some photos from some fansigns... yeah. 
yoohyeon - deja vu again lol, sorry about the recency bias haha. this is the era she viciously and savagely bias wrecked me. especially during those fanmeetings where she had a ponytail and was wearing a suit... oh my god lol she knew exactly what she was doing. they all know exactly how good they look in suits and they subject us to it as often as they can lol. her grey hair during you and i is iconic too, and the red she had during good night... but i think im gonna stick with my answer
dami - piri!!!!!!! oh my god!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh my god??? oh my god!!!! especially post-piri with her black hair??? fucuuucuckckckckckkckkkkkk dude she’s so handsome i could CRY. this current era we’re about to get is looking like a gamechanger too though... her hair’s kinda wavy and that look on her face in that first teaser... and her floral shirt... damn dude. honorable mention to you and i cause of the baton trick she’s famous for lol
gahyeon - now with gahyeon its actually pretty hard for me to say, she has had the same or similar hair in every comeback pretty much, right? hmmm. the things that immediately come to mind are good night and piri and i’m not sure why. actually i might be thinking of chase me? OH NEVERMIND okay i caved and i looked at photos from different eras and i forgot that she had green in her hair during fly high, okay yeah nevermind lol it’s fly high
What do you hope to see on their albums in the future?
what do you mean? like in terms of types of songs? uhhh.. idk.. most of the stuff i would say to this is stuff that i have no doubt will actually come. i want more bangers like piri and what, i want more edm stuff like sleepwalking and silent night, but yeah i’m sure we’ll get that. i guess what i’ll say is... more songs with involvement from the members. either in terms of composition or even just lyrics. though i like the composers and lyricists they have a lot! i’ll also say if nothing else, then a song choreographed at least in part by the members would be amazing. idk if it’ll happen for a title track, but if sua choreographs one of their edm bsides or something, and they perform it live on music shows, fuck...
What would you say to each member if you didn't have to worry about a time limit?
each member individually??? that’s too time consuming woirjgeoiwrgew but i do have individual answers for all of them probably lol. especially yoohyeon, i wanna talk to her about languages. i’ll just say to all of them how much i appreciate them and how they arent boxed in by typical idol conventions, but they also arent boxed in as outside them either. like, they’re not an anti-kpop-group, they’re not the complete antithesis, they like being a kpop group and they like other kpop groups so they would never want to be that. i like how much fun they have, i like how close they are, i like how they treat their fans, i think if the fandom did something really awful or went too far i like to think they would feel comfortable letting us know. hopefully, anyway. more than most other kpop groups i’m aware of, it’s easy to find them in videos and vlives and stuff not being totally in idol-mode and just being people, and friends with their members. im not criticizing other groups, cause if i was in their position, i think i would have a hard time not being “on” when on camera, even if it’s just a vlive. maybe it’s because they’ve known each other for a lot longer than a lot of other current-gen groups, and they’re older than many of their current-gen peers too. they feel very earnest, they’re not trying to hide. im sure there are aspects to them that we dont know about and will never know about, and i hope that’s the case cause i hope they’re able to maintain some privacy in this job, but it’s not hard to tell when someone is being genuine and when someone isn’t, and i get a very genuine vibe from them a lot of the time. i’m glad they are who they are, they’re really influential and inspirational to me.  i.... also might wanna mention their support for lgbt people, though i would want to talk to them about that in private because it’s personal for me and risky for them and i know how shitty that situation is, especially since i know that they care and would be a lot more vocal if they could be. and they’re one of the most vocal groups about it already! i just want to thank them.
Is there a song you think is underappreciated?
hmmm. i’m not really sure which are and which arent, i actually think insomnias do a good job appreciating everything haha. 
Rank Breaking Out, You and I, Fly High, What and Deja Vu from favourite to least favourite
oof okay, i guess this is the Controversial Opinion Time huh?
What (i guess this is a controversial song? is it? it’s one of my favorites, number 1 or number 2, so idk lol)
Fly High
Deja Vu
You and I
Breaking Out
Let's say you are forced to choose a title track that gets erased from existence so that the rest can stay, which one do you pick? i'm sorry
does this count jp ones? cause.... im not into breaking out... sorry... i think i would say.... idk.... my least favorite main title track was still a big moment for them and had great moments in the choreo.... i dont know if i would want to erase it fully.... iojdoikoldofbm i feel like the one you could erase the easiest, and that wouldnt change their history all that much, would be What... but i love What... lmao idk... at one point i would have said Fly High but it grew on me a lot and i think it was necessary for them at that point. i also love it for the lore haha. so im sorry i dont have an answer.... unless breaking out counts oijwefmgodlr,rfl;kfd
Full Moon or Over The Sky?
i only got into both songs fairly recently, for whatever reason i hadnt heard full moon for a long time, and when the over the sky special clip came out i decided that i didnt like the song at all but i just listened to it not that long ago and was surprised at how much i liked it, so actually i dont hate either song lol. still, i’ll say full moon
Choose between their Taemin covers: Move or Sayonara Hitori
oh uh i havent heard/watched these ioerokgopdrgkdh. i hadnt even heard Move until like two weeks ago. oops. i guess i should watch their cover huh? tbh i didnt even know they did that lol im bad at this
Who do you wish they could collab with?
lol i would love to say loona because theyre my other ult but actually im gonna say ateez. they have so much in common! they have the same producers for all their title tracks, theyre both very choreo-focused, they both are very concept-heavy... i would love some sort of crossover thing. imagine a 15 member crossover EP or something... the pirates meeting the nightmares... or whatever each of their new concepts are gonna be... damn. again this would go over extremely well musically too, cause Ollounder could just try to combine his styles for his two groups lol
Who first caught your eyes and why?
dami obviously, i’m only human
Trap or Diamond?
diamond i guess, i dont really listen to either of these that often
Pick 3 members for your zombie apocalypse squad
sua cause she could beat people up, siyeon cause she could beat people up, yoohyeon cause she’s a clumsy mess and we would need a challenge
Blonde Siyeon or Blue haired Siyeon
blue!!!! but only by a bit
Favourite dancer?
theyre all so good, they all could be the main dancer for any other group. sua is considered their main dancer, but idk, any of them could be. maybe i’ll say jiu?
If the next album features lyrics by one (or more) of the members, who do you hope it is this time?
only one??? can i say all of them?
Do you hope for more vocalist Dami or would you rather see her rap?
both! idk lol. i want to see more rapping from sua and possibly siyeon too, so more vocalist dami could allow for that? but rapper dami is obviously more iconic
Sua's choreography for Copycat or Taki Taki?
taki taki i guess?
Favourite lyrics?
hmmmm..... i’d have to look deeply into this and i dont feel like doing that right now... i’ll just say that “pirireul bureora” is so catchy so in terms of catchiness of the lyric i’ll say that lol. i know that’s not what this question was asking though, i just dont have an answer
Are there any songs you hope one or more of the members cover?
oh wow uh... hmm. shine by pentagon lol
Favourite intro?
end of nightmare maybe? i like that it has the piri melody in it, and i like how the edm part melts your fucking face off. is that the most abrasive moment of any dc song? maybe?
Version E, V, I or L of The Tree Of Language?
oh idk, i dont really have a preference, sorry
Wonderland or And there was no one left?
er9iokgbiktwikpbherohtbkret i actually listen to these all the time and my answer goes back and forth. i’m gonna say wonderland right now
Favourite instrumental?
Vocalist Jiu or dancer Jiu?
haha idk, both? i mean i mostly listen to music and watch music videos, i dont watch as many performances, so i guess i’ll say vocalist?
Do you have a favourite ballad?
uhhhhh not really, im sorry
What are your 5 favourite pictures of your bias?
ah fuck, this question would be easy to do if i was answering this just based on someone sending them in... um... i’ll just reblog five real good ones in a row after this post... sorry lol....
What was the first song you heard?
piri! it came out a bit before i got into kpop, so it was still fairly new at the time anyway
How did you find out about them?
to be honest i dont even remember. did i just click on a thumbnail for piri that was in the related videos to some other kpop song? i dont remember... i might have heard that there was a rock based kpop group even before listening to it? i forget but i didnt like it at first lol. i thought it clashed really badly and it didnt appeal to my metal sensibilities. some parts stuck in my head though and i kept coming back and it was a guilty pleasure at first and then oops i fell in love and then oops it appeals to every sensibility i have now lol. though mostly i still like them more for their pop aspects than their rock/metal aspects. but anyway still, i dont remember how i first heard about them, i just remember the first time i listened to piri
What do you think about Handong being on Idol Producer and missing all of their activities? Do you think it's worth it?
sigh.... i mean, time will tell, right? i hope she does well enough that it gets them a lot of exposure, but... selfishly, i guess... i hope she doesnt become part of the final group because i want to see her back in dreamcatcher lol. we’ll see, and hopefully this is a good experience for her! i know things are weird right now cause of the virus outbreak... i havent been following the news but is it postponed or something? i think i heard that somewhere? or maybe i just saw speculation, idk
Vocalist Gahyeon or rapper Gahyeon?
either! she has a lot of potential with both
Yoohyeon's cover of Secret Love Song or 2002?
um.... okay..... this is me again being a bad insomnia, i dont think ive watched either of those iokgopprlgwephk
The no budget July 7th mv or the Curse of the Spider mv from the fanmeeting?
i havent seen the curse of the spider one woah, i didnt know that existed! and is the no budget july 7th mv different than the special clip one? i dont really like that song much so i wouldnt know geijrgpokprgwoephk
Chase Me or Good Night?
good night till the day i die lol. chase me is a phenomenal debut though and works better for that purpose than good night, and i love that the lyrics are about all the ways they haunt your dreams, but i love good night so much
Favourite Siyeon cover?
im not super knowledgeable again here im sorry :( is it cheating if i say overdose, mostly just by default?
Handong's pre chorus in Deja Vu or the bridge in Piri?
piri lol
What's your favourite bside from each album?
oh fuck okay hold on
uhhh i dont have one for Nightmare, it was just chase me, an intro, and one other song. is it cheating if i say the intro lol
same for Fall Asleep in the Mirror, i guess the intro
Prequel okay now we’re getting somewhere.... Wake Up or Sleepwalking.... fuck.... Sleepwalking is actually probably the song that really converted me into a fan cause its the first time i really heard their range. after listening to Piri and You and I and maybe Chase Me, i decided to just watch all their music videos in order, and the playlist i used included the special clip mvs too, so hearing Sleepwalking for the first time right after Fly High was wild, it blew me away and i listened to it like 8 times in a row haha. Wake Up has been rising up my rankings a ton recently but i think i still have to go with Sleepwalking
Escape the ERA.. hmm... Mayday? earlier i said ive only heard this song a bit and that’s true, i’m listening to it right now though. wow i dont remember this song at all haha, this is good what the fuck, how did i forget this? oops what the hell
Alone in the City FUCK this intro is so GOOD god DAMN. its short, it doesnt go that hard, but it makes you so tense and suspenseful. but my answer is Wonderland lol
for End of Nightmare it’s And There Was No One Left
for Raid of Dream it’s hard to choose again... Silent Night is probably by far the most popular pick for this, and i think Curse of the Spider is a little bit underrated, so my instinct to pick the unconventional pick makes me wanna choose it, but i just dont know if that’s true lol. i think i have to go with Silent Night
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padawanlost · 7 years ago
The links to your ‘legendary’ anakin playlist never work on mobile. Is it on Spotify or somewhere else?
Hey, youcan open on mobile because it’s a side page (https://padawanlost.tumblr.com/anakinskywalkerplaylist).You won’t find anywhere else, I was playing on creating a playlist on youtubefor easier access but I didn’t have the time yet :( But, if it help, copied thelist here so it should work on mobile now.
12 Stones - World So Cold
30 Seconds to Mars - Dangerous Night
30 Seconds To Mars - Hurricane 2.0
4th Point - Sick of It All
Adele - Hello
Adele - River Lea
Adele - Rolling In The Deep
Adele - Set Fire to the Rain
Adele - Skyfall
Adele - Someone Like You
Adele - When we were young
Aida - Written in the Stars
Alanis Morissette - Uninvited
Amaral - Sin ti no soy nada
Anya Marina - All the same to me
Anya Marina - Move You
Archive - The False Foundation
Arkells - Knocking At The Door
Avicii - Hey Brother
Avril Lavigne - I’m With You
Backstage Cast - Shot Me Down
Banners - Start a Riot
Bastille - Sleepsong
Bastille - The Draw
Bastille - Things We Lost in the Fire
Beth Crowle - Red
Björk - Hunter
Black Sabbath - War Pigs
Blink 182 - I Miss You
Bon Jovi- Santa Fe
brandi carlile - the story
Breaking Benjamin - Close To Heaven
Breaking Benjamin - Dear Agony
Brian Tyler - Lokasenna
Broods - Conscious
Carrie Underwood - I Just Can’t Live A Lie
Celldweller - Frozen
Celine Dion - My heart will go on
Celtic Woman - Amazing Grace
Chevelle - Red
Chihiro Onitsuka - This Silence is Mine
Christina Aguilera - Hurt
Clean Bandit - Rockabye
Clean Bandit - Stronger
Christina Aguilera - Say Something
Coldplay - Atlas
Coldplay -  a rush of blood to the head
Coldplay - Clocks
Coldplay - Fix You
Coldplay - Magic
Coldplay - Paradise
Coldplay - The Scientist
Coldplay - Yellow
Damien Dawn - Silent Scream
Daniel Knox - What Have They Done to You Now
Dar William - A God Descended
Dar Williams - The Ocean
Daughter - Human
Dean Martin .Ain’t That A Kick In The Head
Death Cab For Cutie - Black Sun
Depeche Mode - Wrong
Devour The Day - Good Man
Dido - Thank You
Dizzee Rascal- Bonkers
Drea - Justified
Ed Sheeran - Perfect
Ed Sheeran - supermarket flowers
Edward Sharpe And The Magnetic Zeros - Home
Elvis Presley -  I Can’t Help Falling Love
Elvis Presley - The Wonder of You
Emily Hearn - Volcano
Evanescence - Bring Me To Life
Evanescence - my immortal
Fall Out Boy - Bishops Knife Trick
Fall Out Boy - Centuries
Fall Out Boy - Champion
Fall Out Boy - Just One Yesterday
Fall Out Boy - Heaven’s Gate
Fall Out Boy - The Mighty Fall
Fink - Keep Falling
Five Finger Death Punch - Bad Company
Five Finger Death Punch - Battle Born
Five Finger Death Punch - Coming Down
Five Finger Death Punch - Remember Everything
Five Finger Death Punch - Wrong Side Of Heaven
Fleurie - Hurts Like Hell
Fleurie - Soldier
Flobots - Journey After (War Fatigues)
Florence and the Machine - Only if For A Night
Florence and the Machine - Rabbit Heart (Rise It UP)
Florence and the Machine - Seven Devils
Flyleaf - Fire, Fire
Foxes - Devil Side
Fun - Some nights
Gabrielle Aplin - Salvation
Gang Of Youths - Achilles Come Down
Generdyn Music - Let It Burn (feat RUTH)
Glen Hansard And Marketa Irglova - Falling Slowly
Grandson - Blood // Water
Grayscale - Forever Yours
Green Day - Boulevard Of Broken Dreams
Green Day - Jesus of Suburbia
Green Day -  Wake Me Up When September Ends
Hamilton - Dear Theodosia
Halsey - Angel on Fire
Halsey - Colors
Halsey - Control
Halsey - Devil in me
Halsey - Gasoline
Halsey - Ghost
Halsey - Haunting
Halsey - Hold me down
Halsey - Young God
Heavy Young Heathens - Being Evil Has a Price
HIM - Beyond Redemption
HIM - For You
HIM - Join me in death
HIM - The Sacrament
house of heroes - out my way
Hozier - Arsonist’s Lullabye
Icon For Hire - Up In Flames
Ingrid Michaelson - The Way I Am
Imagine Dragons - Battle Cry
Imagine Dragons - Believer
Imagine Dragons - Demons
Imagine Dragons - I Bet My Life
Imagine Dragons - Thief
InnerWish -  Needles In My Mind
Isabelle Boulay- Parle Moi
James Young - Infinity
Jaymes Young - I’ll Be Good
John Rzeznik - I’m Still Here
Johnny Cash - Hurt
jónsi - tornado
Joshua Radin - Let Our Sun Shine Down
Joshua Radin - They Bring Me to You
Juanes - Fotografia
K.Flay - Run For Your Life
Kamelot - Insomnia
Kansas - Carry On My Wayward Son
Kelly Clarkson - Dark Side
kendrick lamar - DNA
Kendrick Lamar - PRIDE
Lana Del Rey -  Young and Beautiful
Lauren Aquilina - King
LemON - Napraw
Leonard Cohen - Hallelujah
Linkin Park - Breaking the Habit
Linkin Park - Burn It Down
Linkin Park - Castle of Glass
Linkin Park - Crawling
Linkin Park - Fallout
Linkin Park - Heavy
Linkin Park - In the end
Linkin Park - Iridescent
Linkin Park - Leave Out All The Rest
Linkin Park - New Divide
Linkin Park - Numb
Linkin Park - One More Light
Linkin Park - Somewhere I Belong
Linkin Park - The Catalyst
Linkin Park - Until It’s Gone
Linkin Park - Valentine’s Day
Linkin Park - Waiting For The End
Linkin Park - What I’ve Done
Lord Huron - the Night we Met
Lorde - Liability
Lorde - Yellow Flicker Beat
Loreena McKennitt - Dante’s Prayer
LP - Muddy Waters
Macklemore ft. Kesha - Good Old Days
Major Lazer - Be together
Manchester Orchestra - Simple Math
Marilyn Manson - Fated, Faithful, Fatal
Marina and the Diamonds - Fear and Loathing
Maroon 5 - Payphone
Maroon 5 - She W
ill Be LovedMaroon 5 - Sugar
Metallica - Unforgiven
Michael Patrick Kelly - ID
Michael Schulte - You Let Me Walk Alone
MIIA - Dynasty
Mikky Ekko - Time
Milk & bones - Natalie
Mumford and Sons - Broken Crown
Muse - Madness
Muse - Resistance
New Order - As It Is When It Was
NF - Let You Down
NF - Paralyzed
Nickelback - How You Remind Me
Nickelback - PhotographNickelback - Savin’ Me
Nikka Costa - Push & Pull
Nina- we are the wild ones
nothing more - go to war
O.A.R. - Peace
Of monsters and men - Organs
Of monsters and men - sinking man
Oh Child - The Lion
One Ok Rock - Taking of
Paramore - Decode
Paramore - The Only Exception
Patrick Swayze - She’s Like the Wind
Peter Gabriel - Heroes
Peter Gabriel - My Body Is A Cage
Phillip Phillips - Gone, Gone, Gone
Phillip Phillips - Midnight Sun
Pink Floyd - Learning to fly
Placebo - Running up that hill
Portishead - Wandering Star
Radical Face - The Gilded Hand
Radiohead - creep
Rag'n'Bone Man - Human
REM - Losing my religion
Red - Fight Inside
Red - Shadows
ride - paralysed
ride - ox4
Rihanna ft SZA- Consideration
Rise Against - Hero Of War
Roberta Flack - The First Time Ever I Saw your Face
Rod Stewart - Blondes Have More Fun
Rod Stewart - I don’t wanna talk about it
Ruelle - Bad Dream
Ruelle - Deep End
Ruelle - I Get To Love You
Ruelle - Monsters
Ruelle - Storm
Ruelle - The Other Side
Ruelle - Walk Through the Fire
Ruelle - War of Hearts
Sam Smith - lay me down
Sam Smith - Writing’s On The Wall
Santana - Into The Night
Seal - Kiss From A RoseSerg
e Lama - Je suis malade
Shinedown - Call Me
Sia - Alive
Simple Plan - astronaut
Simple Plan - Untitled
simple plan - welcome to my life
Skillet - Monster
Sleeping at Last - Already gone
Sleeping at Last - Neptune
Slipknot - Snuff
Snow Patrol - Chasing Cars
Sofi Tukker - Best Friend
Starset - My Demons
Sum41 - Pieces
Svrcina - Burning Heart
Svrcina - Lover Fighter
SYML - The War
SYML - Where’s My Love
SZA - All the stars
Tame Impala - I’m a man
Tamer -  Beautiful Crime
Taylor Swift - All too Well
Taylor Swift - I know places
Taylor Swift - King Of My Heart
Taylor Swift - Red
Taylor Swift - This Love
The All-American Rejects - Dirty Little Secret
The All-American Rejects - Move Along
The Beach Boys - God Only Knows
The Civil Wars - Devil’s Backbone
The Commodores - Easy
The Cure - treasure
The Dear Hunter - writing on the wall
The Editors - Smokers Outside the Hospital Doors
The Fray - How To Save A Life
The Fray - Over My Head
The Heights - Talk to an Angel
The Jonas Brothers - Burnin’ Up
The Jonas Brothers - Hold On
The Jonas Brothers - Paranoid
The Killers - The Rising Tide
The Kongos - (War) Come With Me Now
The Lumineers.- Ho hey
The Mountain Goats - Cry for Judas
The Neighbourhood - Afraid The Neigh
bourhood - Sweater Weather
The Neighbourhood - Wire
The Oh Hellos - The Truth is a Cave’
The Wanted - Demons
The Weeknd - Die For You
The Weeknd - Pray For Me
The Who - Behind Blue Eyes
ThouShaltNot - Trial By Fire
Three Days Grace - Tell Me Why
Throw Me Off The Bridge - From The Top
Throw Me Off The Bridge - Way Out
Tom McRea - You cut her hair
Tori Amos - Crucify
Tracy Chapman - Fast Car
Train - Drops of Jupiter
Twinbed - trouble im in
Welshly Arms - Legendary
Wicked - Defying Gravity
Winters Island - Ares
Within Temptation - A demon’s fate
Within Temptation - Destroyed
Within Temptation - Hand of Sorrow
woodkid - iron
woodkid - run boy run
Yellowcard - Only One
Zendaya & Zac Efron - Rewrite the stars
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