#henry is hot for alex's cocksucking lips
onthewaytosomewhere · 5 months
Ficlet Friday ( too late?)
I just got home and its technically Saturday when I saw this, but if you're still interested . . then take firstprince and try a ficlet with:
8. 'I don't want to admit how turned on I am by that...'
never too late :) - tho i am also late getting it posted but technically it got finished at some point yesterday but i was a slacker - lolz - really it's the whole i have these things to do now part of what you think will be a bit of vacay doing nothing lolz
so without further rambling - here ya go luv - hope ya like 💚
Henry is used to Alex’s quirks by now; after all, he will be marrying him soon and figures they truly know each other better than anyone else. Nothing he’s discovered about Alex has ever got him as much as that first time he ever saw him in his glasses in Kensington, his closeted self marveled at the many facets that he discovered about Alex during that time when it was just the two of them, well, with Shaan, and his PPOs and Alex’s secret service agents dogging their paths. But this moment right now is really getting him for some reason, he can’t quite place.
Alex is sitting at his desk, deep in thought, open books and papers strewn across it, and his glasses are hanging from his lips by the side armpiece he’s never needed a name for before, but Henry is sure there is one for. That last part is what he is currently stuck on; he knows he has a thing for Alex’s glasses, usually when they’re on his face, though. It’s the juxtaposition of those glasses sitting between what he’s heard others say are cock-sucking lips; of course, he’s the only one who knows how well they do that. He leans against the doorjamb. He knows he’s staring, and some people would think most people are past that stage when the other person is your fiancé, but Henry will never get enough of looking at Alex. If he’s also thinking about the other things those lips can do while admiring the love of his life, well, right now, that’s just for him to know.
Alex looks up at him, and his eyes widen. Those glasses are still sitting between his plump lips, which have obviously been bitten, and worked with his teeth as he’s been working today. “Hey, Hen, stop being a creeper and either come into the room or don’t.”
Henry walks into the room and plops down into the chair that sits between their desks. “I was not being a creeper but simply admiring my fiancé. Is there something wrong with that?”
“You do know you can come admire me closer, right, not just from afar – like a creeper.” Alex laughs around the glasses, still balancing there, and Henry can’t help but chuckle along. “But, that look you had didn’t just look like your admiration face, so what’s the real reason you were holding up the wall?”
If you must know, I don't want to admit how turned on I am by that ...” Henry nods towards Alex.
Alex pulls the glasses from between his lips and sets them down on the desk, “By what, part of me sitting here like I always do working are you turned on by, may I ask? Is it the ratty sweatpants, the holey t-shirt, or the mess my curls are after not doing anything other than running my fingers through them quickly?”
“Well, I would, and do, find any of those things hot on you. In this instance, it was actually the arm of your glasses between your lips. I don’t think I’ve seen you do that before, and well, let’s just say it was giving me thoughts.” Henry chuckles and continues, “I know Nora and Pez always joke about your oral fixation, but I’ve never really thought about it.”
“Huh, I’ve always done that and never really thought about it. I guess maybe I’ve always been orally fixated.” Alex stands up and walks around the desk, standing in front of Henry, “How about I show you what else I can put between my lips?” Alex’s exaggerated eyebrow wiggle should not be at all appealing, but Henry’s sure it’s actually the way he bites his lip along with it that has him standing from the chair and pulling him out of the office and to their room. He needs to get this man to bed, and hopefully, they won’t leave for a while.
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