#hence linking Nico's twitter
owcs · 7 months
For my first clip uploaded here, I figured it would only be right to have it be tracer gameplay. Here are some highlights from Nico of team VARREL against Hayabusa Gaming* from today February 27th, 2024. *Hayabusa Gaming does not have a liquipedia page to link to
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edenial · 6 years
I've fallen behind... what the heck is going in with twenty one pilots?? Did something new happen? I know about the tower and basically all about the first update whenever that happened, can't remember, but I know nothing about the newest stuff
okay you need to catch up on a lot, let me tell you and link you everthing you need to know
so, first thing you need to know is that the eye closed in 7 pictures, and that in each update there is something corallating to the lyrics in those pictures.
we have now had 6 updates. the pictures of the eye closing were published on the 6th of july last year, and since music releases by fueled by ramen tend to be on fridays (and would you look at that this friday is the 6th of july what a coincidence right) i just went ahead and assumed that we’re gonna get the seventh update this friday.
the first was finding the site : you’ll have to come and find me
the second was the clancy letter “you’re still sleeping” : my pretty sleeper
the third was a cheetah gif: the eye pic was a slowtown lyric, and the song also has the lyrics “we’re going too fast” i mean you see where im going with this
the forth clue was the title of the photo of 21 men “not my only friend”: the lyrics were from truce
the fifth one was the gif of a vulture (not actually blinking): nobody dreams when they blink
the sixth is associated with the first sentence in clancys double-sided poem “a lifeless light surrounds us each night” : remember the morning is when night it dead
the seventh being and now i just sit in silence, i assume silence is gonna be the name for a single or the album itself because of the reasons i wrote on my post.
I’m gonna put the keep reading thing here because this post will be a bitch to scroll past. so many things to talk about, so buckle tf up.
so yeah, this is the basic structure of these hints and updates. between these main hints we got a lot of cryptic clues, huge dog-bones and reward-treats.
you already know about the first clue which was finding the site.
after that we got an update on the site with the letter from clancy. some words had letters that were missing, which spelled out “you’re still sleeping”, hence the my pretty sleeper lyric. this basically means the eyes still closed i guess, no biggie.
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the third was this wonderful cheetah gif code-named 3lurr
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people have found that in 2012 the TOP twitter posted this:
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so obviously the cheetah has a meaning here. as people tried to find out what this gif was about they also figured out where its from. It’s from a movie called “Duma”. Yeah, Duma, like Dema. mind. blown. i know.  and it’s about this boy that finds a baby cheetah. Turns out Duma is also a Russian council set up by Nicholas II. (*ahem* Nico). Isn’t it amazing when things fit in like a pre-planned puzzle?
names are very central here since you probably know the 9 names in the middle of the dema map from the first update. the next person we’ll talk about is andré weil.
André Weil is the guy cropped out of the photo of the little kid. He’s a french  mathematician. He basically invented the Ø with 9 people. 9 bishops, 9 circles, 9 mathematicians.. you see what I’m digging into here? Also, the null sign (null means Zero) means absence, empty (aka silence? no?)
P.S: this dude also claimed that he “mathematically proved that God is real”. and as if all of this was planned for years, he worked on the concept of uniform space (SILENCE GIVES YOU SPACE) and stuff with a dude named Nicholas Bourbaki. yep, another Nico.
Something about this guy named Nico, (which then turned out to also be in a song title: Nico and the Niners - remember those 9 guys i just mentioned?) keeps appearing everywhere. In the cheetah gif 3lurr we talked about there have been letters literally moving too fast. when someone slowed it down they found it said “You still don’t know his name do you?” and “Nico Nico” (Nicholas II. remember?). Idk what other people think but i think this might be about the narrator of this album (clancy) and his adversary (nico) maybe? Like tyler and blurry where Nico is our winner and Clancy the dying man? Or maybe Nico is the leader of the nine and Clancy is an ally? not enough hints to understand it yet, at least for me. maybe Clancy is not his only friend? idk
Quick side-note: Nico (Niko) means victory of the people, basically a war hero in greek. Thats very interesting isn’t it. I thought so too.
The other song title leaked is Jumpsuit. Nico and The Niners and Jumpsuit were both found on the PPL Repertoire List, which lists all copyrighted songs for artists. (It’s been removed now, probably to protect song leaks.) The new Panic! at the Disco song titles had also been on here i think abt 2 weeks before the Say Amen video got posted. So in our case it would mean that we get a new Single around the 13th of July. Since they are both Fueled by Ramen bands, it could be that they have this protocol with every single they release.
Then we got 2 major updates, major because we finally literally heard from Tyler.
The thing is now it seems we are going back to where it all started, to the play, the war in it, 1939 (also the number of likes on their twitter, just saying). in the site dmaorg.info we now have a new picture of 21 people (who look a lot like those textbook soldiers looking over graves in the trenches that you see in WW2 might i add) in the same position the vultures are. it really feels like this is gonna be a going back to the origins, to the slow and deep self-titled times. to remember where the name came from, and to honor it. there are so many nodds to the play its impossible not to think about self-titled.
i saw an interview where tyler said he wanted to focus more on lyrics and make something less fun and dancey, and more like the self-titled album. with much better production of course. maybe thats why i have all of this in my mind.
Now, since we know that even image names are important clues, and that the photo has the title“__n_ot_myo_nly_fri_en d” under it, we took the image name of this photo of 21 men and entered it into the website just like we did with the violation code. and jackpot. bulls-eye. it led to a video. it doesn’t sound like anything remotely transcribable. i know. so, of course, it needs to be sped up and reversed.
some people heard “we are perdidos” which means “we are lost”, but in a minute you’ll see why this is not the case.
PS: the code, 2018_514_3_8 also spells out TRENCH which ties in with the whole war theme that I mentioned above.
next two updates are the vulture gif (named i as in eye -  look at it not blinking)
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and the second clancy letter (named reverse in reverse i mean come on)
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clancy’s letter is scarily depressing and sad. but more importantly it starts with the line “a lifeless light surrounds us each night”. like the sixth clue suggests, ‘remember the morning is when night is dead.’ dead light, and dead night.
if you obey tyler and reverse the letter sentence by sentence, it still makes absolute sense and changes its meaning. and its kinda insane that they actually did this.
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Another thing we got was this image with just a yellow strip and some numbers.
If you put that yellow strip over the double-sided poem you get the words “we are banditos”, portuguese for ‘we are bandits’. now the reverse message actually makes some fucking sense because its exactly what tyler said. told you you’d get it in a minute.
the numbers create 2018_514_3_8, meaning tylers message was in fact this sentence.
the sixth being lyrics from message man, i have a feeling clancy is the message man. the message man being the messanger between dema and the people outside? and nico is maybe a name for silence? the nine bishops maybe being 9 helpers of blurry and silence being an ally for blurry? blurry being dema? i really have no idea i really dont know.
this is it as far as i remember. i hope you are fully uodated now. welcome back to hiatus hell!
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avaliveradio · 6 years
Behind The Music with Intellect on Then There Were Two
Band Name: Solo Artist-Intellect
Person Interviewing: Michael Dowd
Song name: Then There Were Two
Music Genre: Hip Hop
I live in... Los Angeles, CA
Link to play:
This song is about... the process of writing my last album ‘Out of Left Field’. I was withering down my options on producers for my music, hence the title "Then There Were Two". I talk about my producer Maddfrequency and Nico from Sweetspot studio pushing me to my lyrical limits and I am also talking to the love of my life, her name is Hip Hop.
My music is... genius, raw, inspirational, unique, addictive, honest and explosive.
How do you think this release represents your current direction.. The only direction I plan on going is up, so what better way than to perform at my best in my first home, Florida. My music represents my community and I want to give back by brining some dope ass music, Florida is a major hub for many different artists and I am striving to add my name to the list of accomplished musicians.
What piece of music advice forever changed your way of thinking?:  umm I am still learning for my thinking is always evolving but I will say that I have studied other hip hop artists and developed my own sense of self worth and to me that's important thing in music. Be yourself, not a copy of someone else to fit in.
The music business needs Intellect… There is power in my music. I speak for my military brethern, I speak hope and truth for not only myself but others who are searching for healing through music. It's an honor to be heard.
Website & social media links: Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/intellectmusic1 Twitter:https://twitter.com/intellectmusic1 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Intellectmusic1
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aion-rsa · 6 years
Runaways Season 2: What to Expect
The cast of Runaways is eager for more action, and it sounds like they'll be living it in Season 2.
Andrew Husband
Oct 18, 2018
NYCC 2018
It wasn’t until the very end of Runaways Season 1 that Alex Wilder (Rhenzy Feliz), Nico Minoru (Lyrica Okano), Karolina Dean (Virginia Gardner), Gert Yorkes (Ariela Barer), Chase Stein (Gregg Sulkin) and Molly Hernandez (Allegra Acosta) made good on the show's title.
Before that pivotal moment, when these disparate teenagers discovered that their villainous parents had framed them for murder, series co-creators Josh Schwartz and Stephanie Savage had spent most of the season’s time laying the groundwork for the group’s eventual escape. It’s a common method showrunners will use to adapt comic books for television (see the first season of AMC’s Preacher), and while it may tax the patience of some viewers, it often pays off in the long run.
Hence Runaways Season 2, which premieres Friday, December 21st on Hulu. Based on the Marvel comic series created by Brian K. Vaughan and Adrian Alphona, the latest installment sees Alex, Nico, Karolina, Gert, Chase and Molly finally going on the run. At the same time, as the first teaser trailer suggested, audiences will also be seeing the group testing the limits of their powers—and their teamwork—for the eventual confrontation with their parents, all of whom are a member of the secretive group dubbed “The Pride.”
According to what the cast told Den of Geek at the 2018 New York Comic Con earlier this month, this is the development they have all been looking forward to the most. That is to say, more “action.”
“It's just up in action,” says Feliz, whose character more or less serves as the group’s leader. “When I first watched that teaser, it reminded me a lot of what we've been doing this season. Everything is on a bigger scale this time. We get more action, we get more explosions, we get more of everything.”
Many of his fellow cast members say the same, but there’s also a lot more they’re excited about. From the new directions that Savage, Schwartz and the writers have decided to go in, to the inclusion of at least two more characters from the comics, it seems Runaways Season 2 will have plenty to satisfy hardened comic book readers and general audiences alike.
“The writers really trusted us with some new material this year,” says Barer. “I think they tapped into some really the deep stuff that we’ve brought to these characters, and they let us explore that on our own.”
Acosta adds to this point, saying “the way Molly grows into this superhero role” was especially fun to play with. “She's ready to take it on. It's fun to play with her abilities.” After admitting a conspiratorial grin, she adds that “the way we throw in some Easter eggs is fun, too. That she might be the M-word.” (That is to say, Molly is a “mutant,” but with the Disney-Fox merger still in progress, Marvel and Hulu cannot legally employ that word in the show.)
Of course, this wouldn’t be a decent Runaways adaptation without Old Lace, a genetically engineered dinosaur designed by Gert’s parents that shares a telepathic link with her. Barer loved working with the animatronic character during Season 1, and has enjoyed the experience even more the second time around.
“We actually get to explore Old Lace in a way I didn't expect,” she says. “She goes through all the same stuff that we go through, but she also has her own storyline. She encounters peril and escapes victorious from it. She has these very real, almost human, moments, where we all connect with her. That was really fun to shoot.”
For of all the Marvel properties currently in play, Runaways has demonstrated one of the most progressive platforms. From its casting and the diversity of the people working behind the camera, to the storylines themselves, it’s readily apparent. Like the budding romance between Nico and Karolina, which fans of the show have enthusiastically responded to. It was a popular point of discussion heading into the first season, and now that Season 2 is going to explore it even more, the actresses can’t help sharing their excitement.
“The fan response to that has been incredible,” says Gardner, who plays Karolina. “I've been asked if I was nervous about exploring it, or felt any pressure to do it, and we never did. We just wanted to explore it like you would explore any other relationship on television. I mean, let's just provide this representation already. From the beginning, I think it was always Josh and Stephanie's intention to write that relationship into the show.”
“I think it's a beautiful dynamic,” says Okano, who plays Nico. “I was really excited for Karolina and Nico to get together. I read the comics and I was always a huge fan of their relationship, and even though it didn’t really exist in the comic book world, I desperately wanted them to be together. This season, you'll see Nico and Karolina deal with being in a new relationship while in this horrible situation, where they’re running away from their homes and their parents. Things aren't always that easy, and you'll definitely see that with our story.”
Yet the mainstay of the series is the reasoning behind the group’s ultimate decision to run away from home -- their parents’ antagonistic alliance with the villainous and otherworldly Jonah (Julian McMahon). In their own unique ways, all six kids feel a deep sense of betrayal and loss. After all, their parents -- the people who love them and have raised them -- are killers who have now set their sites on them.
As the Runaways cast repeatedly told Den of Geek, Season 2 will see these deep-seated feelings of loss and regret resurface in a series of climactic standoffs between the two groups, and it’s not going to be pretty.
“I think they’re confused,” says Sulkin, who plays Chase. “They’re frustrated by the fact that they thought their parents were superheroes, when they were actually supervillains, so to speak. They’re just a bunch of young kids who have this love for their parents, even though what they've done is wrong, so they’re battling with themselves. They feel that justice needs to happen, but at the same time, they still love their parents. They don’t want to cause them any harm.”
Runaways season 2 premieres December 21st on Hulu.
Read and download the Den of Geek NYCC 2018 Special Edition Magazine right here!
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