#help the weed's made me creative and Colleen won't shut up
colleenmurphy · 2 years
I've had a verse just kind of plop itself into my mind and Col's lighting a fire for me to 'at least tell you about it.' because evidently I've been lacking on actually posting what she's throwing at me. She very well may be drunk ( she's Irished her coffee ) and I'm stoned so here goes.
The ladies are raised in a tiny town on the coast. We're talking map dot tiny / Everybody knows everybody else's business type thing.
Jimmy and Harvey are the Sheriff and Deputy of aforementioned map dot town.
Eileen and her sister Minnie have a small tea room where the ladies are not so gainfully employed and trying to save for an apartment for college.
In addition to the tearoom they also work as deckhands for their fathers. They've taken to calling vessel formerly known as "The Painted Lady' 'Doom Schooner'.
Colleen's semi involved with Dave Sullivan, a deckhand and shipyard worker who's a little older. He's looking to buy out the Grey Gull Tavern and with Col's help turn it into the spot in town.
Bobby Shatford is *really* crushing hard on our girl Helene.
Four young kids that all have working knowledge of aquatic vessels and stick shifts may occasionally cause a little bit of a stir in their hometown.
Minnie Sheehan is a bit of a Free Spirit. She's also Dave's go to for weed. Once she put two and two together she gave him a small discount on the conditioner that he never let Col or Helene know. *plot twist: They occasionally do some Unknown Quality Control for her.
Minnie is actually Colleen's mother. Eileen & Jimmy adopted her after Minnie came back from one of her adventures with a small traveler in tow.
Jimmy passed the day after Colleen's 19th birthday. Passed in his sleep, just like that. She pushed her grief down and forged ahead. 'Life doesn't stop.' had always been Jimmy's motto. Col took it and twisted so that she never cried. She couldn't. Grief was love with no place to go and if she let it go she would drown.
Dave went missing on a fishing run trying to help his brother out of a debt. Both he and his brother were found four days later ( oddly enough the day after Col's 25th birthday ) Colleen was somehow able to let her wall down when she finally saw Sully sitting there, a little worse for wear in that hospital bed.
20 was always on Sully's lotto ticket after that and was always a sure bet. Later it became bittersweet when it was the reason he had a place in Newport Richey. He sent an anonymous check to the Grey Gull Tavern care of Colleen Murphy.
Helene went out one night with Joel Benson and ended up thankfully running into Bobby at the Lamplighter over on King's Point. Joel went missing that night but there's a story for later.
The autumn that Colleen turns 28 she honestly thought Sully was going to ask her to marry him but he hasn't. The moment's set but he chokes in front of everyone. He says that he can't ask her to live a life with a man that can't return her love and devotion.' They break up shortly after and he sets sail for foreign shores in the Bahamas. Colleen is left to run the Grey Gull by herself ( and thankfully with her family's help. )
Bobby is thinking of asking Helene to marry him he's just afraid of Harvey turning him down because Bobby's just a fisherman no matter that he owns three boats and is eyeing a spot on a Florida run in the winter season. If he could only see that Harvey approves of him.
Eileen remarried to a man named Buell Hastings-Rutherford, a very interesting lawyer who came from Boston. He has an older son named Wendell, or Win for short. He's a struggling author type. Colleen remembered him from her time at Pendleton University. They relocate to Toronto for Buell's new position at Kerwin College. The tearoom is left to Colleen who now has two businesses to run.
Minnie ends up relocating to 'somewhere greener and warmer', the Haight Ashbury district that Colleen was conceived in. She opens a rather successful tye-dye shop and meets Charles T. Wildbury. Charlie for short.
Harvey gifts Helene, Colleen and Bobby DNA ancestry kits for Christmas and an Irish chaos fest ensues as Colleen is matched with her father.
She somehow also stumbles into love on that trip to Galway.
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