#help I've fallen into L&DS and can't get up
roll-of-royces · 7 months
L&DS HC: How They Respond to You Being Pregnant
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Upon hearing the news he sinks onto his knees and buries his face in your stomach. Telling you in no small amount of details how happy this makes him and how much he is going to love the child you are growing inside you.
From there Zayne buys a stack of medical books about pregnancy. You can find him reading them whenever he has free time, even at work or at lunch. He absorbs copious amounts of information as quickly as possible so he could be prepared for anything and everything.
If you get morning sickness he is ready with three different possible solutions. You get foot and leg massages if you so much as make prolonged eye contact. He makes sure to be available to you, cutting back on his hours at work.
When the time comes he knows exactly when to take you to the hospital. And holds your hand the whole time. Some of the hospital staff is nervous because he keeps barking corrections at them. But he never so much as leaves your side, surveying that everything is being done by the letter. When the baby is born he makes sure you're the first one to hold them, wanting the two of you to bond because he's read that that is important in the first few minutes.
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When you tell Xavier you're pregnant he has to sit down to breathe. He looks dreadfully nervous and you can't tell if he's going to cry or hug you. In the end he pulls you into his arms and assures you he's going to do whatever it takes to keep you both safe and happy.  
When it comes to getting you through the pregnancy, he goes out to buy anything you request. If you demand something home-made he follows the recipe with a look of abject worry until he succeeds (or fails) at whatever he is trying to to make.  
Xavier insists you not work while pregnant. He can't stomach the thought of anything happening to either of you, and says if you go out together he may very well lose control and blow up half the city with his Evol.  
But beneath his worry he has so much love to give. Xavier adores taking naps with his face pressed up against your stomach. He kisses you all the time and tells you how pretty you look even if you don't feel like it.   
Once it's time to give birth he rushes you to the hospital and asks the nurses and doctors tons of questions so he can be sure to help you to the best of your ability. He compliments how great you're doing the whole time and cries when he holds your baby for the first time.  
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Rafayel laughs when you tell him you're pregnant, and goes back to painting. But when he realizes that you are in fact, not kidding, he panics and drops a bucket of paint all over the floor. He asks you if you're certain about seven times before tackle hugging you, getting paint everywhere.  
After that he takes things as seriously as well Rafayel takes things seriously. If you ask him for anything he half-heartedly complains, winks at you, and does your bidding. He cuddles closer, kisses you long, and starts an entire new art project that he deems your 'walk through the creation of life' and manages to sell every single piece putting the money in an account for your child.  
He's patient with your needs, trying not to make foods you don't like the smell of, and occasionally you'll find a drink at your side you didn't ask for. Rafayel insists you don't work, and that shouldn't be a problem because he pays for everything like a good partner anyway.  
When it comes time for the birth he plans for you to have the baby at home where you'll be most comfortable. He compliments you throughout the process and only panics a little bit (well more than a little, he sorta freaks out), but he hugs you both when all is said and done.
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seaofgoldensand · 6 months
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i... he.... i changed... my name on there... and why does it hit different
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