#hellaciously long sorry but i think. it's actually important. i really really want people to read this because i want feedback seriously
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hopecorps · 6 months ago
i wanna talk about The Ship War going on right now in the 911 fandom (largely on tiktok and twitter) and i'm not a bnf especially in this fandom (and i wouldn't want to be) but i'm kind of hoping people on both sides are willing to read this post anyway because i cannot be the only one completely turned off by it
i finished writing this so i wanna clarify: this is officially aimed at buddie shippers (i am one of you) because i genuinely want to have meaningful discussion and also i'm not exactly defending tommy here. but! i think if bucktommy shippers were interested in reading, there is stuff in here for you too
i have to split this up into sections which is annoying but i won't be able to make any sense without sections so. sorry
1. pre-tommy buddie shipping
so like a lot of people i knew about 911 and buddie entirely through tumblr osmosis, and there was a general attitude of confidence: buddie WILL become canon. if it doesn't... something something. i don't really know the season 6 finale was hard for a lot of you. and after watching, i do really understand why. but.
from an outside perspective, this fandom attitude was nothing like i'd ever really experienced before. i stopped watching supernatural around season 11, several years before gaycas, when confirmed bisexual dean was genuinely outside the realm of possibility.
i was a tjlc believer. i was an episode 4 conspiracist. i have been delusional about gays on my television screen before. so i was really apprehensive at the way buddie fans were moving. not only was buddie GOING to happen, but if it didn't it would be a failure of the network and the showrunners and the actors and it could have been the greatest love story ever told and shipping was not ENOUGH. it had to be canon in order to matter. shipping anything else was fruitless and offensive. this was what i was seeing. and i was like. well there's no way that's going to happen
and then season 7 started airing and there was this reignited hope
and then 7x4 aired.
2. the birth of bucktommy
so i started watching 911 after 7x4 aired. a lot of people did. i'll be honest i did genuinely think that eddie was out and gay and i was like "oh shit is it finally happening??" and then i realized it was some other guy and spend like 4 straight days tumblr deepdiving into it
like i said i was almost exclusively following buddie shippers so my consensus was like. buck and tommy are cute but it's obviously (TO ME) a steppingstone for buddie. after watching the entire show i do still feel that way.
here's the thing though: shipping isn't about what is going to be canon. i'm a marvel fan. my first fandom was fucking icarly, okay, my track record of shipping non-canon couples that actually end up together starts and ends with nbc sitcoms and even then barely. shipping to me is about character analysis and smooshing barbie dolls together with my friends. shipping to me is putting some guy in a blender and another guy performing frankenstein experiments on them
it doesn't matter to me actually that a ship isn't going to end up together, even if i like them. i'm not saying some bucktommy fans don't overstep certain boundaries (that i'll get into) but a FAIR BIT of them know this. a fair bit of them were buddie shippers and a fair bit of them still are. and there's a reason theyre put off
3. social media discourse
the first real piece of morality discourse came from tiktok. i won't namedrop this creator but if you're on tiktok you know who i'm talking about.
this person started the tiktok talking about something that i genuinely do agree with: fans who love tommy but hated all of buck's ex girlfriends should probably perform some self-reflection on the very real misogyny problem in 911 fandom and fandom in general. this i am 1000% behind. a call-in of sorts: hey guys! check yourselves! it is really easy to fall into misogyny especially with gay shipping. though i will argue that buddie shippers could stand to do the same thing (looking at you, people who write fanfic where ana flores is ableist for no reason)
they went on, however, to say that bucktommy shippers Must only like bucktommy because they are a gay ship, And Also Therefore, these people Must Be gay fetishists, as the only reason you would like bucktommy over buddie is because you just want to see men make out with each other. You People don't like gay shipping in the Correct way that i do, you like to gay ship in a nasty fetish way (only slightly exaggerating). you saw that buck and tommy kissed online and you watched the entire show just to watch men make out with each other which is Bad And Wrong.
aside from the fact that this person also literally started watching the show after 7x4 aired (and like i said so did a lot of people. one would think this is a morally neutral thing to do), this struck a nerve with me. this take (which was repeated ad nauseam by everyone in their circle) is just plainly irresponsible.
it is inappropriate to suggest that someone is like. morally reprehensible for *checking my notes* shipping a canon television couple. is tim minear a gay fetishist for writing the bucktommy kiss? is the average viewer a gay fetishist for going "oh i didn't see that coming! they seem like a nice couple"? is my mom a gay fetishist? are you calling my mom a gay fetishist??
this is an argument that i've seen happen in a billion different ways over the past decade and a half of being in fandom spaces by the way. are women allowed to read gay fanfiction? what about gay porn? what if they get off to it? are they allowed to write it themselves? what if they're not straight? what if they're not women? was casey mcquiston fetishizing gay men when they wrote red white and royal blue? is the romance genre allowed to exist with gay men and straight women in it? do you have to check everyone's gender or sexual identity at the login page for ao3 and tumblr dot com to determine if it is morally okay for them to participate in fandom at all?
and then there was the comparisons between bucktommy and buddie fic stat breakdowns: bucktommy's are writing more smut And That's Bad and buddie fans are writing stories with plot And That's Good.
it. is. irresponsible. it is oversimplifying. it is judgmental and above all else it is irrelevant. people could like bucktommy because they think they're hot or because they think theyre interesting or because buck realized he was bisexual or because they think tommy has potential as a character. it is a ship. creating a dichotomy where one ship is the morally good thing to ship and one ship is the morally bad thing to ship is irresponsible and not in the spirit of fandom.
morality and purity conversations in fandom are like. an entirely different can of worms to talk about and this is going to be long enough already. but bucktommy shippers shot back with the same energy:
if you don't like bucktommy then you are homophobic because tommy is gay
i did see quite a bit of this argument because a number of people that id been following did get into bucktommy and i do still follow and like these people
i covered most of my feelings about this type of argument above but to reiterate: it is possible to like different ships without making it a morality competition. it's disingenuous and annoying.
especially that brief stint where people were saying that the bucktommy shipname was a slur against gay men. you can just not like it. you can just not like it and have it end there. it's an ugly shipname but you don't have to make it a moral issue.
especially because then buddie shippers pulled out the trump card:
4. the tommy problem
because these people just watched the entire show in like four weeks (again, neutral statement, i did the same fucking thing) they remember tommy from hen and chimney begins. and. okay
i'm not about to be taken out of context here. i watched bp's video when it came out, i think what was said was wrong, i'm not about to say that being racist was like. cool or excusable 20 years ago. i think there is a discussion to be had here about this though. there's a reason i'm typing this out carefully:
i want to say firstly that there IS a conversation to be had about the social landscape in 2005 and especially pre-obama america for the purposes of a bunch of 20 years olds who were not alive or fully conscious yet. people told casually racist jokes (casual in that they are told casually without intent for violence, not that they are not violent. all racism is violence) and there were fewer social ramifications for those racist jokes in 2005. that does not make them Magically Not Racist. they were. it was not okay. it was, however, Extremely Common. does that make it okay? no.
i'm saying that largely because it seems to ME that tim or whoever wrote that particular episode wrote that joke to paint a picture of where the characters are in the story. chimney is not under bobby. he is not being treated with respect. he is 15 years in the past (from when the episode aired. whatever) it is different. it wasn't supposed to matter who said it
(it did matter and it does matter that it's tommy who said it by the way. because that's like. the universe of the show)
(though my theory - and i'm just being stupid for a sec indulge me it's 3am - is that tim and ryan both LOVE writing in guys named tommy. seriously i've been rewatching glee and when i watched 911 i noticed this too that there are so many characters that we never even meet named tommy. abby's ex for one. my theory is that tim wanted to bring in some guy named tommy for buck's awakening and he realized he already had one. lol.)
SECONDLY. sorry that was longwinded. secondly, i am a person who believes that people are capable of change. 20 years is a long time to grow. even as an adult. again, this does not excuse racism, but it is important anyway.
this is all theoretical but i want you to walk with me: it is possible for a 20-30 year old closeted gay white man with a homophobic captain pre-obama to pick up and not experience consequences for inappropriate comments and casual racism and even be seeking out a parent-like validation from someone who encourages it AND THEN, after 20 years wherein he realizes he's gay, comes out of the closet, i believe it is POSSIBLE for him to unpack his internalized racism, apologize, and grow as a person
obviously these are fictional characters but it is important to my fucking philosophy of life that people are capable of change and having empathy or understanding that in fictional characters is so fucking baseline.
it is important that we as a society can agree that someone's behavior, ideology, and/or biases can change. that like. that just HAS to be possible.
caveat #1 that does not mean that any people of color who are fans of the show have to like tommy or even forgive him (or even like. hen and chim lmao it's kind of clear to me that at least hen doesn't) and i am not going to tell them to
caveat #2 i also understand that there is no explicit acknowledgment of this on screen (i think this is because tim forgot which i find funny but like i said. it still matters that it's tommy regardless of intent) and because of that there technically is nothing To forgive
even if we are assuming that tommy has learned nothing and has not changed at all. the leap from "tommy is/was racist" to "shipping bucktommy or finding tommy interesting Makes You Racist" is heinous to me.
sometimes people like characters who are shitty people. some of you like tony stark. sorry
it's ridiculous to me because there are plenty of other reasons to dislike bucktommy that doesn't like. vilify random people on the internet. he's not even framed as a particularly good boyfriend! we don't even know if they're boyfriends, for one thing!
i've been complaining about buddie shippers for this entire time but i literally am one of you and that's what pisses me off. you threw the first blow in the morality competition and you are bigger - and you KNOW you are bigger because you are proud of the fact - and you are winning.
you are right about a lot of it: tommy isn't a good guy. there is an active racism problem in this fandom. there is a misogyny problem in this fandom. but by and large buddie shippers have been in the game longer and have much larger followings and there is nasty shit i'm seeing which brings me to
5. social media discourse 2 electric boogaloo: twitter edition
twitter is a cesspool in the best of times but i have seen some shit in the past two weeks that makes me never want to write fanfiction for this fandom or even interact with most of the fans ever again. and i'm serious
there is a big buddie fanfic writer who is like. beloved. if you read buddie fanfiction you've read their work for sure. they started writing bucktommy and buddietommy fics around april. and people are being so nasty about them on twitter it is actually fucking embarrassing.
AND LIKE. god. fandom etiquette is so simple.
when i first started reading buddie fanfic the first thing i noticed was how many fics are locked. and i was like "i wonder why that is"
just look at these tweets. i have kept the author's handle here uncensored but please be normal do not bother this person. i'm sure their ao3 comments are hell enough already
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what the fuck is your people's problem i'm serious
i'm like actually appalled. this is embarrassing. this isn't even the most embarrassing thing i've seen buddie stans do recently and it is NOT uncommon. it is not small accounts. you guys are the majority. these tweets have hundreds of likes.
i don't give a shit what this person was writing. i actually don't care. their fics are locked. they write for free.
to take someone's fic outside ao3 is considered bad fandom etiquette. to talk about an author where they don't have an account is generally considered bad fandom etiquette. to complain about fanfiction openly is bad fandom etiquette. i don't care if this is y'all's first fandom. in what world are you going to take to twitter and openly complain about someone writing fanfiction for a ship you don't like.
if i were them i would delete all of the buddie fics or never write buddie again i'm so serious. this is so ridiculous.
and this is sort of the nail in the coffin for me, seeing this tweet the other day:
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this tweet has over a thousand likes
this is a larger fandom issue as of recent with the use of like. mental health terms as insults but it actually fucking disgusts me!
i looked at mark's twitter. it's pretty clear to me that he's a troll/having fun/provoking people on purpose but on TOP of that his tweets get at most 35 likes. i checked and this tweet got 21 likes. and over a thousand likes calling him schizophrenic. 24 replies doubling down. 25 retweets. 47 quote tweets. 62 bookmarks. over a thousand likes.
and buddie shippers are the good guys
it is ridiculous to me that as a fandom buddie shippers have created a space where it is impossible to have a meaningful discussion about fandom misogyny, racism, of homophobia because everyone who disagrees with you is morally opposed to you, and yet it is this side of the fandom with enough traction and support to openly bully and mock these people that you have decided are morally reprehensible.
6. in conclusion i'm sorry i know no one read this
fandom in general post-covid has become less of a community based in sharing creativity and the love of something (and i know this intimately as a kpop stan lol). online spaces in general have become something i don't recognize or want to participate in. which sucks. i've been here for a long time.
i know there's not really any way for that group of like 5 or so tiktokers that complain about tommy ad nauseam to see this or even take it seriously. i know there's not any way for those people on twitter to magically understand fandom etiquette or just block the people they don't want to see.
everyone would be happier if they just. blocked and moved on. i know i would. and i have! in a lot of cases. there's a reason i blocked out the names on those tweets (note: i blocked mark's twitter handle. the person who screenshotted it so he wouldn't be notified and then called them schizophrenic did not. because they do not care) because it's not about THEM it's about the whole fucking thing.
and a lot of these people want to be mad. it's why they're so hung up on tommy. like i'm sorry if any bucktommy fan is still reading this but GOD TOMMY HAS BEEN ON SCREEN FOR LIKE TEN MINUTES TOTAL IN THE ENTIRE SHOW. HE DOESN'T EVEN MATTER. JUST ADMIT THIS IS ABOUT A SHIP WAR. IT ISN'T ABOUT HOW GOOD OF A PERSON YOU ARE OR ANYONE IS. IT'S JUST A SHIP WAR. and they want to be miserable. they want to sit in their little echochamber of morally upright big name fans and they want to provoke bucktommy fans into saying something shitty and they love it because they don't really fucking care about the show.
you know how i know? because tommy is the least important part of chimney begins. that is in the best 3 episodes of this entire television show and none of y'all have anything to say about it. because you're just as obsessed with tommy as they are.
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lady-divine-writes · 5 years ago
Five Times Blaine Gets Sick and One Time Kurt Figures Out Why: Chapter 1/6 (Rated T)
This is a commission gone bad, so I’ve decided to start posting it and return the commissioner’s money (which I’ve been trying to do for a bit now but since they’re apparently not in the same country as me, Paypal won’t let me do a straight refund. I have to pay $10 out of my own pocket to return the money, which I’m trying to arrange). This whole thing has been a poop show, let me tell you. A lot of things went wrong. But two things that rubbed me the wrong way about this is a) yes, I was taking a while to get this done. Aside from life, I had seven other commissions, all which this person was told. I even offered to return their money twice before. I was told that as long as it didn’t take till the New Year they were willing to wait. That was apparently a lie. And b) they were stalking my actions on social media. You’ve heard me talk about this before - how someone will say “Hey, I noticed you updated this story. Why don’t you update this one?” That’s what I was getting. They had subscribed to me and was put out that I was doing other work that I enjoy when I had their commission to do. That automatically makes me not want to work on your project. Well, here it is. I’m putting it up in six short chapters, but the work is mine. I don’t want their name attached to it. Read it. Don’t read it. I really don’t care. I just want it off my shoulders and off my plate so I can focus on more important stuff.
“I’m dying!” Blaine moans, arms wrapped around his stomach and rolling left and right on the sofa while Kurt tries to snatch the thermometer out of his husband’s mouth.
“You’re not dying. You’re just sick. Now hold still, you big baby, while I check your temperature. Otherwise I’m going to have to do this rectally, and I’m sorry, but I’m not sure our relationship can survive that.”
That comment stops Blaine’s tantrum in its tracks – not because he’s finally being an obedient patient, but because of the absurdity of that remark. Kurt has shoved a great many toys up Blaine’s rear, but a thermometer is where he draws the line? He would love to explore the rationale behind that in greater depth but he’s too busy dealing with his life being violently torn from his corporeal form.
“I am dying. I feel it.”
“What do you feel exactly?” Kurt pounces, grabs the thermometer from between Blaine’s lips and holds it up to the light.
“I’m burning up. It feels like my blood is boiling. My whole body’s on fire!”
“Yeah, well, you have fever,” Kurt informs him, squinting at the red line to make sure. “But it’s not all that high. What else?”
Blaine frowns at the assertion that the fever currently surging through him like lava isn’t all that high. “Well … I’m achy. Like, all over. And my head hurts. I’m thirsty …” He continues pulling out anything he can think of when it looks like Kurt is no longer taking his peril seriously. “I could probably drink the whole ocean!”
“That wouldn’t be a good idea. The saline content would definitely kill you. But congratulations! You have the flu!”
“The flu!? I can’t have the flu! I got a flu shot!”
“Yesterday. You were probably exposed to the flu a week ago and you’re just showing symptoms now. I’ll call Gunther on my way to work and tell him you won’t be at the diner today. And you should email your professors. See if you’ll be missing anything important today at school.”
“You’re … you’re leaving me?” Blaine sits up quickly only to regret it a second later.
“Yes, Blaine. It’s just the flu. It doesn’t even seem like a bad flu. You can take care of yourself.”
“I can’t take care of myself, Kurt! I’m suffering from a fatal disease here!”
Kurt’s eyes roll hard enough to make him dizzy. “You’re not going to die from the flu.”
“People have died from the flu!” Blaine insists. “Google it! It’s possible!”
“Yes, it’s possible, but it’s rare. You’re healthy as a horse. I don’t think it’s going to happen to you.”
“You don’t know that! I could turn a corner in seconds! Th-there was a woman in Minnesota had the flu - seemed fine. Laid down on her sofa for a nap and never woke up!”
“Wasn’t she in her eighties?” Kurt shoves his keys into his pocket and his wallet into his messenger bag. “And didn’t she have, like, diabetes and a heart condition?”
“Don’t know,” Blaine mutters grumpily. “But why take the chance? Wouldn’t it be a good idea for you to stay with me? To be on the safe side?”
“Blaine! I’m only going to be gone for three hours. Four tops! I don’t think you’re going to die in the next four hours!”
“But it feels like I am!”
“You have your cell phone. If you start seeing a bright light and distant relatives coming to greet you, call me, and I’ll have Mrs. Pancetti from next door come check on you. Shoo them away.”
“Kurt!” Blaine stares at Kurt with pleading, blood-shot eyes, and Kurt stares back - stoic, determined not to be swayed. A stand-off ensues, one Kurt doesn’t have time for. In his head, he tells himself to end this ridiculousness, grab his stuff, and go. His husband is a big boy. He’ll be fine. But the more Blaine stares, the more Kurt begins to feel sorry for him. Blaine doesn’t usually get sick. Aside from catching a mega-cold his senior year of high school (which resulted in the infamous Tina Cohen-Chang Vapo-rape incident) Kurt can’t remember the last time Blaine was truly sick.
And he doesn’t seem all that sick now! But Kurt has had the flu before (of course). It can be deceptively mild in the beginning. If Blaine’s is anything like the flus Kurt gets, he’s going to be miserable. And even though he doesn’t consider himself the nurturing type, there’s something deep inside trying its hardest to convince Kurt to stay home and take care of his husband.
And it’s winning.
Kurt checks the clock on his phone and sighs. He’s cutting things close as is. If he’s going to leave, he’d better do it now or else he might as well not even try. At this rate, he’ll miss his connection, hit hellacious traffic, and spend close to an hour stuck on a crowded subway platform. He scrolls through his itinerary in his head – his one class and the few projects he’s contributing to at Vogue.
Can he really afford to miss a day?
Actually, he can. For the first time in a long time, he can.
“Alright,” he groans, but with the twitch of a smile on his lips. “Give me a minute, let me iron out a few things, and I’ll be back to hang out with you.”
“Yay!” Blaine giggles, fluffing his pillow and snuggling beneath his thick comforter.
“I’m going to go to the bedroom and get changed. Try not to die too loudly.”
“This is going to be great, Kurt!” Blaine calls after him. “You’ll see. I … I know I’m sick, but we can watch trash TV and play video games and …”
“Hold that thought.” Kurt ducks behind the privacy curtain. “I’ll be with you in a minute.”
Kurt drops his bag and unzips his boots. He shoots Isabelle a text, wincing while he gives her what he feels is a thin excuse, but that’s because he has his father’s work ethic. No missing work unless he’s caught in a fire or bleeding profusely out his head. He doesn’t like bowing out on his responsibilities without giving people twenty-four hours’ notice. But Blaine getting sick? Incapacitated? (That’s what he tells Isabelle has happened to assuage his own guilt.) That cropped up this morning. And it’s an emergency, right? Emergencies don’t tend to give 24 hours’ notice. So if he didn’t have it, how could he give it?
Besides, it’s been a long time since he’s had a dedicated day off with his husband. Their schedules for the past six months have turned them into proverbial ships passing one another in the night. They share the occasional meal, get one date night every two weeks, but they’ve been overwhelmed by mid-year exams and double-shifts at the diner. Maybe Blaine’s flu is a blessing in disguise. Sure Kurt will be playing nursemaid, but Blaine is awfully cute when he’s needy. He’ll cling to Kurt like a baby sloth. They’ll watch TV and cuddle, Blaine’s hot skin pressed against his as he feeds his husband apple sauce and they catch up on life.
He’ll be missing an exciting day at Vogue, but this will be worth it.
“Okay, Blaine!” Kurt strips off the stylish outfit he’d chosen for the day and puts on his pajamas, rushing as he becomes more and more excited. He yanks on his socks, slides his feet into his carpet slippers, and sashays back to the living room. “Let’s play hooky!”
But by the time he returns, Blaine is fast asleep.
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adiabolikpastel · 6 years ago
Is it too much to ask A - Z for Kanaye and Yukio? I’m soooo sorry
ABC Fluffy Ask
Okay so this is a looooong one! B / C / E are all answered here all ready.  I will be doing them both separate - hopefully that makes it a little shorter? All of them are under the cut ~ enjoy and thank you! 
Note: Q is confusing to me - so I will not answer that one. If anyone understands it, and wants to ask it again with the explanation - please do. 
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A - Well… I mean… Yukio is a horny mess sooo… Other than that! Yukio really likes just spending time with Silas. Doing anything really, so long as he’s around. Sure Yukio might complain that he is bored, but really so long as Silas is around he is happy. Typically Yukio will just chill with Silas at his place, watch him play video games, or try to play one himself - badly i might add. 
D - Oof… ummm… just together. Yukio is not one for planning ahead. So really he just sees Silas staying with him forever and that’s about it. That thought is actually really scary to him, that the future might take Silas away. So he tends to not think about it.
F- Yes he is. Honestly fights are more like… Yukio stepping too far, pissing Silas off and then him begging to be back in his good graces. I mean like, if they do fight and both parties are upset, Yukio and Silas both are pretty bad at staying mad, when it comes to one another. 
G- OF COURSE NOT! Yukio does not think for a moment of what Silas does for him. At least not at the start. It takes him a while to slowly start to care more about Silas’ feelings and how uncomfortable it makes him. 
H - He’s not… really honest. There is plenty of things that Yukio keeps to himself, but he doesn’t do it to be cruel. Yukio is bad at dealing with his own emotions, so it’s easier for him to ignore things than talk about them. 
I - Aw. Boy does he every~ Silas is Yukio’s saving grace. He grows so much and becomes a better person because of him. Where Silas helps Yukio become more empathetic, Yukio helps Silas toughen up. There are many other ways the two of them change one another, but that’s a story for another time. 
J - You really gotta ask? He gets hellaciously upset over small things. Heck, over video games. Yukio is a very insecure person, so if Silas isn’t giving him attention, he’s annoyed. It takes him a very long time to get used to the idea of Silas having ‘friends’ who ‘spend time’ with him. Yukio is known to show up at Silas’ house, and crash anything he was doing with his friends. There is also the unhealthy way of going on a rampage… but yea.
K - What do you think~? Their first kiss huh… that’s a fun thought. It was probably forced on Silas. Yukio was probably a bit drunk off of some blood and smooshed himself into Silas. (Rinna and I will need to talk this over~)
L - Ha! Okay, so.. if you mean the first time he said ‘i love you’ that was on their first meeting? You can read that her: When Yukio met Silas. But if you mean like, when he meant it? Probably a while into their relationship, like a good while, after some fights and some deep conversations. 
M - Aw~ Yes he does! He wants to be with Silas forever, and if that means getting married sure! So, I do not think they would officially have a ceremony - that just doesn’t seem like their style. Rinna and I did just talk about this cute - and I mean cute- moment of them basically proposing to one another. And~ Silas is the one who proposes! 
N - He calls him Silas-kun, consistently. I don’t really see him doing nicknames. 
O - He’s not very different - just very obsessive. His life revolves around Silas. So yes, it is obvious, because that’s literally all he talks about. 
P - YES YES YES! Yukio is a big social media celebrity so he tells the world. He has a trending hashtag that is specifically flooded with photos of him and Silas. He is very affectionate in public as well, despite Silas’ discomfort. 
R - Not very, unless it’s sexual. Well - hold on now… Yukio will get Silas random things. Like bring him human snacks when he visits, or buy him something he is wanting while they are out. Yukio would do anything to make him happy, not that he would always do it right. 
S - I suppose? The two of them do not really have big goals? If Silas wants to do something, Yukio is all for it - so .. Yea?
T - Typically he does, but I think with Silas he is content with just being around him. I believe they both would fall into a cute routine in life, and be perfectly happy with that. 
U - Not at first. It took Yukio a long time to get there actually. He believes he knows Silas, but it actually takes him a long time to get there. 
V - It’s literally his world. Yukio does not feel strong connections to his family. He does not make friends. He honestly feels that SIlas is all he has. He would do anything to keep him. 
W - Since both boys are social media junkies they give each other shout outs all the time on their respected pages. 
X - He is the most affectionate. Kisses, hugs, cuddles, butt touches; Yukio is the master of them all. 
Y - Badly. He will send Silas a million text, calls, facetimes, pokes, anything to get his attention. 
Z - Any length. He would die for him, kills for him, kill him… Im sorry this was a fluff right lol! 
☆+ ゚ .+ .゚.゚。 ゚ 。. +゚ 。゚.゚。☆*。。 . 。 o .。゚。.o。* 。 .。
A - Kanaye is happy going out with Isabella. He isn’t a shut in, so going out with her is what he prefers. He spends enough time at work, rather than out with her. 
D - Marriage. Kids. The Kingdom. Whole 9 yards. 
F- He is easy to forgive. They have disagreements, but these two do not fight. Kanaye is big on communication, so he will talk any issue out. 
G- To some level I am sure he does, but he does not voice it. I am sure he realizes the massive weight he puts on Isabella for all he wants to accomplish, but at the same time, his dreams are unwavering. He is one of those people that is not giving us his dream. 
H - He is honest to a fault. Tells Isabella everything. He may not always word things correctly, but he will always tell her what is he feelings, thinking, his past, anything. 
I - Yes she has. Kanaye never saw himself being with someone he actually loved. He always assumed he would marry for power, cheat on his wife, and just be king with a queen who meant little to him. 
J - Not really? He does get jealous, but he is not obvious about it. He does not like anyone checking her out or hitting on her, but he is classy. A simple display of affection on her, or glare at the other party does the trick. 
K - Yes - he has had a lot of practice. You can read their first kiss here: You Get It. 
L - You can also read this in : You Get It
M - Of course, he must to become a true King. I am not sure how he would propose - but I feel like Yuko and I have talked about this? Their marriage is the absolute cutest. Hopefully we can post more about this, or feel free to send ask about it! 
N - He calls her Isabella, the full name. every time. Except when he is drunk…
O - It is literally obvious to everyone but him. Others can see it in his face. 
P - He does not deny being in one - but he is not telling the world. He has a professional appearance to maintain, and expects Isabella to respect that. 
R - A sweet boy~ He will do candle light dinners, bring her flowers, chocolates, rose petal baths; all kind of things. 
S -To an extent. If it gets in the way of his- than he isn’t really. Kanaye is very driven for himself, and as shitty as that is to say, if Isabella had a conflicting goal he would not be about that. 
T - Routines are life. He is more than happy to go out on dates, but he enjoys scheduled events. 
U - Very much so. He really loves learning things about her. 
V - It’s very important. I believe that as the relationship goes on, he would sacrifice his dreams for her. 
W - Kanaye will often ask Spencer for video of her, without her knowing 
X - In private, he loves to be affectionate with her. 
Y - He will text her often, though she is a dirty girl and will really tease him. 
Z - Sure, I mean.. he does something pretty big for her and their relationship. 
Silas belongs to @spellboundsonnet
Isabella belongs to @pureblood-prey
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