#hell even as a CHILD they weren't a pacifist
oldestenemy · 1 year
Thinking about Duncan Grimwater again.
Thinking about the wizard letting that fight play out.
About letting him win, landing in the commons, and using dungeon recall to go back, showing up behind him.
Thinking about "Did you really think with everything I've been through, that I would go down that easily?"
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hide-in-imagination · 7 months
Simón and Ámbar are two very contradicting people and that's why they work so well. I'll elaborate:
Starting with Ámbar, she's someone who seems a lot, but isn't actually that much. With that I mean she seems very happy and in control and determined and like nothing ever gets to her, but as we get to know her, we start seeing she's actually incredibly lonely, comically indecisive when it comes to the simplest things, and has no real idea of who she is and where she belongs beyond striving to be number one at everything (because it's the only way she learned she can be loved.)
Ámbar, due to her childhood trauma with her motherly figure, is very independent, assertive, perfectionist and controlling. With these qualities, people usually go after romantic partners that they can 'control'-- that are subdued, sweet, gentle-- all the things their mothers weren't with them. The problem with that is that then these women can never relax (which is what they truly want deep down) because they are the ones who end up doing all the problem-solving in the relationship, the ones who always take the lead. Therefore, they should actually go after someone with more masculine energy instead.
We could say Ámbar did this by dating Matteo, but the problem is that Matteo was also too independent, perfectionist, and detached from the relationship, so neither of them really developed a deep emotional connection. (Which, let's be honest, neither of them was seeking, so it worked great for them.)
Then we have Simón, who at first glance would fit the 'feminine energy guy' thing perfectly-- He's sweet, gentle, easy-going, he puts other people first, etc.
BUT, turns out, Simón is the very embodiment of "Get yourself a guy who can do both." Because man does this guy can do both.
Simón might be a pacifist at heart, but he will not hesitate to fight for those he cares about, and he will call you out if you mistreat him because he has a very strong definition of what's right and what's wrong, and he will not allow people to purposefully behave badly. He might tend to go with the flow of what other people wanna do, but he is brave enough and independent enough to leave his country and fly across the globe with nothing more than a suitcase and a guitar.
He also has the drive to go after his dreams even when they seem impossible, and he declared his feelings for Luna the moment he realized he had them even when it could endanger their friendship-- He did not stay passive. Even in Season 3 when he was the most passive (aka staring at Ámbar from afar 24/7 but doing nothing about it) this inaction was not due to lack of confidence or drive (after all, he had the confidence to ask her to dance from the very beginning)-- It was because he knew Ámbar was not in the same place as he was. Ámbar at the beginning of Season 3 was having fun playing with Simón, even tried to manipulate him with the feelings he harbored for her more than once-- She was not in an honest place of "I want us to be together." Even later, when she was getting into that mindset, Simón kept his distance but he was clear about what he wanted if she wished to be with him. He had the assertiveness to say "I'm crazy about you, but I'm not gonna play into this if you don't put in some effort."
So what do we have? Someone who is empathetic and kind and chill enough for Ámbar to get that security and love she didn't receive as a child, but also someone who's strong enough, determined enough, and driven enough to allow herself to relax every now and then and let him take the lead of things. Our girl hit the jackpot and I am jealous every day.
By the way, let me just mention, for someone who by all accounts should have an Avoidant Attachment Style, Ámbar sure as hell lets Simón in a lot. This might be because the script needed it, but I wanted to point it out because it's very curious to me. (If you don't know what Avoidant Attachment Style is, you can click here to read about it.) I mean, she went from a superficial relationship with Matteo to basically crying in front of Simón every day-- That's huge! Sure, you could argue that she couldn't help it since she was completely destroyed inside, but even then, I think it speaks very highly of him that Ámbar considered him a safe space to vent to during those tough times. We got another example of that in Season 3 when she was upset after her phone call with Sharon and then Simón walked into the lockers and she hugged him, seeking comfort. It's like she can't stop herself from wanting him to 'catch her', if you know what I mean;) But of course, she didn't want to admit she was that 'weak', so she completely shut him out the next day (the infamous maracuyá juice scene, ugh, don't even remind me, it hurt.)
Anyways, I realize I focused too much on Ámbar's side of things in the relationship instead of what both get out of it, but I already wrote in a post once what Simón gets out of it, so I'll let that speak for itself.
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk, I wrote this instead of writing Roads✌🏻
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Even More SequenceShift Facts
I know I've been pretty quiet on my AU's front. Part of that is because I was briefly disheartened by what I saw as a lack of interest in it from other people. I'm willing to admit it does kinda sting to see all these other AUs popping off while mine only gets a few passing nods, mainly because I can't draw any of my AU. I'm not trying to sound ungrateful though. I mean, there's always a handful of peeps who always like and reblog my SequenceShift stuff, and I do really appreciate you folks! With that out of the way, I decided to do another round of these facts with details that I didn't add in the guidebook, either because I felt they weren't important or because I forgor. Again, if I haven't mentioned something, feel free to hit me up.
Mooch is an adult by the time Clover is in the AU, but she was still a child/teen when the Outlaw (one of the Renegade humans) committed his massacre on the Wild East. It's given her a good dose of anxiety that she tries to keep covered up. There are times where she wakes up in the middle of the night after a particularly bad nightmare, with Moray calming her down and watching over her until she falls asleep again.
Starlo is the only member of the cast that interacts with Kit (think like Flowey and Papyrus in the OG Undertale). Due to Kit's reluctance, she doesn't really open up much to him besides some small talk. Starlo does have some suspicions about Kit, but due to being very busy with his duties as Captain of the Rangers, he hasn't looked into it just yet.
Echo Flowers are still existent in this AU, but they're very much endangered due to their natural habitat completely drying out. Some are still just barely alive but clearly withered, and any conversations they may have picked up are either partially or completely distorted. There is one location where they're still alive, a hidden cavern in the Barrens that only Ceroba, Starlo, and Dina know about.
Starlo still wears his poncho and sheriff's badge to this day (Ceroba does want her Rangers to wear proper uniforms, but she mostly doesn't mind any customizations beyond that). It serves as something of a reminder for what life was like before the Wild East Massacre. However, on a Vengeance run, he completely ditches the poncho to symbolize him embracing his role as Captain of the Rangers.
When it comes to SequenceShift's Genocide/Vengeance/No Mercy route, none of the boss fights are killed in one hit. All of them have different, harder encounters and fight like hell to the bitter end. There'll also be environmental changes beyond just the populace leaving.
Also, a Neutral Route will have a lot more variation beyond just the endings and NPC dialogue. Even a very ruthless neutral run will be acknowledged by the Monsters and treated as such. Clover will be punished for a near/aborted Genocide run. (I always found it weird how the original Undertale never did that, and Undertale Yellow to a lesser extent)
There are four routes planned so far: Neutral, Pacifist, True Pacifist, and Genocide. A fifth route might be possible, but nothing's come of it just yet.
Frisk is also in this AU, having arrived some time before Clover did and basically had this Sequenceshift's version of Undertale Yellow. Again, still haven't thought of much beyond that.
I'll add him to the guidebook, but Mo is indeed in this AU. He's pretty much entirely unchanged too, because he's perfect.
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ash-imagines · 2 years
Hey, what about (platonic)yandere Underfell sans n Papyrus when they become friends with uf!Frisk? Like, they just straight up snatch the child (especially if Toriel is also platonic yandere)
It's not "kidnapping", it's very persistent adoption. /s
Everyone knows that the underground is a dangerous place. You'll likely hear the old adage "it's kill or be killed" so much that you'll want to scream, but it's just the truth. Considering that you're a human, and the history that monsterkind has with humans, you're pretty unlucky to have ended up down here.
The universe must have taken some pity on you, at least, because you've managed to get on the good side of monsterkind's former queen. Hell, you even have to convince her to let you make the journey back home. Though, in true motherly fashion, she's not going to let you out into the wilderness without a chaperone. Thankfully, there's somebody on the other side of the door that owes her a favor.
Enter Sans the skeleton. Things get off to a rocky start between you two, mostly because of his groan-worthy puns and the fact that he's kind of a prick sometimes. But he made a promise to the old lady, so he begrudgingly takes you under his wing. Mostly this involves telling people that you're a distant relative of his, and that you aren't human even if you look like one. For some reason this works.
However, Papyrus isn't as easily fooled. He knows a human when he sees one! (Nevermind that this is his first time ever seeing one...) Although Sans' fib about you being a relative almost worked on him too, honestly. And he's mad! Here you are, the key to The Great Papyrus joining the royal guard and having his greatness finally recognized, and his own brother refuses to let him capture you? But then again, you don't seem very much at all like what he's been told of humans. Most of monsterkind believes that humans aren't capable of mercy, that they cruelly sealed the underground shut out of spite after winning the war. Yet, you don't seem interested in fighting or winning any battles, even when it would be in your best interest...
Papyrus decides that your pacifistic nature makes you an unfit opponent. When he captures a human, it needs to be a challenge! It needs to prove his worth! You're too small and nice to be of any use to him as a captive. That's his excuse, anyway. The truth is that he and his brother are becoming very fond of you...
The pair allow you to sleep on their couch until they can come up with a way to get you past Asgore. Even if it weren't for your pacifistic nature, the king's track record when it comes to the souls of human children... Well, you're going to want to avoid him at all costs. But the longer you live with them, the more accustomed they get to having you around. Papyrus' cooking skills get better and better as he learns to make some human cuisine. You don't mind monster food, but it's not very nutritious for humans. Sans learns to be less of a prick, but you're still the victim of a prank every so often. After enough time passes, you're almost like a third sibling to them.
Sometime in the future, rumor of your existence is going to reach the king. He's going to come looking for you. Your soul is going to be in his sights. And when that day comes, you might be surprised what lengths the brothers will go to in order to keep you safe. In any case, there will be dust on somebody's hands.
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aikoiya · 1 year
Frisk’s Sister Susie AU: UT Susie was a monster orphan, happily adopted by Frisk’s Human Family… Her personality is similar to Chara’s, but also hints of her Deltarune-Counterpart… She LOVES Frisk, and is viciously protective of her Human Brother… She would literally both DIE + KILL for Frisk (but Frisk prevents her from actually killing)… When Frisk and her end up in the Kingdom, and she learns that they want to harvest Frisk’s soul, she goes: “OH, HELL NO!” 💜💙💖
Hahaha! That'd be cool!
I feel like she & Undyne would butt heads, specifically because they are a lot alike. Like, Susie would despise Undyne & Undyne wouldn't be able to understand why.
Also, I don't think that Susie would be okay with Frisk going on actual dates & would make that extremely clear, saying that Frisk is just a kid & they're effing adults. Which, she'd make very clear, is extremely gross. The only way those situations might work would be if they were portrayed as playdates.
In fact, I could see Susie asking Papyrus how old he thinks Frisk is & if he replies with 14, then she'll ask, incredulous, if this is considered okay down here. He'd ask what she meant, isn't Frisk an adult? Which would blindside Susie because Surface monsters' ideas of what constitutes a child has changed in the same way that humanity's has. So, to Susie, she'd be utterly confuse & so would Papyrus. Which would prompt Frisk to ask how long monsters have been in the Underground, to which Pap would reply 1,000 years.
Frisk: "Well, that explains it."
Susie would ask what he meant & Frisk would reply that back then, you could do several things at 13-14 that an adult could, which would gross Susie out. (Well-to-do families often got their children engaged very young, but the kid wouldn't be allowed to marry until later. All I know is that Marie Antoinette was married at 15.) Frisk would then tell Pap that now-a-days, on the Surface you weren't considered an adult until between 18 & 25 because the human body stops maturing at around 18-21 & the human brain only stops maturing at 25, so that's become the new standard for how adulthood is measured. By Surface estimates, Frisk has only just become a teenager, which are still considered kids to a lot of people.
This, of course, would surprise Papyrus & he'd say that if he'd known that, then he wouldn't have asked & apologizes. Changing the request for a date into a request for a chaperoned playdate between friends.
As for Alphys, when the Mettaton crush question comes up, there is no "the human" option because she would've heard the convo with Pap. So, here, it'd instead be replaced with "Susie," who I see being the monster equivalent to between 16-18 here with Undyne, Alphys, & Papyrus all being around that age as well with Sans being in the monster equivalent to his 20s.
And, since Papyrus initiated the Undyne date in canon, here, he'd instead start it as a playdate.
Also, I hated that moment in the Undyne date where Undyne threw her effing lance at the table. Realistically, that'd likely terrify Frisk & set off Susie, who'd demand to know what the actual living hell was wrong with her & say that sane people don't effing do that! Even if they effing hate the person!
Dude, Susie would totally wield an axe like in Deltarune &, honestly, there might end up being a couple of dustings here. Though, in this case, I feel like the Pacifist End would still be possible so long as it was Susie who did the killing. At the same time, I see Frisk trying to keep that to a minimum.
I get the feeling that Susie might initially be pretty neutral to Monster Kid, but then wouldn't care for him once she realized that Undyne wanted to kill her little brother & harvest his soul & how Moki was such a huge fan of hers, but would still think that he was just a gullible, dumb kid like she was before Frisk's family took her in. She might even get a bit annoyed at him sometimes.
But, then when Moki stands up to Undyne, his hero, to protect Frisk? Susie's entire view of the kid would change. Just, like, "you know what? He's alright."
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anomalytale · 3 years
Part 3 - Waterfall (pacifist)
[This is honestly the part I fleshed out the least when I was working on it. Unfortunately I do not have any designs or plans for the random battles, however there's a bunch of new and interesting stuff in the area which i hope is interesting enough to make up for that].
[Just imagine what Tem would do with a human soul. Probably get a PHD idk.]
[if I were to add new things now, I'd make some sentry gun enemies to prepare you for the metta-tank boss fight (encountered later on, only in genocide route), using the same 'safe zone' mechanic. As well as spider enemies.]
Anyways, the first half of waterfall would be shorter than UT, without the Undyne chase, with the major changes happening once you get to the village area. The village area with Undyne's house is now connected to a new cave, with the old dark area blocked off by thick walls of cobwebs.
(pacifist route)
In the meantime, Mad Dummy has been able to deal with their anger issues and moved in at Mettaton's old place. Neither him nor Napstablook are home. Monster kid and Firedrake are waiting patiently for the Demon Squad to arrive because they're coming for a recon mission. Spoder is also there and claims the spider kingdom is close and finally they'll be able to reunite with their own kind.
Following a series of tunnels infested by spiders, you arrive at the Spider Kingdom, an old dungeon reclaimed by Muffet, who now goes by "Spider Queen". She sits on a throne, adorned by the legendary artifact. She announces she has closed the old way to Hotland and offers a quick elevator ride to the Capital for a fee. However, you don't have enough money [it's always your gold+1], after which she'll force you to work to pay for the toll [insert minigame here].
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After you're done, you can walk around cells and interact with people who have been enslaved because they didn't have enough money to pay the toll. The annoying dog has also been caught for illegal possession of artifacts. The food and comfort provided by Muffet are enough so he won't escape (For now) (he cannot be contained).
After returning to the Queen, she tells you you can now use the elevator to the capital. She shows you the way. Unfortunately, it's so old it breaks into pieces. She hides her embarrassment with her signature laugh. "Guess you'll have to use the long way around anyways". Once you return to the throne, you find your old pal Spoder. Sitting on the throne. With the artifact. "Who is that?! What are you doing with my precious orb?" The queen screams.
Spoder smiles and a flash of light covers the room. "You. Idiot."
Their legs grow in size, joined by two new pair of limbs, one of which is topped with a sharp scythe-like appendage. "Do you trust anyone with a cute face around here?"
A massive pair of bug wings sprout from Spoder's now fuzzy back, followed by a spiky abdomen full of stingers. "Well, look at me, you two. Look at my true self."
Spoder's head is split vertically by a single, knife-like horn. "This is what a true demon looks like!"
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The gargantuan bug monster looms over you and the Queen.
Being a true demon, they are much stronger than any boss you've encountered so far. In fact, they'd be as strong as the game's final bosses if it weren't for the help you receive from Muffet. It is also the first "full-screen" fight you face, in which the arena covers the entire screen, allowing for the massive boss to chase your soul and attack based on AI rather than randomly picking attacks.
With ACTs, you can perform team tactics with the Spider Queen, allowing you to distract BEELZEBUB while she sets traps around the room.
They attack using: stomping attacks, spit attacks that spread in various directions, charging at you with their horn, swiping with their scythe appendages, spawning miniature spoders that follow you dealing contact damage, as well as creating spiderwebs around the arena that slow you down. Later during the fight, they gain additional attack in spinning around with the sharp horn out and a massive acid laser spit, as well as powering up their previous attacks: stomp gains several shockwaves, spit has slight homing, scythe has no endlag, charge can be chained and causes shockwaves when it hits a wall, spoders are larger and explode into smaller spoders.
BEELZEBUB’s turns are very long, but the fight only lasts around 5 of them. The Queen has set down a large spider web trap in the throne room which incapacitates BEELZEBUB. You can then grab the artifact right out of their mouth. The demon reverts back to their spoder self and screams "My soul! I wasn't finished! May you be cursed for the rest of eternity, half-demon!"
Spoder tries scurrying away, but they're grabbed by a massive hand made of thousands of spiders. "Let me be! I AM THE DEMON PRINCE. I AM YOUR RIGHTFUL RULER. I-Hey! Stop tickling me!"
The Queen faces you and lets out a sigh of relief. "Who the hell was that?" She only then realizes the amount of damage the creature caused to her 'palace' "M-MY CASTLE!" She falls to her knees. "I didn't think being a ruler would be this hard. My kingdom...in ruins in just a week. Maybe I wasn't cut for it." Her spider underlings comfort her, forming a circle around her. "You're right. As long as I have you sweeties, everything will be alright. Thank you."
She smiles before ordering them to throw what remains of the Demon Prince in a secure vault. "Please keep this artifact with you and bring it as far away as you can from here. You will make better use of it than me." The artifact turns into a memento item. Muffet walks you to the old path to hotlands announcing she'll open it again and, even if it pains her, lower the price of the toll to pass through.
However once you get there you notice the webs blocking the entrance to the dark/mushroom area have already been removed. You hear a big commotion coming from the village area so you both decide to check it out. Undyne has arrived to Waterfall to carry out a mission, much to Firedrake and Monster Kid's. She announces she was supposed to look for a human child, but later her mission changed due to an extraordinary DETERMINATION reading which, according to Alphys, indicates the return of a DEMON. She checks her determination detector and is surprised to see that the source of determination has seemingly disappeared. Her attention is caught by a new source that seems compatible with the primary target of the mission.
She heads toward you. “So you are who I was looking for. I’m sure you’ve been the one to defeat the DEMON. Well, I can’t ACT without Alphys’s approval, so for the time being I’ll be keeping my eyes on you.”
Undyne heads out towards Hotland, with the Amalgamate following closely behind, stopping for a moment to look back towards Firedrake.
Muffet breaks the silence: “So uncouth…They didn’t even pay the toll. They could have helped with the castle’s repairs. Alas…”
She turns towards you “It hurts for me to ask you after you’ve helped me deal with that thing, but I would appreciate it if you spared some money for a struggling Queen” [it is optional, however donating money will grant you some healing items in return].
Regardless of choice, she will let you through the old exit to Hotland.
The Amalgamate returns in random encounters until the end of the area, using stronger versions of previous attacks [not as strong as those used in the genocide route].
At the end of the area, on top of her cliff, Undyne awaits you. “Bad news, little fella. I have received...orders.” She jumps off, starting the fight.
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-BOSS: UNDYNE (pacifist)-
She uses stronger versions of her green heart attacks from UT but will never turn you SOUL red so as to not let you escape. To compensate, her white bullet patterns allow your green soul’s shield to rotate 360 degrees, meaning you’ll have to be precise with how you rotate the shield.
In addition to the returning attacks, she would feature new attacks in: a barrage of homing spears coming from various directions, a spear spiral [similar to Jevil’s spade attack], bombs that cover the entire screen [you have to shield the blast].
After surviving for about 8 turns, she’ll use her final attack: a combination of all of the above, followed by a long homing spear barrage coming from random directions. Surviving it will frustrate her, causing her to pull out a flask containing a dark fluid. “Alphys said I should only drink this if you retaliated, but...I’M SICK! SICK OF FOLLOWING ORDERS! I OVERTHREW THE GODDAMN KING TO FREE US FROM THIS PRISON! AND FOR WHAT? TO BE SECOND IN COMMAND, AGAIN AND BE TOLD TO SPARE ONE OF THEM?”
She unscrews the container, but out of nowhere…! A small white dog barges in and steals the flask right out Undyne’s hand!
You can then access Hotland from the tunnel in the cliff. Right at the entrance you can encounter a demoralized Undyne. “That was embarrassing. Bested by a child and then by a dog. Maybe I do deserve to be second in command. I was just supposed to test you...fine. You can proceed. But don’t expect me to treat you with respect.”
[next: waterfall - genocide route]
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