#helia looking for apartments and telling an old lady he's not looking for a retirement home like babe aldghlhgl
floralovebot · 2 months
has any of your headcanons about helia changed? aaaand how has your perception of helia changed? also as someone who hasn’t read the comics (yet) how is his personality different in the comics than in the show?
changed headcanons,,, my backstory for him changes every five minutes so there's that ajdhg but i've also started to think of his potential off-screen family in a different way too! i used to headcanon that his parents were really sweet and caring, but now i'm just like. that boy had tiger parents and it Shows
perception... when i was like 10 i definitely thought of him in that more fanony way where he's just Super Sweet and pacifistic! mostly cause i only liked him because i liked flora, so i didn't really pay attention to his personality. plus i was 10 aljhdg so my perception of him has definitely changed! i pay more attention to what he actually says and does compared to what other characters just think of him yknow?
honestly, i don't think his personality in the comics is that different from the show, we just get a lot more helia-centric moments in the comics than in the show. i think that was always his intended personality, they just didn't show it well :( but anyway! in the comics, he's a little sassier, a lot more anxious and depressed, a little more standoffish with the specialists and strangers, and a lot more ,,, well just more! he has More of a personality. it's weird but the cartoon version of him (at least in the first three seasons) feels more like a footnote of what they wanted him to be, while the comics just had More.
that's how i think of him at least. some fans have said that helia is Really different in the comics but honestly, i think he just has more personality. it's like that with all of the specialists tbh! it's just more apparent with helia since he was barely in the first three seasons
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