#helen friel
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waxedpaperdoor · 2 years ago
The last week of August always fades into September very quickly and in no. 40 it's time to do some re-reading.
For years I have read and re-read the same books at similar times, until 2020 when that pattern went by the wayside due to my work situation. I tried again in 2021 without success, and spent most of 2022 in the depths of unmanaged PTSD, so! this year! we're trying again.
As summer gives way to autumn, so the books of the time between seasons are:
The Sunne in Splendour by Sharon Kay Penman
The Remains of the Day by Kazuo Ishiguro
The Tenant of Wildfell Hall by Anne Bronte
84 Charing Cross Road by Helene Hanff
Translations by Brian Friel
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shatteredceramics · 4 years ago
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Amoureu.x.se du clip de la chanson Home de Cavetown! Gros plan sur un livre en pop up qui suit les paroles et les évènements de la chanson, le travail de la créatrice Helen Friel est toujours magique... Chanson touchante et livre touchant, c’est beau j’aimerai bien me marier avec cet objet.
Clip vidéo de la chanson Home, livre réalisé par Helen Friel.
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genesbolly · 4 years ago
more amazing actresses ✌🏻😗
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feo-oliau · 6 years ago
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TV Times - 27 July 2019
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TV & Satellite Week - 27 July 2019
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444names · 2 years ago
german towns + dutch cities + ukrainian forenames
Aafelnburg Aalfontorf Aangen Aannd Aarbach Aarmes Aarottmuid Aathadt Abreim Aburg Achtaden Adegena Ahmöl Amborf Ambriya Amburian Amelberg Ammernha Andohau Annau Appeyern Arkirchiy Arlinelyj Arsche Arsten Arstinn Assel Astadt Ausen Avheid Bachemuis Bachil Bachingen Backamberg Baurg Berstas Bibnin Biede Binzenna Bisenburg Bisliy Bittein Blanneroe Bogij Borburg Breger Brend Brupf Brureim Bröbach Bröde Brückebkau Brünzend Burmonnd Böhshau Böleksanig Bühliende Callarndel Casiya Cheim Coesla Coeswitz Coeve Colch Consch Crane Creterie Daaden Darktolf Derbach Derdittman Diember Dirstaleil Dmyrys Doeln Doeverg Doria Dorsteim Drashempe Dreim Dudwieburg Eberiya Eburg Eckasten Eckel Edrannsben Eglübburg Eidergen Eißen Elhen Ellerna Ellin Erdlau Erstuhlen Eskin Essteim Estren Ettmunz Eußis Evgevald Fedrauns Flang Fleberg Flöniaan Foranth Forforf Frech Frenber Frichten Friel Frien Frisaanna Furgenau Füren Fürsullen Garraichin Gauseeld Gausekeld Genben Gendewitz Gewippeln Gielz Giest Goden Goedt Goevetzen Grana Greder Gringen Grischeim Groitz Gronz Großwalau Gröhrd Grück Grünch Guden Gumberg Gunrausen Gunst Gündrich Güsseerg Güttemp Haihauch Halia Harde Hargen Harich Hausteroß Haven Havessietz Heckunstal Heidsha Heitz Helen Hembach Henburg Henhofel Hentorg Herbalde Hersch Herynaut Hinthom Hofel Horfen Horforna Hornheim Hulburg Hunsch Hutenvelme Hutteren Ichöhn Idausau Ihopa Ingen Intem Irich Isselkaade Jacht Jangen Janna Joacha Johburg Josbadt Jostad Jostadt Jostern Jülsen Kalch Kaleingen Kames Kandenhen Karden Karshen Katsrudorn Kemmeriya Keryst Kiesternst Kirch Kirchnesyp Kirktolden Klach Kolia Kranden Kroden Kuppetiy Kölen Könien Köningen Könis Künde Laarshert Lanigst Larburg Larselmela Lavdin Lavel Lebert Leholzo Lekempeitz Lemas Lemen Lenben Lenberg Lenst Lenwehurg Lessingen Leveld Lingelher Lingomylo Linshesch Linsten Ljudwig Locheid Lorkra Lugsfeulm Lyundiy Löweinburg Lübby Magolfhe Maich Maldeso Mallik Mande Manden Manet Manzolzen Marafym Maratheing March Mardiy Marik Maringenda Marlim Marmanain Martiana Marzollen Melzharii Menren Miesa Mitaderf Moltje Myrodelen Mühlen Münden Münst Nadtlin Nasen Neckeneuth Nelbayd Neldmiting Nensend Nerdorg Neusbacht Neuwpolzow Niaaldburg Nichwan Niesper Nornelz Obech Obergroda Ockerg Oeren Oerziede Oesden Ofingen Ofooste Olburg Olehn Oleicobert Olenfulley Oreim Oseerf Osenbelmen Osenstadt Oslungeld Ostadt Ostedria Osykow Paingord Pasten Peiza Pentersch Peteil Pfurg Piedt Pirsewis Polohlo Pottia Predeloud Preus Prottlo Radtlo Rafelzeim Ragteim Rainthau Ranneching Ravyda Redenstung Reliya Reubord Reuff Reuser Reuwilen Rhill Rikhau Ringenben Ringenlen Ringerde Roeshau Rokzingen Rostmoosen Rotten Rundshein Salfen Sankirake Sannoverg Sarburiya Sayiza Schanne Scheim Schem Schen Scherg Schha Schij Schilver Schlheuer Schlock Scholßen Schtra Selherg Selin Senau Senkt Serijn Serotheßen Sewald Sewitadt Solkamen Solsten Sonsterg Steim Stenaunker Sthau Stübth Sulanch Sunde Süditistav Süditz Tadahda Tadels Tadje Tatadt Tathadt Tattna Tayingen Tendruuk Termstadt Thilin Tiniemunus Trannijken Treck Trien Trück Tutheuch Twetziesya Uenber Uespa Ulagder Ulyna Usbrosniy Valla Valms Valohda Valynach Vareubois Veerfurg Vensta Venstede Vichhas Vichoornel Villn Virchreim Volbursen Voldhagen Vollsen Voloudahla Wagen Waghen Walkats Waltorin Wandr Wardlia Wassen Weern Weimberg Weingense Weinze Welon Wetazin Wienhoch Wiestria Winach Winben Wisch Wiseleber Wolde Wolstenda Wolzarg Yeverkna Yurichelst Zeburg Zelütz Zeverg Zeyburg Zoitteim Zordringen Zoytanneld Zwilsterg Zwörliderg Züllbur Öhribsen Übinftede
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springy-chan · 3 years ago
Key characters and genderswap:
Lillian Afton - William Afton - (she/her)
Harriet Emily - Henry Emily - (she/her)
Charles Emily - Charlotte Emily - (he/his)
Michelle Afton - Michael Afton - (she/her)
Benjamin Afton - Elizabeth Afton - (he/his)
Cassandra Afton - Cassidy Afton - (she/her)
Missing Children:
Gabby - Gabriel (she/her)
Friel - Fritz (she/her)
Sam - Susie (he/his)
Janice - Jeremy (she/her)
Androids / Animatronics (will be replenished as the story progresses) :
Fredbear / Golden Freddy - Fredbear - (she/her)
Spring Bonnie - Spring Bonnie - (she/her)
Springtrap - Springtrap - (she/her)
Freddy - Freddy Fazbear - (she/her)
Marionette - (she/her)
Foxy - Foxy - (she/her)
Bonnie - Bonnie - (she/her)
Cheick - Chica - (he/his)
Secondary and Wasps:
Ellison Fields - Lillian's ex-husband
Caleb Fields is the first security guard in the attraction
Adam Swift is the second guard in the attraction
Minor characters/employees :
Nancy Campbell
Andrew Campbell
Liam Elodie
Judy Palmer
Sophie Curtis
Helene Curtis
Audrey Hotchkiss
(May be replenished in the course of history)
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michaelsheenpt · 5 years ago
Indira Varma, Michael Sheen and David Threlfall to star in Old Vic's live-streamed Faith Healer revival
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The Old Vic will live-stream a scratch performance of Brian Friel's hit play Faith Healer.
Michael Sheen, David Threlfall and Indira Varma will perform in the five performances of the smash-hit play, presented from 16 to 19 Sep with tickets priced from £10 to £40.
Friel's play follows faith healer Francis Hardy, and had its UK premiere at the Royal Court Theatre in March 1981 with Patrick Magee, Helen Mirren and Stephen Lewis.
Matthew Warchus, artistic director, said: "This play has long been a favourite of mine. With mesmerising expertise Friel unlocks a shimmering fable of epic dimensions employing nothing more than single voices weaving this unforgettable story out of thin air. It's the definition of a masterpiece and hits you with a huge emotional thwack."
The show is the third in the series of streamed shows being presented from the stage, following Lungs with Claire Foy and Matt Smith and Three Kings with Andrew Scott.
The performance will be streamed live. HERE you can get the ticket
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myzoothomas · 4 years ago
This is home
this is home is a song by , one of my favourite artists, cave town. The song itself isnt exactly relevant to what i want to do. However the video is extremely interesting and uses techniques id like to explore within this project. My aim is to produce some form of speech video using either a poem, speech etc. I would like this video to be based more on a creative object or props to tell the story, similar to the pop up book in the this is home video. 
Having explored the theme of zoo’s and its possibilities along with gaining a basic understanding behind the theme from previous blog posts. I've gone slightly towards themes of extinction and global warming. I hope to find a poem on this or speech of which i can use.  From there i can story board and gather props for the video. 
Id like to aim for a really random video using toys, pictures etc with multiple camera angles focusing on said toys. Transitions will also need to be used i would like to do this with turns or zooms though so it gives a feeling its all been filmed in one take.
“I'm excited to share the music video for "Home" with you! My very good pal Taha and I came up with this concept and Master Paper Engineer & Art Director Helen Friel made it come to life. I hope u like it.  :^) http://smarturl.it/cavetown Directed & Produced by Taha Khan - http://twitter.com/KhanStopMe Sammy Paul - http://twitter.com/ICOEPR Art Director & Paper Engineer Helen Friel - http://helenfriel.com/ Concept by Taha Khan Director of Photography Ciaran O’Brien - http://instagram.com/ciaranobriendop/ Gaffer Marc Spicer 1st Assistant Camera Matt Choules - http://mattchoules.co.uk 2nd Assistant Camera & Colourist Rachael Hutchings - http://twitter.com/HutchRachael Editor Stefan Abingdon - http://twitter.com/stefanabingdon Lighting Assistants Molly Williams - https://twitter.com/mollyacejay Zannah Perrins - https://twitter.com/zannah_perrins Production Assistants Molly Williams Marco Lau - https://www.instagram.com/ceramictoilet/ Executive Producers Robin Skinner Zack Zarrillo Special Thanks Jaclyn O’Connell Harriet Davis YouTube Space London “ - description of video
Taha khan main concept behind the video but directed by  sammy paul
book made by Helen Friel
The reason i have looked at this is because its the type of film i enjoy and like. This is something i would want to explore and try-out within this project.
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drawdownbooks · 6 years ago
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The Painted Bird: Dreams and Nightmares of Europe⁣ Available at www.draw-down.com⁣ ⁣ This book chronicles the creation of The Painted Bird, a colossal, collaborative mural painting in Marres, House for Contemporary Culture in Maastricht, (NL). Made by 19 artists, under direction of Gijs Frieling, the painting covers the entire interior of the monumental Marres villa, with beautiful and frightening impressions of Europe including a high tech supermarket, the last remnant of a natural forest, a virtual detention room, a spider portrait corridor, and a new life festival in the year 2050. Combining letters written by Gijs Frieling, the artists, and curator Valentijn Byvanck with stunning photography capturing the work in progress as well as the finished work, the book serves as a monument for this collaborative art work in which the future of Europe is contemplated and engineered by means of brushstrokes, paint, sound waves, and stories. At the same time, it constitutes a passionate appeal to view Europe as the site of a new collective imagination. Participating artists: Marie Aly, Cian-Yu Bai, Kim David Bots, Bonno van Doorn, Gijs Frieling, Natasja Kensmil, Klaas Kloosterboer, Mirthe Klück, Frank Koolen, Fiona Lutjenhuis, Jan van de Pavert, Tanja Ritterbex, Sam Samiee, Charlotte Schleiffert, Derk Thijs, Sarah Verbeek, Helen Verhoeven, Evi Vingerling and Job Wouters. Designed by Studio Kalle Mattson (Charlott Markus and Kalle Mattsson) #graphicdesign #typography #PaintedBird https://www.instagram.com/p/BzA2PyYn0xm/?igshid=ptvcrgstbsyx
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themailitemsguide-blog · 6 years ago
Does usps deliver on saturday 2019
The Sugar Notch High School is arranging its fifth all class get-together. Letters have gone out. The occasion will be held Saturday, Oct. 12, at Ashley Firemen's Hall. Cost is $50 per individual and incorporates a smorgasbord supper, desert, pop, water, espresso and tea. It's a bring your own container/brew party. Dress is easygoing. A DJ will play music. Schoolmates who did not get a letter may contact Mary Gorham Carr at 570-883-0443. Schoolmates who got solicitations may send back answers.
Priest Hoban High School, Class of 1974, will hold its 45th class gathering from early afternoon to 6 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 29, at the Polish American Veterans Pavilion, Oak Street, Plains Twp. Sustenance will be cooked by Tony's Pizza, with free drinks and music given by DJ Tony K. Cost is $55 per individual. An icebreaker will be held from 6 to 9 p.m. Sept. 28 at Flaherty's, 275 Zerby Ave., Kingston. Anybody keen on going to the occasion who was not told may call Joe Pluskey at 570-881-9444 or email [email protected].
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Coughlin High School, Class of 1959, will commend its 60th gathering Oct. 12, at Genetti's, Wilkes-Barre. An ice breaker will be held Oct. 11 at Genetti's. Solicitations have been sent and individuals are approached to reserve a spot at the earliest opportunity. Addresses are required for the accompanying schoolmates: Donald Becker, Eleanor Brehm Watts, Anthony Casmus, Thomas Simonitis, Joseph Friel, Ginny Gallagher Monko, Elaine Guida McDonnell, Joan Keen, Viola Kingston Debold, Harold Lyons, Leslie Lyons, Gertrude Misewich Walters, Marion Mozdian Williams, Marie Wilk Swartwood, Tracy Slater, John C. Rinehimer, Carol Smith Terpack, Charlotte Sokolski, Jean Steblinski, Robert Strichek, Margaret Ann Williams, Thaddeus Woronowicz and Patricia Wroblewski Gryskevicz.
Coughlin High School, Class of 1964, will hold its 55th gathering Saturday, Sept. 14, at Amber Palace. Addresses are required for the accompanying cohorts: John Burns, Mary Duncan, Carol Eddy Wilson, Helen Kulp Williams, Carol Metar Hodges and Alma Schondorfer. Anybody with data may email [email protected].
Coughlin High School, Class of 1967, has finished designs for a 70th birthday festivity to be hung on Saturday, Oct. 12, at Patte's Sports Bar, 65 W. Hollenback Ave., Wilkes-Barre, beginning at 5:30 p.m. A smorgasbord supper will be served at 6:15. Cost is $25 per individual. A money bar will be accessible. Reservations with installment are expected no later than Sept. 13. For reservations, leave a message at 570-763-5117 or 570-814-6786.
Coughlin High School, Class of 1974, will have its 45th gathering at Wyoming Valley Country Club from 5 to 10 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 30. Cost is $70 per individual, which incorporates supper, four-hour free drinks and music. One mailing will be sent. Messages will be sent with any tends to the class has on document. CHS moves on from all classes are welcome to visit. Just 1974 alumni will get a mailing. Reservations are required by Nov. 1. Make checks payable to CHS Class of 1974 and mail to Mollie Riley, 7 Elm St., Edwardsville, PA 18704. An ice breaker will be held at 8 p.m. Nov. 29 at Dukeys Cafe, Wilkes-Barre.
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sextonsharpwinhalstead · 6 years ago
NEW AMSTERDAM" "THE BLUES" 02/05/2019 (10:01PM - 11:00PM) (Tuesday) : Max (Ryan Eggold) continues to work to solve underlying problems within the hospital despite his continuing struggles with treatment. Meanwhile, Reynolds (Jocko Sims) makes the choice to do a costly surgery to determine an elusive diagnosis and Bloom (Janet Montgomery) must face her personal demons head-on. Also starring Freema Agyeman as Dr. Helen Sharpe, Anupam Kher as Dr. Vijay Kapoor and Tyler Labine as Dr. Iggy Frome. Guest starring Zabryna Guevara as Dora, Alejandro Hernandez as Casey, Dierdre Friel as Ella, Vandit Bhatt as Ella and Sendhil Ramamurthy Dr. Panthaki.
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feo-oliau · 6 years ago
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TV & Satellite Week – 17 August 2019
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What's on TV - 17 August 2019
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Radio Times 17-23 August 2019
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misslacito · 7 years ago
International Emmy Awards 2017
Esta es la edición número 45 de los Emmy Internacionales. Se diferencian de los otros porque premian trabajos de todo el mundo. Esta edición ha sido bastante latina, las cosas como son. El New York Hilton de Nueva York ha sido el lugar donde se han entregado en esta edición. Y la alfombra roja es de alto nivel. Veamos!
26. Claudis Jouvin y Jose Eduardo Belmonte.
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roleplaytipsandadvice · 6 years ago
Hi! Could you help me please with face claims to play Acacia Brinley’s parents, herself and the rest of her family are hippies and if they could have a hippie type vibe to them, that’d be great! Thank you.
Carrie-Anne Moss
Sasha Alexander
Dot Marie Jones
Kate Beckinsale
Sandra Bullock
Alex Kingston
Sutton Foster
Helen Mirren
Julie Walters
Lea DeLaria
Anna Friel
Dominic Keating
George Clooney
Ryan Reynolds
James Purefoy
Anthony Head
James Tupper
Mark Hamill
Tom Cruise
Tom Hanks
Noah Wyle
Bill Murray
Rob Lowe
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elcinelateleymickyandonie · 4 years ago
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Robert Paige.
No puedes comprar todo (1934) como extra de boda (sin acreditar)
Crimen de Helen Stanley (1934)
Despedida de Annapolis (1935) como Ensign (sin acreditar)
Hearts in Bondage (1936) como Union Lt. Evans (sin acreditar)
Caín y Mabel (1936) como Ronny Cauldwell (como David Carlyle)
Rose Bowl (1936) como jugador de fútbol (sin acreditar)
Rubia inteligente (1937) como Lewis Friel (como David Carlyle)
Once a Doctor (1937) como Dr. Burton (como David Carlyle)
Melodía para dos (1937) como Mr.Carlson (sin acreditar)
The Cherokee Strip (1937) como Tom Valley (como David Carlyle)
Ritmo en las nubes (1937) como Phil Hale
Conoce al novio (1937) como Tony Page (como David Carlyle)
Talent Scout (1937) como Bert Smith (como David Carlyle)
Sargento Murphy (1938) como el teniente Duncan (sin acreditar)
The Kid Comes Back (1938) como locutor de radio (como David Carlyle)
¿Quién mató a Gail Preston? (1938) como 'Swing' Traynor
Cuando G-Men interviene (1938) como G-Man Bruce Garth
Siempre hay una mujer (1938) como Jerry Marlowe
El evento principal (1938) como Mac Richards
Patrulla de carreteras (1938) como William Rolph
La dama de los objetos (1938) como Ken Harper
Me acusan (1938) como Joe Benson
La última advertencia (1938) como Tony Henderson (como Robert Page)
Oficina de homicidios (1939) como Thurston
Flying G-Men (1939) como Hal Andrews / The Black Falcon
Muerte de un campeón (1939) como Alec Temple
Primer amor (1939) como Ball Guest (sin acreditar)
Escuadrón de emergencia (1940) como Chester 'Chesty' Miller
Parole Fixer (1940) como Steve Eddson
Mujeres sin nombres (1940) como Fred MacNeil
Inaugurado por error (1940) como Jimmie Daniels
Guantes de oro (1940) como Wally Matson
Dancing on a Dime (1940) como Ted Brooks
El monstruo y la niña (1941) como Larry Reed
La llama de Nueva Orleans (1941) como Narrador (sin acreditar)
San Antonio Rose (1941) como Con Conway
Melody Lane (1941) como Gabe Morgan
Hellzapoppin ' (1941) como Jeff Hunter
Don't Get Personal (1942) como Paul Stevens
Jail House Blues (1942) como Cliff Bailey
¿Qué está cocinando? (1942) como Bob J. Riley
Me estás diciendo (1942) como Dr. Burnside 'Burnsy' Walker.
Filmografía segunda parte:
Perdón por mi sarong (1942) como Tommy Layton
Get Hep to Love (1942) como Stephen Winters
¿Qué le parece (1943) como George Selby
Hola, amigo (1943) como Tommy Craig
Hola, Buddy (1943) como Johnny Blake
Keep 'Em Slugging (1943, en material de archivo de Hi'Ya, Chum ) como estrella en Moviehouse Film (sin acreditar)
Vaquero en Manhattan (1943) como Bob Allen
Por qué estamos luchando (1943, corto) como Karl Baxter - Marido alemán
Mister Big (1943) como Johnny Hanley
Ponte en marcha (1943) como Bob Carlton
Frontier Badmen (1943) como Steve Logan
Esposa despedida (1943) como Hank Dunne
Casa loca (1943) como Robert Paige
Hijo de Drácula (1943) como Frank Stanley
Su hombre primitivo (1944) como Peter Mathews
Follow the Boys (1944) como él mismo (sin acreditar)
No puedo evitar cantar (1944) como Lawlor
Shady Lady (1945) como Bob Wendell
Tánger (1946) como Paul Kenyon
El semental rojo (1947) como Andy McBride
La llama (1947) como Barry MacAllister
Rubia de hielo (1948) como Les Burns
La promesa verde (1949) como David Barkley
Afuera (1951, Serie de TV)
Teatro del gremio Gruen (1952, Serie de TV)
Lo inesperado (1952, Serie de TV) como Gigolo
Fireside Theatre (1952-1953, Serie de TV) como Harrison / Boss / Steven
The Schaefer Century Theatre (1952, Serie de TV) como Father
Abbott y Costello Go to Mars (1953) como el Dr. Wilson
Split Second (1953) como Arthur Ashton
Lux Video Theatre (1953, Serie de TV)
Cabalgata de América (1953, Serie de TV)
The Pepsi-Cola Playhouse (1953-1954, Serie de TV) como El padre / Sam / Roger Libbott
Casa de juegos de cuatro estrellas (1954, Serie de TV) como Paul Campbell
The Colgate Comedy Hour (1955, Serie de TV) como él mismo - Anfitrión
La novia y el novio (1957-1958, Serie de TV)
The Big Payoff (1958, Serie de TV) como él mismo - Anfitrión
Le sucedió a Jane (1959) como Bob Paige - Presentador de 'The Big Payoff' (como Bob Paige)
El millonario (1960, Serie de TV) como Whitney Ames
The Marriage-Go-Round (1961) como el Dr. Ross Barnett
El show de Barbara Stanwyck (1961, serie de televisión) como Roger Haines
Bye Bye Birdie (1963) como Bob Precht.
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cumbriacrack · 4 years ago
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New Celebrity endorsement campaign launched to inspire autumn staycations What do David Hasselhoff, TV presenter Helen Skelton and actress Anna Friel all have in common? They’re among just three of the high-profile names to contribute to a new Cumbria Tourism initiative which forms part of its Autumn and Winter Marketing Campaign to inspire visits to the Lake District, Cumbria. Full story: https://www.cumbriacrack.com/2020/09/11/new-celebrity-endorsement-campaign-launched-to-inspire-autumn-staycations/
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