#hehehehe I cannot WAIT for this zine
astrodances · 6 years
Preview: FunSen Voltron Zine
Hey hey! We’ve gotten the OK to post previews of our pieces for “Later, Pala-Dudes: A FunSen + Garrison Trio Charity Zine" (@funsentryzine)! Please consider supporting this zine if you can! It’s gonna be HILARIOUS and full of good, silly fun! Pre-orders open September 1st!
They were about to turn and keep walking, but Lance stopped them. He had his hand propped up in a thinking pose as he wondered, "Now wait a tick...what if we let FunSen pilot one of our lions for this mission? You know, as a prank on Shiro? He and Allura don't know we made a fun sentry."
Silence fell over the four of them as the idea settled in.
"Do it."
"Lance no."
Hunk and Pidge stared at each other, surprised at the other's answer.
"We can't let a robot pilot our lions, Hunk," Pidge explained matter-of-factly.
"Aww, why not? C'mon, look at him." Hunk gestured to FunSen, whose viewport was practically sparkling with hope and mischief. "He's obviously on board. You know how to fly, right, FunSen?"
Lance took a step into the circle they'd formed. "Relax, Pidge. I'll still be there in Red with him. I just...won't be the one flying..." He grinned deviously. "Besides, it's not like it'll be a tough mission. We'll probably just have to destroy a couple of Galra ships and move some rocks."
FunSen brought his hands together in a begging pose. "Please, pala-dude Pidge," he pleaded. Lance and Hunk mimicked his pose.
Pidge rolled her eyes before finally relenting. "Fine."
The other three cheered loudly. "I get to be a pala-dude!" FunSen yelled.
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