#heck even the amount I've spent on signings and convention tickets for my comic don't total that
jedi-bird · 5 months
There are a few books that I read while growing up that influenced my desire to be a writer (I'll get there someday, I swear). One of those was the Green Rider by Kristen Britain. At the time, it was the exact fantasy book I needed and craved. Recently, I had the opportunity to order a special signed edition in honor of it's 25 year since publication. And of course it came today, in a very heavy rain storm.
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Box was soaked all the way through, but thankfully the book was wrapped in plastic and in perfect condition. It might seem silly to buy a book I already own two copies of yet again (my original falling apart mass market paperback and a used library copy with heavy duty binding that I've switched to using for rereads), but I love collecting new versions of beloved books.
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