#heck I've seen folks getting slapped with bans for agreeing with the Accepted View but somehow saying it in a way that wasn't proper
clockworkdragonffxiv · 10 months
I need a new RPG forum
I've been posting at the same one for over a decade but lately have run afoul of the mods, who apparently are increasingly bored and make up for this by slapping increasingly draconian bans on stuff like "cracking a joke in response to another joke about middle management being a bit redundant" or calling a pattern of "religious group attacks" being that one time in 2016 I posted a meme about Tikaliik and got slapped with a two week ban and threats of permaban for, quote, "making group attacks on religion." Or when I bemoaned how civil servants were being cowards for following orders from a certain screamy orange man instead of abiding by their oaths I was accused of group attacks.
Note that literally every member of my family since about 1910 has worked in the public sector as a civil servant. Myself included. I think I have the right to have strong feelings on the matter of public fucking service.
Meanwhile they also ban people for flat-out made-up offenses, as in the offenses are words that they made up themselves and aren't real words. And after a flurry of bans for this new offense - that may or may not be listed in the rules - it's never used ever again. Recently they banned two long term members for, and I quote, "centering discussions on themselves" when they responded to a post by going "Well, in my experiences, [their experiences in dealing with this situation]."
But I often feel like this is the "pattern of behavior" they're describing:
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Look, I don't even, broadly speaking, disagree with the mods views on plenty of things. But that's not the issue here, is it? It's this bizarre and capricious reactionary behavior combined with ominous threats. I mean, I get it. I've been a mod on a major site (and was terrible at it). But there's a thin skinned lack of ability to just roll their eyes and go "Yeah, yeah, everyone thinks they're a comedian."
Though that response would probably get a ban for group attacks for implying that people are funny, like some kind of humorous clown, like they're a ridiculous thing, like they're not worth taking seriously. Banhammered.
Which is a lot of fun when you interface with the world through sarcasm and humor and can't help but be a smartass.
So I'm about fed up. And I don't feel like going to some other forum where it's just a cesspool of "MAH FREE SPEECH MEANS I CAN BE A RACIST TRANSPHOBIC HOMOPHOBIC CUNT!"
Man, I just wanna talk about video games and D&D and science and history and politics and stuff which isn't so far up it's own ass that it's transformed into some sort of mobius, has an actual sense of humor (I mean actual sense of humor, not "LULZ triggered" hogwash), and has intelligent conversation. I'm not really much for Discords as I can't keep up with them and they're too distracting. I like forums. Maybe I'm just old, but I do.
Any advice?
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