non-un-topo · 2 months
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Thinking about Yusuf and Nicolò as young men again
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poopyboiman · 8 months
Simply because it’s a big bald bird
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Also have some gay birds
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hurxn · 6 months
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i feel in love to this guy ! Perfect body and perfect beard
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gigizetz · 3 months
Is there a particular song in EPIC that you look most forward to doing an animatic for(released or unreleased)? I personally wanna try my hand at God Games and King
Hmmm, there are a lot of them lmao
I think the ones I'm currently the most excited for is those last songs with Poseidon. Get in the Water and the other one where they fight
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rowrowronnie · 1 year
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shirtless mercs doodles !
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sfde8871 · 2 months
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alphabull1 · 1 month
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thebearme · 3 months
I think im slowly getting back into parappa, so heres my old parappa art
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okaydiscount · 8 months
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im finally back from vacation! (i missed halloween :''<) so now i can draw again!!
and i realized i like hardly every draw faces from a front facing view so i thought id practice that :)
and i tried to draw them from memory so i could get it to be more stylized and less on-model... i think it turned out pretty good :3
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papa-evershed · 5 months
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Rob James-Collier as Daniel Watson THE INHERITANCE
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tstain-is-an-idiot · 6 months
Soooo I already crossed over one of my other hyperfixations with Monster High...
Sod it, I'll do it again.
Captain Underpants/Monster High crossover, anyone?
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Krupp is a gargoyle, Cap is a ghost gargoyle (thanks to the bogey sand from Haunted), George is a wolf, Harold is a frankenmonster and Melvin is a zombie nerd.
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skz-miroh · 8 months
so we’re all in agreement buttons is going to raise izzy from the dead yeah? yeah ok.
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hurxn · 7 months
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and bon appétit !
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kaygee-doodles · 7 months
Not a request/ask for the boys but you
Do you have any pets? Can we see them? Can even be a random beetle you find in ur house idgaf 😁
Hell yeah!
This is Snoot, he should be brumating, but he's mad because mothman is in his coconut vvv
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This is Bones, he has a peanut for a brain cell vvv
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This is Fidget, he aspires to be a shoelace vvv
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And this is Bakura! He is very old and likes to steal my socks vvv
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healpimp · 2 years
seeing ppl say tf2 has "no diversity" compared to ovw is so wild. the mercs literally all mentally ill AND they have pyro.
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sfde8871 · 1 month
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