#heavily inspired by a part of jelloapocolypse's hot pokemon characters video
grayblacklight · 2 years
I wrote out another bit, for some reason. This time it's based on pokémon scar and violent instead of ace attorney, but I think it has a lot of the same energy.
(Scene: Arven and Juliana are in Nemona's dorm watching the world coronation series, live from Galar. Nemona and Juliana are sitting together, while Arven is in the kitchen, checking his phone while waiting for the food to cook. The TV shows Lance getting his arsenal handed to him by a Pikachu)
Nemona: "You know, Lance is pretty cute"
Juliana: "Really? That pretentious birdkeeper?"
Nemona: "You're joking right? Everyone knows-"
Juliana: "Everyone knows that he CALLS himself a dragon master, but I have NEVER seen him use anything but flying types"
Arven, leaning on the counter towards them with the dorkiest glass of lemonade featuring two bendy straws, lemon slice, tiny umbrella, and a normal straw that he is actually drinking out of: "Plus, his only dragon types are those three Dragonites."
Juliana:"He just calls himself a dragon master because it sounds cooler, but as soon as he faces a strong electric type in battle the ruse drops to the ground as fast as his pokemon do"
Nemona: "Ok, well, he's still a cutie!"
Juliana: "He's a basic bitch in a dumb outfit"
Nemona: "What's so bad about his outfit!?"
Arven: "Maybe the fact that it looks like something Lysander would have worn as a teenager before deciding it was too tacky"
(Juliana can barely contain her laughter)
Nemona, flustered: "NO! I mean come on you are clearly exaggerating!"
Juliana presses Nemona's nose to taunt her: "Alright, what do you think is 'cute' about Lance?"
Nemona, officially so flustered she can't even words: "Um... Well... I don't know... He got cape? He ginger? He boy?
Arven: "Cape, ginger, and boy, got it. Here's Syndrome from the Incredibles"
Juliana erupts into laughter, gripping herself as she half falls on Nemona
Nemona: "NO!!! That's not what I meant!!!!"
Arven: "You have made your argument, I have presented hard counter evidence."
Penny walks in with a pizza to see a red-faced Nemona, Juliana leaning on her side giggling hysterically, and Arven looking real proud of himself while drinking a really dumb glass of lemonade and presenting a picture of Syndrome on his phone for some Arkoos-forsaken reason.
Penny: "What's going on here?!"
Nemona:"Penny! I need help!"
Juliana, still giggling: "Nemonia thinks Lance is cute, apparently"
Penny: "Woah, she's bisexual! I didn't know that"
(Arven spits out some of his drink, blowing away the little umbrella in the process. Juliana goes back into a laughing fit, while Nemona tries in vain to cover her face with her hands while making some kind of squeaking sound. End Scene)
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