#heavily inspired by H50
eneiryu · 2 years
saw you saying that you read some really good sterek fics, would you mind recommending some? ☺️
So my absolute, hands-down, really no contest these-are-the-characterizations-of-Stiles-and-Derek-that-I-accept favorites are:
Aftershocked, Mixed Messages, and Brave New World by pyes (it’s a series, in that order), with Brave New World being far and away my favorite. I think I’ve read it over a dozen times? UNFORTUNATELY, the author deleted them (and themselves, apparently?) off of AO3, so I have no idea where one would find them now. But if you can find them, cannot recommend them enough. (Anything by pyes is pure gold, they’ve got a Wynona Earp fic that I just had to sit with, for a few minutes after reading.)
I also adore this fic, which is just extremely well-written with some excellent themes (it heavily inspired my own the only other sound’s the break):
This is another excellent one (anything by Siria is fantastic, check out their H50 fics too, if that’s your thing:
Another strong contender for absolute Sterek favorite:
And this one is just such an absolutely delightful slice of life, also featuring Stiles and Sheriff Stilinski:
And finally, anything in my bookmarks on my AO3 account under the Derek/Stiles tag (I’m just a little too lazy to copy them all over here).
And hell, if folks have sterek recs, I’d love some. 😆
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satashiiwrites · 3 years
Andromeda 5-0
For @mreyder-week Day 3: Partners in Crime. Yes I could not think of a better title (I’m open to suggestions though!). Yes it is very very heavily influenced by H50. Am I still obsessed with the Idea? Yes. Yes I am.
Not quite ready for posting the first chapter this morning, so here’s the title/moodboard and a snippet.
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Title: Andromeda 5-0
Fandom: Mass Effect Andromeda (borrowing from H50/inspired by)
Pairing: MReyder, Sara/Vetra (background), past Reyes/Zia, Zia/Brecka
Tags: Alternative universe, Cop!Reyes, NavySeal!Scott, Dad!Reyes
From chapter 1: Standoff—cut for length
Today had gone to hell in a hand basket incredibly quick despite starting out with spending a few minutes with his son who was the light of his life. Keema was still sidelined from her injuries from their last case together three months ago and the lieutenant had given up on assigning Reyes temporary partners after he’d gone through three of them. He’d mostly been working on his own when he wasn’t attached to another unit to work as a UC. He’d taken a meeting with organized crime and the proposal they’d had for him would make his career if it wasn’t for the fact that it also made something go cold in his bones.
It was a risky assignment they’d offered him. Risky but someone needed to do it.
He was thinking about it—that’s what he’d told Kandros despite running the test this morning which had gone off perfectly.
They wanted someone like him—someone latino who could walk the walk and talk the talk. Reyes was known for being a chameleon when it was called for but if he screwed up on this assignment the chances of him ending up dead were pretty high.
On the other hand… Zia hadn’t let him see Mateo in three weeks other than for brief rides to school twice a week when the live in nanny she’d hired had the morning off for college classes. He’d had no time with his son. Just ten minutes twice a week.
Yesterday she’d threatened to cut him off entirely citing his inability to pay the hefty child support she was demanding from him when she was all but married to her currently much richer beau. She didn’t even need money from him—it was just a way of pushing him away from their son.
Reyes was working class—blue collar through and through. Brecka was inherited old money, Russian, and hadn’t yet made the mistake of marrying Zia even if he’d moved her halfway across the country and installed her in a mansion that was forever out of someone like Reyes’ price range.
The comparisons between himself and Brecka made Reyes very aware of his own shortcomings—financially as well as socially. The things Brecka could give his son were things that Reyes never would be capable of in a million years. Tennis lessons. A trilingual nanny who didn’t speak Spanish but did speak Mandarin, Russian and English. Why would his son learn anything about his own heritage that his mother was determined to replace with her new lover’s better one?
He was a cop, son of a firefighter. Public servant that had graduated college just not a fancy Ivy League one like Brecka. He was street smart, having to live by his wits out in the world every day. Reyes didn’t rub elbows with the same rich people that Brecka did—he wasn’t a member of the Fortune 500. He preferred home cooking to fine dining or diner food to caviar. He’d married Zia because she’d gotten pregnant and thought—foolishly—that love would grow with their family.
They’d had fun together until it suddenly became a lot less fun and more work.
Relationships were work as his abuela told him. He’d been willing to work for it.
Zia… hadn’t. She’d filed for divorce when Mateo was three and they’d spent the next year arguing through lawyers until she’d gotten a judge that had taken one look at Reyes’ dark tan skin and had instantly sided with his wife.
She’d cleaned him out almost entirely. House and half his pension gone as well as most of his savings that wasn’t set aside for Mateo’s college fund. He’d been living on his Abuela’s couch eating peanut butter and ramen noodles for months until he’d managed to scrap enough together to get a one bedroom apartment and apply for visitation rights as she’d been awarded full custody too.
Reyes had been raised to do the right thing when you got the girl pregnant so he’d done the responsible thing and gotten the true love of his life out of it even if the divorce had felt like it tore him apart. Mateo was the reason for him to get up in the morning. His son was the cutest kid ever. Smart and always happy with a smile on his face that made him look like Reyes’ much happier mini-me. Reyes tried to shelter him from the arguments Zia picked with him every time they were together more than two minutes but the way Mateo clung to him at every school drop off told him he wasn’t hiding anything from his little boy.
His son didn’t deserve the problems Reyes had with his mother. He bit his tongue to not bad mouth Zia in front of him and just focused on the little scraps of time they had together.
Reyes regretted nothing that had given him Mateo and he’d fight for him with his last breath. Zia could try again and again to cut him out of his son’s life but he’d sooner die than let her. He’d moved halfway across the country away from all his family to be here for Mateo and he’d do it again if he had to.
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satashiiwrites · 3 years
Andromeda 5-0: chapter 1: Standoff
Ok so I had time this morning after all. 
Title: Andromeda 5-0, Chapter 1: Standoff
Fandom: MEA
Pairing: MReyder, Sara/Vetra, Zia/Brecka, past Zia/Reyes
Tags: Alternative Universe, heavily inspired by H50, NavySeal!Scott, Cop!Reyes, kid fic, dad!reyes, wip
Fic summary:  A deadly mistake brings Scott back to the Nexus—a place he had avoided returning to for too many years.  Returning stirs up a lot of old problems as well as new complications.  He’s been so career focused he forgot what normal was until he quite literally runs into someone at gunpoint. 
Reyes has moved cross country, been financially drained and taken from his family all so he can spend just a few precious minutes in his son’s presence each week.  He interrupted his career that had been going places just to start all over again.  When Kandros offers him an assignment that would put him back on track his gut instinct is that it’s dangerous so he does some investigating on his own that puts him right in Lieutenant Commander Scott Ryder’s way. 
Grief driven, Scott takes an offer he’d initially refused.  Reyes is going to protest that he’s not navy and Scott doesn’t get to press gang him—this isn’t the eighteenth century.
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Read Chapter 1: Standoff here. 
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satashiiwrites · 3 years
WIP tag game
WIP Tag Game
Rules: I will post all the names of all the files in my WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous, and tag as many people as I have WIPs to do the same. Send me an ask with the title that most intrigues you and I’ll post a little snippet of it or tell you something about it.
Okay there’s no way i’m going to tag as many people as i have wips… that’s too many. Plus bonus gifs!  Thanks @radio-chatter​
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Mass Effect/Mass Effect Andromeda
An Andromeda Tale
To Follow (Seguir’s sequel)
Whatta Man
Cop!Reyes and Firefighter!Scott
Westworld MReyder
Royalty/Fantasy AU
The Marks We Leave On One Another
Mafia AU
What Are You Doing New Year’s Eve?
The Mask of the Charlatan
Your Guide to Andromeda
AAT outtakes
NavySeal!Scott and UndercoverCop! Reyes (heavily inspired by H50)
Akksul fic
Genetic manipulation SAM body horror MReyder fic
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Family, Familia, ‘Ohana (H50, SWAT crossover)
I Wasn’t Looking Until I Found You
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Generation Kill/HBO War
Bradley the Damned
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Mayans MC
The Outlaw and the Cartel Boss
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Unnamed Japanese Woodcut Tentacle porn ficlet
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Star Wars
Unnamed Introspection Sequel
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Unnamed sequel to Mi Amado
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The Old Guard
Crossroads and Divergent Paths
Original Work
Unnamed Dystopian Cyberwestern
Tagging whoever wants to play along?  @interstellar-chaos​ @quietborderline​ 
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