#heathens you're all getting booped back
greyias · 6 months
I’m on a video call for work, trying to keep a straight/serious/thoughtful face in place while my phone’s screen is flashing like a rave.
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I somehow managed to screencap this transition and not tip anyone off that I was on my phone
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itsthestutterforme · 3 years
Called In (Jang Hanseok)
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Summary: Hanseok finally calls in his wife who is a billionaire for selling her tactical plans to her mobster, Mafia or hang clients. He brings her into the fold in hopes of helping him take Vincenzo down.
Characters: Jang Hanseok x millionaire!reader (platonic), Ms. Choi x millionaire!reader (dance buddies)
Things must be pretty bad with Jang Hanseok if he called you in. Ever since you eloped, he didn't want anyone to know our involvement with each other. You never understood it because you both some of the best protected people in the world.
He's the literally CEO of a billion dollar company and you have various ties to acquaintances in the Mafia who love getting their hands dirty.
Walking out of the airport with your all white pantsuit with white heels and sunglasses covering nearly half of your face, you see Jang Hanseok leaning on the passenger side of his black SUV. He cocks his head to the side as he gives you a once over. You stopped a few inches away from him and he closes the gap between you.
He wraps his arms around you and pulls you into his chest. Pressing a soft kiss to your forehead, you sigh deeply. To say that you missed him was an understatement. You missed his smile, his natural dark look in his eye, his toned biceps wrapping around you, his lips.. you missed everything.
You look up at him to find him staring at you. "It's been too long,". You link your arms behind his neck and lean on your toes to kiss him when you hear his phone ring. "Damn it," he cursed and he reached into his pocket to answer his phone. "What?" He snaps at the person on the other end.
You pull away from him and rolled your suitcase to the back of the car. You lift up the door to the trunk and when you try to pick up the suitcase, Hanseok bumps you to the side. "Hey," you say with a chuckle. Looking at him, you notice that he is still on the phone. He picks up the suitcase and tosses it in back before closing the door.
You walk back towards the front of the door to open the door but he nudges you out of the way again. You couldn't help but laugh in disbelief. He's still on the phone but gives you a smile and a wink. He opens the door and motions you to get in.
You eye him suspiciously before hopping in. He closes the door and hangs up the phone before hopping into the drivers side.
"So your clients arent chivalrous I see," he retorts. "Yeah, but they don't shove me out of the way either, you heathen." You joke and he grabs my face possessively before pressing a warm kiss on your lips.
"But I'm your heathen," he states, making you roll your eyes. "We're headed to the hotel," he adds, pulling onto the highway. "Hotel? Why can't we go to your loft?"
"I don't want him to know you're here," he says, his tone displaying pure hatred. "Who's him? You were pretty vague over the phone." "That Mafia bastard, Vincenzo." "Vincenzo Cassano?" "You know him?" He asks as he looks at you with distrust in his eyes. "Yeah, he was one of my clients."
"So he's your friend?" "What? Where did you get that from? No, I said he was my client. He used some of my tactics to send his messages in the Italian Mafia. That's it." He puts his attention back on the road.
"If you don't believe me, then you can turn back around and I can go back to Barcelona. I don-" you start but he interrupts by grabbing your hand and kissing your palm.
"Of course I believe you, I just.. I'm sorry, he's really getting under my skin." He says. He sets your intertwined hands in his lap and caresses the back of your hand with his thumb.
Both of you were silent for a few moments before you decide to lighten up the mood by saying, "Does this hotel have a pool?" "Why, you wanna give me a show?" He teases.
You lean over the console of the car and nibble on his earlobe playfully. "Do you want one?" You whisper. "Stop being such a tease." You chuckle and return back to your seat.
He pulls into the driveway and the first thing you do is rush out of the car to get your suitcase before Hanseok could grab the suitcase.
Your hands were on the handle to open the door but Hanseok lifts you off of the ground. "Hanseok, I can carry my own bags." You say to him.
"Not around me you're not," he says before throwing you over your shoulder. He takes your luggage from the truck and kicks it closed.
Holding both you and your luggage, he walks into the hotel nonchalantly. "Hello Mr. Jang Hanseok." The greeter says with a nod. Hanseok nods back and you give him a little wave as you dangle from Hanseok's shoulder.
He steps into the elevator and he finally sets you down. You glare at him and he sends you an innocent smile. "I really did miss you, Y/N," he states, pulling you closer by the waist. You hum when he presses a kiss on your lips and nibbles on your bottom lip.
The elevator door opens and you are greeted by two people, a middle aged man and woman. "Mr. Jang Hanseok. Ms. Jang Y/N." They both bowed to you and you say, "Hi, who are you guys?" You ask. "This is Ms. Choi and Mr. Hanchul. My tactical team." Hanseok introduces.
"Oh, nice to meet you. But before we start, I need to order some bulgogi. It helps me concentrate." You say.
You've been having fun with Hanseok and his tactical team. Ms. Choi is a very funny woman, probably because half the things she says is geniune no matter how off the wall it sounds.
I can respect that. She even agreed to play Dance Central with you on Hanseok's Xbox, and she kicked your ass of course.
"Hello, Earth to Y/N," Hanseok echoes in the empty pool room. You completely forgot that you were swimming in the pool. A small spread across your face as you swim towards him. You cross your arms and rest them on the edge of the pool.
He squats down in front of you and boops your nose. "You had me worried for a second. I thought Vincenzo kidnapped you. And why did you call off my guards?" He asks. "One, Vincenzo knows me and how much I can make his life hell. He wouldn't dare touch me. Two, I can kick your body guards' ass."
"Just at least have one with my guards with you. To give me a peace of mind." "Fine, I will. Help me out of the pool?" You ask mischievously.
He gives you his hand and instead of getting out, you pull him in with you. After he resurfaces with his hair stuck to his face. He brushes his hair away with his hands and spits out some water.
"So that's how it's going to be?" He says with a dark look in his eyes. "Wait, I didn't mean it." You say as you try to swim away but he catches up to you in a few strides.
He pushes you against the wall of the pool and tickles the back of your thighs. "P-please, stop! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Hanseok!" You say with tears in your eyes.
Ms. Choi and Mr. Hanchul watch from the entrance of the pool. "I've never seen him so happy. Why hasn't he brought her here before?" Mr. Hanchul asks. Ms. Choi shrugs and says, "I'm not sure, but they're good for each other. Let's find a reason for her to stay."
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time to talk abt harold's lips that i love! so! much! imagine putting on the shiniest, glossiest, glitter filled lipgloss on them and i can just imagine him being all fidgety and moving his face away from the applicator and you're all like "harry!!1! sit still!!" and he's all pouty like "y/n!!1!, if you put that sticky stuff on my lips i won't be able to suck your face off" and ok i want to die™
“Harry—! Harry, stop! I promise you’ll look so pretty! C’monnnn.”
Harry keeps swatting at your hand as you pursue his mouth with the wand of the glittery red lipgloss, moving his head from side to side as his nose scrunches with defiance. “But it’s gooey!”
You pause your attack, the stick raised in the air as he blocks it with his wrist, jutting your eyebrows up challengingly. “So you can’t put some strawberry-flavored goo on your lips for a few seconds but I can have your jizz all over my face and not complain?”
His wrist suddenly slackens up a bit, his eyes flitting back and forth between your eyes and the tube of lipstick. His shoulders slump and he drops his arm in a ceasefire. “…Fine.”
You squeal excitedly, scooting closer to him across the bed, leaning forward in concentration. You slowly swipe the applicator across his plump lips, stifling a giggle as his brows furrow begrudgingly at the weird slime coating his skin. He forms his mouth into an O-shape, not sure of what to do with his expression to make the process easier.
When you pull back, his face stays frozen in the silly form for a bit, eyebrows quirking up in question.
“You can move now.” You deadpan, capping the gloss and shaking your head with amusement.
He purses his lips, rubbing them together and letting out a disgusted scoff. “It’s sticky.”
“So is your—“
”Okay, I get it! I’ll stop complaining.”
You grin triumphantly, pulling out your phone from under your thigh and snapping a quick pic of him. He comes out glaring with his red bandana holding back his curls and his Greenbay Packers sweatshirt hanging loosely off his broad shoulders, the flash reflecting off the bits of sparkles in the gel, his mouth an enticing shade of raspberry as it glitters all plump and pretty.
“Oh, you look absolutely gorgeous!” You exclaim dramatically, turning the screen of your device so he can see. “The new face of Covergirl, I think.”
Harry squints at the picture, the corners of his painted mouth dipping down for a second in mild surprise. “Hm. I don’t look half bad, actually…”
“Red is definitely your color.” You comment as you lock your phone, bringing a finger to his face and wiping away the excess at the edges of his mouth.
“Why don’t you come a little closer so we can see if it’s yours as well?” He waggles his eyebrows playfully, purring deeply in the back of his throat and making kissy faces at you.
“Actually, why don’t I go get my mascara and see how long we can make your lashes?!” You roll out of the way as he grabs for you, snickering when you hear him whine with panicked disdain.
“Absolutely not!”
But you’re already running into the bathroom, grabbing the tube of mascara from the counter and hurrying back into your room, all to find Harry on the other side of the bed, squatting in a defensive stance with his arms out in front of him to ward you off.
He points at the makeup in your grasp, shaking his head and locking his wild gaze with your coy one. “You stay the hell away from me!”
“I don’t think so, Betty Boop!” You lunge at him, crawling over the bed shockingly fast.
Harry let’s loose a raspy shriek, throwing his body sideways and stumbling over his socked feet as he tumbles toward the door of your bedroom.
“Come back!” You’re already thumping onto the carpeted ground, chasing after him as he slides through the crack in the door and scuttles down the corridor that leads to the living room.
“Stay back!” He’s screeching over his shoulder hysterically as you skid down the hall and into the next room.
“I just want to make you look like the model you are!” You cry out, your cheeks hurting as you laugh maniacally.
Harry grabs at a throw pillow from the near by couch, chucking it at you and missing by a hair as you lean and bend to avoid it. “And I just want to keep what’s left of my masculinity!”
He looks so hilarious, screaming about his manliness as his mouth glistens and glimmers under the dim, warm lights of the living room lamps.
”You already wear nail polish!”
”That’s beside the point!”
“Just shut up and let me!” You jump towards him on the left, only to be smacked in the face with another cushion.
Despite this attack, you pounce forward, arms out and hands grabbing, testing your luck.
Your body collides with his, fists tightening on his broad shoulders, sending the both of you sprawling across the ground in a mess of surprised grunts and tangled limbs.
Harry struggles against your hold as you straddle his thighs over his running shorts, shoulders jolting desperately as his head whips from side to side. He wails out in a dramatic, cinema-like voice, biting back giggles while trying to put forward a serious front as you struggle to pin his back against the floor. “Release me, heathen!”
“Sure thing! Just right after I make you red-carpet ready!”
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