#heads up tho for any new followers bc my huge text replies are not to everyone's taste
inchidentally · 9 months
I'm sure this won't matter to anyone but js my work schedule is changing so a lot of my posting will probably shift about 4 or 5 hours earlier than usual
only mentioning bc my ask replies are tagged 'inchreplies' if you want blacklist and keep my long essays off your dash <3 (esp since I am using the winter break to catch up on my asks that have been waiting patiently for weeks)
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jaeminlore · 7 years
friends to lovers!johnny
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okay so 
johnny means a lot to me bc whenever i have a lot of anxiety i think of cuddling him
just bc he’s rlly big and i would disappear in his warmth
so johnny has a very special place in my heart
anyway to the au
in this au johnny isn’t an idol
he’s a business major at a local college
and listen
is a dork
he also has no clue what to do when people approach him and say that they like him
this is not a good thing bc people often come up to him and ask him for his phone numbers
and johnny is like I can’t turn them down!! they’re so nice!!!
so he always hands out his phone number
but listen
he NEVER texts anyone back
bc they’re always asking for dates or smth and johnny is just … no thanks!!! i’m awkward!!!!!
but he thinks even that might be too harsh so he just leaves them on read as if that isn’t the worst thing he could do to someone
so naturally
there is this entire group of people on campus who have liked johnny before and felt wronged by him because of this
and when you transfer to johnny’s college since it’s closer to your job
the “we hate johnny” club immediately snatches you up and sits you down like
listen here new kid johnny looks rlly nice and sweet but he’ll leave you on read like the biggest douchebag of the century
and you thought you had left this kind of drama in highschool
but alas
it follows
but just to get them off your back you sort of agree to “never ever talk to johnny seo under any circumstance avoidable or unavoidable”
which is rlly okay bc he’s a business major and you’re a culinary major and hopefully you’ll never even run into the supposed “biggest douche in history”
you actually forget about the legendary johnny, bc why would you need to think abt someone you’ve never met? you weren’t even sure you’d like him or ask him out, so why did it even matter?
it was all okay until your university had this wierd “college collab” week where two students from completely different majors would be paired together as each each others study partners
it was a way to help students stay connected and also help them learn about other majors besides their own
most students didn’t rlly care abt the program so they just… ignored it lol
like they had their study buddy but they never contacted them and vice versa
you were one of those students
bc why would you need help learning how to cook from someone who had no idea how to cook???? it made no sense
but still you get this phone call from an unknown number and ur just,,,,
and this v awkward chuckle comes across the receiver followed by a deep voice replying
“hi. i’m johnny. i’m your study partner for that thing”
and you’re like dang it bc not only do you now HAVE to do this study partner thing, it’s also w johnny
who you’re assuming is THE johnny you had always been warned abt
“i’m a culinary student” you tell him in a way that says how-could-you-possibly-help-me?
until he replies “ok well I’m a business major, so maybe i could help you work out your inventory and prices?? like say you own a resturaunt in the future,,, i can make you a budget that keeps you from going bankrupt.”
nd that… actually sounds like a rlly good idea and something you could use in the future
so you invite him over to your dorm
when he arrives you kind of just do a double take bc he’s rlly handsome in the sweetest type of way
let’s just imagine this for a moment
i don’t see johnny as someone who would dress up a lot esp around campus or for classes like he doesn’t see the need
but it’s also autumn and he’s really cold so he arrives at your place wearing black sweatpants and this oversized white sweater over it
like it’s so oversized that it shows his collarbones (aka you are blessed™)
nd tbh his black hair looks rlly soft and it’s hanging over his eyes ever so slightly
you kinda have this urge to just push it back behind his ears but you stop yourself bc that would be wierd
he tilts his head to the side and just smiles.
“hi i’m johnny.”
“i’m y/n”
he looks a little nervous, as he shuffles back and forth in the hallway
“are you gonna come in?”
“oh! yeah! sure!”
he walks inside and you realize just how tall he is like,,,, he looks like a giraffe no offence
you guys get to work straight away like you wanna keep this strictly business!¡!
nd because of all the rumors you half expect him to ask you out or smth like that
but he never does????
he’s just helping you figure out a good budget for your future
and you never knew johnny was this complete NERD
he’s got this dorky smile on his face as he’s describing the benefits of loans and leasing
and honestly it’s a snooze fest
but you listen bc johnny is going on and on and he’s not stopping any time soon
until you get up to get a juice pouch or smth idk you’re just parched okay
and johnny watches you for a moment before ducking his head down
“i’m sorry. i’m really boring aren’t i?”
“nonono!! i’m just thirsty!!”
but johnny is blushing and he doesn’t rlly believe you like “c'mon,,, no one likes hearing abt this stuff”
nd he sounds kind of,,, not sad,,, just as if he expected it
you wonder how many people have told him that he’s boring
you decide to cheer him up
“how abt this? let’s take a break from business for awhile and I’ll help you using my major,,,, do you know how to cook???”
“sort of?” johnny says. “I know how to boil stuff.”
and so you decide to teach him how to cook delicious but easy foods (on a budget since johnny seems to love those)
and johnny is actually a lot of fun????
he’s cracking jokes left and right
making puns using the ingredients
and his laugh is loud and dorky and you think you know why all those We Hate Johnny™ clubs fell in love with him
so the food is cooked and the two of you just sit on the floor and eat
“so…can i ask you something?”
“shoot,” johnny sends you a smile and you feel bad for bringing it up
“are the rumors true?”
and johnny is so confused for a moment like “rumors??”
and after you explain he looks kinda shocked and sad
“they think i led them on?”
“but i’m just awkward and can’t talk to them”
he just looks really sad.
“this is why all those people won’t talk to me?”
you feel really bad for bringing it up of course
like now johnny has lost his smile and is just kind of picking at his food
“it’s okay… they’re overreacting obviously. maybe i could help you?”
“you can throw a party! invite all of those numbers! of course they’ll come because they won’t be able to resist you, and i’ll keep them there by making delicious appetizers”
johnny thinks it’s his best shot, so the two of you plan a party, and johnny’s huge group of friends help him spread the word.
when the night of the party comes, you and johnny are the first to arrive at the frat house  don't act like johnjae wouldn't be the biggest frat boys and johnny is freaking out thinking no one is going to come and he’s just going to be hated by all these people for a small misunderstanding
but he’s easily calmed down when taeyong and yuta enter with a bunch of people behind them, all who you recognize as Johnny Haters.
but johnny puts on an easygoing smile and greets everyone by name, asking them questions about their majors and whatnot
tbh you just kind of admire him from the corner bc johnny rlly hasn't tried to lead anyone on, he is just a giant dork really
he still knew everyone and had remembered things abt their classes like an actual friend would
to see him laugh around with a few girls that had told you how much of a player he was only a few weeks ago made you extremely happy
and lowkey sad
bc now johnny isn't your little secret anymore
now everyone knows how wonderful and nice and handsome and dorky he is 
so even tho you’re a bit sad, you stay until the end of the party to help all the boys clean up
and BOY are you glad you did
bc as soon as johnny is done saying goodbye to all of the guests, he walks over to you and cups your face
then he kisses you
and he would've kissed you longer if it hadn't been for taeyong’s scolding
when the two of you separate johnny is just rambling like,
“thank you so much you’ll never know how much this means to me no one has ever done something so thoughtful for me will you please be my girlfriend?”
and ofc you say yes bc it’s johnny and he’s honestly just a big sweetie
so the next day at campus you both walk around holding hands
and everyone is like,,,,, darn,,,, we should've been nicer to johnny,,, then maybe he would've dated us!!1!111!1!!!!
and you’re just like eat your heart out! kisses!
anyways it’s 3am that's why the end of this scenario is everywhere
the end
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