#he's wearing that silly little paper hat hehe
thiinka · 1 month
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ace-ace-attorneys · 2 years
what are your favorite headcanons for 7 year gap phoenix? (i am such a sucker for beanix hehe as you can probably already tell <3)
i may have guessed from the profile pic alone if nothing else ;)
so! beanix thoughts incoming (warning for being disorganized and messy ahah):
- i think that he and Miles had already been in a relationship for a few months when Phoenix got disbarred. Miles tried incredibly hard to support him and be there for him, but instead of relying on him Phoenix just got more and more withdrawn. eventually they broke up, although it was more of a mutual separation where they both knew they'd end up back together eventually
- Miles was torn because on one hand he felt like Phoenix was pushing him away because he was depressed, and he didn’t want to let that happen, not when Phoenix had been there for him at his darkest times. But at the same time he wanted to respect Phoenix’s wishes and understood that Phoenix needed some time to figure out who he was, a) without his badge, and b) without Miles, having built his identity around those things for so long.
- So they separate for a while and Miles does his best to give Phoenix space although he does check in on him and Trucy periodically to make sure they’re okay. and when they do get back together Phoenix is in a better place and they're both just all around more ready for a serious relationship
- Trucy is the #1 thing that keeps Phoenix going, especially at first- not just because he has an obligation to care for her, but just her herself. she drags him out on walks and invites people over and reminds him to take his meds every day and helps him cook dinner and does so many things that made life more bearable for him
- and for a while he feels guilty about letting his little daughter take care of him, but eventually he realizes that this is her way of showing her gratitude for how he'd taken care of her and trying to do the same for him the best way she knows how. they take care of each other <3
- i am so absolutely torn between “the ‘grape juice’ was actually alcohol and he struggled a bit with alcoholism during the 7yg” and “no it was actually just grape juice the man really does love grape juice”. i cannot decide which one i like better because i think both are great takes for different reasons
-he hangs out with Maya on the weekends and they mostly sit around in their sweatpants complaining and gossiping and eating junk food. a couple times she dragged him out to a bar to do karaoke. she also jumps at every opportunity she gets to babysit Trucy
-i don't think he was ever in the best of physical shape but he definitely gains a significant amount of weight during the 7yg. it's not really a big deal to him but he does get a little self-conscious abt it when he thinks about how the people who knew him before must think he really let himself go. maya, who has always been on the chubbier side, points out to him that chubbier people are softer to hug. trucy concurs. as silly as it sounds, it makes him feel a lot better
-he and Trucy have a bunch of silly little family routines/inside jokes/things that only the two of them know about. they play a game every night and they do best 2 out of 3 rock paper scissors to determine who gets to pick. when they go for a walk the first person to spot a wild animal gets to choose what they have for dessert that night. every year for Christmas Trucy buys him the weirdest pair of socks she can find, and he buys her the most outlandish hat he can find and they both have to wear them the next day. every time they leave the house they race to see who can get their shoes on and be ready first. they play the floor is lava. once a month they stay up all night watching horror movies and eating ice cream directly out of the tub.
-at first the piano thing is very much just a cover for Phoenix's real job at the club but he figures he should learn just enough to be believable, and in the process he discovers it's actually pretty fun and kind of meditative, and starts trying to learn for real. Trucy joins in and is immediately way better than he is. (he's a little put out by this but she cheekily promises to give him pointers)
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krat395 · 4 years
Tickle Me Azzy
Happy New Year, everyone! :D And to kick off 2021, here is a belated Christmas-themed request I did for Rubygirl692 on DeviantArt. She wanted a tickle story involving Frisk and Asriel and I felt that a Christmas setting taking place 7 months after the events of “Tickles of Justice” and 14 months after the events of Undertale would be perfect for those two and fun fact, this is the first holiday-themed story I’ve ever written. So, with in mind, feel free to let me know what you think in the comments… or in notes. ;)
 Undertale© Toby Fox.
 It is December 22; 3 days before Christmas; and Frisk and Asriel are currently alone in their mother's house. Currently, it is 6 pm and at this time, Frisk and Asriel are wrapping Christmas presents together in Toriel's living room; a few feet away from their large beautifully decorated Christmas tree; their last presents to Toriel, Asgore, Chara, and friends to be exact. With Toriel at a school staff party, and Asgore and Chara working at the mall as a mall Santa and elf respectively, it seemed like the perfect time to do so. Frisk and Asriel love Christmas very much and in a few days, they will be celebrating their second Christmas together on the Surface after the destruction of the Barrier 14 months ago. It's such a special time of year for both of them and one of their ways of getting into the holiday spirit is swapping out their usual striped shirts with red and green striped shirts to wear along with their usual color pants (Asriel's are black and Frisk's are blue); same stripe patterns as their usual striped shirts, just different colors (the green stripes on Asriel's Christmas shirt are a darker shade of green and the other stripes are red rather than yellow; and Frisk's shirt is red with two green stripes instead of blue with two pink stripes). Chara does this as well. Every Christmas, she wears a green shirt with her usual brown pants that's the same shade of green as her usual green shirt but with a red stripe rather than a yellow stripe. But one thing has changed this year however. Frisk and Chara, instead of wearing Christmas socks a lot of the time, have chosen to bare their feet every time they are indoors and in non-public settings. The reason being is because they painted their toenails red and green this year and just can't resist showing them off every chance they get. And nobody can really blame them either! Especially since their nail polish colors alternate between red and green; Frisk with green nail polish on her, right pinky finger, right middle finger, right thumb, left index finger, left ring finger, left pinky toe, left middle toe, left big toe, right index toe, and right ring toe and red nail polish on her right ring finger, right index finger, left thumb, left middle finger, left pinky finger, left ring toe, left index toe, right big toe, right middle toe, and right pinky toe; and Chara with red nail polish on her right pinky finger, right middle finger, right thumb, left index finger, left ring finger, left pinky toe, left middle toe, left big toe, right index toe, and right ring toe and green nail polish on her right ring finger, right index finger, left thumb, left middle finger, left pinky finger, left ring toe, left index toe, right big toe, right middle toe, and right pinky toe. Christmas fingers and toes! :D Perfect for one cute little girl that recently turned 13 (Chara on November 30) and another cute little girl that will be turning 13 the following month (Frisk on January 7)! X3
 Asriel: Hehe. Wow, Frisk! You’re good at that. …You make it look so easy! *said Asriel to Frisk while sitting on the floor in a cross-legged position next to the Christmas tree, complimenting her superb wrapping job on every present she’s wrapped so far* What’s your secret?
 Frisk: Hee hee. Well, for starters, I don’t have fur that keeps getting stuck to the tape. *joked Frisk, who’s currently on her knees; barefoot in jeans and wiggling her toes cutely against the floor* Heeheeheeheehee!
 Asriel: Ha, ha; very funny. *said Asriel sarcastically in response* But yeah, you’re right.
 Frisk: Heeheehee! Would you like some help? *asked Frisk, moving closer towards Asriel*
 Asriel: Hehe; sure. I’ll cut and fold the paper, you tape. Sound good?
 Frisk: Heeheehee! You got it, fluffy boy.
 Sometime later… after all of the presents were wrapped…
 Frisk: Annnnnnnnd done! Great job, Azzy!
 Azzy: Hehe. All thanks to you.
 Frisk: Heeheehee. Awwww! X3
 Azzy: Can't wait to see everyone's reactions when they open their presents in a few days! I bet they're all going to love their presents very much!
 Frisk: Hehe; they better! Mom worked hard knitting those hats, mittens, scarves, and tail warmers for everyone!
 The tail warmers are for Alphys, MK, Rocco, Lydia, GK, and Rex. The lizards! X3
 Asriel: Hehe, yeah. ...Oh! Remember that time Mom, Dad, Sans, Papyrus, Undyne, and Alphys all played hockey together?
 Frisk: Hehe. Of course I remember! That was the talk of the town for quite some time last winter! And a lot of that had to do with some weirdo writing an article all about it on the Internet! Though funny, it was kind of inaccurate to how it all really played out to be honest.
 Asriel: Pfft! Kind of inaccurate?! (More like super inaccurate! Lol.) Well that’s certainly putting it lightly, my dear sister. Hahaha!
 Frisk: Heeheehee, yeah. But, hey, that's what writers do. They like putting their own little spin on things. Especially during that part where they talked about how Mom and Sans didn’t know what the heck they were doing and made them sound like they were flirting with each other! (They read how to play hockey beforehand for gosh sake! Why would they agree to play a game that they don’t know how to play?! XD) Oh! And that other part where they talked about Sans doing some cringy victory dance! (Oh my god, Sans was NOT happy when he read that part!) Heeheeheehee. Silly guy… or silly woman! Everyone knows that Sans doesn't dance. ...Well, at least not while others are watching. Heeheeheehee.
 Asriel: Heeheeheeheehee. I know, right? Heeheeheeheehee.
 Frisk: ...Wait, why did you bring up the hockey game just now! That was very… random of you, Azzy!
 Asriel: Hehe. Just thinking about how fun it might've been if we had participated in that game. Ooh, but I don't like wearing ice skates though. You know, seeing as how I… never wear shoes. *said Asriel while wiggling his six toes cutely*
 Frisk: You could always skate barefoot like Mom, Dad, and Alphys did. Your feet can handle the ice.
 Asriel: Haha! Very true! But who needs to ice skate when you can go sledding instead?
 Frisk: Oooooooh, yeah! Do you think that Santa will get you that sled you've been wanting, Azzy?
 Asriel: Hehe. Well, after getting me that red bike I wanted last year, I'd say that there’ll be a sled next to that tree in a few days.
 Another thing Frisk and Asriel (and Chara as well) do to get into the holiday spirit is talk about Santa like he’s a real person. They know that Santa isn’t real but pretending that he is real and the one responsible for giving them their presents every year just brings them so much joy and happiness; and last year, they went the extra mile by setting out milk and cookies on the night of Christmas Eve before going to bed and they certainly plan on doing so again this year too; for Asgore when he shows up dressed as Santa Claus to put their presents beside and/or under their Christmas tree; or inadvertently, the Annoying Dog if he happens to be skulking around Toriel’s house when he’s not supposed to be. XD
 Frisk: Haha! I’ll have to take your word for it. …And, um, while we’re on the topic of Christmas presents, I got you a little something, Azzy. *said Frisk a bit shyly*
 Asriel: *excited gasp* You did? What?
 Frisk: Heeheehee. Close your eyes.
 Asriel: Oh. Uh, ok then. Hehe. *said Asriel in response, giggling while doing what Frisk asked him to do*
 Frisk: Heeheehee. Perfect! Now, keep those eyes closed until I give you permission to open them, ok, mister? *said Frisk politely*
 Asriel: Heeheehee. You got it, Frisk.
 Frisk Heeheehee. Ok, just checking.
 About one minute later…
 Frisk: Heeheehee. Ok, you can open them now.
 As Asriel opened his eyes, Frisk handed him a mirror and when he looked at himself in the mirror, he was overly excited to see that Frisk had tied a red ribbon around his neck; a beautiful red ribbon, one that wasn’t too loose or too tight; just the right size. X3
 Asriel: *excited gasp* OH MY GOSH, I LOVE IT! *exclaimed Asriel excitedly; hugging and nuzzling Frisk with glee and blushing noticeably red* Oh my gosh, I love it so much! Thank you! Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you! Heeheeheeheehee~!
 Frisk: Pffffffff… Heeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheehee!!! *giggled Frisk preciously in response, giggling due to Asriel’s fur tickling her as he nuzzled her and rubbed his face against her own as if he were a cat* Azzeeheeheeheey!!! Heeheeheeheeheeheeheehee!!! Azzy, cohohoohohome on!!! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahhaahahahahahahaha!!! You knohohohohohohow how much that tihihhihihihickles me!!! Heeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheheeeheehee!!! *snort* Heeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheehee~!!!
 Asriel: Heeheeheeheehee! Of course I do! That’s why I do it, silly! *Asriel then said cutely to Frisk as he stopped nuzzling her* Heeheeheeheehee!
 Frisk: Heeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheehee!!! I don’t blame you; and I’m very happy to hear you love your early Christmas present from me too! X3 It looks so good on you, Azzy!
 Asriel: Heeheeheehee! I agree! X3
 Frisk: Heeheeheehee! And, uh, speaking of early Christmas presents… Heeheehee! Presents, presents, presents, presents; presents, presents, presents, presents! *sang Frisk, scurrying towards the Christmas tree and lying down on the floor next to it to eyeball her Christmas presents that she’s super excited to open in a few days… or in a few seconds XD*
 Frisk knows enough not to open her presents until Christmas Day. She’s just messing with Asriel, that’s all; like she has been for the past week or so.
 Asriel: Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! *bleated Asriel nervously in response* No, Frisk! Get away from those! We’ve told you multiple times! You have to wait until Christmas!
 With Frisk lying down on the floor next to the Christmas tree to look at her presents tucked underneath of it, she has left her bare feet completely vulnerable. So, with that observation in mind, maybe there’s something Asriel can do to those bare feet of Frisk’s that will convince her to wait until Christmas to open her presents; or, punish her for opening her presents too early. ;)
 Frisk: Aw, come on! Just a peek! Please; pretty please; pretty please with a cherry on top? *asked Frisk, wiggling her toes in an unintentionally teasing manner while sliding underneath the tree a bit further to get a better view of her presents*
 Asriel: Frisk, you get away from those presents or else…
 Frisk: Heeheeheeheehee; or else what, Mr. Fluffy Puffykins? *asked Frisk cheekily, wiggling her toes in an unintentionally teasing manner once again* Heeheeheeheehee! Huh? Hey, wait! Wait a minute!
 All of sudden, Asriel positioned himself on top of Frisk's legs; trapping them underneath his own legs with his back facing towards her own back; and then shortly afterwards, he tickled her bare feet, scribbling his furry fingers wildly up and down her soles.
 Asriel: Coochie coochie coo! Coochie coochie coo! *Asriel teased* Heeheeheeheehee!
 Asriel: Hee hee hee. Not your feet? Hee hee hee. Then how about your toooooooooes? *asked Asriel cheekily, grinning like a mischievous young man as he began playing with Frisk's toes. Heeheeheeheehee! Kitchie kitchie kitchie koo, look who's tickling you! *he teased, sticking his fingers in between her toes to brush his fur against those overly sensitive toe stems of hers*
 Asriel: Hahahahahahahaha!
 After about a minute or so, Asriel sang a little song, a verse from "Holly Jolly Christmas" but with different words; and it caught Frisk by surprise so much that she lost all focus to her surroundings. She found Asriel's song incredibly hilarious; but also incredibly cute; and she wound up laughing so hard and so much to the point that her laughter grew silent at least 4 times during the next 2 minutes or so.  
 Asriel: Oh, ho, Frisk's Dreemurr's toes; cute just like her feet. Somebody tickle her. Make her laugh with glee. *sang Asriel cutely as he continued tickling Frisk's feet*
 Frisk: BWAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! AZZY, OH MY GOHOHOHOOHOHOHOHOD!!!!!!! *shouted Frisk through her even more hysterical laughter, lying down on the floor and making no attempts to tickle Asriel back due to how hard she's laughing at both tickles to her bare feet and Asriel's song* [HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!] *she laughed silently for a few seconds, overtaken by her laughter so much that all she could think about was laughing* EEEEHEEHEEHEHEEHEEHEEHEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEHEEEHEHEEHEE!!!!!!! OHOHOHOHOH MY GOHOHOHOHOHOD, AZZY, HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA, YOU FLUFFY GOHOHOHHOAT BOHOHOHOHOY, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHHAHAHAHA, YOU CRACK MEEHEEHEEHEE UP SOHOHOHOHOHOHO MUCH!!!!!!! *SNORT* *SNORT* [HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!] *SNORT* GYAHAHAHHAHAAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA~!!!!!!!
 Asriel: Hahahahahaha! Oh my gosh, that silent laughter! That’s when I know I’m getting you good, Frisk! Really good! Hahahahahaha! Kitchie kitchie kitchie kitchie koo! *teased Asriel once more, picking up the pace a bit with his furry fingers* I’m still tickling you! Hahahahahaha!
 Frisk laughed at both tickles to her feet and Asriel’s song for a good two minutes; and just when Frisk thought that she was finally finished laughing at Asriel’s song, Asriel sang another song; this time, a verse from “The Christmas Song” (aka “Chestnuts roasting on an open fire”) but with different lyrics; and made her laugh incredibly hard once again.
 Asriel: Snail pie roasting on a magic fire. Goat Bro tickling your soles. Hahahahahahaha!!
 Asriel: Hahahahahaha! Uh-huh, suuuuuurrrre I am! *said Asriel cheekily in response as he continued scribbling his fingers rapidly against Frisk's soles in addition to swirling and twirling his fingers in between her toes against the stems of each of them, letting his fur and scritchy nails/claws do all of the work once again* Hahahahahaha~!
 Asriel: Hahahahahaha! I most certainly am! *Asriel then exclaimed both cheekily and joyfully, seconds before blowing 4 long raspberries on the balls and heels of Frisk's bare feet; one on her right heel, one on the ball or her right foot, one on her left heel, and one on the ball of her left foot* Haha! Pbfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff!!! Pbffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff!!! Pbfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff!!! Pbffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff!!!
 Asriel is having so much fun tickling Frisk's bare feet; and Frisk had it coming too! Not just for supposedly trying to open her Christmas presents early but also for not wearing shoes and socks in her friends' and relatives' home this month! If being around fluffy boss monsters for more than a year has taught Frisk one thing, it's that being barefoot makes her feet much more inviting targets for tickle torture. ;) But Frisk was willing to take that chance this month though and multiple times, she paid the penalty! She and Chara both did! XD But she's not complaining about it though. She loves being tickled on her bare feet. Especially by her loved ones! But sometimes however, it can be a bit much; and Asriel is aware of that too, which is why he is planning on pulling her out from under the tree after at least three more minutes of tickle torture. So, until those three minutes are up, the only thing Frisk will be doing is laughing. Due to being stuck under the Christmas tree with Asriel sitting on top of her legs, it's all she can do! XD
 3 minutes later…
 Asriel: Hahahahahahaha! Ok, Frisk, I’ll pull you out now. *said Asriel, stopping his ticklish assault on Frisk’s bare feet* You ok?
 Frisk: Heeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheehee!!!!! Yehehehehehes!!!!! *answered Frisk, laughing and giggling due to phantom tickles as Asriel pulled her out from under the Christmas tree* Heeheeheeheeheeheeheehee!!!!! Oh my gosh, thahahahahahat was so fuhuhuhuhun!!!!! *she added, rolling onto her back while wiggling and splaying her 10 little toes to shake the tickly sensations in all of them plus her soles* Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!! *snort* Heeheeheeheeheeheeheeheehee~!!!!!
 Asriel: Heeheeheehee! Good! Because now it’s time for me to give you an early Christmas present!
 Frisk: Heeheeheeheehee!!!!! Whahahahahahahahat?!?! A prehehehehehesent?!?! Hahahahahahahahahaha!!!!! Fohohohohor meeheeheeheehee?!?! *asked Frisk both excitedly and confusedly while giggling and moving into a sitting position on the floor, curious as to what Asriel is planning to give her as a present* Heeheeheeheeheeheeheehee… Heeheeheehee… Heeheehee… Heehee... Hee……… What? What is it? What did you get me, hmm?
 Asriel: Something veeeeerrrrrry special. *answered Asriel, blushing red and giggling preciously while picturing how Frisk might react to his present* It’s in the basement; but d-d-don’t come down until I c-call you, all right?
 Frisk: Oh, um, o-ok then. *said Frisk awkwardly* But why do I have to wait? Is it not wrapped yet or something? *she then asked, confused as to why she wasn’t allowed to immediately follow Asriel downstairs and into the basement of Toriel’s house*
 Asriel: *sigh* Just trust me, ok? I shouldn’t be too long.
 And with that, Asriel went downstairs to supposedly do what he said he was going to do; and while waiting, Frisk just sat on the floor and admired her red and green toenail polish as she wiggled her toes lightly against the floor. Frisk doesn’t know what Asriel is intending to give her as an early Christmas present but whatever it is, she knows that she will love it no matter what. It’s the thought that counts after all but Asriel usually tends to give his friends and relatives some very thoughtful and creative presents anyway. And this year is certainly no exception! ;)
 5 minutes later…
 *Frisk’s cell phone rings*
 Frisk: Hello?
 Asriel: Ok, Frisk; you can come down now.
 Frisk: Heeheeheeheeheehee! Awesome!
 After a short waiting period, Frisk went down to the basement to see what Asriel got her as an early Christmas present. Last summer, the main room in the basement became a new hangout area for the kids; one with a big television, a couple of bean bag chairs, a chair with armrests, a futon, and space for additional activities such as arts and crafts and playing with toys (they’ll probably have a pool table and/or foosball table or something in that space when they’re older); and as of right now, that’s where Asriel most likely is! :D
 Frisk: Azzy? Oh, Azzy; where are you, buddy?
 Once Frisk arrived in the basement, she was surprised to see that Asriel wasn’t anywhere in plain sight! “Where did he go?” she wondered to herself as she searched the basement for her fluffy brother. But then she stumbled upon this large box; a box that at one point contained all of the wrapping paper Toriel bought to wrap presents this year.
 Frisk: Huh? The wrapping paper box? What the heck is it doing over here? *asked Frisk confusedly as she lightly tapped the box with her left bare foot, only to get startled once SOMETHING INSIDE THE BOX STARTED MOVING AROUND* Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek!!! Huh? What’s this?
 Frisk then noticed a tag on the box that said "To: Frisk" on one line and "From: Asriel" directly below it. It was the front of a tag and after reading it; she opened it up and read a message written by Asriel inside:
 Frisk: "Frisk, my early present to you this year is a stuffed animal version of myself. Hope you like it! Hee hee hee. X3" ...Wait! What?!?! Ok, now this I have to see!
 Frisk could barely contain her excitement after reading Asriel's message. "A stuffed animal version of Asriel; does there exist such a thing?" she wondered as she swiftly took the lid off of the wrapping paper box; an easy-to-open box designed to look like a carefully wrapped Christmas present; to see what was inside.
 Despite what Asriel's message said, there was no actual stuffed animal in the box. But what Frisk found in its place was even better! Inside the box was ASRIEL HIMSELF PRETENDING TO BE A LARGE STUFFED ANIMAL! :D And to add to the cuteness, he put a big red Christmas present bow on top of his head prior to positioning himself in the box. He already has a cute red ribbon around his neck so he figured a bow would be a nice touch as well. X3
 Asriel: (Awwwww! You're very welcome, Frisk. I had a feeling you would like my present. X3)
 As much as Asriel wants to talk to Frisk right now, he feels that he shouldn't. He is pretending to be a stuffed animal after all; one that supposedly can't talk; and if he wants Frisk to get the most out of her early Christmas present, then he feels that he should commit to the act as much as possible. And so far, he's doing very well; continuing to smile the same way he did the moment Frisk took the lid off of the box; but he did struggle a little during Frisk's excited reaction though. So, as long as Frisk doesn't do anything to make him break character, then he should be ok.
 Frisk: Heeheeheeheeheehee! Wow, Azzy! I can't believe you did this! Very unique idea! But I'm curious though. What made you want to do something like this?
 Asriel: ………
 Frisk: Uh, A-Azzy? Hello? Azzy? *asked Frisk, waving her left hand in front of Asriel's face to try and get his attention* Azzy?
 Asriel: ………
 Frisk: Ohhhhhhhh! I see what's going on here. Heeheeheeheehee. Sure, Azzy; I'll play along. Heeheeheeheehee.
 After realizing what was going on, Frisk then tried to lift Asriel out of the box. Under normal circumstances, Asriel would've got out of the box himself; but because he is fully committed to acting like a stuffed animal, he didn't move a single inch, forcing Frisk to move him around herself while he was deadweight.
 Frisk: Oooof! Azzy, you're heavier than you look! *said Frisk as she somewhat struggled to lift Asriel up and out of the wrapping paper box*
 After a small struggle, Frisk managed to get Asriel out of the box; by tipping it on its side in a way that she was able to force Asriel to roll out of it. Then once Asriel was out of the box, Frisk removed the red bow from Asriel’s head and cuddled with him for about 15 minutes; pretending he was a large stuffed animal all the while; just as Asriel wanted her to do as he lied on the floor next to her completely motionless except for occasional blinking. It was difficult for Asriel to stay still all the while Frisk cuddled with him; due to how much he wanted to hug Frisk back and nuzzle her; but the young boss monster wanted to do everything he could to stay committed to his stuffed animal act and he found a way. But after those 15 minutes were over however, Frisk, being the (playfully) mischievous girl she is, wanted to see if she could make Asriel break character. In other words, find out if she could somehow make her "stuffed animal" "come to life." She's already got him blushing noticeably red after all of that cuddling but blushing isn't enough for her. She wants him to make some noise and there's one guaranteed way to get some noises out of him too. But first, she’d like to do some teasing; to see if she can make him break character before the main course of action. ;)
 15 minutes later…
 Frisk: Mmmmmmm... Oh, I love my new stuffed animal so much! And for a stuffed animal, he’s very warm too! So warm that I think I’ll warm up my feet on his fluffy belly. *said Frisk cheekily, wiggling her toes while moving into a sitting position next to Asriel* Heeheeheeheehee~!
 With that said; Frisk lifted up Asriel’s shirt and rubbed her somewhat cold bare feet on Asriel’s belly; thinking that doing so would make him “come to life.” But instead, she wound up giggling preciously; due to Asriel’s fur brushing against her bare feet as she rubbed them all over his belly. XD
 Frisk: Pfffffffffffffffffffff… Heeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheehee!!! Ohohohohohohohohoh my gohohohohohohohosh!!! Heeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheehee!!! Ugh, I always fohohohohohorget hohohohohow much thahahahahat tihihihihihihihihickles me!!! Heeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheehee~!!!
 Asriel: ……… (Pfffff… Heeheeheeheehee!!! Oh no, not her giggling!!! Heeheeheeheeheehee!!!) *thought Asriel worriedly to himself the moment he heard Frisk giggle*
 It was hard to resist giggling along with Frisk but somehow, Asriel managed to stay in character. But after about two minutes however, Frisk tried something different with her feet. Rather than rubbing them on Asriel’s belly, she instead held them directly in front of Asriel’s face; as close as she could without touching Asriel’s head; and wiggled her toes to tease the young boss monster himself, believing that doing so will make him want to grab her feet and tickle the ever-loving daylights out of them.
 Frisk: Hahaha! Hey, Azzy! Tickle my feet again, please! Come on! You know you want to! *teased Frisk as she wiggled her toes in Asriel’s face, causing the young goat boy’s face to fluster with tomato-red blush* Enough pretending to be stuffed animal already!
 He does! He so does! His tomato-red face says it all! But he can’t! For the sake of this early Christmas present to Frisk, Asriel wants to do everything he can to stay in character! And to stay in character, he needs to sacrifice the things he desires most. It was a massive struggle for Asriel but with both patience and perseverance, he managed to prevent himself from “coming to life” all the while Frisk teased him with her bare feet.
 3 minutes later…
 Frisk: Ugh! All right, Azzy; time to bring out the big guns! *said Frisk in a surprisingly intimidating tone, scaring Asriel a little in the process* Who's a good boy? Who's a good boy? *Frisk then asked in playful pet talk a few seconds later, lifting up Asriel's red and green striped shirt to pet him on his fluffy belly* Heeheeheeheehee~!
 Oh no! Belly rubs! Asriel's weakness! Well, that and one other thing; hehe XD. It's surefire way to get him kicking his right leg repeatedly as if he were a dog! XD But not this time though! It was extremely difficult for Asriel but all the while Frisk pet him, he kept up his act as a stuffed animal! What a little trooper! X3
 3 minutes later…
 Frisk: Ugh! Ok, now you’re asking for it, Azzy! *shouted Frisk, raising both of her hands up while making claw gestures with them* If this doesn’t make you “come to life,” I don’t know what will!
 Asriel: (Uh oh!) *Asriel shuddered in his thoughts*
 A few seconds later, Frisk began wiggling her ten fingers wildly all over every inch of Asriel’s exposed fluffy belly, causing Asriel to immediately burst into a fit of bubbly laughter that was too pure for this world.
 Frisk: Kitchie kitchie kitchie kitchie kitchie koo!!! *teased Frisk with a giggle, relishing in the sweet sound that was her brother’s laughter for the next minute or so* Heeheeheeheeheeheehee~!!!
 Frisk: Heeheeheeheeheeheehee!! Azzy, that wasn’t even a second!! Heeheeheeheeheehee!! *gasp* Wait a second! *Frisk realized something all of a sudden* Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! My very own “TICKLE ME AZZY!!” Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! Similar to that ticklish red monster toy but better!! Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! Tickle, tickle, tickle, Azzy!! Come on!! Laugh!! *demanded Frisk, mere seconds before poking Asriel’s tummy just one time*
 Frisk: Huh? …Coochie coochie coo! *she teased once more, this time gliding her index fingers slowly along his sides*
 Frisk: *gasp* Oh my god! No way! But just to be sure…
 Noticing that Asriel was saying the same exact quotes as the ticklish red monster toy Frisk mentioned earlier; 2 of the 3 quotes to be exact; Frisk then scribbled her fingers wildly all over his torso once again to find out if he would say the third quote. And he did! Through all of his adorably precious laughter! X3
 Frisk: *delighted gasp* EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! AZZY!! OH MY GOD!! AZZY!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! Just like that red monster!! *Frisk fangirled, seconds before blowing several raspberries over Asriel’s bellybutton; to hear those adorable screechy bleats of his that sound like that of an actual baby goat* Pbffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff!!! Pbfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff!!! Pbfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff…
 Asriel was laughing so hard he couldn’t form a single sentence. Though not as tickly as Undyne’s raspberries, Frisk’s raspberries are enough to send Asriel over the edge with insanely hysterical laughter! And Frisk knows it too! Asriel was laughing, squealing, screaming, snorting, and everything in between for the next while; 2 minutes to be exact; and once those 2 minutes were over, Frisk gave him a much-needed breather; but only so she could hug him and then leave momentarily to grab a few things.
 2 minutes later…
 Frisk: Heeheeheeheeheehee!! Oh my god, Azzy!! Best early Christmas present ever!! *shouted Frisk happily while giving Asriel a quick hug* Heeheeheeheeheehee!!
 Asriel: Heeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheehee!!! Glahahahahahahahad you like it, Frihihihhihisk!!! *said Asriel, hugging Frisk back while laughing and giggling due to lingering ticklish sensations on his fluffy belly* Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahaha~!!!
 Frisk: Heeheeheeheehee!! So cute!! *Frisk said in response to Asriel’s laughing and giggling as she started making her way out of the basement*
 Asriel: Hahahahahahahahahahahaahhahahahahahaaha!!! Hehehehehey!!! Hahahahahahaha!!! Frisk, hahahahahahaha, where are you going?!!! *asked Asriel confusedly while continuing to laugh and giggle due to phantom tickles* Hahahahaahahahahahahahahahahaha~!!!
 Before Asriel could get an answer out of Frisk; Frisk left the room, leaving the young boss monster himself in a state of utter confusion. At first, he wondered if he should follow Frisk; to see what she was up to; but then he realized that maybe what she’s planning on doing when she returns requires him to continue his act as a stuffed animal. So, because of that factor, Asriel felt that he should stay put; to see what Frisk may or may not have in store for him next.
 Asriel: (Heeheeheeheeheehee!! Oh boy! I wonder what Frisk is gonna do next!!) *Asriel thought giddily to himself, wiggling his six toes cutely as he lied on the floor minding his own business*
 5 minutes later, Frisk returned with 2 bags. From Asriel’s position, it was hard to make out was in the bags but something tells Asriel that he’ll find out what’s in them soon enough.
 Frisk: Heeheeheeheeheehee!! Ok, Azzy; time to take you over to the chair. *said Frisk, seconds before proceeding to drag a motionless Asriel along the basement floor*
 A few moments later, Frisk dragged Asriel along the floor over to a chair; the chair with armrests to be exact; and once she got over there, she wondered how she was going to get Asriel in the chair while he was deadweight.
 Asriel: Hey, Frisk. I’ll get in the chair for you; on one condition. *said Asriel cheekily, purposely breaking character*
 Frisk: Oh? And what might that be? *asked Frisk confusedly in response*
 Asriel: Kneel down on the floor next to me.
 Frisk: Heh. Well ok then.
 Frisk did as Asriel asked her to do. She kneeled on the floor right next to her adorable brother. And once she did, Asriel pinned her down on her back, lifted up her shirt and tickled her mercilessly for about three minutes; scribbling his furry fingers up and down along her sides as well as nuzzling her belly.
 Asriel: Heeheeheeheeheehee!! Don’t worry, Frisk! After I’m done here, we can do whatever you want! *assured Asriel sincerely; but it was hard for Frisk to tell* Sound good?
 Asriel: Hahahahaha! Good! Pbffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff!!! Pbffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff!!! Pbffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff!!!
 And just when Frisk thought that the tickle torture couldn’t get any more intense, Asriel started blowing raspberries on her stomach and over her bellybutton. But not just that though! In addition to blowing raspberries, he also rubbed his face against her belly as if he were a cat. All while continuing his ticklish assault on her sides with his furry fingers.
 3 minutes later, Asriel stopped tickling Frisk; just as he promised he would. Then, a few seconds later, Asriel, knowing that Frisk wanted him to sit in the chair with armrests proceeded to sit in that said chair and let Frisk whatever she’s intending to do either with him or to him for the next while. And to the young prince’s surprise, Frisk took a set of 300 multi-color mini Christmas lights, plugged them into a nearby outlet, and wrapped around them loosely around his torso, arms, legs, and the chair itself. Then after she did that, she took a second set of multi-color Christmas lights; one with 100 mini lights; plugged them into the set of 300 lights, and wrapped them around his ankles and a nearby footrest that he had placed his feet on not too long ago; not too firmly around his ankles but firmly enough that Asriel was unable to escape his predicament.  Then once that was taken care of, Frisk pulled out a red ribbon and tied it around Asriel’s two innermost toes, binding them together in a way that made it impossible for him to pull his feet apart.
 Asriel: Pfffffffffffffffffffffff… Hahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahaha!! *Asriel snickered, giggled, and laughed all the while Frisk tied a ribbon around two of his toes* Ohohohohohohoh!! Hahahahahahahahahaha!! So, you wahahahahahahahahanna tickle my feeheeheeheeheeheeheet, huh? Heeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheeheheeheeheehee!! Yeah, heeheeheeheeheeheeheeheehee, probably shohhohoohhohould hahahahahave seen that coming after whahahahahahaahat I did to yohohohour feeheeheeheeheet earlier!! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha~!!
 Frisk: Heeheeheeheeheeheehee!! Yes, you should’ve!! *Frisk agreed, right as she finished tying Asriel’s innermost toes together* And hey, look! You have two ribbons now! One around your neck! And one around your toes! *she then pointed out to Asriel, gliding 8 of her 10 fingers lightly down both of Asriel’s snow white soles from the bases of his toes to his heels for a little less than 10 seconds*
 Frisk: Heeheeheeheehee!! Consider that a little warm-up, Mr. Fluffy Puffykins!! Because for the next half-hour or so, your feet are all mine! Mwahahahahahahaha!!
 They most certainly were! For 25 minutes, Frisk tickled Asriel’s feet like there was no tomorrow; and she did so with a variety of Christmas-themed tickle utensils in addition to her own ten fingers.
 Frisk: Heeheeheeheeheeheehee!! Coochie coochie coo!! Coochie coochie coo!! *teased Frisk “evilly” as she began tickling Asriel’s feet* Heeheeheeheeheehee!!
 To start it all out, Frisk tickled Asriel’s feet with her fingers for 3 minutes, scribbling them wildly all over every inch of her brother’s snow white soles as well as wiggling and twisting them in between his six toes…
 Frisk: Hahahahahaha!! Azzy, the fluffy goat boy; has such super ticklish feet! And if you tickle them just right, you can really make him bleat! *sang Frisk as she continued tickling Asriel’s feet, replacing the words of “Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer” and causing Asriel to laugh even harder in response* Hahahahahaha!!
 Then she used a red feather for two minutes; gliding it along every inch of his right sole as well as sawing it in between his toes on that same foot…
 Then she used a green feather for two minutes; gliding it along every inch of his left sole as well as sawing it in between his toes on that same foot…
 Then she used two multicolored feathers for two minutes; gliding both of them along every inch of Asriel’s soles as well as in between his toes (one for each foot)…
 Then she used a red toothbrush with green bristles for two minutes; brushing every inch of his right sole and three right foot toes…
 Then she used a green toothbrush with red bristles for two minutes; brushing every inch of his left sole and three left foot toes…
 Then she used both toothbrushes for two minutes; brushing every inch of both of Asriel’s snow white soles (she didn’t tickle his toes or in between them because she didn’t have any free hands to hold his feet still)…
 Then she used two candy canes for two minutes; poking his soles and toes with them as well as gliding them along his soles…
 Then she used a strand of gold tinsel garland for two minutes; “shining” every inch of Asriel’s soles with it as well as “flossing” all six of his toes with it…
 The she used two cotton balls for two minutes; rubbing them against every inch of Asriel’s soles and six toes as well as in between his toes (one for each foot and she did this right after dumping an entire bag of them all over Asriel’s feet to simulate snow)…
 Then she used two stuffed reindeers for two minutes; rubbing their noses and antlers all over every inch of Asriel’s soles (and to make things more intense for Asriel, she gave the reindeers silly voices to make him laugh even harder)…
 And then, while holding mistletoe next to Asriel’s feet, she blew raspberries on Asriel’s feet for two whole minutes…
 Frisk: Pbffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff!!! Pbffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff!!! Pbfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff!!! Pbfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff…
 2 minutes later…
 Frisk: Heeheeheeheeheehee!! *giggled Frisk as she stopped tickling Asriel* Adorable, soft, warm, lovable, huggable, and ticklish; I don’t want to stop. *she added, giving his right foot a platonic kiss and then his left foot shortly afterwards (under the rules of the mistletoe she’s still holding in one of her hands)*
 Asriel: Hahahahahahahahahahaha!! Then don’t!! *suggested Asriel with an exhausted tear-soaked look on his face while laughing due to lingering ticklish sensations on his bare feet* Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!! *snort* Hahahahahahaha!! *snort* Hahaha!! Haha!! Haha!! Ha!! Ha. Whew!
 Frisk: Oh, but I must! Because if I leave you like this, then it will be difficult for you to exact your revenge! *stated Frisk with a cheekily smile while freeing Asriel from his bind, causing Asriel to perk up in response*
 Asriel: Wait, what?! A-are you serious, Frisk?!
 Frisk: Pfft! Of course I am! You know me, Azzy! I love being tickled! Especially on my feet! *Frisk assured Asriel, wiggling her toes against the floor in anticipation*
 Asriel: Heeheeheeheehee! That, you do! Heeheeheeheehee! Ok, I’ll do it.
 Frisk: Heeheeheeheehee! Terrific!
 As soon as Frisk completely freed Asriel from his bind, Asriel left the basement briefly to grab something from his bedroom. And while Asriel was doing that, Frisk positioned herself in the chair the same way Asriel was positioned for 25 whole minutes. But she did not use Christmas tree lights to bind herself though. Instead, she positioned herself into a giant Christmas gift bag (a big red plastic bag with snowflakes on it) with her head sticking out at the top of the bag and sat down in the chair with her feet resting on the nearby footrest. Then once Asriel returned, Frisk commanded him to tear open the bottom of the bag to reveal her bare feet for him to tickle.
 Asriel: I’m ba… Heeheeheehee! Well, look at you all wrapped up in that gift bag! Heeheeheeheehee!
 Frisk: Heeheeheeheehee! I knew you’d like it. Heeheeheeheehee! Now, technically you’re not supposed to open this until Christmas but… I don’t think tearing open the bottom for a little peek won’t hurt anything… if you, um, get what I’m saying. *said Frisk with a wink and a real big grin on her face as she kicked her legs lightly and wiggled her toes inside the large bag*
 Asriel: Heeheeheeheeheehee! Oh, I do. I so do, Frisk! Heeheeheehee!
 Asriel then tore open the bottommost portion of the giant gift bag, revealing Frisk’s cute bare feet. Then a few seconds later, he tied her ankles to the footrest with some red tinsel garland; to prevent her from pulling her legs away. And with a red ribbon, he tied her two big toes together; to prevent her from pulling her feet apart.
 Frisk: Heeheeeheeheehee! Perfect, Azzy! Enjoy my second early Christmas present to you!
 Asriel: Heeheeheehee! Thanks, Frisk; for everything you do for me. *said Asriel with a heartwarming smile*
 Frisk: Hehe; of course, Azzy. You’re very much welcome. And if you like this present so much, I can’t wait to see your reaction to the main thing I got you this year!
 Asriel: Hehe, yeah, same here. I bet that you and Chara are going to love what I got you!
 Little does Frisk know, Asriel got both her and Chara THEIR VERY OWN “TICKLE ME AZZY” TOYS for Christmas this year! :O Gaster, Sans, Alphys, and Monica helped him make them; Monica for sewing the toys’ skins and capturing Asriel’s likeness; and Gaster, Sans, and Alphys with everything else (this included tickling Asriel to record his laughter for the toys’ audio XD).
 Frisk: Heeheeheehee! I bet I will! But am I going to enjoy more than you tickling my feet in a few seconds?
 Asriel: Hehe; maybe. But, uh, I’ll let you be the judge of that. *said Asriel with a cute smile as he began tickling Frisk’s bare feet and continued doing so for the next 25 minutes* Heeheeheeheeheeheehee!! Kitchie kitchie kitchie kitchie kitchie koo!! Hahahahahahaha!!
 For the first 13 minutes, Asriel tickled every sensitive inch of Frisk’s bare feet with 3 toothbrushes (a red toothbrush with green bristles, a green toothbrush with red bristles, and a red and white toothbrush with a candy cane pattern); getting her everywhere on her soles and the tops of feet as well as on the pads of her toes, the stems of her toes, and even in the spaces in between her toes. But that was nothing compared to how he tickled her during the last 12 minutes though. During the last 12 minutes, Asriel DREW ON FRISK’S BARE FEET with a 4-color pen (red, green, blue, and black), which he personally won while playing a Christmas-themed game at school; drawing Christmas wreathes on the balls of her feet (2 wreathes per foot) and Christmas trees on her heels (2 trees per foot) and writing “MERRY” on her right foot toes (one letter per toe), “CHRISTMAS” vertically on her right sole, “HAPPY” on her left foot toes (one letter per toe), and “HOLIDAYS” vertically on her left sole. Asriel had so much fun drawing on Frisk’s bare feet and Frisk in turn had so much fun being tickled by Asriel in that way. Her hysterical laughter said it all! XD
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warmau · 7 years
{Alice in Wonderland!AU x Monsta X}
i decided to write something fun for them,,,,,so take this wonderland au (it also got the most votes in my poll!!)~~~~ps: it probably makes no sense 
Shownu : Caterpillar 
lays shirtless in a huge canopy made of woven flowers and is usually not the type to answer if someone comes looking for him
like minhyuk will stop by and hang off a branch and try to pester shownu who just waves him off with one hand 
on his back are large tattooed wings in beautiful bright colors but he rarely lets people close enough to see them
talks sort of slowly so it’s hard to keep a long conversation with him without feeling sleepy or hypnotized
you’re trying to find a specific kind of potion that’ll help you grow taller and hatter kihyun told you the person to ask is shownu and so when you find him ,,,,,,,,,,, you call out
but there’s no response
so you decide to climb your way up into the canopy and to shownu’s surprise you manage your way in and slowly he begins to ask you who are you
but you just dig around in your pocket and go “hatter said you’d have this potion?” and you hold up the paper in front of shownu’s face
but he simply tilts his head and asks again, who you are
and you start telling him but something begins to shake the canopy and for a moment you think you see the tail of cheshire minhyuk
but then you’re like no,,,,it must be the wind??? what’s happening???
and the canopy swings back and forth and you look to shownu,,,,,,,only to see he’s as confused as you
until you lose your balance and all forward,,,,right into shownu’s chest
and you’re like soRRy,,,,,but you can’t help it your face is against his bare skin and
shownu,,,,,,,whose reflex was quick enough to catch you,,,,,,,is taking very very vERY slowly to let you go and you’re like blushing because uM AnYWAY thE PotION
and shownu takes a moment but tells you that you’ll need to get the potion from the red queens garden and you’re like ???? whose and shownu mumbles something 
and lays back down,,, turning onto his side and you see the wings on his back and you’re like,,,,,,,,well you need to leave but you’re also like,,,,staring at him because,,,,,,wow,,,,but also,,,,,seriously does he just sleep all day 
Jooheon : White Rabbit 
jooheon in big round glasses, a white button down, and suspenders,,,,,,,,,a pocket watch he keeps fretting over around his neck???
bunny ears that twitch whenever someone mentions the time and he realizes he’s late
keeps trying to escape the clutches of minhyuk who likes to tease him and purposely take up his time with silly riddles 
always runs past you when you want to ask him something 
and at some point you get annoyed because you reALLY need to know why he was in your backyard checking his watch because if he hadn’t been you wouldn’t have fallen down this damn hole
and so you finally catch him when you spot him sitting under a tree in the queens garden and you’re like jOOHEON
and he jumps up,,,,completely red in the face,,,on suspender falling off his shoulder and he’s like 
I-I-I- HAVE to bE GOING !!! iM LATE to SEE HyunGWON-
and you’re like no no no and you end up having to chase him through the queens garden,,,which is more like a maze than anything,,,,and when you finally both end up at a dead end
you panting with your hands on your knees and jooheon nervously fidgeting his ears you go whY do you keep running from me???
and he’s like “i can’t be seen with you!! if changk- i mean the red queen sees he’ll have my head!”
and you’re like why???? and jooheon just keeps looking around like he’s scared a guard will come through the bushes
so you stretch your hands out to put on his cheeks and you’re like “hey,,,look at me! calm down ok?”
and he locks eyes with you,,,,and you smile softly and that somehow seems to get him settled but also you can feel his cheeks getting hotter under your touch and you’re like ??? are you ok
and he’s like fIne,,,,and you’re like “ok i have a question then what were you doing in my backyard?”
and jooheon twitches his nose ,,,you know the way rabbits do,,, and he’s like “im not sure,,,,but yo-you made me late!!!”
and you’re shocked because huh??? you made him late???
and jooheon pulls up the loose suspender and is like “i,,,,,got caught up staring at you,,,,,,anD i couldn’t make it to tea,,,”
and you’re like wait staring at me? and he’s like you,,,,you’re quite- i hadn’t ever seen someone so - -- p--r--pret-
but he doesn’t finish the sentence because his watch goes off and he makes a sound of surprise and dashes off out of the maze again and you’re like DAMMIT
but what?????? was he going to say??????
Kihyun : Mad Hatter
keeps throwing parties every three or so hours because he forgets about the party from before
wears the bright, big top hot with a mismatched colored suit and if you look directly into his eyes you can see that one is brown and the other is ,,,, green 
breaks out into song whenever he can (to the unfortunate luck of hyungwon) and can drink tea upside down 
is overall confusing,,,,loud,,,,and a little sensitive when you ask him what day it is,,,,but other than that he’s really fun and flirty
which you know because whenever you pass by his place he’s always rushing out the door to get you to join him and the others,,,,,,that being literally hyungwon asleep at the table and wonho watching kihyun gleefully 
and you’re always like “kihyun,,,,you still didn’t clean the dishes from the last party????” and he’s like what last party????
but even so as you’re watching him pour tea into three different cups and sing about the weather
you can’t help but,,,,be happy around him,,,,,even if he’s a little weird
but what you don’t expect is for him to pull you up out of your chair and onto the table
and you’ve never??? stood up on a table before??? and you’re clinging to kihyun’s lapels because oh no if you take another step you might step on one of the plates and you want to return to your seat
but kihyun seizes the chance and spins you around and cups and plates and sugar cubes go flying everywhere
but kihyun swoops you up before you can kick the teapot over
and it’s almost like,,,,there’s magic,,,,,in the way kihyun dances with you on this table
and you look up ,,,,,to see him grinning ,,,,, two different colored eyes sparkling 
and you’re like “kihyun- hatter- i can’t danc-”
and he just says noNSENSE and keeps spinning you around
and hyungwon and wonho watch from their seats,,,,wonho clapping and hyungwon yawning
as kihyun waltz you up and down the table,,,,dipping you at one point so you’re almost at risk of being dropped off the table,,,but then he pulls you back up
and again you’re looking into that smiling,,,,,,,,ever so mischievous smirk and you want to say something but you’d rather just let kihyun lead you in this whimsical dance 
because what’s a party without any dancing right~
Minhyuk : Cheshire Cat
purple striped ears and tail that match the purple collar around his neck
he’s super acrobatic and likes laying on branches and hanging off random things 
keeps showing up above your head and disappearing in the blink of an eye???? the last thing you see are his sharp, white teeth
but if you scratch behind his ears he basically melts which is pretty cute
makes lots of jokes that kind of don’t make sense but you laugh anyway because he looks kinda cute making a fool out of himself,,,,,,,,,,and you don’t really know but he does it for the sake of your entertainment hehe
and a lot of the time  you find yourself only seeing him when you’re alone 
like you’ll walk through the dark forest and you’ll suddenly hear a familiar laugh
and minhyuk will lean his chin on your shoulder out of nowhere
or wrap his tail around your wrist
and it always surprises you,,,,,but he’s alway nice to see because when he’s there,,,,,you don’t feel so lonely in this new place
and one evening,,,,as you’re dining with the queen you almost spit out your drink because you see minhyuk show up behind him, picking up the crown off his head and twirling it around
and you’re trying not to laugh but ,,,,,even when minhyuk hops up onto the table in front of the queen??? like he still can’t see him????
and you excuse yourself for a moment,,,,,,,minhyuk disappearing from the table and reappearing beside you when you get back into the hall and you’re like 
“????why can’t the queen see you???” and minhyuk shrugs and says something about his ‘oddness’ not matching up to the queen’s ‘madness’ and you roll your eyes because whY does everyone speak in riddles here
but you also lean up a bit to fix the collar around minhyuk’s neck because it seems like it’s lopsided 
and minhyuk,,,,for the first time,,,,,,his teasing smile wavers and he puts his hand over yours and is like,,,,what are you doing
and you’re like because of your shenanigans back there your collar got turned!!! im fixing it
and minhyuk,,,,,,,,he,,,,,,,keeps his hand over yours
and you don’t really notice it but it’s actually been a long time since minhyuk has been able to touch someone physically
most of the time he plays pranks and disappears but you’re here ,,,, in front of him,,,,,,,,,,,,warm,,,,,,
and before he can control himself he nuzzles his nose against the side of your hair and you freeze up
and ,,,,,,, it’s gentle,,,,you’re not scared but?? 
the door opens suddenly and the queen comes barrelling in asking whAT is taking you so long and you’re like “i was with the cat- oh he’s gone?”
Hyungwon : Dormouse 
his suit always has tea stains on it and his hat is practically falling off his head 
hatter kihyun always puts hyungwon’s hands in teacups so when he wakes up he always scratches at his nose and he ends up with a wet hand in his face
which kihyun thinks is HILARIOUS and hyungwon just murmurs about how he really should find somewhere else to take his naps
his mouse ears are hidden in his messy hair but if he puts his head down on the table you can see them peeking out
you end up trying to clean up after another unbirthday party for the hatter and march hare,,,,,those two had escaped back into the forest saying something about a trial at the queens court
so you and hyungwon are left alone and as you’re stacking dinner plates and saucers 
you notice his hand is,,,,literally in a cup of cold tea
and you mutter that kihyun is at it again so you go over and take his hand out and you use the edge of the tablecloth to dry off his long fingers
when suddenly you hear a sleepy voice ask you what is going on
and you tell hyungwon that you’re just trying to make sure kihyun’s prank doesn’t work again
and he seems to nod, but puts up his other hand to rub his eye and you grab it like WAIT i didn’t dry that one yet
and you sit there,,,,,looking up to see hyungwon slouching over you and you’re like “wait,,,,how tall are you?”
and he gets up on shakey legs and you’re like WOAH and hyungwon is like “not,,,,that tall i fit into a teapot if i tr-”
and you’re like in what teapot do those legs even manage to get into it???
and you notice when he shakes his head a bit his ears and the tail that sways behind him and you’re like “are you a-,,,,,,,,,,,,,mouse?”
and he shrugs and says that he doesn’t care what he is, but he knows he’s sleepy and you’re like ok but don’t sleep at the table hatter kihyun will comeback to prank you again
and hyungwon suddenly offers you his hand and is like
“i know a good nap,,,,,,spot,,,,,the flowers near shownu’s canopy are ,,,,,,, extra soft,,,,,,,want to go nap there - together?” 
Wonho : March Hare 
absolutely adores everything hatter kihyun does 
unlike jooheon’s ears which are always at attention and alert,,,wonho’s lay against the side of his head and are kinda floppy when he gets up to dance
wears a different color bow tie every day and he claims it’s because you need a different bowtie for every unbirthday party
you’ve seen him speaking with the flowers and trees before and you thought he was just mad,,,,,until the flowers spoke to you too
he once told you his favorite tea is super rare because it comes from the red petals from the queen's garden which commoners can’t have
you meet him when he’s actually not at the table with hatter kihyun and dormouse hyungwon
and he’s explaining to you that someone told him he could find the queen’s red roses on the path toward the white rabbit’s house
and so you’re walking together and you notice how much more reserved he is when kihyun isn’t around and you want to ask something
when suddenly something falls into your hands and???? it’s a red rose
and you look up and cheshire minhyuk is lounging on a branch and is like “why hare,,,,,,,you haven’t said more then three words to our traveler,,,,,,,,cat got your tongue?”
and wonho wants to say something but minhyuk drops down from the branch and picks up the rose in your hand and puts it behind your ear and is like “i know why ,,,,,,,,,,the hare is all embarrassed~” 
and wonho reaches out to try and take a hold of minhyuk but the other vanishes while laughing only to reappear back on the branch this time hanging upside down off it
and he’s like “the march hare has a crush~ a crush on you~ and it’s his birthday not his unbirthday ~~~ don’t you think he deserves a gift~~~”
and with a wink sent your way minhyuk is gone and you’re standing there looking at wonho like it’s----it’s your birthday???? 
and blushing,,,,using his ears to cover the bottom half of his face wonho nods and you’re like aw,,,,well it’s your birthday you should have this
and you take the rose from behind your ear and give it to wonho,,,,who seems to still be a little embarrassed and you’re like “oh! and take this-”
as you reach up to kiss his cheek
which leaves his ears standing up straight for the first time heheh
Changkyun: Red Queen
doesn’t like being called the red king because in games the king never does anything but get protected,,,,,the queen on the other hand is powerful
so if anyone calls him ‘king’ , ‘prince’, etc. well,,,,,,off with their heads
wears a red cape,,,,red crown,,,,red nail polish,,,,,,,,and most people say that the red that underlines his eyes is actually the blood of those he beheads,,,,,,
BUT those are all rumors so what do we know (they are,,,most of the time no one actually gets hurt because jooheon spends hours writing pardons for every little thing changkyun gets mad over)
likes to play croquet and likes it when you tell him he’s right,,,
the moment you stumble upon him,,,changkyun takes a liking to you because you compliment how he looks in his cape
and before you know it you find yourself at his side for his croquet game,,,even calming him down after he sentences minhyuk to be captured for making a fool out of him again
which is something no one in wonderland has ever been able to do,,,,like changkyun’s temper cannot be calmed, but all you had to do was touch his hand and smile
and it seemed like all the anger just fizzled out and changkyun just smiled back
and people keep saying that sooner or later you’ll be the queen’s chosen one,,,,,,,and you’re like he doesn’t like me like THAT MUCH
but say that to the fact that during a royal feast instead of having you sit in the chair beside his changkyun had straight up just pulled you into his lap
feeding you the reddest of cherries and draping his favorite cape of your shoulders
and hatter kihyun had come over for the ball and jokingly asked for a dance to which changkyun told him if he ever wanted to drink tea again he better bet it or else that mouth of his would be-
changkyun spent the rest of the night telling you all about how he was planning on painting every white flower in the garden red
and when you’d asked him if maybe you should change your clothing from blue to red changkyun had immediately ordered you a new,,,completely red,,,,,wardrobe 
changkyun: “off with their-”
you: “here eat this red apple and kiss me instead ok?” 
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