#he's waitin for youse to pick him up :))
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meloncalic · 3 years ago
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“Yeah, and one more thing.
I, uh... I applied for parole.”
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seaofghouls · 3 years ago
Damien Reincarnation AU - (Damien/Yancy x D.A)
“Damien, please!”
“Celine. Make sure that bastard stays dead.”
He gives a small smile before a flood crashes through the ice and all fades to black.
“Why did you pick the helicopter if you didn’t know how to FLY IT??” Mark exclaimed.
“Why would you even give me the option?? You can’t trust me with everything, Mark.” You rolled your eyes.
“Oh, whatever! We’re stuck with these people.. In this place.” He seethed.
“It’s not that bad.” You huffed.
“What can be worse than this?!” He scoffed.
You glared at him, reminding him of the whole ‘eternal entrapment in a mirror’ thing.
“Alright, fine! Still, we’ve gotta get out of here somehow. Should we rally the prisoners or cozy up to the guards?” He asked.
“Can you ever decide anything for yourself?” You sighed. “Whatever, rally the prisoners.”
“Alright, just cheer up a bit, grumpy pants.” He said, walking over to the biggest prisoners he could find.
You rolled your eyes when Mark got punched out of the prison walls for angering someone. He’d come back, he always does. That’s what you hated about him. Mark, or more accurately, Actor. He never died. He always came back.
“So much for breaking out.” You sighed.
The lights seemed to dim, confusing you a bit. What was going on?
“Break out? Why would you wanna break out?”
For some reason, that voice sounded familiar.
This dude broke out into a full musical number as you sat there dumbfounded. There was something so unnecessarily familiar about him. You found yourself spacing out as you tried to recall what it was about him and how long ago it was. The years truly seem to blend together when you’ve been alive for more than a century.
“Hello??? Earth to whoever youse are??”
A hand waved across your face, snapping you out of it.
“Huh?? Oh uh, it’s [Y/N]. [Y/N] [L/N], nice to meet you?” You gave an awkward smile. Geez, this was the worst possible time to space out.
“Why does that sound so familiar..” He mumbled before clearing his throat. “Yancy, nice to meet ya. I asked youse a question, though.”
“Oh, could you repeat it then? I was totally spacing out, sorry dude.” You apologized.
“I said, do you still want to be free?” He asked.
“I.. Uhm- No? Yes?? I don’t know, man.” You sighed.
“If I escaped.. Mark would just find me again.. But on the other hand, I have Dark, WIlford and the rest of them waiting on me..” You muttered to yourself.
“Oh? Is there someone on the other side waitin for youse?” Yancy asked.
You nodded, pulling out a photo you had on hand. The photo was of you and every ego who worked for Iplier Inc. Dark and Wilford were the closest to you and you didn’t want to disappoint. You only went along with Mark’s stupid plan because Dark sent you as a spy. Mark hadn’t caught on yet.
“They’re all like family to me. I can’t leave them in the dust. I don’t have anyone else.” You sighed.
Yancy seemed to recognize Wilford and Dark, which was quite weird.
“..People who you see as family but aren’t related to..” He mumbled. You couldn’t hear his accent when he said that.
“Look, I’ll cut youse a deal. If you want to escape, I’ll help ya. BUT- You have to stay for a few days. If I can’t change your mind by then, I’ll get you outta here.” Yancy said, holding out his hand.
You shook it with a smile. “I accept.”
Why did that look seem so familiar? He wasn’t sure, but he was definitely gonna find out.
“All right! Welcome aboard!” He grinned.
“[Y/N]! There you are. I forgot to mention, you’ll be sharing a bunk with Yancy. He’ll be your guide.” Mr. Murderslaughter said.
“Sounds good!” You gave a thumbs up.
The guy looked like Abe, but that probably wasn’t it. Abe left the manor alive, he had to be under the same effects as Wilford. Following Yancy as he toured the prison with you, your mind drifted back to Iplier Inc. Home. The egos were the main reason you wanted to escape. Dark would certainly have your ass if she found out that you got arrested.
“..And here’s our cell! What I like to call home.” Yancy said with pride.
“Damn, this is a pretty good cell.” You observed.
“Why of course it is! It’s home, after all.” Yancy shrugged.
“Now, how about we get to know eachother better?” Yancy suggested.
“Sure, I’m down.” You said, taking a seat on the carpet.
“First question- Do I know you??” He asked.
“I could ask you the same question. You look like my old friend.. Like a lot.” You said.
“..What was his name?” Yancy hesitantly asked.
“Damien, why?” You raised an eyebrow.
“What was he like?” Yancy ignored your question.
You figured he had a reason for ignoring it.
“Well, he was the new mayor of our town the last time I saw him. I had gotten hired as a district attorney. It’s kind of ironic compared to the position I’m in now.” You laughed to yourself.
“Anyways- I remember he was a very kind person. Hardworking and dedicated. Kind of a workaholic though. He was always so determined. If he wanted something, he wouldn’t stop until he got it. Kind of like if a golden retriever was a person, to be honest.” You rambled.
Yancy could only stare in admiration as you described him. Through all of the stories of your endeavors together, something that was clouded in his brain seemed to come to light. Soon enough, it was time to actually go to bed, so you had to stop with the ranting.
You had already fallen asleep, but the gears in Yancy’s head were churning. Suddenly, something in his head clicked. You were talking about Damien, but you were also talking about him. Unclouded memories were now running through his head.
He knew you. You knew him. More than a century ago. The man that you seemed to have a distaste for when you first arrived.. was Mark. The man that was responsible for everything. Yancy, or rather, Damien had trapped you in that awful mirror to try to keep you safe. That would explain why your reaction wasn’t as shocked as others who have arrived at the prison.
You’ve been trapped in much, much worse. And yet, it still didn’t keep you safe. He got his hands on you anyways. Dark and Wilford.. That had to be Celine and William. He was just glad to know they were still alive. You seemed to be trapped with Mark, based on what you were muttering earlier while contemplating your options.
Maybe you were a spy for them? You didn’t seem to enjoy being lumped in as Mark’s partner in crime. Understandable, of course. Options.. His family here at the prison was nice, but he wanted to see his own family. He wanted to escape with you, since you seemed set on escaping anyways.
That next morning, you were awoken by pacing on the floor. You rubbed your eyes to see Yancy pacing back and forth. Judging by the state of the guards, it wasn’t breakfast time yet. What the hell was he doing?
You approached him with a slightly worried look. “Hey Yance, you alright?”
“[Y/N]! I uh- Yeah, totally fine, hahh!-” He sputtered.
“Are you sure? Your accent is totally gone there, dude.” You raised an eyebrow.
“I..” He paused before crushing you in a hug.
“Woah hey-! I’m not gonna vanish, you know.” You joked, but paused when you felt Yancy crying.
You gave a soft look before rubbing his back in circles and comforting him.
“I’m so glad you’re okay.. It was such a stupid idea- I should’ve protected you myself-” He rambled.
“..What exactly are you referring to?” You gave an awkward smile.
“Yesterday.. When you asked me why I was asking about your friend’s name.. It’s because you looked familiar to me. And.. Last night, I remembered things. I remembered this party, and you, and Mark. I’m so sorry, [Y/N].” He sobbed.
“..Damien? Heh, I should’ve known. You always were determined, weren’t you?” You smiled.
He took a deep breath. “I.. I want to escape with you. I’ve decided that.”
“Well well, how the tables turn.” You smirked.
Throughout the day, the two of you made a plan based on Yancy’s knowledge of the layout of the prison. It was decided that you would escape that night.
“By the way, what do you want me to call you?” You asked.
“Hm.. I hadn’t really thought about that. Either name is fine, but I lean more towards Yancy. It’s a new life, y’know?” He shrugged.
“Hm..” You nodded. “Although, Dark will probably catch on fairly quickly, so will Wilford.” You said.
That night, the two of you snuck out without much trouble. A fairly fool-proof plan.
“You know, I have some spare clothes if you wanna change.” You shrugged as you led him to Iplier Inc.
“We’ll see.” He smiled.
“There’s uh.. something I want to ask you. Something I wanted to ask you a long time ago.” He ran a hand through his hand.
“Oh? What is it?” You asked.
He paused for a moment. It was now or never. He grabbed your face and kissed you. You were shocked at first but kissed him back.
“Wow. Took you long enough.” You joked.
“Shh! Let’s just get to this Iplier place already.” He ruffled your hair, grinning.
“Alright, alright!” You laughed.
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holdhoiyghost · 3 years ago
Stood Up
headcanon by @peaachietea
thank u for lettin me write smth with this !! i thought the idea was super cute qwq
<no archive warnings apply>
It's Friday night. At the beginning of the day, you had thought that finally, finally you would find someone to at least spend a while with, to see where things would go. You didn't expect to spend the rest of your life with this particular person, or maybe to add them to your polycule if you had one - but you did expect to at least sit with them for a drink or two and see if things worked out.
The other thing you didn't expect was to get all dolled up in your best outfit only to be stood up. It was a shame, because the person had been pretty dashing, but if they stood you up like this then were they really someone that you would have wanted to know in the first place? Saying something beforehand would have been fine, you were okay with rescheduling, but they never sent anything. You doubted you would hear anything from them again, to be honest.
Since you were already at the bar, you decided to order something to sip on. You weren't planning on getting drunk, since you wanted to be sober enough to make it home safely (either through an Uber or something else), but it was mighty tempting. Maybe you could pick someone up for a small fling, if you were in the position to do so.
After a few sips of your low-alcohol drink, you heard someone clear their throat. You give the handsome man a once over, taking note of the embroidered emblem of the bar's symbol over his left breast. His polo shirt was neat and unwrinkled, though it seemed a little tight - hugging hidden muscles and leaving barely anything to be imagined. His pants were simple jeans, as most other worker's were - no holes, dark colors, with a belt to hold it up. His shirt was tucked in, and you stared for just a bit longer where the two fabrics met.
"Hey there," he says as he sits on the stool beside yours. He waves to the bartender who raises an eyebrow at him, but otherwise grabs a glass to fill it with sparkling water and some type of juice (you weren't really paying attention to anyone except for the stranger and your drink, really). After getting his sparkling water/juice drink, he turns back to you, brown eyes somehow sparkling under the dim lights of the bar. "Name's Yancy, how 'bout you?"
You give him your name and he hums as he glances you over, repeating your name as if trying to make sure he remembers it. Or you. You weren't quite sure, really. After a long sip of your drink, he meets your eyes again, resting one of his elbows on the bar in order to prop his head up.
"Noticed youse come in a while ago. It looked like youse was waitin' on someone, but they still haven't shown. It's a shame with how nice you look."
You face and ears heated up once you recognized what he said. You gently pushed your now-empty cup around on the bar, and Yancy made another motion for the bartender - this time for you instead of himself.
"I don't know much about you, but I get the feelin' that you're a pretty nice person. It's a shame that you got stood up, I know I'd never do that to someone like youse. It was nice meetin' you." A smile stretches across his face, and you feel your chest warm with affection for this man you knew next to nothing about.
"Hey, uhm - Yancy?" He turns to look at you after getting up, a rag in hand that he likely pulled from his back pocket. His angle had him going toward one of the walls where a mobile cleaning station sat. "I get the feeling that you're pretty nice, too. Would you, uh..." You feel your face heat up again, glancing toward your new drink as the stranger watched you curiously. "When do you get off of work?"
It seems to take a moment for your words to register for him, but when they do you can see his posture straighten as his teeth show through his smile. "About two hours. Boss' lettin' me go early tonight since I was doin' doubles for a while." At the look of nervousness that crossed your face, he chuckled. "If you wanna wait for me, doll, I'm not gonna stop you."
"You don't have to stop me," you say before the words can be processed in your head. You rub the back of your neck, trying to push the sudden nervousness you felt back down. "I'd be happy to wait for you. I'd like to get to know you more."
His eyes crinkled at the corners. "I'd like to get to know youse too, doll."
You watch as he turns to continue back to the cart, and then as he picks up a spray bottle to go and wipe down empty tables that already had their glasses picked up. Your heart beats a little faster at the thought of spending more time with him, though you don't mind the though.
When you came out tonight, you didn't quite expect to find someone you would want to spend a long time with. But you found it, and for once you were glad that you were stood up.
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the-actor-himself · 3 years ago
“Least I’d be unconscious…” He mutters to himself. Yancy has zoned out so intensely on the ceiling, he doesn’t even realize that Mark was making him tea until it’s being set in front of him. “Thanks, Mark…” Cupping his hands around the mug, enjoying the warmth, he listens to Mark’s advice while staring into the liquid. As if it might have some thoughts for him, as well. Yancy had tried reading…the puzzle was a new idea, though.
Nodding, he picks up the cup and takes a careful sip. Tea usually wasn’t his thing, but this was nice. And warm. He sets the cup back down with a gentle sigh. “Part of it is my thoughts, but its also…man, jus’, everythin’ is too much. Bed’s are too soft, room’s too big. I go outside, or I eat, and I’m waitin’ for someone ta tell me times up. The job helps distract me, but then I go home and…” His voice trails off and he risks a glance over to Mark, looking embarrassed that he’d just said all of that out loud. Attempting to crack a smile, he waves his hand. ‘Ah, but listen ta me go on…you got enough on youse plate without me addin’ to it. I’ll, uh…I’ll be alright.”
Mark remembers the last time he’d seen Yancy, before the disappearance. He remembers coaxing the man to drink his tea, gently scolding him for thinking himself less important than anyone else that came to the Manor.
He’d been so… lost. Feeling disconnected, dependent upon others to nudge him along through his day. Beds too soft, he said. Rooms too big. Displaced.
No wonder Asterius had been drawn to him shortly after. No wonder Yancy had been drawn to Knossos.
It wasn’t an excuse, but it drew lines. Connecting dots. Filling in the picture that he’d been left to assemble.
He needed to talk to Asterius.
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cozyenigma · 4 years ago
A Single Word
Soulmate AU? Soulmate AU 😌
Pairing- Reader/Yancy
Word Count- 1239
Request?- Nope!
Summary- There was always a lot of build up and curiosity over what words your soulmate would say to you. You got just the one but that was all you really needed.
Tag List- @cookielover0001010 , @swag-droid
For most people, obviously their words meant a lot to them. With all the talk of soulmates and different tropes in movies and books, it was hard not to pay attention really. The first words some special person would say to you were stamped somewhere on your body. There was endless romantic potential obviously. You’d seen dozens of social media posts, often complete with professional photo shoots, of loving couples with their words front and center.
Some were funny in retrospect. Plenty held deeper meaning later on in a relationship. Even countless more were just a simple hello. Some people even had entire rambling paragraphs that’d take up huge swathes of skin. Regardless, they seemed to bond people together in some way and as a kid you couldn’t help but be excited as you waited to see what yours would be. You and your friends took endless little personality quizzes predicting what you’d get. Back then you used to write on the back of your hand with a marker, just to imagine the shape of the words.
So, when your words finally did show up, you were more than a little disappointed. Because it wasn’t words, plural. In a quick scrawl, small and unassuming on the inside of your left arm, was just one word.
When it first showed up, you'd spent so long just looking at it. It wasn't even a hello. What were you supposed to make of it? What was the context? Was it a disappointed "oh" or a surprised one? When your friends had gone around showing off their brand new words, you stayed in your seat and held your arm close to you.
Nowadays your word didn't bother you as much. When someone's words came up in conversation you didn't mention yours. Some of the anxiety was still there but you figured it could've been worse. You could find plenty of examples of people having swear words somewhere obvious on their body. Most days you didn't think of your word at all.
Like almost every other case though, the day when it did was one you'd remember.
You sighed, happy for the cup of hot chocolate in your hands. It was just warm enough you wouldn't freeze out here during a short walk but not warm enough that you could skip the winter wear. Hot cup between your hands, you decided to cut through the park on your way home. You'd seen a few people around but the park was mostly empty still. It was peaceful and quiet. Snow and slush crunched beneath your shoes as you walked.
Taking the time to enjoy the scenery, you spotted someone walking their dog coming your way. You moved to the side without much thought. As you neared, you could see it was a man with a big, happy looking dog with him. You sipped at your hot chocolate.
Just as you went to pass him though, your foot slipped against a patch of ice. One weightless instant later you were on the ground. You wince at the stinging in your hands, seeing that you'd crushed your cup as you fell. Lamenting the loss of your hot chocolate was the least of your worries though.
Your eyes widened as you looked up at the man in front of you. His coat was well and truly soaked. Hot chocolate dripped off him and his dog sniffed at the puddle around his feet. Luckily you missed the pooch completely.
His owner was less fortunate and blinked down at the mess he suddenly found himself in. You realized you should be apologizing right now. Preferably before the both of you froze out here.
"Oh my god," you were scrambling to your feet as best you could, trying not to fall again, "I'm so sorry!"
Now that you looked closer, that looked like a pricey coat. One that might need to be dry cleaned and preferably not, y'know, covered in hot chocolate.
"I can pay for that?” You offered lamely. You desperately hoped it wasn't that expensive.
The guy glanced down at himself and back at you, eyes wide. You grimaced at the wet feeling in your shoes, unsure if it was just water or more hot chocolate.
"It didn't burn you, did it?" You eyed the wet splotch on him. A shuffling at your feet drew your attention downwards and you saw his dog sniffing your shoes. "I'm glad I didn't get any on your dog at least."
Still the man just looked at you. He didn't even seem upset about the coat. In that moment, he stared at you like you'd appeared out of thin air. Like the world had stopped with you standing here in front of him. The sort of look that you weren't at all used to getting.
Then, and only then, did he speak.
The cup dropped from your hand. Now that you were on the other end of it, you think you might know how he felt. You thought over what you'd just said to him. There was heat rushing to your cheeks but it wasn't from the cold.
"I think I should probably apologize again," you said scratching the back of your head, "considering you uh- have all that somewhere on you?"
He huffed a laugh. This whole time he hadn't taken his eyes off you. "Better than what I gave youse. I had somethin' to go off of at least."
"Go off of?" You asked.
Nodding quickly, he unbuttoned the wet coat and yanked up the hem of his shirt. Written across the right side of his stomach was what you'd said to him in your handwriting. It took up a good chunk of real estate.
"See, I was always a dog person but figured I would actually need to have a dog at some point," he stooped down and scratched the dog between the ears. "Plus he's a good walkin buddy, so, thanks for that.”
"You got him because of your words?" As if he knew you were talking about him the dog wagged his tail, expecting pets. "What's his name?"
"Ah, well," he rubbed the back of his neck, "his friends call him Wheels."
"His friends?" You asked, giving Wheels a good scratch.
The man let out a little laugh. "Well that's how ya get the best nicknames."
He held out a hand, a dopey little grin on his face. "Name's Yancy."
You introduced yourself, returning the handshake. Yancy didn't bother buttoning his coat back up, instead taking it off and tying it around his waist. You grimaced.
"Still feel bad about the coat though."
"What, this?" He picked at the sodden fabric. "Ain't mine. Friend I borrowed it from won't miss it neither."
"If you say so," you scooped up the cup you dropped before chucking it into a nearby trash can.
"But if ya really wanna make it up to me," Yancy smirked as he pointed towards the park exit, "youse could let me buy ya a new drink sometime?"
You couldn't help it. The tension broke then and you laughed. "How's that supposed to make it up to you?"
"I've been waitin' years for this," Yancy was already walking ahead you, Wheels trotting happily by his side. His words were easy like you’d already known each other for years. Bubbly, he turned as he walked so he could face you. "I got lotsa questions, doll."
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charlieliqueur · 5 years ago
AHWM Yancy X Reader
Just One Date?
Yancy had made it clear time and time again.
"I'm waitin' for parole. I ain't takin' no shortcuts."
You were right there, in stealth clothes from the heist a few months ago, the key in your pocket, a hopeful look in your eyes, as always. Everytime you came back, everytime you broke in to visit him in person, he refused to sneak out for even a single night.
But this time would be different.
It was your 21st birthday. Yeah, so young to be out pulling heists and getting sent to prison and all, but you didn't care. The thing was, you could finally 'officially' buy a drink, and even if alcohol wasn't your biggest thing, you were gonna use this important birthday situation to guilt trip Yancy into sneaking out for just one night.
You wanted to see him in something other than his prison clothes (and maybe one day, nothing at all). You wanted to see him out and about, normal, happy, getting a taste of what the free world was like now. Maybe you just wanted to make sure he was serious about parole, by reminding him of what waited outside. He seemed determined, every third Sunday when you visited legally, he had a cleaner and cleaner report sheet. He hadn't gotten into a lick of trouble since you 'left'.
It was 11:40 p.m.
About an hour past 'lights out' at Happy Trails. You unlocked the gate, entered, locked it again, and headed for the right cell block. Then you unlocked an outer door, went down a few dark back hallways, through another doorway or two, another hall or three, waited for some guards to pass, silently crept past the other prisoners asleep in their cells, unlocked Yancy's cell, and finally shut the door behind you.
You snuck up, gently easing onto your knees at his bedside, he was fast asleep. You gently shook him, cooing his name. "Yancy... Yancy...?" You whispered, brushing his soft hair out of his face. It was a mess of curls when he didn't have it greased back.
"Hmmmmm?" He groaned, rolling over onto his side, his eyes opening slightly. He was so used to your late night visits he didn't even flinch. "Oh, its youse... happy birthday too..." he said softly, closing his eyes again. You smiled, your heart swelled at the fact that he remembered.
"Yeah, my 21st," you whispered.
"Mmm, 21st, ain't youse so young... gotten youself a couple'a shots yet?" He asked chuckling, tired. He'd probably only been asleep about half an hour.
You sighed, smiling. This man was half asleep in bed making sleepy conversation. "Um, not yet, I was hoping you'd tag along..." you whispered.
Please say yes, please say yes, please say-
"Come on y/n, youse know if I gets caught, it'll be solitary for weeks. And you may end up back in 'ere..." he said, rolling onto his back.
"What if we don't get caught? Hmm? Just one date?"
The last statement surprised him. You knew because he opened his eyes, and propped himself on his elbow, turning towards you. "Date? I ain't been on a date before..." he said surprised. "D-Did I say date? I-I mean, it doesn't- I just thought-" your face had flushed red.
He chuckled slightly, nodded a little, and sat up. "Alright, alright, we can head out for a few drinks. But then we come right back, okay?" He said, and you nodded, standing up happily. He pulled on a shirt and shoes. Not that it mattered, you had clothes in a dufflebag for him. He'd change once the two of you were outside.
He looked in a mirror a moment, before reaching for a small plastic tub. You stopped him and said "I like your hair loose... besides, you won't have to shower again before you get back."
"Youse smart, y'know?" He teased, before you both left.
He knew his ways out, you knew yours. Both were pretty fast, so you picked an option and went with it. Once outside, you passed him the dufflebag and told him to go change, which he hesitantly did so. Then, you were keeping watch outside the storage shed he changed in. Your eyes followed cars as they drove by on the far off road. Safety distance, since this was a prison.
You also kept your eyes out for the guards. When you knew it was safe for a few moments, you quickly changed in a different building. You were done much earlier than Yancy, most likely because he was used to tshirts and prison sweats.
Suddenly you heard a sound. You looked to see Yancy messing with his hair. Your eyes widened, and lips parted slightly in shock. Even if you had bought the clothes and knew exactly what they looked like, you didn't know what they looked like on him. Now Yancy was always handsome to you, but damn. Prison clothes weren't doing him justice.
You hadn't been sure what to get, so you went with a gray dress shirt and some black jeans. He still wore the white prison shirt under, leaving the dress shirt unbuttoned and he'd rolled the sleeves up. The boots you'd stolen from Mark fit Yancy rather well. He looked normal, like what a free man would. He deserved to be free, even if he didn't realize it.
Your eyes watched him as he looked at himself, saying "Not used to wearin' clothes like these. Youse sure about dis?" Then he looked up at you, stopping in his tracks. He only saw you in your stealth outfit, or whatever strange disguises you managed whenever you came on Visitation Day. But not in casual clothes, not going anywhere as yourself. He smiled slightly, and said "Y-Youse look nice." You smiled, looking down, a little embarassed.
"Thanks..." you gushed, before he walked up, and patted his hands on the sides of his legs, unsure of what to do. He hadn't been out in years. Many, many years. You looked at him, and then gestured for him to follow. "I already know a bar, someplace quiet, shouldn't be too busy."
"Alright, let's go then."
The bar was not quiet.
The bar was busy.
Dozens of people, eating, drinking, singing along to a classic jukebox which blared out of older speakers. Yancy looked around as people threw darts and each other around the place. You saw two people get up and start to leave, so you quickly grabbed Yancy's arm and guided him over to the seats. You both sat down, and he looked around curiously, fidgeting with the shirt collar.
"Youse sure about this? I didn't think this would be youses kind'a scene..." he said, and you shrugged. "It's not my favorite, but it's"-memories of the others getting drunk and rowdy filled your head-"...familiar."
"So what's it you want?" Asked the bartender, now standing infront of you two across the bar. "Um, not sure, didn't really plan it out..." you said nervously, looking down a little. The bartender seemed a little impatient, but Yancy casually said "Two doubles, scotch."
The bartender nodded and went off to his work. He returned, set down the glasses, and poured them. "Been a while since I've had one of these..." Yancy said, picking up the glass and watching it a moment. You grabbed yours. The shot glass was thick, and the scotch was a dark golden color. You weren't sure what to expect. Yancy held his out to you, and you smiled and tapped your glass on his, then against the bar, the downed it in one fell swoop.
He stared a moment, as you exhaled sharply. From what you tasted, it was an earthy sort of caramel flavor, with something a little more bitey. He chuckled, taking his a little slower, with less gusto than you had taken yours. He set his glass down on the bar, and out of nowhere a female voice said "Hey there... where are you from?"
Both Yancy and yourself looked to see a woman sitting down in the bar seat next to Yancy. She had a look in her eye, commonplace at bars. You had to admit, she was good looking. That worried you. Technically, Yancy and yourself weren't a thing... He wouldn't be interested, would he?
"Ohio," Yancy answered innocently. He wasn't naive, and knew exactly what she was up to... right?
"Really now?" She said with a smirk, and then introduced herself. "Yancy," he said. You began to worry. The Ohio answer was one thing, he didn't need to be getting swept up into conversation. You, however, were not up for confrontation at the moment. You waved down the bartender and ordered another shot while Yancy wasn't watching. Maybe enough alcohol would calm you down. You didn't want to get drunk, but you didn't wanna get possessive either.
It was a few more shots later, and a bit of conversation between Yancy and the woman later, that you felt this dread in your gut. A pit of worry and jealousy that wasn't quite familiar. You looked over, listening to them talk. Every time she replied to him, in that annoying 'trying to be flirty and sexy' tone, the pit worsened.
"Street boy? Hmm..."
Your body trembled a moment.
Your leg began to bounce anxiously.
"Dance? Now that's something. Didn't think you needed to be a muscle man for musical numbers," she said winking at him, caressing his bicep. That was the line she shouldn't have crossed. You stood suddenly, ready to fuck her up, but you were kinda drunk, and had stumbled into someone. A very large, very intimidating, very temperamental someone. He turned, glared, and grabbed you by the shoulder. "Watch it kid," he growled.
Suddenly he stumbled back, a red spot forming on his face, and beside you Yancy. The prison man stepped infront of you defensively, and glared harshly at the man, fists still clenched. His mood shifted so suddenly, and you worriedly asked "Yance?"
"Hush, doll," he said softly, as the other man stood back up. He tilted his neck to each side, and a series of cracks erupted from the joints. Then he said lowly "Bad move punk."
"Word of advice, walk away," said Yancy, not a whisper of fear. The man glared, and the bar patrons seemed to watch, either choosing a side or stepping away. You glanced back at the stool, and sighed. You started this, might as well make it interesting.
"Ready Yancy?" You asked. "Always," he replied, putting his fists up again. You immediately seized the stool, with a sudden clarity of sobriety, and threw it, knocking the man down.
So it began.
There was the clamber and chaos of a good ol' classic bar fight. Chairs being thrown, pool cues snapped, bottles shattered. People yelled, screamed, and fought. You had your back to Yancy, and his back was to you, as you both kept attackers off one another.
As a majority were either unconscious or had bolted, you both panted and stood a moment, before looking at one another. "Shows what I get for leavin' with youse for a night..." he teased, chuckling. You rolled your eyes and wearily rubbed blood off his broken lip with your thumb. He licked them, before glancing at your own.
He almost seemed to lean in a moment, before suddenly you could hear the police sirens. "Ah fuck," Yancy said in despair, looking towards the front door and windows, where red and blue lights seemed to be approaching. You immediately grabbed his arm, and you both rushed to a back door. You climbed over boxes and crates and anything, eager to escape.
Once you both made it out, you hurried back to Happy Trails. There was still a lot of commotion, so you waited until the heat died down a little before changing. Yancy made his way over the wall, but before you could, he stopped you and said "It's best youse lay low a while. Don't need you stuck waitin' for parole too. But, I'll see youse around, and, uh, thanks. Tonight was, well, interesting to say da least." He smiled, his eyes squinting up adorably as he chuckled. You nodded, and glanced down a moment, but a smile found your face anyways.
"Alright... but Visitation Day, you're stuck with me," you assured. He laughed and nodded. "Wouldn't want it any other way. Night y/n," he said, before pulling away from the gate. But you quickly reached forward, grabbing his shirt. Your face began to flush red, but you had a bit of courage in you. He looked confused, and you pulled him close again, and once he was close enough, you pull his face to yours before he can resist.
Your lips found his, and even if the kiss wasn't that comfortable, given the bars separating you two, it wasn't bad. Not bad at all. It was soft and warm and sudden. When you both pulled away, Yancy's cheeks had been tickled pink. He rubbed the back of his neck, smiling slightly. "W-Why'd youse do that now?" He gushed, unable to meet your eye a moment, his cheeks getting redder.
"Cause I think I'm in love with you," you said shyly, head still foggy from the alcohol, but you were sure of your answer.
"Oh, good, glad we're on the same page," he chuckled, before giving you a reassuring smile and backing away. This time, it was a little easier to let him go. You both glanced back once more at each other before going your separate ways.
You stood outside Happy Trails, nervously waiting. It was almost 6:30 in the evening. As the sun set on this late year day, you saw him. The classic black suit provided by the correction facility for recent releases looked pretty good on him. Walking beside him was Mr. MurderSlaughter, and he walked him all the way to the gate, and you could hear him talking.
"I'll be the first to say, we just might miss you around here Yancy. I'm also not afraid to say I was surprised to see I'd be letting you go today, or any day to be honest. I'm proud of you," said the man, and Yancy smiled.
"Well, I had something worth fightin' for on the outside waitin' for me," he said simply, looking to see you waiting, obviously excited. The gate was opened. Yancy stepped out.
For the first time as a free man in a very long time.
He set down the single suitcase he had, and tugged his suit jacket in place. You rushed up, which caught him by surprise, and you hugged him closely. After greetings and heartfelt words, you pulled away and smiled up at him. "Where to, doll?" He asks, his hands still at your waist. Your eyes speckled with tears of joy as you replied, "Home."
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nevernotwriting · 4 years ago
You, Me, and Yancy | Chapter 5: The Wrench in the Works
Read me on AO3!
Previous chapter
You slept surprisingly well that night, despite the heightened anxiety from your situation and what almost happened between you and Mark the night before. He kept giving you warm glances over breakfast, making you smile into your soggy cereal. Despite your current predicament, your head was on cloud nine knowing that he was still very eager to take you on that date once this mess was over.
Once breakfast was eaten and the inmates were allowed to roam, you and Mark got to work on your plan. You’d agreed that rallying the prisoners to your cause was your best way of getting out of here; there were more prisoners than guards, and with the size of some of the prisoners, the lot of you could easily overpower them.
You and Mark decided to work together to tackle the biggest, burliest prisoner first. You hadn’t caught his name yet, but he stood well over six-feet tall, sporting a large beard and a spider web tattooed onto his bald head. You gulped as Mark turned to you with a reassuring nod before poking him harshly in the bicep.
“Hey! You! I wanna talk about respect. It’s somethin’ that we’ve been really missin’ here lately.”
You watched from the side lines, ready to step in when you were needed. You suspected it wouldn’t be long; the man’s intense look of contempt was only getting worse as Mark poked him in the chest to emphasise his words.
“Now I need you to respect me, and help me and my friend break out-”
The man’s fist collided with Mark’s stomach, and Mark was sent crashing through the wall behind him. Bricks and dust flew everywhere, clouding your vision and making you splutter. By the time the dust cleared, the wall was rapidly being filled in again, and Mark was nowhere to be seen.
Your heart started beating rapidly, stomach lurching.
Was Mark... dead?
Your head started spinning, making you feel faint. What the hell were you going to do now? Your plan had backfired and now you were on your own.
You barely had time to collect your scattered thoughts before a husky voice came from behind you.
“Break out… of this place? Why would anyone… wanna break out?”
You turned around, greeted by a man with coiffed black hair and an array of tattoos. He was sat on a table as if he owned it, looking at you with one eyebrow cocked and a devilish smile.
You weren’t entirely sure if what occurred next really happened; the man started singing to you, surrounded by his fellow prisoners. He took you by the hand as he sang, introducing you to his “gang” with the biggest smile on his face. There was dancing, even more singing – something about not wanting to be free? – and then it was all over. The lights stopped. The dancing stopped. You were surrounded by criminals once more, and now they were closing in on you. You weren’t sure whether to be impressed or intimidated by how quickly they could change their demeanour.
“So, tell me,” the man spoke again, a dangerous look in his eyes as he approached you. “Do ya still wanna be free?”
You gulped, thinking yet again about Mark being launched through that wall. He had to be okay, right? You wouldn’t know what to do with yourself if he was dead. You needed to be sure. More so than that, you had friends and family out there. You couldn’t just leave them all behind for a life behind bars, as tempting as the song made it sound.
Family, of course! You reached into your back pocket, handing the photo of your parents to the man.
“What’s this?”
He turned the paper around, almost looking disappointed as he glanced over it. “Oh. So yous the type o’ person with one o’ those… family types waitin’ for ya on the outside, huh?”
You nodded. To your intrigue, and utter bewilderment, his expression took a sombre turn, as if he was reminded of a thousand past hurts all at once.
“I too was once also one of those familial types. Before the incident… ces.”
He tossed your picture behind him with an even more pained look. “But forget it! It’s best if yous just forget about those family bonds of youses, they ain’t worth it! They always just gonna leave you behind, so best to just stick with what’s youses! The past ain’t the kinda thing to be trifled with.”
The sincerity of his monologue didn’t sound like the words of a murderer, despite what he had claimed in the song. You wanted to question him, but he shook himself out of his sadness with an exasperated sigh.
“So what’s it gonna be, huh? You gonna stick with us, or you gonna go out on your own?”
You looked behind him, noting that you still had an audience for this stand-off. Despite the anxiety growing inside you from this tense situation, you knew you had to stick to your guns.
You shook your head at the man. “Look, thanks but no thanks. I gotta get out of here.”
The man narrowed his eyes at you, his expression rapidly deteriorating into one of judgement.
“Oh. So it’s like that, huh? Maybe I misjudged you. Maybe I was distracted by that lovely face of youses. What, are we not good enough for you?!”
He gestured to the gang around him, who were laughing and cracking their knuckles as they backed away into a wide circle. You should’ve felt more terrified, having only ever landed practice punches on your colleagues during CQC training, but your mind was preoccupied by the man’s words. Did he just… compliment you? In the middle of a stand-off?
You managed to narrowly miss getting punched square in the face. You reigned in your wandering mind, adrenaline starting to course through you as the man’s gang cheered him on. You raised your fists and focused on him, lightly bouncing on the spot. Your breathing picked up as you dodged around wildly, avoiding collisions with tables and chairs and fists alike. You didn’t want to descend into violence, but the yells of encouragement encircling your makeshift arena didn’t give you much of a choice, it seemed. Eventually, you managed to land a few punches on your opponent, boosting your confidence as his attacks slowed down more and more.
For an apparent leader of a prison gang, this guy was surprisingly easy to beat. After a dozen landed punches on his face and abdomen, he fell to the floor. His gang surrounded him immediately.
“Yancy?!” Some of them gasped. So that was his name.
Yancy slurred a response. His gang looked up at you with murderous glares. They slowly started to crowd around you.
Your eyes widened in panic. Winning one fight was something, but you’d stand no chance against all these folks.
Your panic was cut short. Everyone stopped and turned back around, seeing Yancy haul himself onto his feet with a tired expression. There was a circular bruise around his eye and a cut on his lip. Some deep part of you almost felt sorry for him as he trudged towards you with a sigh and apologetic eyes.
“Maybe I was wrong about yous. Maybe I was… wrong about a lotta things.”
He patted his gang members on their shoulders as he went, eventually standing in front of you.
“Look, it’s too late for me. It’s too late for us. But I can tell that yous got somethin’ worth fightin’ for out there!” Yancy continued, his voice surprisingly soft. You smiled a little in relief.
“So what’d’ya say? Let us let bygones be bygones, and let me help yous be gone from this place?”
He held out his hand for you to shake. He looked kind, and just slightly nervous.
You sighed, still recovering from the whiplash of how quickly this situation had de-escalated. You couldn’t deny it; you needed the help, and Yancy clearly knew this place better than you did.
You took his hand with a firm shake.
“Yancy, right?” You asked him.
His smile grew wider, seemingly flattered that you’d picked up on that small detail. “Yeah. And what should I call yous?”
“Call me Zero.”
Yancy hummed with an approving nod. “Zero. Got a nice ring to it. All right, let’s get to work!”
Suddenly, the lights turned a flashing red and sirens blared around the room, making you, Yancy, and his gang jump out of your skin. The Warden strode in with a furious look on his face.
“What the hell is goin’ on around here?! Somebody turn off that infernal racket!”
The alarms whirred into nothing, the lights returning to their normal, neutral colour. Yancy hunched his shoulders and curled his hands towards his chest as the Warden stalked towards him.
“Now a fight hasn’t broken out here at Happy Trails Penitentiary in fifteen years! And now,” he loomed over Yancy with a threatening aura, “I hear you started one.”
Yancy stammered through a desperate explanation. “No, Warden, I wasn’t startin’ no fights, I was just talkin’ with my new friend here!”
Yancy glanced at you with petrified eyes. Your heart was hammering in your chest.
“I’ve heard enough!” The Warden roared.
“B-b-but Warden-” Yancy stumbled on, but the Warden cut him short.
“No buts!”
Yancy’s lip trembled. You watched on in terror, frozen to your spot and unable to look away. Dread filled every fibre of your being.
“I can’t have my prisoners runnin’ around causin’ a ruckus now, can I?” The Warden asked, clapping both hands harshly onto Yancy’s shoulders. Yancy shook his head vigorously, obviously eager to escape his firm hold.
Something snapped inside of you as the Warden clamped his hands down on Yancy like that. Before you could stop yourself, you stepped forward, words shooting out of your mouth.
“It wasn’t his fault, Warden. It… it was mine.”
Yancy snapped his head towards you. His eyes lit up in gratitude, but this was quickly replaced with a look of horror as the Warden trained his murderous glare on you. You took a deep breath and stood tall, ignoring your pounding heart.
“It’s not his fault, I provoked him. He doesn’t deserve to be punished… I do.”
Silence filled the air for a few seconds. The Warden grumbled underneath his breath.
“New or not, we will not be having fights in this establishment! You hear me?!”
You nodded back silently. You clenched your fists at your side to stop your hands from trembling.
“Now, I’ll let you off with a warnin’ cause you’re only a rookie. But if I hear one single peep outta you, outta any of you, I will throw your tuchus straight into solitary! Have I made myself clear?”
You gulped, squeaking out a meagre “mhmm.” The Warden turned to Yancy and the gang, gaining an array of agreements and nods before he strode out. The same guard that escorted you into the yard yesterday shot you a threatening look, heading out the same way as the Warden.
Once the Warden was gone, everyone let out a collectively held breath. Yancy turned to you, planting a grateful hand on your shoulder.
“Hey, thanks for takin’ the heat for me,” he sighed. “Guess I really owe you one now, huh?”
You laughed a little. “You can help me by getting me the hell out of here. Deal?”
“Deal,” he replied. “But it’s gonna take me an’ the boys and girls a bitta time to come up with a plan. Think you can sit tight for a little longer?”
He winked at you, making your heart jump unexpectedly. You nodded.
Mark, if you’re out there, I’m coming for you.
Next chapter
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askyancy · 5 years ago
Story Time
Hey so I saids I would post some stories on 'ere so youse follow the #yancys stories ifin youse wanna catch em all! So uh heres de foirst one. Back when I was de fresh meat here at HTP dere was dis inmate named Bark. Met em like day t'ree and bumped into em every single day afta that. Deys was a big dude. Like. Big. Like 600 pounds in muscle! Always outside liftin the weights like deys nothin. Kay so like one day I was liftin, back den I was still a scrawny kinda guy ya know, my ma never really let me work out cos she'd always be coddlin ya know? So uh, heres lil baby Yancy tryna get some muscle to him- and hey youse bettah believe I got dat muscle too! Aint no stoppin dese guns now aheh... Er Anywayses Im liftin and Bark, he comes over with his buddies, sorta stops near me and I start to panic. I mean de guys a big dude! Youse dont get in his way no mattah who youses is! Im sittin dere like, did I do somet'in wrong? Am I in his spot? What I do? So I sorta stop and put em down and he's all "what ya stoppin fer!" And now Im all kindsa confused! Deys wantin me to keep goin? Whats happenin? Now I aint de best at talkin when Im noivous, my woyurds get all jumbled and I start stutterin so Im a stream o buts and whats and intoirnel screamin. Then Bark he kinda just picks up like...two weights up from what I was woyurkin with, drops it next to me and is like "Go big or go home kid" So now deys all watchin me, and I dont wanna make a fool o myselfs so I picks it up, its too heavy fer me. Liftin above youses level is dangerous to youses health so I sets it back down "I aint ready fer dat yet" I admitted, I was a scrawny dude but I didnt wanna piss dis guy off ya know? He just kinda stands there starin at me and lookin mad and den suddenly one o dem giant hands is on my shoulder and nearly breakin it clean off. "You can do it. Dont be a whimpy baby" he says to me. And I looks back at de weighte again and shake my head. I start tryna lift dat Im gonna damage my arms. So I tells em again. Aint ready for it gimme a month or so ta get dere. Deys start smilin and pattin me on the back. "Youre serious about it then?" Im all kindsa confused but I nods my head. "Atta boy. You got yourself a spotter. Get back to it" Now dis guys big, uh like I saids, deys fill up a good space o youses general vision ya know so... lotta folks now watchin n listenin to him pickin on dis new guy. So I just do as Im told, pick up de weights I was on and go back to it. Den Bark starts barkin orders at me, straighten my back, sit up straight, use my elbow not my shoulder dat sorta t'ing and everyone else goes back to what deys was doin. Ah Long story shoirt Bark ended up bein my first fitness trainer. Took me in under his giant wings and had me runnin laps, climbin the side o de prison, climbin up his back! Was pretty cool! Aheh... After a couple years he takes me aside one day, tells me dat he's gots family on de other side.... Deys waitin for em... Tells me dat anyone gives me hell dat hes just one call away. And den just like dat he's gone. Got Parole and never came back.... .......... Uh But youse bet I stayed on top of it. Gotta keep everyone in tip top shape ya know? And youse can see de results fer uses self I aint no scrawny dude no more aheh! But uh... I do wonder how deys doin now... Ya know? Er Well anywayses dats the story of how Yancy got a giant fitness instructor. Er.... Dese stories deys aint much ya know just... Lil somet'ins about me.... Er... Lemme... Know ifin youse want more.
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heller-obama · 6 years ago
Operation Newsboy
And this is the chapter that was originally planned to be posted last night, but I just barely didn’t have enough time, so I’m posting this at 7 am before I get ready for the first day of school. Fun!
I also made a tag for what I write and a tag for this specific story (they’re the first two tags at the bottom)
Here’s the prologue, chapter one, chapter two, chapter three, chapter four, and chapter five if you hadn’t read them
Chapter 6
Words: 1,207
Warnings: uhhh blood(not graphic), injuries, swearing(idk if y’all care about that), horrible jokes
Editing: grammarly + read throughs
I shifted awake in my bed, the boys getting ready around me.
“C’mon, Speedy, get up!” Race whacked me in the face with his hat.
I groaned. “Yeah, yeah, I’m up.”
Sara’s voice crackled in my ear. “Wally, this is your complimentary 5:00 AM get-your-ass-out-of-bed call. Please get your ass out of bed.”
I activated my comms, and for the sake of Race and Sara, I said “I’m up!” really loudly.
“Good for you,” Race and Sara said, almost simultaneously.
I subtly switched my comms off.
As usual, we got ready to go out and sell papers.
“‘Ey, Jack! We is leavin’!” Elmer called.
“Go on without me!” Jack yelled.
Elmer looked at me. “You comin’, Speedy?”
“Nah. I’ll wait for Jack.”
”A’ight.” I saw them disappear down the stairs, then heard the tell-tale whoops and yells that meant that the newsies were up and ready for work.
Barely two minutes later, and Jack came down the stairs. “‘Ey, is you waitin’ for me, Speedy?”
“Yeah, just finished getting up, figured I’d wait.” I lied. But how do you say, ‘hey, I’m waiting for you so you don’t get brutally murdered in the street by some magical time assassin’? Well, I could say that, but I might sound a tad crazy. Okay, I’d sound a lot crazy.
Jack clapped my shoulder. “Aw, I’m touched.”
* * * # * * *
We were close, maybe a mile away from the distribution square, when stuff went down.
Jack was talking about the girl he met yesterday, in the theater and on the street, when I got this feeling that someone was following us. I whipped my head around, but no one was there.
“What’s with you?” Jack chuckled.
I shook my head. “I--it’s nothing.” I don’t know who I was trying to convince--me or Jack. “I thought I heard someone behind us.”
Jack looked behind us. “Well, there’s no one there. We’s are all safe—” An abnormally loud sound exploded somewhere off to the side of us, and I whipped my head around, the world slowing down around me. In the alleyway next to us, on the other side of Jack, I saw a dark figure holding what looked like a modern-age gun. There was a flash of light around the muzzle, and there was a bullet flying out of it. But something was wrong. The bullet was flying fast, faster than what should’ve been possible. It wasn’t a gun from my time; this was a gun from the future. Far into the future. I cursed the people who thought they needed to make guns with faster bullets. There was no time to try and grab it, it would just shred my hand. I dashed in front of Jack, and the bullet meant for his throat made its way into my shoulder. Who knew being tall saved history?
Time unfroze, and I stumbled, the force of the bullet knocking me back as it tore through my flesh and muscle. And it burned. Damn, it hurt. “What was that?” Jack asked, and I leaned on him to catch my balance. “Woah there, Speedy.” Jack chuckled and then frowned. “Wait. Weren’t you just—” He pointed to the other side of him.
“Ow.” I groaned.
Jack finally noticed the blood streaming out of my shoulder. “HOLY SHIT!” He leaned me against the side of a building and leaned over me.
“When the hell did that happen?” At least he lowered his voice.
“Goddamn interdimensional time assassins with futuristic guns,” I muttered.
“What do I do?”
“Stopping the bleeding would help.”
“Wally, you’s got a hole in your shoulder and you’s still being a smart-ass?”
“Pain sharpens my tongue.”
“You’re delusional.”
“No, I’m dying of blood loss.”
“Wally, since I’s don’t want you to die, I’mma let that slide.”
“Gee, I’m touched. Can I stop the bleeding now?” Somehow, I wrangled the vest off my chest and ripped a long strip off. I stood up, definitely with a struggle, and tied my makeshift bandage around my shoulder. My shoulder still felt like it was being melted in a forge, but it wasn’t streaming out anymore. It was less like a river and more like a creek. And then I crouched slightly, making sure my hat and bandage were securely fastened.
“What is you doin’?” Jack asked.
“Something I might regret,” I sighed. “Hop on.”
“Youse is delusional!” Jack protested. “You just got shot. I’s should be carryin’ you!”
“Jack,” I said sternly. “Get on my back before I pick you up and carry you like a bride on her honeymoon.”
He sighed. “I don’t know why we’s call you ‘Speedy’,” he grumbled. “we’s shoulda called youse Stubborn.” He hopped on my back anyway.
“Hold on tight,” I warned him.
“I ain’t grabbin’ your wound!”
“Then hold on to my neck!” Jack muttered something about me dying of strangulation before the blood loss killed me.
“Get ready,” I said, shifting my body.
“For what?”
“This.” I took off running, as fast as I could go with the shooting pain in my arm and the pain in the ass on my back.
The aforementioned pain in the ass starting yelling, swatting at the lighting around me.
In seconds, we made it to the park where we hid the Waverider. I stopped and let Jack off my back. He stumbled and threw up in a bush. “Yeah, get it out, bud.” I patted his back as he upchucked his breakfast and dinner in the bush.
“WHAT THE SHITTIN’ HOLY HELL WAS THAT?” He cried, wiping his face with his sleeve.
“That ain’t no science! That’s like that book Frankenstein!”
I was expecting some comic book reference or something. And then it dawned on me. I “Damn, you don’t have superheroes?”
“Long story.”
Jack opened his mouth to say something when a bay door on the Waverider opened. Sara and Mick came out, her bo staff and his heat gun pointed directly at us.
“Wally, why the hell are you here? And why’d you bring him?” Sara yelled, lowering her staff. Mick, predictably, didn’t lower his gun.
Poor Jack was just too overwhelmed. His eyes rolled back into his head and he collapsed. Thankfully, I caught him before he fell.
“Now look what you’ve done!” I cried mockingly. “He’s out cold!” Sara and Mick just glared at me. “Can I come inside, at least?”
“We aren’t stopping you,” Sara said.
“Can you at least help me carry him inside, Mick?” I asked.
“Can’t you do it?” Mick growled.
“I would, but my arm hurts.” I motioned to the blood seeping through my makeshift vest bandage.
“Damn it, West, how’d you manage to get yourself shot?” Sara cried.
“That goddamn time assassin.”
“Care to elaborate?” Sara said, her hands on her hips.
“As long as Gideon stitches me up.”
“Of course she’s gonna—” She trailed off and sighed. “Rory, grab the kid.”
“Which one?”
“The one that’s passed out cold, genius.” While Mick grabbed the unconscious Jack, I walked into the Waverider, the pain in my shoulder slowly coming back as the adrenaline faded.
“I might need an Advil, too.” I joked.
Sara glanced at me, then at my wound. “Wally, you’re gonna need the whole damn bottle.”
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all-theimaginess · 7 years ago
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We’re Inevitable - Part 3
Fandom: Newsies Pairing: eventual Davey x reader Word Count: ~2,000 Tag List: @helplessfor-fictionalcharacters @races-cigar @ghostiex-x @theresagoodchanceicouldfly @benniebadeend @rxcer @the-navistar-carol A/N: Hey everyone! I’m back with an update. I hope that you enjoy it. Taglist is still open! (Strikethrough means that your tag didn’t work)
Part One  Part Two -- Part Four
The day started with you waking up before dawn to find Jack gone. You soon remembered that Jack was most likely on his way to, or on the way back from, Brooklyn. Starting to wake-up more fully, you slowly got up. It wouldn’t be long before the morning bell rang and the newsies started getting up. Carefully, you made your way down the fire escape and rushed to Medda’s theater. Today would be an interesting day, you could just feel it. It didn’t matter how things ended up. After today, things would be different. The better or worse hadn’t been decided yet.
Although your room at Medda’s theater was technically an extra dressing room that was semi-attached to the costume closet, you were happy to call it home. Fabric was draped across chairs and the edges of the hanging rack in the corner that held unfinished and torn costumes.
Quickly, you flipped through the dresses on your clothes rack before deciding on one. The one you chose was care-worn, but maintained its simple charm. You smiled, catching your reflection in the mirror once you got the dress looking just the way you wanted. It would be perfect for whatever happened in the day ahead. You exited the theater just as the morning bell rang.
Most of the Manhattan newsies had yet to arrive when you reached newsies square. Your pace sped up you saw Jack standing with some of the other newsies in front of the ‘The World’ gate. As you made your way toward them, you noticed that none of the Brooklyners were there. Your expression faltered, but you refused to let any of the boys see any loss of hope. Optimism and perseverance would be everything if they had any hope of winning against Pulitzer and the other papers. Of course, more people wouldn’t hurt either, but the newsies would do the best with what they had. It was what they had always done. “Brooklyn waitin’ to make a dramatic entrance or something?” You asked sarcastically with a light chuckle.
The guys chuckled and nodded their heads in hello as you passed them. “What’d you do, leave the new kid in Brooklyn?” you asked Jack jokingly to cover your curiosity as to where Davey was.
“Hm?” Jack’s gaze focused on you, “Oh, nah. He just had to run home to get Les. Said he’d be right back.” Jack attempted to subtly, yet critically take a look at you. “You look nice...”
“Thanks,” you answer with simple caution, “So do you. Tryin’ to look nice for the papes, or the reporter?” you ask in a cheeky fashion. Casually, you glanced around to see if any other newsies had joined the group and more had.
Jack smirked, “I could ask you almost the same question.”
Your brows furrowed in fake confusion and shook your head. “I got no idea what you’re talking about..”
“Look, I get it. You’ve liked him for a long time, so you took this opportunity to look nice. Maybe you’se thinking that he’ll finally see what’s in front of him...” He pushed verbally, leaning forward slightly.
Anxiety coursed through your body. You were so busted. You were sure that Jack knew, but you had to try and play it off. You shrugged when he paused, acting casual. You wouldn’t say that you liked Davey for a long time, you met him almost a week ago. Wait, who was Jack talking about?
When you didn’t respond, Jack continued, “I just don’t want you getting hurt, alright? And if Racetrack hurts you, I’ll kill him, there ain't no doubt about that,” he smiled protectively, “But, I can’t stop you from going after somebody that makes you happy. ...Unless it’s a Delancey, then we’d talk.” Jack cracked a more easy-going smile and you chuckled. Jack continued with a tired grin,“I just want you to be happy.”
Relief washed through you. You weren't busted after all. “I know, you just want the best for me,” you smiled warmly. When all of this calmed down, you really needed to tell Jack what was going on with you. “Could you do me a favor and just not say nothin’?” There was already enough going on and you didn't feel like adding to the chaos. You looked around once more and noticed that Race, Buttons, and Finch had arrived.
“Not a problem. Tell him when youse is ready.” Jack smiled, and squeezed your upper arm.
“Tell who, what?”
You tensed at the newly familiar voice that came up from behind. You turned with an easy smile on your face. There was curiosity and a tinge of worry gracing Davey’s features. “Nothing. Everything’s fine. It’s nothing that can’t wait until this is through,” you reassured. Davey’s expression seemed to lighten. “I’m gonna go check in with some of the other newsies.”
“Yeah, you do that.” Jack sounded amused. You were sure that he thought you were looking for Racetrack, but in reality you knew that being seen interacting with Davey would more than likely give you away. That was something you just weren’t ready for.
~~Time skip~~
With Wiesel and the Delanceys gone to get reinforcements, there was a moment to breathe. All of the triumphant faces made your heart swell. You hadn’t even noticed that Katherine had arrived. Next thing you knew, you were being pulled into the photo by Davey. You posed and smiled as the flash of the camera felt like it temporarily blinded you.
Then suddenly, everyone was celebrating and hugging, some were even playfully throwing papers in the air. You happily turned and hugged Buttons, and then Racetrack, who embraced you tightly before he handed you pages of newspaper to toss with a playful smile.
All of the celebrating ended with the sound of two hits of a club against metal.
The chaos that ensued soon after was exhilarating and terrifying. Papes were flying, barrels and wagons were rolling, and everywhere you turned there were newsies fighting. Everything seemed to be going alright. The newsies seemed to be more than holding their own.
Then the cops showed up, and things turned ugly real fast.
Adrenaline pumped through your veins as you ran around, attempting to help and avoid the cops. Someone grabbed you at the waist and started to pull you away. Instantly, your instincts kicked in. You looked back to find that it was Morris, then turned quickly to elbow him in the face and stomp his foot. You didn’t have time to appreciate his look of surprise before you escaped from his embrace.
Newsies were starting to clear out of newsies square. Not fully paying attention, you run into Davey and Les. “Gotta stop meeting like this,” he said with a tired smile, “Follow me.”
“Where to?” You asked.
Davey grabbed your hand and smiled. “Trust me.”
The three of you ran a few blocks before figuring out that no one was chasing you.  Davey had yet to let go of your hand, and you hoped that he wouldn't any time soon. “It's so pretty here,” you noted, before looking over at Davey. He seemed to be carrying himself a certain way, the adrenaline wearing off. His pace slowed. Your gaze took in the park that you had no idea existed while Davey guided you slowly to a nearby bench, without you realizing he let go of your hand when he sat down.
You looked over to find Davey sitting rigidly and looking up at you. Les was sitting on the grass beside the bench. You looked discreetly down at your hand and smiled fondly. When you looked back at Davey’s posture, you figured out that was feeling some pain was starting to set in. Your smile faded with worry as you sat close to him. “Are you alright?” You asked, turning yourself to take him in.
“Yeah, I just need a moment,” he sighed tiredly and glanced over at his younger brother. “Les, you alright?”
Les was holding onto his left arm as he looked up at Davey. “My arm hurts a bit.”
Your lips pursed as you leaned slightly over Davey. “If you two can handle it, I should have fabric back at the theatre to make a sling. It ain’t too far from here, I think,” you offered, leaning back to where you were.
The Jacobs brothers shared glances, silently debating before coming to a conclusion moments later. “Alright, lead on.” Davey stated, slowly rising from the bench before helping Les.
Getting back to the theatre took slightly longer than you thought it would. You sighed in relief when you finally reached your destination. “Home sweet home,” you smiled triumphantly before opening the door to the costume closet that was attached to your living quarters. “Feel free to sit anywhere that there isn’t stray fabric.” You casually picked up pieces of fabric to clear seating options while also keeping an eye out for one that would work for Les.
You returned triumphant minutes later with a random piece of neutral looking fabric and an ice pack for Davey. You handed Davey the ice pack and crouched down close in front of Les and gestured for his arm, the fabric ready. He winced in pain as you maneuvered the fabric to where it needed to be. You checked with Les before tying the sling closed. He said that it felt good and thanked you for your help. “It’s the least I can do,” you smiled, “Now, you try to relax. And, no more fights, Okay?” Les nodded tiredly and relaxed back into his seat.
Up until now, you had been trying not to think about the fact that you had been able to feel Davey’s full attention on you. Clearly, you were failing miserably. Though, maybe this meant something. Maybe he felt the same way. Or, it could just be that you were taking care of his brother and he was eyeing you like a hawk, like any protective older brother would do. You looked back at Davey when you heard him speak. “You’re good with him,” he stated.
“He’s a good kid. Quite the trooper out there today,” you smiled coyly as you took in his features, “you all were.” A bruise was starting to show on his cheek. “I think I might have something for that bruise...” You were in the middle of rising when Davey cut you off.
“It’s fine. Doesn’t even hurt,” he reassured you as he rose to stand, “Thank you, for ah, makin’ the sling for Les.” He moved himself subtly closer to you.
“Like I said, it’s the least I can do. You guys got me outta there. I should be the one thanking you...” You trailed off, looking down. You sat the refused jar of ointment down on the desk beside you. “So, thank you Davey.” You quickly grabbed his hands, before your courage left you, leaned in and kissed his un-bruised cheek. The kiss only lingered for a moment before you pulled back slowly, realizing how close your faces were. You could see a hint of a smile grace his face. You tried pulling away, taking a step or two before Davey pulled you back in.
Davey’s eyes glanced down to your lips before returning to your gaze. One of Davey’s hands let go of yours and cupped the side of your face. He leaned in slowly as if asking for permission. You smiled and closed your eyes before you started leaning.
When you were merely centimeters apart, the door of the costume closet shot open, banging against the wall, and you and Davey jolted apart. Racetrack pushed his way into the area seemingly not realizing immediately that he might have interrupted something. He paused for a moment with a smirk. “What’s going on here?” You could hear the humor in his voice as Les rubbed his eyes.
“Nothin’ Race, I was just helping Davey and Les,” you covered, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear. “Everything alright?”
“Uh huh, sure.” He said, with a look that suggested ‘we’ll talk later’. “Everything’s not alright. They got Crutchie. He’s gone to the refuge.”
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Forbidden - A Spot Conlon love story
"Extra, Extra, criminals break out of prison, hundreds already terrorized, you heard it here," I yelled out to the busy streets.
"Excuse me," turn to see a boy who looked just a bit older than me, "where exactly does it say that? I can't find it," he said in an accusing tone while referring to the newspaper in his hand, I assumed he had gotten one from another boy because I didn't recall selling to him,
"Where does it? Ise said youse 'eard it ere, and youse did didn't ya," he scoffed and I sighed "now get outta ere unless youse gonna buy a pape, I gotta eat ya know," he huffed and walked away, "Extra, Extra," I yelled again selling more papers. Suddenly I feel my papers snatched from under my arm. I whip around to see my brother standing there “Brave, I swear to God give me my papes’ back or I will kick your ass,”
“How bout nah, anyway sis, I need youse to go back to ta lodge, some of Queens’ newsies are coming over and Ise have some business to do before, I'll sell your papes for youse too," I sighed and rolled my eyes but obliged. I got back to the lodge just before the boys arrived. I just sat down on the sofa when the boys came in,
“Hey Freckles,” Jet, the leader of the Queens’ newsies says opening the doors.
“Hey boys,” I got up and took my cap off letting my long braid fall down out of my cap. I walked over to the main table and picked my brush up, “Have a seat,” I undid my hair and attempted to tame it while talking to them, until my brother came in,
“Hey guys, here Freckles, the rest of your money,”
“Yay Ise love you,” I squealed hugging him and taking it from him. “I goin’ to go out-“
“No your not,”
“Uhg,” I stomped my foot, “Ise not a four year old, I be fifteen,”
“I’m still youse older bruddah,”
“by three yeas,”
“And not only I be  youse brother, Ise ta head of da Bronx’s Newsies, I run tings round here,”
“Well Ise not some little child who can be bossed around,” I yelled at him
“Well youse are me little sister and a Bronx Newsie, so if youse know whats best youse will listen to me when ise say you are not goin’ out,” I screamed in frustration as I grabbed my hat and brush and stormed up to my room. It wasn’t uncommon for me and my brother to get into fights, it happened pretty often, but one of us usually apologized within a few hours of the fight. I plopped myself on my bed and continued to try and brush my hair. Once it was more calm I braided it, I had self-taught myself how to do a bunch of hairstyles by just seeing them on the street and figuring them out.
“Freckles,” one of the boys knocked on my door, “wes going outta eat,”
“Ise not hungry,” I yelled back lying. I was hungry, I just didn’t want to face my brother. I sighed and pulled out a torn up book I had under my bed, I had found it on the streets a few years ago and had taught myself to read, a bit from it, I still struggled a lot with bigger words, and longer sentences, but it gave me something to do. I used my finger to guide my eye as I tried to put my sentences together, the book was by Arthur Conan Doyle and was about a man who solved mysteries in England. The parts I could understand were fascinating, I just wish I didn’t have to spend so long trying to understand each page. I sighed and reread the page I was on finally getting it. I moved back to the beginning of the chapter to read up to the point I had gotten to. I was immersed in my chapter when I heard banging coming from downstairs. I put my book back under my bed and looked out the window. There was a single newsie with a crutch under one arm knocking on the door, he obviously wasn’t from the Bronx, we didn’t have any crips. Against what I knew my brother would have me do I forced open my window and climbed onto the fire escape. I climbed down the side of the building and jumped of a small ledge landing besides him. He jumped a bit before turning to me,
“Da name’s Crutchie, I’m from ‘hattan,” He hesitantly spit in his hand and held it out, I spit in mine and shook it immediately seeming to surprise the boy.
“Freckles, why is you in da Bronx,”
“Well I was hopin to talk to da leaddah if youse know where he is,”
“Da boys are out for dinnah, I don’t know how long dey’ll be, and anyway ise da closest to da leddah youse gonna get to talk ta soon, now why do youse wanna talk to da leddah?”
“Well us ‘hattan newsies are goin on strike, dey raised da price of da papes,”
“Yes, ise heard rumors,”
“Well, we was hopin we could get ya on our side,”
“And how do wese know youse are serious about dis, dat youse won’t cower at the sight of da bulls comin at ya,”
“Well, youse just gotta believe me, wese won’t,”
“Dats not enough crutchie boy,” he sighed, “Wese gotta see ya stick wit it, den we’ll back you,” He nodded turning to walk away, “And crutchie,” he turned back, “Off da record, personally, I wish ya guies the best,” I watched him walk until he was out of my site before turning and starting to climb back up when I heard a voice,
“Freckles? What are you doin outside,” I swung myself onto a ledge and looked down at my brother,
“If yous must know, a newsie from ‘hattan came,”
“What was a ‘hattan newsie doin in da Bronx,” he asked more to himself
“He came to ask for our support in the strike,”
“You talked to da guy,”
“Well I sure as hell wasn’t gonna ignore him,”
“I don’t want you talking to newsies you don’t know,” I rolled my eyes,
“He was a crip, harmless,”
“Youse don’t know dat,”
“Anyway I can pack a punch if I need ta, anyway I told ‘im wese needed to see dat dey will stay and fight, not give in easily” he nodded and a saw a glimmer of pride in his eye. I continued climbing back up, “Night” I yelled down to him.
No pov.
Crutchie came with the news back to the lodge where the other boys had returned.
“Battery, East side, and Harlem said dey wanna see Brooklyn join den dey will,”
“Well what did Brooklyn say,”
“Dey wanted to see us fight, not run,”
“What about Queen and Midtown”
“Dey are waitin for da Bronx,”
“Crutchie!” Jack yelled seeing his friend coming towards them, “What did da Bronx say,”
“Well she said dat they needed to see dat we were serious, dat we wouldn’t run when da bulls came,”
“She?” Jack asked, “Da leader of da bronx is Brave, a guy,”
“Well ise got Freckles, she said da boys were out and didn’t know when dey would return, and dat she was da closest to da leadah I was gonna get soon,”
“I aint evah ‘eard of no Freckles, but if dats da response you got,” Jack shrugged, not wanting to send a boy to wait for Brave to return.
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notes-the-newsie · 7 years ago
Search, Find, Forgive
Notes: The others still do not know that Notes is a girl and my shitty writing
Tag list: @neverland-royaltie @margie-larkin @interwebseriesfan24 @scars-the-newsie @cammieinthemaking @jaxpanda @madsie-the-newsie
Third POV
Race ran back into the lodge house in a state of panic. He didn’t know where she was. Where she ran too. It was dawn when he ran up to Jack’s Penthouse. “Jack” he huffed out “Jack… Jack!” Race yelled in frustration needing him to wake up desperately. The panic driven boy grabbed him by the shoulders shaking him awake. “Hmm… hmm…” Jack groaned in frustration towards the boy franticly trying to keep him awake. “Race go back ta sleep it ain’t even light out yet” Jack sleepily while rubbing his eyes. “I can’t!” Race yelled “Alright then…” Jack yawned “This better be good Race,” “Notes… she’s gone! She ran away!” Race said desperately trying to hold back the piercing tears in his eyes. Without hesitation, Jack sat up and woke up every boy in the lodge house. “Alright boys, listen up! I’se need your help! Notes ran away and we’se don’t know where s…” Jack stopped himself remembering Rose’s secret. “he went! None of us are gonna rest tell we’se get him back here! Alright?!” The boys stood there in silence “Well? What are youse waitin’ for! Get movin’!”
With those last words, every Manhattan newsie was searching up and down the street. Left and right. No stone in Manhattan was unturned. Two days had passed and most of the boys has lost hope. But Jack, Race, Crutchie, and Davey were not going to be giving up so easily. They help searching every street day and night. It was the third night when three of the boys dropped. “Jack come on you need to get some sleep.” Davey said practically dozin’ off while speaking. Even Race was agreeing with Davey. “Jack” he put his hand on Jack’s shoulder “there nothing we can do. She’s not in Manhattan. All we can do is hope that she will come back.” Jack’s head dropped down in defeat. The walk back to the lodge house was silent. Not one of them would dare to break the silence. They finally reached the lodge house when Davey and Crutchie walked through the doors. But before Jack could follow along, Race grabbed his arm and pulled him aside. “Jack… I’se need ya ta tell me whats goin’ on with Notes… in the past month she has been wakin’ up late every night panickin’ and screamin’… Jack I need ta know whats happenin’ with her… please.” Race said desperately needing Jack to answer him. “Race… I don’t know if s-““Jack… please.” Jack sighed and led Race to sit down on a crate nearby. The stars flickered across the sky and tears filled Race’s eyes when Jack had finished the story. He sat in shock, shacking even from the thought of what Notes went through.
All the pain she endured for all those years. He wished he could have helped her, saved her from the horrible life. “Race there is one more thing… it’s… it’s her name…” Silence fell between the two boys. The only thing that can be heard is the faint sniffles from Race. “She… she wouldn’t want me ta tell ya this.” Jack mumbled “She wouldn’t want me ta tell ya any of this! However, you… youse deserve ta know. Youse have been carin’ for her the second she came into the lodge house. Even when youse had no clue ‘bout her secret. And when she told ya, youse started watchin’ over her like she was your own sister. Youse care so much ‘bout her you should know… that her name… her name is Rose.” That broke Race. He though that she had the most beautiful name he had ever heard. She was a wonderful person no matter the pain she has been through. But just the thought of house much pain she went through crushed his heart into a million pieces. The more he thought about it the more he broke down. Even the strike leader himself started to shed tears. He fell to the ground where Race was, placing his hands on his shoulders in an attempt to calm him down. “Race youse can’t say her real name ‘round her okay?” All he could so was nod. Jack helped the boys off the ground and led him inside carefully to his bed. Without speaking another word, Jack went straight up to his penthouse while racy lays in his bed, tears falling down his face staining his shirt.
Notes’ POV
“A sling on my arm, bandages wrapped ‘r-round my leg, a limp!” I said to myself slowly limping back across the bridge. “The boys are gonna be pissed.” I told Spot. I said I could walk back to Manhattan myself but him being as stubborn as I am he walked me to the end of the bridge. “Alright kid, this is where I’ll leave ya. Come back soon and… if anythin’ changes I’ll let ya know.” He said patting me on the back one last time. “Hey kid!” He yelled, “Stay safe!” I smiled at him and walked in the other direction. Walking back to the lodge house my mind wasn’t racing… it was silent. I wasn’t worrying about nothing… I was… at peace. A smiles spread across my face as I looked up at the stars. Taking in everything around me, making the peace I been yearning for last. For the first time in my life, I didn’t have a care in the world. Anything could happen in those few moments. But nothing did.
I walked back to the lodge house with a smile on my face. All the boys sleeping in their beds. They all seemed to be at peace as well. As I walk ta my bed, I didn’t see Race in his bunk… I didn’t think anything of it while I walked by. I made my way slowly to my bunk, limping and exhausted from all the walking. When I got to my bunk, Race was sitting beside it head resting on the bed. Stains of tears down his cheeks and his knees against his chest curled up. I took the blanket from my bed and draped it on top of him. I smiled down at the blonde boy before walking to the other side of the bed and laying down. A single tear fell down my face and my eyes shut.
Next Day
The sun hit my face as I heard the piercing morning bell ring throughout the lodge. My eyes fluttered opened to see Race still beside by bed the same way he was when I fell asleep. “Mornin’ Race” I said ruffling his hair. He ground softly as he slowly started to lift his head up “Mornin’ Notes…” Rubbing his eyes, he suddenly turn around and yelled “Notes!” In a matter of seconds, I was pulled into his arms. They quickly wrapped around me and didn’t plan to let go anytime soon. “Oh God kid... I… I’se been so worried ‘bout ya. Where did ya run off too kid? Why was you gone for three days? Are ya hurt?” He kept rambling on, asking me question after question. He was squeezing my shoulder tighter and tighter with each question he asked. Eger to know my answer but wouldn’t let me talk. That’s when I finally spoke up “Race!” I yelled with a chuckle “the mornin’ bell rung. We gotta go get our p-papes,” I said standing up out of bed stretching. Suddenly I was pulled back onto the bed with a laugh echoing through the room. “Youse think I’m gonna let ya go out sellin’? After you ran away, was gone for three days without tellin’ no one where youse were, and comin’ back in here lookin’ like ya just got soaked ten times over?!” I hesitantly nodded my head thinking I could get off the hook… boy was I wrong. “Nice try but you and I are stayin’ in this lodge house today so you can rest.” He stated in a very serious and protective tone. I looked up at him and sighed too tired to argue with him right now. Even with the five hours of sleep I got I was still so exhausted from the recent events. “Good” He laid me down so my head was back on the pillow. He pulled the blanket over me and draped an extra one around my back knowing I get cold easily. “Now youse stay here and relax okay? I’m gonna go ask Albert and Specs if they can pick up sellin’ for us today.” In an attempt to argue I opened my mouth to protest but by the time I did Race was already gone. I groaned in frustration and laid my head on the pillow. My eyes started to become heavier and heavier by the second and before I knew it I was asleep.
I must have been out for hours because when I woke up it was dark. Pitch black while the stars were shining bright. I looked around to make sure to make sure Race was nowhere to be found. When I knew the coast was clear I quickly and quietly made my way to the roof. I slowly climbed up the ladder taking in the night sky. As I step on the gravel roof, I was in awe about how beautiful the sky was. Lost in my thoughts I didn’t notice that someone else was on the roof with me. “Beautiful ain’t it,” The blond said taking his unlit cigar out of his mouth. Startled from the sudden comment I let out a squeal of fear. I thought I was alone… guess not. I looked at Race with an apologetic look walking towards him “Race I’m sor” I was cut off with a cigar put against my lips “Don’t be sorry. Ise know you, I knew you would have come up here even if I were still watchin’ ya. I understand. Just relax okay?” He said as he slowly took the cigar away from my lips. I nodded silently and sat down on the gravel roof. I sighed happily, as I sat down and stared at the stars. Race moved over to me and raised an eyebrow. “What never seen me at peace before Higgins?” I laughed, “Actually no I have not Rose.” Once he realized what he had said he started to go off rambling how sorry he was and not to be mad at Jack… Jack. I stood up and climbed down to his Penthouse where he was sitting, painting the night sky. I jumped down onto the metal bars making a loud clang to make my presence known. Jack jerked his head up and looked over at me. “Notes!” He stood up quickly “Youse okay! We tried” I put my hand out stopping him from continuing. “You told him everythin’…” Jack hung his head low and nodded with an apologetic look plastered across his face. I looked up at Jack but instead of yelling, instead of screaming, I walked over to him and hugged him. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him close. He was in shock and didn’t do much back. I understood, he probably thought I would yell. I pulled away and smiled. “Thank youse Jack. I would have n-never told him.”
Jack smiled and sat back down, bringing me down with him. For the rest of that night we sat and talked tell the morning bell rung that next morning. But what I didn’t know was what the next day would bring.
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