#he's taking the cool kid position as sonic stays in the backseat
latin-dr-robotnik · 5 years
Sonic High School AU Masterpost
Hope y’all enjoyed the first wave of posts about this new little experiment I made! Seeing as how people started getting on them later in the week than I originally expected, I decided it’s for the best to make a Masterpost collecting everything so far, explaining a couple of things, and keeping it archived over at the Special Content section of my blog. Let’s go.
What is this AU?
This is a project I started just before going on vacation, as I wasn’t sure if I was going to be online as I travelled, so I wanted to leave something so my blog at least stayed active once a day. As I wondered what type of posts I would leave on queue for a period of 9 days or so, I saw a Tumblr post from another user (sorry, I can’t find your post now :c) that expressed great desire for a Sonic College AU. After very little consideration on my part, I went right to my keyboard to write some exchanges between Sonic characters, and shortly after I realized my ideas were more appropiate for a High School AU, inspired by the likes of cliché campus idealizations from the entertainment industry. In my case, this is mainly inspired by videogames like Bully (one of my all-time fav games) and series like current Netflix hit Sex Education.
What’s the current status of the AU?
As I write this post, we are 8 posts into the AU, covering the first classes from a not-yet-defined grade (those kind of details I tend to skip over in favor of funny moments, since if I actually took this in a serious way we could end up here discussing things like how tf Cream the Rabbit is even in this AU), and establishing relationships that already existed (or not) in main Sonic canon. A central thing in this AU is the fact that it’s presented as simple exchanges between characters with minimal context; not regular, proper writing. This is both a time-related decision and a fun-related one, since it’s easier for me to come up with a wild idea (for example: Shadow’s shenanigans) and write it just like that. It keeps the perfectionist inside me at bay, otherwise I could end up spending hours upon hours perfecting an AU that, honestly, didn’t have to be perfect to begin with.
Here are the different parts, presented in order of release:
Physics Homework.
Silver’s first day.
Team Chaotix introduction.
Knuckles’ invitation.
Professor Robotnik vs Shadow.
Sit next to me. (Originally a bonus part!)
Team Rose introduction.
Amy is an upset cutie.
Pickle Friday? Cupcake Friday!
New strategy.
Additional help??
Silver & Blaze.
Cheating Time.
Where’s Sonic?
Catch you later.
Where do we go from here?
Queued posts are over, I finally returned home, so from now on updates will be slower as I come up with new ideas and inspirations on the spot. This is a just-for-fun thingy, so don’t expect big story arcs or anything, but I think I should at least try to fix the wording of some posts (I noticed my English machine broke several times during the making of that AU, lmao be patient with me). Future posts will link back to this post, and I guess I’ll have to regularly update this, we’ll see how it goes. Hope you enjoy it!
(Also, if you have any other doubts, headcanons, ideas or fun stuff to send my way, ask box is always open)
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alison-anonymous · 5 years
flawsome bandits pt. 2 ♡ sonic
Flawsome Bar Fights 
Welcome to part 2! Updates may be a little irregular as we progress back into the school year, but I assure you lovelies that I am hard at work on the next chapter! So for now, enjoy and let me know what you think!
Warnings - implication of sexual harrassment, LOTS OF FLUFF 
“Alright, if this is going to be a thing, there are going to be rules,” Tom began, attempting to keep his eyes on the road. 
“You seem really familiar,” Y/n hummed thoughtfully, looking Sonic over once again and completely ignoring her father. Sonic’s green eyes grew concentrated as he looked the young girl over again for the hundredth time since he met her.
“You too! I feel like I know you from somewhere.” He tapped his chin quizzically as the two stared long and hard at each other. 
“Will you two please pay attention? Good lord!” Tom cried. “If this is going to work, you will need to listen to me and do whatever I say one hundred percent of the time. Got it?”
“Whatever you say, Donut Lord!” Sonic smiled, eyes ablaze with excitement. Unfortunately, the cute nickname only pissed Tom off as he took his eyes off of the road to yell at the hedgehog.
“Would you stop with the ‘Donut Lord’? I have a name. It’s Tom, and that’s Y/n.” He motioned to the girl sitting behind them. She rummaged through the console and pulled out a pair of sunglasses.
“He already knows my name,” she laughed, earning a smile from Sonic. 
“Well, my name is Sonic!”
“Sonic,” Tom nodded thoughtfully. “So you’ve been spying on my family for years, or specifically spying on my daughter?” He was slipping into overprotective father mode very fast. Y/n was about to stick up for the little hedgehog when he beat her to it.
“I mean, I wouldn’t have called it stalking. We were all just hanging out only no one ever knew I was there! Like when Y/n was driving your old motorcycle and she smashed into a tree!” He sighed dreamily, leaning back against the seat. “Fun times!”
“What? You told me a semi hit it!” Tom cried out in horror, trying to keep his main tunnel of vision on the road while restricting himself from smacking his kid upside the head. Y/n chuckled sheepishly and slowly lowered herself to hide behind the driver’s seat. 
“I mean, I’m more so surprised that Crazy Carl was right all along,” she mumbled. Sonic nodded.
“You should call him Super Observant Carl instead.” At that, Y/n burst out laughing. It was an adorably creative name, and from all of her time spent hanging out with Crazy Carl and helping him set up his traps when none of the kids at school wanted to hang out with her, it didn’t take too long to notice that he did have a system. 
“You’re funny,” she giggled, sliding the sunglasses back up onto her forehead to reveal her humorous e/c eyes. Sonic’s emerald-like orbs lit up like fireworks as a huge, dopey grin spread across his face.
“Really? You think I’m funny?” He asked hopefully, practically throwing himself on top of the console to be closer to her. Spending most of his time alone, Sonic was only ever used to getting compliments from himself. So the fact that someone thought he was funny, better yet a beautiful girl, sent him to cloud nine. 
“Hey, HEY,” Tom scolded, pointing a finger at the blue hedgehog. “That’s still my daughter, buddy.” 
“Dad, leave him alone,” Y/n sighed, poking his arm gently. How much sense would that make? A human and a hedgehog? Then again, she did have no origin story, no idea who or what she truly was. How was she supposed to know that she had been a human her whole life when she could barely remember who her real parents were? 
“Oh my god, stop the car right now!” Sonic exclaimed, popping his head out the side window, the big grin still plastered on his face. He read off the gigantic touristing billboard sign as Tom drove past it. “The World’s Largest Rubber Band Ball, we’ve got to see it!” 
“People really need to find some hobbies,” Y/n sighed, rolling down her window too so she could imitate a dog. 
“No, this is not some fun family road trip-” Tom snapped, his sanity slipping out of his fingertips with every passing second. “The government wants to dissect you, arrest me, and possibly put Y/n in the mental institute. This is serious!” Sonic exchanged a bored expression with Y/n and in a flash, he was out the window. Before Tom even had a second to flip out, he was right back in the seat with three souvenir rubber band balls, a paddleboard, and a baseball cap. 
“Eh, you’re right, it was lame. Gift shop was cool though! I got you a mousepad!” He held up a little white mouse pad reading ‘I love rubber bands.’ “And don’t think I forgot about you!” He winked at Y/n before handing her a surprisingly adorable bracelet made out of what looked like fragments of rubber bands. She couldn’t stop the heat that began rising to her cheeks as she slipped it onto her wrist, still trying to get over the amazement that he was thinking about them. “When are we going to get there?” Sonic smiled, pulling out the paddle board and hitting the ball repetitively as Y/n watched his precision in amazement. 
“We will get there when we get there,” Tom sighed in frustration. A moment of silence fell over the three as they watched the scenery pass by. Y/n glanced between her father and the eccentric hedgehog and finally decided that if this little creature was going to be hanging out with them, then the least she could do is try to get to know him better.
“Hey Sonic, want to play a game?”
“Is that even a question? Of course!” In a split second, he was sitting next to her in the backseat, leaning towards her excitedly. Little did she know that he was fanboying internally just over the fact that she had talked to him in the first place. This was his dream come true! Getting to spend some one on one time with the Star Chaser! She was so beautiful up close.
“Okay, which game do you want to play? There’s Truth or Dare, 20 Questions, Would You Rather, I Spy, How Well Do You Know Me, and Russian Roulette but we don’t have any guns,” she sighed in disappointment. Sonic’s eyes practically had stars in them as he grinned wider.
“Let’s play all of them!” Tom groaned in the driver’s seat.
This was going to be a long ride.
It was night when Tom finally pulled the truck in to a gas station, Sonic and Y/n still deeply indulged in a game of Truth or Dare. 
“I don’t know, I still think that I’d be faster than the Flash. I was born with my powers, so I’ve had a lot more time to get used to them whereas his happened from an accident in his lab,” Sonic explained, flipping her sunglasses back up behind his ears. The two had gotten comfortable after the first two hours of games and had established what they deemed to be the most comfortable position: Y/n sat against the left side of the backseat and had her legs stretched across the seats while Sonic sat on top of her legs, using her shoes as a cushion. It was amazing how four hours of playing games with someone could bring them closer together. Over the course of the car trip, the two had been through every topic from their favorite television show to what the best way to get away from the cops would be to what they would name a hamster if they ever got one. 
“Fair point,” Y/n nodded. “Respect.” 
Tom put the truck in park and stepped out of the vehicle, causing the internal lights to turn on. The two sat up in anticipation, wondering if they were finally going to be able to stretch out their legs. Tom walked around the truck and stopped at the open window above Sonic’s head, leaning against it slightly.
“Alright, I’m going to go in and check on Wade. See if he knows what’s going on.”
“You’re going to see Wade in that glass thing?” Sonic asked, peering out the window over at the payphone. “What is it, a teleportation device?”
“It’s a payphone, Son,” Y/n gently explained. “I had no clue what it was either when I first saw one.” Tom glanced behind him at the device and sighed.
“It’s mostly for drug dealers and fugitives, which is us. Now stay in the car, I don’t want anyone to see him. Y/n, make sure he doesn’t do anything stupid.” And with that, he walked off. Sonic groaned in boredom and leaned his head against the door once more.
“This is so boring! Is your dad always this high strung?” He asked, the poor lighting casting shadows across his fur. Y/n breathed in deep through her nose and watched as her dad stepped inside the phone booth.
“Not unless we’re in trouble, which we are right now. But he means well. When I was first found and brought to him and my mom as a foster kid, they were super patient even though I was a teenager with no clue how the world worked.” She explained, running a hand through her hair and placing Sonic’s baseball cap back on her head. He furrowed his brows in concentration.
“Wait, so let me get this straight - you were found wandering around in the woods and you have no memories of who you were or what you were up until that day?” She nodded sadly, and shrugged. His ears fell back against his head a little in sadness. “I’m sorry… Well, hey, how about we make a deal? I’ll help you try to figure out your backstory if…” He got a sheepish look on his face as he suddenly broke eye contact. “...You become my friend.”
Y/n’s eyes shot open in surprise. “Sonic,” she laughed softly, her gaze softening. “You’re already my friend.”
At her words, the largest grin she had ever seen found its way onto Sonic’s face as he lurched forward and tackled her in a hug. Laughing, she reciprocated the hug by wrapping her arms around his torso but making sure to beware of the quills. 
“Thank you,” she heard him mutter soft enough that if she had been breathing any louder she wouldn’t have heard it. In response, she squeezed him a little tighter. Even though it was a little strange to be hugging a talking hedgehog, it felt familiar once again. Everything about this moment seemed familiar, like she had lived through it a thousand times before. Little did she know that the same thing was happening for Sonic too. As they pulled away, mouths both opening to say something about it, they were interrupted by the sounds of beer pong and Harley engines. The duo froze, eyes already beginning to fill with comical stars as they turned towards Y/n’s open window.
Sure enough, there was what looked like a raging party going on at the club next door. Bikers littered the front, the engines of their motorcycles spewing out licks of fire. Cheers and hollers could already be heard from the open door to the bar as people filed in and out in a constant motion. It was the coolest thing that either of them had ever seen.
“Oh my god,” Sonic breathed.
“Okay, okay, so that may just be the coolest thing that we’re ever going to see,” Y/n admitted nervously. “But we have orders. I have orders. From my dad. Who is also a cop. We have to stay in the car.” 
“Right…” Sonic slowly raised his head above the door until just his eyes were peering through the window at the scene before them. It wasn’t long before Y/n followed in suit. They exchanged a nervous glance before looking back at the bar. 
“Shit,” Tom swore as he stood before the empty truck. Of course this is what he got for leaving his very responsible teenage daughter with a train wreck of a hedgehog (whom he was starting to worry was developing… feelings for his daughter). He set down the drink carrier of food and beverages he had got and looked around the parking lot for any sign of the Bonnie and Cylde duo. Finally, his eyes rested on the bar next door. Bingo.
Losing most of his dignity as he walked through the door, Tom’s eyes scanned the room for the two kids until they finally found a strange couple sitting alone at a high top table. One was a girl wearing a cowgirl hat and a bandana around her neck while the other was significantly shorter than her with a hat, shades, and a bright red shirt that appeared to be three sizes too large. He frowned the entire way to the table, enjoying the panicked look on his daughter’s face as she saw him coming towards them and frantically tapped the hedgehog sitting next to her. He swiveled around in his seat and gave Tom the most innocent look he could handle.
“Well, howdy there, partner!” 
“I’m not your partner. We’re leaving, come on,” Tom motioned his head towards the door, but Sonic had other ideas.
“But there’s a ZZ Top Cover band, c’mon, you’ve got to see their beards!” He exclaims. “And we even came up with the perfect disguises and backstories so we could get in without showing ID.” He held out his gloved fist and Y/n didn’t miss the chance to bump it, leaning cooly against the counter. Tom rolled his eyes.
“Good to know you’re taking this seriously. We’ll catch them some other time. Now, let’s. Go.” His tone was sharp, daring them to object. Luckily, that was what Sonic was best at.
              "I promise that if you let us stay that I'll stay quiet for the whole trip! Starting now!" He clamped his mouth shut, proving his promise to be true. Tom glanced over at his daughter skeptically, and she sent him a reassuring smile just as a waitress wandered over to their table.
“Welcome to the Piston Pitt,” she mused, sporting a traditional cowgirl from the West outfit. “What can I get you fellas?” Sonic leaned towards her excitedly, pressing his hands on the table to prevent him from falling off the stool he was sitting on.
“Ooh! I want nachos and buffalo wings and guac! Lots of guac! Isn’t that a funny word?” He then began quacking like a duck, making Y/n chuckle next to him. The waitress furrowed her brows skeptically at the behavior, trying to figure out just what exactly she was looking at here. 
“Umm, kids aren’t allowed in here,” she told Tom accusingly, eyeing Sonic up and down. “Is he wearing a mask or something?” Tom opened his mouth, about to defend him when Y/n quickly beat him to it, wrapping her arm protectively around the blue hedgehog in disguise. 
“Excuse me, but that’s my husband you’re talking to,” she snapped, watching as Tom’s eyes practically exploded with shock. THIS was their excuse? “And he has a height condition, mind you! A skin one, too. It’s very tragic really, stunted his growth. Isn’t that right, sweetie?” Tom’s overprotective father rage came back full force as he watched his daughter look down at Sonic with a lovestruck look on her face that could have won an Oscar. How the hell could they think that anyone would believe an excuse like that? He watched with flames in his eyes as Sonic gave the girl a heartwarming smile and rested his gloved hand on top of hers, using the fakest country accent that Tom had ever heard.
“That’s right, darlin’. The face I was born with, the confidence I picked up along the way.” Shockingly, the waitress was dumb enough to believe it, nodding her head softly and smiling at the “couple.” 
“They’ll have two Mello Yellos,” Tom sighed, watching as the waitress walked briskly away. He finally turned back to the two just as they hesitantly brought their arms back to their own bodies. Y/n’s heart raced excitedly in her chest as she glanced at her friend out of the corner of her eye, her head getting slightly confused from all of the emotions she was experiencing. Sonic’s stomach was full of butterflies as he cleared his throat, trying to distract himself from thinking too much about everything going on. 
“You two are insane,” Tom tossed off his cap and sat down across from them. “You owe me one.” 
“Thanks, Dad,” Y/n smiled sincerely, her e/c eyes gleaming at him from across the table. She knew that he was having a difficult time with the situation as a whole, and while she was doing her best to lighten the mood on things, no one could deny that the danger was ever present. He was just trying to keep them safe. Tom gave her a smile in return. No matter how much they quarreled and disagreed, she was still his daughter. Maybe not biologically, but they were one of the lucky ones to have accomplished that bond.
“I have never sat on a bar stool before,” Sonic gushed. “Look, it even spins!” He spun around in the chair so fast that his sunglasses were thrown off, landing on a pile of crushed peanut shells by some bikers. 
“Having fun?” Tom asked sarcastically. “Check this off the bucket list, right Y/n?” The girl in question pursed her lips, tilting her head to the side in thought.
“Actually, inline skating behind a car went before watching a bunch of bikers search for stray peanuts in their beards, but who’s counting?” She shrugged. Sonic stared at her with wide eyes, amazed at the pure awesomeness of this girl.
“Wait, what’s a bucket list?” He asked. 
“A bucket list is, uh, it’s a list of things that you want to do in your life before you, well, you know, kick the bucket.” Tom explained, scratching the back of his neck in an avoidance to say the word ‘die.’ Sonic’s bright green eyes lit up like a Christmas Tree at the idea of it. He was learning something new every minute he spent with these two.
“I’ve never kicked a bucket before, either! I have to make my list! N/n, you got a pen?” Sonic asked, swiping a notepad from one of the bartenders and returning back to the table just as Y/n pulled out a random LED light pen she didn’t even realize was stuck in her boot. The two humans watched as the hedgehog scribbled down line after line of things he wanted to do, giggling to himself along the way. The sight of it brought a soft smile to Y/n’s lips as she watched him write away. Never before had she had so much fun with someone, enjoyed being in someone’s company for so long. She had never really had a true friend before. Until now. 
“Hey,” she gently touched his shoulder. “What’s wrong?”
Suddenly, Sonic stopped writing. Y/n’s pen slowly lifted off of the paper as his expression began to fall, his green eyes that were once full of joy and excitement were now filling with sadness. Y/n felt her heart instantly drop, already feeling the desire to get that smile back on his face no matter what the cost.
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“There’s so much stuff I’ve never done,” Sonic responded, sitting up straight. “And now that I’m leaving earth forever, I guess that I missed my chance…” 
Y/n’s heart sank. In the big rush of things, she had completely forgotten that the whole point of this road trip was to find Sonic’s rings so he could leave the planet. No matter what the connection they had (even if it was just nostalgia), he wasn’t staying. He had to go… 
Tom noticed his daughter’s expression fall as soon as the words left his mouth. He sighed deeply, glancing between the two of them. They were good kids, trying to keep things light hearted through the duration of this trip. And if Sonic wasn’t going to be on this planet for much longer, then the least that Tom could do was help him make those moments count. 
“Well, I guess this is the kind of place where you can get a lot of living done,” he spoke, looking around the room. Sonic and Y/n looked up at him. “I suppose we could spare an hour.”
The two exchanged excited grins and turned back to the adult. “Really? You’re going to bucket list with me?” Sonic asked. Tom shrugged, smiling.
“Sure, why not?”
“You will not regret this!” Sonic promised. Y/n laughed, grabbing the list and reading over the first couple of lines. 
“I’m pretty sure we will,” Tom sighed. 
In forty minutes, the three were able to knock out almost half of the things on Sonic’s bucket list. They started with country line dancing, which Y/n was shockingly good at (and made the two boys stop and stare in shock because they didn’t even know that she knew how to dance). Then they played darts and successfully managed to pop open ten cans of beer in less than two seconds. The bar even had a metal basketball hoop, so in order to complete a slam dunk, Y/n threw Sonic up onto the rim where he kicked the chain so many times that he established a new high score. And what kind of country-themed bar would the Pistol Pitt be if they didn’t have an electronic bull? 
“Shit, shit, shit,” Y/n shrieked, clinging onto Sonic as he held on to what she assumed to be the withers of the bull. It bucked them around in circles, making Tom laugh from his point of view as the two struggled to hold on.
“Is this bull headless or does it have two butts?” Sonic asked. 
“It’s best not to think about it.” Y/n laughed just as the bull’s tail hit her in the ribs. “Ow! Okay, that was rude!” She snarled as Sonic burst out laughing. About two minutes later, the duo got flung off of said bull by Tom and Y/n flopped around on the blowup floor. 
“Seriously?” She groaned, placing her hands on her stomach. Tom chuckled next to her. After a couple more minutes had passed and Sonic managed to make some lady throw her drink in Tom’s face, the three sat back down at the high top to catch their breath. 
“Nice work, Romeo,” Sonic laughed, wiping a tear out of his eye. Tom faked a laugh too, wiping off the rest of the alcohol from his face.
“Ha ha, having a good time?”
“Of course I’m having a good time,” Sonic cheered. “I mean, what could go wrong?” Something moving behind them caught Y/n off guard, and the moment she tilted her head to look she regretted it. 
“U-um, Dad…” She whispered, staring with wide eyes as three very pissed off looking men approached them. Sonic spun around on his bar stool to face the friendly gentleman and plastered on a smile. 
“Can we help you gentlemen?” Tom asked politely, but keeping a wary eye on the men. One of them was taking a very sudden interest in Y/n, so Sonic carefully nudged himself closer to her, just in case. The man in the middle with the surly face looked Tom up and down.
“We don’t like your kind around here.”
“And what kind would that be?” Y/n asked in confusion, leaning back slightly on the table in an attempt to rid herself of the putrid smell of cigarette smoke that came from their clothes. The guy looked down at her and Sonic, using the fact that he was standing to his advantage and gritting his teeth.
Y/n had been expecting a worse insult, so she just shrugged, but Sonic took it as a severe offense. 
“How dare you?” He muttered heatedly. Tom quickly held up his hands in surrender, sensing the high levels of danger starting to appear. 
“Now, now, we were just leaving,” he began, but Sonic was quick to interrupt him, wagging one gloved finger. Y/n slowly shook her head at the hedgehog, trying desperately to send him cues to back down. The last thing they needed was a bar fight to top off the wanted signs that were probably being posted right now. Y/n watched in fear as Sonic gave them a “pop quiz” which she assumed was some great one-liner from a movie, and then knocked the guy on the head with one of Tom’s empty beer bottles. Unfortunately, it didn’t break. 
“Darn,” Sonic muttered, flipping the bottle around in his hand. “That was supposed to work.” 
“Son,” Y/n began to slowly rise from her chair, tugging on a stray lock of her hair nervously. “I think we should go…” Her friend, however, refused to give up as he continued to knock the burly man on the head with the bottle, not quite hard enough to break it. She watched with fearful eyes as the man’s face slowly contorted into one of anger. Tom quickly made his way over to Sonic just as the man pulled back his fist and went in for the punch. Sonic was quick to duck, unfortunately leaving Tom to take a full blown fist to his face. 
“Dad!” Y/n’s hands flew up to her mouth as she watched her dad stumble back.
“I’m good, kid,” He reassured her. Then the best part of the brawl flung into action. People got bumped into other people, in turn pissing them off and causing them to find their fists a much better source of anger management than their manners. Sonic, overjoyed that he was now living through yet another thing on his bucket list, took a myriad of super punches at the man who punched Tom in the face, which only pissed him off more. Even Y/n, who had been a bit scared at first, was testing out her abilities by dodging the pedophiles littering the area and taking out some people that she couldn’t tell their gender. She was doing amazing up until the point where some very drunk, very scary-looking man with a teardrop tattoo under his eye and a mangled head of dreadlocks pinned her against the wall. 
“Hey there, pretty lady,” the man chuckled. Y/n squirmed under his grasp, scrunching up her nose from the putrid stench of alcohol coming from the man’s mouth. Her heart began to race from the adrenaline filling her veins as her e/c orbs looked into the man’s black ones, void of any emotion. She refused to answer, desperately trying to wrangle herself free from his grasp, but he was much bigger than her and ultimately overpowered her. Y/n frantically looked around the bar for help, but Tom was busy trying to avoid getting hit in the face and Sonic was nowhere to be seen. 
“L-let go of me,” she rasped, her limbs beginning to grow weak from the fighting. Then the fear began to set in.
People began slamming into one another, beer came crashing down from the sky, men got yanked up to the ceiling with elaborate wedgies, and bikers wearing bear heads crashed into the floor. Y/n and Tom smashed back into time in shock, shaking their heads a little and looking around at the chaotic room in shock. Everyone else was lying on the floor with some sort of injury. 
Meanwhile, Sonic had just finished helping rescue Tom while he was running through the air in his own slowed down time slot. He pushed the man up to the bar and turned around to see what else there was he could mess with until his eyes landed on Y/n. She was pressed up against the wall by a very disgusting and uncouth man, a look of pure terror written on her face. His expression became overcome with worry as he raced over to her. The blue hedgehog practically threw the man off of her in a fit of what he assumed was rage (but quite honestly felt like jealousy) and grabbed a pitcher full of beer, positioning it just so so that once time came back to full speed that it would spill all over his head. He turned back to Y/n and pulled her by her hands all the way to the bar where a frozen Tom was still standing. After he had assured that his two favorite humans were safe, he screwed around with some other people a bit before zipping back to Y/n just as time fell back into motion. 
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“W-what just happened?” Y/n asked, wondering how she had gotten out from underneath that guy so fast. Sonic grabbed ahold of her hands once again and looked at her with concerned eyes.
“Are you okay? That guy was being such a jerk!”
“Y-you did this?” Tom asked in surprise. Sonic nodded rapidly, but his focus was still on Y/n. She slowly nodded, dumbfounded. What the heck had just happened? Did Sonic save her? She looked back down at the hedgehog that was still holding her hands. He did save her, didn’t he? Wow… the only guy that had ever saved her before was her dad, and that was when she was in danger of getting sued for crashing into someone’s chicken coop. He cared enough to save her. He didn’t have to do that, I mean, he barely knew her! But there was something about him… the way that he vibed with her, his excitement and ability to make any situation a fun one to be in. He made her smile and laugh. He made her feel like she actually belonged somewhere.
A small butterfly lifted up from its perch and began to flutter around in her stomach.
“So, should we get out of here?” Sonic asked, looking over at Tom for confirmation. The man in question nodded quickly, already picturing the amount of trouble they could get in.
“Yep, time to go.”
♡ a.a.
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