#he's somehow more dorky and flustered around her than she is in everyday life
galewindstudios · 5 months
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Henry Redesign feat. his girlfriend (& Jules)
The sketchy doodles of Henry's new design! Bro strong🔥🔥
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riseofmoonxchild · 5 years
b i t t e r ⬴ ʇ ǝ ǝ ʍ s // chapter two
➴pairing – jimin x reader – taehyung x reader – [ft. namjoon]
➴genre – fluff // angst
➴theme – college!au // jimin!barista // taehyung!artist
You developed a little crush on the barista at your local coffee shop, Jimin. While you start going to the cafe regularly, thinking it as harmless and innocent, you don’t realize that your interest in him will catch the attention of Taehyung, the most-liked boy in school. As the two of them stir up an almost espresso-and-milk-kind-of element to your school life and study load, you find yourself involved in a more complicated situation than you were prepared for.
»listen to the bittersweet playlist titled “coffee shop boy” here.
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« y i n and y a n g »
You pulled your hair up into a ponytail as you walked past the staff that filtered people coming into Club Avenue. Namjoon followed after you, and immediately fixed the tiny pieces of your hair that were sticking out weirdly, as if instinctive.
“Thanks,” you said, tightening your ponytail.
Namjoon just scanned the room, with the same serious/contemplative look that he had on his face the majority of the time. Sometimes, that was just his facial expression, and you teased him for it. But this time, he was probably more serious than he should have been, considering this night was meant for both of you to have fun together.
“Who are you looking for?” You first looked in the same direction as him, then peered over to look at his face to get his attention. He made eye contact with you, still distracted.  
“Nah, it’s nothing. Don’t worry about it.” But the more he tried to be chill about it, the more skeptical you became. You knew that sometimes he would only come with you because he didn’t want you to be alone, and because he was worried about the type of guys he knew came here. But he was usually calm about it, and right now he seemed kind of on-edge. Like there was someone particular he was being wary of.
He started pushing you further into the room, along the edge where the bar was, but close enough to the center that you could join in with the dancing, which he knew was what you preferred. “Let’s just do what we came here to do.”
You knew that Joon would be at the bar, not really drinking, but still, he said he liked the atmosphere and talking to people with their guards down. Dancing wasn’t really a possibility for him, not in public, at least. He would only dance if it was just the two of you.
Tonight he was especially tense, so you turned around to grab the wrist of the hand he had lightly touching your back. “You’re dancing with me tonight, then.”
He just scoffed. “That’s not happening.”
You just became even more determined, and asked for two shots from the bartender. You handed the soju to Namjoon, who just blankly stared between you and the glass in his hands a few times. “Let’s do what we came here to do-” you mimicked his words, trying to remind him: “have fun.”
You raised your eyebrows in slight impatience, signaling for him to drink it. He gave you a mixed confused look, like for some reason he couldn’t figure what was up with you, and then leaned his head back to drink it in one gulp.
You grabbed the next one, gave it to Namjoon, and stared at him, waiting. “This one’s for me too?” He asked, looking somewhat frighteningly surprised.
“Well I’m not the one who needs it right now, am I?”
After he finished, Namjoon had just enough time to slam the glass onto the counter, as you were dragging him into the sea of people—a bold action in and of itself. Even though he didn’t like getting this up close with people, and you knew it, he let you, because Namjoon knew you needed it more than he did. And you knew that too.
⋆ ⋆ ⋆
Jimin ran his hand through his hair, head down. This wasn’t usually his scene, but Tae always dragged him to these places.
Taehyung was talking to two girls that had walked up to him, while Jimin was by the bar, just out of ear shot. Jimin didn’t even mind that he wasn’t in the conversation, it was more comfortable that way. But they kept glancing over at him, from the other side of his friend.
This continued on for some time, until it came to a point where Jimin was too flustered or uncomfortable, that every time he noticed it happening, he just sipped his drink, or looked nonchalantly in the other direction—or both. He wasn’t really interested in conversations that were pointless, or with people who just wanted something from you.
Jimin caught his own sideways glances at Tae, who was intently invested in the conversation. He would laugh, the kind of laugh that was so deep and repeated, where he scrunched his eyes, you knew it was genuine. Or he would gesture with his hands, flailing them around, and you could tell by his voice he was trying to convince his listeners of something, like his life depended on it. Or he just randomly threw in low key meme faces where they fit in the conversation.
Jimin didn’t even know what they were talking about for the whole time, but he knew this was why girls, or everyone, liked Taehyung, while he had an uncanny fan-club-like following. Tae never judged anyone, he was always kind and any kind of person could talk to him easily. He talked to everyone like he knew them. If they were lifelong friends or complete strangers, there wasn’t much of a difference in how he interacted with them. He just made people feel worthwhile. Like their time was the most precious thing to him in that moment.
Jimin didn’t understand how he did it, but that was just Tae, a naturally genuine person. It came flawlessly. It was the reason why they were friends; Taehyung was one of the few people Jimin trusted so easily.
People just enjoyed being in Tae’s presence. But Jimin knew, that a lot of the time, they also were gaining something for themselves by talking with him. There were particular people that wanted to raise their social status somehow. And because Taehyung easily made friends, he knew students who were established by their families’ social statuses, he befriended them, without a second thought. This just made it easier for those seeking to climb the social ladder, if they really persisted, since Taehyung was so easy to approach.
Not everyone was like that, but Jimin became skeptical more often than not. He hated the fact that someone would try to take advantage of Taehyung.
“A-hooo,” Taehyung interjected in his own conversation. “Sorry guys, I should probably watch my friend more closely. Looks like Jimin-ah needs my attention.” Tae flashed an apologetic smile to the girls he had been talking to, as he made his way over to Jimin and took the drink out of his hands.
While Tae had been talking to the two girls for some time, he also had talked to three others since he’d been here—some he knew, some he didn’t. But he always managed some kind of an excuse after about ten, fifteen minutes.
“Yah, why do you even come to these places if you don’t want to talk to anyone?” Jimin started feeling the heat coming off his face, flushed pink, as he realized how much he had ended up drinking over the past hour.
He never told Taehyung how he felt about some of the people he associated with.
“I like talking to you,” he countered playfully, “that’s why I came with you.” His eyes disappeared and he just leaned against the bar, sipping Jimin’s drink, as he watched people out on the dance floor enjoying themselves.
Jimin just shot the boy a questioning, sideways look. He sat on the stool, leaning back and mimicking Tae, tilting his head up to stare at the ceiling, as his body suddenly felt loose and heavy. Soon enough, he couldn’t even fight to keep his eyes open, and he dozed off to the beat of the DJ’s music as his lullaby.
⋆ ⋆ ⋆
Jimin was too asleep to catch Taehyung’s realizing the girl—who came into Jimin’s coffee shop almost everyday—was there. He was too asleep to see Taehyung, with a cutely amused smile tugging the edge of his mouth, and a look in his eyes that Jimin had never seen before.
Taehyung had never felt like he was able to invest his interest in many people—except for Jimin, an exception. But it was kind of impossible, considering the scene she was making, wrapped up in her own little world. And something made Taehyung want to enter into that world.
⋆ ⋆ ⋆
You laughed, seeing Namjoon let loose and flail freely in the middle of other people’s dancing, not nearly as passionate as him. Joon could actually dance pretty well—albeit a little uniquely—but with how much he wanted to make you laugh and have fun, combined with his facial expressions, people weren’t sneaking glances because they thought he was good.
The more you laughed, the more into it he got.
But you joined in with his dorky dance moves, and you were pretty sure you caught him laughing at you a few times.
You couldn’t keep track of how long you had been there dancing—you never really did because you always got too caught up in it—but at some point you caught a glimpse of Taehyung. You usually never crossed paths with him in these places, outside of school. Something inside your stomach flipped, and then stayed there like a dead weight, making you feel nauseous. Before you knew that your body was moving, you grabbed Joon’s wrist, exiting Club Avenue as fast as you could break through the crowd.
A/N: i’ve been slightly struggling through this already, b/c autocorrect wants to change jimin’s name to ‘jimmy’ everytime, and i just can’t, aha.
anyway, this chapter is kinda setting the stage for future conflict—which i’m prolly more excited for than i should be, aha—but there’s definitely way more fluffy moments in the future of “bittersweet”—ya know i can’t resist. also just imagining tipsy jimin is way too cute i can’t help it uwu
→ preview // prev. // chapter two  // next
→ "coffee shop boy” playlist
taglist: @monvieesdaebak
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