#he's so dorky to me but it's so charming at the same time
nouearth · 7 months
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gif credits: zanephillips
wait guys... hear me out....
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vivwritesfics · 5 months
Max Verstappen Shirt
The fans and fellow wags don't like it when she wears the same out fit to a Grand Prix. She doesn't much care
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There were quite a few things Max liked about dating an ordinary girl. 1) she had no idea who he was. 2) she had no idea who his friends were. 3) she didn't expect anything from him.
Max could get takeout for them while they watched a movie and she would be happy. He didn't have to take her out to fancy, overpriced restaurants. He didn't have to take her out shopping for a new outfit every time they left the apartment.
Now, Max would have done all if this I'd she asked. But she didn’t ask. She appreciated him the way he was.
It was a little while into their relationship before Max took her to her first Grand Prix. Her outfit was cute and extremely weather appropriate. A cute top and a cute pair of jeans. Max walked her through the paddock with his hand on the small of her back.
When Max won, he ran over to his team, jumping into their arms. And then he was taking his helmet off, replaced it with his hat and walked over to her, kissing her slowly. (It was captured on video, and circulated the Internet for weeks. Every time it came across her feed, she couldn't stop herself from sending it to Max).
At the next Grand Prix she dressed as well as she could. The jeans were the same, but the top was different. Her outfit was both complimented and criticised online.
Not that she saw the criticism. No, all she saw was the video of Max kissing her after his win. Of her wrapping her arms so tight around him as she peppered kisses all over his face beforing giving him maybe the most memorable kiss of his life.
She knew Max had money. She was aware of it every time she flew in his private jet. Every time she stayed in his Monaco apartment. Every time he drove her in his cars. She knew he had money, but she didn't want him buying her stuff.
No, that wasn't the reason she was with him. She wasn't there because he was an F1 driver, because he could buy her everything she ever wanted. She was there because he was a cute, slightly dorky guy that she wanted to spend every waking minute with.
She remembered the first time she wore the same thing twice to a Grand Prix. The outfit was so cute, but it didn't matter how cute it was.
So far, all of the other wags had been so lovely to her. They were kind, but she hadn't been around long enough to really be friends with any of them.
It was Daniels girlfriend that pulled her to one side before the race. The two had spent the most time together out of any of the wags she had met so far (aided by Maxs friendship with Daniel).
"Hey Love," she said, wearing a charming smile as she wrapped her arms around her. "I love the top. Have I seen it before?" Daniels girlfriend asked.
Y/N couldn't help but grin as she looked down at her top. "Thanks!" She grinned. "Found it really cheap, wore it to Monaco," she said.
Daniels girlfriend sucked in a breath. "Well, as a general rule, Wags don't wear the same outfit to two grand prix," she said, her hand on her shoulder. "Not unless they really have to."
The way she said it, she was clearly implying something. But she wasn't the only person thinking it. There were people online saying the same thing.
"Well, nice catching up," Daniels girlfriend said and walked away, leaving her alone.
She couldn't bring herself to look dejected as she walked back to the Red Bull garage. Unlike other Wags, she didn't have the funds for a new outfit every race. Max would have been only too happy to buy her a new outfit for every Grand Prix if she asked.
But she wouldn't ask.
"What's up?" Asked Max as she walked towards him with an unintentional pout on her lips.
She quickly replaced the pout with when she looked up at him. "Nothing," she said. "Just hold me."
Doubt and all kinds of negative feelings consumed her. But she was a fighter and she needed to do something about it.
There are incredible things you can find on Etsy, like This Shirt Right Here. She bought herself one. No, she bought herself five. The first time she turned up wearing one, it was iconic. The second time she went to a Grand Prix wearing one, it was still iconic.
If the wags and the fans had a problem with her wearing the same thing to each Grand Prix, they could suck her dick.
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mediumgayitalian · 4 months
“Call me if you need anything.”
Nico raises an eyebrow, glancing down at the phone, glancing back up at Will. The corner of his mouth twitches.
Will shakes it at him, gesturing vaguely with his free hand. “Just in case,” he insists.
“If I need anything,” Nico repeats, blinking again at the little device. It’s compact, at least, not even half the size of Will’s palm — although that doesn’t mean much — and appropriately black. There is a dorky little Pokémon charm clasped to the antenna, but it’s removable, probably. At the very least it can be stashed in a pocket. And it thankfully does not look brand-new.
“From you.”
“Thus the ‘call me’.”
“…From the Underworld.”
“Would you just —” He darts out and grabs one of Nico’s hands, prying open his fist and slapping the phone in his palm, curling his fingers back over it. “Take it. Please.”
Nico takes it, twisting it in his hands.
“I’m not gonna need it, Will.”
“That’s what you think.”
“What, d’you get a dream or something? Should I be worried about this?”
“Of course you should be worried about this! You’re chasing down errant souls in the godsdamn Underworld.” He works his jaw, gaze dropping to the ground. “By — by yourself, with gods know what after you. So.”
The smile Nico had been trying to fight back pushes through the last of his defenses, softening his face, and in one move he pockets the cellphone, swallows back the laughter pushing at the bubble in his chest, and reaches out, hooking a finger under Will’s chin.
“Will,” he says, grinning when those pretty blues finally meet his eyes, when he rolls them, glancing stubbornly away again. “Will, sweetheart.” Stubborn, stubborn boy; pulling away from all of Nico’s touches but leaning into the hand he uses to tuck his hair behind his ear. Melting into it, like he always does. Nico’s smile grows into something much more smug, and his voice bleeds something teasing. “I lived there. For years. My father is the king there, if you recall. I’m something of a prince.”
“Yeah, prince of being a pain in my ass.”
Nico snorts. “You know, it’s almost like we switch roles when you’re nervous.”
“I’m not nervous, you jackass, I am responding normally to a stressful situation. That’s logic.”
Nico glances down at the nails he’s chipping, clicking them rapidly.
“You’re clicking.”
His hands still.
“…Am not.”
“Well, now you’re not.”
“Just —” He blows an errant curl out of his eyes, mouth twisting in frustration. “Call me, Nico.”
“There are maybe four places with cell reception.”
“Well, you better find them.”
Nico laughs, pulling him down at the same time he pushes up on his tiptoes, kissing the worried line between his eyes.
“I kind of like worried on you,” he admits. “You’re cute when you’re grumpy.”
Will makes a noise in the back of his throat, something halfway between a scoff and a sigh, and follows Nico’s mouth when he starts to pull away, pressing close, pressing close, pressing closer. He tastes like mint chapstick and sunshine, as usual, but his lips are bitten, and his cheeks are flushed more than usual.
“I’ll call,” Nico promises softly. He pulls away just enough to meet his eyes again, holding his gaze until he softens, nodding. “Not a lot, ‘cause I’ll be busy, but I’ll call, tesoro. Once every couple days at least.”
“I’ll come find you if you don’t,” Will grumbles, scowling when Nico laughs again, smiling when Nico kisses him on the cheek, in the nose, on the forehead and eyelids and mouth. “Stay safe.”
“Love you too, azzurro.”
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willieverseetheland · 1 month
like you mean it (pt. 1)
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Dexter Morgan x fem!reader
Summary: You haven't felt very appreciated by your (serial killer) boyfriend recently, so he shows you how much he really cares.
WARNINGS: 18+, angst, implied smut, language
Pt. 2
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From the moment that you met Dexter, you knew he wasn't like everyone else. He can be a little socially inept at times, as well as insensitive. However, at the same time, he's incredibly loving, charming, and funny. You love him and all his quirks. Compared to the men you’ve been with in the past, he’s a saint. He's respectful, kind, and you actually feel safe with him.
But at the end of the day, he’s still a man.
He has a hard time seeing things from your perspective, which can cause a lot of arguments, that are almost always one-sided. You try not to nag but it's hard feeling like the only one putting in effort. He often forgets the things that you tell him. You figure he doesn't find importance in the same things that you do. Lately you've been feeling a little neglected. Monday you asked him to come over for dinner, but he said he was busy. Wednesday you asked him to go lunch with you on his lunch break, he said he was busy yet again. You had a movie date planned for Friday; he bailed last minute because he was...busy.
You always get excited thinking he’s going to say yes, planning cute outfits, spending time on your makeup and hair, all for him to say no. You end up sitting on your couch in front of the tv, with a pint of ice cream instead.
Finally you convinced him to come over tonight. You would love for it to be a relaxing and romantic night, but you know you need to have a talk with him. You hate having these talks because it can feel like talking to a brick wall at times. You know he means well; he just doesn't see it the same way or doesn't even mean to make these mistakes in the first place. But it is hurting you, and you're tired of feeling like your boyfriend doesn't want you.
Of course, he won't be here until late. He has to "take care of a few things first". You knew blood-spatter analysis was a complicated job, but you didn't think it would require this much overtime...
Even though you're slightly mad at him, you don't want him to starve so you make dinner for the two of you. As you're setting the table you hear your apartment door unlock.
In walks Dexter, with his adorable face and dorky smile. You may be irritated but you can't help but smile at the sight of him.
"I made dinner, would you like a beer?" you ask
"Sure" he says with a soft smile
He comes over to give you a kiss on the forehead. You make a half-ass smile in response. When you don't kiss him back or even look at him, he can tell something is wrong.
"What did I do?" he frowns
You immediately sigh
"Dexter, I...I just feel like you don't care. About me, about us."
"What? That's not true at all, why do you think that?" He exclaims
"You've been so distant recently. Gone all the time, always bailing on our dates, always busy, you hardly call or text! I just wish you would put in a little more effort, that's all." You can feel tears begin to form; you didn't realize you were this upset about it.
"Y/n, you know I'm busy with this case, they just really need me right now." He's looking at you, looking through you. You can't read any emotion or remorse on his face. This only makes you want to cry more.
"It feels like I don't mean anything to you! I feel like you don't want me anymore." You can feel your face getting hot and your chest tightening. "Fuck, do not cry right now" you think.
You bring your hands to your face, rubbing your eyes in an attempt to ward off the tears.
"What do you mean? Of course you matter to me; I've just been busy." he has a look of confusion, like he can't understand why you would feel this way. He's here now, isn't that all that matters?
"Well, it just doesn't feel like you mean that."
"Well I do, you're my girlfriend, of course I want you." he sighs
"Then prove it! Show me that you mean it." You look into his eyes, you think you finally see it, regret, remorse, guilt.
He brings his hand up to your cheek, he finally sees how upset you are. You sink into his touch, stepping closer to him.
"How? Change? How do you want me to show you that I want you? That I care?" He's looking into your eyes, brows furrowed.
Even with all the hurt and anger, all you want to do in this moment is kiss him. Feel his body against yours. Not only has it been long since you've had any quality time or even a deep conversation, but you also haven't had sex in weeks. You feel guilty for thinking that in this moment, but you just want to feel close to him, connected.
You place your hand over his
"Stay the night. Be with me... Fuck me, like you mean it. Like you want me, like you care."
SURPRISE BITCHESSSS! I told y'all I was on my writing GRIND. If you want a part 2 lmk! Someone return the favor and write Dex fics for me please and ty <3
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spidey-bie · 9 months
"Hobie would rizz you up."
That nigga who said "I was this cool the whole time"?
"Hobie is so suave and charming."
The same man who sounded like a reluctant toddler after Miles was told what to do?
(Cutest scene with him in it too. "I'll do it but not because you told me too 😤" Ok baby, now eat your broccoli.)
"Hobie is so mysterious."
This the same man who was like nah I'm not gonna give y'all my face but I will give you my full government name right? We're talking about the same man right????
Where's the "Hobie would see someone attractive and immediately start infodumping to them"?
"Hobie doesn't know how to show affection in a NT way so he builds tiny model figurines of you or something you like out of recycled materials"?
IDC what anyone says. To me this man is a dorky lil bastard who thinks he's the greatest thing to come from humanity since the electric guitar. He thinks he knows what he's doing. He goes into conversations fully confident that he's got this only to fall flat on his face. Anyone who isn't mesmerized but his face is immediately sitting there trying to plan their escape and Hobie is none the wiser.
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withonly-sweetheart · 12 days
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Your Hero
Friendly neighborhood Spiderman, huh? You wouldn’t have expected your new dorky nerd best friend to be passing in the shadows of the charming hero behind the mask, hanging upside down and staring at you with odd interest. Why does he seem oddly familiar?
tw: fluff from college leon and spiderman leon because they've both been swirling in my mind fr !!
wc: 3.3k
To be fair, you didn’t pay much attention to Leon at the beginning of the semester. You kept to your separate corners of the world; his being the potted plant near the doorway, where he stood with a bag slung over his shoulder every day, eyes narrowing at the watch on his left wrist, and…
Maybe you have paid attention to him.
It was a dance you had forgotten you’d learned, talking with him. He’s not the same guy you remember from high school, the one who always stuttered through answers and pushed his glasses up when the class mocked him.
The only person being mocked seems to be you now, three weeks into the semester, and the dip of your already fluctuating grades is enough to spur you to find a tutor. Your professor doesn’t seem to be much help, offers you a weak smile and a shrug and tells you to find resources elsewhere.
And you find it in the once, now self-assured straighten of his back as you snake around the crowd to tap his shoulder, grinning broadly.
“Heard you’re pretty good at this stuff,” you offer vaguely. Leon cocks a brow and you don’t expect the amused smile on his face to cause you to feel flustered.
“Guess I am,” he replies, and it seems that not only has his personality and appearance changed, but his voice is at least an octave deeper. It resonates through your entire body in a way that's difficult to describe. “Why? Need help?”
An awkward silence stretches between you as the implications of his altered tone sink in. Clearing your throat, you shuffle your feet and continue, "So, uh, when are you free?"
Leon taps his chin thoughtfully. "Is lunch okay for you?"
You consider it for a moment. “Wow, are you asking me out?”
He winks and you just about buckle to the ground. “Didn’t you come up to me first?”
The chair makes an absurdly loud sound when Leon scoots closer, hands clenched around the base of his seat, a bashful smile on his face as he waves his apologies to all the wandering, hesitant eyes that meet you.
It’s been about a month, and there seems to be no progress with your grades. You would consider dropping him altogether if it weren’t for the strange fact that you enjoy his company, cherish that he takes time from his evidently busy schedule to tutor you.
“Go on,” he prompts when you snap back to attention, startling from his fingers waving in front of you, brushing your nose. “What else did you notice?”
“There was definitely a lot of conflict in the last few scenes,” you mutter, trying to recall last night’s frantic reading that he had assigned three weeks ago.
“I don’t know, I wouldn’t really say death is conflicting, would you?” he replies dryly, dropping his head to glance up at you from under his glasses, and therefore, his long, wispy eyelashes. They reflect the dim lights of the library, seeming to sparkle and illuminate his eyes.
“... yes?”
“No one dies,” he says, stirring from his position once again to stretch his arms against the table, lying his cheek onto the muscle of his bicep, staring up at you with a puffier face. “You didn’t read it, did you?”
“... no?”
“I can’t be here forever,” he whispers, quietly, only for your ears. “You know how many things I have to be doing. Put the effort in. For me, please?”
And something about his tone is so sincere, so genuine that it makes you want to try harder, push yourself, do the homework on time and actually do something about your grades.
You’ve grown to consider him a friend. Your grades have lifted, as has the burden from your shoulders, head high when you stroll out of the lecture hall, and spot Leon fumbling with the vending machine nearby.
It’s a habit to startle him whenever you see him outside of classes, yet you don’t understand the strange looks you get. In any case, he is infinitely a better person than you had expected, better than everyone you had tried to get with initially.
He flinches at your touch, fingers creeping between his arm and torso, wiggling to spark a surprisingly tired laugh.
“What kept you up all night?” you tease. “Trouble in paradise?”
“Nothing of the sort,” he responds gruffly, eyes softening in exhaustion. “That would be better than what’s going on right now.”
Leon is a reserved man. He trusts you to some extent, where, on the other hand, you’re ready to give your life for him. You get attached quickly, what can you say?
You’ve grown used to barging into your shared rooms, not announcing your arrival, often catching Leon off guard, staring down at something on his phone before he shoves it away, that same embarrassed expression slipping off his face when you ask what’s wrong.
​​You arrive back at your dorm after a long day of classes, exhausted and looking forward to relaxing. But what’s past that door is everything that you would think not to expect.
"Oh- hey, you're back!" Leon says with a grin. But that's not all that catches your attention - your roommate has a bizarre outfit on; a brown, crinkled leather jacket, cargo pants, something that looks horrifyingly bland on him. And is that a splash of blue you see peeking out from underneath everything?
"Uh, Leon..." you reply, taken aback. "Didn't realize you were into cosplay. Something you need to tell me?"
"It’s, uhm, complicated," Leon replies vaguely, rubbing the back of his neck. "Let’s just say I have some important work to take care of."
"Right, because you're secretly the city’s hero," you deadpan, still not sure whether to believe this outrageous claim. “Well, come back soon, alright? I need help decoding chapters 18 and 24.”
“Of course,” he says with a wink. “I’ll just be a minute.”
But a minute goes by, which you expect, but then that minute morphs into a hour, and then two, then four, and eventually you’re worriedly pacing your dorm floor, awaiting a phone call, text message, anything to just know-
The phone vibrates a moment later as you rush to fish it out of your baggy pockets, jamming your finger against the notification.
Of course its not him. An unknown number, something fairly recognizable but you can’t quite put your finger on it. The hometown seems to be somewhere far away, starting digits something you don’t have the time to search up when the next text pops up.
Come outside? :)
who is this?
I just have your notes. Hurry up.
oh, thanks! gimme a sec
You remember requesting notes to study from Leon, but he gave your number to his friend, without your consent, might you add, so this must be him. He deemed this friend was far more outgoing, far more entertaining, a better person to hang out with.
You don’t expect Spiderman to be this friend of his.
“I’m starting to think you like me,” he jests, months later, on one of his patrols of the city. He always swings by your window, conveniently always timing his visits when Leon’s out with duties at the police station. You want to deny the accusation, but can't bring yourself to lie to the webslinger perched outside your window.
Not when those masked eyes peer at you with such care and familiarity. Like they see straight into your conflicted soul.
Not when you don’t want them to hang out. Of course not. The problem is your heart is pulling you in two different ways, down two paths that never intersect, and navigating these tangled feelings seems impossible without hurting one of them. They're so alike, yet fate keeps your two dimensions apart. You don't know how much longer your heart can take the strain.
But you bottle it all up, every little bit of you that screams to be adored, cherished in the way they both look at you, one through a mask and the other through glasses, both doing little to nothing to hide their emotions, the expressive raises of their eyebrows.
They’re definitely like each other, a little too much, you suspect.
A sigh escapes your lips. "It's not that simple. You both..." You shake your head, not wanting to put either in an awkward position. Some walls are better left unbreached. "Just focus on helping people, okay? That's what's really important."
He crouches silently beside you for a while, sensing your troubled thoughts without needing to be told. When he speaks again, his voice is gentle. 
"You seem really down. What do you say I take you around the city for a bit? Might do you some good to get some air." He nods toward the skyline glowing in the dusk. "No better view than from up high, if you're up for it."
You eye him hesitantly, unsure if facing your feelings while swinging between skyscrapers is the best idea. But it has been so long since his invitation stirred your spirit rather than your heart. And you could really use a distraction. 
Gripping his offered hand, you nod. "Sure. Why not? I definitely might not die from this." 
Spiderman chuckles, pulling you firmly against his side. "You better hang on tight then." 
A spray of webbing shoots forth and you're jolted into the air, wind whipping around you both. Your uncertain thoughts fade against the euphoria of flight.
For now, it's just you and the freefall through flooded lights.
And the handsome, mysterious, masked hero you’re wrapped around.
“I can’t see you anymore,” your hero mutters one night as you push the window open, eagerly awaiting his tranquil presence, the idea that he takes the burden, the pressure of school off your shoulders, sharing the weight of the sky with you.
“What?” You stare up at him and he stretches, seemingly uncomfortable.
“Can we talk?” He gestures down at the alley between your dorm building and the conveniently close laundromat, however loud the broken washing machines get.
“Yeah.” Your lips form a purse, behind them, your thoughts are clumsy and tie themselves in a bow around your tongue, presented to Spiderman as broken sentences as you approach his state.
He’s hanging upside down, face tilted curiously, in a crouching position, held by only the thinning strand of web, and you wonder how that small thing is able to carry such a physique. 
“I’m putting you in danger,” he protests a few minutes later, standing in front of you, back turned away as you lean against the brick wall, crossing your arms with a stubborn huff.
“Have I died?” You shake our head like a little kid. “No!”
"What's your endgame, huh?" he asks in desperation, wildly turning to confront you. "Why do you insist on being friends with me?"
"Are you saying you've got an issue with that?" you retort flippantly, the tiniest hint of something like pain flickering in your eyes. "Am I bothering you or something?"
“They’re all after me," he frantically explains, words spilling out of your mouth like water from a broken dam. "I’m literally the most wanted man right now!" 
"But you seem to be handling it well," you counter.
"Can't you see?!" he shrieks, voice bordering on the hysterical, and you can see the prayer in his expression, that the fear in his eyes will send you packing. "Stay with me, and you're signing your death warrant!"
“How can you be so sure?” you ask, disbelief coating your words, unable to determine whether or not he’s weaving tales to get you off his back.
“Because,” he hisses, a tight whisper, “I’ve lost too many people. Too many people I love.”
“Love?” You scoff. “You wouldn’t be this ecstatic to get me away from you if you really loved me?”
Spiderman looks at you, confusion etched on his face. “You… think I don’t love you?”
“Obviously not.”
“How can I prove it?” he asks, stepping closer, face softening, closing the agonizing distance between you with a few steps. “I can’t promise your safety. I love you too much to let you die.”
“Of course you do,” you say, waving off his words.
“How do I prove it?” he repeats, more pressing, urgent, like he needs a response before he does anything. His hands are right there, so close to your waist, and you find yourself itching to throw yourself into his arms.
“Kiss me,” you blurt out. “And I’ll know.”
You see him grin. You think he’ll take the whole mask off, but that was proving too much to hope for, but your heart still flutters when you see the bottom half of his face, faintly recognizable, but the hazy feeling in your mind that sparks from his lips only serves to cloud your thoughts even more.
His mouth presses harder against yours, hand curling around your hip, slotting in perfectly like it’s meant to be there, for what feels like another second before he pulls away roughly.
All too briefly, he tears his lips away to yank down his mask, chest heaving. "Shit, I shouldn't have..."
But the words die when you reach up to caress his cheek, seeing the flush that spreads underneath the mask. "It's okay. I wanted this too."
Leon's eyes - no, Spiderman's eyes - drop shut like he's in physical pain. "You don't know what you're asking. I can't… we can't..."
You try to reassure him but he backs away each time, out of reach, like he’s further away than you can see, deserts and oceans, miles and miles between you, even though just a moment ago he was closer than you’d ever imagined.
And you yearn to know who he is.
You suspect you’ve known all along.
How silly is it?
"When you're ready to stop running," you call softly, "you know where to find me."
And you’ll know where to find him.
The first piece of evidence to support your claim comes the afternoon following that night, with your squinted eyes trailing Leon everywhere, drawing a chuckle from that beautiful mouth, the mouth that, you suspect, had been pressed furiously against yours last night.
Not only that, something seems off with his shoulder. It’s held stiff at his side, and everytime you decide to be lazy and ask him to fetch something from the kitchen, he winces, grumbles something under his breath, rolls his shoulder and stalks away.
After a few days of waiting for your ‘beloved dormmate’ to open up to you, you take matters into your own hands. He hasn’t even fumbled to grab his keys from his pocket before you spring up from the couch, swing the door open and steer him over to where you were just sitting.
You peel away his shirt before he can protest, leaving him bare chested and stammering, skin burning into crimson. 
“What are you doing?” he murmurs as you press the area.
“I may not know how to read,” you reply, prodding his shoulder blade, “but I know how to treat injuries just fine.”
“Why not become a doctor?”
You shrug. “Too much work.”
He smiles, and the curve of his lip, so similar to the smart mouth and remarks you looked forward to every night is the second piece you need.
The third, and final, you hope, piece comes when you sigh, scrubbing a hand down your face as you enter your dorm room. Safe to say that without Leon’s tutoring due to his more and more frequent absences, occasionally showing up only to be slumped at his table, snoring softly.
Without him listening, you knew you were doomed. So you’re about to scream your ass off, chastising him, telling him to get to class quicker, that whatever he does in his free time can wait.
But Leon stands by the window in a way that gives you pause. His back is turned, shoulders hunched as if lost in thought. What really catches your eye, though, is the bit of red fabric dangling from his fingers.
"Everything okay?" you ask slowly, shutting the door behind you. Leon whips around at the sound, hastily stuffing the fabric - no, his mask - into his pocket. But not before you notice the familiar webbed pattern. 
"Fine!" he replies, a little too cheerfully to be real. "Just, uh, thinking. Hey, did you see that video of the guy backflipping off a building? Crazy stunts people pull these days."
You raise a brow. "Sure, but it looks like you've got something else on your mind. Or should I say under your clothes?" Leon pales. Without a word, you stride over and pluck the mask from his pocket, giving it a wave.
"Want to explain this?" Your tone is light, but inside your heart hammers. Finally, after weeks of prancing around the bush, he’ll give it to you straight, setting things right.
Leon stares at the mask like a deer in headlights, at a total loss for words. You've never seen him so unsettled.
"Look, I can explain," he says anxiously. "Just, hear me out before you freak, alright?" 
You arch an eyebrow, pretending to be intrigued. "I'm listening."
Leon launches into a tale - the spider bite, the powers, how he's used them these past months to protect the city from the shadows. By the end, you’re hanging onto each word - you didn’t know your friend was quite the storyteller.
"So you're really him, huh?" you say, still processing that your suspicions had indeed been correct. "My secretive roommate is the one and only Spiderman."  
Leon runs a hand through his hair. "I know it's a lot to take in.”
“Not really,” you say with a shrug.
He stares at you blankly. “What?”
“You think I couldn’t tell from that night in the alley?” you muse. “I’m not as dense as you think, Spidey.”
A slow smile spreads across his face, relief washing over your face at the fact he isn’t mad about that. "Spidey? How cute.”
You match his grin. "Now you're talking." You hand the mask back to him, crossing your arms with a stern look. “Now, I don't need your protection, Leon," you insist, softening as he flinches at your use of his real name. "We're in this together, like it or not. No more secrets, deal?"
Leon sighs, gripping the mask tighter. Slowly, he nods, relaxing his expression. "No more secrets. And you can call me Spidey, if you want."
You pretend to mull it over. "Hmm… well, now I’m not so sure it has the same ring to it as Spider-man." But saying it makes Leon's entire face light up like a kid on Christmas. You can't help but return his infectious grin.
“Alright then,” you say, unable to stop cheesing. “Now get back out there! There’s a city calling your name!”
Leon quirks a brow, and you tilt your head to question the gesture.
“Can I count on the next person calling my name being you?” he says sweetly, batting his eyelashes at you. 
“You can count on your nose being broken if you don’t get out of here in the next five seconds,” you joke and Leon seems to visibly lose the blood in his cheeks.
You find it adorable that he takes you seriously.
“Oh, and one more thing,” he says, clambering through the window, as if he’s suddenly in a rush.
“Yeah?” you reply, humming to yourself as you stroll over to him, pondering what your life will be like from now on, having a superhero as your best friend- no, you realize, looking into his iridescent eyes. Boyfriend.
“Remember to read chapter 37,” he says dotingly. Then he leans down to capture your lips and words in a quick kiss. Then he’s grinning and gone.
Vanished into the night, a shadow slung across the bright city lights.
Your hero.
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joequiinn · 5 months
The Dos & Don'ts of Fake Dating | E.M. x reader | pt. 4
[chap three] | [all chapters here] | [chap five]
summary: You propose a crazy idea to the resident freak of Hawkins, Eddie Munson. But maybe he was even crazier for agreeing to it…
notes & tropes: fem reader, faking dating, opposites attract, bratty rich bitch reader, minor revenge plot, not-quite-enemies-to-lovers
a/n: Oooh lads, here we are again! I was going to save this chapter for tomorrow, but I'm having a bad day, so I decided to treat all of us with an update today! Not too much happens in this chapter, however, it still charmed me very much, and I'm the one who fucking wrote it lol. As always, enjoy and let me know what you think!
taglist: @costellation-hunter @daisyridleyss @damon-loves-pie @damp4eddie @delilaaahhh @kthomps914 @lotrefcp @marrowfrog00 @mewchiili @munsonssweets @no-bueno-writer @rach5ive @sav12321 @steeldaisies
wc: 4.0k
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Chapter Four
“What the hell?” Amelia hisses while practically slamming down her lunch tray. You looked up at her with feigned ignorance, your eyes cool as you took both her and Janet in. You’d once again attempted sitting at your new lunch table, the same dorky couple sharing it with you, amongst a few of their friends. Although the group briefly eyed you, they’d been ignoring you for the past few minutes. That is, until your friends showed up.
“What?” You asked before turning your attention back to your food.
“You know what.” Amelia insisted, staying on her feet with an irate look. You were shocked she even dared to come out here in no man’s land to talk to you for a second time. Janet, submissive as ever, stayed back, looking between you both with worried eyes, “Did you hit your head or something? Why are you suddenly so interested in Munson?”
Annoyance jaded your features. You settle your glaring eyes on Amelia, your voice just as accusatory as hers, “Why does it matter?”
She scoffed as if it was the most obvious thing in the word, “Because he’s a loser. What’s everyone gonna think if they keep seeing you two together? You already made a scene this morning, they’re already talking.”
You shrugged, far too nonchalantly for Amelia’s taste, as you spoke around a bite of food, which was actually your way of hiding the glee you felt knowing that people were already talking about you and Eddie, “Does it matter? Does any of this shit matter?”
“Of course it does.” Janet finally chimed in, her voice calm compared to Amelia, “You could get yourself in trouble hanging out with someone like him.”
You rolled your eyes before shooting her a condescending look, “When have I ever gotten in trouble for literally anything?”
“It’s bound to happen eventually.” Amelia countered, and you finally dropped your fork to look at them both, your frustration growing.
“If it bothers you so much,” You start, your tone cold and direct, as non-emotional and harsh as you could manage, “start hanging out with someone else. Start hanging around Duncan, for all I care. We have loads of other friends who I’m sure won’t do something as stupid as talking to a boy.”
Amelia rolled her eyes at the way you mocked them, familiar with the tone of voice you were using. She’s heard you use it at least half a dozen times before when you two had gotten into stupid arguments in the past.
“Look, whenever you’re done PMSing or whatever, you’ll see where we’re coming from.” With a finite look on her face, Amelia picked up her lunch tray again and headed off back to her familiar, comfortable lunch table. Janet gave you an apologetic look before scurrying off a moment later.
You should be upset. And, yes, a part of you was irritated by the conversation, and yet, a large smile spread across your face - you didn’t anticipate that you’d piss Amelia off so quickly and acutely. You two have fought a number of times before considering how easily your personalities could clash, but this felt like you actually accomplished something. Your plan was already working wonders, despite your continued doubts.
As you went back to your quiet lunch, you couldn’t help but watch your group of friends from afar, mostly in irritation, although you felt a mild pang of loss in your chest. They all looked so happy, so at ease with one another, and a part of you suddenly missed that feeling. But you knew you were just being nostalgic, because you wouldn’t feel any of those things if you sat with them - you wouldn’t feel happy or at ease, rather you’d feel annoyed and tense.
Yet you couldn’t help but that bit of sadness you felt at the sight of them.
Even Duncan, that asshole, looked cheery as he shared a laugh with the guys, clapping one of them on the shoulder. You couldn’t help but glower at the sight of him. Diverting your attention, your eyes began to scan the lunch room, wondering where exactly Eddie and his band of rejects sat. You’d never noticed before considering that it didn’t matter in the past, but it was probably a good idea to start keeping track of these types of things. 
You eventually found the gaggle of geeks, watching as they excitedly conversed. The mean-spirited part of you made a judgmental face, assuming they were talking about D&D or the arcade or something else equally as nerdy. After a few moments of taking in the group as a whole, you found yourself studying Eddie’s face, taking in his ever-changing expression; he didn’t seem to notice you watching him, which gave you a better chance at observing him.
Eddie was always theatrical, you realized, always throwing his arms around as he spoke or raising his voice for particular emphasis. You found it strange just how big his communication style was, especially considering how tightly wound you always were. Where he had his exaggerated movements and his dramatic tones, you had your tight motions and controlled voice. Just thinking about how different he was dared to give you a headache, and you caught yourself wondering what the hell you’d be in for once you two moved your fake relationship along.
Eventually, Eddie seemed to sense eyes on him, because his gaze found yours curiously. You raised an eyebrow, unsure if he was able to see the movement from halfway across the cafeteria; when he made a face in return, you figured he noticed. He, too, raised both brows as if in question, nudging his head ever so slightly - it appeared that he was asking you to join him, but you couldn't be sure if that’s what he meant. Nonetheless, you shook your head at him, deciding that you were enjoying your quiet lunch and that you weren’t quite ready to put up with his group of loser friends for even five minutes. Regardless of whether or not you wanted to, you knew you’d get to that point eventually. Eddie gave a shrug of his shoulders, as if silently saying “suit yourself;” and although he turned his gaze back to his friends, you two continued stealing glances for the remainder of your lunch break.
Come Wednesday morning, Amelia wasn’t waiting for you at your locker. No one was except for Janet, who looked tense before she spotted you walking towards her. She tried to put on a brave face once you two met eyes.
You figured this meant Amelia wasn’t planning on talking to you anytime soon. Good. As for the rest of the group, it didn’t matter to you either way. Although, it was still surprising to see Janet here by herself - she must’ve been sent by Amelia.
As you approached, Janet gave you a sheepish wave. You couldn't help the familial smile you gave her - she was a much easier person to get along with than most others in your circle.
“How long before Amelia talks to me this time?” You jested with a mean quality to your voice.
Janet didn’t appear to be amused by it, though, as she responded, “She’ll hold out forever if she feels like it.”
You huffed out a laugh while opening your locker, “Good point. Maybe that’s not such a bad thing.”
You two were silent for a few long moments as Janet nibbled at her thumb nail and you moved belongings between your bag and your locker.
“What’s going on with you this week?” She finally asked, out of curiosity, rather than with judgment. Nonetheless, you shot her a look, to which she quickly waved her hands as if to calm down whatever bitchiness was about to stir up in you, “No no, I’m not trying to be mean. It’s just… you’ve been weird since school started.”
So, Janet noticed. You wondered if anyone else had. Maybe they’d all been ignoring it, but now that Eddie was in the mix they couldn’t keep that up anymore.
You shrugged as the pair of you began the trek through the halls to your respective classes, your answer noncommittal, “‘Weird,’ huh?”
Janet watched you as if she was waiting for you to elaborate, before sighing and asking, “Is there something going on? Like, something you need to talk about?”
You laughed without thinking, a mean and dismissive sound even to your own ears, “Yeah right.”
Hurt flashed across Janet’s face, her tone clearly different than it was a moment before, “Geez, sorry I asked.”
“Just stop worrying about it, alright?” You insisted with harshness, your eyes cold as you looked over at her.
With a resigned expression, Janet dropped her head and sighed, muttering as she walked away, “Yeah, whatever…”
It briefly struck you that maybe you didn’t have to be so bitchy all the time. But, then again, you didn’t really know how to be anything else.
Your day went on as usual from that point. You discussed a boring book in first period, you wasted time in second period, and once third period rolled around, a vague excitement struck you as you remembered that that was the one class you shared with Eddie. You should not have been excited at that thought, not in the slightest, and yet it added something interesting to your otherwise stupid and monotonous day.
When you entered the classroom, Eddie was already there, sitting at his usual desk in the back corner, looking bored despite class not even starting yet, drumming his pencil absently on his desk. As you approached and he spotted you out of the corner of his eye, he sat up a little in his seat, a nearly cute smile crossing his lips. Once you reached his side, the kid next to Eddie glanced up at you curiously, to which you made a face; meanwhile, Eddie just appeared surprised that you were the one to initiate conversation.
“Didn’t see you this morning.” You started simply, crossing your arms in front of you.
“I was late.” He shrugged lazily before giving you a conspiratory look, “What, were you waiting for me?”
You narrowed your eyes a little at his teasing, responding in a flat tone, “Oh, I was absolutely heartbroken.”
“Figured.” Eddie grinned widely, to which you responded with a subtle smile.
You turned away and went to your desk in the second row, surrounded by other students who were part of your usual circle of acquaintances. While waiting for class to start, you looked around the room, your gaze unintentionally drifting back towards Eddie. You studied him for a few moments before a decisive look graced your features and you abruptly stood back up. The movement caused a couple of people to glance your way, but otherwise no one cared.
You walked to the back of the room, turning your attention on the boy sitting next to Eddie, who awkwardly looked between you and his desk as if he were nervous under your gaze, as if he feared looking you in the eye.
“Move.” You say harshly. He looks at you in surprise and confusion, to which you raise a curved brow as if challenging him to defy you, “Move.”
You didn’t have to repeat yourself again. With a surprised scoff, he collected his things and migrated to the next available seat, which was sure to throw off the entire seating arrangement of the class for the day. As you plopped down at the desk next to Eddie’s, he laughed halfheartedly, his expression just as surprised as the other boy’s.
“Jesus, you are mean.” He states, although his eyes seem to show at least a hint of appreciation. You shrug, pulling your notebook and pencil from your bag.
“Well, I wanted to sit here.”
“Ever heard of the word ‘please?’” Eddie teased, shaking his head at you. You gave him a look out of the corner of your eye, refraining from talking back.
As the bell rang and the stragglers migrated in, people began to notice your change of seat. Some people looked at you strangely, others with disapproval, and the rest just didn't seem to notice or care at all. Hell, even your teacher had to pause and search for you during attendance, realizing you weren’t at your usual desk. Her vague hum of disapproval was enough to get a few students to shoot glances your way. As if in response, Eddie stretched his leg across the aisle to rest his foot on the metal basket beneath your seat.
Math class came and went, and as you walked out of the room, Eddie followed right alongside. As you led the way to your next class, Eddie playfully bumped your shoulder with his, which was starting to become a common thing between you two already, a quick way for him to break the rules you laid out for him.
You glanced up at him with a raised brow, “Yes?”
Eddie shrugged, looking falsely nonchalantly, causing you to narrow your eyes in confusion and perhaps mild annoyance. The playfulness wasn’t something you were accustomed to, nor did you think you ever would.
“You gonna sit with us at lunch?” He asked, to which you pulled a face, causing him to laugh without amusement, “I take it that’s a ‘no.’”
“I didn’t exactly factor your friends into this plan.”
Eddie looked nearly amused, but also perhaps a touch critical, “What did you factor in?”
You made a face, but he continued to simply look down at you with a slight grin. You sighed in response, chewing the inside of your cheek with thought.
“I guess we need to come up with some more rules.”
“Do I get to make some this time?” Eddie joked.
You rolled your eyes smally, “I’ll allow it.”
“Then I guess it’s a date.” You paused momentarily to look up at him with narrowed eyes.
“You still have to actually ask me out, that doesn’t count,” The pair of you reach your biology classroom, so you pause outside the door. “I’m expecting those flowers and balloons, you know.”
“I’m sure you are.” Eddie mocked, that damned grin still across his lips.
Students brushed past you to enter the classroom, and you briefly wondered if Duncan - who you shared this class with - was already here, if he had noticed the two of you. But you didn’t dare to look into the classroom, because just your luck he’d figure you were looking for him. But as that thought crossed your mind, you took a small step closer into Eddie’s personal space, putting on your best look of interest as you stared up at him. Eddie first appeared flustered and confused, but he quickly brushed it off as he seemed to slowly realize what you were doing.
“You’re not half bad at this, you know,” Eddie teased, his eyes shining as he said in a slightly lower voice, “If I didn’t know any better, I’d almost believe you liked me.”
Despite yourself, your cheeks warmed a little, but you hoped that it wasn’t obvious. Or maybe you did want it to be obvious. There was just something about Eddie’s tone that threw you off your rhythm, and you mentally kicked yourself for it.
“Don’t flatter yourself.” The flirty expression on your face juxtaposed your flat tone, and Eddie’s face looked almost wicked in response.
“No, that’s supposed to be your job.”
You had to pull your eyes away from Eddie’s - you had absolutely no interest in him, but this performative flirting was starting to mess with you a little. That’s something you’d have to work on as well, because you didn’t need this plan to confuse you one bit.
You didn’t realize how long the two of you had been standing in the hallway, as the ring of the fourth period bell nearly startled you. You found Eddie’s eyes again, giving him as cute a smile as you could muster.
“Go before you land yourself in detention.” You instructed; Eddie grinned widely while shaking his head.
“I practically run detention.” He, again, brushed his fingers along the small of your back as he moved past you, holding your eyes as you watched him go, “I’ll catch you later.”
You gave a small wave before dipping into the classroom, eyes roaming over everyone as you walked to your seat. You caught Duncan looking at you knowingly.
By Friday afternoon, Amelia was over your spat earlier in the week, insisting that you sit with them at lunch, to which you begrudgingly agreed after she kept pestering you. Well, maybe she wasn’t entirely over it - her snide little comments throughout the week made that abundantly clear. But, just as most teenagers do, she chose to pretend it didn’t happen and go on with life as usual. She ignored the little glances Eddie would shoot you in the hall, the little knowing looks you two shared, and you didn’t mention your new seat next to him in math class.
After classes ended for the day, you were amongst a group of students lingering in the parking lot, everyone discussing that night’s football game and other upcoming plans for the weekend. You actually managed to hold a half-decent conversation with a couple of the cheerleaders and a boy you once upon a time had a crush on back in freshman year; that never went beyond making out drunkenly a couple times at parties. Nearby, Duncan entertained a group with some story that probably wasn’t as interesting as everyone acted; he hadn’t acknowledged you this entire time, and had made it a point of ignoring you since Wednesday.
The group seemed to be in agreement that they’d all go out after the football game, and of course it was presumed that meant everyone, including you. You avoided saying anything on the subject so you wouldn’t be held accountable for it later.
At some point in your conversation, your former crush made a puzzled face at something past your shoulder. You mirrored his expression curiously, looking behind you to see what caught his attention.
Eddie was approaching the group. You had to give him credit, it was ballsy to come up to a dozen popular kids as the guy who was almost universally hated in this school. In that moment, you appreciated Eddie’s confidence and lack of fear.
You decided you’d rather spare yourself the headache of everyone ganging up on Eddie, so stealing a glance at the group, you slid off the hood of the car you sat on, walking away from them without another word. As you met him halfway, Eddie gave you a devilish grin, his eyes drifting from you to the crowd of kids just beyond your shoulder. You raised your brow challengingly at him, but managed a small half-smile at his presence.
You briefly wondered what they were all thinking, what they were all saying. You hoped it was nothing good at all.
“They sure look happy to see me.” Eddie commented, casually sliding his hands in his pockets with a lazy grin once you two came together.
Just like you’ve been working on, you stood closer to Eddie than you would have liked, giving a performance even as your back was turned to all of your friends and acquaintances. You needed to be convincing at all times, so you tried to think about all the little details that would suggest you were interested in Eddie, even if no one could see your face - leaning in as you spoke, twiddling your fingers, etc.
“So, are you asking me out now?” You tilted your head to one side as you asked in a matter-of-fact tone.
A small huff escaped Eddie’s nose, “You’re a real romantic, you know that, princess?”
“Aren’t I just?” You taunted, eyes narrowing.
Keeping his face cool, Eddie leaned forward so you were nearly eye level with one another, a smirk still resting on his lips as he responded in a prodding tone, “I’m going to ask you out now. If that’s alright with you, of course.”
You made a face at his mocking tone, but nodded nonetheless, staring at him impatiently. Eddie put on an extra charming smile for the audience inevitably watching your interaction as he stood back to his full height.
“Then in that case,” He paused to eye you up and down with an expression you’d never seen on his face before - if you didn’t know any better, you would’ve bought it, and you nearly flushed at that thought. Eddie projected his voice, not so loud that it was obvious, but just enough that some of your friends were certain to hear him, “So, what do you say? Let me take you out tonight, anywhere you want.”
“Tonight?” You asked with actual surprise while Eddie smiled at you with a charming look on his face.
“Unless you have something better going on.” Eddie taunted while stealing a glance at the group behind you, his expression growing almost too cocky considering that you both knew that you couldn’t say “no.”
You were certain the group was watching your conversation unabashedly, if Eddie’s attentive eyes were anything to go on. You traced your tongue along your lower lip as you drew out the moment just as Eddie had done to you before. When it seemed that you were taking too long, his gaze flicked back down to you.
“I really hope you don’t have something better going on.” He added as if he were getting nervous, as if this was real and the feeling of rejection was creeping up on him. You raised your brows tauntingly, your expression a little mean, and Eddie realized you did this on purpose. He just had to refrain from letting his impatience show on his face.
You finally show him mercy, adding a flirty smile despite the fact that your friends still couldn’t see your face, “Anywhere I want, huh?”
You could practically feel the impatient exhale that escaped Eddie, his eyes showing the slightest bit of annoyance at you. But he kept that charming grin in place.
“Then it’s a date.” Your tone is a little brighter as you try to convey excitement.
You turn back in the direction of the group so that you could walk to your car, Eddie coming up alongside you. Your stride is confident despite all eyes on you, and you can see some of them whispering to one another. As you breeze past with Eddie beside you, you see Duncan shaking his head in disbelief, while another friend makes a harsh comment about Eddie.
“Pick me up at 7,” You start to instruct, letting your cool eyes look over the crowd of popular kids, “figure out if any good movies are showing, I’m craving popcorn.”
Once you two reach your car, you lean your rear back against the driver door while looking up at Eddie who now had his back to the group. You almost enjoyed the reversal, as you were able to catch every small glance sent your way by Amelia, Janet, and everyone else; now you could see just how harshly everyone had been staring at you before.
You whispered, forcing Eddie to stand a little closer, “We’re not actually going out tonight, I have something going on.”
“Damn,” Eddie teased with a false grin, “you got my hopes up.”
“But we do need to make plans soon,” You continue, ignoring his sarcasm, “We have to figure out how this is going to work.”
“And it’d be nice if your fake boyfriend actually knew anything about you.” Eddie added, to which you made a face despite knowing he had a point. A curious look crossed his face, as if what you said about having plans just a moment ago was finally setting in, “So… what do you have going on tonight?”
“Not telling.” You answer simply as you give him a wicked grin. Your eyes trail back to the group of your former friends for a split second, and in an impulsive act of defiance, you lean up to kiss Eddie on the cheek, his barely-there stubble tickling your lips. You pulled back with a flirty look, desperately fighting the impulse to make a face at the physical contact that you just initiated, “We’ll talk next week, Munson.”
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deakyjoe · 2 months
Bewitch You In The Moonlight
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Pairing: Cardinal Copia x Reader (fem)
Category: idk
Summary: You encounter a likeminded soul during a sleepless night.
Warnings: insomnia, awkward conversations, swearing/cursing, Copia is a nerd, reader is also a nerd, you’re both lonely and find comfort in each other basically
Word count: 4.6k
A/N: Oh, to have a Copia to spend sleepless nights with. This is currently planned to be a series (but works as a standalone for now!) and is just a big excuse for me to write Copia as the nerdy, dorky, sexy, old man that he is. It’s pretty self indulgent but I hope that others can enjoy it too. Title from… an obvious source ;)
Consider buying me a coffee :)
The moonlight was irritating.
Despite being a lover of the night, and the luminous natural satellite that orbited the sky, you couldn't help but find yourself angry at the moon. The fucking moon.
You weren't naturally the easiest person to fall asleep anyway, often finding yourself tossing and turning for hours on end. But since being relocated to a new room, the problem had only gotten worse. The position of your new room meant that the moon shone directly through the window and illuminated your whole bedroom. Even when you closed the curtains, going so far as to tape the edges to the wall at one point, the light still managed to find a way to break through the cracks.
Staring at the silvery gleam reflecting off of the floor, you bit back the tears that were stinging in the back of your eyes and threatening to make your throat close up. You had an early class in the morning, Primo was starting lessons on botany. You were excited, finding something new to study. But you were tired. So tired. And not a wink of sleep was coming to you.
Throwing back the blankets, you swung yourself out of bed and marched over to your bookshelf. Maybe a chapter or two would help you sleep. Scanning the titles, you found that none of them were grabbing you and you held back a scream of frustration. What were you supposed to do?
Pacing around your room for a moment, you thought about what you could do. A late night stroll was the first thing to come to mind. And perhaps to the library. To pick up a new, more attention grabbing book. Maybe one on botany to get a head start on Primo's classes. Yes, that was exactly what you were going to do.
Slipping on a pair of fuzzy socks to keep your feet warm, you reached for your phone. To find that it was dead. Why hadn't you charged it before getting into bed? You sighed and considered what else could be your light source to guide your path. Your eyes drifted towards a candle that someone had gifted you upon your arrival at the abbey. It was meant to be a joke about the building and its grounds looking old and gothic so outsiders assumed it had no electricity. They were very wrong. But the candle was charming. It sat in a brass holder with a handle. Just like something straight out of a Dickens novel.
You sighed before plucking it from its resting place, never having been lit, and rummaged through a drawer to find some matches. Once you'd acquired those, you ignited the candle and tiptoed to your door. You didn't know exactly why you were being quiet. It wasn't against any rules to be out of bed at this time but you also didn't want to wake anyone else in the same dormitory wing as you. You did know the grievances of losing sleep after all.
You padded along the corridor, glad it was a fairly warm night as you hadn't thought to bring an extra layer to cover the garments you'd chosen to sleep in, with your arm extended out in front of you so the candle could light the way. You'd been right in assuming that all lights in the abbey would be off. It was approaching almost two in the morning.
You weaved through the hallways, knowing the blueprints of the place like the back of your hand, and trotted up and down flights of stairs. Another annoying feature of your new room was that it was farther away from the library than the previous one. You were starting to wonder whether you could put a request in to be moved back.
You started humming a low tune to yourself, something you'd heard on the radio a few days prior, to keep yourself company on the long walk. You weren't scared of the empty abbey exactly, knowing there were hundreds of people sound asleep just through all the sets of doors you'd passed, but you couldn't deny that the darkness and silence was a little spooky.
That spookiness only upped itself when you rounded a corner and were met with a bellowing shriek. You jumped back from the noise, or technically the person it emanated from.
"Sathanas!" The figure gasped, followed by a string of mumbled Italian.
You raised your candle slowly to illuminate their face, surprised by who you had come in contact with. "Cardinal?"
"Sì, sì." He mumbled, not looking at you as he pressed a hand to his chest to calm himself down. He was wearing a matching set of pyjamas, buttons up the middle, a deep red shade with a pattern of grey and brown... were those rats? Upon slightly closer inspection you found that they were indeed rats.
"I like your..." You gestured vaguely at your own pyjamas before pointing at his.
The Cardinal looked surprised as he glanced down at his attire. "Oh, my jammies? Thank you."
"You like rats?" You asked, hoping to get him to relax a little as his breathing was still laboured.
"I love rats!" He exclaimed, immediately shushing himself. "Eh, yes, I like rats."
You smiled at him. "What about rats do you love?"
"Lots of things. They are small. They like cheese. They squeak when they are happy. Very nice little creatures, hehe." He chuckled at his own description, his eyes crinkling in the corners.
You nodded at him, liking the simplicity of his answer. "I'm sorry for scaring you, Cardinal."
"Oh no, it is fine." He shook his head at the memory of the way he'd screamed at you. "Not your fault. This place gives me the heebie jeebies at night."
"Yeah, it is a little creepy." You added on, not voicing your question of why on earth he was a Satanic Cardinal if he couldn't even handle the dark... you figured everybody had layers. That's when you noticed he wasn't carrying any sort of light source. "Cardinal, were you walking around in complete darkness?"
"Uh, no." He sighed. "I thought the moonlight would guide me further. But then I got here. And have been stuck for ten minutes. Walking in circles, I think."
"Oh." You coughed to hide a laugh. "Well, where were you headed? I can get you there if you want."
He looked briefly at your candle, recognising it as the initiation gift of the siblings. "The library."
"Me too." You sent him an easy smile, relieved that you wouldn't have to divert your journey at all.
The two of you walked in silence for a few moments, the only sound being the wind outside, as you questioned whether it was okay for you to ask him why he was still awake.
Luckily, he answered that query for you. "So, why are you going to the library so late at night?"
"I could ask you the same." You retorted with a smirk. "Bit of an insomniac."
"Ah, I see." He nodded in understanding. "Me too sometimes."
"Is that why you're awake tonight?" You asked.
"Sì. Sleep just would not come to me." He paused and inhaled deeply. "Forgive me, sorella, but you are going to have to remind me of your name."
You smiled and introduced yourself, not the least bit surprised nor offended he couldn't remember your name. You'd only crossed paths on a few occasions and you were sure the Cardinal met a lot of people every day.
"Ah, I think I remember you from that course on rituals I conducted last year. Correct?"
Your eyebrows shot up in shock. "Uh, yeah. Yeah, I took that course."
He hummed. "Mm, you were very eager to learn."
You averted your eyes away from him, embarrassed. "I have a thirst for knowledge, you could say."
"That is a good thing, no?" He wondered and you shrugged. "What other classes have you taken?"
"A few." You replied, not entirely untrue but maybe a little understated since you would take any class you could get your hands on. "I'm starting the botany one tomorrow. Well, today I guess."
"With Primo?" He asked and you nodded. "It will be fascinating, I'm sure."
"I hope so. Even if it's not then he'll be a good teacher. He loves plants." You mumbled, thoughts straying to the gardens that were so meticulously looked after by the retired Papa. "Hey, you should teach a class on rats."
Copia chuckled. "I do not think there would be much interest in that, sorella."
"Maybe a class on small mammal species then?" You offered. "I'm sure there are plenty of amateur zoologists in this place."
He smiled at you. "Would you attend?"
"Only if you promise to do a section on moles." You nodded. "I love those little fuckers."
The Cardinal snorted out a laugh. "Okay, I will take it up with the clergy."
"I look forward to it."
The two of you quickly approached the doors to the library where Copia produced a key from a seemingly invisible pocket to unlock them.
"I didn't even consider it being locked." You whispered, realising that bumping into him had definitely been beneficial.
Copia huffed. "Sì. As much as we encourage sinning, we have some rare editions in here that we do not need siblings to get their hands on in the midst of partying."
"Makes sense." You stepped closer to him to give him more light from the candle to which he thanked you. It was then that you noticed that he was wearing the leather gloves that always adorned his hands during the daytime. Strange that he would also wear them at night. But you weren't going to judge him for it, or even comment on it. "Cardinal-"
"Copia, per favore." He corrected, not taking his eyes off where he was struggling to get the library doors unlocked.
"Copia-" You rolled the name around on your tongue, liking the way it tasted. "-is it okay for me to be in the library at this hour?"
"Of course, sorella-"
You cut him off with your own name to which he glanced at you with a smile.
"I give you full permission. It is the least I can do since you rescued me from the darkness, eh?"
"I suppose." You muttered. "I just don't want you to get in trouble for letting a sister wreak havoc on the library in the middle of the night."
He stood up, as if he were giving up on unlocking the door, and gave you a mirthful look. "What exactly are you planning on doing with these books?"
You relented with a slump of your shoulders. "Read them."
He shrugged. "See? No havoc. Just reading."
"Would you like me to try?" You offered out your hand, palm up, to take the key from him.
"Ah! Sì, sì!" He sounded grateful that he didn't even have to ask you, handing the key over in exchange for the candle.
You shuffled past him and bent down, sliding the key into the lock and turning it until it clicked. "There we go."
"Thank you. Sometimes my gloves make it difficult." He sighed as you pushed the door open.
You smiled, curious as to what the deal with the gloves was. Maybe he had an issue with dirt. You decided to just be lighthearted about it. "The price of fashion. Beauty is pain they say."
He looked momentarily surprised by that statement, a pool of red rushing to his cheeks. Or maybe it was a trick of the light. "Uh, yes. They do say."
You bit back a grin at the prospect of making him flustered, he really was a sweet man, and tilted your head in the direction of the library. "Lead the way, Cardinal."
"Copia." He groaned but walked into the library first anyway, candle held out in front of him. "What book were you looking for, sorella?"
You followed him, noting that he'd gone back to calling you sister in response and closed the door behind the two of you. "Initially I was going to read up on some botany. But now I've got the urge to read about rodents."
He perked up and turned quickly to face you again, candle tilting dangerously in the holder at his rapid movement. "I can recommend some books on rodents."
You reached out to steady the candle before it dripped molten wax all over the floor, fingertips brushing against leather as you pulled away. "That sounds lovely, Copia."
He grinned at you and turned away again, walking more eagerly towards the stacks. You rushed to keep up as he started murmuring something about which book would be best for beginners, colliding with his back as he suddenly stopped.
"Sorry." You grunted, rubbing your forehead as you stumbled backwards.
The candle was abandoned on an empty shelf, safely out of the way of any books, and his gloved hands were hovering over you before you even had the chance to blink.
"No, I am sorry. I shouldn't have just stopped. I am an idiot, sì? Please forgive me. Are you okay?" He rambled, eyes wide with panic.
"Yeah, I'm okay." You laughed. "You were just wrapped up in the moment thinking about rats. I get it."
Copia's face dropped in embarrassment. "It is a problem."
"No, I think it's nice that you're so passionate. I get like that when I have something new to learn about." You sent him a reassuring smile. "Besides, you were thinking about books to recommend to me. If anything, it's my fault."
He was stood so close, barely a couple of inches away, that it gave you an opportunity to take him in. Like, really take him in. You'd never been in such close contact before. He sat at the front during mass, you had to sit with the rest of the siblings further back. Any time he conducted anything he would be stood at the head of the room, obviously, and you'd be one of the audience. It felt strange being so near to him.
You knew his eyes were mismatched, it was the gossip of the century when he'd first come to the abbey since nobody had failed to realise how it was similar to the mismatching eyes of the Emeritus line, but you'd never noticed that the darker eye was a gorgeous shade of green before. He also had smile lines, both around his mouth and crinkling the edges of his beautiful eyes. The greys in his hair, which you had always taken notice of, now only stood out more in the flickering candlelight. And where his mouth was hanging slightly open in concern you could see that his bottom row of teeth were crooked.
Realising that you were staring at his mouth, you looked away from him, to somewhere over his shoulder, before you said something you'd regret.
"Don't blame yourself." He said lowly, grabbing the candle off the shelf again as he tilted his head backwards. "Come. The good books on rodents are this way."
You nodded silently and just started following him again. His pace was slower this time, careful not to rush or cause another crash with you. After another minute or so of walking, he rounded a corner and stopped.
"I had the librarian rearrange the stacks so the books about rats were put here instead." He explained as you took in the little nook you'd never seen before.
It was hidden towards the back of the library, dark, with a single small window to provide some evidence of outside life. There sat a set of comfortable looking chairs and a coffee table. It was cosy looking. However, there was no discernible light source. No lamp, no overhead light, nothing with electricity.
"It's nice." You croaked, imagining Copia hidden away here for hours on end. Nothing to keep him company apart from a good book. "I can see why you had the librarian rearrange."
He sent you a small smile before walking over to a couple of sconces on the wall. You squinted and noticed that they held candles. The tug in your chest was unmistakable. You knew Copia didn't have many, if any, friends so the idea that he'd brought you here was flattering.
The hem of his pyjama shirt lifted as he lit the first candle, exposing a stretch of his abdomen. You looked away out of respect. But the glimpse of soft tummy and dark hair had your eyes straying back towards him again. Once you'd locked on to his happy trail, hair trailing both below his waistline and up into what you assumed to blossom into a good amount of chest hair, you couldn't pull away again.
You felt butterflies in your lower stomach, your mouth almost salivating at the sight. It was then you decided to do some research on insomnia to see if the lack of sleep could cause delirium that made your libido skyrocket. Because suddenly wanting to lick your Cardinal's stomach probably wasn't normal behaviour. Although sinning was encouraged...
You were snapped out of your thoughts by Copia giving a small cheer as he managed to light one of the candles. Watching with a new sense of fondness for the man as he attempted to the light the second candle, you decided that you were adamant on becoming his friend. The both of you could probably use a friend. You were making assumptions about him but you could recognise loneliness from a mile away. He was slightly too keen to share his favourite books with you, a little too cautious when it came to potentially doing something wrong, a tad happier than the average person would be when exchanging first names.
Once the other candle was lit, he grinned at you so brightly that the corners of his eyes crinkled. You returned the grin.
"Please take a seat. I will find you a book." He waved his hands at the two armchairs before rushing over to the shelves.
You watched him scanning the spines of the books, choosing to sit on the less worn of the two chairs as you figured that the more tattered one was his favourite. You struggled to avert your eyes when he bent over and you were met with the perfect view of his ass, forcing yourself to be respectful and not indulge in your newfound attraction to him. Just friends, you reminded yourself. You were going to be just friends.
Soon enough he was letting out a little noise of delight and practically skipping back over to you where he collapsed into the spare armchair and handed you the book.
"I believe this one has a chapter on rats and a chapter on moles. As you love those little fuckers so much." He repeated your words from earlier back to you with a proud tone in his voice.
"Thank you." You said sincerely, flipping the book open to the contents page. "I trust your recommendations. I read those books you told us about at the end of the ritual course last year."
His eyes widened. "Really?"
"Mhm, although I think you were the only person who had ever borrowed them before me." You shrugged. "They were good, very informative."
He swallowed thickly, Adam's apple bobbing in his throat. "You weren't kidding about your thirst for knowledge, hehe."
You glanced up at him, fingers flicking through the pages of the book on your lap. "It's sort of my motivation in life. Learning as much as possible."
His brows pinched together momentarily. "That is a nice motivation to have."
You smiled, being able to tell that there was more he wanted to say. "But?"
He shook his head with a huff. "How could you tell there was a but?"
"I just know these things."
He huffed again. "But... what of other things?"
You frowned. "Such as? Satan? I am a dedicated sibling of sin, y’know?"
"No, no. I know that, I didn't mean to imply that-" He cut himself off with a sigh. "What about friends?"
Your mouth turned downwards, eyes returning to the book. "I could ask you the same thing."
"Ouch. But I deserved that." He winced. "My apologies. I only wish for all siblings to be happy here."
"I am happy here." You snapped, regretting your tone almost immediately. There was a brief moment of silence where you wished you could take it back.
"Take it from me, I know how lonely a life here can be. Surrounded by so many people yet not really having anyone." He confessed, face falling into a vague sort of sadness.
You didn't know why he was opening up to you. And it wasn't anything you hadn't already deduced about him. But you could see so much of yourself in him that you couldn't understand why you were lashing out when you had been the one telling yourself you wanted to be friends with him in the first place.
"We could be friends." You offered.
He shook his head, taking the offer the wrong way. "Do not say that just because you feel pity for this old Cardinal."
"Aren't you younger than the average upper clergyman?"
"Well, yes. But..." He trailed off. "Still old."
"And I would like to be friends with you."
Copia stared at you for a few seconds, probably trying to figure out if you were being sincere. When you didn't break the eye contact, he realised you were. "Okay..."
You rolled your eyes. "You sound so enthusiastic about the idea."
"Sorry. I mean... okey dokey!" He sent you a double thumbs up and the dorkiest smile you'd ever seen. You couldn't hold back the giggle that rumbled out of your chest at the sight. Copia held the pose for a moment, the smile spreading at your reaction, before he stood from his chair again. "I will get a book of my own and then we can read together. Like friends do, sì?"
You nodded enthusiastically. "Okey dokey."
He chuckled at your repetition of his words before shuffling off with a low groan, muttering something about the pain in his knees, and squatting in front of the stacks. For a man who claimed to be old and had aching joints, he seemed to have no trouble getting down so low. You watched him over the top of your book as he did a little side step crab walk thing to see what titles he hadn't read yet, eyes darting back towards the page when he grabbed a volume and returned to sit next to you.
"What did you choose?"
"A Beginner's Guide to Small Mammals." He read out the cover to you. "Research for that class you're getting me to teach."
You nodded slowly. "Very wise choice."
The two of you descended into peaceful, comfortable silence, the turning of pages breaking the quiet every so often. Copia zoomed through the book he'd chosen, clearly knowing a lot of it already, but you took your time, making sure to take in every single word carefully. You found yourself appreciating rats a little more after you'd finished that chapter and loving moles more than you already did by the time you were halfway through their chapter.
You glanced up to take a look at your reading companion every couple pages or so, enjoying the crease that would appear between his brows every time he came across something he found interesting. A couple of times the two of you made accidental eye contact when you'd go to look at him to find him already looking at you, the two of you smiling awkwardly before looking away again. That, thankfully, didn't ruin the atmosphere however.
Neither of you realised how much time had passed until sunlight had replaced the moonlight shining through the small window despite Copia having almost finished the book he'd chosen and you getting halfway through yours after returning to the beginning once you'd read the two chapters he'd told you about.
"It must be about five in the morning." You commented, that opinion based on the way the rays of sun were positioned. You'd seen a lot of sunrises during your sleepless nights.
"Oh." Copia replied, lowering his book to the coffee table. "What time is Primo's class?"
"Eight." You replied with a sigh, resting your head against the back of your chair and closing your eyes. Despite hours of reading, you still didn't feel like you were close to being able to sleep.
"There is still time for a couple hours of rest."
You shook your head as you opened your eyes again. "I still won't be able to. It's fine. I can survive on no sleep for a day or two."
His eyes widened at the prospect of not sleeping for two nights in a row. "That does not sound healthy."
You laughed. "Probably not. But I get by."
"I'm sorry if I made it worse by keeping you here, I didn't mean-"
You cut him off. "No, not at all. Um, I usually spend sleepless nights pacing around my room and making myself stressed. So this has been a nice change. Thank you for allowing me to read with you. And letting me into the library."
His face softened. "Of course. It's what friends do."
Warmth bloomed in your chest and all you could do was send him a smile that you hoped conveyed how grateful you were. After that the two of you quietly replaced the books you had been reading before extinguishing the sconces and leaving the library. With the sunlight now illuminating the abbey there was no need for your candle anymore so you blew that out as well and held it lower down in front of you, clasped tightly between both of your hands. You handed it to Copia briefly as you locked the library doors for him.
You walked silently for a while, wondering what to say to him now that the tranquil feeling of the library had been left behind. What if books were the key to your conversations with him?
Copia broke the silence. "Did you like the book?"
"Yes, I did. Thank you for recommending it." You said, sincerely, and he only shrugged. "How was yours?"
"I have read better." He confessed. "But not terrible."
It went quiet again and the two of you said nothing until you reached the hallway you'd bumped into him in only a few hours ago.
"I, uh, I go this way now." He pointed down a different entryway than the one you needed to go down.
"Oh, okay." You frowned to yourself before looking at him again. "I had a nice night, Copia. Really. Thank you."
"I should thank you. For keeping this old man company." The leather of his gloves creaked as his fists clenched at his sides.
"It's what friends do." You replied before glancing over your shoulder towards a window, the sun was rising even higher. "I should go."
"Sì, sì." He agreed, glancing down at his slipper-clad feet. "I hope you enjoy Primo's class."
"Thank you. I hope you enjoy... being a Cardinal." Your face scrunched at your own words, how hadn't you asked what he was doing the next morning?
He just laughed. "Grazie."
"See you around then." You didn't want to say goodnight, since it wasn't night, and you didn't want to say good morning, as that seemed idiotic. But see you around then? You needed to work on your social skills if this whole friend thing was going to work out.
Copia nodded. "See you around."
And then the two of you went your separate ways. With you wondering whether you should even bother trying to get a nap in before getting ready for botany with Primo, and Copia secretly watching you walk away over his shoulder wondering when his luck had started to change.
A/N: This has been sitting complete in my drafts for a hot minute because I told myself I’d write at least another 2 chapters of it before posting but then I realised it works perfectly fine by itself so I just decided to post it. Hope you enjoyed!
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sidekick-hero · 7 months
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(steddie | explicit | 1.1k | tags: established relationship, sub!eddie, top!eddie, dom!steve, bottom!steve, porn with feelings, Good Boy Eddie | @steddielovemonth Love is liking the version of yourself you are with them the best by @tinytalkingtina | AO3)
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Eddie has been called many things in his life. Some good, more bad.
He's been called a good friend, a herder of lost sheep, a dungeon master, a rock star, even a hero.
But he's also been called a pariah, a coward, a waste of space, a fuckup, trailer trash, a freak, a murderer, a monster.
But no one had ever called him a good boy. Not until Steve.
Ever since he was a little kid, Eddie had learned to fit in, to become whatever someone needed him to be.
When his ma got sick, he learned to be her sweet little boy, quiet and uncomplicated instead of loud and wild. To take up as little space as possible, one less thing for his mama to worry about.
After she died, Eddie learned to be self-reliant. An adult in a child's body, able to take care of himself because who else would. Whenever his father was around, he adopted the Munson charm, the easy smile and empty flattery. He learned how to hot-wire cars, pick locks, steal, lie.
In the process, he learned to hate himself and even more the path his father was trying to set him on.
It wasn't until he started living with his Uncle Wayne that he didn't know who to be, because his uncle never asked him to do anything but be himself. Which should have been a relief, but by then Eddie had almost forgotten who that was.
So he began to reinvent himself in ways that made sense to him.
A storyteller, like Tolkien, spinning tales through his campaigns and having his party hanging on his every word.
A rock star, like Osbourne, van Halen, or Hammett, who played his heart out and made himself heard through his music.
A rebel, like Bowie, who stood up for those who, like him, were on the fringes of society, being their shield and offering them a safe place and a community where they could be their wonderfully weird selves.
Those versions of him were all Eddie, but at the same time they weren't. Not all of him.
Not the soft parts, the sweet and sincere and quiet parts he thought he lost when his mom died. Being all that for her hadn't been enough, it hadn't saved her, so Eddie buried that part of himself with her and became someone else. Someone the world couldn't break so easily.
Until Steve.
Brave and reckless, kind and bitchy and oblivious, self-sacrificing and self-centered, vain and dorky Steve. An enigma if Eddie ever met one. One he couldn't get enough of, each layer a new but pleasant surprise.
With Steve, Eddie doesn't have to reinvent himself, doesn't have to be any of the stories or boxes or labels.
With Steve, Eddie can let go.
With Steve, Eddie can stop looking over his shoulder.
With Steve, Eddie can let down his guard and show his soft belly.
With Steve, Eddie can be a good boy, sweet and obedient and sincere.
"You're doing so good, baby, so good for me. Fucking me so well, so sweet, feeding me that thick cock of yours. Can feel it in my throat. All for me, my good boy treating me so well," Steve coos with his mouth right next to Eddie's ear. They've been at it for what seems like hours and Eddie is so far gone, trembling in Steve's arms as he keeps rocking his hips, the only thing on his mind is Steve. Being good for Steve.
He's already made Steve come down his throat, lapping up every single drop like the good boy he is, before opening Steve up with his fingers and tongue. He pulled another orgasm out of him as he kept stroking across his prostate while licking messily inside him where he had spread him open on his fingers.
Eddie thought they were done, but Steve had other plans as he gathered up his own cum to spread over Eddie's cock, intention clear. Eddie had hesitated, afraid to hurt Steve because it was too much. It was only when he told Eddie to fuck him with a smoldering look from under his lashes that he finally, carefully, pushed inside him.
He's been hard and aching ever since Steve pushed him to his knees and made him nuzzle the bulge in Steve's tight Levis.
He's been ready to come since Steve's cock hit the back of his throat, moaning so prettily as it fluttered around him.
He's been holding himself back from coming by the skin of his teeth since Steve started clinging to him, overstimulated and loving and everything Eddie could ever want, cooing the sweetest and filthiest praise as Eddie slid in and out of the hot, tight grip of his body.
"What do you want baby, tell me, I'll give you everything my sweet little thing, just tell me what you need." Steve's soothing voice washes over him and he realizes he's whimpering into the sweaty skin of Steve's neck.
"You," Eddie replies without hesitation. "Just you, wanna make you feel good, 's all I need, just you." He's babbling, too far gone to be anything close to coherent. Reduced to his soft, needy core. "Love you so much, wanna stay like this forever, never wanna leave you." Things he never thought he'd say out loud spill out of his mouth and he can feel Steve tighten around him, impossibly so and he's so close but he can't, not without -
"Eddie, baby, don't stop, 'm so close, I love you too," Steve pants before whimpering, "Oh God, you're making me come again, kiss me, please, baby, kiss me."
He can't really feel his body anymore, his mouth clumsily seeking Steve's, but he could never deny him anything. Especially not when he's begging him so sweetly.
They both come within seconds of each other, no more words needed. Steve, whose legs and arms are wrapped around Eddie so tightly that it's impossible to tell where one ends and the other begins, is the first to spill between their bellies. The fluttering of his hole, the bucking of his hips and the rhythmic way he clenches around him makes Eddie follow suit.
It almost hurts in its intensity after holding back for so long and he can't help the pitiful whimpering or the overwhelming tears.
Cradling Eddie's head in his giant hands, Steve wipes away the tears and kisses the whines from Eddie's trembling mouth. More tears follow, his love and devotion and gratitude for being loved in this way running down his cheeks as salty droplets, and Steve kisses them away as well.
"You were perfect," he whispers between his kisses, "I love you so much."
When his face is clean, the tears finally stopped, Eddie sinks back down onto the man beneath him. The man who gave him back this side of himself, a side he missed and mourned without even knowing it. A version of himself he has learned to love, to like best, thanks to Steve Harrington and his unwavering love for Eddie.
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starhvney · 2 months
Heyyy I just found your account and I adore it!!! If requests are still open could I request a Travis x reader where they just moved to the street and travis has been trying to woo them (and its highkey working). And one night theres this huge storm and the lower goes out while theyre at travis and dantes and Travis claims they need to “cuddle for warmth” (Dantes off somewhere idk) and its just really cute and he confesses his feelings and is a huge dork? Sorry if thats too specific, thank you so much and I hope your day has been lovely 💖
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𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: mys travis x reader
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘: a power outage at a very inconveniencing time happens to be just the push you need to 
𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐒: fluff, sharing a bed, travis being a dork, he wants to be suave so bad, like no sweetie you’re just cute, anyways yeah, you both smooch at the end hehehe he likes youuuu
𝐂𝐖: none? a small innuendo i suppose
𝐀/𝐍: i love travis my cutie schnookims! anyways i slightly changed the plot but it’s basically the same? i hope you like it regardless! Have a good day :)
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it was time for one of aphmau’s annual parties, and the girl had enthusiastically made a point to include you with her friend group to join in on their celebration. from the way she described it, it sounded like it would be a fun time, and as the new girl in the neighborhood, you definitely couldn’t reject the generous notion. 
especially when you found out that most of your neighbors had already been friends with each other since high school. it was really intimidating, to be thrown in a place where everyone around you already had a bond. how did they all even manage to find these nice houses next to each other?
you were grateful that they all were really friendly and seemed really open to letting in new people into the group. one had been especially friendly—a certain man with white hair and charmingly bright green eyes. you couldn’t lie he was attractive, and honestly one of the funniest ones in the group, but with his overly confident “womanizer” attitude you couldn’t help but obliviously ignore his advances on you.
it wasn’t that you weren’t interested. but you wouldn’t be easy against his rather brazen pickup lines and… dorky charm. he’d have to work for it. besides, it was kind of fun to watch him chase after you like a lost puppy.
that’s what brings you here, in your kitchen, the night before the party with travis himself. after all, you hadn’t accepted his flirtatious moves, but you most definitely hadn’t rejected them, either. everyone volunteered to cook a dish for the party in the group chat, and conveniently he happened to once again be loitering in your house—a habit he had started after you made it known he was welcome—as everyone discussed what they’d bring. he’d suggested for you both to hang out and cook your dishes together, and you couldn’t let down that hopeful glint in the man’s eyes.
“travis, now why in the world would you think mustard is scary. you have got to be messing with me right now.” you scoff, leaning back on your counter.
“i’m not!” he defends with his hands up, snickering at the unimpressed face you shoot him. “a lot of people get unnerved by random things for no reason! like mushrooms, and lots of holes, and even just a drop of blood!”
he points up as the window flashes with light, a loud thunder strike from the storm raging on outside cracking right after. “and thunderstorms!”
“okay, drama queen. i’d say being scared of thunderstorms and blood is a lot more justifiable than a condiment.” you scoff, before frowning as the wind howls and aggressively throws thick pellets of rain into your windows. “speaking of which, i’m not scared of storms but i don’t know if walking or even driving back down the street to your house would be safe 
travis’s eyebrows raise, pretty dark eyelashes brushing along his cheekbones as he blinks at you in surprise. a second later he’s leaning onto the counter with a goofy-looking smirk on his face.
“so, you want me to stay?—”
“oh!” you startle, not missing how travis also jumped in place too. “i’m surprised the power hasn’t gone out yet…”
“don’t—” travis starts only to be interrupted by another loud crash of thunder from the sky, the both of you getting sent into complete darkness. “…jinx it.”
for a moment the both of you stand in your kitchen in silence, listening as the heater powers down along with the gentle whir of your household appliances. if you could see each other in this moment you imagine you’d both be awkwardly standing with your arms by your sides. another flash of lightning briefly lights up the room to show your assumption was correct, and you burst into giggles after seeing travis’s pressed lips and wide eyes.
“huh? why are you laughing?” travis asks, though the amused warble in his voice gives himself away before he starts laughing with you.
it wasn’t freezing cold outside, but it most definitely wasn’t warm enough to get away with not having the heater on in your house. the immediate lack of hot air rushing through the vents sent a small chill against your skin, even through your warm pajamas.
your laughter stops as realization of your situation seeps in with the cold. not only was your heater off, but so was your fridge and your…
“oh my god our food is ruined.”
there’s a dreadful pause for silence—and now that your eyes are adjusting to the dark—you see travis whip his head to look down at the oven, where your dishes were only halfway cooked inside.
“that's all you have to say, travis?” you chide.
“what? i mean, there’s nothing we can do about it, right?”
a disappointed sigh leaves your lips before you reach over to your phone, the screen lighting up to show the late hour it already was. there’s no telling how long the power would be out, and this was enough for the wind to blow out of your sails. you can’t be bothered to try and figure out a way to fix this.
a full-body shiver wracks your body as you stare blankly at your screen.
“hey, i can help you remake everything tomorrow morning if it’s ruined by then.” travis suddenly says. 
his voice is a bit closer, and you realize he’s moved right in front of you, part of his face now also glowing in your phone’s dim light. the look on his face is genuine and he seems almost worried, his own lips mimicking your own downturned expression. it makes you sigh, dropping your tense shoulders as another rumble of thunder vibrates through your house.
travis gently sets his hand over yours and your phone. “why don’t you sleep and i can come back in the morning?”
“come back?” you repeat. “no way you’re going back in this weather, that’s so dangerous! plus you’ll get sick.”
travis stares down at both of your slippered feet, then over to the kitchen windows, then back to you. “okay, i’ll stay if you want me to.”
you shiver again as you nod, crossing your arms to conserve the heat from escaping your body. you’re surprised at how calm and passive he was being. it’s not like he was always overbearing with his flirting and jokes, but it seemed to always be a part of his personality—not whatever this… soft, quiet version of him was.
“cold already?” he asks, rocking on his feet himself as he clenches and unclenches his hands.
“yeah… i didn’t know i needed the heater running that much, but i guess the storm made it even colder…” you mutter.
you catch his smirk through the dark. “well i know one way we can warm each other up—”
ah, there he is.
you’re about to swing a slap wherever it would land in the dark, though you stop when the suggestion clicks in your brain as an opportunity to give in to his advances—but with a perfect excuse.
“oh yeah! we can do that!”
travis’s eyes blow wide open as he takes a step back, a few startled coughs leaving his lips from inhaling too suddenly.
“wait, what?!”
“we can cuddle.”  you simply return. “since there’s no heater!”
he deflates his tense shoulders, nervous laughs leaving his lips. “oh, yeah! right, yeah. cool cool cool. that’s what i meant.”
turning on your phone flashlight you grab his hand, guiding him through your house while trying to hold back the urge to laugh at his flustered state. you wish the lights were on only so you could see whether he was blushing or not.
your bedroom was already a bit chilly compared to the kitchen, since it was at the far end of the house away from the main flow of your ac system. it makes you pull travis closer as you speed up your steps to your bed, finally letting go of him to rip open the comforter and dive into the sheets.
shimmying over to make room for him, you wave him to you through the dark to get in himself. you watch him rock back and forth on his feet before leaning over, crawling in right next to you and keeping just an inch of distance between the two of you.
“you sure you’re okay with this?” he whispers to you.
“yeah, of course i am.”
this seems to set off a green light for him, his arms circling around your waist and pulling you practically on top of him. you feel his feet kick next to yours, squeaking out a tiny “yay!” in celebration. the act was insanely adorable for the grown age he was at.
you can only quietly giggle at his antics, unable to nonchalantly play it off as usual. you hug him back, tucking yourself under his chin, and you feel his chest swell in a happy inhale. 
“i love you.” he sighs, a dopey smile evident in his tone. 
it makes your heart stutter in your chest, eyes wide open as they stare at his chest in the dark. 
his arms tense around you, breath hitching like he just realized what he said and beginning to stutter out an excuse. “um… i mean… not like…! oh my—i’m so sorry—”
“you really like me?” you ask, pulling back enough to make out his face in the dark. his eyes are wide and round, face in shock and embarrassment as if he had just slipped and fell in front of a whole crowd.
“i… i mean… isn’t it obvious?” he whispers sheepishly.
“well, you flirt with a lot of people. i didn’t know if you meant it with me or not.”
“no, not anymore!” he lurches himself closer to you. “didn’t you notice i only do that with you now?”
you blink as you try to recall a recent time you’ve seen or heard travis trying to use a pick up line or even staring at another one of the girls, and you honestly can’t recall it.
“…i guess so.” you mutter, and he squeezes you to him.
“so i do mean it with you! i know i can be really stupid and a little annoying, but—”
“you’re not annoying, travis. the things you do are a little stupid sometimes—”
“—but i think it’s cute.”
his jaw drops and mouth opens in shock. “you…you do? wait, do you…?”
you nod. “i like you.”
there’s a beat of silence, before he pulls you tight against him. a second later he rolls you around with him very similarly to how a crocodile rolls their prey, though the taller and heavier man thankfully keeps his weight from completely crushing you.
“travis!” you laugh, groaning at the sudden movement as you’re captured and thrown around like a rag doll. “how do you have this energy right now?”
“really?” he squeals, giggling like a schoolgirl. “you like me?”
“yes! now release me! please!” you breathlessly laugh.
he at least stops the rolling at your pleading, though he keeps you in his bear hug as he holds you on top of him.
“so, does this mean you want to date me?” he eagerly asks, still breathing heavily from the death roll he just made you endure.
you rest your forehead on his chest, quietly laughing to yourself in a bit of shock of what you just admitted. how did you give in so easily? you were hoping to drag this out for at least another month!
“it’s so late. why don’t we talk about this in the morning?”
he deflates and audibly pouts with a dejected sigh, and despite his dramatics clearly being played up you can’t help but still feel a bit guilty. rising up to your elbows you lean over him, pressing a quick kiss to his cheek and another on his lips.
"you dork." you chide under your breath.
his eyes are so wide you can see the whites all around the dark green of his irises. suddenly his hands are cupping your cheeks, and he’s bringing you down for a longer kiss. he pulls away a few moments later, seeming much more satisfied than he was a few moments ago.
“okay… we can talk in the morning.” he agrees breathlessly, staring up at you like he’d been locked away in a cave all his life and you were his first glance at the stars in the sky.
it makes the smile on your face impossible to fight, and you don’t think you care to anymore.
“good night, travis.”
“good night, hon.”
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©starhvney, 2024. please do not steal or repost my works as your own.
taglist: @wasting-away-on-the-internet
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tornadeoqueen · 1 month
Really have been in such a bad funk lately so fuck it, here is a list of things about Twisters that I love in no particular order:
that scene where Tyler and Kate are explaining how a tornado forms and the scene cuts between the two of them so it’s like a seamless line of dialogue/they are so in sync each other. Taking about weather with the same reverence that’s soulmatism.
“Ohkay uniform. Wrinkle free shirt. Crisp hat!”
That the wranglers and storm par crew cross paths so often they know each others names enough to rib at each other (and wranglers having the time of their lives competing against them)
When that one storm par guy yells “chase it!” because he’s secretly a Tyler Owen’s fan
Tyler’s truck driving across a field towards the first tornado looking like a cross between Mater from Cars and a horse galloping like yeehaw “it’s like the Wild West out here!” They saw the opportunity and they took it
That his truck is red!!!! And I know people are tempted to be like “he inherited Bill’s truck” but let’s not forget Bill’s truck got eaten by an EF5 and I don’t think it made it out like Tyler’s did
I wanna know more about Dani and Dexter’s friendship. Dexter being all “there’s a name for that there’s a name for that” and Dani’s like “just enjoy it, man!” I just know they balance each other out
“We’re driving into a tornado for gods sakes”
The way Tyler is immediately smitten and recognises how smart Kate is and like that’s why he likes her so much?? Like yeah she’s pretty but she’s pretty BRILLIANT You can tell he’s just like “wow I have met my match”
Kate giving it back to him and not falling for his charm so easily - there’s a fire/cheekiness in there
When Tyler’s heart of gold/the real Tyler starts to show away from the cameras and it’s just Kate and Tyler testing Kate’s theories but Tyler is still 100% himself like his persona is not all bravado he still wants to send things up in rockets and drive into tornadoes like that’s just who he is and when it’s away from the cameras it’s kind of dorky dude
Frankenstein playing in the cinema in El Reno and Doctor Frankenstein yelling “it’s alive!” Right before the wall of the cinema is ripped off
Also while I’m on that, that the wall that gets ripped away is the wall with the screen, making the storm outside in some sense the movie wow I just thought about that. Art imitating life or whatever the ultimate 4D experience (reminds me of sound and light shows ok I’m digressing)
“She’s your story, Ben.”
Hanging out and sitting on the truck having lunch and staring at clouds I need 1000x fics about this
When they rustle the team together to get Kate’s theories in motion with the whole team and everyone is immediately on board and defers to Kate as to why they need a trailer ect
Addy: “you’re no fun since you got hit by lightning” I WANT THE STORY
The Tornado Wrangler belt buckle 😭
Ok this list is getting long but anyway the movie isn’t perfect but it’s fun and I’m glad it makes me happy in this way
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seeingivy · 1 year
ahhh congrats on 1K!! you deserve it all :D
for your concert, may I suggest got my mind set on you for eren with a friends to lovers type trope? like maybe eren has a bit of a past as a fuckboy and realizes now that he's in love with his friend. she doesn't believe him given his history, so he is determined to woo her, but really he just needs to show her that he's serious about her (because she has already loved him this whole time hehe). OR whatever you want to do!!
got my mind set on you
eren x f!reader
**part of my debut concert event
content: drinking, reader gets her periods and leaks on her sheets, eren is a manwhore, hitch is a hater, jean and marco are masterminds
an: thank you sweet sweet anon! you deserve all the love in the world. I hope you like it <333
“Y/N. White wife-beater or black wife-beater?” 
You peek up from the top of your textbook to glare at him and he has that stupid, stupid grin on his face. The one he uses to get anything he wants. 
“Man. At this point you’re just trying to sound like an asshole.” mutters Jean, taking Armin’s pillow and smacking it straight into his face. 
Mikasa and Armin laugh in response, agreeing as Eren makes his way over to you, flopping on his bed next to you. He’s leaning directly into your space, that musky cologne enveloping your nose as he starts talking. 
“Black or white?” 
“Ass or face?” 
“Do you want me to punch you in the ass or in the face?” 
He laughs as he bends over, sticking the aforementioned ass into your space as he knocks your textbook out of your hands and you push him away. And you try to fight the smile trying to make its way on to your face, trying to feign as much anger as you can. 
But you can’t be mad at Eren. You can’t be anything but a jumbled mess of feelings at Eren lately. 
When you moved to college, you were looking forward to getting a fresh start from the town that you grew up in. Not that it was ever a bad place but it was never really a good place either. And you were ready to let it all go, to move away from your parents, to find out who you were. 
And just your luck, the one boy from your highschool going to the same college as you ends up in your orientation group and never leaves you alone after that. Dragging you to random club meetings for free food, taking you to mixers that your RA hosted, trying to sneak into frat parties together. 
At some point, you were just always together. And maybe some small part of you really liked having him around. That he wanted to be your best friend, told you all the little inner workings of his mind instead of someone else. That he thinks the Loch Ness Monster is made up, that he likes the Twilight movie soundtracks a little bit too much, that he loves mystery books. 
And he’s dorky - snorts when he laughs too hard, can’t drink beer without spilling it all over his shirt, and is so weirdly passionate about these little sea animals that he’s spending the entire summer doing an internship at the marine biology research lab at your university. 
But he’s also sweet - trying to memorize all the little facts about you, picking you up from class as a habit, telling you that you’re prettier than some shit guy who won’t come by. 
He’s your friend. Your sweet, secret little dorky friend. No one looks at you. But no one looks at him either. Maybe you guys only look at each other. 
Except when you come back from the summer, his dork is replaced with…charm. Charisma, an appeal, a magnetism. And maybe he was always really charming, but no one paid attention to it. It was just for you. 
But now they do - because he’s grown out his soft brown hair into this sunkissed loose man bun and spending all summer swimming in tidepools has defined his muscles. Because he was always gangly and a little awkward but one summer has him looking fit, in all the right places. 
That’s when it starts raining on your parade. Because when you and Eren go to parties, you’re talking to him less and the girl who's drunk and throwing up in the bathroom more. He’s too busy talking to the pretty girls, twirling their locks of hair in his hands and batting his pretty eyelashes at them. 
And he still picks you up from class with an iced coffee in hand, except the barista scribbled her name over your cup because she wants Eren to call her later. And you know Eren leans into it, because this newfound attention only gives him confidence to show off more. 
To tell girls about the creepy little slugs he spent all summer looking for so they can coo over how cute it is that he cares, to show off those ridiculously defined muscles, to gleam at people the way he does. 
You’re interrupted by your train of thought as Historia, the girl Eren met at a club meeting knocks on the door, shining sunlight at Eren as she smiles at him. And when he flicks the top of your forehead and stands up to press a kiss to her cheek and run out with her, you stick your face back into your textbook. 
And pretend it doesn’t sting. 
You peer over your notebook again to find Jean hanging upside down on the bunk, his eyes staring into yours. 
“Hi Y/N.” 
“Hi Jean. The blood is rushing to your head. You look like an overly ripe tomato.” 
He laughs as he flops off the bunk and next to you, leaning his head in to read your textbook. 
“A tort is a civil law that causes a claimant to suffer loss or….this shit is so fucking boring.” 
He snatches the textbook away from your clutches and flings it off the bed, giving an innocent smile as he does. 
“I was reading that.” 
“And now you’re not!” 
“Do you want something from me, Jean?” 
“Yeah. Let’s go on a date.” 
“You have a boyfriend.” 
“Yeah. It was his idea.” 
He pulls you up by the wrists as you both shuffle out of Armin and Eren’s dorm room, giving half-hearted goodbyes to Mikasa and Armin as he dragged you back to your hal. Trying to convince you to go on a date with him. 
“Listen. You make this mopey sad face whenever he brings a girl around. It’s really ugly.” 
“Thanks, Jean. You’re such a gentleman.” 
He pinches the bridge of his nose as he swings your door open, the two of you flopping onto your bed. 
“I just mean- I hate that you wait around for him. And Marco does too. I think it would be nice. For me to take you out, to make you feel special, to remind you that you don’t have to hopelessly pine over that idiot and wait for him to look at you back.” 
“Jean, I just-” 
He stands up, locking his fingers with yours, as he tries to use his boyish charm on you. And it’s entirely different from Eren’s. Where Eren oozes pure charisma, like you can’t help but give in because you just want to know what he’s getting at. 
Jean’s charm is more…boyish. Innocent. Because he’s smiling at you, all soft and genuine. Like you want to give in because you know he means well. It’s sweet. So you agree.
“Pink dress or white skirt?” 
You hold up the options as Eren looks at you for the first time - even though he’s been in your dorm for the past three hours texting Historia in your bed - and squints at you. 
“Are you wearing makeup?” 
“Yeah. I’m going on a date.” 
He stands up, placing his hands on your cheek as he moves your face around in the air, taking in the product on your face. A soft glitter on your eyelids, black around your eyes that makes your eyes look infinitely bigger, and soft pink on the tops of your cheeks. 
“With who?” 
“Well, Jean for now. But it’s practice before I start going on real dates you know?” 
“You’re going on dates? Why?” 
You roll your eyes as you turn back in the mirror, holding up the options to your frame as you weigh what to wear. 
“Because. I want to get out there and I’m like…deeply touch starved or whatever. I just want someone told hold me or something. And it feels weird to do it cold turkey so Jean’s taking me.” 
“You could have asked me. I could take you.” 
You roll your eyes as you push past him, reaching for your flowery perfume that you spray on for special occasions. Eren’s leaning against your bedpost, his eyes scrunched up in frustration that for some reason is really annoying you. 
“You have a girlfriend.” 
“Hisu’s not my girlfriend. We’re just talking.” 
“Okay, yeah. Same thing.” 
“Jean has a boyfriend.” 
“This was Marco’s idea, Eren. He’s not going to care if I actually go on it and I think he’s probably the one who bought the flowers Jean’s going to bring me.” 
You hold the two options up in the air again, boring your eyes into Eren’s as you gesture for him to respond again. 
“I’m not picking.” 
“I literally pick your date outfits for you all the time. You could pick for me.” 
And Eren mutters something that sounds like pink under his breath which you smile brightly at as you duck into your closet to slip the dress on. And when it’s all fresh and pressed against your skin, there’s a knock on your door and a very smiley Jean waiting for you. 
As you predicted, he’s holding a pretty bouquet of pink flowers in his hand, wearing a nice buttoned up shirt as opposed to his usual lame t-shirts. 
“Hi. Don’t you look pretty?” 
He reaches for your wrist and lifts your hand up to spin you around, the pleats of your dress whooshing in the air and a stupid laugh falling out of your lips. 
“Jean. You’re laying it on a little thick there.” 
He shakes his head dismissively as he places the bouquet on your desk, giving a small nod to Eren as he walks back to you, pinching the side of your cheek. 
“You’re getting the full Jean Kirschtein experience. I have to set the bar high so you don’t settle for a whole idiot or anything.” 
And Eren watches you and he hates it. That he has this angry, green little monster simmering in his chest. That you’re smiling at Jean, that he’s taking you on a date to set your standards, that you’re wearing a pretty dress and laughing with someone who isn’t him. 
And he knows it’s wrong. That he has no right to be jealous when he’s talked to other girls ever since the summer ended while you’ve remained steadfast and true. And it wasn’t like you were staying true to him because Eren’s positive that you don’t feel that obligation, that loyalty to him, but some part of him feels like you do. Or wishes that you do. 
But suddenly…he’s feeling it for you. That he shouldn’t be with anyone but you, that he’s the person who should be taking you on cute dates, twirling you around in pretty dresses, having you spread glitter all over your face for him. 
Eren texts Historia as he watches you and Jean duck out the door. 
“Uh huh, Kirschtein. I’m sure this is gonna be the best date of my life.”
“That’s a promise, baby girl.” 
“Ew. Baby girl?” 
“Do you prefer sweetheart instead?” 
“You’re so fucking corny, Jean.”  
And when the door closes, he sends the text. 
I want to see other people. Sorry Hisu.  
You return from your date with Jean to find Eren slumped over in your bed, typing away on his laptop. Your roommate, Hitch, is glaring bloody murder at you as she flits her eyes over to his direction. 
“Ah. You’re back. How was it?” 
“What are you doing in my room? I left hours ago.” 
“Just wanted to see you when you got back. And I was spending time with my best friend, Hitch. She’s just so riveting to talk to and I just love her so much.” 
She throws her portable fan at his head, which he catches before it makes contact and then throws it back at her.
“I’ll walk you back to yours, Eren. And you’re buying Hitch coffee as an apology.” 
He rolls his eyes as he grabs his bag, blowing fake kisses to Hitch as she flips him off. You’re both trodding through the hall, the building quiet. It’s Friday night. Everyone’s partying. 
“Didn’t want to party tonight, Eren?” 
“Nah. Didn’t feel like it. How was your date?” 
You smile as you twiddle with your fingers. 
It was nice. To feel special, to have someone tell you that you were pretty. And sure he didn’t mean it in that way and it was entirely platonic, but it was nice to have someone look at you. Who wants to make you feel special, try to coax you into doing things you don’t usually do. 
And you’re positive it’ll feel even better when the feelings are reciprocated. 
“Really nice, Eren. I’m excited to…meet people. Date them. Have someone make me feel special, tell me I’m pretty.” 
“You’re pretty.” 
You look over to find Eren’s cheeks burning pink, the tips of his ears red as he avoids eye contact with you. 
“Thank you?” 
“Ye-yeah. Sure.” 
You make it to Eren’s door and he swings the door open, dragging you in by the wrist. From the looks of it, Armin’s not home, Eren’s desk light flickering on the desk. He drags you to his bed, the two of you sitting on his plush duvet. 
“Eren. I was just walking you here. I’m kind of tired from the painting.” 
“You went painting?” 
“Yeah. It was like a pottery type thing. We picked out mugs and just painted on them. Talked about stuff. Shared an ice cream together after. Jean and Marco gave me very sweet kisses on the cheek when I dropped him back off to his dorm.” 
Eren pushes his hand through his hair as he asks, the question making the air in his throat burn. 
“Ah. Would you ever…go on a date with me?” 
And you laugh. Quite literally laugh, because he cannot be serious. 
“God, Eren. Don’t be a cliche right now.” 
“You see your best friend go on a date with another guy and suddenly you’re interested in her. It’s like every corny rom-com.” 
You lean forward, pinching the plush of his cheek. 
“You just want what you can’t have, Eren. I’ve been waiting for you to notice me for two years. And of course, you only look at me when you can’t have me.” 
“Wait, but I-” 
“Eren. I want someone who makes me feel special. And you’ve always been special to me, but I want to be special to someone too. Let’s not make our friendship weird. And hey, maybe we can actually be equals this time.” 
“Two people who care about each other the same amount. Not one person hopelessly pining over the other.” 
You give his cheek one last pinch as you pad out his door, giving him a smile before you slam the door shut. 
The next morning, Eren’s standing outside your Civil Law lecture with a coffee in hand. And a shy smile pressed across his face. 
“Good morning, Y/N.” 
“Hi Eren.” 
Despite your admission of your feelings and your swift rejection of Eren, he’s still standing here. And you were expecting it, because you know that Eren wasn’t really saying any of that in earnest. And it’s nice to admit your feelings, as a way of letting them go before you give in and like someone else. 
You take the cup from his hand and shove the much needed caffeine into your mouth, the two of you strolling to your next class. You look over to find Eren with a pinched look on his face, like he’s constipated. 
“Cat got your tongue? What’s wrong with you?” 
“You didn’t…look at the cup.” 
You look back down at the cup to find handwriting scribbled on it in green sharpie. 
you look pretty today, sweet girl 
You laugh, holding it up in the air. 
“No way. The barista called you a sweet girl? It’s that long ass hobo hair you have.” 
“What? That wasn’t the barista, that was me!” 
“You wrote on the cup? Why?” 
“For you, stupid! I’m trying to romance you.” 
You spit the coffee straight into your cup, looking back down at the cup again. And holy shit he’s right - the way the g is looped and the writing is slanted, it really is Eren’s handwriting. 
“It’s cute. But you’re going to do it for like one week. And then get bored of waiting and see some pretty girl at a party and change your mind.” 
“I’m not! You’re it for me.”
“Eren. Bullshit. You wouldn’t last a month.” 
He leans forward, pressing you into the hard of the wall as he looks down, green eyes glinting in yours. 
“I’ll bet on it. Prove it to you. That I’ve got my mind set on you.” 
“Uh huh. That takes a lot of patience, Eren. Time. Something that’s never been your forté.” 
“I’ll make it my forté, if it’s for you.” 
You give into the bet. A month for Eren to romance you, to prove that he’s really only got his mind set on you. 
You give in because you know you’ll win. He gives in because he wants to prove the stupid, silly girl he loves that he can do it right. 
eren: good morning silly little woman. fit check pls :D 
you: no. 
eren: cmon. ive got back to back classes and im missing that cute little face of yours :((( 
you: just ask ur hoes. im sure they’re cute too. 
eren: no hoes. im allergic to gardening. 
you: you should start stand up comedy. you’d be really good at it.  
eren: you want me so bad 
you: shut up
eren: im waiting!!!! time is ticking doll, i will show up to your club meeting and start gushing about how pretty my girlfriend is in front of all your little prospective club members if i don’t get a fit check in ten seconds
you: not your girlfriend 
eren: yet. three weeks to go. 
you: do you not have anything else to do?
eren: picture and i’ll be out of your hair. 
you: sent one attachment
eren: eren jaeger found dead at twenty-one.
you: thank god. 
eren: cause of death - the most beautiful girl i’ve ever seen in my life. absolute heartstopper
eren: ok ok see you after class sweet girl. and thanks for the picture. corniness aside, it really did make my day. you’re my favorite thing to look at. 
You ignore the pounding in your chest as you throw your phone into your purse and head to the coffee shop. And what you hoped would be an uninterrupted study session is interrupted by a certain green eyed idiot, smiling at you as he takes the seat across from you. 
“Hi doll.” 
“Eren. You have class.” 
“Got canceled. The planets and the fates and all the stars aligned. You and me, free for a little study date at the same time.” 
You crinkle your nose as you lift your backpack from the seat next to you, Eren sliding in and taking a sip from your watered down coffee. 
“Did you just rhyme? How long did that one take you?” 
“The whole walk over here. Did you like it?” 
Eren opens up his laptop, the two of you working in silence. And in the smallest of ways, Eren’s making it hard for you to focus. 
Tangling his legs with yours under the desk, resting his hand on your thigh every time you work out one of your homework problems with him, tucking your hair behind your ear every time it annoyingly flops forward. 
“Oh! I have something for you.” 
He holds out a tiny little candy, a twisted mango strawberry pop. The one you can only get in Shiganshina, a four hour drive away. 
“What the fuck? You had Mindy’s the entire time and your greedy ass wasn’t sharing?” 
You take the little candy in his hand, twisting the ends open and letting the flavors melt on your tongue. And the nostalgia hits your head, running in the grass as a kid, your mom keeping a little box on the top of the microwave for you two to share at the end of the day. 
“Just got them. I drove all the way to Shiganshina to get them for you.” 
“Uh huh.” 
“I’m being serious. I went on Sunday, after my lab meeting. Got the box, hung out with my dog for an hour and came back.” 
“You were probably just running an errand down there. I bet Zeke just needed your help with something.” 
“My parents and Zeke are in Hizuru, remember?” 
You feel your mouth go dry as you shuffle the candy in your mouth, huffing back in your chair. Corny ass idiot. They are in Hizuru to meet Zeke’s new girlfriend. But there’s no way in hell he drove all the way there just to get you a candy. 
“There’s no way you-”
“I’ve got my mind set on you. In my mind, you and I are already dating. I’m just kind of waiting for you to catch up.” 
“Oh, quit i-” 
“When you’re my girlfriend, we’ll go together. Make a little drive out of it, see your parents and my parents. Get Mindy’s. Bother that lady who works at the aquarium.” 
He pinches your cheek as you frown, rolling your eyes at him. 
“For now, I'll just drive down there alone to get you candy. Three more weeks, stink.” 
Your stress is building. You’ve got two term papers due next week, a club meeting to plan, a project to go over with your research advisor, and groceries to do. And really, really all you are is bone dead tired. That you can feel your bones dragging and your eye bags deepening and the panic shuffling every time you breathe in and out. 
Your final straw? Forgetting you were going to get your period and leaking onto your bed sheets. 
And you know it’s not a big deal. That you can wash the sheets and get the stain out, that you can take a shower to feel better. 
But this tiny little thing, this red blotch on your sheets, is enough to push you over the edge. Because you’re tired, because so much is going on, because this is just another thing you don’t have time to do but have to. 
You can feel the tears streaming down your eyes, burning the sensitive skin underneath your eyes and flushing your cheek. 
That’s when Eren finds you. Curled up on the ground, tears streaming down your eyes. 
“Woah, hey. Hey, talk to me. What’s wrong?” 
He falls flat on the floor next to you, opening up his arms which you roll into and start soaking his shirt in your salty tears. He’s whispering into your ear, whispering sweet nothings and his warm arms are holding you. 
“Tell me what happened. Use your words.” 
“I-I have a lot to do. The Civil Law paper and the entire plan for the-the club meeting. Dr. Smith wants to meet with me about my-my research plan and I’m not ready and I got my period and leaked on my sheets and I don’t have time to clean and-” 
“Okay. It’s okay.” 
His warm, calloused hands are rubbing into the small of your back, his hold still firm against you. And he drags you up, opening the shower and warming it up for you. He’s rummaged through your closet - pulled out a stack of clothes and set them on the counter. 
“Are you…going to leave?” 
“Of course not, Y/N. Outside when you’re done, okay?” 
And you take the shower. Spend too long standing underneath the warm water, letting the shower scald your skin in a comforting way, relishing in the smell of your springy body soap washing you clean. Of the tears, of the blood, of your frustrations. 
When you towel up your hair and reach for the stack of clothes on the counter, you only now realize what this cheeky bastard did. Left a pair of your pajamas and the hoodie he was wearing on the counter. 
You pull it on, his musky smell mixing with the scent of your flowery shampoo, as you pad out of your room, Eren folding your laundry on your bed. 
He turns around and gives you a warm smile, walking forward to lock his fingers with yours. 
“You look so cute right now. Pouty little face and your hair in this stupid towel.” 
“Quit it.” 
He leads you over to your bed, climbing on as he pulls you forward. 
“Cleaned the sheets. Did your laundry. And made a plan for you to finish the paper and emailed Erwin from your account that you’re not free until the week after and-” 
You can feel your eyes burning, the tears welling up in your face. You lean into his arms and he rests his chin against the top of your head, his hands snaking under your hoodie to press against your cold skin. 
“This is a really elaborate plan to get into my pants.” 
He laughs, the sound vibrating through his chest as he talks. 
“I know.” 
“I knew it, you dick. You only want to get in my pants.”  
“Well, that’s part of it. I am very attracted to you. I’m not going to pretend like I don’t want to be in your pants.” 
“Charming. The whole “I’ve got my mind set on you thing” is really working.” 
“I'm being honest! I want to be in your pants and in your head and all your little dreams and your heart too.” 
You rest your head against his chest, his heartbeat hammering against your ears as he finishes talking. And when you drift off to sleep, you can still feel it beating in tandem with yours. And try to forget why you and Eren are waiting two weeks to do this for real in the first place. 
He’s done it now. And you’ve caught him in the fucking act. The sweet, sweet satisfaction of proving this idiot wrong - that he would get bored of waiting for you and move onto another girl is standing right in front of you. 
It’s Eren’s friend Reiner’s birthday. Eren had told you in advance that he couldn’t see you Friday and you obliged. 
Except, Hitch invited you to the party the day of, claiming she needed someone to walk in with so she didn’t look like an idiot. Some guy Marlowe she’s really into is going to be there and she has to be at her best. 
And when you get to the party, you lose Hitch in all but five seconds, left in this awkward, sweaty mess of a room alone. But when you walk over to the kitchen, you see it. 
Eren leaning over the counter, talking to a girl. Short brown hair, a mass of freckles over her face, the two of them smiling at each other. And when you march over there, you’re all but too happy to rub it in his face. 
Because you’re right. And you knew you were right. That Eren, all hot and toned and sexy from his beach summer, would not give it up. The attention, the girls, the love he gets from all of it for you. That he would look at other things and not at you, that you couldn’t be enough for him. And he can buy you coffee and do your laundry and be there for you all he wants, but you know deep down you’re right. 
“You little son of a bitch. Week three and I win.” you say, crossing your hands over your chest. 
“I win. You’re at a party, flirting with a girl. Meaning, you don’t have your mind set on me. Meaning, I’m right. That you can’t let go of being a manwhore for me, that you surely have your eyes wandering elsewhere even though you claim to be only looking at me.” 
“You think driving to get me candy and doing my laundry and giving me your hoodie would buy me over? You’re not getting into my pants for a quick fuck just because you know you can and-” 
He pulls you forward, clamping his hand over your mouth. He’s squinting his eyes at you, almost like he’s confused at your outburst. And when you look over at the girl, you realize why. 
It’s Ymir. The president of the Gay-Straight Alliance Ymir. Like literally the gayest girl you’ve probably ever met in your life. 
Eren smiles, rolling his eyes, as he drops his hands to lock his hand with yours. 
“Yeah, oh. Did you not see it was her when you walked over?” 
“No. Hi Ymir.” 
Ymir smiles, reaching forward to mess with your hair as she turns to Eren. 
“You’re right. She really is stubborn.” Ymir says, smiling at him. 
“Tell me about it. She does this every time I do something nice for her.” he responds, squeezing your hand as he talks. 
“Well, you are a manwhore.” 
“Not anymore, Ymir! I’m only a whore for her.” 
She pinches your cheek as she walks off, linking arms with a certain blonde as you walk away. And when you look over, Eren’s lazily making a drink for you on the counter, swirling it in his hand before he gives you the cup. 
“It’s Jungle Juice. There’s like three different liquors in it but you can’t really taste it s-”
“You’re not mad?” 
“I just…yelled at you. Really unfairly. And you’re not even mad?” 
“Got my mind set on you. Like you said, this thing takes patience. And time. I’ll wait for it. You’ll come to see I’m surprisingly good at this patience understanding when it’s something I really, really want.” 
And as he tilts his head back, pouring the drink into his mouth, like the entire outburst you had didn’t happen. And that’s it. You crane your head around the kitchen, looking for it. 
“Whatcha looking for?” 
Eren watches you mill around the kitchen, opening drawers, lifting picture frames as you look for it. And when you find it - the calendar posted on Reiner’s wall - you rip it off and place it in front of Eren with a marker in your hand. 
“What’s this, Y/N?” 
“Did you know that I can move time forward?” 
“Huh? How much have you had to drink?” 
You reach forward, crossing out through the entire week. The last week of the month, for the bet you and Eren had. 
Because he’s convinced you. That his mind’s set on you. That even if he used to like other girls, the girl he likes now is you. Enough to drive hours to make you happy, take care of you - bloody sheets and all, and gush at a party about you to other people. Like he’s proud to be around you, like you’re the only thing he looks at. 
“I don’t follow, sweet girl.” 
“The bet started three weeks ago. And I crossed out the last week, so it’s over now. And I want to be with you no-” 
He leans forward, pressing his warm, plush lips against yours as he can’t help but smile through the kiss. All warm and fruity, surely from the drink Eren just made. And he whispers against your mouth, eliciting a laugh out of you. 
“Thank fucking god. You were driving me insane, you little heathen.” 
You reach forward, tangling your hands with the collar of his shirt as you pull him down again, pressing your lips against his, trying to memorize the feel, the sensation of him against you. 
And when Hitch comes home from the party, all buzzed, to find you two under the covers, watching a movie, she says one thing and one thing only. 
“No fucking in my bed.”
taglist: @platrom @k0z3me @kayleegomez @yihona-san06 @bsenpai @sweetenertea @mykyoon @violetmatcha @daisynik7 @rebeccawinters ​@itzmeme 
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lizthewriter · 11 months
tell me we weren't just friends / pansy parkinson
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PAIRING  fem!gryffindor!reader x pansy parkinson
SUMMARY  you and pansy have been dating for a while now, much to the distress of both your and pansy's friends. but while your friends have come to be accepting of your romantic choices, you couldn't say the same about pansy's friends. what happens when pansy tries to break off your relationship when her friends start to interfere?
TAGS  fem!gryffindor!reader x pansy parkinson, reader has she/her pronouns,  angst, takes place during half-blood prince, death eaters, pansy is secretly a soft lil baby 🥺🥺, implied sexual content, insecurity, assuring, kissing, pansy is 😳😳
QUOTE  "all of your friends have been here for too long, / they must be waiting for you to move on," - friends by chase atlantic
WRITTEN  10.24.2023
You hesitated as your glitter-ridden fingertips hovered over your eyelids. It had been three days since Pansy had broken up with you. She had avoided you every time you tried to find her after classes or corner her after dinner. She was acting so odd. It wasn't like her to just dump you and completely ignore you. Merlin, she couldn't even lay her eyes upon you. It was like she was guilty of something, or at least felt that way.
"I say good riddance." Ginny exited the bathroom in full glam, looking gorgeous as usual, and plopped down on your bed. "Now we can both be hot and single together. No girl troubles. Just you and me, our friends, and the dance floor."
You sighed, brushed the last bit of glitter over your eyelids and siphoning off the leftover residue from your fingers with your wand. You placed your eyeshadow pallette away, grabbing a lipstick and some gloss. "It's not good riddance, Gin. I really liked Pansy. I don't know what's going on with her . . . but I do have my suspicions." You added the final touches to your makeup before responding. "Malfoy. I know he has to with this, I just do."
Hermione snorted from her bed, nose stuck down a book. "Well, you and Harry make a charming duo. Tell me, are we going to make Malfoy the scapegoat to all our problems forever? Just based on simple hunches?"
"Harry's right about him," you responded with a snap, glancing towards Hermione. "He's always up to something . . . I wouldn't be surprised if he really is a Death Eater. Besides, I've seen him hanging around Pansy much more than usual as of late. I don't know . . . it just feels like something's wrong."
Ginny sighed, pushing herself up off of your bed. "Look, we're just looking out for you. I know how hurt you were when it happened . . . it would pain me to see my best friend's heart broken again." She grabbed your hands with a pout. "Come on," she whined. A smirk started to slowly grow on her face as she swayed your arms. "Let's go dancing, grab some drinks . . . have a good time, yeah? I promise you I will turn that frown upside down!"
"For someone who is supposedly so popular, you can be a bit dorky at times, you know that?"
Ginny laughed boisterously, giving your shoulder a playful shove before walking towards the door leading downstairs. "'Mione, you tagging along?"
"Goodness no," Hermione refuted, snuggling further into the warmth of her bed. "I'm afraid that the solace within my bed is far more entertaining then whatever you two plan on doing tonight. Do have fun without me though! And please don't come back to my dorm and regurgitate your dinner all over my bed like last time. If I want to see an odd lump of green paste, I'd help Hagrid feed the flobberworms."
"Will do! Come on, let's go!" Ginny started to pull you out of the dorm. "I'm not going to let you wallow in sadness at your own pity party, no, we are going to forget what happened and have fun! All right?" She didn't wait a beat for you to respond. "All right!"
The room shivered and shook at the might boom of the bass - the music could be felt reverberating through everyone's chest for certain. A large sweaty group of kids were gathered in the middle, plastic red cups help above their heads as they swayed and jumped around. The music, of course, was provided by none other than Pansy's friend Blaise. He had always been kinder to you then her other friends, but even now you had to say that there was something paticularly dry in his eyes that made you think Draco wasn't the only friend whispering into her ears.
As your eyes started to search the room, Ginny's voice jolted you from your train of thought. "No, no, no! No wallowing tonight! What did we just talk about?" She had a disapproving look written all across her face. You sighed and rolled your eyes, but a smile couldn't help but leech into your expression.
"No self pity party," you reiterated with a mock-irritated tone.
"That's right, so let's go grab some punch that has obviously been spiked and dance!" She dragged you off towards the drinks table, pouring you a generous amount of a rather dark green of a drink. Then it was off to the dance floor, Ginny shouting at you about allowing your body to flow with the music. All you could really think about was the stench of sweat hovering in the air and the alcohol from other people's cups being sloshed all around you.
You glanced towards Ginny, who now seemed to be preoccupied with eyeing and flirting a Slytherin girl from across the room. Your eyes took to your surroundings, searching for Pansy until they finally identified her at the top of the dorm steps. All it took was one glance and she dashed back up the stairs, leaving you confused.
You decided to leave Ginny behind and follow Pansy, ignoring the glares from other Slytherin girl as you walked up the steps. You promptly stepped over a couple who was doing things that were best suited to the privacy of their own bedroom, now entering the hall. You walked down, passing one, two, three, four, five doors before landing upon the sixth one.
You didn't even knock - you felt you had a right to get an answer from Pansy and you didn't want to be turned down again.
"What do you want?" Pansy asked harshly, her back to you. She sat at the edge of the bed, gripping the mattress with all her might. Her black bob of hair was tied up in an elaborate hairdo complete with a pin stuck through the bun at rhe top of her head. It gave her a much sharper, more intimidating look then before. Not that you could see it now. "I thought I told you I don't want to see you anymore."
"And I thought that I told you that I don't believe that. Not a single word of it." You sighed, any anger in you immediately gone, now only exasperated and dischiveled. "Pans, please. Did I do something wrong? Or does this . . . does it have to do with Malfoy?"
"Didn't I tell you to go away?" Pansy snapped, suddenly standing up from the mattress and turning around to face you with a nasty expression. She marched on over to you and encouraged you in the direction of the door. "Go on! Leave! I don't want you here -"
You grabbed the hand that she had been wildly gesturing with, your fingers wrapped around her slim wrist. The silver bands on her harm slid down to somewhere near her elbow. "I thought we promised each other - no lies. No deception. I know there's something wrong, I can see it. I know you well enough to know that what you did wasn't of your own accord, Pansy. Tell me what's wrong."
You urged her with your eyes, pleading with her to talk to you. Even with your makeup on, the bags under your eyes were noticeable enough. The desperation in your tone was enough to weaken Pansy, even if just for a moment. Her expression softened, her arm slackened in your grip. You quickly released her hand, which fell down to her side.
"I . . . I can't really talk about it." She bowed her head, her eyes avoiding your own. "I just - I'm involved with something . . . and I can't let you get hurt. I won't let you get hurt."
You furrowed your brows, thinking back to what Harry had told you, Ron, and Hermione. How suspicious Draco had been acting. You glanced down towards her left arm, which was tucked away behind her back as though she didn't even want it within your line of sight.
"You're not . . . Pans, tell me you're not . . ." Pansy shut her eyes tightly, turning away from you. You grabbed her arm and pulled her back towards you. She stumbled into your chest and you wrapped your arms around her. "You can't push me away. I don't care if I get hurt, I care about you."
Pansy sniffled, her arms weakly gripping your waist. "You're not . . . mad at me?"
"I could never be mad at you Pans."
"But I'm - I'm -"
"Just a girl, who was forced into joining something she doesn't agree with. You've done nothing wrong."
Pansy sniffled, her fist pressed against your upper chest to keep herself sturdy. She glanced up at you, searching your eyes for any malicious intent but failing to find any. Her other hand reached up, brushing against your cheek before falling back down to your shoulder. As though debating during a moment's hesitation, Pansy suddenly surged forward to meet your lips, bringing her hand back up to wrape around the name of your neck. The kiss was one of passion and desperation and gratitude. You weren't one to back down and pressed into her equally as hungry, gasping as her teeth met the soft flesh of your bottom lip. You pulled away, utterly breathless, noticing the shy, yet somehow almost sly expression on her face.
She watched her fingers as they trailed across your exposed collarbone, causing you to shiver. "I really am sorry, for pushing you away . . . maybe I can make it up to you?" The tone in her voice made it obvious as to what she was suggesting. You grinned, nearing her face again, your nose brushing against her own.
"Oh really? What did you have in mind?"
Pansy smirked, reaching out and gently pushing you down onto her bed so you were seated. She crawled into your lap, legs swung around either side of your waist. She hummed, pressing a kiss against your neck. "You're about to find out."
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spicyraeman · 4 months
I mainly liked the three girls of bg3 first, Astarion is okay but I feel like generally a lil overrated and unreceptive to change or other opinions until he feels like it, and gale reminds me of my pre transition self so no thanks. But Wyll, the more I play with him in my party the more I love him and angrier I get at how dirty he’s been done. Honestly to me he’s a bard. Either multiclass or in a good world where he gets free of Mizora. He’s already a hybrid charisma caster, he likes to travel and help people, he has his whole blade of the frontiers pseudonym and the dorky ass salute, he SCREAMS swords or valour bard to me. He deserves to be a fully seen as a dashing Prince Charming with a heart of gold that just has some devils claws stuck in it. Imagine post game Wyll doing the same thing as before but instead of using Mizora’s power he’s inspiring and leading people to defend themselves with knowledge and tales of taking down the cult and the elder brain. Larian hire me I have pages I can send to Theo Solomon he’ll sound beautiful.
Wyll Ravengard really is the man of all time and his stans truly are god's strongest soldiers
He would make a fantastic bard, and that's always what i imagine he switches to post game if he breaks his pact
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dr0p-dead-gorgeous · 10 months
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Josh Futturman x fem!reader
Warnings: sub!josh,smut , p in v, Premature ejaculation,overstimulation, fem pronouns and anatomy used, use of y/n , not really proofread
You run into a cute,dorky guy at work,
As i wonder about my day, i accidentally bump into a sort of dorky guy. As we both stop and turn to apologize to each other, I notice his name tag reading ‘Futturman, Janitor.’ “I am *so sorry*” the Janitor says before apologizing profusely.”I'm sorry, it's fine really Mr.. Uhh.. Futturman. “Call me Josh, everyone else does” the Janitor says as he blushes a bit. “...Josh, I'm y/n, a vet tech for the possums around here, seen you around a bit, Josh blushes a bit and chuckles“Well…uh…nice to *meet* you, y/n.” Josh says, unsure of what to say."Nice to meet you I gotta go " I say with a sweet smile, Josh smiles back nervously “Of course…uh, you have a nice day y/n.” Josh says before awkwardly attempting to continue on with his day.
(third person pov)
Over the next week’s they talked in passing becoming quick friends
[Cut to Josh taking a break from cleaning the cafeteria and having lunch with her]
You like Video games too! I love playing *Josh blushes a bit, and smiles enthusiastically* “Oh, yeah! You play Biotic Wars?”. “Yeah! I'm on level 50! Lately ive been playing a lot of resident evil though!" 'I love resident evil! M..maybe you could come over to hang out and watch me play sometimes!” Josh suggests nervously "Sounds good! " y/n says ,Josh smiles, clearly very nervous and excited for the first time in a long time having anyone over, especially a girl. His mind races from the surprise of the date and future plans.
‘Wow…someone like *y/n* actually wants to visit my *house*. What am I going to do?’ Josh thinks to himself.*
Josh and y/n later visit his home. Josh nervously opens his door, ushering her to come inside. She walks in, and takes in his space, clearly enjoying his gaming setup and decor.*I love your posters! I have the same one of Tiger by my bed*Josh blushes a bit once again* “Oh…that’s uh…well…” *He points at his gaming console* “Do you wanna see something really cool?” “yeah! “ Josh smiles nervously and turns on his game resident evil. He then proceeds to show Y/n his final boss victory and the end-game content. Y/n is enthralled by the gameplay, clearly impressed by his prowess. “Omg you beat it! I thought it was impossible i've died so many times! "Josh blushes and jumps up exited“Oh my god… I beat it” He seems pleased with himself for completing the game with Y/n present they hug and he spins her around celebrating.He puts her down her hands on his shoulders for a moment they look into each other's eyes. She leans over and whispers “Hey, you’re really cute and charming josh, you know that?” Josh blushes and looks very stunned for a moment; then his face lights up red like a tomato.*Josh blushes a crazy amount as Y/n continues* “If I were to…*maybe*...kiss you right now…would you…be okay with that~?” *Josh’s face is as red as the sun, but he responds* “Uh…Yeah..! I would be okay with that…really!” She slowly leans in and Josh leans in as well. They embrace in a slow and tender kiss. Josh’s cheeks light up red and he blushes. “I think I really like you josh.” Josh’s heart beats as fast as a humming bird’s. He holds Y/n’s face with a shaking hand and looks her right into the eyes. He stares deeply into her own, and gives her another soft kiss. His hands begin to quiver. “Y/n…” Josh stutters, clearly flustered. “Uhh…I think I really like you too…”*Josh leans in to kiss y/n again, this time more passionately, a smile spreading across his face. Their kiss grows more heated, and y/n pulls Josh closer into a tight embrace. She starts to rub his thighs leaning more into him*Josh’s body shivers from the feeling, never having been in this situation before. He starts to feel a little anxious, his breathing increasing slightly. His heart’s beating out of his chest and his face is almost red as an apple. y/n kisses Josh passionately and continues to move her hands over his body. As she does, she begins unbuttoning Josh’s shirt…*Is this ok Josh... Josh’s body is shaking profusely at this point. He nods nervously, unable to communicate with words. y/n pulls him in closer.*y/n pushes her hand onto Josh’s chest, pushing him onto his bed feeling his heart beating rapidly. She looks at Josh with a hungry smile, her mind set on going even further. He begins breathing even faster and slightly heavier.*y/n whispers seductively into Josh’s ear “It’s getting hot in here…” *She unbuttons his shirt the rest of the way, and proceeds to caress his bare chest with a soft kiss. Josh’s mind goes blank and his heart beats out of his chest, unable to form coherent thoughts.*y/n runs her hands over Josh’s chest again, this time moving to his waist and slowly removing his pants. She kisses him again, and whispers once more “Can…can I?”Josh gulps loudly, extremely nervous and unsure of what to do. He responds “Uhh…” Josh’s heart is beating at breakneck speed. All of his blood rushes to his face as his body shakes uncontrollably. He tries pulling himself away Y/n’s seductive voice grows more clear. “Is that a no?” She continues to inch her body closer, clearly still looking to escalate the situation. Josh’s mind goes blank as his heart races. He can’t say anything.
“I can't do anything more if I don't get a yes baby” *Josh’s mouth dries up and he nods frantically* “Y-Yes! Yes please..
”Good boy using your words hun. *Josh’s face lights up red at the fact that Y/n called him “Good boy” and “hun”. He starts to feel a little uncomfortable in his underwear by the level of intimacy, but clearly still aroused by her.* Y/n moves herself closer, taking off her shirt and and skirt left in her Lacey underwear siting on-top of Josh. She bites her lip as she continues.* “Is this okay…?*Josh gulps nervously. His eyes flutter for a moment as he nods, . All of his thoughts disappear and he lets his body take control.**Y/n pulls Josh closer as she grinds herself onto him through his boxers. He gasps slightly with an intense feeling of euphoria and intimacy. His brain goes fully blank and he can’t seem to form any coherent thoughts.**Y/n moves slowly in his lap, her touch being more and more seductive. She leans in to give him another passionate kiss, her lips slowly moving down to his neck as she begins to Seep through her panties. Josh let’s out a whine bucking into her,loving the sweet friction on his fully hard cock. He fumbles with her bra strap before getting it off groping her chest harshly as she let’s out little moans. She lifts up causing Josh to whine in protest, she take off her panties before doing the same for Josh. She lower herself down rubbing herself on Josh, he yelps out from the sudden sensation, shuttering from the pleasure cursing under his breath. She reaches down and takes him in her hand, giving him a few pumps before lining him up with her entrance and slowly sinking down on him.
With a couple thrusts He moans out loudly “ Fuck fuck fuck… y.. Your so t… tight i’m gonna..” He moans almost pornographicly and cums inside her immediately, mortified he begins to apologize “Fuck i’m so sorry! y… your just so pretty and.. and feel so good… this is my first time i-”she shut him up by kissing him and rolling her hips. Continuing to slowly roll her hips she says “ Fuck no it’s ok that was so hot keep moaning like that for me baby wanna fuck you till you cry ”she starts slowly bouncing on his still hard cock as he unraveled a whiney little mess. She fucked herself on his cock hitting the bundle of nerves each time “Thank you.. F.. Fuck …thank you please don't stop riding me like that your so perfect “ she bounced on him each trust dragging against her sensitive walls” fuuuck baby boy you feel so good are you close ““ so..so close please let me cum please, i’ll be a good boy I promise just please let me cum…ahh~”he moaned “Fuck since you moaned so pretty for me baby go ahead and cum baby c'mon” “Fuck, thank you, thank you uhH~” his cum flooded inside her while her walls clamped down around him reaching her climax.She kept going, riding out her orgasm, much to josh's surprise . 'F..fuck Y/n~ its so much!".She finally begins to slow down eventially coming to a complete stop, her hands of his chest as he panted under her.
"That was so good thank you" he said still recovering. She lifted off him with a hiss laying herself down on his chest, his hand immediately wrapping around her to cuddle"You did so well baby" she responded nuzzling her head into him. they sat in comfortable silence holding each other for a couple minutes
"Sooo..next time you want to watch me beat Biotic wars?"
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Heyhey, may I request something like a reader who is Clint's daughter, sucks at archery and thinks she's a disappointment to Clint. Seeing this situation and not really knowing what to do, Kate decides to help reader with some archery lessons. The lessons really help reader, but at the same time they are a distraction and the BIGGEST test of self-control not to kiss Kate while she talks about archery and invades personal space to show how it’s done.
Like– who would be 100% focused with Kate so close?? 😭😭😭
can you see right through me? [K.Bishop]
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pairing: kate bishop x barton!reader
summary: you're notoriously bad at archery and somehow even worse at keeping yourself together around a certain kind-eyed archer.
warnings: none, just fluff with a side of romantic tension; kate being a flirt without realizing; very platonic touching [...not]; me pretending like i completely understand how archery works
wordcount: 1.7k
a/n: for every one fic i write where kate is confident and cocky, i have to write another one where she's dorky and awkward and confident and cocky. that's just the law of the universe. this request was a lot of fun to write so thank you. hope you enjoy <3 [also, it would take a ridiculous amount of self-control to stay focused around kate's goofy little smile]
* * * * * * *
You wouldn’t say you’re the world’s worst archer but you’re definitely close to the top of the list. It’s something that shouldn’t bother you, and maybe it wouldn't if you were anybody else. Unfortunately, you’re Hawkeye’s oldest daughter and you also happen to be the absolute worst at archery.
Even your youngest brother has better aim than you and he’s not even strong enough to pick up a bow.
Your dad swears your lack of skill doesn’t bother him but it certainly bothers you. Especially when it results in him taking on Kate Bishop as his protege instead of you. 
The worst part is, Kate’s incredibly sweet so you can’t even hate her for being everything you’re not. Her love for archery is genuine, and so is her admiration for Clint.
And, okay, fine, maybe she also happens to be attractive and caring and far too charming for her own good.
You hate to admit it but you have the biggest crush on the brunette archer and it’s only gotten worse since she kindly offered to teach you how to properly shoot a bow. Your dad complained, not because he didn’t want you to learn, but because he was offended that you seriously thought Kate would be a better teacher than him. (You didn’t have the heart to tell him the real reason you accepted the brunette’s offer)
So, against your better judgment, you’ve been hanging out with Kate every day, letting her talk your ear off about the ‘proper techniques’ involved and what the best bows for beginners are. She’s clearly more excited about all of this than you are but getting to see her so often isn’t something you’re going to complain about.
“y/n, you’re not even listening.” Kate’s teasing tone brings you back to the matter at hand. Well, more like the bow in your hand.
“Sorry,” you mutter, hoping she can’t notice the nervousness in your stance. 
She does, unfortunately for you, because she’s far too observant despite her scattered attention span. What she doesn’t realize, though, is that she's the reason for said nervousness. 
“You’re shaking too much,” she comments. “Let me help you.”
You open your mouth to tell her you don’t need her help but all your words die in your throat the second she steps closer to you. 
She’s trying to be helpful, you know that, and yet she achieves the complete opposite. Her front presses up against your back as her hands land on top of yours to stabilize your movements. “Relax. You’re trying to guide the arrow, not control it.”
You attempt to listen to her advice but relaxing is the last thing on your mind right now. Every muscle in your body is acutely aware of the brunette’s presence which causes your heart to beat faster than should ever be possible. The position you’re in doesn’t help and soon, you really do start shaking from the tension of drawing the arrow back.
She counts down for you, something that should not be as attractive as it is, and you finally let go of the bowstring and shoot the arrow into the target. A target that you miss by several feet.
You can’t even be disappointed in yourself because you’re too busy trying to regain your breath the second Kate finally steps away from you. 
“Hey, at least you’re not hitting the wall anymore!” She says in what’s now become her signature ‘cheering you up’ voice.
It makes her sound ridiculous but it also makes you smile so you don’t have the heart to make fun of her for it. “I appreciate it but it’s going to take years for my aim to get better than this.”
“Oh, come on.” Her exasperated words are accompanied by an eyeroll and a step toward you that makes your breath catch in your throat. “You've already improved so much. Give me one more week and I promise you’ll be hitting that bullseye.”
You take advantage of her proximity to hand the stupid bow back to her. “You're doing that thing again.”
“What thing?” She asks, her eyebrows furrowing as she tilts her head slightly.
“The thing where you get too confident right before totally falling on your ass.”
She does her best to look annoyed but the pink hue that tints her cheeks gives her away far too quickly. “Keep talking like that and I’m canceling the lessons.”
“Wow, what a shame.”
You manage to successfully break her this time and she bursts out laughing, the sound setting free hundreds of butterflies inside your stomach. There are a lot of things to love about Kate and her laugh might be at the top of the list. (Right below her smile and her incredibly comforting hugs…not that you’ve ever noticed or anything.)
“Alright, I’ll make you a deal,” she says while getting into position to do some shooting of her own. “If I hit the bullseye three times in a row, we’re staying for fifteen more minutes.” 
“And if you miss?” You ask, knowing damn well the chances of her missing are close to zero.
“If I miss…I’ll take you out to dinner instead.”
You’ve never wanted her to prove you wrong more badly than at this moment. You don’t say that out loud, though, you don’t even say anything. You just shake your head at her and do your best not to give away how much you adore her silly antics.
The thought that she’s genuinely flirting with you crosses your mind but you instantly push it away, too afraid of getting hurt to entertain the idea for too long. You’ll take what you can get and if all Kate gives you are stupid flirty jokes then that’s all you need. Hoping for more can’t end well when it comes to the brunette.
Your eyes are glued to her frame while she nocks and draws her first arrow, her muscles straining through the fabric of her purple shirt. You know she knows you’re closely watching every move she makes and the self-assured smile that graces her face has you thinking much different thoughts.
Thoughts that are shot right out of your mind as Kate hits the bullseye not three times in a row but five because she’s an annoying overachiever when she wants to be. You’d be pissed if you were unaware of the way her eyes light up with genuine excitement at her success.
“We get it, you’re the world’s greatest archer.” Your dad would disown you if he ever heard you speak those words but what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him…or at least that’s what you hope.
“Don’t sound so jealous, baby.”
Your legs shake the tiniest bit as you approach her again, taking the bow back into your hands with a huff. “Whatever. Shouldn’t you go fetch your arrows or something?”   
“You sure you can handle shooting on your own?” It comes across as another one of her usual teasing comments but her eyes give away her sincerity. She truly does want to help you do well even if it means you won’t need her help anymore.
“You sound like my dad. I’ll be fine, Kate.”
The comparison distracts just enough to stop her from putting up a fight. She walks away toward the target full of her arrows and you walk a few feet away to find a new target to inevitably miss.
You go through the motions Kate patiently taught you, taking in slow breaths and forcing yourself to focus. You’re not fully focused on yourself though. Rather, you visualize the kind-hearted archer and repeat what you’ve seen her do a thousand times at this point.
Time seems to slow down as your eyes hone in on the bullseye and you let the arrow fly. It soars through the air and misses the bullseye by a few inches. But you finally managed to hit the target instead of the wall behind it or the floor in front of it.
You actually did it.
And there’s only one person to thank for that.
“Kate!” You throw the bow down onto the ground in your excitement, your eyes searching for the brunette only to find her already looking at you with the most gorgeous smile on her face.
“You did it!”
She opens her arms for you and you waste no time in running toward her, crashing into her body with a laugh. Her arms slide down your waist and before you know it, she’s picking you up and spinning you around in a giddy haze.
You wrap your legs around her waist without a second thought before looking down at her. “Thank you,” you whisper, your voice slightly breathless from your moment of celebration.
She instantly shakes her head, strands of her soft yet messy hair waving around in the process. “That was all you, y/n. I knew you could do it.”
You’re ready to argue back and insist you’d be lost without her but you make the mistake of letting your eyes wander for a second too long.
Maybe it’s the excitement or the adrenaline still pumping through your veins or maybe it’s Kate herself. You don’t know what it is that makes you work up the courage to finally kiss her, you just know it’s the only thing you want right now.
So, you do it.
You lean in and press your lips to hers in a way that borders on desperate. If she notices, she has no complaints about it because she kisses you back just as passionately. And nothing has ever felt as right as this.
You reluctantly pull away from her and attempt to catch your breath. Something that completely fails due to the way Kate is looking at you. She’s got that soft look in her eyes that can only mean one thing. “So…I’m guessing you like me?”
Yup, there it is. 
“You’re a dork.”
“Hmm…maybe.” She sneaks in another kiss that you happily accept. “But this dork would love to take you on a date. If you want.”
“I do want that…but only if you’re paying.” You joke before she sets you back down on the ground.
“Shut up.”
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