#he's not even my favourite merc but he's still so fun to put in situations
a-dope-fiend · 8 months
scout tf2 is the type of guy to get tricked by a fake tunnel looney tunes style
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sabotajuu-a · 5 years
TAGGED BY   :     nobody because my grubby little fingers stole it from @nomither so ty bb <3 TAGGING   :     everybody with at least one working kidney RULES   :     answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog.   REPOST, don’t reblog. Who’s ready for me to go into detail when nobody fucking asked me to???
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                    I won’t lie, I actually abhor the term OTP because it feels like it’s closing off any potential shipping plots with other muses and characters.   To answer this question, I’ll be highlighting my favored dynamics, because I’m a lawless heathen and I spit on your rules.
                    Let’s get killers over with first.   Trapper and Jake has been a long-standing ship of mine, and it’s for obvious reasons.   They likely have a long-standing feud of Trapper and Saboteur, and I do love hate-ships.   Another favorite dynamic of mine is Doctor and Jake, just because of the machinery Jake can fuck with outside of game mechanics.   He may despise Lery’s and all that comes with it, but I do enjoy the thought of him weaponizing some of that medical and electrical equipment against Carter, and it’s entirely Guud_Night’s fault that I even got into Doctor and that one fucking suit of his.   Jake... loves a man in uniform, and a man in a suit, and Carter just so happens to check both marks.   We don’t talk about the secret cursed ship, thanks.   I already told you about my semi-secret guilty pleasure, so hush.
                    As for survivors, and get ready because this is a complete shocker     (   he lied   ),     but I ship Jake with literally any man that is outlandish, loud, confident, cocky, and / or doesn’t seem to know the meaning of silence or personal space.   So you’re looking at Ace, David, and Ash for those particular choices.   Jeff is in the middle ground.   So why those particular three?   Jake absolutely abhors them on first meeting.   Their personality types do not mesh well with his own, though he warms up to Ace the quickest, and Ash... let’s just say he still considers introducing that man’s jaw to the floor even after he warms up to Ash.   David would probably be that middle-ground because he isn’t as bad as Ash, but he’s not easy to get along with like Ace either.
                    Literally anything, so long as it’s not the obvious incest, pedophilia, non-con brigade.   I’m also not willing to write ships with Dwight, Meg, Claudette, or Nea because Jake sees them as family, whether or not there is a pre-established dynamic or not.   This is non-negotiable since it is my personal headcanon.   With that aside, I’m down for pretty much anything so long as my writing partner is comfortable with the content.   I only state that specifically, despite it being an obvious requirement to ship, because I am someone who enjoys exploring some DARK SHIT, but can understand most of that content isn’t everyone’s cup of tea.   Like full on gore and things like that.   I just want people to have some damn fun, y’know?
                    I don’t quite have many age gap issues, aside from Jake being with anyone under 23.   It’s a personal comfort, and Jake would much prefer people around his own age or older.   As for older, I guess the age cap would be... 60s?   I really don’t have much of an issue with older characters because it’s two legal, consenting adults entering a relationship, so... whatever.   Older people need love too.
                    LMAO fuck no.   I’m always down to clown with suffering because that’s what you’re going to get from me.   Suffering and random soft shit.   I literally love seeing everyone’s characterizations of their muse, and I want to explore all of them.   Though I will, at times, have ship exclusives, but the requirements for that to happen are strenuous and I don’t like to limit myself to shipping with 1 person when i can ship with 9283429 people.
                    Honestly, intercourse itself.   Or, depending on the content, when things dabble into the gorier aspects.   Like I said, I’m fine with writing some fucked up shit, so I’ll likely start putting that SFW to NSFW threshold pretty low to avoid complications with other people.   I hope that’s blunt enough.
                    Out of the fandom, you are free to drop kick your way into my DMs and hit me with that good shit, because wow I love to explore every aspect of potential shipping dynamics.
                    As for Dead by Daylight, I personally want to explore ships with Frank, Joey, Quentin, Tapp, Adam, and Jeff.   I know I mentioned Jeff in that one question above, but I’m going to state him here too since I did say he was more of a middle-man option.   I’m still a little ??? on the dynamic itself.
                    I mean... how else are you going to ship with me?   I don’t like people forcing their ships onto me, and I’d prefer screaming at you about our goblins rather than it being entirely one-sided.   I promise you that 99% of the time, just outright kicking me in the head and yelling     I WANT OUR BOYS TO KISS     will get me to agree and discuss the ship further.
                    I honestly do love shipping, but I don’t need to ship to enjoy writing a character.   It’s definitely something that can easily be explored, but it isn’t mandatory.   I get that Jake isn’t the easiest person to ship with anyway considering he literally hates everyone except, like, four people, and is a feral little creature.   But sincerely, I do like to ship whenever the fuck I feel like it.
                    Hell yeah.   I remember the days singleship was the in, and I honestly felt so restrained.   Give me all of your boys and let me love them all, thanks.
                    I wouldn’t say I’m either.   I basically just ship as chemistry blossoms and discussions are made, so long as the other person is down to clown.   So for this question, I’m a big ol’ middle finger that’s been spray painted by the funky little jester that jingles miserably beneath the dirt.
                       OH, GEE SCOOB WHERE DO I START?   JAKE PARK AND GROWING UP WITH A DECENT FATHER.   JAKE PARK AND HAPPINESS.   JAKE PARK AND SELF-HELP.   JAKE PARK AND LITERALLY ANY POSITIVE OPTION THAT I’VE CONVENIENTLY FORGOTTEN ABOUT WHEN WRITING HIS CHARACTER.   If you’re looking for a serious answer, you’re looking in the wrong place.   I don’t have a favorite ship, so eat rocks.
                    LITERALLY JUST HIT ME WITH IT.   Hit me as hard as you probably smash your Dead Hard key in a stressful situation, only for it to not go off, so you rotate furiously on the ground until the killer picks you up.   Just fucking message me and water my crops with your ship, because there is a 99% chance that I either ship it already myself, or that we can work things out.   If I can make a viable crossover relationship between a League of Legends champion and a SMITE God with a friend, or an Evil Within 2 character and a TF2 merc with a friend, we can make this work too, probably.
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artexian · 7 years
OC Meme 2, Electric Boogaloo: Tavah
You thought I was done, but ooooooh no, I’ll take any excuse to talk about my bois.
DISCLAIMER: Due to the campaign that I’m using him in, I’m not able to talk about certain details of this boi’s backstory just yet.   1. What’s their full name? Why was that chosen? Does it mean anything?
Why was “Tavah” Chosen? I thought it sounded appropriate. Its an earthy, simple kind of name that suits a Minotaur.
2. Do they have any titles? How did they get them?
Apart from the previously “Earned” title of slave, no.
3. Did they have a good childhood? What are fond memories they have of it? What’s a bad memory?
Tavah has no memories of his childhood, and at time of Writing, I’m not able to talk about his past in super detail.
4. What is their relationship with their parents? What’s a good and bad memory with them? Did they know both parents?
See Disclaimer above.
5. Do they have any siblings? What’s their names? What is their relationship with them? Has their relationship changed since they were kids to adults?
See Disclaimer above.
6. What were they like at school? Did they enjoy it? Did they finish? What level of higher education did they reach? What subjects did they enjoy? Which did they hate?
Tavah has never received an education. All skills and knowledge he has currently is from his own journey through the world. If I had to put him at a level, I’d say he is about as knowledgeable as a thirteen year old, With the literacy of a 6 year old.
7. Did they have lots of friends as a child? Did they keep any of their childhood friends into adulthood?
No and No.
8. Did they have pets as a child? Do they have pets as an adult? Do they like animals?
No pets as a child, but I feel as an adult he would probably love the idea of having one, His current situation wouldn’t really allow for it though. He certainly likes the idea of dragons, he’s always wanted to see one.
9. Do animals like them? Do they get on well with animals?
Despite his large size, he is quite gentle in most situations, interacting with animals included. For whatever reason, they seem to approach him and seek out pets and the like.
10. Do they like children? Do children like them? Do they have or want any children? What would they be like as a parent? Or as a godparent/babysitter/ect?
Jesus Christ, Imagining Tavah as a parent is just a disaster to me. He can barely take care of himself, I highly doubt he would make a good parent. As for WANTING kids, he’s never really given it much thought. Doesn’t help that its not really possible given he is a man in a relationship with another man.
11. Do they have any special diet requirements? Are they a vegetarian? Vegan? Have any allergies?
He eats anything really. He tends to lean towards meat, as its rather good at sating his massive appetite.
12. What is their favorite food?
Steak, Ironically.
13. What is their least favorite food?
Probably fish. It smells weird.
14. Do they have any specific memories of food/a restaurant/meal?
He’s never sat down for a proper “Meal”. He eats quickly and has never shared a meal with someone else that wasn’t for any reason other than not starving.
15. Are they good at cooking? Do they enjoy it? What do others think of their cooking?
He can cook about as well as he can do ballet. He tried once, it burned. He’s learning though!
16. Do they collect anything? What do they do with it? Where do they keep it?
While he hasn’t started, he wants to build up a collection of weapons and armor gathered from all around the world. They fascinate him. If he had his way, he would also love a zoo filled with draconics.
17. Do they like to take photos? What do they like to take photos of? Selfies? What do they do with their photos?
Considering photos don’t exist in his setting, No. He isn’t much of an appreciator of art.
18. What’s their favorite genre of: books, music, tv shows, films, video games and anything else
Tales of epic heroes and over the top 80′s/90′s action films.
19. What’s their least favourite genres?
Horror and probably anything with country.
20. Do they like musicals? Music in general? What do they do when they’re favourite song comes?
He’s enjoyed what little music he has heard in taverns and such. He’s thought about playing a guitar of some kind, but his fingers are rather large for it.
21. Do they have a temper? Are they patient? What are they like when they do lose their temper?
Absolutely. While he is usually a patient and kind boy, when it comes to combat he is much less so. He understands that he needs to kill in self defence, and it doesn’t bother him when he does so. He’s also got a rather bestial instinct, as he tends to go “Berserk” if he is hurt enough or someone does some serious damage to his partner.
22. What are their favourite insults to use? What do they insult people for? Or do they prefer to bitch behind someone’s back?
He doesn’t really insult people. He doesn’t see the point in being a dick. Why insult when you can be nice instead?
23. Do they have a good memory? Short term or long term? Are they good with names? Or faces?
Not in the slightest. The only name he has remembered so far is his partners and a lizard girl he met.
24. What is their sleeping pattern like? Do they snore? What do they like to sleep on? A soft or hard mattress?
He sleeps whenever he feels tired, and he prefers to BE the mattress for someone else. He’s rather comfy to lie on.
25. What do they find funny? Do they have a good sense of humour? Are they funny themselves?
He finds many simple things funny, but he himself isn’t really humorous, although he does make people smile with his cute antics.
26. How do they act when they’re happy? Do they sing? Dance? Hum? Or do they hide their emotions?
He has a smile that is almost 95% of the time on his face. It doesn’t take much to please him. Tavah isn’t even aware its possible to hide emotions, He has no reason to and so he doesn’t.
27. What makes them sad? Do they cry regularly? Do they cry openly or hide it? What are they like when they are sad?
He is upset by the idea of being a drag and bringing people down. I would say he cries regularly, but not always sad tears. Like above, he doesn’t hide his emotions or who he is.
28. What is their biggest fear? What in general scares them? How do they act when they’re scared?
Not being able to help in some way. Or, for a more literal phobia, he is terrified by the idea of being restricted in his movement.. Chains, Rope, Any sort of binding,etc. When he IS scared, he is quiet and tries not to get in the way.
29. What do they do when they find out someone else’s fear? Do they tease them? Or get very over protective?
Extremely over protective. He’s like that naturally, so finding out someones weakness would be him doing his best to prevent it being used against them.
30. Do they exercise? Regularly? Or only when forced? What do they act like pre-work out and post-work out?
His line of work (Adventuring, Hero for hire, Merc,etc) is all the exercise he needs. He walks everywhere and carries things for his partner usually.
31. Do they drink? What are they like drunk? What are they like hungover? How do they act when other people are drunk or hungover? Kind or teasing?
He has never had a drink, but I assume that if he did get drunk, he would become incredibly childish.
32. What do they dress like? What sorta shops do they buy clothes from? Do they wear the fashion that they like? What do they wear to sleep? Do they wear makeup? What’s their hair like?
Tavah absolutely hates clothing, but still wears some due to being told he isn't’ allowed to walk around naked all the time. As for what he does wear, he has some plate and leather straps keeping his torso protected (But mostly bare), alongside a sash/tabard to cover his privates. He wears no makeup and likes to keep his hair in a semi-kept Mohawk. He also grows facial hair quite quickly, but likes to keep it trimmed to a goatee along his jawline. He actually has no idea how to shave or cut his hair, he has his partner do that for him.
33. What underwear do they wear? Boxers or briefs? Lacey? Comfy granny panties?
A loincloth, which is the only piece of clothing he doesn’t mind wearing.
34. What is their body type? How tall are they? Do they like their body?
He is incredibly buff, and he knows it. He doesn’t really show it off, but he has no issues with people staring. He’s quite the tall boi, standing at around 7′8ft tall.
35. What’s their guilty pleasure? What is their totally unguilty pleasure?
Guilty pleasure? Spicy food that he has no tolerance to. Unguilty pleasure? Picking people up, and either hugging them or carrying them around.
36. What are they good at? What hobbies do they like? Can they sing?
He’s good at strength based tasks, and has some skill in healing, alongside the obvious advantages in fighting. Apart from that, not much. He hasn’t found a hobby yet and if he sang I doubt it would be enjoyable.
37. Do they like to read? Are they a fast or slow reader? Do they like poetry? Fictional or non fiction?
He doesn’t really enjoy reading, since he is terrible at it. He knows some letters, but still requires help for anything harder then a storefront sign. He’s never heard poetry, but I feel he would enjoy it.
38. What do they admire in others? What talents do they wish they had?
Marital skill and good morals. He wishes he could speak better, since he still has difficulty with long sentences.
39. Do they like letters? Or prefer emails/messaging?
Can’t write and internet doesn’t exist in his setting.
40. Do they like energy drinks? Coffee? Sugary food? Or can they naturally stay awake and alert?
He can stay awake longer then most, but has a tendency to sleep in if staying up for long periods of time. He finds coffee bitter, but enjoys sweet drinks and food.
41. What’s their sexuality? What do they find attractive? Physically and mentally? What do they like/need in a relationship?
Oh boy. The fun question.
Extremely bi. He cares little for looks, but has a bias towards other muscly people like himself, regardless of gender. Mentally, he tends to like people who are as soft as him, preferring to talk and be open with those that have a good sense of morals. He dislikes rough and tough guys/gals and will tend to avoid them.
Despite being Bi, he does lean more towards men and the “Assets” that accompany said gender.
As for what he needs in a relationship, someone soothing and nice that he can easily be himself with. He tends to ask questions alot and is incredibly simple minded, so someone willing to teach him about the world is what he is happy to have found.
42. What are their goals? What would they sacrifice anything for? What is their secret ambition?
Currently, he travels with his friend/Partner/Lover/Boyfriend Reinhard, and would easily give his own life to save him. He has no higher goals apart from that, but does wish to see a dragon one day and do whatever he can to help those in need.
43. Are they religious? What do they think of religion? What do they think of religious people? What do they think of non religious people?
While he is aware of the concept, it doesn’t make a lot of sense to him. He doesn’t judge people if they are religious however. If it makes them happy or gives them guidance, he accepts that and is happy for them.
44. What is their favourite season? Type of weather? Are they good in the cold or the heat? What weather do they complain in the most?
He likes the end of winter/start of spring the most. Seeing the flowers and trees bloom is like magic to him. He tends to dislike sand, as it gets into his fur and annoys him greatly. He isn’t sure why, but he harbors a great resentment towards the desert.
45. How do other people see them? Is it similar to how they see themselves?
Most people see him as a big, scary minotaur, but one conversation proves otherwise. He’s incredibly gentle and kind, and sees himself similarly. One day, he hopes to be seen as a hero.
46. Do they make a good first impression? Does their first impression reflect them accurately? How do they introduce themselves?
First impressions are usually bad, as he is a large, semi-naked buff Minotaur with a large axe usually resting on his shoulder. Like above, this scary image is disproved quickly. He doesn’t usually introduce himself, Reinhard almost always doing that for him.
47. How do they act in a formal occasion? What do they think of black tie wear? Do they enjoy fancy parties and love to chit chat or loathe the whole event?
He’s never been to one, but I imagine it would be a disaster. I’m sure he would act as friendly as possible, But I doubt others would treat him the same.
48. Do they enjoy any parties? If so what kind? Do they organise the party or just turn up? How do they act? What if they didn’t want to go but were dragged along by a friend?
I imagine he would try and be way too friendly and would need to be chaparoned.
49. What is their most valued object? Are they sentimental? Is there something they have to take everywhere with them?
His axe, easily. Its magical and can be summoned to his hand at will, so its always on his person. He doesn’t remember where he got it, but its the one thing thats remained constant in his life.
50. If they could only take one bag of stuff somewhere with them: what would they pack? What do they consider their essentials?
Camping Supplies, Reinhard, His axe, Food. He is a simple boi.
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