#he's me lol but pkmn oc as well i guess
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pls remember to water your goomy
(... yes, that is a bootleg lotad watering can---)
#pokemon#pkmn#goomy#art#poke's doodles#uh.#oc#i guess#he's me lol but pkmn oc as well i guess#i've not. posted him before on here - i think - but im being a lil silly today ;]#yea this is just. a simple doodle#i wanted to draw goomy real quick to cheer up lol#i lovvvvv themmmmmmmmmm so muchhh#if i had a goomy they'd be sooo soggy and happy and gooeyy#uh u know that post like - 'ur ducks? disorganised - my ducks? orderly'#that but 'your goomy? dry. - my goomy? moisturised and refreshed - in TOP form'#unrelated to my goomy praise - the idea of. in universe pkmn product bootlegs is SO funny to me........#like - the canon lotad watering cans are super cute - what if. some people make cheap and. 'bad' versions of it-#it. probably isnt clear from this doodle though............. i think about it a lot though - same with other pkmn universe products --#- like clothing- pkmn accessories and snacks - medical products for specific pkmn?#.... i feel like this is too much rambling for 1(one) doodle----------
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1, 7, 10 for OCs!
1. Oldest OC
Scratches chin. Hm. Well there's a difference between Oldest OC still in use and Oldest OC in General
Tho actually wait I forgot I brought back Ven who fulfills both of these so NVM LOL it's Ven. Yea.
I made him like. a decade ago LMAO he used to be cis and straight and now I trans'd his gender like HE DESERVED. Lmao he's where my love for GNC men stemmed from as a kid esp the bastard kind bc that's what he is <3 little smartass.
He's a furret originally and in this pic but I'll likely be giving him a redesign to use him in Mirakae as well! His pkmn vers is just in a cool RP group I'm in w/some pals GKHNGKH
He's very sentimental to me bc he's what got me into character creation and world-building even if I didn't do anything w/his original world bc I just didn't have the tools or experience to do it back then. The og fav <3
As a fun fact! My first name I picked for myself was based on his! Tho a more "feminine" version bc I was still convinced I wasn't trans- I wanted HIS name but I was like "but I'm a girl..." so... I called it an online name but let's be honest that was baby's first transgender egg moment lol
Kind of ironic the name I use the most NOW is one letter away from his, I think it's kinda a full circle moment :) It makes me happy haha esp now that I have the capabilities and knowledge so that I can portray Ven how I want him to be and how he was always meant to be, similar to my own gender presentation.
7. Do you ship your OCs w/someone else's?
LMAO YEA IF U COULDN'T GUESS BY THE AMOUNT OF SHIP ART THAT GETS DRAWN OF THEM- but yea I mostly ship with my boyfriend! 9/10 if you point out an OC they're shipped w/one of his
There's a few outliers like Ciro, my RP group characters, the MLP ocs I post, and Opal/Saffron BUT FOR THE MOST PART I usually ship with him! We have a lot of fun with it :]
10. Villain OCs?
Oh boy we got PLENTY 'a those. But it really depends on what you'd call a "villain" bc I tend to redeem most of my antagonists and "villains" bc I'm a sucker for Tropes. GKHNGKHNGH BUT AS FOR LIKE. PURE IRREDEEMABLE VILLAIN I DO HAVE SOME. Actor is there but I talked abt Actor already
Jam and Kazi! I have so many cat ocs. I know. You get used to it.
Jam is a back-alley doctor who presents herself has a helpful sort and willing to do shit usually for free/cheap as long as you agree to her terms. Tho like, 90% of the time she's testing smth experimental she created and most likely ur gonna walk away worse than when u came in. She doesn't rly have any remorse for this cuz she's obsessed with the studies of medicine- she wants to create the perfect medicine and is willing to do anything to reach that goal !
Plus she's kind of an ass and does things on a whim and literally broke up with her bf who treated her SO WELL bc she was bored of him. she was only with him for an extended period bc he was interesting and she was essentially studying him but once that was exhausted she just dipped. He deserves better </3
Aaaand then there's Kazi.
Kazi is. Well he sure is. GKHNGKHKGNHG
I won't go in depth into what he does but he's a serial killer who masks as a famous artist who travels around. I'm not gonna get into it but if you've played "The Evil Within" his M/O is eerily similar to Stefano LOL So you can Imagine how fucked up this guy is.
Very Morbid but a very good artist. In both respects. Tho one takes a "certain kind" to appreciate and sure isn't the majority. Do not condone murder here but making villains is fun GKNHGKHGH my whole thing with him is like, the person next to u could b a killer and you'd never know bc he presents himself in such a way that's very misleading! He's actually quite soft-spoken, kind, and generous but. Well.
I'm not gonna get into him cuz his mentality is very warped and could b triggering but yea. He's one of my favorites I'm sorry I'm s
(Art by Rob but design is sexily done by me ages ago)
#asks and answers#jellyloveru#THANK U FOR ASKING#got to talk abt some FUN OCS HERE#i like rambling. in case u cant tell
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Red/Green from your fic
Wow, I’m really sorry this took me so long to finish, anon. I had most of it written a while back, but then I got distracted by real life complications… Mea culpa. But thank you so much for the ask!! And I hope you manage to find this post after all this time ^^;
What they watch during movie dates and what kind of snacks they get from concessions.
Red… might actually sleep through all the movies… Maybehe’ll watch ones that heavily incorporate pkmn into their plots, and he’ll payreally close attention to the pkmn that are onscreen, and get all into readingtheir body language and how it doesn’t match the actual tone or content of themovie. But, yeah, otherwise he’ll be sleeping. Green got cheese fries fromconcessions and threatens to eat them all if Red falls asleep, and that’sexactly what happens.
Which one gets in to a fight with the other’s parents.
Green. Green fights with Delia. I actually have drafts ofthem fighting for Stranded. It’s akind of muted fighting that neither of them wants to be doing but they disagreeabout things and each feels a bit short-changed and they get frustrated. Greenalso fights with his grandfather, of course, but Professor Oak and Red getalong well enough if a bit superficially.
What kind of street performance they’d put on to raise money if they were stranded somewhere.
Pkmn battle. It’s the obvious answer but the correct one, Ithink. I’m sure a battle between them would draw spectators. Anyhow, they havea custom at Viridian Gym to hold non-league standard battles (pkmn teams ofthree selected randomly) monthly, and hold a betting pool, and the profits gotowards helping rescue pkmn or otherwise special league things that Lance ishaving trouble budgeting for. They might just alter the premise slightly ifthey were stranded. They’ll have to use the money to get unstrandedimmediately, but their battle is still for charity. They’ll make a note of howmuch it was and reimburse from their own pockets.
How they’d be as parents if they had-a-kid/someone-forced-a-kid-on-them.
While I don’t ever see them wanting kids apart from 500displaced pkmn, I don’t think they’d be bad parents at all. Green gets to beloud at PTA meetings, and lecture the kid about responsibility and all that,and be smiling and encouraging, and shopping trips. And Red gets to be quietand loving, even though he makes that really blank face, lol. Children are juststrange pkmn to him, so he kind of approaches the topic the same way.
Who would cause the most trouble during a camping trip and how.
They are both verygood at camping. Red’s way more adept at it than Green. Mt Silver oc. And, nowthat he’s been back home for a while, he goes on regular camping trips withMisty and Brock too. Green doesn’t care for it much as a hobby, but he’s beenon his pkmn journeys, of course, so he knows how to camp and doesn’t mind doingso when it’s practical… I mean, they definitely can cause trouble while camping, but it’s not becauseeither of them is making stupid camping mistakes. …At least not anymore. Iguess there was that one time Red ate too much Ursaring liver on Mt Silver andgave himself Vitamin A poisoning. I guess a lot of that Mt Silver camping tripwas a disaster. But Mewtwo was better for it in the end, and Red was also betterfor it in the end so… *shrugs*
What they would give each other as both a serious gift and a troll gift.
Umm, pass… They definitely give gifts during holidays atleast, but I’m not sure exactly what the gifts are. Probably things they usefor work: pkmn egg incubator – or something odd like that.
Who moves in with them as an unfortunate third wheel roommate.
I still can’t decide if I want to call her Leaf or Blue.But, yes, her.Red’s kind of ??? about her, but not in an unfriendly way. Green wants her toleave. Right now. But she has noproblem whining at Green until he feels terribly guilty for having bullied heras a kid, and also she’s kind of hisfriend and kind of Red’s friend and kind of his sister-in-law and he has a responsibility towards her, and thewhole time she’s there she’s passive aggressively holding things over his headuntil he does what she wants. But finally Daisy drags her away, lol.Also Hibiki. Even worse guy that’s blatant in how much he likes Red and doesn’tlike Green.
How they feel about handholding and sudden kisses in the ear-cheek vicinity.
Yeah, they hold hands. And every once in a while, whenthey’re alone, Red gives Green sudden cheek kisses. It’s a rare enoughoccurrence that Green’s always a little surprised and blushy when it happens.
Who’s always snapping photos and who’s pack-ratting clutter.
Red acquires a camera at some point and spends the nextmonth ceaselessly snapping photos until Green and Venusaur and Pikachu are allsick of it. (Eevee and Cubone and the others are into it, lol.) He calms downafter that though and takes photos more sporadically.And Red totally pack rats practical items. Stacks of chipped dishes, old toys, wornstretch bands – anything he might need for pkmn rehab.
Who hogs the bathroom in the morning and who causes toothpaste related drama.
Not the bathroom, but Green takes forever choosing outfitsin the morning. You wouldn’t think it’d take so long to choose some of those horrible clashingcolour combos and pull on those cargo pants but… somehow…Red makes toothpaste trouble by not using enough of it. Green squeezes extratoothpaste onto his toothbrush. ‘It’s called dental hygiene, morning breath.’Toothpaste is grape flavoured.
What their matching costumes were for that one party.
They probably both show up to the costume party dressed asBlaine and they spend the entire time lovingly taking the piss out of him. Foranother party they might dress up as tv personalities – like Gabby and Ty fromthe Gen3 games – haha Interviewer Green and Cameraman Red would be prettygreat.
If I think they’d get married and why or why not.
You know what? I used to think ‘no’ while I was actuallywriting Missed Signals, but I’m leaning a lot more towards ‘yes’ now. It’s aconflict between trying not to make waves about something they think is theirprivate business, and wanting to vocally and publicly treasure each other. I’m gonnajust jump aboard the headcanon train that they’re gonna honeymoon in Alola.
Who has over a thousand unread emails in their inbox or five hundred icons on their computer desktop and how the other reacts to this gross mismanagement.
Green, in terms of the emails. He’s got a lot on his platebetween the gym and Viridian City’s management. His desktop is neat though.Red’s not too tech savvy since he chucked the Fame Checker. He has enough of atime responding to text messages, so he doesn’t really use his email foranything.
What their hidden artistic talents are and how appreciative the other is of these talents.
Neither of them is very artistic. No. Nothing beyondscribbly doodles.
What they consider each other’s most attractive quality and/or their favourite thing about the other.
Green admires Red’s intelligence, and his genius and compassionwhen it comes to working with pkmn. And his kind of amazing ability to succeedeven in the face of all this opposition. Also that Red can be so sweet andsmitten with him. Green loves being loved, lol.And what Red likes about Green – I think it’s the way Green’s so charismaticand such a good leader. And also Green can be really, idk, big ideas, bigambitions, big picture in his thinking. I think that kind of breadth appeals toRed.
Thanks again for the ask :)
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