#he's looking at the screen like 'chay and i have a son? 🥺'
vani-ash · 4 months
Kim and Chay finally move in together and one day Kim comes home to Chay playing the sims and he's like 'Huh that character kinda looks like me?' And Chay is sweating but he's just like 'oh haha what a cute coincidence phi 😊' And then Kim notices Chay plays it like A LOT and so he wants to try to, cause it's something Chay is obviously really interested in and enjoys One day when Chay isn't home Kim logs into Chays account and sees that Chay has a save that was first created like 4 years ago and it's titled like 'WikChay <3' Anyway he clicks it and he sees that the other character looks a lot like Chay and their characters are married and Kim realizes Chay made a whole fake world where they are dating and he finds it adorable and he will be teasing Chay about it when he gets home. + Before closing out of the game he sees another save file titled 'WikChayP' he clicks on it to see that the character that looks like him is pregnant. He doesn't know how to feel.
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