#he's literally the best birthday boy i love him
serenelystrange · 1 day
Rated G
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At AO3, or under the cut!
“Oh, I am going to murder the new guy,” Buck hisses under his breath.
Taylor looks up from the paperwork on her newest sale with an arched eyebrow and sighs.
“He’s literally just doing his job, Buckley. Like I’m trying to and like you should be.”
“He stole her right from under me!”
“You mean he smiled at her when she walked in, and she made a beeline to him?” Taylor asks, smirking.
“Oh, Eddie, what a handsome boy you are! My granddaughter would love you!” Buck mocks in an irritated whisper.
“Buck,” Taylor sighs. “I know you have an appointment in ten minutes that you haven’t printed anything for. And I also know that you’re just jealous you aren’t the only pretty boy on the block anymore.”
“I’m not a pretty boy,” Buck says, pouting prettily.
“Go away and let me finish this,” Taylor says. “You’re never going to win that contest if you spend all your time whining about how Eddie is better at his job than you.”
“Oh, I’m winning that SUV,” Buck says darkly. “It’ll be the best wedding gift for Maddie and Chim, especially with the baby coming.”
“You know,” Taylor muses dryly, “If you’d been even half this determined in our relationship, we probably would have dated more than two months.”
“Low blow, Tay,” Buck scoffs. “Low blow.”
Taylor just glares.
“Ok, ok, I’m going!”
He hurries off to the back to print the welcome packet for his next appointment, the image of Eddie’s annoyingly charming smile burned into his brain.
“What’s that for you, Diaz?” Buck asks as they’re all headed out for the night. “Two today?”
Taylor looks between them for a moment before rolling her eyes and striding for the door, leaving Buck to his weird one-sided pissing contest.
“I’ve told you to call me Eddie,” Eddie says calmly, ignoring the baiting tone. “You know that. And it was three, actually. Mrs. Allen bought that little red Nissan for her husband’s birthday.”
“I hope they get full coverage,” Buck says, frowning at the memory of Mr. Allen test-driving a few of their cars previously.
Eddie laughs and shakes his head, remembering the same day. “I hope she makes him go to the optometrist.”
Buck smiles for a moment before remembering he’s annoyed at the man, and scowls again.
“I’m still going to win that contest,” he says. “You’re good, but I’m in the lead.”
Eddie just gives him an unphased look and shrugs easily.
“There’s still two weeks left, Evan,” he drawls. “I guess we’ll see who comes out on top.”
He holds the door open for Buck as they leave, biting back the amused grin that wants to spread onto his face as Buck stomps out the door like he has his own personal raincloud hovering above his head.
“Drive safe,” he calls out to Buck’s retreating form, just like he does every other night.
And just like every other night, Buck ignores him.
Buck spots them coming in a few days later, an easy sale if he’s ever seen one, and speedwalks as inconspicuously as possible to the door. An older but stunning Hispanic woman looks around as she enters, a young boy moving along with the aid of arm-crutches by her side.
“Welcome!” Buck says as he approaches, giving her his sunniest smile. He waves down at the boy. “Hey, buddy. You look a little young to be buying a car already!”
The boy giggles, looking up at Buck with bright blue eyes beneath his red plastic eyeglasses.
“I’m not buying a car,” he says, somewhat stiltedly but clear. “I’m here for my dad.”
“Oh?” Buck asks, straightening back up and looking at the woman. “Who’s dad? I can track him down for you.”
“I think we’ll be ok,” the woman says warmly, looking over Buck’s shoulder at someone. “He found us.”
Buck turns, and just barely stops himself from scoffing. Because of course it’s Eddie.
“Tia?” Eddie asks, with a concerned look. “Is everything ok?” He holds his arms out for his son and scoops the boy up, swinging him around until he shrieks before holding him against his side with one arm.
Buck narrowly dodges one of the swinging crutches, but finds he can’t be mad when the kid looks so happy.
Tia relays something to Eddie in rapid Spanish that Buck can’t really keep up with, his limited Spanish language skills stalling out after basic bar talk. But he knows the words for both hospital and grandmother, and he’s frozen in place awkwardly as Eddie’s face darkens with worry.
They seem to be arguing about something now, and Buck still doesn’t understand most of it, so he busies himself by making silly faces at the boy, who also doesn’t seem to be getting most of the conversation. The boy is too old to play peekaboo, but he still makes silly faces back, laughing as Buck pulls out his old party trick of wiggling his ears.
“Buck,” Eddie says, and Buck startles, looking over at him sheepishly.
“Sorry,” he says. “I was just goofing around.”
“No, it’s fine,” Eddie says, looking harried. “My abuela fell off her porch, and I need to get to the hospital. Do you think you could take my last two appointments for the day?”
“Don’t you want to reschedule?” Buck asks before he can help himself. “You’ll lose the commission.”
“I don’t have time to call them right now,” Eddie sighs, rubbing his eyes with his free hand. “I need to tell Bobby I have to leave, and might need a few days off, too.”
Buck wavers, looking at the clock on the wall, knowing he has nearly a full hour until his next appointment is even there, and knowing Taylor will be more than happy to snag any walk-ins that come their way.
“Get me the names,” Buck says, finally. “I’ll call them and reschedule for a week out if they’re up for it. You talk to Bobby and then go take care of your family, man.”
“Wait, really?” Eddie asks, stunned. “I’m basically handing you two sales here.”
“Are you complaining?” Buck asks, only a little testily.
Eddie shakes his head and hands his son off to his aunt before clapping Buck on the shoulder.
“Thank you,” he says sincerely. “I’ll grab the sheets when I’m in the back office.” “I’ll be right back,” he says to his aunt, leaving her and his son standing with Buck.
“I’m Buck,” he says, giving them a little wave.
“Pepa,” the woman introduces herself, before jiggling the little boy. “And this little man is Christopher.”
“Nice to meet you,” Buck says. “I, uh, I didn’t know Eddie had a kid.”
“My nephew can be private,” Pepa says. “Annoyingly so, sometimes,” she adds with a resigned sigh. “But Christopher is his world.”
“I’m sure,” Buck says, smiling at the adorable boy. “I bet you’re what, twelve years old?” he asks with a completely straight face.
That sets the boy off into giggles as he shakes his head. “I’m seven!” he says.
“Well, you fooled me!” Buck says, grinning.
“Come on, Mijo,” Eddie says as he gets back to them, taking him from Pepa and giving Buck another appreciated nod along with his contact sheet as they head off.
“Thanks again, Buck,” he says, and Buck just waves them off, feeling suddenly wrong-footed and not sure why.
Buck is surprised when Eddie is back the next day, and even more surprised when he spots Christopher beside him. He watches from the break room counter as Eddie gets the kid set up at one of the tables with assorted snacks and an ipad, before speaking to him quietly and kissing him on the head as he straightens up and meets Buck’s eyes.
Buck, caught staring, manages a strained smile and takes a long and very hot sip of his coffee to avoid having to speak. Unfortunately, Eddie heads for him anyway, facing the counter as he pours himself a cup of coffee. Buck suddenly regrets standing so close to the damn thing, as he can practically touch Eddie’s arm with his own.
“Thanks again for yesterday,” Eddie says quietly. “Bobby said Chris could hang out here until I get a better babysitter situation for the rest of the summer.”
“No problem,” Buck says. “It’s good that you’re back. I’d hate to win the sales contest by default.”
“Liar,” Eddie says with an amused scoff. “You’d still love it.”
“Yeah, well,” Buck says, fighting off a grin. “It wouldn’t be as fun as winning fair and square.”
“You know,” Eddie says with a growing grin. “I bet the soccer moms would love to see how well their Chris-sized kids fit in the minivans…”
“Cheater!” Buck gasps. “You can’t use an adorable face to sell cars for you!”
“Why?’ Eddie laughs, “you do it all the time. I’ve seen those little old ladies literally pinch your cheeks.”
“Better than my ass,” Buck says, cringing as he thinks about the hassling Taylor has dealt with since she joined up. “Tay kicked a guy right in the balls once though, before you were here. It was great. He threatened to sue.”
“How’d that go?” Eddie asks, delighted.
“Bobby dragged him over by his ear to watch the security footage of him grabbing Tay, and told him if he ever stepped foot in the building again, he’d have his wife arrest him.”
“Damn,” Eddie says with appreciation. “Nice.”
One week before the contest ends, Buck checks the board in Bobby’s office, finding that Eddie is just one sale away from tying his lead. He glares at the board for a long moment, as if the smudged white plastic somehow made the numbers up instead of just recording them. Shaking his head, he decides he needs more coffee before he can deal with the day.
“Hi Buck!” Chris calls out from his usual place in the breakroom as Buck walks in, waving at him excitedly.
“Hey, buddy,” Buck says, heading over to the table and sitting down across from Chris. “What are you working on?”
“Paint-by-numbers,” Chris says, frowning down at his ipad, stylus in hand. “It’s to try and help my motors.”
Buck watches him fondly as he swipes with the stylus with determination, worrying his lip in concentration.
“You mean your fine-motor skills, maybe?” Buck asks.
“Yeah,” Chris nods, “that was it.”
“Your dad with a customer?” Buck asks, realizing the room is empty besides the two of them and wondering where Eddie had vanished off to.
Chris shakes his head, still looking down at his ipad.
“He’s on the phone outside,” he says, looking up briefly to give Buck a sad look. “He doesn’t want me to hear him yell at the army people again.”
“Army people?” Buck asks.
“He got hurt in a war,” Chris says. “So they made him come home, and now he’s angry at them all the time.”
“Oh,” Buck says, quietly. He doesn’t know the whole story, sure that Eddie will have given Chris only the abridged, child-friendly version, but it’s enough to make him frown in thought. “Well, I know he’s happy to be back with you, even if he’s angry at the army.”
“Maybe,” Chris says, shrugging without looking up, and Buck feels his heart breaking for the kid.
Eddie reappears in the break room before Buck can say anything else, face flushed red with irritation that he’s trying to smother as he heads towards his son.
“How’s it going, baby?” he asks Chris, a forced lightness to his voice as he peers down at the ipad painting.
“The leaves are tricky,” Chris frowns. “They’re really small.”
“Just do your best,” Eddie says, ruffling his hair. “It’s ok if you can’t do everything all at once.”
“That’s a good lesson,” Buck says, ostensibly to Chris, but starting right up into Eddie’s surprised brown eyes.
Eddie drops his gaze, avoiding Buck’s eyes, and pretends to watch Chris painting until Buck finally looks away.
“No Chris today?” Buck asks the next day when Eddie shows up alone.
“Pepa has the day off,” Eddie says. “So he’s hanging out in his pajamas on her couch instead of at one of our shitty lunch tables.”
“They are so wobbly,” Buck agrees.
Eddie hums, heading to the back room to grab the paperwork for his first appointment. Buck follows before he realizes what he’s doing, and leans against the wall by the printer as Eddie waits for his documents.
“Chris said something about the army yesterday,” Buck says, “you got hurt?”
Eddie sighs tiredly but nods.
“Yeah,” he says. “Fucked up my shoulder pretty bad, among other things.”
“Shit,” Buck says. “I’m sorry.”
“At least I made it home,” Eddie shrugs with forced nonchalance. “Now if only the VA would actually help me with the kid they made me leave. That would be great.”
“Is Chris ok?” Buck asks with concern. “He told me he has C.P. but he seems basically alright, all things considered.”
“He’s great,” Eddie assures him. “He just needs to find a school that will actually be able to accommodate him and still give him a decent education. And that shit is so expensive.”
“And the VA doesn’t have any resources?” Buck guesses, frowning.
“They might,” Eddie says with a sigh. “But I’m so overwhelmed with it all, between the move from Texas, and finding a place for me and Chris, and starting this job, I just now started the process.”
“You’re from Texas??” Buck asks, incredulously. “How has that never come up?”
Eddie shrugs.
“No offense,” he says, “but you’ve pretty much hated me from the day I started. I didn’t think you’d want to compare backstories.”
“Oh,” Buck says, feeling all at once like an absolute buffoon. “I don’t hate you,” he says.
“Then what was with the attitude?” Eddie laughs, as the printer finally finishes collating his papers.
“It’s dumb,” Buck says, ducking his head. “But I was just jealous you swooped in here with your stupid pretty face and stole all my customers.”
“You know,” Eddie says, “Taylor did tell me you were just jealous, but I didn’t believe her.”
“I get too caught up in competition sometimes,” Buck says, sighing.
“Little bit, maybe,” Eddie says nodding. “So, you uh, you think I’m pretty?”
“Oh, we are not having this conversation,” Buck says, pushing himself off the wall and fleeing, leaving an amused Eddie laughing after him as he goes.
“Did I ever tell you about my ex, Abby?” Buck asks the next day he finds Eddie alone at the front desk. It’s a slow day, and Chris has managed to pull Taylor and Ravi into a spirited game of Go Fish in the breakroom.
“You barely spoke to me for the first two months I worked here,” Eddie says, giving him a sassy look. “So no, you haven’t told me about your ex.”
“She was a little older than me,” Buck says. “Was taking care of her mom before she died, and it was really rough on her, you know?”
“I’m sure,” Eddie says, the question of but what does this have to do with anything clear in his tone.
“It didn’t work out,” Buck says, surprised to realize it doesn’t sting as much as it used to when he says it. “But I did meet this really great woman because of her.”
“Ok?” Eddie asks, amused but still lost.
“I think you should call her,” Buck says, handing Eddie a mint green business card.
“I’m not looking for a girlfriend, Buck,” Eddie says, glaring at the card with an inordinate amount of offense, in Buck’s opinion.
“Don’t worry,” Buck says earnestly, “she’s married.”
“What is happening here?” Eddie asks with exasperation.
“She was their home health aide,” Buck explains. “She calls herself ‘red tape’s worst enemy’”, “and I bet she can get you and Chris the help you need with his school before your head explodes.”
“Oh,” Eddie says, looking up at Buck with badly disguised wonder. “You really think she can help?”
“Definitely,” Buck says, grinning. “She’s a miracle worker.”
“I don’t even know what to say,” Eddie hesitates for a moment before pulling Buck into a brief one-armed hug. “Thank you.”
“It’s uh,” Buck stammers, face flushing, “it’s nothing.”
Eddie shakes his head and claps Buck on the shoulder, leaving his hand there as he looks at him for a long moment.
“For Chris?” Eddie says, squeezing Buck’s shoulder, “this is everything.”
The bells on the door chime as a customer walks in, breaking the moment, and Buck takes the opportunity to escape to the bathroom.
Eddie can take the sale.
“You were right,” Eddie says, as Buck opens his apartment door and looks at him with bleary eyes. “It wasn’t nearly as fun to win that SUV by default.”
Buck groans, wondering how Eddie even found out where he lives, but moves back to let him in.
“It’s not my fault I got a stupid awful cold in the middle of August,” Buck sighs. “Corporate should take sick days into account.”
“Probably,” Eddie agrees, handing Buck a round Tupperware container that’s still warm. “Tia Pepa made it, it’s chicken soup.”
“You brought me soup?” Buck asks, feeling inexplicably like he might cry at the gesture. “You don’t even like me.”
“I never didn’t like you!” Eddie says, rolling his eyes. “Your beef with me was entirely one-sided!”
“Don’t be mean to me,” Buck whines, “I’m sick.”
“Lucky for you, I’m a pro at dealing with sick babies,” Eddie teases, leading Buck towards the couch he spots. “Sit down, I’ll find you a spoon.”
Buck tries to glare at him on principle but finds he doesn’t have the strength. Instead he lets himself be guided to the couch and settles down, tucking his bare feet up under his criss-crossed legs and securing the couch blanket around his shoulders.
“Chris says thank you, by the way,” Eddie says from the kitchen where he’s opening random drawers to look for spoons. “For the new car.”
“Hmm?” Buck asks, tired brain failing to understand what Chris has to do with the contest.
“My old car is on it’s last legs,” Eddie explains, “and even with our discount, I wasn’t going to be able to get anything better or bigger anytime soon. But the SUV holds his security seat and gives him plenty of room to stretch out his legs.”
“I didn’t know that,” Buck says. “You should’ve told me before.”
“I didn’t want you to lose on purpose,” Eddie says as he walks over and hands Buck the spoon before settling down on the other end of the couch. “A pity win is even worse than a win by default.”
“I wouldn’t have lost on purpose,” Buck says, the lie obvious even to his own ears.
“Sure, bud,” Eddie says, smirking. “You keep telling yourself that.”
“I hate you,” Buck groans. He takes a careful spoonful of the soup and hums happily. “But I love this soup. I guess it evens out.”
“I can live with that,” Eddie says, grabbing the remote from the coffee table. “So, what are we watching?”
Buck shrugs and pulls the Tupperware bowl up to his mouth to sip from directly, breathing in the steamy goodness.
Eddie can figure out the rest.
“Why didn’t Taylor win, anyway?” Eddie asks when Buck is recovered and back at work. “She’s killing it out there.”
“Tay goes for the high-priced sales,” Buck says. “Luxury cars and stuff. She’s good at it, and she definitely makes more money than both of us. But the contest was for the most individual sales, not the overall sales amount.”
“Well, I’m glad,” Eddie laughs. “Chris loves the car, he wanted to camp out in it the other night.”
“Adorable,” Buck says, fondly. “But not great for anyone over five feet tall.”
“I told him I’d take him camping before school starts,” Eddie says casually. “Next weekend maybe.”
“That’s cool,” Buck says. “You’ll have to make smores! It’s tradition.”
“Is that what you did with your family?” Eddie asks, looking concerned when Buck’s expression shutters for a moment.
“My parents aren’t really the family activities type,” Buck says. “But Maddie, my older sister, she would camp out with me in the backyard, and we’d make smores and tell ghost stories.” He smiles at the memory, despite it all. “She’s really great.”
“Maybe you could come with us?” Eddie asks, almost shyly. “We can make smores and roast hot dogs. Chris is excited to build the fire.”
“Yeah?” Buck asks, “I wouldn’t be in the way?”
Eddie shakes his head, giving Buck a soft smile.
“Not at all,” he says, “you should definitely come.”
Buck smiles again, feeling the blush creeping all the way up to his hairlines, but nods in agreement.
“Can’t wait.”
“I can’t believe it’s nearly Christmas,” Buck says as they’re leaving one Friday night, he and Eddie locking up as they go. “Not that it ever gets cold enough to snow here.”
“L.A. cant even handle rain,” Eddie says as they head to the employee lot, “we don’t need them trying to drive in snow.”
“Truth,” Buck agrees, shuddering at the idea.
They make it to the cars that are parked side by side, each pulling out their keys before facing each other.
“I’ll see you tomorrow?” Buck asks, knowing full well that Eddie has been planning their planetarium trip for literal weeks.
“Obviously,” Eddie says, grabbing Buck’s shirt collar and tugging him in for a sweet kiss.
“Drive safe,” he says, like he has every other night.
Buck steals one last kiss for the night, laughing against Eddie’s lips as he finally says it back.
The End
Honestly, what am I even doing with my life? ^_^
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lisutarid-a · 8 months
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33 notes · View notes
Happy birthday Mushitarou!
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The sad silly green man is one of the absolute best and also one of the most criminally underrated characters in all of BSD. I don’t have any fics or anything for him today (EVENTUALLY... eventually....), but I’ll share some headcanons for him (+others) that I have 💚 (part headcanons/part analysis tbh)
Under the cut cause uhhhh this got a lot longer than I expected it would ahaha, smh:
While I don’t think he had any particular falling-out with his family, I think Mushi is naturally isolated from them, and only became more closed off after his father died, someone whom he was especially close to and who shaped him into the good person that he is. He was lonely growing up in school, and Yokomizo was as well, even though it didn’t seem that way on the surface due to the latter being much more outgoing and extroverted; neither of them had anyone who truly understood and engaged with their interests (especially not Mushi after the loss of his father). Yokomizo was also estranged from his relatives, even more so after he became obsessed with writing, so he and Mushi became as close as family after enough time had passed – they really were all each other had, in so many ways.
Mushi already visited Yokomizo frequently enough as it is, without much else to do in his life, but began coming to see him even more often after he was told about Yokomizo’s terminal illness/given the request to kill him. Despite Yokomizo’s desire to finish his novel before his health deteriorated enough to be noticeable, he was unable to do so, and as time wore on, Mushi began to worry that something would happen to Yokomizo without anyone there to help, and took it upon himself to take care of him. Yokomizo’s urgency to finish his writing became more desperate, yet Mushi tried to keep him from pushing himself, which somewhat worked – there was an unspoken understanding that both were trying to put off the inevitable; for Mushi, it was out of utter denial of losing him and of what he’d have to do, and for Yokomizo, it was out of a sorrowful desire to spend as much time with Mushi as he still could, and guilt for the tremendously selfish and cruel thing he was ultimately asking of him, even as both of these emotions fought with his stubborn desire to go out the way he wanted to.
Mushi’s façade of hatred towards Yokomizo after killing him, although mostly a coping mechanism to distance himself from him and his grief, is not entirely without basis: a small part of him did want to genuinely hate Yokomizo for forcing this upon him, though ultimately a much larger part of him simply hated himself for doing something so unspeakable to the person he called his friend, even if it was asked of him.
Yokomizo, however, wanted Mushi to hate him over all, even if he never said this outright. The months leading up to his death were filled with worry for his friend, for the person who was essentially like a younger family member to him (not exactly a little brother, but… something akin to that. Although they’re probably around the same age, I feel like Yokomizo was more mature (not in every way though of course), and was protective over Mushi in a lot of ways); he knew Mushi very well, and he knew that Mushi would not cope well with his death at all, let alone what he was asking of him – he already wasn’t coping well. Mushi always had walls up and pretended to be arrogant, pretended to be selfish and not care about anyone but himself, but Yokomizo was the one person he was comfortable around, and he had long since practically become home for him: although their time together was never anything extravagant, he was able to bring him out of his shell, and force him to do and think about things he never would have otherwise, giving them both a happiness they each would have never otherwise known for so many years. But then that fragile peace they had together, that safety net, was being cruelly ripped away from them both, and the thought that Mushi would go back to being lonely, closed-off, and isolated after he was gone, drowning in his grief and with no one else to support him anymore, was more devastating to Yokomizo than even the fact that he was dying. As cruel and selfish as asking Mushi to kill him for his perfect crime was, I think a part of him felt it would be even crueler to force Mushi to watch him slowly wither away from illness (and he, too, dreaded and was terrified of having to go out like that, after so much drawn-out pain), and he selfishly hoped that Mushi’s hatred of him for forcing this upon him would overcome his grief, and the inevitable self-loathing he would have – yes, Mushi could hate him, needed to hate him, anything to keep him from hating himself. Of course, Yokomizo knew that wouldn’t happen, because Mushi was far too kind, far too caring, and far too selfless – anyone who would do so much for him for so many years as he had, especially after he became ill, and would willingly agree to go as far as to essentially euthanize him for his selfish final dream, no matter how much all of it hurt him, was truly the greatest friend anyone could ask for. Mushi was and is a beautifully selfless person, but he himself could never see it – only Yokomizo could, and so he knew exactly how he would respond, and worried about him immensely because of it. And that worry made him want to try to distance himself from Mushi as much as possible, to die as soon as possible, even, so it wouldn’t be even harder on him than it already would be… but in the end what won over that was his desire to make as many happy memories with him as possible in those final months, so they could somehow try to forget about what was coming, if only briefly; so that Yokomizo could, maybe, somehow, in some small way, believe that Mushi would be okay in the end after he was gone. :’ )
Continuing this, as part of those memories, I headcanon Yokomizo liked to dance with Mushi a lot, since there’s some art of them doing that 💚 Mushi also took Yokomizo out to various quiet place, like to see fireworks or the beach. He canonically doesn’t like the smell of the salty sea air (why? I have no clue), but I hc Yokomizo loved the sea, so Mushi went with him there at least once oops my Yokomizo Oda similarity headcanons are showing-
Yokomizo wanted Mushi to be happy, but it also worried him that his friend clearly bottled everything up and never allowed himself to cry, either. So seeing him cry in his last moments was a huge weight off his shoulders, and was somehow what ultimately convinced him that Mushi would one day be okay again. :’ )
At some point, probably multiple times, Mushi and Yokomizo had a discussion where Mushi tried to make sure that Yokomizo truly, sincerely wanted him to do what he was asking of him. Around and around, trying to talk him out of it, insisting that he hadn’t truly thought it through, but Yokomizo was always gently steadfast. After they settled on strangulation (poison, aside from being ruled out for the sake of the reader, was not what Yokomizo preferred when his body was already painfully killing itself from the inside), Mushi tried to suggest that he be given a strong sleeping pill/sedative before being killed so that he wouldn’t feel it, but Yokomizo insisted against it, as it would imply sympathy on the part of the killer, which couldn’t happen. His sickly state, although it wasn’t yet public while he was still alive, would already suggest a mercy killing and was putting the plan/general reception at risk enough as it was. </3
After killing Yokomizo, Mushi handled his body ever-so-delicately, tenderly, almost reverently, just as he had many times before while carrying him, as he strung him up the way he was instructed, and even as he cut off his ears. He took his time doing it, wanting to hold his friend close and memorize what he looked like for as long as he possibly could in these final moments, even though he felt like his hands didn’t have the right to touch him anymore. Then, after everything was in place and he’d fled the premises with the manuscript, he promptly threw up somewhere. :’ )
Yokomizo was the second person to give him the nickname “Mushi”, after Mushi’s father. No one else ever calls him that now; it’s a name reserved only for them.
Mushi struggles while trying to write at Poe’s mansion out of a feeling of inferiority compared to Yokomizo; writing and mysteries were never his passion, they were Yokomizo’s, and he was just indulging the latter’s hobbies. He has no right to claim the role of writer for himself, not now that he’s gone and when he was only ever in it for Yokomizo to begin with… and there’s no possible way he can ever create anything good or original, when they’d already talked at length about how everything in the mystery genre had already been done, and Yokomizo himself created the ultimate mystery that no one could ever possible top, least of all him.
But Poe knows that what he writes doesn’t need to be perfect or even good; Mushi only needs to do it as a form of therapy for himself, because it will bring him closer to his deceased friend, since mysteries are what they enjoyed most when he was alive. (and I honestly think Poe would understand and empathize Mushi very well, having been so isolated and lonely in the past himself before Ranpo essentially saved him just as Yokomizo did for him) Once he’s able to convey that to him, it gradually comes more naturally to Mushi and becomes comforting for him as Poe intended. 💚
Mushi forms a reluctant friendship with Karl over the course of his stay with Poe (inspired by this person’s art series of them together 🥹). It starts with Karl trying to help the first time Mushi has a nightmare there, and after that he starts bothering him/trying to get his attention in general, until Mushi slowly gives in, becoming begrudgingly fond of the little creature. Whenever he’s having a hard time, whether it be a nightmare or a panic attack or just listlessness, Karl is usually there for him, as his own personal therapy raccoon. 💚
To add to that, Mushi canonically dislikes thunder; I headcanon that when they were together during storms, Yokomizo always made sure to be even more chatty than usual, to distract Mushi from his fear of the noise. Once he’s at Poe’s mansion, when it storms, he suddenly realizes how much louder and scarier the thunder feels now… but of course he doesn’t let it show. Karl, however, notices his discomfort, and is there for him during storms now. :’ )
Post-series, in general, Mushi always brings treats for Karl whenever he meets up with Poe again. 💚
A headcanon plenty of people have, but Ango is absolutely crucial to Mushi’s journey of healing. Post-series, they have quite a few talks about their respective situations, and Ango is the one person Mushi ultimately (after enough time, of course) bears the most of his soul and his pain to, because Ango can empathize with him and understand his guilt/self-loathing/sorrow in a way none of the others can. Earlier on, Ango checks on Mushi the most (Ranpo and Poe do too though) to make sure that he’s taking care of himself, just like he occasionally does/did with Dazai.
Mushi starts wearing traditional clothes more often after Yokomizo’s death, including a few old things that used to belong to him, that are comforting to Mushi.
There aren’t many public photos of Yokomizo, since he was a rather private author. There is, however, only one single personal photo of him, one he roped a grumpy Mushi into taking with him once, his own expression being as sunshine-y and exuberant as always in contrast. Mushi cherishes it now :’ ) oops the buraiha trio vibes strike again
Because of his period of dealing with Yokomizo’s terminal illness, Mushi has some medical-related knowledge that the average person probably wouldn’t. It isn’t the kind of thing he wants to dwell on after Yokomizo’s death, and he can’t stand being around hospitals, for obvious reasons, but regardless, whether he’s consciously aware of it or not, he is especially compassionate/understanding towards those who are sick and disabled that he encounters. His time with Yokomizo has given him perspectives and philosophies about life that he wouldn’t otherwise have, and when he’s not trying to write strictly mysteries, it’s the sort of things that are evident in his writing. In a way, writing about it in general is healing for him, separate from mysteries being comforting to him solely because they’re associated with Yokomizo.
At some point, Mushi starts visiting Yokomizo’s grave together with Ango, Poe, and Ranpo, or sometimes just Ango. Similarly, he, Poe and Ranpo join Ango in visiting Oda’s grave. He and Ango each tell stories about their respective lost loved ones, so that more people will learn about and remember who they once were. 💚
With his ability, Ango is able to read the memories within the room Yokomizo was living in (or perhaps in objects Mushi owns), and see numerous happy memories he had with Mushi, long before his illness and death. With what he sees and conveys, Poe is able to write a small story of the memory, which he then gives to Mushi, allowing him to go into the story and relive the memory and see Yokomizo again for the first time in years. It’s not the real Yokomizo, and Mushi knows this – he’s long since stopped seeing the hallucination of him, because he’s healed enough by this point. But even so, just knowing that the book is there, that he can see his friend moving and talking again whenever he wishes – a version of Yokomizo that is just as happy and bright and energetic as he always remembered, without suffering from illness – is the greatest gift and kindness he could ever imagine receiving, and from his new friends no less, and it’s enough to make him cry, from how loved he truly is :’ ) 💚
I love Mushitarou sooooo much, and I truly hope he gets more attention in the future (can’t wait for tomorrow’s episode!!), because his story is so touching and his character so relatable and comforting 🥹 and I sincerely hope he finds his ultimate happiness in the manga one day. Happy birthday, you sweet, sentimental, pathetic (affectionate), goofy little gremlin man 💚
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bbbrianjones · 11 months
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paul richard hewson, 1952-1985
“we used to go away on tour for maybe three or four months and paul would have this little blue globite school bag and you used to say “what’s in your bag, paul?” and it would be a wrestling magazine featuring andré the giant, who was his hero, and a portable chess set, some cough mixture, and he had his drugs in there…. i guess.” todd hunter
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lokissweater · 1 month
hey! i really love your fics and i have a special request 4 my 19th birthday ( aug 16 ) . can you do inexperienced yuuta x inexperienced reader or frat boy/play boy yuuta x shy nerdy reader? I really luv u and it would mean alot 2 me if you did this,feel free to say no or ignore this if you want! no pressure!
OH MY GOODNESSS i could never ignore this! i can ABSOLUTELY cook this one up for you and i hope i met your expectations!! i wanted to release this right on your birthday, so here is my gift to you! <3 ILY you’re so sweet thank you for sending in a request!
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{frat boy/playboy yuta okkotsu x nerdy f!reader}
summary: yuta okkotsu is a typical popular frat boy player who’s never been told no, but at one of his regular parties where he spots your pretty little self in the kitchen, and you turn him down? his entire existence resets as he then cannot stop thinking about you and tries his absolute hardest to change the impression you have on him.
warnings: college au, afab!reader, fluufff, mentions of alcohol and drinking, yuta LOVES you, he’s a little weenie at first, character development yuta, no smut in this one!, cursing, party fight, protective yuta, yuta fights someone lol, slight sexual themes but really nothing.
word count: 5k
authors note: OH HOW I LOVE THIS ONEEE!! i hope i’m feeding you guys well this week with these fics hehe!! IM WRITING A FREAKY ONE FOR THIS NEXT SO STAY TUNED!! love you love you <3
yuta okkotsu was the biggest player and frat boy to ever plague your college campus— having parties literally every other night and trashing the absolute fuck out of his frat house after every single one, living in the privileges of popularity as he was without a doubt the hottest man there.
he absolutely relished in his reputation, loved the attention, loved the stares he got, and had a body count that absolutely shot through the roof in numbers.
and yuta was quite literally a typical frat boy. he was loud and obnoxious, the most stubborn hot headed man to ever exist on the face of the planet, passed the time playing beer pong for fun and drinking, and had girls practically at his feet, him never having to work for anything to get in his bed and fuck.
until he met you.
you had timidly walked into one of his frat parties one night, shy, cutely nerdy, a little scared and absolutely drop dead gorgeous, your energy an entirely different one from his own as he watched you a little too much throughout the night, rehearsing his perfected plan of getting girls into bed with him as he finally spotted you alone in the kitchen after a while, approaching you.
yuta flashed you an attractive polished smile as he leaned up against the kitchen counter, practically cornering you in as you eyed him alarmingly.
“hey,” he sipped at his beer. “what’s your name?”
you awkwardly shifted, wondering where the hell your best friend was as the biggest player you’ve ever heard of was talking to you.
“y-y/n…” you stammered, your gaze barely looking at him but giving a small smile through your nervousness nonetheless.
“pretty name for a pretty girl,” he hummed. “you’ve never come to my parties before, have you?”
you shook your head no, your doe eyes finally peering up at him.
“welcome then!” he chirped smoothly and leaned closer to you, his breath faintly smelling of alcohol. “you here by yourself?”
“no i’m with a friend, actually.” you laughed awkwardly, your cheeks red with embarrassment but smiling politely through your discomfort, not wanting to offend him in any way.
yuta nodded, his eyes scanning the crowd. “did you lose them?”
“i— i guess so—”
“you can stick with me then.” he shrugged, a sly smile on his face as he sweet talked you, it slightly faltering when he noticed how uncomfortable you looked, but carrying on anyways. “you wanna head upstairs? maybe we can—”
“no thank you.”
he paused.
he was yuta okkotsu. no girl has ever told him no before.
you shook your head at him and gave him a sugary smile, your tone kind and polite as you started to walk away from him. “i’m sorry, i think i see my friend over there though! thank you for keeping me company, i hope it wasn’t too much trouble!”
he watched you walk away then in your tiny little skirt, and he felt stupidly offended. absolutely stupidly offended as he slightly scoffed and shook his head, taking a swig of his beer, his body and mind literally glitching with the foreign feeling of rejection.
yuta tossed his empty beer bottle lazily in a black garbage bag and stuffed his hands into his pockets, his long legs already pulling him over to the beer pong table in the living room, opting to forgetting the entire encounter he had with you altogether and shaking it off.
except he couldn’t. he couldn’t shake it off.
his brain was buzzing and utterly reeling over the thought of your timid nature and soft spoken words and pretty pretty face from that point forward, thoughts that aggravated him to no end that bubbled up every time he ate, slept, was in class, and did basically anything.
he didn’t know why it was happening. he didn’t know why you took over his every fucking thought as he only interacted with you for like five minutes. but your aura was different. so poised, so shy and gentle, and it was like a red string was physically pulling him towards you everywhere you went.
yuta saw you around campus a lot more after that, you sticking out like a sore thumb and blinding his vision whenever you walked past him, your smile sweet and respectful towards him that lasted only a millisecond as you walked down further, his eyes watching you over his shoulder, soft.
you conversations with him were nothing but polite and casual as he tried to talk to you again and again, your body language guarded and careful, but your voice like silky honey, speaking to him with more kindness than he deserved.
yuta never seemed to be able to get past the invisible wall you built in front of him.
“a girl like her isn’t gonna go for a guy like you, yuta.” one of his frat brothers muttered to him, having been fed up with yuta’s moping and grumbling around the house ever since he saw you.
“and why not.” he gruffed, his arms tightly crossed over his chest as he leaned back on the couch.
“because she’s nothing like us.” he emphasized. “she’s a nerd, respects herself, is way too good for you, and would never let herself waste time with a guy of your reputation.”
his frat brother patted him heavily on the shoulder. “just go back to the ones you usually go for. they’re easy.”
yuta only rolled his eyes and stood, but he really couldn’t deny what he had said. you were too good for him, way too good for him, his life completely mismatched from yours— paths never meant to cross as he solemnly watched you from afar, wanting you to smile at him the way you smiled at others, wanting you to talk about your precious nerdy interests and your studies with him like you do with your friends, and wanting you to just simply look at him longer than the usual casual hello you gave him.
but you never did.
in an attempt to try and talk to you again without seeming like an absolute fucking stupid creep like last time (something he quickly realized), he started throwing parties at his frat literally every single night in hopes of you showing up, scanning the crowd and sulking in a corner when he couldn’t find you, the bags under his eyes growing darker and darker with every time you didnt make an appearance.
he tried to go back to his old ways and hook up with the girls he usually did, tried to bury you in the back of his mind and go back to before, but he just couldn’t, his mind foggy and preoccupied with thoughts of you that invaded his every neuron, making him kiss his hook ups back lazily or straight up just cancel on them— stopping all together in the end.
it had been months, and yuta sat bored out of his mind on the living room couch during another one of his parties, not a single drop of alcohol in his system as music pumped and drummed through the frat that made his headache ten times worse.
these everyday parties were pointless.
he sat up and trudged to the kitchen, pushing past his friends for a beer until he froze.
there you stood, finally, leaning against the kitchen counter all by yourself, just like how you were when he first saw you.
his eyes flew open and he quickly smoothed over his white t-shirt with his hands, heart hammering against his chest so hard that it traveled down to his ribcage as he approached you, internally freaking the fuck out.
“hey y/n,” he greeted quietly and calm, trying his absolute hardest to convey sincerity towards you. “how are you doing?”
your eyes snapped to his and you leaned back a bit, but smiled. “hi yuta! i’m doing okay. how are you?”
he could practically see the wall you had in front of him, your posture timid and cautious, and his eyes only grew more insecure.
“i’m good! do you— do you want a drink? or something? i could—”
“oh it’s okay yuta! i’m fine,” you answered shyly, a grin on your breathtaking face.
yuta gnawed on his thumb, looking around the kitchen for something, anything that could fix the image you had on him.
the fridge.
“do you um—” he walked over to the fridge, almost stumbling over his own shoes as he opened it. “do you want maybe apple juice? or— or i have chocolate milk? or sunny d i drink like an entire dozen a day but—”
you giggled.
his head snapped over to you and watched your pearly smile, shining just for him for a moment, his shoulders slowly relaxing.
yuta sheepishly scratched the back of his neck and laughed along with you.
“sunny d would be great!”
he stared blankly, and then quickly nodded. “o—okay! yes sunny d—”
he ransacked through his fridge, knocking over several cans of energy drinks and beers before he finally found the sunny d’s in the back, tearing one out from the pack and closing the fridge.
“here you go.”
your cheeks glowed pink as you shyly took the small bottle from his hands, a cute wobbly smile on your face that made yuta’s chest clench.
he wiped his sweaty hands on his jeans.
“i wanted to apologize—” he strained out. “for the way i spoke to you when we first met.”
you stared at him.
“it was never my intention to make you uncomfortable, and i acted like a complete dingbat with the things i said, so i just—” he scuffed his shoe against the kitchen floor. “i’m really sorry.”
you were quiet, big doe eyes blinking up at him in shock— until your frame gently deflated, eyes softening for him.
“you don’t have to apologize yuta honestly.” your soft voice soothed him, a sound he craved to hear everyday since the moment he met you. “i don’t think any less of you if that’s what you’re worried about.”
“you don’t?”
you shook your head cutely, beaming. “i don’t.”
he felt like he could breathe again.
your invisible wall slowly and gradually crumbled away the more you got to know yuta after that. he was still a little flirt, but only a little flirt with you, and he still did his frat boy job duties everyday, but he toned down the parties massively and stopped playing beer pong and drinking just for fun.
it would be a lie if you said you weren’t hesitant about yuta to begin with. you knew of his reputation and the risks you ran with befriending him the way you were— you well aware that he was trying to win you over, but you saw something different in him that he didn’t show to anyone else, and you trusted him, the goodness of your heart always giving people the benefit of the doubt.
he was trying his absolute hardest for you and changing his bad traits, wanting to become a person that deserved to be with you as he listened to you ramble on and on about your classes and your studies all of the time, him smiling adoringly at you because he genuinely loved so much hearing you talk to him and listen to anything you had to say— and yuta was falling practically head over heels over the way you gushed about your little nerdy interests, your eyes shimmering every time.
“and what’s this one called?” he asked softly.
you glanced over. “that’s the corpse flower! they only bloom for two to three days every two to three years.”
“only for two to three days?!” he whispered harshly, the ambiance in the botanical garden quiet and serene as you both observed the different kinds of breeds, flowers being your specialty of knowledge.
and he wanted to know all about it, even though he had a pamphlet in his hand that told him everything.
he wanted to hear it from you.
“and this one?”
he pointed to a vibrant scarlet red flower.
“that’s the cardinal flower. they attract little bees and hummingbirds!”
your words were gentle and polite, your eyes sparkling at all of the different flowers in front of you.
“oo! and this one—” you stopped suddenly, slowly retracting your hand and looking at him bashfully, your cheeks redder than ever.
yuta’s eyebrows furrowed. “what? why’d you stop?” he looked to where you had been staring. “what about this one?”
“sorry!” you sputtered. “i felt like i was getting carried away and talking way too much…”
you laughed it off, but yuta only shook his head.
“no you weren’t. you weren’t at all.”
you peered up at him shyly.
“you can talk about anything you want with me wherever we are, y/n. i like it when you explain to me these things, or anything you know really.” he ruffled your hair. “i like listening to you.”
your cheeks adorned a pinky shade as you took in what he said, and you smiled so so big then, nodding.
“so what’s this one?” he pressed again, lightly.
the bed contained a mix of white and purple flowers, small and dainty as they swayed to and fro a bit with every breeze.
“those are pansies,” you leaned over the railing. “i like these especially because it looks like they have another pair attached to them on the other side.”
“like a little buddy,” yuta commented.
you laughed softly, “yeah! like a little buddy.”
he pointed to a specific pansy that had one white flower and one purple flower on the opposite side.
“that’s you and me.”
“is it?” you grinned. “who’s who?”
“you’re the white one and i’m the purple one,” yuta absentmindedly turned and grabbed your hands gently, playing with your fingertips— and you let him. “because you’re pretty and really fucking smart and way too nice to me, and i’m a douchebag and sometimes i’m a mean and scary old fart.”
you giggled loudly at his joke, shaking your head. “nuh uh. i don’t agree.”
“you don’t?” he quirked an eyebrow, a silly smile on his face.
you shook your head again. “you’re genuine yuta. really genuine. and you’re funny, you never make me feel embarrassed for the things that i love, and you make others happy!… sometimes.”
yuta laughed, “sometimes?” he softly placed your hands back at your sides. “yeah, you’re not wrong.”
“but you make me happy, always.” you finished off.
his eyes lit up like a firework. “really? so does this mean you’ll finally say yes to going out with me and give me a little kiss?”
you snickered and covered your mouth, your cheeks flushed. “nuh uh.”
“aww mannn,” yuta groaned and leaned against the railing, but turned his head to the side after a few seconds and looked at you, giving a tender smile.
your eyes continued to sparkle over the flower beds in front of you, but yuta’s eyes only sparkled at the one flower in front of him.
that’s where he started calling you flower.
“that’s okay!” he leaned back up. “i’ll keep trying.”
and boy did he try. each and every single day yuta tried as he brought you little treats from the campus cafe, or helped carry your textbooks to wherever you went, brought you neatly packaged flowers or sometimes would even pull his car over when he saw pretty ones on the side of the road, getting off and running to pluck them, handing them to you through the window with a goofy grin.
everything was bliss between you two, and your world only got brighter as you hung out with him.
but for yuta, his world got a little complicated.
his former hookups only grew sour once they found out about you, the girl yuta seemed to spend every waking hour with, completely blind sighted to the fact as they thought he would’ve dumped you months ago already.
and his frat brothers were just bothered. yuta wasn’t managing the frat like he used to before, like he was supposed to as their leader, neglecting the collective reputation they all had with him not sweet talking the entire female student body, or their parties not running every single night anymore— and even when they did run, yuta wasn’t ever even there to begin with, he was with you, something they quickly realized.
“you have to cut it out man,” one of them said. “this frat is turning into a shit hole because you keep spending your time with that girl—“ he stopped. “who the fuck even is she? i mean if it was layla fine everybody knows layla but—”
“who she is is none of your fucking business?” yuta snapped. “and just because i’m not sending girls for you to jerk your dick with doesn’t mean this frat is turning into a ‘shit hole.’”
some of the boys snickered.
“you wanna run the maintenance on the house? you wanna call up the fucking board and ask for the ten thousand fucking permits we have to have for our parties every year? you think you can run that?”
“then be my fucking guest.”
“okay fine, i’m sorry man.” he sighed. “we haven’t had a party in a week though, we have to throw one tomorrow and you have to be there. then ill call it even.”
yuta snorted. call it even? whatever.
he begrudgingly agreed, not wanting to be there whatsoever but softening up to the fact that maybe he was neglecting his frat a little too much.
so when he called you up that day for your nightly phone calls, yuta asked for your attendance.
“i know— i know parties aren’t really your thing…” he pursed his lips, staring up at the ceiling as he had you on speaker. “but i’d feel a lot better if you were there… and you won’t be alone! you’ll be with me the whole time so—”
yuta sighed. “…i have been neglecting the frat a little bit, and they’re pissed at me.”
you gasped softly, “they are?”
“yeah but i don’t give a fuck.”
you both giggled.
“but i do want to make them somewhat happy so that’s why i gotta throw this party… can you come? it’s okay if not flower don’t worry—”
“of course i can go yuta!” you spoke cutely over the speaker. “as long as you give me a sunny d i’ll be okay.”
he laughed.
“i feel like…” you struggled. “them being mad and what’s happening with your frat is partially my fault yuta… i’m sorry.”
your voice was so worrisome, you feeling tremendous guilt on the other line as you bit your lip.
“what?” his eyes narrowed. “no flower, absolutely not. why would you think that?”
“because i keep asking you to hang out with me,” you spoke softly. “and i feel like im hogging you from your frat boy duties.”
yuta chuckled and shook his head. “i would ten times rather spend time with you than hang out with these fucking dummies.” he sat up on his bed. “i love it when you ask for me flower. keep doing it please. whatever that’s happening with my frat strictly has to do with me okay? not you.”
you grinned on the other end, your heart giddy. “okay.”
so the night of the party, you showed up to his frat looking absolutely gorgeous in your tight little dress, his hands instantly clamming up and his throat closing at the scent of your strawberry perfume and lovely face alone.
yuta tried so hard to keep his eyes respectful and not drift down to your ass or the way your perfect tits squeezed out from the top, almost physically slapping himself when he accidentally touched you way lower than he should have when guiding you through the crowd.
everywhere he went people were greeting him or passing him shots, him quickly acknowledging everybody and downing whatever they gave him as you shyly and timidly stuck to his body (which he loved).
yuta taught you how to play beer pong that night and cheered like an absolute fucking idiot whenever you would make it in, drinking the cups for you instead as he knew you weren’t the biggest fan of alcohol, which made you a little weak in the knees that he catered to you so much.
the party was actually way more fun than the both of you expected, especially for yuta, because he proudly had you on his arm as you walked throughout the house, you trying your absolute hardest to ignore the stares you got from different girls and not uttering a single word about it to yuta, not wanting to burden him and take his focus away from rejuvenating the frat and his brothers.
all was bliss, until it wasn’t.
“is this her? the girl you’re always talking to?” one of his frat brothers stumbled through the crowd, the one that argued with him the day before, drunk off of his freaking mind as his eyes raked over your body like nothing.
yuta instantly picked up on that and stiffened, “yeah.”
he tried his best to swallow his annoyance and be civil as he gently placed a hand on your back and softly ushered you forward, you shy and clinging onto his shirt. “this is y/n.”
“i see why you abandoned us for a nerd man!” he slurred. “she’s fucking hot. never seen tits look so good—”
your breath hitched.
“the fuck you just say?” yuta tugged you behind him. “the hell is wrong with you man? don’t talk about her like that.”
you noticed several eyes looking over.
“what!” he hiccuped dumbly. “they do! why are you getting pissed—”
“i don’t give a shit!” yuta snapped. “don’t talk about her like that!”
he scoffed, swaying a little. “what, like you actually care about her anyways—”
“are you fucking serious?” yuta stepped forward and you tugged him back, your eyes frantic as they scanned over the crowd forming and back to him.
“no yuta, he’s drunk it’s okay—”
“she’s just another one for your body count, once you fuck her you’re gonna leave—”
yuta slipped from your grasp and lunged at him, tackling him and towering over him on the ground as he fisted his shirt and jerked him up, yuta landing punch after punch to his face as the crowd yelled, cheered and recorded around you.
“yuta please!” you tried to get his attention, your chest heaving in a panic as you watched the other guy land a hit on yuta, not wanting him to get hurt over you at all whatsoever.
yuta dodged another coming hit and beat the shit out of him, grueling him down to a mere pulp as everything around him went completely white and fuzzy, his body stinging with absolute rage.
he was furious.
finally, several other frat brothers broke through the crowd and pulled yuta off of him.
“that’s enough that’s enough!”
“guys stop!”
quickly, you grabbed yuta’s hand once they put him aside and tugged him away from the crowd, speed walking to the front door.
“you’re out of the fucking frat you piece of shit!” yuta practically roared behind him as you pulled him. “you’re out!”
your trembling fingers hurriedly turned the knob and opened the door, dragging him out down the steps to the porch and across the grass, not saying a single word to him yet as he kept breathing out desperate apologies to you with every step.
once you both were a safe distance away from the house and just a tiny bit down the street, you let go of his hand and turned to him.
“—fuck im sorry i’m sorry im so sorry—” yuta shoved the base of his palms into his eyes as he threw his head back, “i just fucked everything up between us i—”
yuta knew you would never want to be with a guy like him, especially one that couldn’t keep his shit together and resorted to violence the way he did minutes ago, right in front of you. a guy like that didn’t deserve you. you deserved way way fucking more. and as he tore his palms away from his face, eyes looking up at the night sky, he knew he completely messed up his chances with you for good.
his head snapped down to look at you, his eyebrows pinched and eyes contorted in absolute guilt and agony as he placed his bloody knuckled hands on your little cheeks.
“i’m so fucking sorry he said those things to you like that that was not okay flower,” he emphasized. “and i’m so sorry i beat him when you told me not to i— i just couldn’t stand there when he was talking to you like that man—”
he dropped his hands and cursed, his arms going up as he covered his eyes again.
“yuta it’s okay—”
“no,” he shook his head and looked at you. “no it’s not okay. you deserve way more than this and no matter how fucking hard i try to do better, the life i built before you just doesn’t let me.”
his eyes got so sad, saying words he didn’t want to say, but knew he had to. “you shouldn’t be around a guy like me flower, you really shouldn’t. fuck— i don’t want you around a guy like me. you’re too precious for that. i’m gonna end up screwing you over like i always do—”
“yuta stop.” you raised your voice a little, your tone one he’d never ever heard come out of your mouth, firm and serious in contrast to the sweetness you always gave him.
he shut right up.
“come sit down with me on the curb,” you pulled his arm. “please.”
he followed you and sat down next to you on the side walk with his head down, you taking in how yuta only had one little cut next to his eyebrow, pride funnily bubbling up in your chest as you realized how good he actually fought.
he did that. for you. he made a scene out of himself and protected your name.. for you. although you hated that he got into a fight, you knew he was trying so so hard for you, going above and beyond for a year now trying to fix himself to be a better man deserving of you, and you were immensely touched, no one having put even close to that amount of effort like he was in your life.
“you don’t get to decide what i deserve yuta.”
his eyes shot in your direction “but as a friend i’m telling you—”
you huffed as you grabbed his cheeks and kissed him.
you kissed him.
yuta’s eyes were blown astronomically wide as you did, his heart no longer beating as he could’ve sworn he was dead right now, not believing that you were actually kissing him.
you pulled apart from his lips with a smack, your hands still on his red cheeks. “a guy who’s willing to literally change himself without me having to ask, trying to be better for me everyday without fault for literally a year, doing everything he can to make me happy? definitely deserves me yuta. you deserve me.”
you pecked his forehead softly and pulled back again, his body going numb when you did. “so what if you beat the shit out of him? i would do it too if someone was talking to you like that i don’t care. i’d lose but i’d do it,” you giggled. “i didn’t like the fight because i don’t want you getting hurt, ever, period. but you literally scrapped him up like it was nothing, so i don’t have anything to worry about.”
he shook his head and playfully rolled his eyes. “no flower that’s the thing you’re too sweet to me, i don’t want you justifying—”
“yuta be quiet!” you whispered harshly, giving him a silly grin. “you talk too much.”
you reached up and very very gently pecked the little cut on the side of his eyebrow, feeling a cool calming waterfall wash over his body at the feeling of your soft lips finally on him, something he’s wished upon every star for.
“you’re so good to me yuta, truly you are. and i’m sorry it’s taken me so long to say this because i’m always nervous but—” you smiled endearingly. “i do want to go out with you, and i do want to give you little kisses. all of the time.”
yuta slowly let his forehead fall against yours, feeling like he was in a dream as the only emotion he felt at the moment was bliss. pure honeyed bliss as he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you to his chest, his face burying in your silky hair.
his hard work had finally paid off, and he had every fucking intention of keeping up that work until the day he dies, wanting you, his shy and timid precious little flower forever in his life— you changing him for the better so much that he finally feels like he’s properly healthy, in more ways than one.
“we’re going out tomorrow,” he mumbled into your hair. “bright and early. i’m gonna take you to get breakfast, and then we’re gonna go to that aquarium you’ve been wanting to go to for weeks now, and then i’m gonna buy you a souvenir, and then i’m gonna take you to get your nails done—”
“yu!” you pulled back and giggled happily. “you don’t have to buy me anything my goodness. just you is enough.”
he bit his lip, smiling like a fucking idiot.
“well too fucking bad i’m gonna do it anyways.”
he pulled you back in as you laughed and buried his face back into your hair, not wanting to break away at all, feeling like the richest douchebag in the world as he finally had you as his.
you scooted your face up then and nudged him, him pulling a part in response as you proceeded to plant another sugary kiss to his lips, yours lingering as they melted into a perfect mold against his mouth, yuta’s heart absolutely soaring, your red invisible strings close together at last.
he finally had you.
and he was never letting you go.
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starcrossedmusings · 23 days
Pretty Hands
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Pairing: best friend!Yunho x f!reader WC: 3.2k Warnings: eventual smut, reader has a thing for Yunho's hands (who doesn't??), swearing, fingering, choking, a little bit of degradation (he compares her to a whore literally once), PRAISE so much praise, Yunho talks reader through it (you're welcome), pov is kinda all over the place just let it be, Yunho is absolutely WHIPPED for reader teehee, probably some other things that I missed (let me know)
Summary: You and Yunho have been friends for years, and you tell each other everything. He suddenly takes a much more vested interest in your love life when you can't stop mentioning your newest interest.
A/N: This is entirely self indulgent and also I just wanted to get something full posted. The Phantom fic is turning out to be much longer than I originally anticipated (and so did this one once I started writing it). Let me know what you think♡
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Stepping into Yunho's apartment had always felt like coming home, and today was no exception. You take your shoes off in the tiled entryway and pad your way through the main living area, calling out to him as you walk.
"Yun? I'm here!"
His muffled response flows down from the end of the hall, "Bedroom!"
You make your way through the back hallway and enter his room, finding him exactly where you thought he would be, focused in on his computer. There's a selection of empty drink cans and snack wrappers scattered around his desk, which tells you that whatever he's currently building on Minecraft has probably occupied the majority of his day so far. He pauses the game and turns his chair to face you.
"Whats up?"
"Got bored at home and my roommate isn't even trying to muffle her pornstar moans for her new boy toy."
Yunho barks out a laugh, "Does she seriously sound--"
"Just like it Yun I can't make this shit up. I'm starting to think maybe they're recording themselves in there."
Yunho wiggles his eyebrows as he stretches his arms up and over his head, leaning back in his chair. "Well, if I ever see your living room on Pornhub I'll be sure to let you know"
You crinkle your nose. "Ew. I do NOT need to know that."
"Whatever, don't act like you haven't been talking to me for weeks about how horny you are. If I have to hear about your vibrator dying one more time I'm gonna buy you a new one myself."
"You try getting unintentionally edged three nights in a row with a full charge, it's some bullshit Yun. Besides, I'm allowed to complain about my dry spell."
Yunho scoffs, tone playful and lighthearted. "Dry spell? It's been what? Two months?"
"It's been three thank you very much." You move to sit on his bed.
"Well some of us haven't had sex in much longer."
"Oh, please, that girl that San was messing around with was all over you at his birthday party last month, don't tell me you didn't take that opportunity."
Yunho raises his eyebrows in shock, leaning forward in his chair. "Wait, really?"
"Oh my GOD Yun you are so oblivious. Yes really. She was all giggly and twirling her hair and shit. That's like...girl flirting basics."
"I am not oblivious, I am actually quite observant. I could tell you things about yourself you don't even know. I just have my sights set on someone and that someone is not her."
You shoot him an incredulous look and snort out a laugh, leaning back to lay down completely on his bed, legs dangling off the edge. "Sure Yun, whatever makes you feel better."
You hear Yunho stand from his chair and feel his weight shift onto the mattress. He appears in your vision, a challenging playful sparkle in his eyes as he peers down at you. "Okay, fine. I can tell that you're trying out a new perfume, you just went shopping because your leggings are a different brand than you usually wear, and I know that you washed your hair last night because you're wearing it all the way down today."
You do your best to ignore the way your stomach summersaults at his attention to detail about you and your routines. You roll onto your side and prop your head up on your elbow, matching his challenging gaze. "Okay Sherlock Holmes. What kind of underwear am I wearing then?"
Yunho pauses to consider before responding "a thong, probably black." You grin triumphantly and lean in just a bit closer.
"Wrong. I'm not wearing any. You lose!" You stick your tongue out playfully at him and he swats your shoulder, falling back onto his mattress.
"You set me up!"
"Face it Yun, I'm just better than you."
"Yeah yeah, whatever" Yunho pouts, voice hightening slightly from surprise. He can feel a slight redness creeping up his ears and prays his hair has grown long enough to cover it. 'I'm not wearing any.' He clears his throat. "So why go commando? You finally planning to seduce your new conquest?"
"He is not a new conquest, he doesn't even know I like him."
"He will once he knows you aren't wearing any underwear for him" Yunho jokes, smiling cheekily. You smack at his chest.
"I didn't want to do laundry last night, asshole. Get your mind out of the gutter!"
"You're one to talk" he mutters under his breath.
You sit up fully and reach for one of the pillows at the top of his bed, slamming it down on his face. "Jeong Yunho I swear to god!" On your second swing, he manages to catch the pillow with one hand and pry it from your grasp, but not before giving you an entirely unhelpful image of his long fingers gripping the plush material.
"What?? All I ever hear you talk about lately is how tall and handsome this dude is and how much his hands make you drool."
"You sound jealous."
"I'm not jealous, I'm pissed that I have to hear all about him and don't even get to know what the dude's name is."
"I told you, I'm gatekeeping this time. You run your mouth too much."
"I do not!"
"Do too."
"Ugh FINE whatever," Yunho chucks the pillow back towards you and you dodge it, leaving both pillows on one side of the headboard, "You're so agitating."
"You know you love me Yun. But just for the attitude," You adjust both pillows and shuffle your way back until you're leaned against both of them, "no pillow for you for tonights doomscrolling session."
He huffs a laugh and scoots up to meet you, pulling out his phone and settling in against the headboard.
An hour later you get up to go to the bathroom, and when you get back Yunho has stolen both of his pillows. You frown and cross your arms. "Hey, asshole, those were mine!"
"Yeah?" He taunts playfully, "Well they were mine to begin with, and my back is killing me. So deal." You roll your eyes and cross back over to the bed, crawling over the side you've been sitting on and curling yourself into Yunho's side to rest your head against his chest. You feel him tense slightly underneath you before he moves one of his arms around your shoulders to let you lay more comfortably.
"There's no way in hell I'm sitting up against that cold ass metal frame you call a headboard." You mutter as you begin scrolling. Yunho's chuckle rumbles through his chest and tickles your cheek. You both sit in silence for a while, content to scroll on your phones. Eventually, you turn to look up at him from his chest.
"I meant to ask how your new project has been going. Whatever you were building when I came in looked pretty intense." You can see the faint tinge of red trail up his ears and neck--a telltale sign that whatever you caught him building makes him embarrassed. You sit up, propping your weight on your elbow and placing a hand on his chest to shove him slightly. "Ooooo now you have to tell me what it is!"
"It's embarrassing..."
"Tell me tell me tell me tell me--"
"Okay fine, fuck. I'll tell you if you promise not to laugh--"
"I won't I swear!"
"Pinky promise?" He holds his pinky out to you, and you raise a hand from his chest. Before you can lace your pinky in his, he pulls his hand up above his head. "I'm serious, Y/N, if you laugh I'll have no choice but to tickle you to death."
He's definitely not stalling because he has to come up with a reply, because he certainly hasn't been building a treehouse for you in what he hopes will one day be a shared server. Yunho thinks to himself that he would rather die than let you find out.
You scoff, "I won't laugh...and even if I did I'm not ticklish so your threat is a moot point."
Yunho drops his hand down onto the mattress. "Bullshit."
"It's not. I don't have a ticklish bone in my body."
You shake your head, and Yunho takes the opportunity to gently press the pads of his fingers into the sides of your ribs. The sensation hits you almost immediately, and you feel the tight feeling in your chest as he begins tickling you. You squeal and thrash around in his grasp, trying desperately to get away from his assault.
"Yun stop it--"
"Not until you admit you're a liar!" You begin to giggle and manage to roll away from him, but Yunho is quick to follow. He swings a long leg over your hips and pins you beneath him, a single large hand trapping both of your wrists above your head while the other dances across your ribs. "Admit it," He sings out.
"Okay! Okay fine I'm a liar!" You gasp out between laughter. Yunho beams down at you and immediately stops tickling your sides, leaving you panting underneath him--
Oh fuck...you're panting underneath him.
He can almost feel the shift in the air as he stares down at you. He knows he should move, just roll off of you and make up some bullshit lie about what he was building. You like someone else, and he clearly wasn't getting out of the friend zone any time soon. He's just making a fool of himself...and yet he just can't bring himself to stop memorizing the way you look splayed out beneath his hips. Eventually he forces himself to stop staring at the way your chest rises and falls or the sliver of your tummy that's poking out from underneath your shirt that's riding up. He locks eyes with you.
Your voice comes out softer than he's ever heard you speak before. "Hey Yun?"
"You know that mystery guy I've been telling you about? The one with the pretty hands?"
A twinge of annoyance flairs in his stomach and he can't help but grumble out his reply. "Yeah?"
"I'll give you a hint. He's got me pinned to the mattress right now."
Yunho feels his heart drop deep into the pit of his stomach.
"Like...like right now he does?"
You laugh lightly. "Yeah, right now, Yun."
Yunho swallows thickly as his head starts spinning. He leans down much slower than he would have liked to, giving you plenty of time to take it back--to laugh at him and tell him you got him good. He feels like his whole body lights ablaze when you close the final gap between your lips, and suddenly he is kissing you.
In almost any circumstance that you had seen Yunho kissing someone, he was always fast-paced--hot and heavy petting in the corner of a darkened bar, dares in drunken party circles--which is why you were floored at the reverence he was kissing you with now. His mouth was steady and intense against yours, his hands roaming slowly across the expanse of your torso like he was memorizing the feel of something priceless. You gently pull your hands from his grasp and tangle them in his hair, pulling him closer and matching his intensity with your fervor. You feel his hands make their way to the lower hem of your shirt, and your skin erupts in goosebumps as you feel his fingers ghost along the sliver of skin there. He breaks the kiss and you feel his breath fan across your face as he pants. His hands gently make their way to rest just under your shirt, not quite pushing the fabric up. He locks eyes with you.
"Is this okay?"
You chuckle gently. "Yes, Yun, you can touch me. I want you to touch me." You watch his eyes darken and his hands start running up your torso, pulling your shirt up with them.
"Where do you want me to touch you, baby?"
You exhale heavily and arch your back into his touch. "Anywhere...everywhere...I don't care."
Yunho smirks and feels his ego inflate. "You don't care? Hmm..." He starts planting kisses along your jaw and down the side of your neck. Slow. Teasing. "If I remember correctly, you seemed pretty keen about having my hands in some specific places baby. Can you refresh my memory?"
The low whine that escapes your throat nearly sends him spiraling. "You know where...don't make me say it."
He does know, but there's nothing he wants to hear more right now than to hear you say it. He brings one hand up to your chest, cupping one of your boobs and squeezing gently as he continues peppering your neck with kisses. "Was it here? Or..." His hand trails back down and grips your hip possessively, "Here, maybe?" He hears you huff and feels your hand wrap around his wrist. You try to tug it up, and he chuckles softly but allows you to move his hand. He nips your earlobe and asks lowly, "Where do you need my hands baby?" He feels his cock twitch in his sweats when you wrap his fingers around your throat, guiding him to squeeze the sides gently. Your hands run down his chest and drop to your sides as he squeezes a little harder. "Fuck, look at you. So pretty with my hand around your neck."
You whine and buck your hips up, desperately looking for friction. Yunho coos as he looks down at you, wanting to have the image burned into his memory. He adjusts his position so he's sat on one side of you and brings his free hand to your thighs, squeezing the flesh there and watching the way you spread your legs for him. "Pretty girl, I need you to use your words. Spreading your legs like a whore isn't gonna get you what you want." He revels in the way you throw your head back onto the mattress and close your eyes, frustration evident already on your face.
"Need your fingers, Yun. Please."
Holy shit, he could combust right then and there. He smiles and traces his hands along the inside of your clothed thighs. "Good girl. So polite for me." He hooks his fingers in the waistband of your leggings and pulls them down and off, leaving you bare from the waist down. "Sit up for me baby. I want you between my legs."
Yunho sits on the edge of the mattress and allows you time to sit up, moving to sit in between his thighs. He hooks your legs over his, leaving you spread and completely at his mercy. A shiver runs down your spine as the pads of his fingers run across your thighs and you gasp as they brush against your core. He presses kisses into your neck and chuckles, "You're already soaking wet, what's got you all bothered hmm? I've barely touched you..." Yunho hums and teases your entrance with this middle finger. He can feel you clenching. "Do you like my hands that much baby? All it takes is a little choking and you're putty for me." He pushes two fingers inside, pumping slowly and curling back to find your sweet spot. He feels pride flare through his chest at the noise you make, a mix between a whine and a moan that eggs him on.
Your toes curl as Yunho almost immediately finds your g-spot. The pace he sets is almost perfect, and when he begins rubbing tight circles on your clit your eyes roll back into your head. The pleasure is a building wave, and it's all you can do to keep yourself remotely still as he continues pumping his thick fingers in and out. "Oh my god, Yun, please don't stop!" You clench helplessly around his fingers and let your head roll back to rest on his shoulder.
"Awe baby I'm not gonna stop. Not until I see how pretty you look cumming all over me. Will you do that for me, sweetheart?" he coos, bringing his other hand back up to your throat and squeezing lightly. "Will you cum all over my fingers? I bet you want to right? Wanna come on my fingers while I squeeze this pretty neck of yours?"
You whine and preen at his words and arch your back. Your legs begin to shake as Yunho's circling on your clit quickens pace just slightly, the thrusts of his fingers audible from the squelching between your thighs. Your breath quickens.
"My pretty girl, you're such a mess for me, aren't you? Can you hear how wet you are? All soaked for me? I bet your hands don't feel as good as mine hmm?"
You shake your head no violently, whining as he continues to talk lowly into your ear. Your orgasm builds quickly, and at this point you have no faith in your ability to speak coherently.
"No, they don't do they? I want you to show me how good my hands feel baby. Let go for me, sweetheart."
Your breath catches in your throat as you tip over the edge, and the feeling of your release washes over you. Your whole body jolts in his grasp as he continues pumping his fingers. You feel him squeeze your throat gently, just enough pressure to remind you that he's got you.
"Atta girl, look at you! Doing so good for me." You whine and buck your hips, orgasm still riding through your body. Yunho nips at your neck lightly and slows his pumping to a stop as you continue to shake. "That's it baby, just grind on them for me." The final aftershock of your orgasm finishes, and you go limp in his arms, leaning all of your weight back into his chest and breathing heavily.
Yunho pulls his fingers out and admires the mess you made on them before popping them into his mouth. He's still rock hard, and the taste of you on his fingers makes him twitch again. He'll definitely need your help with that later. He uses the hand around your neck to brush a stray hair from out of your face. "How are you feeling?"
You huff out a breathless laugh and turn your face to nuzzle into his neck. "How do you think I feel? That was...wow."
He can't help the goofy smile that crosses his face. "Oh really? Tell me more, I'd like a full report." He jokes, pulling the two of you down to snuggle on his bed. He grabs a throw blanket from your side and pulls it over the two of you and nearly melts when you curl closer to him, burying your face into his chest.
"Give me a few minutes to recover and I'll show you exactly how I'm feeling right now." Yunho rubs a hand up and down your back.
"I look forward to that."
"And then afterwards you're going to show me what you've been building."
Yunho chuckles and kisses the top of your head. No way in hell.
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leclercwriting · 2 months
age gap | daniel ricciardo social media au
pairing: daniel ricciardo x fem reader
you are an influencer who starts dating older f1 driver daniel ricciardo
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liked by danielricciardo, yourbff1 and 567,930 others
caption: my life since the rumours
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yourbff1: the rumours are kinda funny tho
y/n.user: yeah.. "rumours"
user62: what rumours?!
danielricciardo: xx
user83: daniel?
user2: wait... the rumours are that he and y/n are dating, right?
user74: yeah
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liked by landonorris, maxverstappen1 and 123,938 others
caption: rumours confirmed
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maxverstappen1: this is how i get to know your girlfriend?
daniel.jpg: sorryy maximilian
landonorris: isn't she too young? you old man
daniel.jpg: she has an old soul
y/n.user: DANIEL
landonorris: hey y/n. I'm lando btw
y/n.user: hey lando
user73: omg they are actually so cute together
user46: lmao she's just using him
user9: weird
user525: she's still a child omg
y/n.user: oh I wish. But thanks for compliment that I look young
user3: she slayed
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liked by danielricciardo, y/n.user and 567,939 others
caption: if you go out with daniel and y/n, be prepared for daniel carrying her around...
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danielricciardo: she's always tired.. not my fault
y/n.user: ME? u always want to carry me
danielricciardo: not true
y/n.user: I'm done with you
landonorris: first couple fight?
danielricciardo: yeah..
user66: I'm starting to like them together
y/n.user: good taste
user3: idk but it's still weird
user2: she's so young
y/n.user: no wayyy
yourbff1: they are so cute
y/n.user: <3
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liked by danielricciardo, yourbff1 and 1,839,378 others
caption: I bought daniel new t-shirts so he can wear them to the paddock (haters will love these)
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landonorris: poor danny boy
danielricciardo: I actually love them
maxverstappen1: no way
y/n.user: @ kellypiquet Kelly buy some t-shirt for max too. Atleast he doesn't have to repeat outfits
user63: poor daniel.. she's manipulating him
danielricciardo: I literally picked those t-shirts
user73: daniel and y/n are the best couple. Argue with the wall
yourbff3: omg i love you for this babe
y/n.user: I ate
user77: u did!
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liked by danielricciardo, maxverstappen1 and 578,838 others
caption: enjoyed my first gp, and now it's summer break
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user83: most hated but the best couple award goes to... y/n and daniel
y/n.user: thanks I guess
danielricciardo: our shoey was 🔥
y/n.user: hell yeah
landonorris: what about me and you daniel? :(
danielricciardo: sorry lando
maxverstappen1: why is daniel acting like a teenager again
y/n.user: cause I changed him
user38: you really did
user3: I love this new version of danny
y/n.user: me too
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liked by maxverstappen1, landonorris and 673,939 others
caption: enjoying summer break with the best people. y/n can drink!! I'm not serving alcohol to minors
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user83: daniel and his humour lol
y/n.user: baby u know that I can drink for a long time right?
danielricciardo: uhm of course
landonorris: he probably forgot your birthday
user63: yall stop hating and be happy for them
maxverstappen1: u kidnapped child?
danielricciardo: that's my nephew u idiot
maxverstappen1: oh sorry
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liked by maxverstappen1, danielricciardo and 345,388 others
caption: I want to have kids. Look at my man. He's so girl dad coded
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user73: uhm does she know that this is public account?
danielricciardo: Y/N?!
maxverstappen1: lol
maxverstappen1: @ danielricciardo u have a lot of work to do
danielricciardo: mate, kelly wants another kid too so shut up
user3: omg danny ric kid?
y/n.user: I hope
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girlygguk · 3 months
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summary in which you are just another spoiled, bitchy, annoyingly gorgeous trust-fund baby who has everyone at Yonsei University eating from the palm of your hand. and jeon jungkook, your spoiled, fuck-boy, annoyingly gorgeous trust-fund baby best friend, is always first in line to take a bite.
uni au, rich student!jk x rich student!f.reader
[fluff, angst, smut] childhood bestfriends to lovers, pining, unrequited(?) love, they're likee chaebols okay, tae's sister reader, mega SIMP kook because i literally can't write him any other way, jungkook is a sweet fuckboy (if that exists)
teaser word count: 1.4k (sfw, cursing)
full fic word count: 25k (nsfw)
release date: july-16 @ 2pm (est)
2 years prior ੈ✩‧₊˚ circa. your 19th birthday. . .
"Get fucked, Jeongguk." The words rip from your throat, venomous and sharp as they slap your best friend's face into a furrowed, exasperated expression.
You yank the jacket tighter around your shoulders as the cold night air whips at your skin, storming down the sidewalk. The urge to rip the jacket—his jacket—off your body is strong, but it's so fucking cold. You may be petty and possibly overreacting a little right now... but you're not stupid.
Jungkook's heavy footsteps trail after you, his calls of your name only pushing you to walk faster. He catches up in no time, your hurried steps no match for his long strides. He tries to gently grab your arm, but you shrug off his touch angrily, spinning around to glare at him. You're about to tell him to fuck off again when he speaks first.
"Come back inside. It's like a fucking blizzard out here; you're going to freeze to death," he says evenly, though frustration laces his words.
"Oh, please," you laugh humorlessly, shaking your head in disbelief. "As if you give a shit if I freeze."
"Don't fucking say—"
"I'm going home. You can tell everyone I'm sick and had to leave. Or don't, I don't fucking care." You turn away and start walking again, his footsteps immediately following.
"You're walking home?" You ignore his question, causing him to huff and run a hand through his hair. "Let me drive you home, please."
You ignore him again, knowing that if there's something Jungkook can't stand more than you yelling at him, it's you not speaking to him.
"Stop doing this. It's your birthday; don't let it end like this—"
"Yes, Jeongguk, it's my birthday," you seethe, whipping back around. "And you brought a random chick none of us even know to my birthday dinner. And you didn't even bother to get me a gift. On. My fucking. Birthday."
"Limited edition PlayStation, imported Swedish lacrosse stick, custom painted iPad from your favorite local fucking artist," you list the gifts you've gotten him for his birthday over the years angrily. Jungkook shakes his head, trying to step closer to you, but you hold up your hand to keep the distance.
"Do you even know how much effort I put into the things I get and do for you? And for you to sit there with that... that stupid fucking look on your—God, Jeongguk!" Your voice is on the cusp of being a whine, but you don't care. "Oh, but I'm sure you spent a decent chunk of Daddy's money on Winnie tonight, huh?" You don't care that the Daddy's money statement is also very applicable to you… you're angry.
Jungkook's jaw clenches at your words, and he steps forward, slipping his hand into the pocket of the jacket you're wearing. Before you can snap at him again, he pulls out a small velvet box and holds it out to you.
"What is that?" you demand, your voice still trembling with annoyance.
"Your gift," he says softly, opening the box to reveal a white-gold Cartier diamond necklace. "I was planning to give it to you when we were in private."
You stare at the necklace, your anger momentarily overshadowed by surprise. The diamonds of the pendant sparkle under the streetlights, and you almost let out a moan. Diamonds are your weakness.
"You motherfucker," you groan under your breath, glaring at the necklace in hopes it will dissipate into thin air so you can continue being annoyed at him.
Jungkook steps closer, his voice a whisper. "Everyone was coming with their partners, Y/N. I couldn't come alone."
You sigh, knowing that. Your comment was a cheap shot, considering Jungkook doesn't hang with a girl more than once, so it would be impossible for him to bring someone you already knew. But Winnie was getting on your last nerve, and you saw an opportunity to sneak in a jab, so you took it. Not only was the girl clearing glass after glass of the expensive wine your friends had ordered as if it were water, but she was also not shy about ordering the priciest dishes on the menu. Judging by her tiny red Zara mini-dress, you highly doubt she'll be reaching for her purse at the end of the night.
Your gaze is still locked on the necklace as you take a moment to think. Jungkook hasn't moved either, continuing to hold the box open for you while he scans your face, trying to gauge your reaction.
"It's, um, engraved and shit," he mumbles, his hand not holding the box lifting to run over his jaw nervously. "And I got a chain one… for me too."
Your eyes snap to his, and he swears his heart stops beating. God, you think it's stupid. You hate it. That's okay. He'll just wait until you turn around so he can sprint to the nearest homeless guy and give him the stupid neckl—
"Like matching?" Your eyes soften, and he slowly feels the blood flooding into his heart.
"Yeah, only if you like, want to," he shrugs cutely, and you can't stop the grin from spreading across your lips.
You're close enough to slide your arms around his torso but still not near enough for Jungkook as he tugs you closer, melting into the hug. "Thank you, Gukkie. I love it," you murmur into his chest, and he feels his muscles relax at you finally using his nickname again.
You lift your head from his black fitted Givenchy dress shirt, which smells a little too good, to look up at him. "But why did you say you didn't have anything when everyone gave me their gifts?"
He looks down at the slight pout on your lips, his fingers twitching with the urge to wipe it off your mouth. Instead, he flicks the box closed with a thumb and holds it out to you. "Don't think Jaehyun would've been thrilled with me giving you this," he chuckles. "The dude hates me."
You frown up at him, about to chime in and say that isn't true, but his lips tug into a smirk as if to say he couldn't care less about what your boyfriend thought of him. And honestly, if he were Jaehyun, he'd hate him too.
Jungkook had the necklaces made a little over two months ago, and you and Jaehyun have only been official for one. So, Jungkook's intentions behind the gift weren't malicious, he swears.
If you just so happen to wear the necklace and your boyfriend notices his matching one, which then causes a rift in your relationship, resulting in the two of you breaking up… well, that would just be a nice little coincidence.
"Jae knows you and I are close," you explain with a crease in your brow that he wants to massage until it goes away. "I made it very clear to him when he wanted to get serious, and he understood."
Jungkook nods along to your words even if he doesn't fully believe them. Either Jaehyun is a really good and secure guy, or he's full of grade-A horse shit. If you were his and another dude tried to come along and buy you an eleven-thousand-dollar necklace? Fuck, he'd knock the guy out cold.
You untangle yourself from your best friend and lift the lid of the velvet box still in his grasp. You coo at the pretty diamonds before turning to face away from Jungkook. You gather your hair before swiping it over your shoulder and letting his jacket fall slightly to bare your neck. Jungkook reacts immediately, picking up the necklace before shoving the box in his pocket. His cold fingers brush against you as he carefully fastens the jewelry around your neck.
When he pulls away, you let your hair fall back into place and turn around to face him again. Your smile is soft, eyes twinkling as you look down at the necklace. "It's so pretty, Gukkie. I love it."
You're so pretty. I love you, he thinks.
spoiled bratty girl and her simpy best friend who knows how to handle her.....GIVE it..
—the full fic is out now! click here to go read <3
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sjyuns · 1 year
popular sunghoon x fem reader 1535 words genre fluff mikaela’s note because sunghoon is so tristan dugray coded, inspired by a gilmore girls scene
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“I’d kiss you but your boyfriend’s watching,” Sunghoon mumbles, and he’s so close you can feel his breath on your lips.
He holds your gaze confidently, with a tinge of arrogance as his tongue darts out to lick his lip. You think that Sunghoon is the most annoying person in the world, because how can he look so devilishly handsome and have such an intoxicating effect on you.
It all started when he showed up unannounced and uninvited to your birthday party — still in his school uniform, tie loosened and sleeves rolled up with his blazer hanging over his shoulder.
And you should have known better than to let him charm his way into your house. “What are you doing here, Hoon?”
He loves the way his nickname rolls off the tip of your tongue, it's so addictive and he wants to record it so that he can play it again and again, even if your tone is one of spite.
“Happy birthday princess,” Sunghoon completely ignores your words, taking steps closer towards you, “now, where’s my birthday kiss?”
He’s at it again, aimlessly flirting with you. You roll your eyes, a deep sigh exiting your mouth, “it’s my birthday, Hoon.” How did he even know where you lived? You were sure you told everyone you invited not to bring him along.
“So I’ll give you a birthday kiss,” he grins, eyes glinting with mischief as he watches your facial expressions fall, ears burning red as you quickly turn around.
You hate Park Sunghoon and the unimaginable hold he has on you. “I’m going to find my mother. Do not, I swear to god, cause any trouble.”
“Your mother? It’s a little early in the relationship,” he moves swiftly to your side, arms casually slinging over your shoulder as he pulls you closer into him forcefully. “But it’s okay, I’m ready.”
Where in the world does Sunghoon get his cocky attitude from, you think as you try your best to pry and lift his arm away from your shoulder. Despite your surface indifference towards his advances, there were millions of butterflies invading your stomach at his every single action.
Before you can even try to escape, a voice calls your name and you stop to talk to Yunjin. “Park Sunghoon? What are you doing here?”
Sunghoon steals a glance at you, and he thinks you look absolutely adorable as you pout at the image of multiple people seeing you with him; given how you always seemed to have complaints about his overly flirty nature and playboy ways.
But Sunghoon hasn’t fooled around since you transferred into Decelis two months ago, a personal record for him. At first all you were was a form of entertainment, someone who had cute reactions to his smooth pick up lines.
Then it all came crashing down, when he started to feel the need to bicker with you everyday and mess up your hair every time he sees you in the hallways. And somewhere in between the blurred lines, he fell in love.
“Here to celebrate my girl’s birthday,” he cocks his head towards you, who’s palms now cover your face in sheer embarrassment. God, now it’s going to spread like wildfire. His girl?
Yunjin’s eyes widen and jaw drops, “really? You guys are together? But I thought you were with Choi Soobin.” She asks, nudging you.
Sunghoon frowns at her words. Choi Soobin? Since when? Sunghoon literally follows you around school whenever he sees you, and he’s never seen you ever talk to that boy.
“Soobin and I are just friends,” you clarify, “also we are not a couple,” your finger gesturing to you and Sunghoon as you answer the girl.
“Tomorrow we’ll be a couple,” Sunghoon cuts back into the conversation, voice loud, and he catches your surprised expression as he smirks slyly.
Though he continues the conversation without a single stutter or break, Sunghoon’s feeling utterly disgusted. Is that the kind of boy you like? Nerdy losers who can’t do anything for the life of themselves? He doesn’t really like the thought of turning into those types of boys, but whatever you want, he thinks — he’s already practised abstinence for you, he might as well go all the way.
At the same time Sunghoon wonders if you’re really that oblivious to his obvious advancements towards you. He’s made it crystal clear: dumped his girlfriend, follows you around, talks about you literally all the time, and yet you’re still clueless.
And he whisks you away before you find the chance to clarify his words again. He’s determined this time round, to make it extremely straightforward for you.
“Hoon why in the world would you say stuff like that,” you groan, hands slapping his chest. And he grins like an idiot at your touch, if this was what it took for you to initiate skinship with him, he’d be more than willing to proclaim himself as your boyfriend any day.
He places a hand on the place you’d just hit, “it’s painful,” he pouts, and you almost feel a little guilty at your harsh actions, “can you kiss it better?”
Until that. You huff, “i’m leaving,” you announce as you turn away, ready to walk right back into the crowd. Sunghoon quickly clasps his fingers around your wrist, pulling you into his chest.
Your eyes become those of a deer caught in headlights as your body is pressed firmly against his, his arms finding their way to your waist; a gentle but firm hold as he bends down.
“Wasn’t done yet, princess,” he smirks, and you feel some sort of danger looming over because Sunghoon looks like a devil enticing you to commit sin. His black hair styles perfectly like always and his red tie, due to his excessive movements, is now dropping down even more to expose his honey skinned collarbones.
The most you can muster is a mumble, “what,” and your eyes are glassy as you stare up at him, he thinks he might go insane — so close to just moving in to place a kiss on your invitingly soft lips.
“I’d kiss you but your boyfriend’s watching,” and he literally spits the term out, unable to believe he’s labelling someone else other than him ‘your boyfriend’. He knows you guys aren’t together, but just for the comfort of his heart he has to hear it again.
It takes you a while before you process his words. “He’s not my boyfriend, Hoon,” and it’s that short statement coupled with the way you say his name that really breaks it for him.
Sunghoon moves in just as you finish your sentence, and he sinks into your pillowy lips. It’s paradise on earth and he thinks he will never be able to get enough of this feeling.
“Sunghoon,” you mumble when he breaks the kiss, slightly out of breath as you look up with hazy eyes.
He chuckles, “sorry, baby, my bad. I’ll return your kiss back,” and Sunghoon doesn’t hesitate to give you another kiss, fingers caressing your waist as he pulls you closer to him.
This time it’s you who breaks the kiss, way too out of breath to even form full sentences without a few breaks in between. “You just kissed me.”
“Right, I just did that baby,” he smiles, those tiny fangs of his showcased as he gazes adoringly at you. “Actually, I’m looking for a girlfriend.” He pauses, eyeing your flushed cheeks and pink lips, “you looking for a boyfriend by any chance, princess?”
Now that you’re literally glued onto Sunghoon, you take the chance to look at him. Sharp nose, pretty moles that you could probably trace along all day, and his eyes which contrasting to his calm demeanour, held anxiousness as he waited for you to answer.
You’ve thought about dating Sunghoon before. Multiple times. Way more than you should’ve. And you never wanted to ever confess to it, because he was everyone’s crush. And not only that, he was annoying — constantly teasing you and making you flustered by his actions. You’d curse every time your heartbeat started to accelerate at his flirty words. You had thought that there was no way he’d ever like you back.
“I’m looking for a boyfriend,” you admit, letting out a soft giggle at Sunghoon’s overjoyed expression. And you decide that maybe now’s the time to get back at him, tease him a little to get him to stay on his toes, “maybe I should go find Soobin.”
His shoulders drop almost immediately and his arms wrap around your waist securely, chin resting on the top of your head. “No fucking way,” he grumbles, “you’re my girlfriend now. And I’m your boyfriend.”
“Yeah, you are,” you say, voice muffled in the embrace of Sunghoon. And you hear him giggle slightly, the rumble of his chest exposing the boyish feelings your boyfriend was currently going through, “for now.”
Sunghoon lifts his chin from your head, fingers brushing over your cheeks before they land themselves on your jaw. He tilts your chin up, “too bad my intention is forever.” And he places a chaste kiss on your lips again and again.
You are in for a long ride.
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beiasluv · 10 months
don’t you ever grow up | l. norris (4)
yourinsta’s story | landonorris’s story
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maxfewtrell’s story
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landonorris: you didn’t have to fact check me mate.
: no one or carlos is buying it mate, we know you’re just making excuses to spend time with yn
landonorris: not necessary to point out, at all 🙄
: of course
yourinsta: drive safely 😬
: he definitely arrived in one piece
yourinsta: good. McLaren still needs him.
: and you too?
message was not sent
: right away 🫡
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liked by username, username and 25,926 others
f1gossips following the appearance of her son in the instagram story of landonorris, yn ln was spotted in the mclaren garage this morning.
credit to the video owner on twitter
view all 8,619 comments
username MOTHER (literally) is back in town
username Zak rn: 🧍‍♂️
username NO cause literally everytime she’s back in the paddock the whole team starts to work again 😭
username petition for yn to stay the whole season rn
username I miss archie with danny ric 😔✊
username IKR danny raised my boy
username lando was the best uncle, fight me 🤷‍♂️
username i would never forgive what mclaren did to daniel ric, fight me 🤷‍♀️
username I’m sure Oscar’s going to be a great uncle as well 😔
username rizz up that baby mommy‼️‼️
username carlos, once again, the scapegoat
username new here, Archie’s her son??
username yep. I’m guessing that she’s a single mom, we don’t know who the dad is
username she don’t need no man, SLAYYY
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liked by mclaren, oscarpiastri and 281,146 others
yourinsta congratulations to both of you!! the team is proud of you guys! honored to finally witness it first hand this time!! landonorris oscarpiastri 🧡🙌
view all 86,251 comments
oscarpiastri thank you! 👊 back to you
liked by yourinsta
landonorris thank you! 🍀🧡
username y’all are delusionalll the cars were meant for susuka
username clover leaf. not slick LANDO
username ‘lucky charm’ my ASS
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liked by landonorris, danielricciardo and 95,267 others
yourinsta thank you uncle lando!!
view all 26,972 comments
landonorris anything for the favorite driver title! 👊
danielricciardo not fair, I brought him snacks
yourinsta so it WAS you
danielricciardo maybe 😬
mclaren favourite boy on the grid!!
liked by yourinsta
username I LITERALLY SAW HIM TODAY WITH YN!! too cute 😩
username girly I would pay anything to be archie
username anyone coming back to this post after her sighting today 😭
username me 😔✊
username he grew up too fast
username I can’t BELIEVE that this was already one year ago
1 year ago
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liked by maxfewtrell, carlossainz55 and 286,620 others
landonorris drivers by day, professional babysitters for life 👊
view all 107,269 comments
yourinsta thank you guys! dinner’s on me 🫡
landonorris anytime!
danielricciardo when’s the next time?
maxverstappen see you at p’s birthday 👊
carlossainz55 I have presents from spain 😄
yourinsta miss calos! -arch
yourinsta thankie!
liked by carlossainz55
username shut upp 😭😭 archie and p are best friends??
username i think they got to know each other through lando
username SHUT UP that’s fucking adorable my heart 😔😩
username it’s probably because they’ve spent so much time together at the paddock 😔🥺
username kudos to lando and everyone respecting yn’s decision to keep archie private
username i WOULD literally show off my son if he has lando, daniel and the whole grid as his uncles
username she’s protecting her child 🤷‍♀️
username ikr people. she’s not exploiting her child
yourinsta’s story
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liked by charles_leclerc, oscarpiastri and 102,971 others
yourinsta summer break!
view all 26,071 comments
danielricciardo how’s arch doing! love from aus!
yourinsta hi danny! miss you! -arch
danielricciardo aw bud! miss you too! tim tams are on their way!
yourinsta i love you but i cannot go through the Tim tams phase for breakfast, lunch and dinner again 😭
danielricciardo one pack? 🥺
yourinsta fine😔
charles_leclerc nice to see you in monaco! maman looks forward to see you both again soon!
yourinsta thank you! it was nice meeting her, glad she loved arch 😊
username SO NO ONE is talking about her story.
username lando, you’re acting fishy ASF
username the flowers, even inviting her to monaco for the summer break? yeah, that’s obviously what drivers and their engineers do right?? 😩
username MAX tell us something WE DONT KNOW
username he thought he was slick by giving the flowers though archie huhhh? well played, lando
username I feel bad asf for oscar 😭
username shut UP oscar definitely ships them so bad
username EVERYTIME she appears in McLaren challenge, oscar just exits 😭
username lando, this is your warning cus yn is for the girls ‼️‼️
username IKR?? she has been slaying as a icon for so long, and I can’t handle the thought of her being with lando 😭😭
username let her be happy with who she wants? PEOPLE
username he is no longer going to be ‘uncle’ lando 😭😔
username GOOD DAY FOR ME 🦅🦅🦅🦅
username I’m sure they are mature enough 🤷‍♀️ she has been through archie's dad before. miss girl should know what she wants
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liked by carlossainz55, maxfewtrell and 384,281 others
lando.png back to the seas 👊 yourinsta
view all 96,281 comments
yourinsta thanks for babysitting! 🤭
lando.png always 🙌
username he didn’t even bother to tag max and his friends LMAOOOO
username he’s got his priorities straight
username when’s the hard launch bestie.
username it’s coming, bestie, I COULD FEEL IT IN MY FUCKING BRAIN
username delulu is THE solulu, PREACHHH
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liked by danielricciardo, maxverstappen and 986,267 others
landonorris sorry guys :)
view all 320,159 comments
carlossainz55 congratulations, mate 👊
yall ate the poll uppppp 🥺🫶🤪 slayed
if you liked it, interactions and COMMENTS would be appreciated!! if not, then yolo ig.
today’s a great day to take care of yourself!!
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rui-drawsbox · 8 months
remembering the most memorable mc's (with canon appearences) from the otomes i played
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all of them are phone games btw. and looong rambling about the games after the cut!
Mystic messenger has been in my radar since i was in elementary school but i played it for the first time after the spanish traslation came out (2017 i think?) Seven shaped my type in such a specific way that im not really sure why loved him so much (it was the whole "he loves you in every route" stuff). I like a lot the default mc, most of the fandom did and that was enough to won me over
Rosa is top tier protagonist tbh, Tears of Themis has really good story and characters (as far i played, not a lot but i enjoyed it) The reason i'm not that much of a fan is bc the game is expensive asf and not very free to play friendly. You're either lucky or have a big wallet with the gacha
i miss my wife man(Marius)
Ephemeral has to be one of the best free to play otomes i've played tbh (if my memories aren't tricking me, it's been years) Good artwork, good storyline, good characters and as far i remember you can unlock one chapter of the character route per day (mabye two days, idk) and the mc's background has an important role in every route (she's a zombie! she's pretty now but eventually will fall apart, aaaaand her story gets expanded in one of the routes!) ((shes also adorable)) There's also a sequel, if you wanted more of the boys! never finished it but i'd recommend it
Honorable mentions! Huellitas Mágicas is a great game! has a really good cast with well fleshed arcs for all the characters, even the scondary ones! The game shines more for the development of *all* the characters rather than just the protagonist/ml. The main theme is overcoming insecurities! Each love interest has a different way of helping our (very insecure) protagonist and helping different characters with their own struggles :DD
10/10 i recommend this game if you want something cute and can be finished in a few hours, if i remember right. It also has a sequel! with like- 12 new love interests, also never finished it bc i didnt found a guide that worked for me but ñek
A3! is my canon event as a gacha player. Discovered the english/global server, tried it and got bored, left it for a few months, tried it again and fell in love, noticed the game was going to shut down bc low sales -HAHA :(-. This is not a otome btw, this is here bc Izumi has to be one of my favorite protagonists in gacha games ever
last but not least! Obey me! Shall we date? oh dear, what have they done to you :(. The original had intense powercreep to force you to pull cards -multiple times bc that makes them stronger- and even now, the company showed a lot of favoritism to some characters, leaving others to dust bc they don't make the same money. Not to say, they released a new game with the same cast and new main story (ignoring all what happend before). And let me say: THEY LITERALLY WANTED TO KILL THE ORIGINAL GAME.
Nightbringer might be a decent game but i don't trust the devs anymore, i still remember what happend with Asmo's birthday right after the release, and honestly i don't want to sit there watching how they disrespect my favorite characters again and again and again. Loved the characters hated the devs. 5/10 you can play it if you want but i don't recommend spending money on it, it's not worth it, just search #obey me here in tumblr and enjoy the amazing fanworks that i can assure you have a lot more love than the game itself
i miss my wife man (mammon and levi)
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star2fishmeg · 2 months
ᴜɴᴅᴇʀ ᴡʀᴀᴘs
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[4.4k] Pairing | bsf!Luke Hughes x bsf!afab!reader Summary | luke and y/n are tired of feeling left behind and help each other out…but in the company of their friends. but it makes a good story, right? Warnings | 18+ smut, kinda slow start, best friends to lovers, long haired luke!!! Bc I love long hair, umich!luke, (basically public) fingering, swearing, appearance and sex insecurities, tiny bit of angst but not really, mutual pining, making out Authors Note | im in such a luke brainrot it’s painful, this was supposed to be a blurb but I can’t control myself but anyway, this is my first hockey fic i hope its alright. Based on this after hours post! This is a work of fiction, please remember that my dudes
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Luke felt like a creep. But she looked so at peace sitting on the lake's docks, feet dangling and toes skimming the water's surface. While she was nothing but a silhouette in the distance, the sunset cascading on the horizon complimenting her like a portrait in a museum. He also wasn’t sure on how long he’d been standing at the sliding patio doors, the UMich boy’s voices blended out into a white noise while his mind wandered to crevices of thoughts he’d been avoiding for months, but anything to escape Ethan and Luca’s conversations about girlfriend stories. Yes, he was happy for them, found it cute in fact, but when was it his turn to have that chapter in his life? He could have it if he didn’t panic and fumble at every party they threw, just a bit more alcohol and maybe he’d have a chance but like all victims of tragedy, no one would ever be her. Could ever replace her or even substitute her. So, while his curls bounced in the gentle breeze, Luke Hughes admired the only girl in the University of Michigan that’s ever made his heart ache and contort in bittersweet ways.
With a firm slap to his back, Luke’s daydream snapped back to reality, to Dylan Duke grinning and wiggling his eyebrows. The most painful thing Dylan had to endure since he met Luke was watching his friend follow y/n like a lost puppy begging for attention, and there was nothing more he wanted than for the two to just kiss already. They almost did, once, at someone’s birthday party when they both nursed a bottle of tequila. But Dylan never told them that, he wasn’t entirely sure if he dreamt it, if he was honest.
“Just go talk to her, be honest,” Dylan said with a light chuckle, nudging Luke towards the porch steps.
Luke’s legs stopped stiff, and spun to face Dylan in protest, “No! What do I even say? ‘Oh, hey y/n I know we’ve been friends for a while, but I’m in love with you haha hope this doesn’t make it awkward’? Like, come on.” With the way Dylan’s grin turned almost menacing, Luke felt his heart almost stop, his stupidity catching up with him, “This stays between us, Duker.”
He groaned and watched Dylan giggle his way back inside. Wingman or menace? Fine line, but at least he was better than Jack. Who quite literally tried trapping him and y/n in a closet when he found out, hoping for the best. Perhaps Dylan would actually help him get somewhere, he’d spent many parties coaxing Luke into making a move but Luke being the humble soul he took pride in, let her have her peace. Oh, how much he regretted it every time he heard her laugh because of another guy.
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Thankfully the docks were at the far end of his garden, out of earshot and almost out of sight, if you weren’t spying. He stood silently, just taking in her very existence alone. If she weren’t wearing his hoodie so proudly, he would’ve sat down by now but the heat that flushed into his cheeks prominently just had to ease before he could show his face. Maybe she’d find it cute that his face flushed so easily, or maybe she’d think he was a fool for thinking he had a chance. Girls were hard to read, so many codes and hints, he couldn’t keep up with them all and God forbid you had an ugly code name. Watching her like that did raise the thought, what was his code name? Did he really want to know?
“I can feel you starin’,” her voice chimed, their eyes meeting as she craned her neck, “you gonna join or just stand?”
Luke’s lips pulled into his famous half-smirk, “I like lookin’ at pretty things, can you blame a man?” He sat next to her, thigh to thigh, shoulder to shoulder like they usually did, the weight of his boldness lifting off his chest. “What’s runnin’ through that mind of yours?”
“Who said I was thinking about anything? Maybe I was finally catching a break from the zoo. Maybe I was thinking that you need a haircut.” Her laugh was like music to his ears, her voice his favourite song and every word that rolled off her tongue felt like ecstasy surging through him and freezing the world around them.
Spending a summer in a lake house was the only way y/n ever wanted to live. An oasis of serenity and laughs, endless memories, and an escape. But while she dipped her toes in the water, watching her reflection ripple, the everlasting thought that it was fleeting crawled its way back to the surface whether she wanted it to or not. The boys had been doing this longer than she had, it was her first time at the lake house and possibly her last. But there was nothing wrong with enjoying it while it lasted, being trapped under the same roof as the boys wasn’t as bad as she’d assumed. Except for the smells, they were straight-up disrespectful. Would she still love it as much if she was with other friends? Hard to say, if Luke was there, everything would be fine. Maybe a couple more girls would’ve been nice too, though.
“Please, you’re staring blankly, don’t try me.” Luke scoffed playfully, shoulder gently nudging hers as she rolled her eyes, unable to resist a gleaming smile. As much as she wanted to rebuttal, he was right. They’d met on the first week of university, Luke starting hockey practice and y/n starting as their new social girl and since then the pair of them had been two peas in a pod. Completely enamoured with each other, attached at the hip, where Luke went, he’d bring y/n, his person.  “Wait, you think I need a haircut? Is it that bad?”
She laughed, Luke, stooping so she could thread her fingers through his unruly curls gently, something only she was allowed to do, “Nah, I like your hair long, cut it and I’ll cut you.” They pulled back, sitting in their original postures and watched the sun’s pinks fade to oranges, “I was thinking about how many girls you’ve brought here.”
He blinked twice, turning his head slowly to face her and to his surprise his eyes met hers. There was a gloss to them, illuminated brightly by the sunset but like glass as if she were about to break. Heart beating in his ears, he licked his lips, almost quivering when he began to speak.
“Just you.” His voice just above a whisper, husky, “Only you. Always you.” Their gazes lingered, and his eyes fluttered to her lips for just a split second before he found himself licking his lips again, feeling his throat dry at the way her eyes crinkled when she smiled. His heart ached, he didn’t have half the guts the Fantilli brothers did, if he had then maybe he would’ve at least wrapped his arm around her. Instead, he sat like he was paralysed, just shoulder to shoulder as she rubbed her bare foot against his leg, their skins touching, lighting little fires up his body and his stomach gaining a warmth he’d only felt in the after-hours of his bedroom.
“Lu?” she rested her head on his shoulder, staring back out towards the horizon, “Do you ever feel like you’re so far behind the people around you? Like you’re missing out.”
Luke leaned his head against hers, almost nuzzling into it as he thought. It was a heavy question, one that’d been weighing on her for a while. Or he assumed, considering she’d never openly asked the group. That’s what made him feel special. Her feet hung still, ending their teasing game and just fell limp. He exhaled, could he let his pride go and agree? Or could he completely one-up himself and disagree, which made him braver? He loathed the storms she started in him, thoughts he never imagined he would think in his hockey brain. One girl could change his entire train of thought, change his heartbeat, change his mood. One woman he pined like a lost puppy over.
“Sometimes. What do you mean?”
“Like, all my friends have these insane hook-ups and embarrassing sex stories and I have nothing. Yeah, I’ve had boyfriends before, but I was younger and stupid then. I go out with my friends and I’m basically invisible to any guy who approaches us, just feel unlovable. And now here I am, twenty years old and a fucking virgin with little experience and no wild stories.” She vented, barely taking a breath as the words spilt from her mouth. Luke’s chest twisted, his face softening when she snuggled into his side. “I don’t know where I’m going wrong, Lu.”
He paused and bit his lip when he wrapped his arm around her shoulders, pulling her body into his chest. She melted into his touch, getting a whiff of his woody, amber cologne, her favourite one at that, the one he always wore. She’d never had the chance to properly relish in his touch, was his chest always this firm? Arms always bring this much security? Fuck, when did his hand get so sexy when on her body, gliding down her arm to nestle in the curve of her waist. With her ear pressed to him, the thundering in his chest surrendered his cover entirely. Cool and collected Luke Hughes was secretly a bumbling mess.
“I get you.” he finally spoke, ears burning when her finger traced shapes on his thigh, “My entire life has been hockey, so not a lot of space for experiences either. Not enough time for relationships between practice and games, development camps and time with family. A lot of the girls who liked me didn’t really like that. That or they liked my brothers and friends more, they are a lot more attractive than me, so I don’t blame them. M’just average.”
Y/n pulled away almost instantly, her eyebrows knitted and jaw agape. For a moment she thought she heard him wrong, ‘a lot more attractive than me’, ‘just average’? Delving into Luke’s psyche turned out to be an entirely different road trip than she had thought, heartstrings tugged as her lips fell to a frown. Who in the world made him feel like that? Who did she need to hunt down? But then again, Luke’s blood boiled hearing how insignificant she felt and who exactly made her think that to start with?
“Luke Hughes you are not average! You’re the hottest guy I know!” she yelped, the hand that drew gentle patterns now clutching his thigh tight. Luke gulped but didn’t retract away from the noise. His brain was too busy short-circuiting over the fact her fingers were dangerously close to his crotch, doing his best to contain himself with slow breaths, “They just didn’t give you a chance, if they really knew you, they’d be heads over heels. You’re so fucking smart, and passionate. And-and if they saw you smile for real, not a half-smile, your full smile with your teeth, the one that feels like a warm summer’s day. It’s their loss, they’ll never know how sweet you are, that after a bad game, you want steak and head scratches, that you’re sentimental as fuck- like you wear that Yankees hat because Quinn got it for you when you fell ill and couldn’t make the game. You’re not average.”
Luke blinked, once, twice and thrice as her eyes bored into his, glazed with fire as the words tumbled from her mouth and circled his head. He watched the way her body rose and fell as she caught her breath, the grip on his thigh tightening and heat rising through his body. He felt the sweat building on the back of his neck, his collar suddenly becoming too tight. She thought he was hot? She remembered such little details about him like they’d known each other since they were kids. The hand around her waist slid to her lower back, his thumb rubbing the fabric of her (his) hoodie unconsciously.
He smiled, his warm smile she mentioned, where his eyes wrinkled and his chin tilted up triumphantly, “The hottest guy you know, huh?”
Y/n’s face dropped. Never in her life had she experienced her heart stop the way it did hearing those words. She stared like a deer in headlights, she slipped up and the heat rushing to her cheeks burned. This is what happens when you let your feelings take over, you make a fool of yourself in front of the one person who would never want to. She sighed, hung her head and hid her face in her hands, the butterflies in her stomach choking her when Luke let out a saccharine chuckle that made all the flowers bloom.
Large, warm hands wrapped around her wrists with a feather touch, and slowly pulled her hands away from her face and into her lap, soothing her nerves with a gentle rubbing of her knuckles with his thumbs. Although his hands felt clammy, the tingling in his stomach became too addicting to care about it too much anymore.
“Don’t hide,” she was radiant under what was left of the tangerine hues, eyes almost sparkling, “let me see that pretty face.”
She hesitantly raised her head, eyes meeting his and her body relaxed. She had no idea why she was so embarrassed, he hadn’t gagged, laughed in her face nor had he physically repulsed. Instead, he looked at her like she’d hung out the stars for him, wide eyes with rose-tinted ears.
“I think you’re very pretty too. Beautiful even, I-“ he hesitated, “you have no idea how many times I’ve thought about kissing you, asking you out. Honestly, the idea of you rejecting me is terrifying so I never did, plus, I’ve never kissed anyone before, and I didn’t wanna fuck it up.”
Her eyes fluttered to his lips, the world around them falling silent until it was just them in their own bubble. Luke gulped, his eyeline following the way she flickered between his eyes and his mouth before he found their bodies leaning into one another, noses ghosting. His hands released her wrists, one arm snaking around her waist sending an electric tingle through her veins and holding her firmly close. They’d been this close before, sure. Multiple occasions of having his arms around the back of the sofa they sat snug on, arm hooked around her shoulders because some guy couldn’t get the memo at bars, in fact, the root cause of their problem was undeniably because everyone assumed they were together except them.
Y/n’s palm held his cheek tenderly, the hot, carnal desire to devour the boy only being released from its cage when he melted into her touch as if he was opening his doors to vulnerability.
“I can teach you if you like,” she whispered, her thumb tracing across his bottom lip. Luke’s fingers gripped her waist as if she couldn’t be any closer than she already was, but he couldn’t risk letting her slip from his grasp again. He wanted to erase all those other guys who’d kissed her, he would be the last guy on Earth to taste the lips that words and giggles laced with a honey-like sweetness that cradled his heart.
“God, please-“  his heart beat twice as fast, y/n leaning in, closing the gap between them and pressing her lips gently to his. If he were to die right there, he’d die the happiest man alive. Her lips were soft and warm, igniting every firework inside of him and adrenaline shaking him back to life. He could do this for hours, drinking in her citrus fragrance, lips mimicking the way she moved hers against his. If she was a match, he was kerosene and he’d let her set him ablaze over and over if it meant he could feel like the only man in the world until the end of time.
They pulled away, eyes fluttering open to an exchange of giggly smiles. Despite it being a closed-mouth kiss, nothing extra, just soft and sweet, Luke’s thoughts raced at a million miles per hour. All the weight on his shoulders lifted and he nuzzled into her palm, placing a kiss on it.
Y/n raised an eyebrow, his puppy-like gaze almost distracting her from how his skin burned pink in her palm. But in a way, all her previous anxieties dissipated like dust in the wind, tummy flipping at the pathetically sweet and lovestruck expression spread on Luke’s face, “Your face is so red. Are you okay?-”
“-Can we do that again?” He pleaded, quickly, desperately, a certain yearning feeling on his lips that he couldn’t quite describe, except that he needed to taste her again. He needed more, so much more to quench his thirst, a kind of fuzziness he felt in his core.
“Uh- yeah, let me show you what a real kiss is.” No hesitation was needed, y/n’s hand slid from his cheek to the nape of his neck, fingers carding through his curls as she roughly connected their lips again, messier, teeth chattering from the impact. Luke’s other hand found comfort on her thighs, pulling them over his lap and giving gentle squeezes, moaning when y/n bit his lower lip. He opened his mouth with ease, failing to hold back another moan when her tongue lapped his. He wasn’t sure how to react, he’d never made out with anyone and it’s not like his brothers would’ve explained it well either. So, he repeated her movement, his tongue dancing with hers with saliva lubricating their lips each time they dove back in to devour each other. Y/n tugged his curls lightly, pulling him closer, savouring the kindling arousal leaking into her panties with the way he craved her.
Luke pulled away to breathe, his chest heavy but shorts becoming tight with the intense and fiery eye contact that screamed nothing but lust, “You,” he kissed her again, fervently, “taste,” another kiss, “amazing.” He mumbled into her lips and their tongues stirred again, whimpers drawing from the back of her throat when his hand travelled further up her thigh, under her shorts and found solace on the skin only he could touch. Any further and she couldn’t promise she wouldn’t pounce, her underwear was soaked through and sticking to her folds and even one measly brush on her clit would open the floodgates.
A foreign burst of confidence washed over him, and he detached their lips, a string of saliva between them and her hand still tugging at his curls and whether intentional or not, he discovered something carnal clawing away inside him. Wetting his lips, he dove into her neck, planting wet kisses along her column and nipping in the hope of hearing her mewl again. Y/n tilted her head to the side, giving him free rein over her skin and her jaw slacking, whining his name with her thighs clenching together for any kind of friction. As he began to run his hand along her thigh, his pocket vibrated continuously, earning a growl to rumble from his throat.
“Fuck, why’d you stop?” y/n whined, hand falling from his hair to his chest. Luke pulled his phone from his pocket with a disgruntled look, of course, his moment was ruined. Swiping the notification away, he clicked his tongue, sliding his phone back into his shorts.
His arms wrapped around her waist, and looked back into her adoring yet disappointed eyes, “Dylan wants to know if we’re joining them for a movie.”
“I’m quite happy staying here with you.”
“Who says we have to watch the whole movie?”
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Silence hung over the living room, only the TV blaring and the light crunching of popcorn from different directions. The lights were off, just the TV and three boys crammed on one sofa, and three plus y/n on the other. Luke, y/n, Rutger and Adam on the sectional directly opposite the TV, Luke occupying the end with the chaise for his legs, and y/n sat between them and huddled under a blanket. Rutger sat in the middle with Adam on the furthest end. Dylan, Luca and Ethan huddled together on the sofa adjacent to the TV, popcorn littered between them from missing mouths and flinching.
Luke’s hands wrapped around her waist, keeping her snug against his chest while she slowly chewed Haribo’s, feeding them to him now and then. While his heart skipped beats, feeling like a meadow of tulips blooming in the Spring, y/n’s wiggling against his crotch lured all the heat and butterflies from earlier straight back to his stomach, sending it into twists and turns. Heat flushed to his neck when she pushed her arse back into him, in an innocent attempt to readjust. A deep exhale through his nose and his hands slithered to her thighs, fingers kneading the flesh like dough as his head dipped into her shoulder, breath hot on the skin and making her hairs stand on edge.
“Stop wigglin’, pretty girl,” he whispered into the shell of her ear, placing a kiss, “you’re drivin’ me crazy.”
She froze, body falling limp into his as he ran his hands under her hoodie, his stiffened cock poking into her backside as she caught on to what his problem was. The sex-deprived whore in her awakened with a jolt, his cock solid because of her, and there was nothing she wanted more than to feel him pressed up against her, unable to find his release and have the rasp of his voice reverberate through her being as her vibrator. 
“And if I don’t?” she whispered back, as close to him as possible without being heard. Instead of answering, Luke dipped his fingers down her shorts, middle finger brushing against her clothed clit. His eyes locked to the screen in front of him, resisting the urge to smirk when her breath hitched but continuing to glide his finger – in what was a lucky guess – over her bundle. She squirmed, clamping her thighs together, only to have them pried open by his free hand.
“Be a good girl and keep quiet, unless you want to be caught.” His playful tone sent chills down her spine, goosebumps swarming on her neck but melting into his touch. She plopped another sweet into her mouth, chewing intensely when Luke drew his long fingers away, only for her to feel them caress over her skin, cold on her warm body, and down her panties. To describe the sensation that zipped through her when the pad of his middle finger reunited with her clit would be the same shock if you were to be struck by lightning: sudden and sharp, rattling up the spine.
Y/n placed the bag of sweets in her lap, tucking both hands under the blanket with the hope of seeming less suspicious, but her hand skimmed down his arm and placed itself on his, slowly guiding his movements on her nub until he got the idea. Firm yet gentle circular movements, the slick seeping from her warm on his fingertips, so inviting he wished he could have a taste. She pulled the blanket to her chin, not only to cover Luke’s sudden mood but to form some form of distraction from the fuzzy feeling rising to her head. No, she’d never had this before, so the experience itself embraced her tight, addicting like nicotine.
He kissed her temple, two fingers sliding into her cunt almost perfectly, too perfect that another Haribo was abused between her teeth as her breathing struggled to remain neutral. The moan that would’ve slipped past if she hadn’t been concentrating would’ve been embarrassing enough. Luke began languid plunges into her, relishing in the way her walls squeezed his fingers tight, keeping shallow at first. The more her pussy swallowed him in their wetness, the faster his mind spiralled in greed and his pace sped up, y/n’s nails digging deep into his leg, leaving crescent shapes on the skin. The heat pooling in her stomach was riveting, knowing she would finally have an insane story to tell even more so. No one could say that Luke Hughes’ tongue tasted theirs like it was the best meal he’d ever lapped up and that he’d watched a movie with his friends while pushing the limits of both his and their sanity publicly.
With a rush of adrenaline and her nails marking him, he buried his fingers deep into her cunt, driving swiftly and curling in places that made her wriggle against him, his free hand having to hold her hips still with a bruising grip and his cock begged for attention in his shorts. Y/n popped two more sweets in her mouth, relying on their gummy nature to suppress the moans that threatened to tear through her as the knot inside her came dangerously close to snapping with the way he bullied her pussy with his bare hands. His breathing fell deep and shuddered, his heart infatuated with the ecstasy of finger-fucking the woman of his dreams in front of an entire room of his friends hammered in his chest while his face struggled to stay indifferent and jaw tight like his cock isn't throbbing violently and straining against her arse. Like she wasn’t bucking her hips into his touch like he couldn’t tell that her heart was going haywire because of just him alone. If this was what foreplay was like, the idea of piledriving balls deep in her until she couldn’t remember her name was divine.
He dragged out his last pumps, the knot in her stomach snapping and coating his fingers in hot, sticky release, kissing her temple upon her body physically shuddering. Y/n pulled the blanket up to her chin as if she had shivered naturally, stuffing her mouth into the fluffy material. Luke pulled his fingers out, wiping the residue on his shorts, practically drooling over the image of milking her dry. His arms snaked around her waist, snuggling close. Y/n sighed, slumping back into him. On the outside Luke was his collected and cool self, his breathing stable and attention on the movie, the heat in his face and hands that rested on her stomach, soothing her heart rate screamed that he was the happiest guy in the room. With every gentle stroke of his thumb on the flesh of her stomach, her heart soothed and her eyelids became increasingly heavier.
"Was that story worthy?" He whispered, kissing her cheek sweetly.
Luke’s pocket buzzed and he tutted, carefully sliding it from his pocket and unlocking it, trying his best to prevent the screen from blinding everyone.
Duker idk if ur freaky or brave u dog
Luke closed his phone and looked up towards Dylan, who sat with a shit-eating grin. He smiled and shook his head, mouthing a subtle, ‘this stays between us’.
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[Requests CLOSED]
2024 © STAR2FISHMEG All rights reserved - do not plagiarise/copy, translate, or repost any of my works. Please let me know if you notice that any of these have been done to my work.
Banners & dividers belong to @/cafekitsune
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won4kiss · 1 month
── ❝ ꒰ 𝒟𝑂 𝐼 𝑊𝐴𝑁𝑁𝐴 𝐾𝑁𝑂𝑊.ᐣ ៸៸﹙ 심재윤 ﹚ ᶻ𐰁
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GENRE ៸៸ fluff & angst ៸ oneshot ﹔ SYPNOSIS┆in which your brothers best friend whom you’ve always had feelings for comes back this summer, except somethings’ very different .ᐟㅤ ꒰ WORD COUNT﹕5265 ꒱── 𝓦ARNING(S) not edited ៸ kissing ៸ pet names ៸ misunderstandings ៸ . ݁ ✦ ݁ . ⊱ LIBRARY . . . ﹕LUNA 💭 — i can’t believe this is actually 5k words.. this took forever omg but i loved writing this ily jake ˖ ݁𖥔 ݁˖
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the guy who would fumble with his glasses, constantly blushing whenever someone spoke directly to him.
you remembered how his ears would turn red, especially around you, which always made your stomach twist with a certain warmth.
but those days were long gone in the past, but you’d be lying if you said you didn’t have a tiny crush on him growing up— but hey, no one else saw him when he would get you gifts with the small amount of money he saved up on your birthdays— or the way his ears would turn a bright red as you hugged him in appreciation.
when you returned home for the summer, you expected things to be the exact same.
waking up in your childhood bedroom felt familiar and comforting, the sun gently pouring in through your blinds, kissing your skin as you slowly stirred awake.
the house was quiet— silent as usual, your parents were out for the day, leaving you and your older brother to have the house to yourselves. ─── more under cut !
half-asleep, your feet gently padded down onto the wood as you made your way downstairs, your brain barely registering the soft hum of voices from the kitchen.
you assumed it was heeseung, who else would be at your house 10:00am in the morning?
with a tired yawn, stretching your arms mindlessly, you made your way to the fridge, reaching for a glass of water with your eyes still quite literally closed.
you barely noticed the figure leaning casually against the counter, your eyes half-lidded as you sipped on the beverage.
“not gonna greet me, princess? i’m hurt..”
the voice startled you, causing you to spill a bit of water as you turned sharply in shock.
wait— that was definitely not heeseung’s voice.
you blinked up at the figure standing before you, your eyes widening at the realization of who was standing in your kitchen—jake sim.
but he wasn’t the jake you remembered, he certainly was not the awkward nerdy boy who could barely look you in the eye.
instead, standing before you was someone who radiated confidence, with tousled hair that fell perfectly into place and a smirk playing on his lips instead of the usual shy grin.
“j-jake?” you stammered, feeling a sudden wave of flustered heat creeping up your neck.
“i—i didn’t know you were here.”
he chuckled softly, stepping a little closer, his eyes sparkling with amusement.
“and here i thought you were purposely avoiding me.” he replied with a teasing pout.
your heart raced at his teasing tone, he was nothing like the boy you remembered.
the jake standing before you was taller, his frame broader, with a sense of self-assuredness that made your knees weak— you had to remind yourself to breathe.
“n-no, i wouldn’t do that..” you managed to say, stepping back slightly.
“i was just… tired.”
“hmm,” jake hummed thoughtfully, leaning against the counter again, his eyes never leaving yours.
“you’re just as cute in the morning as i remember.”
you felt your cheeks heat up even more if possible, since when did jake talk like this?
you weren’t used to this version of him—the one who seemed to know exactly how to make you flustered with just a few words.
just as you were about to say something in return, strong arms wrapped around your waist from behind, lifting you slightly off the ground. you squealed in surprise as heeseung’s familiar laughter filled the kitchen.
“morning, my baby sister,” heeseung teased, spinning you around before setting you down.
“forgot how adorable you were in the mornings—i miss when you were five..”
you playfully punched at his chest, smirking at his winces as your face was still burning from the interaction with jake.
“don’t tease me, hee.”
“okay— that’s enough!”
heeseung ruffled your hair affectionately before glancing at jake, who had stepped back with a laugh, clearly enjoying the show.
the tension in the room seemed to ease as your brother’s presence lightened the mood, as always.
the three of you spent the morning catching up, with heeseung filling you in on all the university gossip, jake chiming in with his own stories.
but throughout the day, you couldn’t shake the feeling of jake’s lingering gaze, nor could you ignore the subtle flirtatious comments he would occasionally throw your way when heeseung wasn’t present.
to be completely honest— it was confusing.
you had long since convinced yourself that whatever crush you had on jake was over.
you had moved on, hadn’t you? he was just heeseung’s adorable, cute— now turned hot and flirtatious best friend.
but the way he looked at you now, the way his voice softened when he called you “princess,” had your heart skipping beats you weren’t prepared for.
as the summer days went by, jake seemed to be everywhere— leaving you no space to think straight anymore.
whether it was hanging out with heeseung in the living room or joining your family for dinner, he was always around, always watching you with that same intense gaze that made your heartbeat quicken.
his confidence was undeniable, and as much as you tried to deny it, you found yourself drawn to him in a way that left you feeling both excited and terrified.
it was hard not to notice the way he seemed to gravitate towards you, always finding a way to brush against your arm or throw a sly smile your way.
and every time he did, it felt like your carefully built defenses you had up were crumbling piece by piece.
you tried to tell yourself that it was nothing—that jake was just being playful.
but the way his touch lingered and the way his eyes would darken when they met yours told you otherwise.
something had definitely changed between you two, and despite your best efforts, you couldn’t ignore it.
the soft murmur of the ocean filled the air, the salty breeze kissing your skin as you were sat down on the sandy shore.
heeseung and jake were tossing a frisbee back and forth near the waterline, their laughter carried by the wind.
you watched them from your towel, your knees tucked up to your chest, feeling the warmth of the sun soak into your skin.
heeseung was the first to notice you sitting quietly by yourself.
with a mischievous grin, he called out, “hey! are you going to sit there all day like some weirdo, or are you going to join us?”
you shook your head with a small laugh.
“i’m fine right here, thanks!”
jake ran over, his t-shirt clinging to his body from the water.
his hair was damp, tousled by the wind, and a playful smile tugged at his lips.
you tried not to stare, but the way his muscles moved beneath his shirt caught your attention in ways you weren’t ready for.
“come on,” jake urged, crouching down beside you, his hand reaching out to gently nudge your knee.
“you can’t just sit here and watch. that’s no fun.”
you raised an eyebrow, with a joking smirk.
“and what exactly do you suggest i do, sim?”
he smirked, his eyes gleaming with a spark of mischief.
“i suggest you try and catch this.”
before you could react, heeseung tossed the frisbee towards you.
instinctively, you reached out and caught it, your eyes widening in surprise.
“see?” jake grinned, standing up and offering you his hand.
“you’ve got this— all you needed was a little push.”
reluctantly, you took his hand, and he pulled you up from the sand.
his grip was warm and firm, and for a moment, you found yourself lingering in his touch before you quickly let go, feeling a flutter in your chest that you couldn’t shake away.
as the three of you played together by the water, the mood felt light and carefree.
heeseung would shout playful taunts whenever you or jake missed the frisbee, and jake would respond with sarcastic comments that made you laugh.
at one point, the frisbee flew far, and jake chased after it, his feet splashing in the shallow waves.
he turned back with a winners smile, holding the frisbee up in victory, but his eyes softened when they met yours.
“hey, y/n,” he called out, his tone quieter now, almost hesitant.
you looked up from where you were standing, your heart skipping a beat as his gaze locked with yours.
for a moment, jake just stood there, the ocean behind him and the sun glooming down a soft glow over his face.
his expression was unreadable, as if he was trying to figure out what to say.
but then he shook his head, his lips curling into a gentle smile.
“nothing,” he said softly, walking back towards you.
“just… you look really happy today.”
you blinked, taken aback by the sincerity in his voice.
there was something in the way he said it—something that made you feel like he wasn’t just talking about your appearance, but about you as a person.
your cheeks warmed, and you smiled shyly, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear.
“thanks, i am.”
jake’s smile widened, and he glanced away, almost as if he was embarrassed by his own words.
but the moment lingered, hanging between you like a thread of something unspoken.
you felt it in the way your stomach fluttered, in the way jake’s eyes softened every time they met yours.
it was the kind of moment that left you wondering—hoping—that maybe he felt the same pull that you did.
after the sun had set and the day at the beach had come to an end, the three of you returned home, completely worn out and exhausted but content.
heeseung headed off to bed early, claiming that the sun had drained all his energy, but you and jake decided to stay up a little longer.
the two of you ended up in the backyard, a blanket spread out beneath the stars.
you laid side by side, staring up at the sky, the air cool and crisp after the heat of the day.
“do you remember when we used to do this as kids?” jake asked softly, his voice cutting through the silence of the night.
you smiled, your eyes fixed on the stars twinkling above.
“yeah, of course i do. we’d sneak out of the house and lie out here for hours, just talking about anything and everything.”
jake chuckled quietly.
“heeseung always fell asleep first. every time.”
you giggled at the memory with a fond smile.
“and then we’d try to wake him up, but he’d just mumble something about video games and roll over.”
“some things just never change, huh..” you whispered with a chuckle.
jake’s laughter faded into a comfortable silence, and after a few moments, you felt him shift beside you.
his hand brushed against yours, sending a spark of electricity through your skin.
you glanced over at him, and in the soft moonlight, you could see the way his eyes were focused on you—not the stars.
“do you ever miss those days?” he asked quietly, his voice tinged with a kind of nostalgia that tugged at your heart.
you nodded slowly in agreement.
“sometimes, things felt simpler back then.”
jake’s fingers curled around yours, his touch gentle but hesitant.
“yeah,” he murmured.
“but i think some things… they’re better now.”
your heart skipped a beat at his words, and you found yourself turning to face him fully.
the look in his eyes was different—deeper, there was no teasing smirk, no playful glint.
instead, there was something raw, something vulnerable and real.
you could feel the weight of it pressing down on your chest, and it made your breath catch in your throat.
“jake…” you whispered, your voice barely audible.
he didn’t say anything, but the way he looked at you—the way his eyes traced the curve of your face, the way his thumb gently brushed against the back of your hand— it spoke volumes.
it was as if the air between you had shifted, instead filled with something that neither of you could name but both of you surely felt.
the moment stretched on, and for a brief second, you thought he— jake sim, might kiss you.
the thought sent a shocking thrill through your veins, but before either of you could move, the sound of a door opening broke the intensity of the moment.
“heeseung’s probably wondering where we are,” jake said softly, pulling his hand away and sitting up.
his voice was calm, but you could see the faint but familiar pink blush on his cheeks, and you wondered in that moment— if he felt the same rush of feelings that you did.
you nodded, sitting up as well, though your heart still raced in your chest.
the connection between you felt fragile and real, and as you both headed inside, you couldn’t help but wonder how much longer you’d be able to keep ignoring it.
a few days later, a heavy summer storm rolled in, trapping you all inside of the house.
heeseung was glued to his video games as per usual, so you found yourself in the living room with jake.
the rain poured outside, creating a repetitive sound against the windows as the two of you sat on the couch, watching a movie.
at first, everything felt normal—comfortable, even.
but as the movie progressed, you found your mind drifting back to that night under the stars, to the way jake had held your hand and looked at you like you were the only person in the world.
the tension in the air was subtle but undeniably there.
you could feel it in the way your shoulders brushed against each other, in the way jake’s arm rested a little too close to yours on the couch.
every small movement felt charged, and you found yourself hyper-aware of his presence beside you.
eventually, the movie ended, and jake turned to you, his expression softer than usual.
“can i.. ask you something?”
you looked at him, your heart fluttering at the seriousness in his tone.
“of course.”
jake hesitated for a moment, as if he was gathering his thoughts.
then, he looked into your eyes, his voice quiet but steady.
“do you ever think about what it would be like… if things were different between us?”
your breath hitched at his words.
“what do you mean?”
jake’s gaze didn’t waver.
“i mean like… if we weren’t just friends.”
the room suddenly felt smaller, the air thicker.
your heart pounded in your chest as his words sank in.
you had been wondering the same thing for weeks now—maybe even longer.
but hearing him say it out loud made it real in a way that terrified you.
“i… i don’t know,” you whispered, though the truth was that you had thought about it more than you cared to admit.
you had imagined what it would be like to kiss him, to hold him, to be more than just heeseung’s little sister in his eyes.
jake’s expression softened, and he reached out, his hand gently cupping your cheek.
his touch was warm, comforting, and it made you lean into him despite the nervous energy bubbling in your chest.
“i think about it,” jake admitted, his voice barely above a whisper.
“a lot.”
the honesty in his words made your heart ache in the best way possible.
you wanted to say something—anything—to reassure him that you felt the same way.
but before you could speak, jake's thumb gently traced the curve of your jaw, the slightest touch sending shivers down your spine.
the soft glow of the tv reflected in his eyes, and for a moment, you forgot everything else—forgot the storm outside, forgot heeseung just down the hall, forgot the hesitation that had held you back for so long.
all you could focus on was jake—his face so close to yours, his breath mixing with yours in the small space between you.
the weight of the moment was almost too much to bear, your heart pounding in your chest as you waited for him to say something more, to do something more.
but instead of closing the distance between you, jake let his hand fall from your cheek, his expression shifting to something more uncertain.
he leaned back slightly, his eyes flickering away from yours as if he was suddenly unsure of himself.
“i don’t want to mess things up,” he murmured, almost to himself.
“i don’t want to… hurt you.”
his words hung heavy in the air, and for a moment, you felt a pang of disappointment that he had pulled back.
but then you realized that— he was afraid.
afraid of crossing a line that would change everything between you.
afraid of ruining the friendship that had been so carefully built over the years.
afraid of how his best friend would react to this, he was clueless in everything.
you reached out, placing your hand on top of his.
“jake, you won’t hurt me,” you said softly.
“i trust you.”
his eyes met yours again, and you saw the way his shoulders relaxed slightly at your words.
but still, there was a lingering hesitation in his gaze, as if he was weighing the consequences of what might happen next.
“i just… i’ve always wanted to protect you,” he said quietly.
“even when we were kids, and now… now it feels like there’s so much more at stake.”
you smiled gently, squeezing his hand.
“maybe that’s a good thing.”
jake looked at you for a long moment, the silence between you thick with unspoken feelings.
and then, just as you were about to say something more, the sound of heeseung’s door opening echoed down the hall.
jake pulled back completely, letting out a breath as he ran a hand through his hair.
you quickly shifted in your seat, trying to act as if nothing had happened, even though your heart was still racing in your chest.
heeseung wandered into the living room, oblivious to the tension that had just filled the tiny space.
“what are you guys up to?” he asked, stretching as he approached.
“just finished a movie,” jake said, his voice casual as ever, though you noticed the way he avoided looking directly at you.
heeseung plopped down on the couch between the two of you, completely unaware of the moment he had just interrupted.
“nice. anything good?”
you forced a smile, trying to shake off the lingering feelings from your conversation that had just took place with jake a couple seconds ago.
“yeah, it was pretty good.”
as heeseung started talking about his latest gaming obsession, you couldn’t help but glance over at jake.
he met your gaze briefly, a soft, almost apologetic smile playing on his lips.
it wasn’t much, but it was enough to remind you that the connection between you was still there—still real.
and despite the interruption, you knew that things had shifted.
the unspoken feelings between you had been acknowledged, even if neither of you had said it outright.
it was only a matter of time before everything would come to light.
weeks later, the town’s annual summer festival had finally arrived.
it was a lively event filled with bright lights, carnival rides, and food stalls that stretched along the main street.
heeseung had been excited about it for days, dragging you and jake along with him as soon as the sun began to set.
the three of you walked through the crowded streets together, the sound of laughter and music filling the air.
heeseung led the way, disappearing into a group of friends he spotted near one of the game booths.
you and jake followed behind, your shoulders brushing as you walked.
as you passed a small booth selling cotton candy, jake stopped suddenly, his eyes lighting up with a grin.
“remember when we used to beg our parents to buy this for us every year?”
you laughed, nodding.
“yeah, and they always said no because they didn’t want us to get a sugar crash.”
jake chuckled, then stepped up to the booth and bought a large stick of cotton candy.
he handed it to you with a smile.
“well— we’re adults now, and we can have as much as we want.”
you took the cotton candy from him, your fingers brushing against his.
the simple gesture made your heart race, and you found yourself smiling despite the nerves that still lingered between you.
“thanks,” you said softly, taking a small bite.
jake watched you with a fond expression, and for a moment, it felt like you were the only two people in the world.
the noise of the festival faded into the background, and all you could focus on was the way jake was looking at you—as if you were something precious.
without thinking, you reached up and tore off a small piece of the cotton candy, holding it out to him.
jake hesitated for only a second before leaning in and taking it from your fingers with a soft smile.
the gesture was innocent enough, but there was something intimate about it—something that made your heart flutter in your chest.
you could feel the tension building between you again, that familiar tension that had been growing stronger with each passing day.
as the night wore on, the festival became more crowded, and eventually, you found yourselves separated from heeseung.
jake stayed close by your side, his hand brushing against yours occasionally as you pushed your way through the sea of people.
when you reached a quieter part of the festival, near a small fountain surrounded by twinkling lights, jake stopped and turned to face you fully.
his expression was serious now, his eyes searching yours as if he was trying to find the right words.
“y/n,” he began softly, his voice barely audible over the distant sounds of the festival.
“i’ve been thinking a lot about what we talked about the other night.”
your heart skipped a beat. you knew exactly what he was referring to—the conversation in the living room, the moment when everything had almost changed between you.
jake took a step closer, his hand reaching out to gently cup your cheek.
his touch was warm, electrifying, and it made you lean into him instinctively.
“i need to say something, or im afraid i won’t be able to say it at all—“
before he could continue— the familiar voice made the both of you flinch back.
“where were you guys, i called your phones a million times!”
you blinked in disbelief— your brother had once again interrupted the moment.
“i didn’t notice, sorry hee..” you frantically explained, extremely flustered by the whole situation.
“well— it’s fine, let’s go to the dumpling stand!”
heeseung shouted excitedly as jake, once again had given you a sorry pout, making you giggle at the absurdity of your brothers timing.
a few days later, on one of the hottest summer evenings possible, you found yourself at a party that both jake and heeseung had invited you to.
the music was loud, the air thick with the scent of alcohol and sweat as you walked through the crowd.
you hadn’t seen jake in a while, and a small part of you had been looking for him, though you would never admit it to yourself.
finally, after what felt like hours, you spotted him across the room.
your heart skipped a beat at the sight of him—until you noticed the girl sitting right next to him, her arms draped around his shoulders as she whispered something into his ear.
he was smiling, that same smile he had been giving you all summer, and it felt like a punch to the gut.
all the unspoken tension, the stolen glances, the lingering touches—it all came crashing down as you stood there frozen, watching him with her.
had you misread everything? had he just been playing with you this whole time?
before you could stop yourself, tears welled up in your eyes, and you turned on your heel, pushing through the crowd as fast as you could.
you needed to get out of there— you couldn’t breathe, you couldn’t think.
all you knew was that you needed to get away from the sight of jake sim as soon as possible.
just as you made it to the door, you bumped into someone—heeseung.
his eyes immediately filled with concern as he saw the tears streaming down your face.
“hey, hey, what’s wrong?” he asked, his voice soft as he gently grabbed your shoulders, steering you outside where the cool night air hit your face.
“what happened?”
you shook your head, wiping at your tears, refusing to meet his gaze.
“i don’t want to talk about it.”
heeseung’s brow furrowed, his grip on your shoulders tightening slightly as he pulled you into a hug.
“is it because of jake?”
your breath hitched, and you froze in his arms.
how did he know? you hadn’t said anything to him about jake, not once.
heeseung sighed, pulling back slightly to look at you.
“i’ve always known, you know. you’re my baby sister. i could always tell when it comes to you.”
you bit your lip, fighting back more tears as you nodded, unable to find the words.
heeseung’s face softened, and he gently wiped away your tears with his thumb.
“i’ll talk to him,” he said softly.
“you go home and get some rest, okay? i’ll handle this.”
you quickly shook your head in denial.
“heeseung, you don’t have to—”
“i’m your brother,” he interrupted, his tone gentle but firm.
“of course i do.”
you couldn’t argue with that— so instead, you nodded, wrapping your arms around him in a tight hug.
“thank you. i love you, you’re the best older brother i could’ve ever asked for.”
heeseung smiled softly as he felt his own tears brimming in his eyes, pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
“i love you too, more than you’ll ever know.”
with one last comforting squeeze, he sent you off, and you walked home, the weight of your heartbreak heavy on your shoulders.
you couldn’t stop the tears from falling as you replayed the image of jake with that girl over and over in your mind.
meanwhile, back at the party, heeseung stormed back inside, anger coasting through his veins as his eyes scanned the crowd until he found jake in the corner, staring down at his phone with a smile.
without a second thought, heeseung grabbed jake by the collar, his fist connecting with his jaw before jake even had a chance to react.
“what the hell, man?!” jake exclaimed, stumbling back in shock, clutching his jaw.
“i always knew you had a thing for her,” heeseung growled, his voice low and dangerous.
“but i trusted you— i thought you’d never hurt her.”
“seriously— you think i didn’t notice what the two of you had going on this summer? and now you’re onto the next girl, huh?”
jake’s eyes widened in realization, the only girl he interacted with this evening— his face pale as he shook his head.
“no, god no— heeseung, it’s not what you think. it was a misunderstanding. that girl— it was yeji. you remember her, right? the one who always harassed me in high school?”
heeseung’s expression didn’t soften, but he didn’t say anything, allowing jake to continue.
“she’s been in love with me for years, and i was rejecting her, but i—i smiled because i felt bad. i wasn’t interested in her, i swear.” jake’s voice cracked as he ran a hand through his hair, his eyes filling with tears.
“i love her, heeseung. i love your sister. i’ve been in love with her since we were kids. i wanted to make things official, but now…i don’t know what to do.”
heeseung stared at jake for a long moment before letting out a deep sigh.
he patted jake on the back, his voice softening slightly.
“then fix it you brainless idiot, it’s not too late.”
jake didn’t need to be told twice— without another word, he bolted out of the party, sprinting towards your house as fast as his legs would carry him.
back at home, you were curled up in your bed, buried in the comfort of your blankets— the tears finally starting to slow as exhaustion took over.
you hadn’t expected to hear from jake again after what you saw, so when you heard a soft tapping on your window, your heart leapt in surprise.
you sat up, wiping at your eyes as you cautiously approached the window.
when you saw jake standing outside, his eyes wide and pleading, you hesitated for only a moment before opening it.
“what do you want, jake?” you asked, your voice thick with sadness.
“i need to explain,” he said quickly, climbing inside before you could shut the window again.
“please, just let me explain.”
you crossed your arms over your chest, trying to keep your walls up even though his presence made your heart ache.
“go ahead.”
jake took a deep breath, his voice shaking slightly as he began.
“that girl you saw me with…she’s not who i want. she never has been. she’s just someone from high school who’s had a crush on me for years, and i didn’t want to hurt her feelings, so i tried to let her down gently. but i swear, it was nothing.”
you didn’t say anything, your emotions swirling in a confusing mess as you tried to process his words.
jake stepped closer, his eyes softening as he reached for your hand.
“it’s always been you, princess— since we were kids. i’ve always been in love with you. and this summer…i thought maybe you felt the same way.”
your breath caught in your throat as his words sank in.
all the moments, the stolen glances, the lingering touches—it all made sense now.
but before you could say anything, jake cupped your face gently, his eyes searching yours with desperation.
“i love you,” he whispered.
“i’m so in love with you, it hurts.”
you didn’t let him finish— instead, you pulled him down into a kiss, pouring all of your emotions into it.
it was soft at first, even shy, but as jake’s arms wrapped around you, pulling you closer, it deepened into something more passionate—something that felt like all the pieces finally falling into place.
when you finally pulled away, both of you breathless, jake rested his forehead against yours, a soft smile playing on his lips.
“so…does that mean you feel the same?” he teased gently, though there was still a hint of uncertainty in his voice.
you smiled back, your heart feeling lighter than it had in days.
“yes, jake sim— you bastard, i do.”
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© won4kiss 2024
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maplesyrupsainz · 9 months
˖⁺。˚⋆˙biscuits | CS55˖⁺。˚⋆˙
pairing: carlos sainz x baker!reader y/n (she/her)
genre: social media au, new relationship
warnings: nothing rly, jus lots of fun interactions with drivers & some fluff w carlos tehe
summary: in which your baked goods are a hit with the grid (and so is your blossoming relationship)
a/n: hiii i loveee making fics where y/n is bffs with the whole grid lolz & by whole grid it's like 4 other drivers coz i dnt have the time & space to be writing in a thousand diff relationship dynamics nd these ppl r the ones i feel most comfy writing !
request!!!: For your inspiration maybe smau with Carlos and baker reader who gets along with everyone and bakes for everyone . And maybe make it funny like the "meme" you made with Lando *(HERE for reference)*
fc: various brunette girls from pinterest
my masterlist
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liked by carlossainz55, landonorris, and 411,593 others
yourusername happy new year 🎇🫶
tagged: carlossainz55
view all 4,096 comments
user1 happy new year y/n!!!
user2 omgg her first new year with carlos?? 🤭
user3 hiii y/n :)
yourusername hi❤️
user3 OMG
carlossainz55 pretty girl
yourusername 🫶
user5 i love them
charles_leclerc it's 10pm on january 2nd
landonorris leave her alone charles she was hungover
charles_leclerc for 2 days?
yourusername dont shame me. we all saw you on carlos' birthday
charles_leclerc 🤐
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liked by charles_leclerc, lewishamilton, and 623,196 others
carlossainz55 a winter break update
tagged: yourusername
view all 10,821 comments
user7 i luv her
landonorris ?? those biscuits better be for me
carlossainz55 no go away
yourusername not these ones landie lou :p
landonorris boooooo
user8 not landie lou
user9 y/n is so pretty
yourusername why post that pic of us, u made me look crazy
carlossainz55 you did that all on your own my love
charles_leclerc lol 😂
yourusername you want biscuits or not charles leloser
charles_leclerc im sorry y/n
user10 the nicknames😭
user11 lol the grid is so whipped for y/n
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carlossainz55 posted a story
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liked by yourusername, danielricciardo, and 23,555 others
landonorris MY BISCUITS??
charles_leclerc FOR ME!??
danielricciardo aw we miss y/n
carlossainz55 she said she's rustling up something delicious for you & heidi 💘
danielricciardo omg feel so blessed rn
user13 😮 the poison biscuits?!?!??
user14 the heartssss she's too cute
liked by carlossainz55
danielricciardo posted a story
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liked by carlossainz55, yourusername, and 55,827 others
sry i made a typo it's meant to say FROM our angel lolz
danielricciardo we luv u
landonorris daniel she hates me
danielricciardo no ur just a beg
landonorris SHUT UP
user15 this is soooo cute
user17 in love w her
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liked by charles_leclerc, carlossainz55, and 567,892 others
yourusername my vacay got gatecrashed by ferrari's worst driver 😢
view all 12,011 comments
charles_leclerc why are you always so mean to me y/n
yourusername im so sowwy charlie. will u ever forgive me??!!
charles_leclerc maybe. for some biscuits
yourusername ok deal i'll make u some biscuits
landonorris this is NOT fair
charles_leclerc suck it up little lando
user18 y/n in her biscuit era
user19 fr & the flowers are soo cute
carlossainz55 you literally love when he hangs out with us
yourusername 🤫 .
charles_leclerc ???
user20 LOL
oscarpiastri hi y/n
yourusername not you too
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liked by yourusername, oscarpiastri, and 887,133 others
charles_leclerc winter break + biscuits 🍒
view all 9,819 comments
carlossainz55 lando is going to be so triggered
yourusername i told him to keep it HUSH.
landonorris WHAT IS THIS
charles_leclerc nooo hahahhh
landonorris im done with you charles lestinks
yourusername oh it's serious
landonorris YES IT'S SERIOUS
user21 someone make that boy some biscuits
user22 we all gonna ignore charles hands in that pic 👀
user23 oh no dw. we're looking
oscarpiastri justice for lando norris
liked by charles_leclerc, landonorris, danielricciardo, carlossainz55
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liked by yourusername, estebanocon, and 822,643 others
carlossainz55 time flies
view all 16,193 comments
yourusername i love u so much cant wait to watch u this race season 🌶️
carlossainz55 my biggest supporter ❤️ i love you
user24 favs omg
landonorris aww is that you guys baking biscuits for me together?? 😊
carlossainz55 sure lando!
yourusername 🤨🤨
charles_leclerc ❤️❤️
scuderiaferrari can't wait to have our favourite girl back in the paddock!
carlossainz55 you & me both
yourusername ❤️
user25 ferrari admin is just like us
user26 the pic of them baking together is too cute
user27 AND y/n in the ferrari jacket😭😭
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liked by carlossainz55, georgerussell63, and 421,056 others
yourusername & we're back 🐎
view all 6,338 comments
user29 the nailssss
user30 she's so hot
alexandrasaintmleux so happy to be back to seeing u almost every weekend🙏
yourusername ME TOOO squealing & running round
charles_leclerc y/n you cant keep her for too long
yourusername i do what i want. sorry
alexandrasaintmleux 🤭🤭🤭
carlossainz55 my lucky charm 🍀
yourusername blushing omg. i love u
carlossainz55 and i love you
scuderiaferrari lucky us!! everyone wants what we have
yourusername oh stop it you
user31 now kiss
user32 no wag will ever top y/n
user33 most supportive wag
yourusername posted a story
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liked by charles_leclerc, francisca.cgomes, and 83,415 others
charles_leclerc 😍
user34 omg sooo cute
user35 she's gorgeous
francisca.cgomes omggg love
yourusername where are u kika we want u with us
francisca.gomes omg tehe love you i'll come see you asap
landonorris posted a story
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liked by carlossainz55, oscarpiastri, and 201,738 others
carlossainz55 safe flight ✈️
charles_leclerc are you kidnapping her
landonorris no we're not all as crazy as you!
charles_leclerc behave 👎
user37 awwwww taking flights together they're besties
user38 she's just a girl fr
user39 stealing our girl away to smelly england?
yourusername posted a story
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liked by alexandrasaintmleux, francisca.cgomes, and 67,082 others
landonorris you should be making biscuits for me
yourusername i might if you stop being so desperate
landonorris 🤨
carlossainz55 cant wait to reunite with you this evening 💘
yourusername me too i miss you tons!
user40 we love u y/n
user41 well deserved :))
pierregasly kika said where's her invite
yourusername we're not even in the same country unfortunately 😢 she knows i wish she was here to hang out
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liked by lewishamilton, carlossainz55, and 817,019 others
yourusername short stint in london 🇬🇧
view all 7,952 comments
lewishamilton the most beautiful couple
liked by yourusername, carlossainz55
oscarpiastri i love my parents
yourusername strange boy
carlossainz55 dont talk to our son like that y/n
oscarpiastri dad 🥹
yourusername ...my bad
user43 LOLLLL not y/n having no choice but to parent the rookies 🥹
user44 logan too i bet
charles_leclerc monaco next?
carlossainz55 we are literally always there??
charles_leclerc yeah well i miss you guys ok..
yourusername AWWW CHARLIEEE
landonorris aww look at you two
yourusername 😘 got some biscuits in the oven for you
landonorris NO WAY
landonorris posted a story
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liked by yourusername, carlossainz55, and 401,723 others
carlossainz55 my girl is beautiful AND generous
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judes-hoe · 3 months
Birthday sex ~ JB5
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Parrings ~ Jude Bellingham x reader
Summary ~ literally the title no plot😭
Warnings ~ blow job, hand job, subby Jude, riding, unprotected(BIG NO NO!)
A/N ~ wrote this in 20 minutes…..
You woke up checking the time on your phone, 8:15 AM it read. You roll over and meet the perfect sleeping face of your now 21 year old boyfriend. You softly trace his face to wake up, then trailing your hand down to his chest and leaving kisses on his jaw.
Then he started to wake up. “Mornin.” He said in a groggy voice. “Morning birthday boy.” You mumble as you continue to kiss his jaw and run your hand lower down his body. “Just lay back and enjoy my gift.” You said and Jude happily just laid and was gonna take whatever you gave him.
Your hand trails lower and runs over his boxers as you feel his already growing bulge. He lets out a shuddered moan which makes you smirk. If there was one thing you loved about Jude, it would be that if you wanted to take control, he just lets you no question asked.
You then take his boxers off and kiss down to his neck. He lets out a soft moan when the cool air hits him. “Gonna be good for me?” You asked and only got a head nod. You smirk and bring your head to his cock, rubbing the pre cum around his tip. You watch his abs flex every time your finger runs over his tip.
He lets out a moan when you finally start to jerk him off. “O-oh god please.” He moans and bucks his hips a little. You speed your hand up and stop kissing him and move down and no warning just start to suck his cock. He lets out a louder moan when he feels the warmth from your mouth wrap around him.
His abs flex and he look down at you and that brings him closer to the edge. “Please, I-I’m gonna…cum.” He said and bucks his hips up releasing his load into your mouth. You smile and swallow it all detaching yourself and wiping the sides of your mouth.
You make your way back up to him and kiss him. Grinding down on him feeling the friction of your shorts and his cock rubbing together. “Mmm, plea-, need you, now.” He mumbles into the kiss. You quickly take off your shirt, shorts, and panties. Throwing them aside and reaching behind you grabbing the shaft and alining yourself before sinking down.
His hands immediately find place at your hips. “Doing so good taking your gift.” You said and started to rock your hips and gradually began speeding up. You let moans out yourself as your ride Jude. “You look so pretty, taking it like a…good boy.” You said and Jude moans at the praise. You also used his favorite word for when you are in control.
“Gonna, cum aga-“ before he could finish he bucks his hips inside you. “Cum inside me like a good boy.” That completely sends him over the edge and he cums inside you. Just watching Jude makes you cum and your legs turn to jelly.
“Best gift ever.” Jude said when you get off him to clean up. “Expect many more.” You smirk at him.
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xomakara · 2 months
Birthday Cake
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SUMMARY |  It's Mark's birthday and you have a very special surprise for him.
PAIRINGS | Mark x Reader
GENRE/CONTENT/WARNINGS |  non-idol!Mark, non-idol!Reader, established relationship, smut, unprotected sex (wrap it up ya’ll!), fingering, dirty talk, oral sex (both male/female receiving/giving), praise kink, pet names, dirty talk, food play, messy cake sex??
RATING | Mature, NSFW, 18+
LENGTH |  4093 words
NETWORKS |  @k-vanity
AUTHOR’S NOTE |  Firstly, I apologize if it sounds rushed and probably not one of my best works. I literally wrote this in like 3 hours lol. I still hope you all like this though lol. Secondly, HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARK. We all love you 💚
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Mark Lee always considered himself a lucky man as he was surrounded by friends and loved ones who gathered for this dinner party for his birthday. Smiling from his seat, his hand was placed on your thigh, softly caressing. His eyes wandered over to yours. "You okay?" he asked, concerned.
You smiled and nodded. "Why wouldn't I be okay? My man's birthday is today."
"Good. You look so beautiful tonight, by the way."
"Thank you." You leaned in to kiss him. "And you look so handsome today."
"We get it. You both love each other." Johnny rolled his eyes jokingly. "Can we start the celebration already?"
You pulled back, a smile still on your lips. "Yeah. Let's celebrate."
Mark had planned a quiet and private party with the closest people in his life. As the night progressed, it turned into a rowdy one. Johnny and Yuta were playing a drinking game while Jungwoo, Jeno, Jaehyun, and Hendery were cheering them on. Ten was in the kitchen, preparing another batch of food with Doyoung. Taeyong was nowhere to be found, but he might've left with Kun since neither of them was here.
You and Mark watched them. You were sitting in his lap while his arms were around your waist.
"Having fun?" he whispered, placing a kiss on your neck.
"I am." You turned to him, arms around his neck. "Is the birthday boy having fun? Did he get all his presents?"
He chuckled. "Yeah. I did. Although I'm still waiting for the best present."
"Oh really? What would that be?"
Mark looked into your eyes. "The most beautiful girl in the world."
"And who would that be?"
"It's you." He gave you a soft kiss on the lips.
"You're so cheesy." You giggled.
"You love it."
"Yeah, I do."
You were about to kiss him again until Johnny interrupted. "Hey, you two lovebirds! We're going to sing Happy Birthday now. Stop being gross and pay attention."
"We weren't doing anything." You called out, Mark laughing.
Johnny raised a brow at you, clearly not buying it. "Uh huh, sure. Get your horny asses over here."
Mark stood up with you in his arms, placing you on your feet before standing beside you.
"Okay, guys, gather around!" Yuta called out, waving the cake in his hands. "One... two..."
Everyone sang, their eyes glued on Mark. You looked over at him, a fond smile on your lips. He turned to look at you, his heart fluttering as your gaze met. After the song ended, he blew the candles and made a wish. Everyone cheered. You went back to your seat beside Mark and held his hand. "So, what did you wish for?"
He shrugged. "It's a secret."
"You know I won't tell anyone."
"But you'd find out sooner or later."
"That's true."
Mark squeezed your hand. "Let's get out of here, yeah?"
"But your friends—"
"They'll understand. I just want to be with you tonight."
"Okay." You nodded, a smile still on your lips.
Doyoung looked up from where he was standing. "You two better be responsible!"
You turned to him. "Don't worry. We're just going to hang out."
"Uh-huh, sure." Ten rolled his eyes.
"We're just going to hang out!"
Ten smirked, his eyes moving between you and Mark. "Dressed like that? I doubt it. Don't forget to use protection."
Your face heated up at his words. Mark only chuckled. "We're leaving."
"Take care, you two." Doyoung waved, watching you both leave.
As soon as the door closed, you took off your heels, sighing in relief. It was nice to feel the ground beneath your feet again.
"You could've worn comfortable shoes," Mark said.
"I wanted to look pretty for you."
"Baby, you always look pretty to me."
You smiled at his words, heart racing in your chest.
He wrapped his arm around your shoulder and pulled you closer. "Where do you wanna go?"
"My place? I got you a gift. And it's more of a private one."
"Okay, let's go."
You got a cab and went to your place. You fished your keys from your purse and opened the door, inviting Mark inside.
"Stay here, Mark." You said. "I'll be right back."
He nodded and went to the couch. Meanwhile, you went to your room and looked through your drawers, trying to find that sexy, crotchless lingerie you bought for special occasions. Mark didn't know that you own one. Hell, he had no idea what he was getting himself into.
Finally, you found it and you quickly changed, looking at yourself in the mirror. After putting on the lingerie, you fixed your hair and you threw your clothes back on so that he could unwrap you when you got to the bedroom.
You came back and smiled at him. "Do you have the present?" he asked.
"It's not a tangible gift."
He frowned. "Then what is it?"
You moved closer to him and sat in his lap. "It's a surprise."
Mark wrapped his arms around you. "Will I like it?"
"You will." You gave him a soft kiss.
His hands wandered to your waist. "Can I open it now?"
"Not yet." You laughed as you got off his lap and made your way to the kitchen. "Wait for me. I'll make it worth your while."
"You always do."
You came back with the cake and a candle. Mark was already waiting on the couch, smiling when he saw the cake in your hands. "Baby, we already blew the candles earlier with the guys."
"But that’s with the guys. Right now, it’s me.”
"Wow, baby, you're so thoughtful."
"Anything for the birthday boy."
Mark looked up at you, eyes twinkling. "Can I blow out the candles now?"
"Of course." You nodded. "Make a wish."
He blew the candles, the light from the flames flickering as it went out. At the same time, you were on your knees in front of him, your hand already massaging his growing bulge.
"I hope it's coming true," you said, looking up at him.
"It is." He nodded, leaning back against the couch. "It sure is."
Your hand rubbed the bulge, slowly unzipping his pants and taking his dick out. He was already hard.
"Already excited?" you asked, kissing the tip.
"It's my birthday. I should be excited."
You took him in your mouth, bobbing your head up and down. He placed his hand on the back of your head, gently encouraging you to continue.
"Fuck, baby," he moaned, his voice low.
You continued sucking, licking the underside and the tip, and swirling your tongue around. He was moaning loudly, his eyes rolling to the back of his head. Your hands were gripping the base of his shaft, jerking him off as your mouth worked him.
"That's it, baby," he encouraged. "Keep going."
He groaned your name as his grip tightened, pulling your hair. "Your mouth feels so good. So fucking amazing."
You felt his cum coating your tongue. You kept sucking until the very last drop. After that, you let him rest in your mouth, the sweet taste lingering. He looked down, a little surprised that his dick was still hard. You let him go, and it slipped out of your mouth. 
You sat up, wiping the corners of your lips. "Didn't you like your gift?"
Mark smiled, pulling you towards him so that you were seated on his lap again. "I did, very much."
"Well, that was part one."
"What's part two?"
"Take off my clothes and see."
Mark obliged and removed your shirt, revealing the lace covering your breasts. "Oh? What else are you hiding? Wait... are you...?"
You smirked, your fingers fiddling with the hem of the tulle skirt. You raised it to reveal your dripping cunt in the panties that barely covered anything. "Part two, crotchless panties.”
His eyes widened at the sight, his hands automatically wandering to the bare skin of your legs. He stroked the insides, squeezing. Your thighs were a weak point for him, something that he used against you whenever he wanted something from you.
"Wait," he stopped. "Let's just go to your room. I wanna ravish you properly."
"Oh?" you raised a brow.
"It is part of my gift, right?"
"Part of it," you nodded.
"Okay." He looked up, gazing into your eyes. "Gimme more."
"Okay, birthday boy. Whatever you want." You giggled, playfully smirking. He carried you and rushed to your room. Laughter escaped your lips as Mark tossed you onto the bed. "Someone's eager to open their gift, isn't he?"
He looked you over hungrily, biting his bottom lip as his eyes fell to your breasts. "Because she looks so fucking hot."
You pressed your back against the headboard and spread your legs, offering yourself. Mark climbed into bed with you, kneeling on the mattress.
"Take what you want, Mark," you seductively told him.
His eyes darkened. He licked his lips and leaned towards you, capturing yours. He devoured your mouth, groaning as you opened up for him, letting him push his tongue past your lips.
After a few seconds of kissing, he pulled away and looked at you. "Hands on the headboard."
You did as told and reached behind you, latching on to the edge of the headboard, spreading your knees wide. Mark started trailing his lips and teeth across your neck. You shivered at the sensation, especially as his lips went lower and lower.
Mark squeezed your nipples between his fingers as he licked and kissed your skin. You gasped in surprise as he captured your right nipple between his teeth and tugged it. Your grip tightened and you whimpered, arching your back as he rolled the hardened nub between his teeth.
He then licked a trail downwards, placing open-mouthed kisses to your collarbones and between your breasts. When his tongue flicked over one nipple, you gasped, arching your back off the headboard and pushing your breasts into his mouth.
"Did you like that, baby girl?" he asked. His voice was muffled as his mouth was otherwise occupied.
"Yes, please."
"Okay, since you're enjoying this, I'll do more of it. But after I fuck that tight little pussy of yours."
"Thank you," you panted, feeling his tongue flicking your other nipple.
"God, you're so sexy."
Your eyes followed his head as he continued his way down your stomach, biting your lip as he licked all over the lace fabric. You'd bought it in dark blue because Mark complimented you in that shade of color before. It seemed he appreciated the gesture since he was practically worshipping your body in that outfit.
"Shit," you whispered, panting.
He hummed, sending a vibration down your core. Your back was arched, hands desperately gripping the wood behind your back, thighs trembling on each side of your lover's face.
"I bet you'd look so hot with cake frosting all over your tits," he spoke up, licking a line across your folds.
Your legs shook at his words, a soft moan escaping your lips. You felt him smirk against your core, clearly pleased with the reaction you gave him. "There is cake in the living room," you reminded him, your breathing was getting erratic.
Mark paused, eyes still focused between your legs. Then he looked at you with a smirk. "We'd have to change your sheets and shower afterwards."
"Worth it if it means you get to enjoy it on my body."
He growled as you wriggled underneath his gaze. The pressure of him being so close and yet so far away is driving you mad. You loved when Mark was gentle with you, but sometimes you also needed roughness.
"So, are you up for it or do you want to just fuck the shit out of me now?" you teased, leaning back against the pillows with a devilish smirk.
"Baby girl," he breathed, a predatory smile appearing on his face, "it'd be my fucking pleasure."
"Bring the fucking cake and decorate my body," you suggested, snarling playfully as you got rid of your bra and threw it somewhere.
He gave you a smug grin before he rushed out of the room and came back shortly with the cake in his hand, his finger dipping the frosting out. "Hmmm..." he purred, eyeing your body, "where do I start?"
"Wherever you want, birthday boy," you replied in a soft voice, almost a whisper.
A small mischievous grin appeared on his handsome face before he grabbed one breast and held your right nipple between two fingers as he applied the sugary substance over it. You squirm underneath his touch, goosebumps running along your skin as the chilling cream came into contact. He let go, looking pleased at the work he'd done before his eyes flicked to your face, checking to see if you were okay.
His voice sounded velvety as it reached your ears, "Do you want the other one to have the same amount, baby?"
"Mark," you gasped, swallowing down the lump of lust in your throat, "yeah, cover me with icing."
Mark's lips curled upward in satisfaction while his pupils dilated slightly from excitement, "Gladly, my love."
He grabbed another fistful and brought his hand down, starting his art, applying layer by layer in an attempt to replicate how beautiful his cake was. He then proceeded with applying frosting on your left breast while you moaned softly every time he touched the sensitive skin with the tip of his fingers. Once satisfied, he scooted closer and added final touches by using his tongue to give some details, making you squirm as it left a wet, sticky path across your chest. He blew on it, making you gasp for breath, your voice coming out as a mixture of whimpers and moans.
"This is fucking hot." Fingers still coated in icing, he brought them to your lips. "Suck," he demanded, watching with dark eyes as his fingers disappeared between your lips.
You obeyed and tasted the sweetness of the icing mixed with his masculine scent, feeling like you could come any moment, especially with the hungry look he gave you, eyes filled with lust and anticipation for the feast. 
"Good, huh? Want me to continue?" he asked.
A soft moan escaped you. You were eager to have his mouth on your cunt.
"Answer me, darling."
Your eyes widened and you let out a strangled cry, "Yes."
"Such a slutty little thing for me, baby. What would people think, hmm, seeing you like this? All covered in sugary mess for my enjoyment? To consume you whole."
Your breathing came short and fast. You couldn't see anything other than Mark's heated gaze as your pussy twitched underneath his touch, his voice deep in your ear, coaxing more noises from deep within your gut as he used his tongue to circle around your icing covered nipple. He licked down to your stomach, circling his tongue around it, painting a picture for your senses. You felt yourself becoming wetter each time he dipped his tongue into your navel, the heat growing in the pit of your stomach, flames licking up your spine, begging him to touch your most sensitive parts.
"I'm going to devour you, darling," his low tone sent shivers running through every nerve ending, "all of you."
Your toes curled. A shiver ran down your spine.
"Yes, yes, please," you pleaded, voice husky. You wanted him more than anything. Wanted to feel every inch of his thick, delicious length in your pussy, spreading your walls wide open and filling you.
The room was silent except for your shallow breaths and Mark's heavy ones, both anticipating the moment he'd thrust inside you. Finally, he inched forward, hovering above you as he ran his tongue over your nipple once more, swirling the tip in slow circles before taking it completely between his teeth and giving a soft bite. Your hand slipped over his shoulder, fingertips digging into his shoulder blade as you arched towards him.
"Please..." your voice trembled as you felt yourself clench and tighten under his grip, preparing itself for what was to come.
Mark smiled into your chest, the smile stretching across his face until it became a full-on grin. He pulled back and slid his body down between your legs, taking his time to take every inch of you in before settling there, propped up between your thighs. His hand glided over your stomach and down to your mound, fingers pressing softly as they traveled between your legs. His palm lingered on top of your heat, fingers rubbing gently at the swollen skin as you shivered and squirmed, a light sweat coating your upper lip.
"Fuck, baby," Mark moaned. "You're so wet."
His fingers traced circles, leaving the combination of cake icing and your wetness trailing down the side of your leg. He dragged his lips down and his tongue swept against the inside of your thigh, leaving a slick trail of cake icing and saliva along the length of it, then up.
"Mark, please." you begged, desperately wanting him to end this torture and finally slide his cock in you, making you writhe against the soft mattress. You felt a warmth building deep in your belly as he moved his mouth closer to your pussy.
"Tell me what you want, baby," he crooned softly into your ear. "Tell me exactly what you'd like me to do right now and maybe I'll give it to you."
"Ughh, please!" you cried as his thumb brushed against your clit, causing sparks to shoot across your body and setting every nerve ending aflame.
Mark let out a low chuckle, enjoying every bit of it. You bucked upwards again as he moved his finger in circular motions around your opening before slipping the tip in. "Tell me more, I'll hear you loud and clear," he urged, his voice thick with lust as he added more fingers into your slick entrance, pushing deeper inside as you hissed out your pleasure.
"Take me, Mark. Please! Make me yours." You screamed. "I want you inside me so badly. Want to feel every inch of your amazing, perfect cock buried deep in my wet cunt," your nails dug into the mattress beneath you.
"You ask so nicely, but remember who's birthday is this. Say it." he cooed, his breath tickling the sensitive skin near the shell of your ear. He nipped the lobe, then ran his lips down your neck as his thumb rubbed the aching bud on the hood of your clit, sending fireworks along your spine.
"Y-your birthday." You stammered. "Please take me for your birthday."
His fingers reached lower. One last stroke with the pad of his thumb against your clit and your body was a trembling mess, walls squeezing, pulling, sucking around the two fingers pumping in and out. You were whimpering and groaning, lost to everything other than the movement of his fingers and his intense gaze focused directly on you.
"Please!" you sobbed, your pussy spasming around Mark's fingers and hips grinding helplessly up and down.
Mark withdrew them with a satisfied smirk on his face, cock so hard you could barely stand it as he pressed a thumb to the corner of your mouth, pushing a mix of icing and your juices into your mouth, which you eagerly swallowed down greedily.
"Fuck, I knew you could handle it, but damn, baby girl," Mark groaned, dragging a single digit along your slit, collecting your slick, watching intently as it clung to his fingers and dropped to the bed below. "That was one of the hottest things you've ever said to me."
Mark smeared the mix of icing and your liquids down his erection. He didn't bother to hide the pleasure he felt at the sensation, nor how hard he had become simply by teasing you and making you scream for release. And it showed. 
"Ready?" he asked, the tip of his member already nudging your entrance.
"Yes." you gasped as your arousal began pooling. "Fuck me."
Mark didn't waste any time. Without a second thought, he pushed himself forward, sheathing his entire length inside your pussy in one smooth motion, moaning with satisfaction as his skin met yours. You arched up off the bed, the sweet smell of the cake still permeating your senses, mingling with Mark's scent, along with the unmistakable musk of sex.
Mark grabbed hold of your thighs, pushing them up, your legs on his shoulders. He pressed his head into the crook between your shoulder and neck and whispered to you, "Let's fill you up with my cake icing."
You moaned lowly, the sound almost inaudible over Mark's soft pants, as he slowly began rocking back and forth, the gentle movements turning into rougher strokes the longer he thrusts into you. It's not enough. Your body is tingling from the way he stretched your pussy out, and while it isn't the rough fucking you were hoping for, it's certainly an appetizer to the main event.
"Come on, Mark," you groaned, pressing down against him so that every thrust made him sink deeper and deeper, pushing you into the bed until his cock brushed up against that sweet spot deep inside of you. "Don't you want to take charge on your special day? Don't you want to show me who's in control here?"
Mark growled, the noise coming from the back of his throat sending vibrations down to where your skin met his. He pressed his lips together tightly as he struggled to retain his composure and composure be damned because now was his turn, time to show how good he could fuck when he was set to.
He didn't know if he could even wait to start but god help him if he didn't do something about how incredible his girlfriend looked right now, writhing beneath him, covered in icing and sex-messed hair stuck against her cheeks.
"Oh yeah, baby girl," Mark purred, lowering himself until his forehead pressed lightly against yours. "This is the best gift I could ever ask for." He nibbled lightly on your lower lip and whispered against it, "To have your pussy all nice and warm for me, letting me use you any way I like... I'm gonna wreck you, Y/N."
You moaned at the prospect and at how goddamn sexy he sounded when he was turned on.
"Make me cum," you rasped. "Use my pussy however you want and make me cum, please!"
"Your wish is my command." he grinned cheekily.
Mark's hips picked up pace, plunging harder and faster into you, filling you fully again and again.
You moaned as he slammed inside of you. Every time his pelvic bone struck yours was a sharp shock wave of pleasure flowing through you, making your brain swim. Your legs quivered at the contact; your heels dug into Mark's back and drew him forward, urging him to keep fucking you with that amazing dick.
You had never seen your boyfriend move this quickly before, the sound of his breathing and the loud groans you were hearing were all coming from inside your head. In and out. His thrusts were powerful. Hard and steady, almost machine-like as he buried his cock within you time after time.
And you loved every second of it.
Mark leaned forward, resting his weight on his palms, his face mere inches away from yours. His fingers tightened their grip in your hair before pulling you closer towards him and pressed his mouth onto yours. 
As Mark broke the kiss, his breath hitched, body shuddering, cock spasming inside of you. Hot bursts of liquid shot deep inside, coating your cunt and filling it to the brim with semen. You held onto him tightly as his entire frame trembled with orgasm, trying to not collapse on you. He struggled to breathe while keeping his hands firmly anchored on either side of your head, locking his elbows so that he wouldn't fall over. He never broke his eye contact.
Finally, when both your orgasms had waned and you could think straight again, you began speaking, your voice sounding strained as it came out in short huffs. "You liked it that much huh?"
"Shit," he gasped between breaths, nodding as sweat ran down his face, dripping onto your chest.
"But..." His tongue flicked over your neck, licking the side before whispering hotly into your ear, "There's something I want a bit more."
Your breath hitched at his statement. "Hmmm?"
"A few more rounds for my birthday," Mark smiled playfully. "And then a bath before bed, babe."
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