#he's fluffy! he can smell out trapped children he just wants to protect the kiddos
creamecream · 2 years
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Pro Hero: Search-and-Rescue Hero, Hachikō
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His Family (Theseus Scamander x Reader)
Request: Hey girl! We need a Theseus x reader with them being a cutesy ass family and kiddos and everything
Pairing: Theseus Scamander x Reader
Warnings: fluffy fluff fluff, too much love my heart is aching, mentions of sex, slightly NSFW but no full smut
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You stirred as sleep’s grip slowly loosened around you. Slowly you began to notice the birds chirping happily right outside your window, the sun rays tickling your face. But you didn’t want to get up just yet as you felt the warm body laying behind you, a strong arm wrapped securely around your waist.
Calmly you turned in the arms of your husband, Theseus, snuggling deeper into his chest as a sound of contentment made its way through his mouth, his arms now completely engulfing you as he felt your delicate fingers massaging his head. You lived for these little moments, just the two of you sharing an unbreakable bond of your undying love for each other. Your legs tangled together, both of your hearts beating in unison as your chests pressed against one another, naked warm bodies touching. The both of you basked in your little bubble of love and contentment. 
The opening of your bedroom door made you finally open your eyes. Confused you looked around as your sight slowly focused. The pitter patter of little feet trying to sneak around made you smile and surely enough two little heads with curly auburn hair appeared at the foot of your bed. 
Egan and Niles, splitting images of their handsome father, had their favourite stuffed animals – gifts from uncle Newt – in their little grasps, both just woken up from wonderful dreams full of unimaginable beautiful, magical things.
“Shhhhhh mommy, we want to wake up Daddy”, your oldest son whispered, while your youngest put his finger in front of his lips in a silencing motion. Both of them looked at you, giving you their signature puppy dog eyes they unfortunately inherited from you, before you beckoned them into bed.
Egan, 6 years old, crawled straight over his fathers’ body until he reached his face, starting to pepper it in little kisses. Theseus immediately cracked a beautiful smile as he finally opened his sparkling blue eyes, searching for yours instinctively, before he turned onto his back, surprising little Egan. Softly Theseus tickled his firstborn, enjoying his carefree laughter before he snaked his arm around him and pulled him down onto his chest, planting a little kiss on his forehead. Egan instantly cuddled into him, sighing as Theseus ran his hand along his back soothingly.
Meanwhile Niles, your 4-year-old, crawled in between your bodies, smiling tiredly up at you, as he snuggled into your side and putting his tiny hand against your belly, while you started to run your fingers through his hair. A blissful silence embraced your little family, the only sound being the soft snoring of your boys falling back asleep. Both, you and Theseus shared a smile, as he carefully laid Egan down beside Niles. You gently draped the blanket over them, before scooting closer to your children as Theseus put both of his arms around all of you, trapping his family in a protective hold.
“Good morning, my wife”, Theseus whispered in a hoarse morning voice, sending you a kiss over the heads of your sons.
“Good morning, my dearest husband.”, his hand wandered up to your cheek, stroking softly while you leaned into it. “Did you have a nice sleep, Theseus?”, you asked, watching your precious boys cuddle with each other.
“The best I slept in a long time. I’m not used to sleeping without you in my arms anymore. I’m so happy to be back home with you, darling”.
Theseus just returned from a mission in Paris. It was torture – a whole month without getting to hold you at night, without getting to see your face when he woke up. He missed you dearly, almost losing control and playing with the thoughts of abandoning his whole team just to take you and his beautiful baby boys back into his arms – his family. Still he pushed through it and as he finally went through the door of your beautiful home, all worries instantly vanished when Egan and Niles tackled him forcefully to the floor, holding onto him for their dear life. And lastly, as his eyes landed on your form approaching him, Theseus nearly started crying at witnessing how your belly slightly seemed bigger than before. He took you carefully into his arms, breathing in the comforting smell of roses and lilac emitting form your soft hair. No words needed to be said, only a soft loving kiss was shared. The rest of the evening was spent with hot chocolate and numerous children’s books being read, while Niles babbled on about how he too would get to be a big brother now.
And eventually, as night-time arrived, all the pent-up feelings surfaced and your dearest husband took you to bed. Theseus spent every second mapping out your body the way he remembered it. The picture of you was burned clearly in his mind, yet he still couldn’t get enough of you. He couldn’t help himself, gently caressing your protruding belly while lying behind you, softly moving in and out of your warm, inviting walls. He adored the way you silently whimpered for him; he adored the way your nails clamped into his arms around your body while your walls tightly clenched around him, luring out a breathless groan from him. It was a magical night, full of passion and lust, as you were lost in an all too familiar dance until the early morning hours.
“It doesn’t matter anymore, These’, you’re home now. Safe and sound”.
“I know, beautiful.”, he sighed closing his eyes and enjoying the feeling of his family in his arms. 
His fingers softly brushed against your belly, coming to still over the little hand still lying there.
“You could’ve written that we’re awaiting a new addition to the family, you know?”, Theseus said, a teasing smile now adorning his face.
“Where would’ve been the fun in that?”, you teasingly replied, making him chuckle slightly.
You shared one last longing kiss, before you carefully made your way out of bed, leaving the now awake boys cuddling with your husband.
“Pancakes, coffee and fresh orange juice?”, you asked strutting over to the closet and putting on Theseus’ favourite blue summerdress.
“Yaaaayyy that’s my favouwite, mommy”, little Niles said excitedly, sitting straight up. 
“Can I help you with breakfast mommy?”, Egan now asked, while playing curiously with the fingers of his fathers hand.
“Why don’t you stay in bed with daddy for a bit? You know how much he loves cuddling”, you responded, heart doing a flip at your adorable babies.
Both of them squealed immediately turning to Theseus and trapping him in a typical Scamander bear hug.
Theseus P.O.V.
“You’re an angel, darling”, I shook my head, an adoring spark glinting in my eyes as I watched you leaving the bedroom, your melodious laugh making my heart flutter. 
A few more minutes, before I join her, I thought, cradling both Egan and Niles in my arms, catching up on the missing father-son time.
Half an hour went by, the smell of fresh pancakes and coffee wafting through the house. Egan and Niles already left by now, happily playing away in the living room under their mother’s watch. I stood in the shower, washing away every last remaining bit of the mission. A loud laugh resounded from downstairs, making me grin. 
God how I missed this. I’ve finally got everything I’ve ever dreamed of. A supporting, amazing, beautiful wife, soon three unbelievable cute and behaving children, a house…Money to support my family.. And still I miss out on most of it… And what if one day, I won’t be able to come back to this? What if…, I sighed, defeated by all of my thoughts. 
I turned off the shower, stepping out in front of the mirror, drying myself with a fuzzy towel. I starred longingly at my reflection, picturing a future me where I could be home for all of this, where I could fully witness my children growing up and leaving for Hogwarts, taking you out on dates and spending passionate nights together everyday – just like we used to before I became famous Head Auror. For a brief second, I thought I could see my reflection nodding at me, as if saying that my next thoughts would be the right thing to do.
“Theseus!” your voice sounded from the bottom of the stairs, “Breakfast is ready!”
Maybe, just maybe, it’s time for me to retire… maybe just take on desk work, instead of going out into the field… Merlin, it sounded so right.
No P.O.V.
You watched as your boys already dug into their breakfast hungrily, blabbering away about this and that. Dressed in their day clothes, you almost swooned. They resembled their father unbelievably much, from their gentlemanly behaviour to their dashing looks. You were a proud mother, indeed, you thought as you stroked your belly absentminded. While you started purring two cups of coffee, swaying your hips to the soft jazz music in the background, the smell of your husbands’ expensive cologne reached your nose, his arms wounding around you. Soft wet kisses landed on your shoulder.
You turned, starring into the ocean blue eyes of your Theseus, your arms snaking up his broad shoulders along his suspenders until they locked behind his neck. You stood on your tiptoes, still not quite reaching him, making him laugh and tilt his head, his lips catching yours in a slow and sensual kiss. You were lost in the moment, Theseus’ hands stroking all along your small baby belly and waist, while yours tangled in his still wet locks of auburn hair.
“Ewwwwww mommy and daddy, that’s gross”, Egan shouted, making you instantly break apart and laugh at your sons behaviour.
“Oh so you get to steal kisses from mommy and daddy doesn’t?”, Theseus teased him, as he strutted over to the table to take his seat at the head of it.
“Mommy’s kisses awe only fow us”, Niles said, puffing out his chest in a proud manner and making Egan do the same thing.
“Alright, alright. I’ll give up, I surrender. No mommy kisses for me anymo-“, you interrupted him as you pressed a long loud smooch on Theseus’ cheek before setting down his cup of coffee in front of him. Your boys laughed at their fathers surprised expression.
“Oh you spoil me, darling..”, he sighed adoringly, taking your hand in his while you sat down beside him. As always, the breakfast was quite eventful, your boys talking non-stop and laughing so much it made their parents’ hearts almost melt. Theseus cherished moments like these, getting to sit here and spending time with his family, as all of you started into your day. Also he loved how easy it always was to talk to you, conversation flowing freely about various stuff. Gossip over the neighbours and his work, things that needed to be fixed in the garden, baby names… 
“Mommy, daddy, are me and Niles allowed to play with the Nifflers in the garden?”, Egan asked, excitedly jumping up and down in his chair. The little Baby-nifflers living in your garden were a gift from Uncle Newt and Auntie Tina. You could still remember how brightly their eyes sparkled as they got to care for something so small and fantastic.
“Of course, boys. But don’t give them too much to eat again, you hear me?”, Theseus agreed, watching them as they sprinted outside through the glass doors in your living room leading out into your backyard.
Both of you smiled lovingly. Theseus’ mind went back to the thoughts he had in the bathroom earlier; the taste of the word ‘retirement’ not as bitter on his tongue the more he thought and the more he watched his boys running around the garden.
He slowly came back to reality though, shooting up from his chair as he realized that you already started cleaning off the table. He immediately cleared the rest of it, before bringing the last dirty dishes back into the kitchen. Both of you worked in comfortable silence, stealing small kisses here and there until everything looked flawlessly clean again – how both of you liked it.
Just as you were about to tend to your many flowers, Theseus grabbed your wrist and maneuvered you back to him. He just wanted to hold you once again, taking you into his strong arms, your head finding its place just underneath his chin. You fit together perfectly this way, like puzzle pieces finally finding together. Slowly you both moved to the music sounding in the background, basking in the feeling of your love.
“Theo…”, you whispered, closing your eyes.
“Theo, darling?”, Theseus now looked down at you, his heart doing a little giddy dance of his own. He felt like he was in Hogwarts all over again, at the Yule ball  he first asked you out at.
“Yes, Theo.”, now you looked up at him, leaning your chin on his strong chest. “It would be a perfect name for a boy or a girl, don’t you think?”
You watched as his smile turned into a full grin, before he picked you up and spun you around.
“Sounds perfectly fitting, dear”.
After that conversation the whole day just went by in a blur and you ended it the same way as the night before. Egan and Niles already slept soundly in their rooms, while Theseus and you found yourselfs in the same position as last night – naked, your legs tangled together beneath the tussled sheets. Your breathings finally returned to normal, but the burning feeling of your husbands’ hands on your body still remained. You weren’t ready yet for sleep to whisk you away.
“You know I kind of had a little conversation with myself today”, Theseus admitted, stroking along your warm skin, making you shiver.
“Oh? What did you talk About then?”, a teasing, carefree tone in your voice. Your nails now softly raked down his already red back, while Theseus settled in between your legs, his half hard member brushing your swollen sex. He propped himself up on one of his hands, as to not crush you and your belly. The other stroked back streaks of hair hanging in your face.
“About retirement”, he bluntly stated. A gasp left your lips – never had you thought that your proud auror husband would ever want to give up his work. Unsurely where this was supposed to go, your hand went into his hair, stroking his scalp and motioning him to continue.
“You know, I just thought about resigning from my position in the active field”, he whispered, a mischievous glint in his eyes. “After all, I’ve got a family waiting for me at home. I don’t think I could spend so much time away from you again – I want to be here, I want to live out my life here to the fullest – with you”, and suddenly you moaned out, as his member pushed through your waiting walls.
Theseus kissed you; once, twice, before he started to move.
You couldn’t form any words; the love and happiness, the passion and lust all washed through you at the same time, deeming you unable to form any useful sentences. So as you gazed into eachothers eyes, you held onto one phrase, that would surely get your thoughts across –
“I love you.”
And together, Theseus and you got lost in the sensual moves of that beautiful, familiar dance.
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Soooo because the name Theseus is of greek origin meaning “to set, to place” and a mythical king, i thought that giving the children equal meanings to their names would be fitting. Egan means “little fire”, Niles basically holds the meaning of “people’s Victory” and Theo (a male Name, but also fitting for girls) meaning “divine gift”.
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