#he's chill but also hey this guy is like best friends with azem so. yeah.
astrxealis · 2 years
wanna hold pinkies with themis tbh
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emetkoto · 2 years
3 4 20 emetkoto!
just got out of p3s prog and now im extra weepy about them so lucky you!
Most common argument?
well. you know! emet-selch wants k'oto to forsake his friends and stay by his side through the remaining calamities so he can be whole again and they can properly be together :,) in the beginning he wants azem back specifically but as time goes on he just wants k'oto to be strong enough to be by his side as he is, awoken as azem or not…and k'oto wants him to stop his quest to rejoin the shards and try to find a way forward where they can both be happy together…the path of cooperation emet-selch talked about so much, he wanted it so bad </3 they get into it often about this but they hate to argue bc they get so little time to be together alone so they try to shut down the conversation pretty quickly but yknow emet is horribly tempered and not all there so he can't just avoid arguing in the first place :pensive: it usually ends in awkward silence
Favorite non-sexual activity?
emet-selchs little late night adventures! where he just shows up to the pendants and teleports them both somewhere random bc he doesnt wanna be cooped up in the inn room that night…he shows him all sorts of places in the first he didn't know about, and some things that possibly nobody else currently living there knows about! they're nice little dates where emet-selch gives him a little history lesson and they just kinda. vibe <3 if the setting is appropriate maybe dance a bit or nap together…sometimes he gets so carried away he almost forgets to have k'oto back by morning
What do their family/friends think of their relationship?
for a long time, the scions didn't know! k'oto made damn sure they didn't. he saw how untrusting and generally rude they were to emet-selch and just didn't want to risk invoking their wrath and maybe making emet go 'oh you guys suck actually forget this im just gonna do what i do best and oppose you' and also thancred's history with ascians is especially. bad so he knew he would probably get one hell of a beating in the state he was during shb so…..y'shtola did eventually figure it out though. emet-selch liked to douse k'oto in his aether because it's nice and cooling and soothing and it kind of left a nice dark stain all over k'otos bright white aether, which only got more and more obvious as the light grew and grew and she came to him one night and called him out..well it was more like 'hey. i see that. are you alright. you arent humoring him to repay him for saving me are you' kinda thing yknow? ofc he tried to deny it but eventually gave in a bit and told her that yeah he was sleeping with him but it wasnt a big deal yknow!! no feelings no problem just doing what k'oto does!!! and asked her to keep it to herself…and she did! he was really surprised that she kept her word but she did and it made him sort of grow to trust her more…from time to time they would talk and she would check his aether but she never really got into it bc she could tell it was. a touchy subject! but she was basically the only one who Knew for a long time bc she was chill and didn't get angry at him…by the end of 5.0 he trusted her so much with this secret that he called her to his room after the dying gasp to check his aether one more time just to see if anything was left of emet-selch :,)
the rest of the scions never really like. truly got the story from k'oto himself??? at least not until literally the end like after 6.0. obviously things started to fall apart after crown of the immaculate and it became clear that Something was up but it was never entirely obviously exactly WHAT it was yknow. they speculated and such and y'shtola told them to just kinda keep it down and not worry about it and that k'oto would come around in time but they just gotta. let him grieve and not give him a hard time! after 6.0 when everything is done and over with and he got his closure he finally sat everyone down before they went their seperate ways and told them about them
the exarch. kinda knew? since y'know he had a thing for k'oto he occasionally looke din on him with his mirror thing and might have caught him and emet-selch a few times but he tried to resist the urge to constantly keep tabs on him and watch him 24/7 bc he trusts him to make the right choice and also that time emet talked about how much loves sleeping he did kinda chip in like 'hey so did you enjoy the show :)' and poke fun at him and gently threaten to let k'oto know he'd been watching them all to stir shit and also bc thats their alone time bro don't peek!!!! but after 5.0 ofc k'oto kinda started to tell him a little but its hard to talk about and complicated so. he got what k'oto felt like telling him and he was satisfied, just happy that he got anything at all really <3 until after 6.0 like i said above. Estinien was in the same boat too p much, he got a bit of a half assed explanation from k'oto when he got back from the first but didn't pry for anything more until later. wasn't his place really so he didnt bother!
Ardbert uh. well i always forget about ardbert im gonna be real. no hate i love the guy but i am so caught up in the passion and drama and tragedy of emetkoto i always forget that he would very much be there witnessing most of that so ill just say that he Knew but he gave them their space and occasionally stepped in to sit k'oto down and be like 'hey i get it ok. but remember whats at stake and make the right choice alright'……thought of this really sad thing earlier where k'oto didnt plan on the axe killing emet-selch, he wanted to pull his punch and just injure him so he could talk to him and try to work things out one last time but ardbert and everyone else could see that would not work out, emet-selch was so enraged and overtaken by his grief and pain and tempering he likely would have gotten the jump on k'oto and killed him so. even though it was cruel and fucked him up bad. ardbert made sure that axe swung to kill :,) a final push in the right direction, a final sin to add to his list </3 and k'oto. was. devastated obviously! but thats a post for another day
on emet-selch's side….well. i don't think anyone knew! in that one side story it pretty much says straight up that after elidibus woke him up following lahabrea's death, he never spoke to him again before he bit the axe…..in a cruel way it was nice to not have anyone to talk to or keep it from, he loved him openly without any sort of secrecy :,) holding back in public was all for k'otos sake really
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